Sequence 4 - The Crate Escape: Assassin's Creed: Syndicate Walkthrough

Evie has finally located the Piece of Eden in London and for this quest even Jacob wants to join her to assist and have some fun killing the Thugs. She Explains how Lucy Throne(Starrick's Expert) is expecting a Ship tonight which carries the Piece of Eden as per Sir David Brewster mentioned.

Assassin's Creed: Syndicate

After the Cutscene, you need to reach the cart to search the Templar's Chest and also we do expect Jacob to clear out the Rooftops(which he doesn't). So we clear out the rooftops by yourself and head to the cart. 

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Once you dealt with the Thugs cutscene start and you need to escape with the carriage and Jacob where the rest of the Thugs are following us. Till Jacob take us to the safe place you need to slow down the Thugs with guns and everything you got. You mission is to defend the Templar's chest so be careful. 

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Later you've to leave the check behind and jump on the Ship, but Evie manages to take the Assassin's Book.

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  • Air Assassinate all the thugs first and then go for the chest.
  • During the chase keep aiming the driver first and then the rest.