GTA V: The best way to destroy a tank after the latest update

How many bullets or explosives does it take to blow up a tank in GTA V and GTA Online following the latest “I’m Not A Hipster” update? Well, we’re here to tell you, so that you don’t have to tuck tail and run next time you find yourself relentlessly pursued by a maniac driving a tank. Actually, it’s probably best to run away initially; playing chicken with a tank won’t usually end up too well if you’re on foot.

For this guide, we’ll start with the least effective weaponry and work our way up to the most effective, so if you’re in a hurry (i.e., currently being hunted down by a tank), scroll down to the bottom of the article!

Destroying the tank with a Minigun sounds like a pretty good idea, but in reality it’s not all that great. It’ll take you in the region of 900 rounds to defeat a tank in GTA Online if you’re aiming directly at the tank's back vents, but if you’re aiming anywhere on the front of side panels of the tank it’ll take you anywhere up to 5,000! Realistically speaking, nobody has the time for that.

Heavy Sniper Rifle
Unsilenced, the Heavy Sniper will take down a tank in 70-80 rounds if you hit the rear vents. If you go for the silenced approach, this increases to 160-170 rounds. Potentially a good option if you’re out of explosives but have a stockpile of Sniper Rifle ammo and a rooftop nearby.

RPG, Grenades, and Grenade Launcher
Now we’re talking. Unlike bullets, which appear not to affect the tanks nearly as much from the front or side, explosives will do the same amount of damage wherever they hit, making them a much more convenient method of killing a tank. 4 RPGs/Grenades will put it down.

Sticky Bombs
Possibly the most effective method for destroying a tank is to use Sticky Bombs. It only takes 3 of the little blighters to stop a tank in its tracks for good, and like the other explosives detailed above, they can be placed anywhere on the tank and not just the back. There are a few different ways that you can utilise Sticky Bombs as well, making for a more creative and unpredictable approach:

1. Stick them to the tank itself. Perilous, indeed, and the most obvious approach, though effective if you can get away with it.

2. Lay them down on the road and wait until the tank approaches to set them off. This is a great approach if you have a tank actively hunting you down.

3. Stick them to the front of a vehicle and drive it into the tank. Try to bail out of the care before impact to give yourself time to get a safe distance away before triggering the charges!

Jet Plane
OK, so this one doesn’t technically count as ‘on foot’, but we feel it deserves a mention nonetheless, as 1 or 2 good bombing runs with a Jet will take out a tank in no time at all.

So there you have the best ways to destroy a tank on foot (and one by air). Do you have any to add to this list? Let us know in the comments section below!

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