Destiny: Customizable Loadouts guide

Destiny is the latest attempt to redefine the first person shooter and with a reported $500 million predicted total production cost it’s easy to see why so many are excited by it. To many Destiny is simply just Halo with added MMO elements, whilst Bungie describe the game as a shared world shoot ‘em up. It will be interesting to see how the narrative of the game really pans out and the upcoming PS4 and Xbox One beta access should provide the answers we seek.


With Bungie and Activision’s Destiny beta drawing ever closer, we’ve decided to take a closer look at destiny’s loadout system. We all know by now that destiny loadouts have a three-weapon system but what exactly are these three weapons?


This weapon slot will contain the main weapon used by your player. The types of weapon available to put in your primary slot are Hand Cannons, Auto Rifles, Scout Rifles and Pulse Rifles. These will be your main source of mayhem when battling your foes.


Special weapons consist of Sniper rifles, Fusion rifles and Shotguns. These weapons are more specialized than your primary weapon and will help you in specific situations. Shotguns tend to be the most useful weapon in close quarters combat whilst sniper rifles are great for picking off targets from distance before they even realize you are there.



The final weapon slot allows players to equip weapons that do considerably higher amounts of damage than the other two weapons so naturally this is the slot that includes explosive weapons. The types of weapons available for this slot are rocket launchers and machine guns.

Pressing the y button on the Xbox one or the triangle button on the PlayStation 4 does changing from primary weapon to special. In order to change to your heavy weapon you have to hold the same button down.

Loadouts can be customized to suit your preferred style of play. You can give yourself a heavy close range advantage by selecting shotguns and hand cannons or you can make yourself a long distance menace by loading up sniper rifles, rocket launchers and scout rifles. Add your custom Loadouts to your to your unique guardian class abilities and you’re bound to have too many unique combination possibilities to count.

When it comes to your Destiny character’s loadout remember that this decision, unlike your character’s race, will actually affect your characters performance. When deciding upon a loadout the most important thing to consider is your own preferences. The decision will decide exactly how you will perform in battle and will hugely affect your decisions in the midst of combat.

Will you be carrying hand cannons or scout rifles? How about the Heavy artillery? Do you see yourself running rampage with rockets? Let us know in the comments below!

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