Top 5 Most Overpowered Weapons in Video Games

When a video game is released, it could usually do with some tweaking before it's fully ready for the public. As strange as that sounds, developers at times may have to go back and balance certain characters and weapons to make gameplay a bit fair for players. 

However, there are some weapons or characters that were designed to be overpowered and completely badass. Take for example Oddjob from the Nintendo 64 video game release 007 GoldenEye. Oddjob had a fairly unique ability that others didn’t possess and that’s an extra bonus weapon, his hat. Within the James Bond movies, Oddjob had a distinctive hat that had a sharpened blade. When tossed, that hat could chew through flesh and bone which made the in-game hat a one-hit kill weapon. Because of that weapon, players who choose the character had an advantage right at the start of a multiplayer match. 

Check out these five other overpowered weapons within video games and let us know you favorite overpowered weapon down in the comment section below. 

Hammer – Super Smash Bros. 

The dreaded hammer within Super Smash Bros. is a weapon that anyone could master and often times changed the outcome of a match. When this hammer appears on the stage it is as if a beacon of light is shining down from the Super Smash Bros. gods. 

This weapon could turn even the most unseasoned player into a powerful beast to be reckoned with. There’s simply no rhyme or reason as to how one should handle the hammer making it the perfect overpowered weapon for every player to use. 

For those glorious seven seconds, a player is practically invincible although, in the later video game releases within the Super Smash Bros. franchise, developers had made some slight adjustments. Players may find that the hammer head will randomly fall off leaving the player swinging a stick and valuable from opposing attacks. 

Blue Shell – Mario Kart

Man do I hate the blue shell. You probably don’t know this but I’m an avid player of Mario Kart 64 and when you gather friends together, matches go from fun and lighthearted to a level of frustration that can only be cured by winning the next match. However, there’s that perfect play that could mean the downfall of a character or friend inches away from first place, the blue shell. 

These little shells are beyond effective and act similar to the red shells, however, instead of targeting the player in front of you, it will instead track down whoever is in the first place. Don’t think the game is over because you’re nearing the finish line one the last lap, weapons like the blue shell can greatly change how the race will end. Weapons like the blue shell are a plus for players as it makes Mario Kart fun and impossible to master.   

Knife – Call of Duty

There’s one weapon that seems to be tossed into every FPS video game released into the market, the knife. This weapon is way overpowered and completely frustrating; after all, we’ve seen countless gaming memes on the matter. 

Typically the knife is made to be a last resort while the gameplay focuses on more gunplay but that has certainly changed over the years. These knife is often designed as a one-hit kill with unlimited use, which can be frustrating especially when you’re trying to gun down a player charging at you wielding this annoying overpowered weapon. 

Energy Sword – Halo 

The Halo franchise hosts a wide range of powerful weapons, though the cream of the crop would have to be the Energy Sword. Similar to the knife within video games like Call of Duty, the Energy Sword can also be a one-hit killer depending on where you land the blow. 

While having just the Energy Sword doesn’t guarantee your placing within the various rounds in matchmaking, it does become a huge asset as a secondary weapon or if you plan on sneaking around and taking out the competition. If you can spot where to get the Energy Sword within the various map levels then we suggest you grab it away before someone else beats you to it. 

BFG9000 - Doom

Come on you knew the BFG9000 would make the list. This is one of the most overpowered weapons within video games and can clear your display from practically any enemy lurking about. 

The BFG9000 is a mockery of other “powerful” weapons within video games as this nuclear beast is on a level of its own. To give you an idea on how powerful this weapon is, the final boss within Doom, known as Spiderdemon, could be killed just by two hits of the BFG9000. Just two hits of this weapon will grant you a win from the final boss!