How To Protect Your Game Ideas Before Development

How To Protect Your Game Ideas Before Development Posted on June 28, 2014, 6:23 pm By Billy D

A lot of gamers are interested in how to get their ideas from their head and onto a computer screen. There’s a process that includes utilizing mad skills through your fingertips to do so, but that comes after many game-developers-to-be usually stop to ask this one very question: How do you protect your game idea(s) before it goes into development?

Well, it’s a great thing we have helpful individuals like Chris DeLeon around from the site Hobby Game Dev. He takes some time out to answer the very question posed above, so game-developers-to-be have an idea of what to expect when they get into the industry. It’s only eight minutes long and well worth watching if you’ve been considering getting into the whole business of video game development. Check it out below.

Game development can be a fun and scary thing all at the same time, so be sure to keep an eye out for more helpful guides for those of you starting off in the business looking for a bit of a stepping stone process to get motivated and get your project off the ground.

For more helpful videos for hobbyist game development, feel free to check out the YouTube channel for Hobby Game Dev.