Fallout 4: The Deleted Trailer

Set in the post-apocalyptic ruins of downtown Boston and the surrounding Commonwealth, Fallout 4 takes place 200 years after the bombs fell with players taking on the role of the sole survivor of Vault 111. Escaping from the derelict vault and waking from a long period of stasis, players must endeavor out into the wilderness and seek civilization, all the while dealing with scary threats borne from nuclear fallout. 

A lot of Fallout 4 was revealed at Bethesda's E3 2015 press conference, including details about the game's character creation, combat mechanics, crafting, and much, much more. These announcements were revealed by Todd Howard, who unveiled a ton of gameplay footage of the title.

With this in mind, we've put together another one of our Deleted Trailers for Fallout 4. We hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed making it. We have even more of these coming up, so be sure to subscribe to our channel. 

Despite being announced this year, Fallout 4 is set for a November 10 release on the PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4. Console versions of the game will even come with full support for mods developed on the PC version of the game, interestingly enough.

Be sure to check out our deleted trailers for Black Ops 3, Just Cause 3 and Batman: Arkham Knight.