Tomb Raider Upgrades Guide

After having been shipwrecked Lara Croft and a crew of survivors must fight for their lives on a remote island inhabited by the ruthless Solarii and their insane leader Mathias in 2013's Tomb Raider reboot. In order to survive Lara must draw upon any resource she can find and hone her skills. To help you do this we've provided you with this skills and weapons upgrade guide to help you survive this gruelling adventure.

You can also see our other hints and tips for Tomb Raider 2013 here!

Skill Upgrades

There are three categories that Lara can use to upgrade her skills, Survivor, Hunter and later on in the game, Brawler. In order to unlock new skills you will need to spend skill points at day camps, which are earned by getting XP over time, so make sure to take any opportunity to collect XP. Each skill set is made up of three tiers, Rookie, Hardened and Specialist, once you've unlocked enough skills in one tier the next will become available to you.

See the below tables for the upgrades.

Survivor Skills

Hunter Skills

Brawler Skills

Weapons Upgrades

The key to upgrading weapons is to collect as much salvage as possible as this is used at camp site to create those all important upgrades. So make sure that throughout the game you loot every enemy and box that you come across. Also keep an eye out for weapon parts as you play as you will be able to craft new mods for your weapons making them much more effective.

See below for all the information on upgrades and mods.





The above information should give you a good grounding to start upgrading your skills and weapons in Tomb Raider and will help you on your way to achieving the 'Clever Girl', 'Lethal', 'Now We're Getting Serious' and 'The Professional' trophies/achievements.

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