How To Get Silent Scream Emblem and Ultra Knight Location In Destiny: The Taken King

Bungie has introduced lots of new emblems in Destiny: The Taken King, and one of the most requested is the Silent Scream Emblem. Here's our guide to get it as fast as possible. You have two roads to cross in order to get this emblem: obtain it during the fourth The Taken King main story mission, or launching patrol on Dreadnaught.

Destiny: The Taken King Silence Scream Emblem

In both cases we suggest to carry a friend with you, as you will have to activate two different consoles in order to open the nearby door leading to the Bridge area. Defeat all enemies over there and, proceeding a little further, you will meet the Ultra Knight boss.

Beat it – it's pretty simple, even simpler if you have a friend with you -, have a good look around because there's a fragment in the room with the Knight and find the emblem in the corner on your closest right as you come in.