Warhammer 40000: Space Marine Walkthrough

Warhammer 40000: Space Marine Walkthrough

Revv up that chainsword, the Orks are invading Imperium space, and it’s up to the Space Marines to crush, stomp, splatter, chop, blast, and do anything else they can to murder the foul monsters. Use a variety of weapons against hordes of nasty aliens, playing as a genetically altered super-soldier from the far future. Defend the Emperor’s grace by making the invaders into a gooey slurry. To help your giant space warriors, Game Front’s grim inquisitors are here to guide you to victory with our holy walkthrough.

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Part I – Planetfall

  1. Following the opening cutscene, proceed forward and hit X to strike and kill the attacking swarm of rat-like creatures. Once the green Orks show up, press Y to stun them, then proceed to hack and slash ‘em to death.
  2. Proceed forward after all enemies are dead. Look over to right and shoot to destroy the pressurized chamber to break the pipes. Kill the next wave of Orks, then once you arrive at next blockade of pipes, shoot the chamber once again over to the right.
  3. Continue forward where you will have to kill another, much larger wave of Orks. After you kill them, make your way up to where the large turret is sitting and press B to rotate it and successfully take down the Ork ship.

Chapter 2 – Against All Odds

  1. Following the cutscene, follow the war-torn path to lead you back outside. After you drop off the cliff, turn left and shoot the enemies down the path. Shoot the enemy under the archway, then turn right up the side path.
  2. Shoot and blow up the tiny barricade, then head up the path to collect the audio log. Head back down and through the archway. Kill the lone enemy in here, then pick up the Bolter on the floor in front of the charger.
  3. Kill the Orks that burst through the archway on the opposite side, then head outside. Follow the path around and look out for Orks who will be crossing over the bridge overhead.
  4. The boxes will be glowing light blue in the next area will be ammo. Pick up some when you need it and kill all of the Orks in this area of the cathedral. They will be all over the place, so keep your eyes peeled.
  5. Following the brief cutscene, kill the group of attacking enemies, then head up the path where they just came down from. Follow the path around and go to town on the huge group of Orks that will be attacking the human soldiers.
  6. After another cutscene, turn left and head through the underground tunnel. Continue up the series of steps and follow the path to lead you to the rendezvous point with your squad.
  7. As you can see, cutscenes will be quite popular in this game! Following another one, head for the weapons depot (the spire-shaped thing with blue lights) to swap your knife for a chainsword. Once you have it, use it to help your squad members kill the group of attacking Orks in front of the steps.
  8. After you head up the steps, use your gun to bast away Orks on the top of the wall as you make your way down the path. Once you spot the drop ship, pick up the nearby grenades and use it against the new group of Orks.
  9. Pick up the ammo on the wall over to the left, then turn around and take out the huge swarm of Orks coming over the wall. Save a grenade or two, because you will need it for when the head Ork shows up.
  10. Following the brief cutscene featuring the head Ork, chuck a grenade at him when he begins to charge you. Move in and chain X, X, X, Y to perform a “heavy stun.” After he is dead (along with the rest of the Orks) turn back around and through underground tunnel to the command bunker.
  11. After you talk the chick, walk toward the weapon depot on the right and press B to pick up Purity Seal. Follow the chick through the door, down the stairs and back outside. Follow the troops down the path, then kill the group of Orks that will come out of the Digga.
  12. Test out your Fury Meter if you want (tap the Left and Right analog sicks simultaneously) to help you take out the large group of Orks here. Follow the path around and pick up the ammo by the building off to the left.
  13. Continue on to the next path, killing more Orks along the way. Once you reach the soldiers firing from the outpost, man the turret where the soldier just exploded from. Use it to take out the next group of Orks.
  14. Follow your squad members up the stairs to the right. Head up the next set of stairs to right and head inside the war-torn cathedral. Access the weapons depot to pick up the Stalker Bolter. Head up the steps where another cutscene will take place.
  15. Turn left, pick up the ammo and head down the stairs. Pull out the newly-added Stalker Bolter to take out the Ork off in the distance. As you head down the path, turn around and use it again against the Ork diagonally across from you on top of the building.
  16. Turn right and head through the ruins of the building across the way. Once you reach the opening in the roof through the hall, take out the lone Ork, pick up the grenades in the corner, then turn around and pick up the audio log.
  17. Once back outside, kill the Orks you encounter as you head down the path. Pick up another audio log up in the structure to the left, then continue down the path. Once you reach the the large building, a slew of of Orks will attack you.
  18. After you kill them, head for the large door and press B to activate it. Head down the ramp and activate the next door to open it. Head for the pod and head inside once after the door opens to equip yourself with the Jump Pack.
  19. Use the Jump Pack to launch yourself up to where the blue icon is on the catwalk across the way. Use the Pack again to jump down. Proceed forward, look down over the other side of the bridge and take out the group of Orks below.
  20. Launch over to the next platform across the way and perform a ground pound to stun the enemies. After you take them out, drop down to help your squad members take out the rest of the Orks. Head for the next door and pick up the ammo and grenades on the other side.
  21. Take out the first wave of Orks as you head down the path. Just like the last area, use your Jump Pack to move across the platforms, taking out all Orks along the way before you finally get to the cave.

Chapter 3 – Belly of the Beast

  1. Follow the power lines through the cave to lead you through the other side. Once you spot the Gun Fortress, take out the stragglers and pick up the ammo on the right wall. Turn around and head through the large double doors that open.
  2. Press B to open the two large doors with skulls on them to lead you to the next hallway. Kill the Orks in front of the next door, then pick up the ammo in the next room. After both your partners join you, pick up the Melta Bombs.
  3. Turn around and head back out through the door. Kill the attacking Orks and head back down the pathway. After you head back through the next open doorway, turn left through the opening door and kill pack of Orks that will be waiting for you.
  4. After you kill them, head inside the elevator and press B to activate it. Exit the elevator, follow the path around to the right and kill the attacking Orks along the way. When you get to the area with the catwalk, use the Stalker Bolter (the sniper) to take out the Orks up on the catwalk.
  5. As you move forward, beware of those kamikaze toad things. Make sure you shoot them at a distance to avoid taking damage. Once you get to another one of those big doors with the glowing green skull on it, press B to open it.
  6. Destroy the Orks on the other side, then activate the controls over to the right. Once the shell comes up, place the bomb on it in the highlighted area. Proceed to press and hold B to push the shell all the way to the wall.
  7. Turn around and head back down the path where you came from (towards the icon of the glowing fist). This will lead you to an opening door, but there will be Orks waiting for you on the other side, including on of those boss Orks. If it is full, use your Fury Meter here to help you defeat them.
  8. Head into the elevator and press B to activate it. After it takes you up, turn right down the path and pick up the grenades, the Vengeance Launcher (from where the gears icon is) and the ammo before heading through the next big door.
  9. Proceed forward, but watch out because you’ll be ambushed by a group of Orks that will drop down from the stack of boxes. Test out your Vengeance Launcher (your noob tube) on these guys. As you make your way through this area, keep a look out for more Orks hiding up in the areas above you.
  10. Head through the next big door, then on down the hallway. Walk all the way around the the large structure in the center of this room and head through the doorway where the glowing green gears icon is located. Wait for your squad members, then press B to activate the elevator.
  11. Head down the hallway and pick up some ammo in the far right corner at the end before turning down the hallway to the left. Take out the tiny Orks, then get the Purity Seal from the weapon depot to attain Marksman Mode.
  12. After the doors open, head through and kill the small group of Orks to the right. As your partner begins moving the shell, it will be your responsibility to give him covering fire by taking out the Orks up on the second level to the right (the Vengeance Launcher works great here).
  13. More and more Orks will then attack you on the ground level, including another one of those difficult boss ones. When your partners tell you to find an exit, head for the glowing fist icon to escape the building.

Chapter 4 – Titans of Craia

  1. After you cross the bridge, turn down the ramp to your left. Turn left and kill the fleeing Orks who will be running away from you. Head up the ramp and through the big double doors.
  2. Turn left and up the steps. After you get down the hallway, pick up the ammo in the corner, then head down the ramp to the left and on toward the bridge—killing, of course, more Orks along the way.
  3. Cross over the bridge to the right and head down the ramp. Kill the train full of Orks that pulls up, then turn left and head for the stairs across the way. After you get up the stairs, take out the Orks who will be waiting for you up on the boxes.
  4. Make your way through the boxes and then up the ramp toward the icon of the glowing fist. Following the brief cutscene, activate the door to open it and move out. Head through the next two doors to get out onto the main part of the Ram.
  5. The first wave of enemies may be a little overwhelming here (especially since there is so little room), so with your Fury Meter full, try out Marksman Mode to help you take them out. Continue to make your way down the Ram, killing all Orks along the way (remember to shoot the red gas tanks to create maximum damage).
  6. Once you get toward the end of the Ram, pull out your Stalker Bolter and snipe the lone Ork up on the second story. Once you reach the end, head up the stairs on the right, then turn left (toward the icon of the glowing gears) and use the Plasma Canon to take out the airship overhead.
  7. Keep an eye out, however, because eventually another group of Orks will sneak up behind you while you are attempting to take down the airship. After you take care of them, go back to firing plasma blasts to eventually take down the airship.

Part II – The Inquisitor

  1. Head down the ramp toward the icon of the glowing fist. Following the brief cutscene, head inside the building and follow the path around. Pick up the ammo, then activate the drawbridge and head back outside.
  2. After you cross the bridge, turn left and chuck a grenade toward the group of Orks. Finishing taking them out and follow the path to where there will be another huge group of Orks waiting for you.
  3. Once you clear the area, head up the draw bridge that the Orks busted down. Head down the ramp and follow the path around to the stairs. Take out the lone Ork, then chuck a grenade towards the group of Orks in the control room. There will be a lot of them, so it might be a good idea to go in Marksman Mode.
  4. After you take care of them, head for the icon of the fist and and activate the controls to stop the Ork assault. After you hear from Cpl. Antioch, turn around, make a right and activate the controls to lower the draw bridge.
  5. Head down and take out the small group of Orks. There will be some grenades over to the right—after you pick them up, turn left and fall off the little drop. Shoot the red gas tanks near the green crates once you see the group of Orks come from the right.
  6. Make your way across this area and get up the ramp. Turn right and take out the next big group of Orks. Follow the path all the way around where…yes…another gang of Orks will be waiting for you.
  7. Continue down the path. After you get down the two flights of stairs, pick up the grenades and ammo, then head across the bridge. Turn left, drop down to the bottom floor and run diagonally across to the weapons depot to pick up Power Axe!
  8. Turn left and kill the attacking Orks who will be coming at you. There will be a ton here! And even then after you kill them all, there will be a few of the Ork bosses after that, so save your Fury Meter if you can.
  9. Once you clear the entire area, proceed forward to join the soldiers on the platform. After it lowers, step off and turn right down the pathway (you can collect an audio log near the first group of soldiers on your left).
  10. Continue down the path, pick up the ammo and continue to make your way to the Titan Manufactorum. Once you reach it, sprint down the ridiculously long hallway toward the elevator.

Chapter 6 – Layer of Giants

  1. After the elevator takes you up, turn right and open the door. Turn right down the stairs, then left down another stupidly long pathway. Towards the end, turn left down the ramp to get some ammo and find another audio log.
  2. Continue down the main path towards the platform. Once you reach it, press B by the controls to activate it. Walk through the door that opens. After you hear from Sgt. Midas, open the door on your right and head through.
  3. Follow the path around. Once you reach the area with the pipes, take out the Orks that will be climbing around on them. Continue to follow the path toward the glowing fist icon that will lead you to another door. Head through, then activate the controls to the left.
  4. Once the huge bridge lowers, cross over it and open the door on the other side to enter the Inquisitor Drogan. Head down the ramp to the left. Following the cutscene, follow Drogan up to the next door.
  5. When you head into this next room you will be inundated with Orks. Walk backwards up the ramp and continue firing to take them out. Clear the area, then head toward the glowing fist icon that will lead you to another door.
  6. After you head through the next door, head down to the weapons depot and pick up a plasma pistol. Head back up the ramp and turn left. Following the brief cutscene, use you plasma pistol to shoot and destroy the shield that the Ork will be using. Once you destroy it, then kill him.
  7. After you kill another Ork with a shield, go an activate the controls to lower the platform. Once it reaches the bottom, head up the ramp and to the right. Open the door and head down the path. Open the next door to reach the generator room.
  8. Load up on ammo and continue down the path. Once the shield opens, continue down the path were you will see the Warboss up on the platform. But before you can get to him you’ll have to fight through a grip of Orks. There will be a lot here, so perform rolls and keep moving to avoid getting cornered.
  9. After you kill all of the Orks, and avoid getting it by the blasts from the Warboss, head for the control panel where the glowing gears icon is located and activate it. After another swarm of Orks begins to surround you, sidestep them and head up the center platform to pick up the power source.

Chapter 7 – Heart of Darkness

  1. Head up the makeshift ramp and into the tunnel. Follow the path around, but watch out for falling Orks from the holes in the roof. Once you get to the end of the path, pick up some ammo, then open the door to the right.
  2. Shoot and kill the Orks on the far side of the room. As you make your way under the first bridge, Orks will start burst out of the pipes on both sides of you. Once you get to the end, head up the ramp and then make your way through the tunnel on the right.
  3. Follow the glowing fist icon, but beware of those kamakzi toads dropping down from the ceiling. Once you reach the door, open it and kill the lone Ork to the left. Turn right to pick up the ammo, then head back around to the left.
  4. Make a right toward the glowing fist icon and drop down to the lower level of this area. Proceed forward and take out the group of Orks (get ready for a slugfest—there will be a ton here!).
  5. Head up the ramp at the end, then head through the tunnel to the right. Make a right, head through the door and follow the path. After you kill the kamakzi toads and the Ork with the shield, head up the ramp at the end and open the door to the right.
  6. Access the weapons depot in front of you to obtain the Melta Gun. Proceed forward and test out your new toy (which is quite impressive) on the group of attacking Orks.
  7. Head up the ramp at the end, grab the ammo to the right, then turn around and make a right up the path. Turn right at the dead end, drop off the short ledge, blow up the blockade to the left and pick up the audio log and some grenades.
  8. Turn around and follow the path around that will lead you up a winding set of stairs. Open the door at the end and head down the narrow pathway. Head down the stairs at the end and kill the Orks in this area before stocking up on more ammo for all of your guns.
  9. Step onto the platform to the left and activate the controls to raise it. Walk toward the weapons depot to pick up a Purity Seal: Superior Fury! Head up the stairs, turn left and take out the Orks up ahead. You might want to break out your Fury Meter here because you will have Orks shooting at your from across the way to the left.
  10. Get down the stairs and finish taking out the rest of the Orks. One of them will have an RPG, so make sure you find him and take him out first. Turn left and head for the glowing fist icon to meet up with your squad.
  11. After the big door opens, head on through. Walk all the way around to the right to reach the stairs, but before you descend them, take out the group of Orks below. Switch to the Stalker Bolter to take out the Orks off in the distance.
  12. With all of the Orks dead, head up the makeshift ramp to the right. Follow the path around and head up the stairs to finally escape the sewers.

Chapter 8 – Whispers of the Dead

  1. Head up the makeshift ramp to the left, then turn right into the tunnel. Make your first right through the open door to pick up some ammo, then continue down the hallway. Make your next right through the open doorway and drop off the ledge.
  2. Turn left and head back outside. Following the brief cutscene, assess the weapons depot and acquire the Lascannon (an even better sniper!).
  3. Following an even shorter cutscene, use the Lascannon to take out the Orks with RPGs and laser guns up in the building up ahead. These guys will be relentless with their firing, so use Marksman Mode because you will definitely need it here.
  4. After you clear that entire building, proceed forward and head through the archway to your right. As you make your way down the hallway, pick up the audio log in the room on your right, then head back down the hallway and up the stairs.
  5. Down this next hallway you will find another audio log in the first room on your left. Pick that up, then get the ammo in the next room over. Drop off the ledge and turn right down the next hallway. Follow it around and help the soldiers kill the Orks once outside.
  6. Use your Lascannon to take out the Ork up in the building ahead of you, then head for the stairs. Grab some ammo and make your weapon selections before heading up the next set of stairs.
  7. Use you Lascannon again to take out the Orks on the other side of the bridge (the Vengeance Launcher will work great here, too). Make your way around to the left and pick up the grenades before heading down the stairs on the outside of the building.
  8. As soon as you get down the stairs, however, you’ll be swarmed by a band of well-armored Orks. Begin to walk back up the stairs, take out a few of them, then unleash your Fury Meter.
  9. Head down the makeshift ramp and into the underground tunnel. Collect the audio log and some extra ammo in the alcove to the right, then continue down the path to get back above the rubble.
  10. Load up on ammo, then continue down the path. Use the Lascannon to take out the Orks up ahead on the stairs. There will also be Orks around the second story of the room, so keep your eyes peeled.
  11. Head for the stairs and take out the Orks on the other side of the gap. Cross the bridge and take out the Orks running up the makeshift ramp. Drop down, take out the two Orks, then turn left and head down the rubble.
  12. Drop down the makeshift ramp to the right when you reach it, then turn right and head down the alley. Following the cutscene, head through the tunnel on the right. Follow it all the way through to the other side, then cross the outdoor courtyard and down the ramp on the other side.
  13. As you head through the rubble, pick up the grenades on left before heading down another ramp on the left. Once you get down to ground level, help the commandos kill the Orks across the way.
  14. As you make your way to the middle of the area, pull out your Lascannon and take out the Orks with the RPGs on top of the building to the left. Clear the area then regroup with your squad.
  15. Following the cutscene, kill the small group of attacking Orks, then head for the glowing fist icon. After you get up all of those flights up stairs, head inside the pod to equip yourself with the Jump Pack. And the Thunder Hammer!
  16. Turn right and use your Jump Pack to jump onto the ledge. Fly across the area, then drop down to ground level and take out the group of Orks. Jump across the chasm with the fire to land on the stairs on the other side.
  17. Pick up the grenades and ammo, then continue up the stairs. Jump over to the area down and to the right to find an audio log, then use your Pack to jump back up to the top of the stairs, then on up to the ledge.
  18. Follow the path around to the ledge. Jump across to the middle structure, then kill the attacking Orks. Jump over to where the blue forcefield is and kill the rest of the Orks in this area. You will also have to kill a few Orks on both sides of the area before the forcefield is dropped.
  19. Head through the opening where the forcefield was and jump off the ledge when you come to it. Follow the path around, then go straight until it dead ends to find an audio log up the stairs.
  20. Turn back around and make a left down the pathway. Kill the attacking Orks standing in the large doorway, then take the rest of them out in the next room. Pick up the ammo and grenades in both of the far corners of this room, head up the stairs on the left side.
  21. Head up all of the stairs and kill the attacking Orks at the next doorway. (Note: Using your Jump Pack, ground pounds work great to stun enemies.) Head down into the wide open area and use the method of continuous ground pounds to kill all of the Orks spread out over this large space.
  22. Once you take care of most of the ones on the ground, start wreaking havoc up the makeshift ramp. Keep in mind that this is a huge area with a ton of Orks, so make sure you get them all, otherwise the forcefield up the stairs will not disappear.
  23. Head through the doorway and up the stairs so that you are back outside. After you lose your Jump Pack, drop off the ledge and head for the glowing fist icon.

Part III – The Weapon

  1. Button mashing time! Kill the fleet by unloading some high-powered artillery against them. After the camera pulls back, move to the back of the airship and take out the Orks who will be trying to come aboard.
  2. Following the brief cutscene, advance down the bridge, killing the huge group of attacking Orks along the way. Make sure you get the RPG up on top of the bridge on the right side (where the flag is).
  3. Continue down the bridge and kill the rest of the Orks before heading for the glowing fist icon at the end. Following the cutscene, pick up the ammo and grenades in the right corner, then head down the path.
  4. After you get through the huge rocks, take out the Orks to the right (get the one up on top of the pipes first). Turn right, take out the other Ork on top of the far pipes, then take out the rest of the Orks at ground level.
  5. Move around the crashed ship and turn right down the narrow pathway. Kill the Orks, pick up the grenades and continue down the path. Once you see the open space with more pipes hanging overhead, watch out for RPGs up on the pipes.
  6. After you take them out, take out the other Orks at ground level as you make your way up the path. Turn right up the path at the end and take out the Orks along the way.
  7. Pick up some ammo and grenades in front of the crashed plane, then use your Lascannon to take out the Orks off in the distance. Cross the bridge, pick up some more grenades on the left and proceed forward.
  8. Cross the bridge on the right as you take out the Orks on the other side. There will be a lot here, so be prepared to back up and unload a ton of ammo on these guys. After you take care of them, proceed forward.
  9. When you reach the door on the right, pick up the ammo and grenades to the left, then turn around and take out the group of attacking Orks from the right. After this first huge wave of Orks, there will be a second from the left, so at some point you will want to use Marksman Mode and/or unleash your Fury Meter to aid you. When the door behind you goes up, quickly head inside.
  10. Head down the ramp, pick up some ammo and select your weapons before heading through the next door. Turn left and then make your way across the bridge where a band of angry Orks will meet you.
  11. After you take them out, finish crossing the bridge and head for the glowing fist icon. As you make your way down the riverbed you will naturally have to deal with more Orks. When you get to the bridge, take out the Orks on top with the RPGs.
  12. Proceed under the bridge and pick up the audio log over to the left before heading up the winding makeshift ramp. Turn right and take out the attacking Orks coming across the bridge. Turn right and follow the the path toward the glowing fist icon.
  13. Walk inside the hole in the pipe, turn left and head down. Turn right into the next pipe, which will drop you off into a the research facility.

Chapter 10 – House of Secrets

  1. Head up the stairs and follow the path around to the door. Head down the path, once you reach the fork in the path, you will have to go left, but there will be an unforgiving auto-turret hanging from the ceiling. From as safe a distance as possible, take it out and then proceed.
  2. Select your weapons, then turn left and head through the door. Quickly make your way for the green boxes up ahead and use them as cover. Take out the two hanging turrets on either side of you first (the best way to do this to avoid damage is to fire off a few shots, then duck behind the crate to avoid damage).
  3. Next, take out the center turret, but beware because this one will also fire heat-seeking missiles. Head up the stairs to the left, then turn right and head through the door.
  4. Once you enter Central Security, there will be several more turrets that you need to take out. Use the surrounding area for cover and try to avoid getting spotted by more than one turret at any given time (i.e., move slowly).
  5. When you get to the door on the other side, open it and head on through. After you turn right and head up the steps, there will be two turrets on either side of you, but these ones will actually come sliding towards you.
  6. Take them out and continue down the pathway. Turn right to find an audio log, then back around and take the path to the left. As soon as you open the door to the next room, there will be a turret on top of you, so roll back into the hallway, then wait for the turret to slide closer to you and take it out.
  7. Pick up the ammo to the right as you make your way inside the room, then quickly roll across to the cement barricades and take out the two turrets to the left. Follow your squad over to the door in the far right corner of the room.
  8. As soon as you open it, take cover behind the stack of crates, then peek around and take out the lone turret. Turn right through the open doorway, then make two more rights through the other open doorways.
  9. Turn right again in this bigger room and follow your squad to the next door. Open it, then head down the hallway to the next door. After you open it and head inside, access the weapons depot to pick up the Kraken Bolter.
  10. After learning about the Firing Core, turn right and open the next door. Head down the pathway to yet another door. After you head inside, quickly take cover behind the cement barricade to the right.
  11. Quickly take out the turret closest to you, then the one behind it in the distance. Turn slightly to your right and take out the third one. As you advance down the room you will have to take out three more before getting to the door.
  12. Head down the hallway after you open the door. After the turn, you will have to take out two more of the sliding turrets on either side of you. Pick up the ammo to the right before taking out the next turret and heading through the door on the right.
  13. Cross the bridge and make your first left towards the door. Open it and head for the next door. After you enter through that, grab cover and take out the four turrets blocking the door.
  14. After you destroy them, head through the door to enter the Central Security system. Access the weapons depot to pick up the Purity Seal: Supreme Fury! Load up on ammo over to the right, then head through the next door.
  15. Head up both sets of stairs, then take out the attacking Orks. Once you take them all out, walk up to the center platform to insert the power source. Turn right toward the door with the fire and pick up the audio log.
  16. After you get the objective to go to the firing chamber, head down the stairs and open the door. Wait for your useless squad members to join you, then activate the elevator.

Chapter 11 – Point of No Return

  1. Exit the elevator and take out the nearby Orks. Clear the area, then head for the glowing gears icon and press B to close the console. Head around the console and make your way up the stairs to the right.
  2. Make your way around the path and activate the controls on the left to fire the Psychic Scourge. Following the crazy cutscene, head back toward the door to exit the research facility.
  3. You will be attacked by those demon-looking creatures who are incredibly quick. Allow your squad members to fight them while you step back and unload on them. Head down the stairs to the right and head for the glowing gears icon.
  4. After you kill the next group of Chaos Marines, head inside the elevator and activate it. Get off and help the Orks kill the Chaos Marines to clear a path. Head for the glowing fist icon and pick up the ammo from the left side of the room when you reach it.
  5. Open the door and unload on anything that moves. Clear the room, then activate the controls in the far left corner and head through the opening doors.

Part IV – Dying of the Light

  1. Head across the path towards the fire. Drop down through the hole in the pipe when you reach it and proceed forward. Head up the stairs across the way, turn left, blow up the blockade and pick up the audio log.
  2. Turn back around and head down the path. After you head through the doorway, pick up the ammo on the floor, then access the weapons depot to get the Iron Halo. Head through the next doorway and take out the Chaos Marines and Orks across the way.
  3. Once you get to the other side of the area, turn left of the makeshift ramp. Follow the path around and head up the stairs before picking up the ammo.
  4. Head down the hallway. Once you reach the stairs, engage in Marksman Mode to take out the soldiers across the way. After you take care of them, continue across and take out the Chaos Marines.
  5. After you turn right, quickly take out the next group of soldiers (those laser guns can be pretty annoying!). Head back down the stairs, turn left and wipe out the swarm of Chaos Marines.
  6. Head through the door, pick your weapons in the pile to the left and proceed forward. Head up the stairs in the room to the left and take out the small group of Orks. From your vantage point, use your Lascannon to take out soldiers on the second level across the way.
  7. Take out the rest of the enemies down below, then turn left and proceed forward. Head up the stairs on the right, then turn left across the bridge. Take out the Orks across the way, then activate the controls inside the elevator.
  8. Head down the pathway, then turn left and kill the Orks across the room. Clear the room, then once you get to the wall on the other side, turn right and pick up the audio log on the left.
  9. Continue on down the hall and head up the stairs. Turn right and head up the winding flight of stairs. Take out the two unsuspecting Orks, then continue up the stairs and take out the Orks across the bridge.
  10. Look down below to the left and take out the other Orks down below. Go through the plethora of ammo once you get off the stairs, then advance forward and take out the group of attacking Orks up ahead.
  11. Clear the entire room (both downstairs and upstairs), then follow your squad to the elevator (the glowing gears icon). Exit the elevator and follow the path around to the right.
  12. Continue down the hallway. Pick up the audio log in the roof off to the right, then head back down the main hallway. Continue on until you are outside, then head down the ramp. Drop down through the hole in the wreckage
  13. Access the weapons depot to pick up the Plasma Gun, grab the audio log behind it, then head outside. Take out the two Orks across the way, then head up the stairs to the right. Turn around and take out the group of attacking Orks coming up the stairs.
  14. Once you get the orders to move out, head for the glowing fist icon. Pick up the ammo, then head around and up to the left. Run across the stairs (past the Orks below) and veer off toward the right.
  15. Pick up the grenades, drop down into the ditch and turn left. Follow the path around and take out the attacking Orks piling out of the pods. Continue on to the right and take out the Orks up the steps. Use your Lascannon to take out the ones on the far ramp.
  16. Use Marksman Mode to take out the large group guarding the sentry guns (where the glowing gears icon is), then once a path is clear, hear for them and press B to activate them. Help kill the large group of Orks that will come down the ledge to the right of the ramp.
  17. When you receive the objective to return to the Manufactorum, turn around and head for the glowing fist icon. Turn left and head through the doorway. Head across the hallway and down the stairs.
  18. When you reach the bottom floor, stock up on weapons and ammo in the area to the right, then open the door. Warboss time! The Melta gun works best on this guy. Continue to hit him with blasts before he breaks a hole in the wall, then take out the attacking Orks.
  19. The Warboss moves pretty slow, but watch out because he will throw in the occasional charge to try to catch you off guard. About halfway through the fight, he will jump up to the second level and fire heat-seeking missiles your way. Perform a roll to dodge these and continue to fire at will on him to eventually destroy him. (Don’t forget about your Fury Meter!)
  20. Load up on ammo, then active the lift to the left. Walk around and join your squad on the rail car to the left.

Chapter 13 – Wake the Sleeping Giant

  1. After you exit the car, head around to the door and open it. After you head down the hallway and open the next door. Head through the door that will be in the process of opening on the right to stock up on weapons and ammo.
  2. Exit, turn right and open the next door. Head through the next two doorways, then turn left and kill the attacking enemies. Head up the steps through the doorway, then head to the door in this room diagonally across from you.
  3. Follow the ramp up and around. When you reach the next door, open it and quickly roll to you left before entering. Engage Marksman Mode, then walk inside and take out all enemies up on the railing.
  4. Head up the ramp to the right and kill the rest of the enemies in this room. Head down the next ramp to get to the other side. Take out the demon-like creature up to the right of the door to prevent other enemies from spawning.
  5. Once you finish him off, clear the rest of the room and open the door. Kill the enemy across from you, then turn left and take out the guy up on the catwalk. Take out the rest of the snipers in the room before heading for the next door.
  6. Wait for your squad members to join you, then activate the elevator. Get off the elevator, grab the audio log to the left and head down the pathway to the right. Open the door, head down the pathway and open the next door.
  7. Head up the steps, grab the ammo to the right, then activate the controls. Head back down the steps and open the door to the right. Head up the stairs, turn left and shoot the red gas tanks to the right of the unsuspecting group of enemies.
  8. You will immediately be ambushed my Chaos Marines, so unleash Fury Mode and take them out. Hide behind some cover, then take out the snipers up on the catwalk. Once the boss dude shows up, light him up until he is stunned, then engage him to take him out.
  9. Head up the stairs, then head through the door up ahead. Load up on ammo, then head through the next doorway. Activate the lift, then turn right once you get to the top. Head down the ramp to the left and access the weapons depot to pick up the Storm Bolter.
  10. Head up the ramp to toward the glowing gears icon and activate the controls. Turn around and open the door to the right. Following the brief cutscene, take out the crazy looking helicopter thing.
  11. Continue on the path to the next door. Head through, get to the lift and activate it. Exit the lift, proceed up the ramp and drop off the ledge to get on the Titan. Turn left down the narrow set of stairs.
  12. You will then have to take out two of those floating, demon-like creatures and another one of those weird helicopter things. Once you take care of them, head around to the glowing fist icon.

Chapter 14 – Victory and Sacrifice

  1. Wait for your squad members to come out the door, then head inside and activate the lift. Head down the ramp and load up on weapons and ammo to the left of the door.
  2. Head through the door after it opens and head across to the next door. Head up the ramp, drop off the ledge and turn turn left toward the open doorway. Following the cutscene, take cover behind one of the stacks of crates and take out the enemies up on the railing.
  3. The Lascannon will be the best weapon to take them out, and make sure you watch out for grenades being hurled at you during this part. Clear the room, then head for the next door.
  4. Head outside through the doorway and head up to where the fighting is taking place. Following the cutscene, load up on ammo (get a Lascannon if you don’t have one) and take cover behind some of the crates.
  5. Use the Lascannon to take out the floating demon things first, then take out the enemies on the ground next. Clear the area, then turn around and wait for the plane to land.

Part V – Prince of Daemons

  1. Activate the nearby controls to lower the lift. Pick up the audio log near the stack of crates to the right. Proceed forward, head up the stairs and pick up some ammo and select your weapons.
  2. Turn down the ramp and follow it all the way around. Take out the enemies up on the platform across the way when you start encountering fire. Continue around to the right and take out the attacking Chaos Marines.
  3. Grab the grenades and ammo to the left of the ramp, then head up it. Switch to your Lascannon and quickly take out the another two of those Chaos Marines emitting light to prevent him from spawning more soldiers.
  4. Clear the rest of the area, then head for the glowing fist icon. After you turn down the ramp, take out the next small group of Chaos Marines. Head up the ramp and through the doorway from where they were coming.
  5. Follow the pathway all the way around until you reach the break in the wall. Use your Lascannon to take out the two enemies across the way on the stairs, then drop down and head across.
  6. As you begin to head up the stairs, you’ll be met halfway by another one of those traitor marines. Take him out and continue on. Head down the ramp and toward the glowing fist icon.
  7. After you head through the doorway, take out the small group of Chaos Marines, then continue on the path. Stock up on ammo to the left of the doorway when you reach it, then head out the doorway back outside.
  8. Follow the path over to your left. Pull at your Lascannon and use it to kill the two idiots firing purple fireballs at you, then kill the attacking Chaos Marines. Turn right once you get to the end of the path, pick up the nearby grenades, then head down the ramp.
  9. After you make the turn, another group of Chaos Marines will be waiting for you. Take them out, then head for the glowing fist icon (through the doorway). Kill the next wave of attacking Chaos Marines that will come running around the corner.
  10. Pick up the audio log at the end of the path, then turn right up the stairs. Pick up the grenades and ammo at the end of the path, then drop down of the edge. Quickly take cover behind a nearby stack of crates, pull out the Lascannon again and take out the floating Chaos Marine creator guy.
  11. Kill the rest of the Chaos Marines here as you head down the path. Walk up the stairs and head across to the next room. Walk down the stairs and head for the elevator lift in the back left corner of the room.

Chapter 16 – The Spire of Madness

  1. Turn left down the ramp and head across the bridge. You will encounter a ton of enemy fire here, so go into Marksman mode, pull out the Lascannon once again and take out all of the Chaos Marines down the bridge.
  2. When you get to the Autocannon on the left side of the bridge, use it to unload on enemy forces closest to you. However, after that you are better off once again using your Lascannon to take out the other enemies at long range.
  3. Once the two weird helicopter things show up, help your allies take them down. Finish clearing the bridge to complete the objective and reach the Orbital Spire.
  4. Following the cutscene, head up the stairs and turn down the pathway to your left. Shoot and kill the unsuspecting group of Chaos Marines down below, then use your Jump Pack to get down and fight off the rest of the attacking Chaos Marines.
  5. Proceed forward up the stairs and use your Jump Pack to perform a ground pound on the group of enemies over the gap. Turn left and jump up to the next platform. Fight off the next group of Chaos Marines, then proceed forward and jump up to the next platform.
  6. Turn left and use you Jump Pack to perform another ground pound on this group of enemies down below. Clear the area, then head down the hallway. Pick up the audio log to the left, then continue down the hallway to the right.
  7. Use your Jump Pack to get across the gap and ground pound the unsuspecting enemies on the ledge. Proceed forward to take out the rest of the attacking Chaos Marines (ground pounding works wonders here).
  8. Jump up to the next ledge hanging over the gap and take out the lone soldier before picking up the audio log. Jump back down, then jump up and kill the group of enemies up on the narrow ledge to the right.
  9. Jump across to the area with the broken off staircase and eliminate all enemies. Proceed forward and take out the next group of Chaos Marines in between the huge columns.
  10. With the area cleared, follow the pathway around. Pick up the grenades and ammo, then open the door to the right. Head into the next room and take out the weird helicopter thing.
  11. Grab the audio log in the room to the right, then head back down the pathway through the opposite doorway. Follow the path around, then turn through the open doorway on the left.
  12. Take out the two soldiers up on the railing, then head up the ramp to the right and kill the attacking Chaos soldiers. Take some cover behind a stack of green crates and kill the soldiers across the way.
  13. Take out the floating demon thing up at the top of the ramp, then head up. Head through the two doorways, then turn through the doorway on the right. Cross over the bridge and active the elevator lift from the controls on the right.
  14. Open the door across the way, then turn through the doorway on the right. Open the door on the left in the next room, then head up the ramp. Load up on any ammo you may need, then head outside.

Chapter 17 – Man Against Daemon

  1. Destroy Nemeroth’s pack of daemons first, then take cover behind one of the stacks of green crates, activate Marksman Mode and kill the surrounding Chaos Soldiers.
  2. When you see the floating demons on both sides of Nemeroth, take them out, then kill the next wave of attacking daemons. You will have to kill off one more wave of enemies after this before you get to fight Nemeroth.
  3. Following the cutscene, you will be in the middle of one of those cheesy “falling” fight scenes. Begin by shooting at Nemeroth’s back. When he engages you, the camera will zoom in and you must follow the on-screen button combinations when prompted to.
  4. After you disengage, use the analog stick to maneuver around Nemeroth’s fireball blasts. Once you engage again, repeat the button combination process when prompted to. Then when you are asked to tap B repeatedly, do so and witness an witness the coolest eye gouge ever to complete the game.