Top 6 Battlefield 3 Fail Moments

Battlefield 3 FAILS

bf3 fail

There's just something very amusing about watching people mess up—especially badly—in video games. Battlefield 3, a game rich with emergent qualities, allows for players to perform a multitude of actions that can otherwise lead to failures in the most spectacular manner.

We've compiled a list of six of our favorite "fail" videos just to give you a taste of what you're missing out on, if you're not already knee-deep in the Battlefield 3 experience, which is every bit as enjoyable as its predecessors Bad Company 2, BF2142, and BF2.

Needless to say, DICE has outdone themselves with the game, and we thank them for making the ludicrous situations in these videos possible. You wouldn't see this in Modern Warfare 3, would you?

#6 Chopper FAIL

GameSprout shows us how not to fly a helicopter, especially when you have no idea what the hell you're doing. "I got bad luck," says the guy on voice chat. Right.

#5 Jet FAIL

It looks like someone attempted to destroy this tank with a last-ditch Kamikaze move. It wasn't too successful.

#4 Eject FAIL

Ejecting from your jetfighter doesn't guarantee your survival, especially when you're being pursued in mid-air by an enemy.

#3 Hijack FAIL

It's always fun to steal enemy vehicles. Stealing a tank while its crew is repairing it can result in some truly hilarious outcomes. Here's one such attempt to hijack an enemy A-10 from the carrier. Hint: it's a failure.

#2 Blowtorch WIN/FAIL?

This engineer just loves taking a blowtorch to the beard. Kudos to DICE for making these animations as ludicrous as they are.

#1 Jump FAIL

Welcome to Damavand Peak. You've got to base jump to get to the action. Sometimes, that doesn't work out so well.