Destiny: The Taken King Guide - Dreadnaught Chests, Runes, and Skypass Guide

Redditor Rakunvar has put together a useful list detailing The Taken King's Dreadnaught chests, runes, skypass, and puzzle area.
Here we've rounded up the information from that list to make your fight against Oryx that much easier. The chests and where to find them are below.
A chest appears in the side area which requires the Key of the Maggots. Stand by it for around 60 seconds until you earn the Scent of the Worm buff. Leave the room and turn immediately for the large open pit area on your left, head for the right of the area and use your Ghost to see the invisible platforms, cross to the left platform in time to open the chest.
You can find details on how to do that through this link or watch the video below.
A second chest in the side room requires the "Key of Wyrding".
The final chest in this area requires the "Key of Spawn" and is located on the opposite side of the Scent Chest platform. Follow the side wall to a large open area, cross the invisible platforms to the right.
The Founts
You'll need a Charged Agonarch Rune for this area, which is acquired by killing one of the spawned enemies after you step on the glowing white circle during Dread Patrol. You'll have to kill seven different Taken enemies in this way.
It seems the enemy you need to kill changes with each day.
Hull Breach
The Skyburners command console is located near the patrol spawn point. If you kill cabal near the Mausoleum entrance, you may find a Beacon Key, which will look like a blue engram. Use the key on the Beacon console in the Hull Breach area, which causes a cabal platoon, including a boss, to drop. Taking them out will earn everyone present the 'Skyburner's deployment code'. Use that code on the Mausoleum console near the triangular window and complete the three part quest, of which two parts are timed, to secure the Legendary Security Pass. Take the pass to the same console in the Mausoleum to open the adjacent door. Inside you'll find a chest which offers a calcified fragment, some reputation, and possibly an engram.
Another chest is found in the tunnel area and requires "Eyr", there are some maggots nearby.
A dial that requires "Hullsinger Rune" is found in the tunnel system.
A chest requiring the "Key of Xol" is found in the side room.
Another chest, unlocked with "Key of Ur" , is found in the side room and offers the Wormsinger Rune reward key.
To unlock the Wormsinger Rune kill hive outside the Hull Breach, inside one of the small side rooms you can use the rune to summon a hive attack, including an ogre. Kill it for the next "Wormfeeder Rune" item that needs you to kill 50 hive to complete that part of the rune to get a random key.
So far the key's recieved are: Ur, Xol, Wyrd, Maggots, Akka Yuul, Spawn Gnashing Teeth
Hall of Souls
There is a chest in a side hole which requires the "Key of AKKA": That can be found during the "The Sunless Cell" strike.
Under the Court of Oryx there's a chest, which requires the "Key of Gnashing Teeth".
In the Court of Oryx there's an area with several spires, and six nearby statues. The Court of Oryx has three levels, the first requires the "Reciprocal Rune" and has one boss. The second requires the "Stolen rune", which can be dropped in Dreadnaught or purchased from Eris (at Rank 5). In order to charge the Stolen Rune you must complete three level one runes and summon Rank 2 (Stolen) which features two Rank 1 bosses. The good news is that if you fail while trying to complete a rune, it will not be consumed.
Dantalion Exodux VI
There are Psions and Shielded enemies that, when killed, can open nearby doors. Players have also reported opening a door leading to an ultra knight which yielded them the 'Silent Scream' emblem. It's unclear what all of these enemies are for but most probably lead to embles.
Here on Gameranx we also have The Taken King guides for opening the chest in the Taken Consumption Room, exotic engram farming, the fastest ways to farm Hadium Flakes and Wormspore, finding the Calcified Fragments, and getting your very own exotic sword.