Continuing onwards towards the coveted Hero Platinum Trophy in Killzone: Shadow Fall...
Silver Trophies
The Dead – Complete the level “The Dead”
The Destroyer – Complete the level “The Destroyer”
Outgunned – Kill 6 Helghast with headshots in a single adrenaline rush
Mission 9 is the easiest place to earn this trophy. Near the end of the mission, clear out all the enemies in the room before Stahl’s Spire, then proceed to the back left of the room where the door is situated. As soon as the door opens, use the OWL’s stun ability and then activate adrenaline rush (left on the D-pad). There are 6 Helghast that will run through the door and you should have ample time to kill them all with a headshot.
Shadows Cannot Be Killed – Complete the campaign on any difficulty without dying
This is much easier than it sounds due to a cheeky workaround in the game: if you find yourself about to die, hit Options and go to Restart Checkpoint, and the death won’t be counted. Unfortunately, if the OWL revives you the death still counts. Another useful hint here is to go into the Chapter Selection from the Main Menu, wherein you can get a breakdown of each chapter and section. You can complete the ones where you died in any order until you get the trophy.
The Knowledge – Find 100% of the collectibles in the campaign
There are 98 in total. From the Main Menu, you can go into Chapter Select to see a breakdown of how many you have collected from each section of the game. Dominator – Win a match on every multiplayer map
On Your Way – Complete 200 challenges in multiplayer
Multiplayer features 1,595 challenges in total. Complete 200 of these for the trophy. You can view these via My Career in the Multiplayer Menu. You should acquire them farily easily as you progress through multiplayer.
Decorated – Earn a total of 500 accolades
You earn Accolades for completing certain tasks within a multiplayer match. They are awarded at the end of the match, and Accolades you receive more than once will nonetheless count towards your total of 500. Again, you should acquire them fairly easily as you progress through multiplayer.
Click on the links below to continue to the next set of trophies for Killzone: Shadow Fall...
Bronze Trophies | Silver Trophies | Gold Trophies