Just like almost every game recently created by Level 5, item creation with Alchemy holds a central place in the world of Ni No Kuni: Wrath Of The White Witch. The game has a lot of items to be collected like provisions which are used in battle to restore HP, MP and revive dead characters and familiars, weapons for all characters as well as armor, clothes, headgears, shields all kinds of items usable by Familiars. Treats can also be produced and used to improve the familiars stats. Alchemy in Ni No Kuni is not too complex: however players are required to find out the recipes before being able to produce items: going about it randomly will not help you produce some good items. If you know the recipe from somewhere else you can still produce the item but the recipe itself will not be registered. If this tedious process if putting you off, don’t worry: we at GamerSyndrome know about all the formulae and we will list them here in these guides for you. Once we’ll be done with the formulae we will also be covering how to get all the recipes for all completionists. The items needed for the alchemy process can be found ina variety of ways: some of them are common items which can be found in the field, while others may be rare finds from chests or simply enemies’ drops. We will be covering these items as well in some other guides.
Milk Chocolate
Effect: +8-10
Familarity: +1
Fullness: +1
Chocolate + Creamy Milk + Bumbler Honey
Fairy Chocolate
Effect: +19-23
Familarity: +4
Fullness: +2
Chocolate + Creamy Milk + Bumbler Honey
Chocolate Bonbons
Effect: +33-41
Familarity: +8
Fullness: +3
Chocolate x2 + Fogdrop x2 + Bumbler Honey x2
Snowdrop Bonbons
Effect: +57-65
Familarity: +16
Fullness: +4
Choclate Bonbons + Caramels x2 + Snowflake
Babana Flan
Effect: +19-23
Familarity: +4
Fullness: +2
Creamy Flan + Babana x2 + Gnomebeard
Frosty Flan
Effect: +33-41
Familarity: +8
Fullness: +3
Flan x2 + Snowflake + Bumbler Honey x2
Fruit Flan
Effect: +57-65
Familarity: +16
Fullness: +4
Frosty Flan + Green Grapes x2 + Sour Grapes
Fantastic Flan
Effect: +115-125
Familarity: +32
Fullness: +5
Babana Flan + Fruit Flan + Big Babana x2
Carrot Cake
Effect: +8-10
Familarity: +19-23
Fullness: +1
Cake + Crunchy Carrot x3