Assassin’s Creed: Revelations – Mediterranean Traveler DLC Multiplayer Guide

The life of Ezio Auditore and the Assassins is a dangerous one, and nowhere is that so evident as the in AS:R’s killer multiplayer. But, veteran assassins and templars might be getting bored of the few maps they’re been skulking about in so far — that’s why Ubisoft has released this second DLC pack onto unsuspecting players with the deadly efficiency of a wrist-hook to the back. Join the Master Assassins at Game Front as we take a look at all six new multiplayer maps and give you the rundown on strategies, lay-outs, and anything else you will need to know to survive.

If you’re looking for information on Assassin’s Creed: Revelations’ core game, check out our wide variety of information on the walkthrough and cheats pages.

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Video and Text Walkthrough