Titanfall Guide: Best Titan Loadouts, Weapons & Abilities

Some of the intricacies of Titanfall’s weapons, abilities and titan loadouts will doubtless be explored over the weeks to come, but we’ve played enough of Titanfall to get a good idea of in what situations particular abilities are most beneficial, what weapons are the most useful and how you should construct your loadout for certain game types. 

With that in mind, here’s our advice on titan loadouts, titan weapons, ordinances, tactical abilities and tier 1 and 2 kits. 

If you’ve been racking your brains over pilots loadouts, we’ve also put together a Titanfall pilot loadout guide.   

Titan Loadouts – Chassis


There are three choices of chassis in Titanfall: Atlas – an all rounder that balances durability and speed; Ogre – a tank that can absorb more punishment at the cost of agility; and Stryder – the weakest, but fastest of the three titans.

The best chassis for you is likely to depend on your play style, but, personally, we’re not fans of the Ogre, largely due to the fact that its reduced speed means it’s very difficult to get out of sticky situations.

If you do want to use the Orge, though, you’re best off playing cautiously and letting enemy titan’s come to you, rather than chasing them around and getting yourself into situations that you’ll find it difficult to get out of. 

We’d recommend all of you have Stryder titan builds ready, even if you don’t favour the hit and run tactics to which the Stryder is best suited.

The reason for this is that the Stryder’s agility is incredibly useful in Capture the Flag mode, where speed is king. Combine the Stryder chassis with Dash Quickcharger from the Tier 1 Kit and Core Accelrator from the Tier 2 Kit for maximum effectiveness.

You might think that jack-of-all-trades chassis, the Atlas, is a bit boring, but it’s actually a great chassis choice due to its flexibility.

It’s possible to go blow for blow with an Ogre chassis and come out on top, if you use your abilities and the Atlas’ superior agility smartly, while its increased endurance over the Stryder means it is still a large threat for that particular titan. 

Also bear in mind that the Atlas’ core ability allows it to deal increased damage for a limited time – there’s no better way of taking out enemy titans quickly. 

Titan Loadouts – Titan Weapons


You’ve got six options when it comes to weapons for your titan.

We’re going to suggest that unless you’re an FPS amateur, you stay away from the XO-16 Chaingun. Its high rate of fire will help newbies hit the target, but its relatively poor damage output means its not really worth it for more seasoned players. 

The Quad Rockets are good for causing damage at close range, but at distance, their slow speed makes them easily avoidable. In Last Titan Standing, when you’ve got buddies backing you up, there’re worth a go, but we would be wary of using them in other modes where one on battles could become difficult if the other titan keeps their distance. 

If you do want to make use of the Quad Rockets, we’d recommend using the Stryder chassis. That titan’s speed and superior dash abilities make it possible to undertake quick hit and run attacks with the Quad Rockets. 

The Plasma Railgun faces the opposite problem to the Quad Rockets. It causes high damage at distance, but at close range, in a one on one fight, the time it takes to charge your shots puts you at a disadvantage.

If you’re going to use the Plasma Railgun, it’s best to let your teammates distract enemy titans, allowing you to hang back and take long shots. 

The Arc Cannon is a gun that is best at home in encounters involving large numbers of titans, making it a gun that you should give a go in Last Titan Standing. The Arc Cannon can hit multiple targets, so its great against groups of enemy titans. 

The Triple Threat grenade launcher fires three massive grenades. It’s another gun that’s poor at range, but it can be a useful way of controlling space.

Team up with another titan with a long range weapon and you can use the Triple Threat to keep enemies from coming through confined areas, forcing them to retreat or take damage.  

The Triple Threat can also be handy in Hardpoint Domination where you can lob the grenades in through the windows and doorways around objectives in order to clear out pilots before you jump out of your titan and run in to capture it. 

For our money though, the 40mm Cannon is the daddy of Titanfall’s arsenal. The reason? Flexibility. The 40mm Cannon is equally capable in relatively close quarters or at range, meaning your won’t be at too much of a disadvantage, whoever you come up against.

If you’re accurate you can do plenty of damage with the 40mm Cannon, too.

Titan Loadouts – Tactical Ability


All three of Titanfall’s tactical abilities have their uses when used in the right situation. 

Vortex Shield – an ability that allows you to catch the bullets and rockets coming your way and hurl them back – is great if you use it in the right way, but timing can be difficult, particularly if you’re too far from the titan that sent the ordinances your way, giving them time to get behind cover.

Electric Smoke is a great way of punishing titans who get too close and is a useful way of halting a pursuer when you need to recharge your shields. For that reason, it’s potentially a good combo with the Stryder chassis, a chassis that thrives on hit and run. 

An additional benefit to having Electric Smoke is that it also does damage to human players, meaning that when your titan is being rodeoed, you can shake your enemy off with Electric Smoke, rather than having to get out of your titan to deal with them. 

Particle Wall will block projectiles coming your way, but will still let you fire through it. This means it is best used in tighter streets where you can deploy the Particle Wall and simply plant yourself behind it, giving your enemies everything you’ve got.

In Last Titan Standing, the Particle Wall can be great if you’ve got a few friends to join you in firing towards your opponents.

Titan Loadouts – Ordinance


For us, there’s only one king when it comes to ordinances – that’s the multi-target missile system. With the multi-target missile system, you hold RB to ‘paint’ targets and let go in order to fire lock-on missiles.

You don’t have to wait until all missiles are targeted with the multi-target missile system, meaning that you can fire it in bursts quickly popping in and out of cover, without having to wait as long as you would for lock-ons with the Slaved Warheads.

If you approach an enemy titan from behind, though, you can wait until you’ve got full lock on and release the entire salve at once. It’s that flexibility that makes the multi-target missile system our favourite.

Titan Loadouts – Tier One Kit


Personally, we’re not fans of the explosion unleashing Nuclear Ejection. The reason being that when your titan is doomed and you initiate Nuclear Ejection, its generally pretty easy for the player that destroyed you to get out of the blast radius in time (assuming they were even close enough for it to have an effect in the first place).

Regen Booster reduces your shields recharge time, which is useful, if unspectacular, but we’re aggressive enough to prefer the Fast Autoloader.

Faster reloading of your ordinance gives you a distinct advantage in titan battles, simply as a result of the fact that you can deal more damage in a shorter space of time. 

Dash Quickcharger is likely going to be useful if you’re using the Stryder chassis, being as that titan relies on speed. We’d particularly recommend using the Stryder/Dash Quickcharger combo in Capture the Flag mode, where speed is of the essence. 

Tactical Reactor gives you faster recharging of your tactical abilities. If you find yourself particularly reliant on your tactical ability, or have gotten very adept at using it, then this is an obvious choice. 

Tier Two Kit


Firstly, don’t bother with Auto-Eject – you can eject yourself you lazy bugger.

Survivor lets you fight in your doomed titan for longer, which is okay while you’ve not unlocked better options, allowing you to deal out as much damage as possible before you eject. 

The melee enhancing Big Punch is a no-brainer if you’re a titan pilot that likes to get up close and personal, but we think Core Extender and Core Accelerator are the most useful tier two abilities. 

Depending on the chassis you’re using, Damage Core, Shield Core and Dash Core will massively turn combat encounters in your favour, so you want to get your core ability online as quickly as possible, or have it last as long as possible – these two abilities will allow you to do that.