The Hero trophy in Killzone: Shadow Fall is obtained by first getting all of the other trophies in the game. A difficult task, no doubt, but thankfully, we're on hand to help you achieve your lofty goal. So, without further ado, here's how to attain every trophy in Killzone: Shadow Fall.
Bronze Trophies
The Father – Complete the level “The Father”
The Shadow – Complete the level “The Shadow”
Deniable – In “The Shadow” level, complete the level without raising an alarm or disabling the security mainframe.
There are 4 alarms in the level that look like tall receiver towers with orange screens. You can hack them using OWL to disable the alarms, though if an enemy spots you before the console is disabled, they will run straight for it. Nonetheless, if you’re quick you can kill them before they reach it. Once hacked, the screen will turn blue and cannot be reactivated. The next part is not to deactivate the Security Mainframe, which will be labelled as “Objective P”; simply ignore it as it’s an optional objective, and go to the next floor and complete “Objective L”. Once L is completed, you will receive the trophy.The Doctor – Complete the level “The Doctor”
The Patriot – Complete the level “The Patriot”
The Helghast – Complete the level “The Helghast”
The Agent – Complete the level “The Agent”
The Handler – Complete the level “The Handler”
New Shadow – Complete the level “The Savior” without being spotted.
This includes not being spotted by guards, cameras, or even civilians. If you get too close to a civilian and they spot you, they will run and alert a guard. The cameras will also see you despite the fact that you’re invisible, so be sure to stay out of the red grid.
Violence is the answer? – Kill 20 soldiers in the level “The Savior” and still complete the mission.
Kill the 5 enemies in the indoor section at the beginning of the mission, before going outside. Once outside, turn off the cameras on the upper and lower tiers, pick up the sniper rifle and then start killing everyone in sight. A timer will start, and enemies will spawn all over the map, so sweep the entire area to ensure you kill the remaining 15 soldiers. Once you have about 30 seconds left on the timer, head to the sniping location and assassinate Sinclair, after which point you get the trophy.
Outsmarted – Get a quadruple kill with a single frag grenade in single player
Mission 3 is the best one for this trophy, as right towards the end an elevator full of guards will descend to your location. There is a rather helpful clear section of wall above where the lift doors open, so cook a grenade as soon as you see the elevator and toss it in once the doors open.
Outmaneuvered – Kill 5 Helghast while ziplining in single player
This thankfully doesn’t mean that you have to kill 5 enemies in one instance of ziplining, but over the course of the game. Simply use your OWL to zipline and shoot your enemies while in the air.
Conscientious Killer – Complete the campaign on any difficulty without shooting any civilians
Civilians are fairly easy to spot, and they will start to flee if a firefight starts in the area. There are some areas with a number of civilians, so a good thing to do is find some cover and shoot at the nearest enemy to allow them a chance to run away. Essentially, be careful where you fire and don’t use explosives when civilians are in the vicinity.
Gatherer – Find 50% of the collectibles in the campaign
There are 98 in total, so for this trophy you need to collect 49. From the Main Menu, you can go into Chapter Select to see a breakdown of how many you have collected from each section of the game.
Tourist – Complete a match on every multiplayer map
This is as easy as it sounds, though you don’t even have to complete the match for it to register (but where’s the fun in that?) Here is a list of all the maps:
The Divide
The Factory
The Forest
The Park
The Penthouse
The Remains
The Slums
The Spire
The Station
The Wall
Scout – Max out any upgradable Scout ability
The Scout class has 3 upgrade paths. Complete one to earn this trophy.
Support – Max out any upgradable Support ability
The Support class has 5 upgrade paths. Complete one to earn this trophy.
Assault – Max out any upgradable Assault ability
The Assault class has 3 upgrade paths. Complete one to earn this trophy.
Click on the links below to continue to the next set of trophies for Killzone: Shadow Fall...
Bronze Trophies | Silver Trophies | Gold Trophies