Resident Evil 6: Leon Walkthrough & Serpent Emblem Collectables Locations

Chapter One

The chapter begins in a somewhat pedestrian fashion with Leon and Helena slowly ambling through the suitably dark corridors of the campus building. There isn’t anything exciting to check or find, so proceed straight through to the reception room and head downstairs, after which you’ll spot a strange figure…

Finding Liz

As you start to feel your way around the game, exploring your surroundings, you’ll stumble across a survivor with a somewhat chesty cough.

You agree to help him find his daughter, Liz and make your way back through the reception room via a different route. There isn’t much to do on the way except shoot rats.

After leaving the now darkened reception room, you will be directed to go through a ground floor door, ignore it for now and head upstairs instead where you’ll find a FIRST AID SPRAY. You’ll soon encounter Liz, but she isn’t in a good way. Poor thing.

You’ll go through the motions of following her dad as he leads her out, always knowing what is about to happen! Get ahead of them and clear the debris out of the way, then get into the elevator.

As sure as night follows day, young Lizzy will ‘turn’ and you’ll have to execute a QTE to get shot of her.

When the elevator doors open, scores of undead will spill in. It’s time for a spot of action. Kill as many zombies as you have to, and shoot your way out into the underground car park.

Escape From The Campus

There are a few zombies shambling around the area, so feel free to practice using your combat knife to dice them up a little. There is 9MM AMMO to be found on the ground near the recently deceased cop.

Make your exit via the red door in the corner. Pick up more 9MM AMMO from the floor near the stairs and then head on up. To make combating the next wave of zombies easier, go down the steps to the bottom of the auditorium and climb on the table. When the coast is clear, climb the next set of steps to find a HERB (GREEN).

Go out the side door and examine the window straight ahead. Proceed with caution through the double-doors to the left. A zombie will try to lunge out at you, but you can outwit it and move to the side just as he lunges to cause him to comically miss you.

Take him down before he lunges again and then get ready for the female zombie kneeling down. Two shots to the head should do it. In this room, approach the desk and press A to slide along it.

Pointless, but cool. Take the 9MM AMMO from the back of the room as well as the HERB (GREEN), and then leave via the other door.

Move steadily down the stairwell and you will be able to approach a zombie with his back to you at the bottom. Take him out using unarmed combat (R button) and then grab the goodies nearby, including the Herb (GREEN), 9MM AMMO and INCENDIARY GRENADE.

Advance along the next corridor and duck into the classroom on the left. Two zombies lurk inside, but you can kill them and grab the INCENDIARY GRENADE (x2) and 9MM AMMO.

There is also a HERB (RED) at the back of the room. Combine this with the green to heighten its healing effects.

When you get outside, head left to find some 9MM AMMO (x2) and make your way to the other doors. There is more ammo to be found and a HERB (GREEN) in the next corridor.

Try accessing the door and all hell will break loose. Fend off the zombie hordes until you get the green light to exit and then blast the heads of the zombies, blocking the door so that you can close it behind you.

In the next few rooms, make sure you press the A button when prompted to examine the desks – doing so will yield you extra supplies and one desk contains a SERPENT EMBLEM, shoot it to unlock a bonus figurine.

When you get the CAMPUS KEYCARD, watch out for a lunging zombie and be wary of more sudden attacks as you head back out. The corridor you got trapped in earlier could be a problem.

If you get rushed by zombies, shoot the fire extinguishers or use your grenades to combat the zombies grouped together.

The chapter begins with our heroes knee-deep in other peoples’ excrement as they wade through the sewers. This chapter introduces you to a new concept in the smashing of wooden crates.

You’ll find a few early on so give them a kick to see what’s inside. Go through the red door and then take a left (unless you like electro-shock treatment.

You will start to encounter zombies now, so combat the first few and then when you see a gaggle up ahead, get ready to press X and A to avoid the oncoming train.

There is a new breed of enemy soon after – decaying hounds. They come at you fast, so make sure your aim is steady. It’s worth spending a few Skill Points at this point, if you find your aim is bad.

When you exit the first line via the side door and then head down the zombie-strewn stairwell to the next line, turn to the right as you emerge from the door and shoot the SERPENT EMBLEM under the train.

When you come to the stationary train, examine the door to the side after climbing onto the platform and then give Helena a bunk-up at the back so that she can open the door for you.

Proceed through the train and when you exit at the far end of the platform, help the erratic lady from the carriage and then brace yourself for an onslaught when she opens the platform doors.

The streets above the station are no less perilous. Try to rely more on unarmed combat here to conserve your ammo for later, and watch out for machine gun-toting zombies.

These guys are armoured so wait until the first one gets close before jumping him from behind the truck. Proceed up the street, ducking into the side-alley and working your way past the burning wreckage before combating more machine gun-wielding undead.

Eventually you’ll have to cut through a bar and then an apartment, but the back door of the apartment is locked, so backtrack to the living room and then get the key from the female stiff, but watch out for her flatmate!

Shortly after this encounter you’ll meet an altogether more mutated form of zombie who will wail and attract more zombies to the area. Chase this fast-moving hell-spawn down and use a combination of kicks and shots to kill it. Your reward will be 1,000XP.

When you cut through the next bar you’ll find another SERPENT EMBLEM on the counter. Outside you’ll find more survivors holding out against the zombie onslaught as a gas station.

Go and offer your assistance but don’t hang around in the corner where the survivors were for too long, as an ambulance full of machine-gun wielding zombies will speed through the debris and crash in this area.

Toss a incendiary grenade into the back and then keep offing zombies until you’re prompted to shoot the petrol spillage to send the whole place up in flames.

When you take refuge in the weapons store, use the supply of incendiary grenades provided to keep any zombies at bay who breach the windows and then get ready for a sterner battle after the cut-scene when you’ll be introduced to a tougher breed of zombie.

These guys have reddish weak spots in their chest cavity, so wait until you see it glow and then unload your weapons. When the shutters come down, head upstairs and prepare for another onslaught.

You will shortly encounter another new zombie, a zombie brute. Shotgun blasts work well against this brute, but don’t combat him head on or you’re likely to get charged.

Instead, move to the side or go through the doorway – it takes the big guy a few seconds to negotiate the doorway, so get close and pump a couple of shells into his head.

You’ll need to survive another intense wave of zombies on the roof, featuring another brute and that other nasty guy you encountered downstairs.

Mercifully, you don’t have to fend them off for long, so concentrate on clearing a path through the normal zombies so that you can run backwards and forwards across the roof to evade the more intense variety.

Before long you’ll be able to get away via the fire escape, so flee when you can and then you’re on the home straight to finishing the chapter.

At the conclusion of each chapter, you’ll be ranked on your Accuracy, Deaths, Clear Time and Enemies Routed, and then graded accordingly based on these stats.

Greater accuracy, no deaths, a low clear time and a decent amount of enemies killed will get you the coveted ‘S’ rank. Play a chapter once through and you’ll instinctively know how to improve in these ratings.

It’s nothing beyond what you might expect; a swift, bloody playthrough where you keep yourself alive should do it. If you’re still having trouble, check your skill set.

Purchasing Skills

You will have been amassing quite a few XP points over the tail-end of Chapter 1, so now you will be given the opportunity to spend some. The list of skills is as follows and you can browse the list in-game.

How you upgrade your skills depends on how you wish to play the game, but you can only equip three at any one time – so you will need to tailor the skills that you equip to the perils that lie ahead.

Completing a chapter once will give you a good impression of what you’re up against so you can equip skills to help you complete it better and earn yourself a higher rank.

Also note that not all skills are available straight away and you will need to complete certain tasks, outlined in this list, to unlock others – but trust us, for the effort required they are well worth it.

Chapter Two

Surviving Zombies In Graveyards

The next chapter begins explosively and you find yourself in, of all places, a graveyard. Your route out of there is littered with hazards such as zombies and open graves (which contain a zombie), so move in short bursts with each lightning flash to make it through safely.

You will need to enter the shack and open the bathroom door to progress the story, after which you’ll see a brief cut-scene and be tasked with finding a key. A dog has it.

Track the red marker through the cemetery to track it down and kill it for the CEMETERY KEY. Be warned though, as you have plenty of non plot-essential zombies to contend with as well. Track the marker to gate to open it.

You will become separated at this point so you’ll need to navigate your way through a network of crypts to meet up. When you encounter the wailing zombies again, take them out quickly with shotgun fire to prevent them from alerting their mates.

When you get to the cathedral building, examine the door and then about turn and fend off the zombies hopping over the fence.

Incendiary grenades come in handy here, but try to keep moving and get your back against a wall. Eventually, the door will be opened and you’ll be able to enter with Helena, but if she is busy shooting zombies, you’ll need to help her out in order to free her up for door opening duties.

In the cathedral, take the MADONNA STATUE from the table at the front and bunk up Helena to lower the ladder. Climb up and enter small alcove room to find a chest containing another one.

Now go to the table at the far end of the upper level and the B button command will appear that will send Helena to place a statue on the opposite table.

The placement of both statues will open a door downstairs. Pulling the lever in the next area will cause a statue to start shooting a crossbow at you.

Quickly hit the button on the pedestal it is standing on to deactivate it and open a new door. Go through and pull the next lever and then there are four statues to contend with.

Run around, staying out of their sights, and push the buttons on their pedestals which open up new doors. Aim your gun at the mysterious shield like Helena to open the next door.

Keep repeating this on subsequent doors – always look around for something to shine your laser sight into. When you hook up with Helena again, take the MADONNA OF SORROW.

Now read the plaque on the wall and it will tell of five bells that you need to ring. Go outside and you will see three bell towers and two small mobiles with bells attached to them – shoot the bells to ring them. You can shoot four from one side of the roof and the last mobile from the other side.

Grab the other statue and backtrack downstairs. Your mission marker will lead you to two tables on the other level of the main cathedral hall. Before you place them though, turn around and shoot the SERPENT EMBLEM in the clockwork mechanism behind you.

A nasty boss-like creature will now appear on the scene and this guy is seriously bad news, as the bulbous growths on its body belch out the acrid smoke that turns folk into zombies.

Keep your distance and concentrate on the lesser zombies that come as a result of the boss turning other survivors into the walking dead. Alternate between levels and use your sniper rifle to inflict damage from afar before performing a clean sweep of the floor to grab supplies.

When the boss has been defeated, take the UNDERGROUND KEYCARD and go through the door at the front of the cathedral floor to use it.

Going Deeper Underground

In the underground cell area, there is a code device up the small flight of stairs at the front of the room. You need to enter three digit codes to open the cell doors and all contain combinations of the numbers 0-1-2.

Enter ‘210’ to open the gate update and if you want to check out the cells then try ‘201’, ‘012’ and ‘102’. It’s a good idea to examine the cells doors first to give yourself a clue as to what’s inside.

Go through the raised gate and repeat the process on the other side to open the various cells and raised the gate – the code for doing that is ‘021’. One of the cells here contains a cell within a cell – the latter contains some goodies, including a chest with some bonus XP and a FIRST AID SPRAY inside (the outside code is ‘012’ and the inside code is ‘201’.

As you proceed down the corridors, you will soon come to a small toilet room on the left. Go inside and then examine the sink. You will drain it revealing a SERPENT EMBLEM. You can drain the sink in the next toilet room too, though the result isn’t quite as pleasant!

When you reach the cryo tube room, you will find another one of those digit-input machines on the right-hand wall, and around the corner is a long cell plastered with biohazard warnings. It sounds ominous, but you have to bite the bullet and input the code, which is ‘201’.

In this next area you must pull levers to connect up the walkways. Go left and then right at the end and pull the first lever down to the left. Next, backtrack up the steps, go left and then go left again and pull the second lever.

Drop down into the water and run along to the far end where you will find a ladder to climb back up, then go back to where you pulled the first lever and then pull the next straight ahead.

Be warned that pulling levers has a tendency to trigger zombies, so get ready for minor skirmishes every time you pull one.

Backtrack to the section you were just in, and give Helena a bunk up. Helena will pull the last lever and lower the last section of walkway, which is full of zombies.

Toss an incendiary grenade into the thick of them to wipe them all out. Head down the walkway and take out a few zombies on route to the hatch at the end. Open it with Helena at your earliest possible convenience because those zombies will keep coming until you do.

When you emerge in the sewers, duck under the arches and then when you go under the second, aim to the left to pick off another SERPENT EMBLEM.

When you get to Deborah, Helena will piggy-back her down the spiral of walkways, so you need to cover them both, pushing the two blocks to create a passage through. When you reach the bottom, you’ll meet up with Ada Wong, and Deborah will take a turn for the worse.

What follows is a long convoluted boss battle. Using your shotgun, unload a few rounds into Deborah’s glowing appendages until the floor gives way.

Negotiate the walkways down until you come to a circular arena and then start giving Deborah some more hellfire. Wait until she drops down and mutates before shooting the TNT barrels around the area.

Keep your distance and use your shotgun to blast her whenever she mutates and then the floor will give way again. Work your way down until you come to a crank and use it.

Hop into the mine cart and get ready to press the A button to duck under each hazard. Before too long, Deborah will turn up and ambush the cart.

Unload a flurry of bullets into her limbs and press the A button to duck whenever she tries to slash her talons at you. You will need to target TNT on the rails ahead to clear a path for your mine cart before battling Deborah one last time.

When the cart crashes, target Deborah down on the platform below to protect Helena and a cut-scene will end the chapter.

Revenge Of The Coffin-Dodgers

A short way into the catacombs you will find a few coffins that you can open. The one on the right contains nothing but a nasty snake bite, but the one on the left contains 1,000XP. Carry on a little way until you come to another searchable coffin on the left, this one contains the ASSAULT RIFLE RN.

To get past the rotating blades you will need to run by holding the A button and the direction, and then tap the L button to perform a slide.

When you come to the flames, bunk Helena up to the right and wait until she finds disables them. Examine the door up ahead and then place the SYMMONS FAMILY RING in the middle to open it.

You will have to survive a zombie attack until the door opens, so sit back in the alcove where the crank is and use your shotgun to dispel clusters of zombies that attack to the side. You can turn the crank to burn the shambling hordes that stagger down the central path.

In the next area, follow the water over to the left and then look for a small pathway leading to the right. Follow it up and then open the coffin to reveal a SERPENT EMBLEM.

You will become temporarily separated from Helena when she goes to wind a crank to let you through the door, so cover her back from above and then use the crank up ahead to clear a route for her.

There are more spinning blades up ahead, so hold the A button to run through them and then slide using the L button.

The crank up ahead doesn’t have a handle, so turn around and blast the zombies that come out of the hole in the wall at the corner and then use your sniper rifle to pick off the zombies attempting to crawl under the blades.

One of them will drop the CRANK HANDLE that you need. You can now backtrack Helena’s route if you want, but there is no real benefit to doing so.

After pulling the levels of the door and falling through the floor, you will need to negotiate a set of dark platforms to make your way down through the catacombs.

Hop from platform to platform and be aware of narrow bridges crumbling as you cross them. When you reach the rope bridge you will encounter another zombie brute.

Backtrack to the side you came from and then leap back over the last gap before casually picking him off with your sniper rifle.

At one point soon you will need to propel Helena over a gap to go and lower a bridge for her. Make sure you cover her when climbing the rock as she will be pursued by zombies.

The rest of the route is strewn with zombies and zombie brutes, so do you best to avoid as many as you can and then make a mad break for the exit when the ground starts to shake.

You will be swept down into one of the lower caverns by water, so immediately start swimming up through the doorway as your oxygen bar is already depleting.

The passage you need to swim through is long, but thankfully if you trace the light sources upwards you’ll encounter a few small holes through which you can poke your head through for a breather.

Eventually you will swim to a covered hole that you and Helena have to open together, but no sooner have you surfaced then that zombie shark creature that has been hinted at will tug you both down.

As you descend into the depths, be on your toes for a few QTEs. When you become separated, start swimming for the shore, but get ready to meet the zombie shark again.

Each time, hammer A to evade it. Once on dry land, turn around and open the gate with Helena and prepare to face the shark one last time.

Switch to your machine-gun and aim for the glowing red growth that protrudes from its mouth. Before long you will be prompted to press the A button to kick a keg of TNT into its mouth, after which you just have to wait for the right time before taking aim at it.

Chapter Four

Can Anyone Fly This Thing?

The enjoyment of your plane ride is cut short. Combat the zombie brute in the cabin but concentrate machine gun fire on it while backing up. As the brute chases you down, run back through the passage and then back up to the cockpit before continuing the assault.

When it flees, check the controls and pick up the LIGHTNING HAWK magnum, then start moving down the stairs. At the bottom, turn to the right and then aim to the right to pick off a SERPENT EMBLEM just visible under the hatch.

Make your way steadily down to the cargo hold, check the small rooms along the way for GREEN HERBS. Down in the hold, open the flight case straight ahead for an XP boost and then shoot the cabinet to the right for another SERPENT EMBLEM.

Open the two doors and prepare to greet a stowaway. Don’t expend too much, if any, ammo here because you can just kick the panel off the hatch lever and jettison the horror.

You will now have to backtrack all the way back to the cockpit, but because the stowaway creature pumped out loads of that noxious blue zombie gas, all of your fellow passengers have turned and you’ll need to shoot you way through them on the way back.

Once you get to the cockpit, you’ll have to physically land the plane (or die trying) – but this is essentially just a QTE, although you do have to move the right stick to actually look at the controls you need to use.

Shortly after ‘landing’ you’ll encounter a new breed of mecha-zombie, so use the expansive area to keep your distance and unleash a few magnum bullets into him.

He will flee before too long, but we figure you’ll be meeting again sometime soon. Sure enough, once you manage to get the bus started, it’ll rear its ugly head again.

This can be a tough battle, so patrol the area looking for ladders to climb as these will inevitably lead you to big containers full of gas canisters.

Push these off the high ledges to litter the area with them and then simply shoot them to ignite them when the mecha-zombie is nearby.

Continue through the passageway until you come to a gate that you have to lift a bar off of to open. As you go through, aim to the right to shoot another SERPENT EMBLEM.

You will now have to find three keys in order to open the main door out of there. Each key is indicated by an on-screen marker, so go to each one in turn.

When you go past the fish stall, be sure to head into the room out back for a HERB (RED) and a chest containing bonus XP. Once you gain access to the door, Ada will become, shall we say, more distant and you’ll be tasked with tracking her down.

When she disappears into the elevator, you will need to line yourself up and then run and slide through the largest hole in each laser fence that comes your way.

When you get to the far end, kick the side of the laser wall to disable it. You’d now be forgiven for thinking that you’re about to face a huge boss, what with the row of breakable containers stuffed with ammo, but you’d be wrong.

The worst you have to contend with here are small mobile mines that zip out of the vents to try and snare you in their modest blast radius.

The best strategy here is just to keep moving and then get close enough to one to trigger imminent detonation – they will glow red just prior to this so, of course, make sure you are out of range by the time it goes off. You’ll have to contend with these things for a few minutes while Helena opens the door.

A Meeting With Mutated Derek

When you wind up on the train in pursuit of Derek Simmons, quickly dash through the empty carriages until you meet up with the villain. Naturally, he will mutate into a hideous form, so move backwards while using your most powerful weapon on him.

Hopefully you will have been stock-piling magnum ammo for an occasion such as this. You will need to fight Derek both on top and inside the train.

Every time you inflict sufficient damage on him, he’ll retreat. Continue to chase him down and shoot him, all the while moving backwards so that you won’t be in range of his lunge attacks.

Eventually the beast will transform back into Derek. When this occurs, get in close and use melee attacks. When you have damaged him enough, Derek will toss Leon onto an adjacent train and start chasing him. As you run, get ready to hit the A button quite a lot to jump over the various obstacles, but keep moving quickly.

Chapter Five


Follow the soldier into the shop and then head upstairs – but not before shooting the SERPENT EMBLEM on the shelf.

The next portion is very much on rails and heavily intertwined with cut-scenes – so enjoy the ride for a while. However, if you were paying attention earlier, before too long you’ll start to recognise where you are as it is exactly where you started the game (although strangely, Helena doesn’t seem as injured now as she did then!).

When you get to the back alley where the crashed military vehicle is (where you healed Helena at the start of the game), make sure that you shoot the SERPENT EMBLEM in the back of the lorry. The next segment will be you essentially replaying the Prelude section.

The Revenge Of Mutated Derek

You should notice various fuel tanks strewn around the area. Lure Derek towards these and then shoot them to injure him. Once you have exhausted all three, plant remote bombs and follow the same strategy of luring Derek towards you and then waiting until he is stood over a bomb before detonating.

Every so often, Derek the beast will transform back into regular Derek, and when this happens, you need to get in close and use melee attacks to beat him down.

Once you have dealt sufficient damage, a cut-scene will show an friendly vehicle appear to pick you up – but you’ll have to pay your way by manning the mounted guns on the back.

Repeat the same process in battle as before when you have to fight Derek on foot, laying remote bombs in his path. This convoluted battle will last some time in various areas.

When you have to tackle the rope, you have to use clearly defined, rhythmic presses of the left and right trigger buttons, otherwise you slip back down, which can be mightily frustrating. You will fight Derek again at the top of the rope and the battle gets harder as you run low on supplies.

Mercifully during these boss battles, there are usually ammo and healing items scattered around the area, so direct Helen a towards Derek and then let her battle him along while you replenish your supplies.

As you make your way to the heliport you will have to fight an even bigger form of Derek on the rooftop. During this battle, zombies will seem to wander aimlessly around the rooftop without really attacking you.

Derek feeds on these to give him power – so how about you put that metal spear to good use? Pick it up and find a zombie to impale, which you do by hitting RT when prompted.

Shoot the orange patches on Derek’s torso to injure him and eventually he will scoop up the impaled zombie to feed on – after which, lightning will strike the spear and fry him, but not enough to actually kill him. Repeat this three times until you are able to escape and dash to the heliport.

When you get there, examine the chopper and – what’s that propped up next to it? Why, a ROCKET LAUNCHER of course! When Derek rears his almighty ugly head one last time, pick up the rocket launcher and take aim at his head. Blam! That’s Leon’s campaign nailed!