Wolfenstein: The New Order Enemies Wiki

Before you starting running around, shooting Nazis in Machine Games’ latest Wolfenstein installement, it may be an advantage to know who you’re looking to take out. This alternative post wartime period features the expected basic Nazi soldier, but Wolfenstein: The New Order provides a wide range of foes to fight. From animals to robots, you will have to be adaptable to cope with all of the Wolfenstein: The New Order enemy types, regardless of whether you’re playing on PS4, PS3, Xbox One or Xbox 360. Follow on to read our Wolfenstein: The New Order Enemies Guide to prepare yourself for a new round of combat.

Next: Wolfenstein: The New Order Enemies 11 - 20

Human Enemies

1. Soldier
The soldier will be your most common enemy when playing through Wolfenstein: The New Order. However they come in a variety of forms:
1946 Nazi Solider – The basic soldier

1960 Nazi Soldier – The Nazi’s improved their armor as time passed, so you’ll need to hit harder to take out these troops.

Luftwaffe Trooper – Armed with assault rifles and shotguns, these soldiers are skilled fighters.

Kriegsmarine Trooper – The marine based soldiers carry standardized weapons and light armour when fighting in the Submarine.

Space Scientists – A basic Wolfenstein: The New Order foe.

Afrikakorps – These enemies are Nazi soldiers who were sent to Africa to combat the resistance in the North.

2. Riot Guard
Found mostly in prisons and labor camps, the riot guards’ task is to return things to order when the situation becomes unmanageable. They are armed with assault rifles, gas masks and dense body armor, ready to fight you at close and long distances.

3. Commander
Although they’re often seen as pencil pushers, the Nazi Commanders do pose a threat to you. They have a headset fixed to the hats, which they use to call for reinforcements. Except the U-Boat Captain, who will do their best to kill you, all of the commanders keep away from the fight so you’ll have to take it to them.

4. Deathshead’s Commando
With their primary weapon being the assault rifle, this Wolfenstein: The New Order enemy is one you’ll need to watch out for. They will fight similarly to other soldiers, but are much tougher.

5. Fire Trooper
Contrary to popular belief, the fire troopers in Wolfenstein: The New Order don’t actually carry flamethrowers. Instead they’ll attack you with shotguns firing special ricochet shrapnel. To accompany their immense attacking power, fire troopers are also equipped with heavy armor.

6. Rocket Trooper
This enemy will happily engage in combat from short and long distances. When firing within short range, they’ll tend to use the assault rifle. But if there is a fair distance between the rocket trooper and their target they will opt for their shotgun with a rocket launcher attachment. If you have a choice, keep away from the rocket trooper, as rockets are easier to dodge than bullets.

7. Space Marine
You will only encounter the Wolfenstein: The New Order space marine in the Lunar Base enemy territory. Unlike many of the enemies listed here, the space marine won’t carry conventional weapons. Rather than with an assault rifle, the space marine uses the AR Marksman with plasma firing mode and Tesla Grenades.

8. Space Trooper
Similar to the space marine, the space troopers will only be found in the Lunar Base in Wolfenstein: The New Order. They also carry the same weapons but are more skillful and thus more difficult to handle.

Wolfenstein: The New Order Enemy Creatures

9. Kampfhund
It may just be a German Shepherd dog at its core, but the Kampfhund is much more than that. You’ll encounter the Kampfhund at the beginning of Wolfenstein: The New Order and witness its body armor and ferocious bite. There are two forms of the Kampfhund, the first is the 1946 version and the second is an upgraded 1960 variant. The latter is armed with an exoskeleton and titanium jaw able to chomp its way though any armor. Take out these creatures from afar to avoid feeling their bite.

10. Supersoldaten
These soldiers come under the creatures category because although they were once human, that has been tampered with too far. With chemically and surgically enhanced bodies protected by bulletproof armor, the supersoldaten are something to be cautious of as you play Wolfenstein: The New Order. The supersoldaten are erratically violent and possess a sharp killer instinct, which the 1960 variant keeps alongside the technology upgrades it receives. The 1960 supersoldaten weapons include laser firing, be careful.


Have you got any Hints and Tips for tackling the Wolfenstein: The New Order enemies? Let us know in the comments below!

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