League Of Legends: Jinx Champion ADC Item Build

Despite Jinx’s release recently we’ve still managed to fit in quite a lot of game time with the Loose Cannon, and have an early idea on what some of the best items are for her and how you want to level up.

We’ve already done a detailed analysis on how she plays and what that means for League Of Legends, so if you’re interested in that kind of detail head over and read our Jinx Champion analysis.

Here we’ll look at the newest League Of Legends champion, and give some tips on the best items to build for her and why.

Jinx Ability Sequence

Cooldown: 1
Mana cost: 20 mana per attack (when using the rocket launcher)

As your key damage dealing ability this is obviously the first ability you’ll want to level, start with one point in it at level 1 then max by 9.

This ability comes in two toggleable forms, the minigun and the rocket launcher.

When using the minigun you’ll earn a buff that grants attack speed bonus for 2.5 seconds up to a maximum of three stacks. The maximum attack speed bonus (with three buffs) is 50 / 70 / 110 / 130%

The rocket launcher instead increases attack range by 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 / 175 units and improves attack damage of your attacks by 10% of attack damage. Additionally, basic attacks will deal the same damage to a small area.

The idea is to build stacks of attack speed with the minigun then switch out to the more damaging rocket launcher and then switch back to the minigun to keep the pace up.


Cooldown: 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6
Mana cost: 45 / 55 / 65 / 75 / 85
Range: 1500

The reason this ability should be maxed second – at level 13 – is due to the heavy increase in attack damage it receives from your attack damage stat.

The attack initially does a very low base damage of 30, scaling to 75 / 120 / 165 / 210 per rank. However it also adds an additional 140% damage from your attack damage stat.

Since you’ll be building AD with Jinx anyway, this is obviously the best ability to max second, with its 2 second slow affecting an enemy by 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70% per rank.

Super Mega Death Rocket!

Cooldown: 90 / 75 / 60
Mana cost: 100 / 100 / 100
Range: Global

As with all ultimates you should max this ability as soon as you can, so at level 16.

The attack is a global active ability that fires a rocket in a straight line exploding only when it hits a Champion and deal damage in an area of effect around the explosion.

The rocket does a base amount of damage at 125 / 175 / 225 plus 50% of your bonus attack damage, as well as an additional 25 / 30 / 35% per rank.

It will also do more damage the further it travels, with a maximum of 250 / 350 / 450 per rank plus 100% of your bonus attack damage.

Flame Chompers!

Cooldown: 24 / 22 / 20 / 18 / 16
Mana cost: 50
Range: 900

As the only magic damage ability of Jinx’s repertoire, this ability should mostly be used as a utility to stun enemies either while escaping or to prevent an enemy from retreating.

These traps will take a short while before arming but, when they do, will deal 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300 magic damage plus 100% of your attack power stat.

The traps will explode after 5 seconds and deal damage to anyone caught within the vicinity, or when triggered by an enemy Champion – whereby the trap will root the enemy.

Only one trap can be triggered by one Champion, but a Champion can still receive damage from the other two should they trigger while they are in range.


Jinx Item Build


As a primarily attack damage Champion, Jinx will obviously benefit from similar builds for other similar Champions such as Ashe or Varus. 

Though Flame Chompers benefits from 100% attack power and has a base damage higher than the ability Zap, such a build wouldn’t sync very well with the rest of Jinx’s abilities.

Starting Item

Doran’s Blade

This item is a brilliant one to start with for Jinx. The extra health and attack damage helps early on, while the traditional option of boots and potions is largely unnecessary due to Jinx’s range and attack aggression.

Partner with a support capable of healing or speed buffs – Sona would be good – and you’ll not need to think about a different starting item on Jinx ever again.

Core Items


The first item you’ll want to start with is Bloodthirster. It can be an expensive item to target first – especially since the required recipe has fewer component parts, making the build initially slow to get going.

The life steal is a huge boon to Jinx, and the item obviously benefits from being an early purchase due to its scaling attack damage (up to a maximum of 100) and life steal (up to a max of 18%) making it extremely useful to Jinx.

Infinity Edge

As with most ADCs who rely on attack speed to deal damage, Infinity Edge is a fantastic item to build on Jinx. It is expensive, yes, but with Jinx’s minigun speed boost active this can make just her basic attacks devastating.

As with Bloodthirster it can be an expensive item to work towards with slow gain on the components. Build it after an attack damage boosting item (Bloodthirster or Ruined King) to sync well with the speed of Jinx’s attacks.

Phantom Dancer

It’s probably unsurprising to see this one here; it’s a very popular ADC item. Though the 50% attack speed is obviously a huge help to Jinx’s key damage dealing functionality – her minigun and rocket launcher – it’s actually worth picking up thanks to the 30% critical strike chance.

This helps synergise with the Infinity Edge to give you an extremely high chance to crit with each attack you do and the speed of Jinx’s attacks means she’ll become unstoppable.

Of course the ability to pass through minions and champions will be hugely helpful when chasing too.

Berserker Greaves

The obvious choice for most ADCs, this item obviously syncs well with Jinx by boosting her attack speed.

Alternative Items

Blade of the Ruined King

Another popular item for ADCs, Blade of the Ruined King is a good option if you’ve been unable to secure a couple of early kills with Jinx due to its cheaper component parts.

Though the life steal isn’t as large as Bloodthirster (15% base) and its attack damage gain is fairly low (only 25), Blade of the Ruined King synergises with Jinx quite well due to the 40% attack speed boost.

It’s not really necessary to combine Bloodthirster and Ruined King as a number of ADCs do, but it would give you a considerable amount of sustain in 1v1 or 1v2 fights.

Runaan’s Hurricane

Often the choice comes down to Runaan’s Hurricane or Statikk Shiv, so which you want is personal preference. For doing additional damage to groups Runaan’s Hurricane is the way to go.

First off, it’s 70% attack speed buff makes it extremely useful improve Jinx’s already insanely high attack speed. Meanwhile the added bonus of damage to two additional targets makes wave-clearing and team-fighting assistance much more consistent than Statikk Shiv, which needs to be charged.

Last Whisper

A good item to build if the enemy team are building a lot of armour to counter you (they should), since it will chip away at 35% of that armour bonus.

It’s a fairly cheap item to buy so always a good early option, but perhaps best suited to figuring out what your enemy are building first.

Statikk Shiv

If you’ve been fed fairly early on and want to go all out on attack, then combining Statikk Shiv with Runaan’s Hurricane will make Jinx devastating. In all likelihood it means you’ll forgo defensive items for this build, but the aggression will be unstoppable.

The attack speed gain of 40% is less than Runaan’s, but with an added 20% critical strike chance – pushing you up to 75% crit chance with Phantom Dancer and Infinity Edge – this item can make you impossibly damaging.

The additional lightning proc syncs well with Runaan’s, however, since each attack counts as an additional charge – thereby meaning it will charge 3 times faster and therefore proc more often.

Banshee’s Veil

If you find yourself taking a lot of damage from magic abilities then Banshee’s Veil is a great item to add in a bit of survivability to Jinx. She’s fairly squishy, at least later on in a match, so having something like this will help.

Not only does it provide a decent amount of magic resistance, but it also bolsters Jinx’s health by 450 HP and provides an additional health regen and spell shield to protect against ganks and the like.

Maw Of Malmortius

If you’re up against a heavy AP comp team then this might be a good item to build instead of one of the more traditional AD items. Though its magic resist of 40 isn’t the highest, the item does provide a base bonus of 60 attack damage.

However it will also add an extra 1 attack damage for every 2% of health missing up to a maximum of 35 at 70% of health missing, at which point a shield will be activated to absorb 400 points of magic damage. A handy tool to have when playing against mostly AP Champions.

Randuin’s Omen

There aren’t many armour items that sync too well with Jinx, but if you’re looking to protect yourself from a heavy AD comp team then Randuin’s Omen will likely be the best option.

More health, decent armour and the added bonus of slow effects for when you’re chasing an enemy down.

Atma’s Impaler

Though the real benefit of this item is its added attack damage based on health (a fairly weak prospect with Jinx), if you need more armour then this will give you a solid boost to that as well as enhancing Jinx’s critical strike by 15% – handy if you’re focusing crits with Jinx.

Jinx Masteries

The actual masteries set up of Jinx isn’t particularly surprising – it’s pretty much the same as any ADC. 21 / 9 / 0 with an emphasis on the physical damage and attack speed bonuses from the Offense tree and the health and armour bonuses of Defense.

Jinx’s Runes

Jinx’s Runes are pretty simple choices: attack damage marks, armour seals, magic resist runes and attack damage quintessences. This will hugely boost Jinx’s base attack damage and fit in with her aggression.

Alternatively you could swap out the attack damage quintessences in favour of life steal. It syncs well with Jinx’s excessive attack speed, and gives you a bit extra sustainability in fights. It won’t save you, but will prove useful all the same.