The 7 Most Needed Fallout 4 Mods

By now, everyone in the world has had a chance to spend even a small chunk of time in Bethesda’s newest RPG, Fallout 4. And while it’s roughly met the high expectations, a few aspects of the game could still be improved. While Bethesda created a gorgeous post-apocalyptic world and filled it with interesting places to explore and cool characters to meet, these are things that are better left to modders.

Anyone who has played a prior Bethesda game on PC knows that there’s a thriving community of people who tweak add on to Bethesda’s games. Some of these mods can add massive amounts of story content, while most others will improve on or add variety to the game’s look and feel. Once the Fallout 4 Mod Creation Kit comes out in early 2016, these are the seven most needed improvements.

Better Textures For Environments, Character Models, And Objects

Even though the newly rebuilt Creation Engine has vastly improved the wasteland’s looks, more could still be done. Some textures in the game, on random objects, environments (walls, ceilings, trees, etc.) seem like they were intended for use on console, and not PC. While the game requires a bit of a beefy computer for its recommended spec, the “ultra” detail textures are sometimes lacking. Some of the most popular mods for Skyrim, Fallout 3, and Fallout New Vegas were all higher resolution textures. It’s practically inevitable that this happens for Fallout 4.

UI Improvements For Crafting, Scrapping, And Modding

This newest wasteland adventure comes with the expansive crafting and settlement system. And, once you get the hang of it, it’s quite fun! However, the user interface for this system, from modding weapons to planting food, can be obtuse at the least and confusing at the most. For example, when the crafting menu is open, only the keyboard arrow keys control it. Why not control this with the mouse scroll wheel? Additionally, whenever you want to scrap scavenge items, each must be individually dropped on the ground, clicked on, and then confirmed. This process is several button presses too long. Why isn’t there a “scrap all” option to make this quick and easy?

Better Inventory Sorting System

Pip-Boys are iconic. They’re helpful. And now you can run them on your phones or tablets too. However, especially in regards to armor, the item sorting system could definitely be improved. Fallout 4 includes both “under armor”, that can go beneath “over armor” pieces designated to each limb. This is helpful, but the game does not tell the player about this, nor does it mark which type of armor is which. I spent 10 minutes at one point trying on different outfits to see if I could still put a metal right shoulder piece over them. Ideally, the sorting system would allow us to mark and sort all kinds of items in a variety of ways. This can go further too. The ability to sort food from most radiated to least radiated would also be a welcome addition.

Adding/Improving To The Compass

The small compass at the bottom of the on-screen UI is helpful—but not helpful enough. Many times after a gun fight, I’ve become distracted, and then couldn’t go back to a body I still wanted to loot. The ability to mark unlooted bodies would facilitate saving small amounts of time, many times throughout the game. Also, it would be helpful if enemies would still appear as red ticks even when they were not looking for me.

UI Improvements For Companions

Dogmeat is loveable and just a little bit weird. You can also put clothes on him. He’s great in battle and helps root out some interesting loot. Despite this, how the player communicates with him and other companions could be vastly improved. The conversation system, designed with console controller button layouts in mind, is clunky. Additionally, if a companion is told to wait while the player sneaks up ahead and gets embroiled in battle, it can sometimes be hard to locate them. While they will eventually fast travel the next time the player fast travels, it would be helpful if they could be marked on the map. Or, maybe through the means of an in-game walkie talkie, they could be issued commands from a short distance away.

Leaving Helmets Off During Conversation

I’m not a big fan of my character’s gas mask. It’s… garish. It gets the job done, but I’d rather not look at it every time he engages in conversation. Many other games, from Mass Effect to Destiny, take off the player’s helmet during cut scenes and conversation, while still keeping its statistical effects.

More And Different Armor

This is one area where new content would help. Unless modders would want to totally revamp the look of armor currently in the game, new sets that didn’t look like they came from a 200-year-old junk yard would help. It’s understandable that’s the look Bethesda was going for, but it doesn’t require all armor to be so ugly. I want to explore the wasteland in just a bit of style.

Those are just seven of what will be hundreds of mods popping up next year. Mod creators will undoubtedly come up with even better ideas. If you need help with the game, check out one of our guides, like how to build companion relationships, how to get unlimited adhesive, or how to get Kremvh’s Tooth.

What kind of mods would you like to see once the Creation Kit is out?