Asuras Wrath achievements and trophies guide

Asura is one angry man and many of the achievements and trophies found in Asura’s Wrath reflect just how pissed off he is. While a number of them are based on the ranks that you receive at the end of each episode, there are plenty that are centered on good old fashioned ass kicking. Lots and lots of ass kicking, because hey, that’s what Asura does best.

 The achievements and trophies aren’t the easiest to come by and a few will require you to play through the entire game a couple of times, but thankfully, with the structure of the game, it makes it a painless as possible. Below we have explained each and every one of the elusively worded rewards to make things a little easier and to help keep the Asura in all of you a little quieter.

A Cry of Anger  

15 Points/Bronze Trophy
Activate Burst a certain number of times.

When you fill up the Burst Gauge at the top of the screen, you will be able to perform a Burst Attack.  Pull off 50 of these and you will get this.  During the main campaign, you will easily pull off 50 Bursts, so there’s not much worry in missing this. 

 A Roar of Fury

20 Points/Bronze Trophy
Activate Burst a certain number of times. 

For this achievement/trophy, you will need to perform the Burst Attack 100 times. During the main campaign, you won’t pull off 100 Bursts unless you replay episodes or start on a new game- which you will need for other achievements/trophies.  There are also times during battles where once you fill the Burst Gauge, you can purposefully miss with the Burst and build up another in little time to pull off another attack quickly.

Anger Management

15 Points/Bronze Trophy
Activate Burst for the first time in Episode 1.

During the first episode, you will be taught how to use the Burst.  Once you use it, you will get this.  

Art Appreciator

15 Points/Bronze Trophy
Get all the illustrations.

Once you complete the game and finish all 18 episodes; along with True Episode 18: A Turn of Events, go to the “Extras” menu and the achievement will pop for you.

Be the Fist

20 Points/Bronze Trophy
Achieve a certain percentage for your overall synchronic rate average. 

At the end of each episode, you are given the record of your Synchronic Rate.   This is the percentage of how well you performed each of the Quick Time Events.  You will get this achievement/trophy as long as your overall average at the end of the game is 80% or over.

Can't Touch This

15 Points/Bronze Trophy
Perform a certain number of counterattacks. 

 The certain number of counterattacks for this achievement is 50.  There will be many opportunities during the campaign to perform counterattacks. Just before an enemy attacks, there will be an indicator, either a Y or Triangle.  Press it and you will attack the enemy for a counterattack.

Can't Touch That

20 Points/Bronze Trophy
Perform a certain number of counterattacks. 

The certain number of counterattacks for this achievement is 100.  There will be many opportunities during the campaign to perform counterattacks, so just as an enemy is about to attack, sometimes a Y/Triangle will appear giving you the opportunity to strike.

CG Collector

15 Points/Bronze Trophy
Get all the CG art.

Once you complete the game and finish all 18 episodes; along with True Episode 18: A Turn of Events, go to the “Extras” menu and the achievement will pop for you.


90 Points/Gold Trophy
Complete all episodes with an S rank on Hard.

Getting S Ranks on Normal episodes is not too difficult.  On Hard however, they certainly can be a tad more so.  You can just play through the campaign on Hard Mode to try and S rank each episode; however there is a much easier, although a longer way to accomplish this.  The best bet is to use the Obliterator Gauge that will give you a constantly refilling Unlimited Gauge. 

 To get the Obliterator Gauge, you will first need to obtain an S rank on 10 episodes (any difficulty, but different episodes) and you will receive the Mortal Gauge. Then use the Mortal Gauge on Easy Mode and complete the game to get the “Who Needs Health?” achievement/trophy. Once you complete the game with the Mortal Gauge, you will then receive the Obliterator Gauge to run through on Hard Mode. Now you can plow through each episode quickly, but just make sure to still nail the QTEs.


30 Points/Silver Trophy
Complete all episodes with at least an A rank on Normal.

To receive an A rank on episodes, you need to have an average of the Time Completed, Battle Points, and Synchronic Percentage to come out to an A or an S ranking.  As long as you nail the Quick Time Event button presses and get through each episode as quickly as you can, you’ll get an A rank easily for each episode.


15 Points/Bronze Trophy
Get scolded by your former master in Episode 10.

During  Episode 10: Words of Wisdom, you will be in a hot spring with Augus.  You will be given a few options of activities that you can do, listed on the left side.  Each time you perform one, your Burst Gauge will fill.  Once it does, a QTE will play. Complete it and you will receive this achievement/trophy for your troubles. 


0 Points/Platinum Trophy
Unlock all Asura’s Wrath achievements.

Obtain all the other achievements/trophies and you will get this. Congratulations on getting all the achievements; here are zero points for you 360 players.


30 Points/Silver Trophy
Complete all episodes on Normal or higher.

For this you will need to complete all 19 episodes on either Normal or Hard.  There are 18 regular episodes and a final “True Ending” episode that needs to be completed as well that can be accessed by acquiring five S Ranked episodes or by playing 50 episodes. The five S ranked episodes are the best route to go.

Guardian General

30 Points/Silver Trophy
Complete all episodes with at least an A rank on Hard.

Getting an A rank in all missions on Hard Mode can be done the same way as going for the Deity achievement/trophy.  Follow the same instructions to make it easier. 

Heads Will Roll

15 Points/Bronze Trophy
Completely lose it in Episode 12.

This is part of the story and will happen automatically during Episode 12: Gods of Death. And when it does- hoo boy- hold on to your seat!

Hit'Em Hard

15 Points/Bronze Trophy
Defeat a certain number of enemies with a special attack. 

When you knock an enemy down, you can then press Y/Triangle to perform a special attack on them.  Do this to kill 50 enemies and you will acquire this.

Hit'Em Harder

20 Points/Bronze Trophy
Defeat a certain number of enemies with a special attack. 

When you knock an enemy down, you can then press Y/Triangle to perform a special attack on them.  Do this to kill 100 enemies and you will acquire this.

It Takes Two

30 Points/Silver Trophy
Defeat Deus with Yasha in Episode 17.

This is part of the story and will happen automatically during Episode 17: Feet of Clay.


30 Points/Silver Trophy
Accumulate a certain number of battle points. 

In each episode you gather Battle Points based on the attacks you perform and the number of enemies you defeat.  Accumulate over 120,000 Battle Points by the end of the game and you will receive this.


10 Points/Bronze Trophy
Complete Part III: Karma.

This is part of the story and will automatically be acquired at the end of episode 18: The Breaking Point.

Lightning Reflexes

20 Points/Bronze Trophy
Achieve a certain number of “excellent” synchronic impact rankings. 

One of the many Quick Time Events is when there is a circle that appears with a Y/Triangle inside it.  When the outside circle contracts, press the button when it matches the inside circle and you will get an “excellent” appear, as opposed to a “great” or “good.” 

Do this 150 times and you will receive this achievement/trophy.  If you do not receive this during the course of the story, you can replay Episode 15: A New Cause a couple times to get it as the episode offers 11 chances to nail that particular type of QTE.

Like a Fish

15 Points/Bronze Trophy
Knock back a few bottles. 

During Episode 10: Words of Wisdom, you will be in a hot spring with Augus.  In front of you will be an attendant and a tray of drinks.  Hit the “Chug” button a couple times and this will pop. 

Look Ma, No Eyes!

30 Points/Silver Trophy
Complete all episodes with a certain gauge equipped. 

When you complete the game with an A rank or higher on every episode, you will receive the Blind Master Gauge.  This gauge removes the health, burst, and unlimited gauge bars head making things get a little dicey during combat.  Complete each and every episode with this gauge equipped to get this achievement/trophy.


15 Points/Bronze Trophy
Achieve a D rank or higher on any episode.

You will most likely acquire this on the very first mission.  Getting a D rank or higher is about as easy as falling off your couch.

Movie Buff

15 Points/Bronze Trophy
Get all the movies and interludes.

Once you complete the game and finish all 18 episodes; along with True Episode 18: A Turn of Events, go to the “Extras” menu and the achievement will pop for you.

Pain Is Universal

15 Points/Bronze Trophy
Prove that you can take a beating. 

For this you need to take 10,000 points in damage.  How much damage you take is not shown, other than the health bar you have at the top of your gauge, but you will most likely receive this before the end of the campaign. If you don’t, just load up an episode and let the enemies continually beat on you.

Quick on the Draw

15 Points/Bronze Trophy
Achieve a certain number of “excellent” synchronic impact rankings. 

One of the many Quick Time Events is when there is a circle that appears with a Y/Triangle inside it.  When the outside circle contracts, press the button when it matches the inside circle and you will get an “excellent” appear, as opposed to a “great” or “good.” Do this 70 times and you will receive this achievement/trophy.  If you do not receive this during the course of the story, you can replay Episode 15: A New Cause a couple times to get it as the episode offers 11 chances to try again.

Rebel with a Cause

15 Points/Bronze Trophy
Do what you think is right in Episode 13.

This is part of the story and will automatically be acquired during Episode 13: Cause and Effect.


10 Points/Bronze Trophy
Complete Part II: Rebirth.

This is part of the story and will automatically be acquired at the end of Episode 12: Gods of Death.

Shinkoku Soldier

30 Points/Silver Trophy
Complete all episodes with an S rank on Normal.

To receive an S Rank on episodes, you need to have an average of the Time Completed, Battle  Points, and Synchronic Percentage to come out to an S Ranking.  As long as you nail the Quick Time Event button presses and get through each episode as quickly as you can, you’ll get an S Rank for each episode.

Sometimes I Feel Like...

15 Points/Bronze Trophy
Find all the peeping toms at the hot spring.

 During Episode 10: Words of Wisdom, when you are in the hot spring with Augus, you will need to use the right stick to look around.  First look to the right to find the soldier in the water.  Then look all the way to the left to make the big guy move.  Once those two are gone, look up on the cliffs three times to make this hilarious achievement/trophy appear.

Shut Up, Augus!

15 Points/Bronze Trophy
Interrupt your former master's monologue. 

Near the start of Episode 11: The Final Lesson, when Augus is talking to you, there will a small button prompt on the left to “Shut up Augus.’  Press it when it appears and you will throw a punch at him and the achievement/trophy will unlock.

Shut Up, Kalrow!

15 Points/Bronze Trophy
Interrupt the old one's monologue. 

During Episode 9: The Best Laid Plans, when Kalrow is talking, you will be given a small button prompt on the left to “Shut up Kalrow.’  Press it when it shows and you will throw a punch at him and the achievement/trophy will unlock.

Shut Up, Wyzen!

15 Points/Bronze Trophy
Interrupt the fat one's monologue. 

During Episode 4: Old Friends, New Enemies, when Wyzen is talking, you will be given a small button prompt on the left to “Shut up Wyzen.’  Press it when it shows and you will throw a punch at him and the achievement/trophy will unlock.



10 Points/Bronze Trophy
Complete Part I: Suffering.

 This is part of the story and will automatically be acquired at the end of Episode 6: Confessions of a Mask.

Taking Out the Trash

15 Points/Bronze Trophy
Defeat a certain number of enemies with heavy attacks, lock-on fire, or both. 

For this achievement/trophy, the magic number is 300.  You will need to defeat 300 enemies with a combination of heavy attacks and lock-on fire.  Chances are that most of the kills will come from lock-on fire since when you are given the option to use it; there are almost always many easy enemies to take down.  If you are still missing this by the end of the game, replay Episode 13: Cause and Effect for plenty of targets to take down.

They Don't Stand a Chance

15 Points/Bronze Trophy
Defeat a certain number of enemies while in Unlimited Mode. 

When you fill the Unlimited Gauge, you will then have the ability to activate Unlimited Mode.  To acquire this achievement/trophy, you will need to defeat 50 enemies while in this state.  It’s easier if when you are faced with multiple enemies, to let them gather around you and then perform a heavy attack to hit them all at once. 

The Six-Armed Man

15 Points/Bronze Trophy
Grow a few extra limbs in Episode 5.

This is part of the story and will automatically be acquired during Episode 5: Hollow Victory.

The Truth Hurts

10 Points/Bronze Trophy
Uncover the truth.

This is part of the story and will automatically be acquired at the end of True Episode 18: A Turn of Events. The “True Ending” episode 18 can be accessed by acquiring five S Ranked episodes or by playing 50 episodes.

The Whole Nine

15 Points/Bronze Trophy
Get all the gauges.

The nine Gauges that you need to get for to finish this achievement/trophy. The Avenger Gauge is the default gauge that you start the game with, while the Defender Gauge can be acquired by obtaining 10 A ranks. The Destructor Gauge is acquired by A ranking 3 episodes in Chapter 1;

The Survivor Gauge by A ranking 3 episodes in Chapter 2, and the Thermoregulator Gauge by A ranking 3 episodes in Chapter 3.  

The next batch is used for other achievements and trophies. The Blind Master Gauge is achieved by getting an A rank or higher on all episodes; the Mortal Gauge by S ranking 10 different episodes on any difficulty; the Augur Gauge by completing all episodes with the Blind Master Gauge on any difficulty, and finally the Obliterator Gauge is acquired by completing all episodes with the Mortal Gauge on any difficulty.

Too Legit to Quit

15 Points/Bronze Trophy
If at first you don't succeed... 

Here’s your reward for dying. Yep, all you need to do is die and restart a checkpoint. Once you do, you will receive this.

Unstoppable Force

20 Points/Bronze Trophy
Defeat a certain number of enemies while in Unlimited Mode. 

When you fill the Unlimited Gauge, the small bars under your Burst Gauge, you will then have the ability to activate Unlimited Mode.  To acquire this, you will need to defeat 100 enemies while in this state.

View of the Valley

15 Points/Bronze Trophy
Give in to your male instincts. 

While in the hot springs during Episode 10: Words of Wisdom, you will have a female attendant beside you in the water.  Use the right analog stick to move your view around.  Focus on her breasts and she will react, while this achievement/trophy pops up. 


90 Points/Gold Trophy
Complete all episodes on Hard.

For this you will need to complete all 19 episodes while on Hard difficulty.  You don’t need to get A ranks or S ranks, just finish each and every episode. 

Who Needs Health?

90 Points/Gold Trophy
Complete all episodes with a certain gauge equipped.

When you S rank 10 different episodes, you will receive the Mortal Gauge.  This gauge will decrease your health bar, but thankfully there’s no requirement of difficulty that you need to complete each episode on.  Therefore you can equip the Mortal Gauge and complete the game on Easy to get this achievement/trophy the quickest.