Destiny How to: Path of the Striker and Defender Titan Subclass Quest

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This week, along with the Destiny 2.0 Patch came a string of new quests. For each class, there are now two subclass specific quests that will grant guardians a new class item upon completion. The class items have a defense value of 220 which is higher than the max on most class item gear that is available right now.

If you’re trying to raise your light level, which you’ll want to do if you’re planning on completing the nightfall, the weekly, raids, the Prison of Elders, or just about any end-game content, then it would be a good idea to complete these quests and equip the new class item you’ll unlock when The Taken King releases.

Path of the Striker

1. Slay Enemies – Defeat 50 enemies with you Fist of Havoc, grenade or melee attack.

This one shouldn’t be too hard. Plus, you should have some fun doing it. All you need to do is find a strike or mission that is full of many enemies, such as the Omnigul strike, and have your Titan wreak havoc with the Fist of Havoc. When you’re charging your fists, remember to use grenade and melee kills to boost your score as well. You might want to activate your Overload perk. And before you know it, mission completed.

2. Create Orbs of Light – Generate 25 Orbs using your Fist of Havoc.

If you took our advice on the first objective and were paying attention to your screen, you might have noticed that you were generating a whole bunch of orbs as you were slaying enemies with your Fist of Havoc. For this objective, just go back and do exactly what you did the first time.

strikers_mark Destiny Subclass Path of The Striker - Path of the Defender Guide

3. Complete the Path – Fully upgrade the Striker subclass.

Many guardians will already have this portion completed. However, if you don’t then you’ll need experience. The fastest way to level up your guardian’s subclass is to complete all of the available bounties. When you’re done with that, Crucible is another great way to grind experience for your guardian. But it’s only a matter of time before you’ve fully upgraded your Striker.

4. Zavala’s Challenge – Complete a Strike using the Fist of Havoc to generate 7 Orbs in a single blow, three times.

This is the most difficult and annoying objective in the Path of the Striker quest line. But don’t worry. We’ll get you through it with ease. You’ve done it once, you’ve done it twice, and now for a third time, the Omnigul strike will be your savior. The best enemies to generate orbs from are probably the thrall, as there are many of them in a small space. If you have the exotic chest piece Crest of Alpha Lupi, equip it as it will make your Fist of Havoc spawn additional orbs. The best part of this objective is that dying does not reset your progress. So if you get the 7 orbs, you can let yourself die and then get them again the same exact way two more times to complete the quest.

Path of the Defender

defenders_mark Destiny Subclass Path of The Striker - Path of the Defender Guide

1. Slay Enemies – Defeat 50 enemies either within your Ward of Dawn or using your grenade and melee attack.

For this one, the easiest way to complete it is to kill enemies while they are inside your Ward of Dawn. While the quest also says you can use your grenades or melee attack abilities, some guardians have reported that these don’t always register and that the Ward of Dawn kills are more reliable. The best enemies that you can get to rush into your bubble are probably hive thrall. Find a mission with hive waves such as the Omnigul strike or almost any other hive mission and pop your bubble right in front of where they spawn.

2. Create Orbs of Light – Generate 25 Orbs using your Ward of Dawn.

The fastest way to complete this is if you have the exotic chest piece, the Crest of Alpha Lupi. It will increase the amount of orbs that you drop when activating your Ward of Dawn. If you don’t have it, that’s alright too. Just remember to activate your Gift of the Void subclass perk. This will make the bubble drop orbs when enemies shoot at it so just pop it up in a crowded area and let the enemies fire away.

3. Complete the Path – Fully upgrade the Defender subclass.

Many guardians will already have this portion completed. However, if you don’t then you’ll need experience. The fastest way to level up your guardian’s subclass is to complete all of the available bounties. When you’re done with that, Crucible is another great way to grind experience for your guardian. But it’s only a matter of time before you’ve fully upgraded your Defender.

4. Zavala’s Challenge – Complete a Strike, Ward your Fireteam with Blessing or Weapons of Light and score 30 kills across your team.

This one is probably the most simple to complete of the four challenges. It’s even easier if you have a fireteam to complete it with that know’s what’s going on. But even if you don’t, most guardians can’t resist running through an available bubble. For this one, go to your perks and activate Bastion which increases the length your Ward of Dawn is active. Then just kill enemies and proceed as usual. You should be able to get 30 kills throught the strike without any problems. But if you fail, then just keep trying until you get it.

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