Deus Ex: Human Revolution Guide

Deus Ex: Human Revolution Walkthrough

Unofficial Deus Ex: Human Revolution Guide by Absolute Steve for

In a not so distant future, biotechnology has successfully been implemented in soldiers, agents and spies, dramatically enhancing their performances.  Enter Adam Jensen, a security specialist on a job to protect a team of scientists working at a highly advanced biotechnology firm.  Nothing's what it seems when the researchers are killed by black ops mercenaries, and it looks as if someone is steering human revolution down a very specific path, but how - and why? It's up to you to unravel this conspiracy where it'll be your own decisions that determine the destiny of mankind. Step into the world of Deus Ex with this highly anticipated prequel.

   A B S O L U T E S T E V E


Deus Ex Human Revolution has been designed in such a fashion that there are usually three approaches to an area: Stealth, Combat, or a mixture between these two.  This guide will usually go for a mixture between Stealth and Combat, but explores every area thoroughly and points out possibilities to receive more experience points to effectively grow Adam into a superhuman augmented security specialist.

It can sometimes be tricky to find a balance between holding someone's hand through the entire game, and clearly missing information by describing too little.  This guide heavily leans towards a centered approach, but will also provide indepth tactics on enemy and boss patterns, as well as information on several experience bonuses.  It will not go over every possible hacking grid, the main reason being that I don't currently have the time to write on this large subject.


Game Controls

This section goes over the basic controls of the three available platforms.                                        

These controls are the initial setup, but they can be changed at any time by going into your MENU > OPTIONS > CONTROLS > KEYBOARD.

                 |ACTION:                  |     BUTTON:     |
                 |Look Around              |  MOUSE MOVEMENT |
                 |Move Left                |        A        |
                 |Move Right               |        D        |
                 |Move Forward             |        W        |
                 |Move Backward            |        S        |
                 |Toggle Run/Walk          |    CAPSLOCK     |
                 |Walk                     |      CTRL       |
                 |Interaction              |        E        |
                 |Jump                     |     SPACE       |
                 |Sprint                   |     SHIFT       |
                 |Crouch                   |        C        |
                 |Cover                    |   RIGHT MOUSE   |
                 |Draw/Fire Weapon         |    LEFT MOUSE   |
                 |Reload Weapon            |        R        |
                 |Holster Weapon           |        H        |
                 |Iron Sight               |  MIDDLE MOUSE   |
                 |Scroll Quick Items       |     SCROLL      |
                 |Throw/Detonate           |        G        |
                 |Takedown                 |        Q        |
                 |Activate Cloak           |       F1        |
                 |Activate Typhoon         |       F2        |
                 |Activate Vision Enhancer |       F3        |
                 |Activate Silent Movement |       F4        |
                 |Activate Special Upgrade |        Z        |
                 |Augmentations Menu       |        O        |
                 |Inventory Menu           |        I        |
                 |Mission Logs Menu        |        U        |
                 |Media Logs               |        [        |
                 |Map                      |        P        |
                 |Toggle Quickbar Auto-Hide|      GRAVE      |
                 |Next Weapon              |        =        |
                 |Previous Weapon          |        -        |
                 |Mark & Track             |        T        |
                 |ACTION:                  |     BUTTON:     |
                 |Look Around              | RIGHT JOYSTICK  |
                 |Move Around              |  LEFT JOYSTICK  |
                 |Interaction              |      Square     |
                 |Jump                     |        X        |
                 |Sprint                   |        L2       |
                 |Crouch                   |        L3       |
                 |Cover                    |        L1       |
                 |Draw/Fire Weapon         |        R1       |
                 |Reload Weapon            |      Square     |
                 |Holster Weapon           |     Triangle    |
                 |Iron Sight               |        R3       |
                 |Throw/Detonate           |        R2       |
                 |Takedown                 |      Circle     |
                 |Activate Cloak           |     D-pad Up    |
                 |Activate Typhoon         |    D-pad Right  |
                 |Activate Vision Enhancer |    D-pad Down   |
                 |Activate Silent Movement |    D-pad Left   |
                 |Enter Menu               |      SELECT     |
                 |Quick Inventory          |  Hold Triangle  |
                 |ACTION:                  |     BUTTON:     |
                 |Look Around              | RIGHT JOYSTICK  |
                 |Move Around              |  LEFT JOYSTICK  |
                 |Interaction              |        X        |
                 |Jump                     |        A        |
                 |Sprint                   |       LB        |
                 |Crouch                   | Click Left Stick|
                 |Cover                    |       LT        |
                 |Draw/Fire Weapon         |        Y        |
                 |Reload Weapon            |        X        |
                 |Holster Weapon           |        Y        |
                 |Iron Sight               |Click Right Stick|
                 |Throw/Detonate           |       RB        |
                 |Takedown                 |        B        |
                 |Activate Cloak           |     D-pad Up    |
                 |Activate Typhoon         |    D-pad Right  |
                 |Activate Vision Enhancer |    D-pad Down   |
                 |Activate Silent Movement |    D-pad Left   |
                 |Enter Menu               |       BACK      |
                 |Quick Inventory          |      Hold Y     |


Advanced Controls

Crouching, Jumping, Sprinting

Adam can crouch, jump and sprint at any time he wants.  Crouching reduces your moving speed but also silences your footsteps.  Jensen can normally jump 1.1 meters, but with the Jump Enhancement Augmentation he can jump up to 3 meters, allowing you to reach alternative paths you otherwise wouldn't be able to reach.  When Adam sprints, an additional bar appears on the screen, indicating just how long he can keep up the pace.  Adam can sprint 6.5 meters per second normally, and 7.5 meters per second with the Sprint Enhancement Augmentation.  He can sprint for 2.5 seconds at base level, which can be increased to 5 or 7.5 seconds with the two levels of Hyper-Oxygeneration Augmentation.  It's up to you to decide whether this is worth your Praxis Kits, although it's safe to say that these augmentations aren't top priority ones.


Adam can kill enemies by shooting them, hurling (Gas/EMP/Regular) Grenades at them, shooting explosive barrels or gas canisters, performing takedowns, tranquilizing them, and several other ways.  Depending on your playstyle you'll want to unlock the right Augmentations for Adam.


The cover system will greatly aid you in being stealthy.

Use the interaction button to swap over towards a new cover location, if necessary/possible combined with a brief usage of stealth cloak.

Use the jump button while near a corner to go around the object.

Using the interaction button when your destination is far away will cause Adam to do a barrel roll.  Stealth cloak is rather useful in combination with this otherwise less stealthy maneuver.


Stealth is an important aspect of Deus Ex Human Revolution.  The following tips
may come in handy:

Your footsteps make noise, and jumping from a small height also generates noise.  Crouch toward your enemies to perform takedowns, or tranquilize them.

Hide bodies in places where guards don't patrol.

Use distractions.  Throw boxes towards places to lure - preferably one - guard to a lonely spot and incapacitate them out of sight.


The Menu                 

This is a step-by-step analysis of the game's various menu options, which may differ slightly per game version.


This continues the game at the latest saved game, which can either be an autosave or a manually saved game.

Start a new Deus Ex: Human Revolution game.
You may change the difficulty during the game.
Manually choose one of your savegames to load from.  There will be two autosaves to choose from, plus anything you've saved yourself.


LUMINOSITY allows you to decrease/increase the lighting.

DISPLAY MODE allows you to turn on STEREOSCOPIC 3D, lets you pick one of four resolutions (800x600, 1024x768, 1360x768, and 1366x768).  REFRESH RATE allows for a different Hertz refresh rate (such as 60).  ASPECT RATIO allows you to choose between an aspect ratio of 4:3, 5:4, 16:9, or 16:10, and is normally on Auto.
ADVANCED allows you to turn DIRECTX 11 On/Off, swap ANTI-ALIASING between Edge AA and FXAA, SHADOWS between Off, Normal and On, POST-PROCESSING On/Off, TEXTURE FILTER between Bi-Trilinear, or 1x/2x/4x/8x/16x Anisotropic, VSYNC On/Off, TRIPLE BUFFERING On/Off, TESSELLATION On/Off, and STEREO 3D STRENGTH options (if you have it).

Allows you to decrease/increase MUSIC, DIALOGS and SFX, as well as an On/Off Toggle for SUBTITLES.
Allows On/Off toggling for INVERTED Y-AXIS, decrease or increase your mouse sensitivity, fiddle with your KEYBOARD controls, and ditto for any GAMEPADS (which contains options for X-AXIS SENSITIVITY, Y-AXIS SENSITIVITY, AIM ASSIST On/Off, and CONTROLLER VIBRATION.

This section contains video tutorials on the following subjects: ADVANCED HACKING, AUGMENTATIONS, COMBAT, GUARDS, HACKING, MENUS, MOVING OBJECTS, NAVIGATION, OBJECTIVES ACTIVATION, SECURITY SYSTEMS, and STEALTH.  You must have "unlocked" the tutorial while playing the game in order for it to show up here.

Shows the game credits.  You may skip these at any point you'd like.

Exits the game.  I forbid you to ever use it: Stay plugged in!


The game's menu consists of several other menu's: An Inventory Menu, a Mission Log Menu, a Media Log Menu, an Augmentations Menu, and a Map Menu.

The Inventory:
You can take a look at your items in the inventory menu.  It's possible to expand your inventory up to three times with the Carrying Capacity Augmentation, part of the Cybernetic Arm Prosthesis.  Your base inventory has 8x7 slots, and each of the three possible upgrades expands it with 2x7 slots, for a maximum of 14x7 slots.

The Misson Log:
You can view your completed and current missions here.  This comes in handy when you continue a saved game, in which case it can serve as a mini-debrief.

The Media Log:
Every Pocket Secretary and PC you've ever read will show up here.  I must say, I'd love a photographic memory like Jensen.

The Augmentations Menu:
View and select your augmentations in this menu.  More info can be found in this guide in the augmentations section.

The Map:
This shows a map of the area.  This guide assumes that north is pointing towards the top of the map.



Here you'll find information on basic - but crucial - gameplay information, including some statistics.


/ . _ _ |
/ /| | || | vvvvvvvvvv |
/ | |_||_| |

This is your health meter. 100 is your maximum "natural" health, and you won't automatically regenerate above this amount. The dimmed triangles in the second row indicate your potential health, which is acquired through items such as food and beverages. The maximum potential health is 200.

( == == == == == \
\- == == == == == | -------

This is your energy meter. You start the game with two energy cells, but you can expand this to up to five energy cells. Your first energy cell will always regenerate, other cells will only regenerate if not fully depleted. Depleted cells are indicated by empty, red battery icons; full cells are green.

Jensen starts with two energy cells, which can be upgraded to a maximum of five energy cells with the Energy Level Upgrade augmentation. The regeneration process has a base delay of 10 seconds and will regenerate at a speed of 1 unit per second. One energy cell has 30 energy units. This can also be increased with augmentations; the Recharge Rate Upgrades take care of this.

| | MAP LEGEND: /^\ = Jensen;this yellow triangle always
| X v | remains in the center of the map.
| | X = Main objective/Main mission marker.
| /^\ | /\ = Blue sidequest triangle marker.
| < |
| | The other icons (<, >, ^, v) are NPC's
|__________________| either friendly (green) or hostile (red).

The rest of the HUD is fairly straightforward. Your most frequently used items and equipment are listed below, with your equipped weapon and secondary item shown on the lower right.



The game awards you with experience points for primary objectives (either 1000, 1750 or 2500 XP), for secondary objectives (either 500 or 750 XP), for mission bonuses (GHOST: 500 XP and SMOOTH OPERATOR: 250 XP), sidequest bonuses (either 100, 300 or 750 XP), as well as combat bonuses, hacking bonuses, exploration bonuses and various other bonuses (see below).

Experience points are used to activate Jensen's dormant augmentations as every 5000 XP points grant a Praxis Kit (used to activate augmentations).

                                COMBAT BONUSES:
|NAME:           |REQUIREMENT:                                     |EXPERIENCE:|
|Man Down        |Incapacitate an enemy                            |    10 XP  |
|Merciful Soul   |Incapacitate an enemy non-lethally               |    20 XP  |
|Marksman        |Incapacitate an enemy with a headshot            |    10 XP  |
|Expedient       |Incapacitate an enemy with a takedown            |    20 XP  |
|Two Against One |Incapacitate two enemies with a multiple takedown|    45 XP  |
|Hunk of Junk    |Disable a Medium Sentry                          |    45 XP  |
|Hunk of Junk    |Disable a Box Guard                              |   250 XP  |


Note #1: The most rewarding way to regularly incapacitate guards is by taking them out non-lethally with a takedown.  This grants you [MAN DOWN], [MERCIFUL SOUL], and [EXPEDIENT], for a total of 50 XP.
Note #2: If two guards are standing close to each other, the most rewarding way to incapacitate them is a non-lethal multiple takedown.

                            BASIC HACKING REWARDS:
            |NAME:           |REQUIREMENT:            |EXPERIENCE:|
            |Script Kiddie   |Hack a Level 1 device   |    25 XP  |
            |Grey Hat        |Hack a Level 2 device   |    50 XP  |
            |Black Hat       |Hack a Level 3 device   |    75 XP  |
            |L33t Sk1llz     |Hack a Level 4 device   |   100 XP  |
            |Master Hacker   |Hack a Level 5 device   |   125 XP  |

                             EXPLORATION REWARDS:
            |NAME:           |REQUIREMENT:            |EXPERIENCE:|
            |Traveler        |Explore a secret area   |   100 XP  |
            |Explorer        |Explore a secret area   |   200 XP  |
            |Pathfinder      |Explore a secret area   |   300 XP  |
            |Trailblazer     |Explore a secret area   |   400 XP  |

                               VARIOUS REWARDS:
            |NAME:           |REQUIREMENT:            |EXPERIENCE:|
            |Silver Tongue   |Win a social battle     |  1000 XP  |
            |Life Lesson     |Piss off an NPC         |   100 XP  |
            |Scholar         |Read a Hugh Darrow Ebook|   200 XP  |



Adam's base health is at a fixed 100 points, which can be temporarily increased by consuming drinks or items such as Hypostims and Painkillers, to a maximum of 200 points. Adam's health regenerates by means of his Sentinel RX Health System (a fancy name for a gameplay mechanic system that soldiers in Modern Warfare have just the same), but it takes 6.5 seconds without being hit before the system kicks in.  It will then regenerate 4 health points per seconds, in other words it takes 25 seconds to fully regenerate if you're at the lowest possible health. Hit points are only regenerated up to 100 points, any other points are lost.

Jensen incurs falling damage from heights of 5 meters and up. 10 meters will always result in a deadly smash, and anything in between 5 and 9.9 meters hurts Jensen.  The Icarus Landing System prevents falling damage completely.



Deus Ex Human Revolution has three difficulty settings: Easy, Normal, and Hard. The table below shows the effects that the difficulty has on gameplay.

                                 |EASY: |NORMAL:             |HARD:|
          |Health                | 150% |100% (100)          | 75% |
          |Health Regenerate     | 115% |100% (4 points/psec)| 85% |
          |Regenerate Delay      |  75% |100% (6.5 seconds)  |115% |
          |Enemy Health          |  75% |100%                |125% |
          |Enemy Regenerate      | 150% |100% (1 point/psec) | 75% |
          |Enemy Regenerate Delay|  75% |100% (10 seconds)   |125% |
          |Enemy Accuracy        |  60% |100%                |125% |



There are only a few objects that can be destroyed.

                          |NAME:          |HEALTH: |
                          |Wooden crates  |21/42/63|
                          |Cardboard boxes|21/42/63|
                          |Doors          |  150   |
                          |Breakable walls|  100   |


Hints and Tips

This section contains playing tips you're not about to find in the manual, and that will greatly improve your capabilities.  

Save your game often!  Do NOT keep only one or two files and rid yourself of that bad habit!  Save games can get corrupt, or worse, the scenario in the game turns out to be horrible and there appears to be something wrong with your backup file (or it is okay, but three hours away from your current file). Save often, and in different slots.

If you're a completionist looking to maximize Jensen completely, you'll want to get every single experience point in the game there is to get.

Explore all possible paths to get all traveler XP bonuses, and take out all enemies whenever possible, always using (multiple) takedowns whenever you have the chance, since takedowns are the most rewarding form of incapacitating enemies.  Also successfully hack every single device, and don't open doors from the inside; instead head back to the door to hack it, and never use codes; this maximizes your XP as far as hacking is concerned.

Always win Social Battles.  Save your game beforehand and reload if you lose one.

Sneak around!  You'll want to get every possible Ghost and Smooth Operator experience bonus that you can get.

ALWAYS hide bodies out of sight.  Out of sight doesn't mean dragging a body around the corner, it means dragging it to a place where guards never come, such as behind a series of crates, in a hidden corner, etc.

Many guards hold a small sum of credits and ammunition, while some will even carry special items and Pocket Secretaries with background information or keycodes.  Always loot a body after taking someone out.

Luring a guard will cause him to go into the "Alarmed State", but this does not prevent you from getting the Ghost and Smooth Operator bonuses.

Luring guards is often an excellent way to get guards to move away from their regular patrol patterns, luring them away from their comrades.

A good luring method is opening a door from the side.  You'll need to perform a takedown either very quickly as they enter the room (otherwise they will spot you and turn hostile), or you need to combine this with cloak.

An other way to lure guards is to shoot a silenced round (10mm, Tranq darts) in a place you want the guard to investigate.  Back away and take out the guard whenever possible.

There are more ways to distract guards, such as throwing with cardboard boxes or other objects available.  Just make sure they don't see you and it'll all benefit you, as long as you know what you're doing.

Always try to buy every single Praxis Kit you can from LIMB Clinics.  The Typhoon Ammo and Hypostim items from LIMB Clinics are also excellent.  Other good items to buy are Gas/EMP Grenades, the Silencer, and weapon upgrades (depending on which weapon you prefer).

Picking up a weapon if you already have that weapon will cause the game to trash the weapon and only give you its ammunition.  If you are, however, looking to make good money (and you are in a city hub or you will soon visit a city hub with traders), then drop your main weapon and carry the secondary copy to a dealer.  A Combat Rifle, for example, sells for a very decent 630 Credits, and a Tranquilizer Rifle or Shotgun is worth 750 Credits.  This is an excellent way to save credits for expensive Praxis Kits at LIMB Clinics.


In order to get all trophies and achievements, normally you'll need to play through the game at least twice.  There are a few tricks you can apply to get everything in just one run, though.

Play on the hardest difficulty setting and never change this.  NEVER kill ANYONE, not even at the beginning, not in sidequests, and not indirectly (by enabling security bots or anything like it).  Bosses may be killed. In order to get some trophies/achievements for which killing is mandatory, save your game, kill the NPC (thus getting the trophy/achievement), and reload your game to continue with your main game.  Keep several save games at all times!

Not every augmentation in Deus Ex Human Revolution is as useful as the rest, there's no doubt about it.  No one will argue that Strength or Jump Enhancement are less useful than Aim Stabilizer.  The question is, which augmentations are useful early in the game, and which ones can be activated later on, while maximizing the sufficiency of every single aug.

The lists below go over the augmentations that are best to get as soon as possible, ones that are good to consider halfway through the game, and ones you can leave alone until very late in the game when you have Praxis Kits left to spare.
  Remember, these are only guidelines.  You're free to spend all your Praxis Kits any way you like, just keep in mind that some paths are more rewarding than others.

  As you can see, the early in-game list only contains the essentials, so if you have any Praxis Kits left to spare, feel very free to use them for augmentations that allow you to maximize experience (such as the Reflex Booster, allowing for multiple takedowns)

  -  Hacking Capture 2 (& 3 4 if you want to maximize XP)
  -  Move/Throw Heavy Objects
  -  Jump Enhancement
  -  Cloaking System Level 1 (& 2)
  -  Carrying Capacity 1 (& 2)
 (-) Reflex Booster (only if you want to maximize XP)
  -  Hacking Capture 3 & (& 5 if you wish to maximize XP)
  -  Punch Through Walls
  -  Cloaking System Level 2 & 3
  -  Carrying Capacity 2 & 3
  -  Energy Level Upgrade 1
  -  Typhoon Level 1 (&2) (before the second boss)
  -  Run Silently
 (-) Dermal Armor Level 1
 (-) Icarus Landing System (when you reach a certain optional part in Hengsha that leads to a Hugh Darrow Ebook)

  - Hacking Capture 5
  - Typhoon Level 2
  - Dermal Armor Level 2 (& 3)
  - Recharge Rate Upgrade Level 1 & 2
  - Energy Level Upgrade Level 2 & 3
  - Hacking Fortify & Stealth 2 (& 3)
  - Aim Stabilizer

The following augmentations aren't bad, but they are either very contextual and thus limiting their usefulness, they provide you with information that is already in this guide (or with useless information), or you simply won't benefit all that much from some of them.  It's recommended to only spend your valuable Praxis Kits on these when you've obtained the above augmentations already.

Social Enhancer:
I'd definitely recommend doing a playthrough with this at least once, simply because it looks pretty cool, but you will only be able to use it several times, and you can win Social Battles easily by reloading your game.

Radar System Level 2:
It sounds really useful, but the truth is that the radar already has excellent functionality, and this augmentation doesn't help you all that much.

Stealth Enhancer:
This includes Noise Feedback, Mark & Track 1/2/3, Last Known Location Marker, and Cones of Vision.  These augmentations might be useful for the less experienced player, but hardly come in handy for someone who already knows to stay out of sight, and where his/her foes are located at.

Hacking Analyze Add-On:
This has little practical purpose, and it's wiser to just improve your actual hacking skills.

Implanted Rebreather:
The Chemical Resistance can be useful at times, and this augmentation is probably one of the best of all secondary augmentations.  The Hyper-Oxygenation 1/2 can also come in handy for quickly traveling through hubs, but this is more a nifty little thing rather than a life-saving augmentation.

Recoil Compensation:
If you're heavily relying on combat measures, this augmentation has its uses (it improves your accuracy), but for stealth players it's not very important.

Smart Vision:
A fun addition, but never required.

Cooldown Timer & Flash Suppressant:
The Cooldown Timer is hardly useful, and the Flash Suppressant is very contextual.

Sprint Enhancement:
This only improves your running speed from 6.5 meters per second to 7.5 meters per second.  The Hyper-Oxygenation augmentations are far better.

Sprint/Jump/Land Silently:
These are extremely contextual.


eBook Location Guide

eBOOK #1:

Detroit, Sarif Industries.

The Nature of Neuroplasticity

This eBook can be found lying on Pritchard's desk.  You can grab this when you first visit his office, or when you return from the Manufacturing Plant.

eBook #1 collection video

eBOOK #2:

Detroit, Sarif Industries.

The Tyranny of Biology

This eBook is in office 25, which you can access via a vent from office 27 - see below.

eBook #2 collection video

eBOOK #3:

Detroit, Sarif Industries.

The Neural Hub - Design for a Next Generation

This eBook is in office 27.  You can access this office by hacking the Level 2 security panel, or by using a keycode: 4145.

eBook #2 collection video

eBOOK #4:

Detroit, Sarif Manufacturing Plant

Neural Interface Protocols: The PEDOT Revolution

After making your way through a large hall with Purists you'll ride an elevator down.  There's a camera and turret in this hall.  Sneak past them to enter a room with a PC.  Look underneath a small cardboard box in this room to reveal the eBook.

eBook #4 collection video

eBOOK #5:

Detroit, Sarif Manufacturing Plant

Artificial Muscles

Right before you enter the room in which you'll face Zeke Sanders and have a social battle, look on the office desk.  The eBook is lying here.

eBook #5 collection video

eBOOK #6:

Detroit, LIMB Clinic

The Visual Cortex 2.0 - The Eye, Redesigned

Enter the surgical ward hall in the LIMB Clinic and search for this eBook on a small cart.

eBook #6 collection video

eBOOK #7:

Detroit, Greg & Josie Thorpe's Apartment, Bedroom

Nano-Augmentation - Pipedream or Theory for the Future?

This one's found in Greg and Josie Thorpe's apartment, inside the bedroom.  The apartment is found right behind the gas station.  Go inside the first door to your left and climb the stairs to find it. You don't need to save Josie in order to get this eBook.

eBook #7 collection video

eBOOK #8:

Detroit, Tindall's Apartment

Arms (and Legs) For Man - The Structure of Cybernetic Limbs

Explore the apartment block west of town and open the Level 5 security door with the following keycode: 2356.  There's a second security system in place for the bedroom.  Use the code 8221 to get inside.  The eBook can be found here.  The safe's keycode, in case you're interested, is listed in an email on the PC: 3663.

eBook #8 collection video

eBOOK #9:

Detroit, Apartment Building next to the basketball court, Seurat's Bedroom (the weapon dealer)

Respirocyte Technology & Hazardous Environment Parsing

Simply enter the apartment building next to the basketball court by climbing the ladder and make your way to the top.  The eBook can be found inside Seurat's bedroom.  Don't piss the guy off, though.

eBook #9 collection video

eBOOK #10:

Detroit, Chiron Building, Adam Jensen's Apartment, Bedroom

The Intelligence Circuit

This is an easy one.  Simply search Jensen's Apartment to find this eBook lying in the bedroom.

eBook #10 collection video

eBOOK #11:

Detroit, Police Station, Morgue

The Threat of Cybernetic Discognition Disorder

This one can be found on the desk of the coroner inside the morgue, located in the same room as the body of the hacker.

eBook #11 collection video


eBOOK #12:

Detroit, D-Row territory

Vestibular Augmentation and Enhanced Agility Factoring

Instead of going underneath the garage door at some point that leads to an open area, instead head right and take out the gang members in this area.  The eBook can be found on some barrels in the middle of the room.

eBook #12 collection video

eBOOK #13:

Location:  Detroit, FEMA Facility

Blurring the Boundaries Between Man and Machine

In the cafetaria deep down the FEMA facility, fairly close to the two FEMA officials, look for this eBook in a locked office: code 7984. This keycode is a reference to George Orwell's "1984", a classic novel on totalitarianism.

eBook #13 collection video

eBOOK #14:

Hengsha, Youzhao District, Apartment Building #1

The Science and Theory behind Cochlear Implants

When entering Youzhao District by going downtown from the Hung Hua Hotel, go downstairs and climb the ladders directly in front of you. On the top of this building, head down the stairs to your left and search the apartment on the second floor for this eBook.

eBook #14 collection video

eBOOK #15:

Hengsha, Youzhao District, Apartment Building #2

Invasive Brain Machine Interfaces

From the same roof as eBook #14, with your back facing the ladders you climbed to reach it, turn right twice to reach an other roof. The first apartment to your left contains this eBook.

eBook #15 collection video

eBOOK #16:

Hengsha, Penthouse Building

Understanding Vision (Part 1)

When you're about to ride the elevator to the Penthouse, go to the main entrance, where two Belltower guards are on patrol.  Take them out and be careful you're not seen by any other guards.  Facing the main entrance, it's the apartment immediately to your left that holds this eBook in the kitchen.

eBook #16 collection video

eBOOK #17:

Hengsha, The Hive, Office nearby the main exit

Optical Enhancement Functionality

You'll want to use the basement of The Hive to reach this office. Simply make your way through the basement and enter this room at the far end.  The eBook is inside.

eBook #17 collection video

eBOOK #18:

Hengsha, The Hive, Tong's Basement Office

The Use of Neuromuscular Facilitation Systems

When you reach Tong's office in the basement of The Hive, search it to find this eBook.

eBook #18 collection video

eBOOK #19:

Hengsha, Alice Garden Pods, Pod #143

Electrogravitic Technology Applications

This one isn't too hard.  Simply find Pod #143 in the Alice Garden Pod area to find the eBook.  The Pod is, obviously, in the "100" section.

eBook #19 collection video

eBOOK #20:

Hengsha, Lower Tai Yong Medical

Better Than Nature?

After passing through the area with the electric current, you'll reach a fairly large hall.  Search around for a vent cover and use Jump Enhancement to get to it, or alternatively Strength Enhancement to move the metal crates in the other small room to line up under the vent.  But that's not all.  The vent leads to a deep shaft and you *must* have the Icarus Landing System in order to survive the fall - there simply is no other way to get this eBook, which lies down beneath.

eBook #20 collection video

eBOOK #21:

Hengsha, Tai Yong Medical 1st Floor

Radical Evolution is a Reality

When you finally reach Tai Yong and, one way or another, get past the guard, search this large laboratory room.  More specifically, search the central lab unit; this eBook is lying underneath it, on top of a box.

eBook #21 collection video

eBOOK #22:

Hengsha, Tai Yong Medical, Hangar

Brain Implants

This eBook can be found in the control room in the upper left corner from your starting position in the hangar.  To get there, climb the shelving on the far left side after taking out the first Box Guard with an EMP Grenade.

eBook #22 collection video

eBOOK #23:

Montreal, Picus HQ, 4th Floor

HUMAN EMPOWERED - Autonomous Energy Reclamation Systems

Inside the control room under a large screen.

eBook #23 collection video

eBOOK #24:

Montreal, Picus HQ, 2nd Floor

Healing Thyself - Health Preservation Implants

Before moving on to the restricted area, search the small office in the northwest corner of this area.

eBook #24 collection video

eBOOK #25:

Detroit, Convention Center, Backstage, Taggart's Room

Vagus Nerve Stimulators - Repurposing the Technology

Find this eBook next to the coffee machine behind the large sofa.

eBook #25 collection video

eBOOK #26:

Detroit, Sewers, Sandoval's Desk

Simply search Sandoval's desk to find this eBook.

eBook #26 collection video

eBOOK #27:

Hengsha, Harvester Territory

Understanding Vision (Part2)

Right before you find the Harvester leader, enter the small office in the corner of the area and look for this eBook inside.

eBook #27 collection video

eBOOK #28:

Singapore, Omega Ranch, Room G-23

Right before you use the elevator in room G-23 to find Eric Koss, one of the three scientists, explore the adjacent room south of the elevator to find this eBook on a workbench.

eBook #28 collection video

eBOOK #29:

Singapore, Omega Ranch, White office after the 3rd boss fight

Reimagining Retinal Implants: Doctor Dobelle's Success

After defeating the third boss, enter the white office at the far end of the hall.  This eBook can be found inside the LVL5 safe.

eBook #29 collection video


Sarif Industries Under Attack

Adam Jensen, chief security at Sarif Industries - one of the worlds' leading companies on augmented prostheses  - was about to discuss security protocols when the company is attacked.


After viewing the first full motion cutscene, having gotten a glance at men you might some day meet face to face, Megan asks you to come with her.  Despite her nervosity, take a look around in her office, because you'll never be coming back here again.

First of all, note the [EBOOK] on the bench to your left.  Megan will comment on this mysterious Patient X, and shrugs it off.  There's a digital [NEWSPAPER] on the desk, and you can also inspect the small [FRAMED PICTURE], as well as the [BOOK] behind the chair.  Also have a look at the [TOY CAR] on the filing cabinet.  Lastly, have a look at Megan's emails to learn more about the research she's conducting, then talk to her and you'll auto- matically walk along.

Note: Examining all of the above items grants you the OLD SCHOOL GAMER trophy or achievement.

Take a good look at the picture in Sarif's office.  Looks familiar?  There's a reason it appears that way, because the picture is clearly inspired by the famous Dutch painter Rembrandt van Rijn, depicting his "The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp".  It appears in several places.

You'll meet a few interesting people along the way until you find yourself in David Sarif's office.  Just as you two were going over the details for tomorrow, the alarm sounds and you - as chief security of Sarif Industries - are asked to go check it out.

The elevator code Sarif gives you actually has a long history in the videogame industry.  The first code you can get in System Shock 1 is 451, which is a reference to the book Fahrenheit 451.  This title refers to the temperature at which a book's pages catch fire (in the novel, books were forbidden). Consequently, the first code in System Shock 2 was 45100. The code 0451 is both the first code you get in the original Deus Ex and Human Revolution.

Old School Gamer Achieve

David gives you the elevator code: 0451, so head down immediately.

Press the elevator button to do so. Adam automatically draws his Combat Rifle, and now is a good time to check your inventory to see what equipment you currently have available.

Besides your Combat Rifle and 43 bullets, you also have a Frag Grenade and a Concussion Grenade.  The former explodes in a regular fashion, the latter is used to stun enemies, allowing you to go in for the kill (or run to safety).
There are no items in this hall so continue down the hall and move under the lab door by crouching.  When you approach the glass wall, two scientists are killed by one of the intruders.  Head left and move the top metal crate away from the wall by using the interaction button.  Hop onto the other crate and open the ventilation grate, making your way to the other side.

Be careful of the flames as you move through the destroyed wall.  When you reach the end of the hall, which is filled with boxes and forklifts, head inside the next hall and take cover behind one of the desk walls.  Two adversaries will soon walk down the stairs, so you don't want to be seen.  You can either try to sneak (or run) up the stairs unseen - and even if they do see you, outrunning them isn't hard - or you can take them straight on.  Try to take one of them down with a headshot if possible, and use your ammunition sparingly.  Spraying bullets all over the place is never wise; shooting short, controlled bursts of bullets is a better method for defeating your opponents.  Make sure to grab their weapons for ammo if you choose to fight them.

Under Attack

Hop over the boxes in the next hallway and carefully open the door of the next lab.  Another three adversaries are awaiting your arrival, so caution is advised.  When opening the door while hiding on the left side of the door youshould be able to spot a gas canister.  Once the guards finish conversing, shooting this canister should take them out.  Alternatively, sneak your way past the guards.

After defeating the three mercs, continue down the next hall.  If you're quick, you'll catch a glimpse of an augmented woman killing several scientists.  Head through the door and crouch nearby the stairs.  A team of four mercs soon enters the hall below.  Toggling between standing and crouching is a decent way to attempt a few headshots, especially if you use iron sight.  The others can be taken down in the same fashion while aiming for their bodies and/or heads. Of course, if you're aiming for a no-kill playthrough, sneak your way through the area by hiding behind the railing.

Continue down the hall until the next full motion cutscene starts playing. The game now - officially - starts.  Welcome to the world of Deus Ex.


Back In The Saddle

One of Sarif's warehouses has been taken over by Purity First members - radicals against bio-augmentations in general.  As  recovered chief security, you're to handle the situation.

GO TO THE HELIPAD [150 XP]                                          

After the full motion cutscene you're good to go.  You now have two prosthetic arms, legs, several implants and a - glitchy - HUD; your first objective is to fix that display. Jensen furthermore starts the game with 2500 credits and 120 XP.

It's a good idea to talk to the receptionist, Cindy Martinez, whom you can ask for directions.  She'll tell you where Pritchard's office is, as well as the locations of the helipad, Sarif's penthouse, and your own office.

While you're free to roam the area, do be noted that time *is* limited.  After 7.5 minutes, David scolds you and tells you to hurry up.  After 15 long minutes he tells you something bad happened (which can, of course, never be undone.  This has consequences (for rewards, etc)).
You can find Frank Pritchard in the security tech lab, but first youmight want to speak with one of the employees on the ground floor, who are having a conversation about you. It doesn't really matter which answer you pick, and you'll get to hear some background information.
Also consider eavesdropping on the the woman at the women's restroom. She apparently knows something that you don't.  In either case, head up the big stairs and go inside the Technology Lab (which is on this floor) to meet with Frank Pritchard.  You'll have the option to either ignore or confront Pritchard with his attitude.  The net outcome matters little in the grand scheme of things, but confronting him prolongs the conversation and gives you more details on Jensen.  [150 XP]

The first [HUGH DARROW EBOOK] you can find in the game lies on Pritchard's Desk (The Nature of Neuroplasticity).  There are a total of 29 in the game, and finding them all is worth an achievement/trophy.  They also give 200XP each, granting a very nice total of 5800XP if you find and read them all.

Be sure to snatch the [CYBERBOOST PROENERGY BAR] from his desk, as well as the [91 CREDIT CHIPS] from his bench.  And if you have a second, take a look at the poster of Final Fantasy XXVII (an obvious wink to Square Enix).  Prichard's arc of old monitors is also worth looking at.

While there are, technically speaking, a few more things you could do right now (such as getting minor items), time is running short, and you'll have more time for exploration when you come back to HQ.  Go to the far side of the second floor and head through the double doors.  Take a left turn to reach the helipad, where Faridah Malik is waiting for you.  After conversing, hop onto the heli to get your debrief from David. [150 XP]

The manufacturing plant has been invaded by radicals who call themselves 'Purity First'.  Their leader is named Zeke Sanders, who appears to be in the plant as well.  David gives you the option to go for a lethal or non-lethal approach, and either a short-range or distant combat style.  These options affect which weapon you receive from David, so choose very carefully.  It would've been boss to tell David to "Give me the GEP Gun", but alas, the below choices will have to do.

Nonlethal Short-range = [Stun Gun] []
Nonlethal Long range  = [Tranquilizer Rifle] [9 Tranquilizer Darts]
Lethal    Short-range = [Revolver] []
Lethal    Long range  = [Combat Rifle] [20 Combat Rifle Ammo]

While this guide provides you with adequate strategic advice for any of these weapons, it has to be said that the Tranquilizer Rifle is not only silenced (allowing for stealthy and nonlethal takedowns), it's also quite rare and expensive.

Jensen's standard equipment furthermore depends on any DLC and pre-order bonuses you may or may not have gotten.  In any case you'll be able to play the game without any problems; some items just make things a little easier for you.


Securing Sarif's Manufacturing Plant

One of Sarif's warehouses has been taken over by Purity First members - radicals against bio-augmentations in general.  As recovered chief security, you're to handle the situation.     





When you arrive at the plant, two SWAT members are waiting outside.  The later you arrive, the less friendly they'll be.  Go through the door and open the middle locker to your right to reveal a [CYBERBOOST PROENERGY BAR].  Lift the small carboard box to your left to reveal [56 CREDITS].  Another small cardboard box on the floor in the corner of the cabinet reveals a [BEER].  No better way to start a mission with a beer, right?  In this case it's actually true.  It Boosts your health with 5 points (and gives blurry vision for a few seconds only; worth your while).  Inquire with the police officer, then be on your way. The middle locker in this area contains [PAINKILLERS].  Head outside and Pritchard contacts you.  It's possible to already snipe one of the Purists down below by going to the far end of the roof, but it's just as easy to perform a melee takedown on him - which is more rewarding.

Head down the two ladders - there's You are rewarded XP by taking down or killing enemies. Regular, (guns blazing) kills only net you the raw kill [MAN DOWN: 10 XP].  Special types of kills grant XP bonuses.  A headshot grants you the [MARKSMAN: 10 XP] bonus.  A nonlethal "kill" grants the [MERCIFUL SOUL: 20 XP] bonus.  Last but not least, melee takedowns grant the [EXPEDIENT: 20 XP] bonus, making nonlethal melee takedowns very rewarding (50 XP in total).

First Takedown & Roof Entry (2 Achievements)

Head down the two ladders - there's nothing of interest on the inbetween roof - and sneak around the corner. Wait for the Purist to finish his phone call and perform a takedown on him.  Normally you'll want to hide bodies, but this time that won't be necessary - no one patrols here. Be sure to loot his body, and make this a habit [POCKET SECRETARY].

The game already gives you a choice which way to go.  You can either go straight ahead (front door), or head inside the building by roof (stealth).  Let's go over these both.

FRONT DOOR: In fact, this doesn't even have to be a guns blazing action.  While ¯ it's quite easy to kill the three Purists in this area, regular fire arms alarm the entire team.  There is, however, a stealthy alternative available. First, note that the Purist closest to you is standing still.  The second Purist makes a small walk around the block, and the third strolls up and down the stairs.

Make your way to the crates nearby the Purist who's standing still and wait for the other two to look away (the third goes up the steps, and the second going for another small block).  Take the Purist down at the right moment, and quickly drag him behind the crates, properly hiding him out of sight.  No limbs or head sticking in the sight of the others?  Good.  Time for the second one.  There are also [10 COMBAT RIFLE AMMO] on the crate left of the ones you're hiding behind.

You can choose to down either of the Purists first, because things are easier with just the two of them, but let's start with the second Purist.  When he's about to walk past the crates (and the other is looking away), take him down and make sure his body can't be seen.  Loot his stuff - making this a habit - and stealthily move to the other Purist.  It shouldn't be too hard to take him out now that the entire courtyard has been cleared.  The only thing you'll want to be sure of is that your first energy cell has recharged before each single takedown.

If you do choose to kill your enemies the old fashioned way, note the two red - explosive - barrels you can use to your advantage.  An alternative stealth path is to head through the door in the alley - collecting the [5 STUN DARTS] inside this small cabin - hopping over the crates here, and crawling through the small area.  This gives you a different vantage point, but the takedown principle stays the same.


Across the door in the alley lies a crate on a forklift that you can ¯ grab.  Place it adjacent to the crates near the large red containers, building yourself some stairs.  Make your way up and climb the ladder to the very top of the roof (that is, unless you want to snipe the Purists from the excellent vantage point that this middle roof provides you with).

A high electrical current seemingly prevents you from going any further.  Move the crate away from the corner to reveal a small opening.  Use the breaker box on the other side to turn the current off, granting you passage [TRAVELER 100 XP]. There's a vent cover at the far side of the roof which you can use to access the plant.

Accessing the plant grants you [200 XP].  If none of the Purists spotted you at all, you'll get an additional experience bonus: "GHOST" [500 XP].


If you went in by the roof, the dialogue with Pritchard will be different. Drop down at the far end of the ventilation shaft and grab the [4x TRANQ DARTS] before heading down the ladder.  The lockers in this room contain [4x REVOLVER AMMO] and [10x COMBAT RIFLE AMMO].  With your inventory still relatively small, it's advisable to only take ammunition with you for weapons that are in your possession. Don't have either a Revolver or Combat Rifle?  Better to leave the ammo for now.

Stealth Takedowns

There's also a newspaper here (Can The Motor City Rise Again?), plus an EBook (Resist The Machine).  The computer holds several emails, none of which contain essential information.  If you enter through the door, you should be able to see another door straight ahead.  That's the main entrance.  The only thing of interest there is a sole [CONCUSSION GRENADE], but you'll have to be very careful not to be seen by any of the sentries.

You have several options for dealing with the five guards in this storage hall.

This map shows you the location and patrol routes of the five Purists.  Only #1 and #5 are doing their rounds, and as you can see, they're quite simple patterns.

   _____ ________ _
|                  | 
|  5|  | 4|      | | 
|  :........  :   3| 
|   =====     :    |
|     |2      :  | | 
|__ =====     :  | | 
|  |          1  | | 
| V|  __  __   ____| 


If you want to receive maximum experience, you'll want to opt for a full stealth, nonlethal takedown approach. One surefire way to do this is to sneak from the main entrance towards guard #3 by hugging the right wall.  You must take great care by not getting seen; #1 and #5 are the ones who can spot you there if you're not being careful.  When you're close to #3, and both #1 and #5 are moving away from him, go for the takedown and quickly hide his body thoroughly behind the crates.

Things become easier now. Neither #2 nor #4 patrols, and all they do is search crates.  Target #1 when he's nearest to the main entrance (#5 shouldn't be able to see this).  With him out of the way, take #2 down after recharging your energy cell first.  Lastly, take out number #5 when he's around the far end corner, and number #4 whenever you want to.

An alternative, harder, and less rewarding method is by going up the crates in the lower left corner, crouching your way over the large structure in the middle and take out #5 while he's in the far left corner.  Still on top of the crates, take out #3 and #1 in rapid succession.  After that, #2 and #4 are sitting ducks.

Yet another way to get by this area is to simply sneak your way to guard #5, via the left wall, taking him down when he's looking away (and #1 can't see you either).  From here you can already be on your way.  You can find [100 CREDITS] under a large cardboard box north of guard #4, nearby the exit.


With the storage hall cleared, three alternative paths can now be taken to continue onward.  There are two obvious entrances.  The third is more hidden, and comes in the form of a ventilation shaft in the upper right corner, climbing the ladder here.

The main hall to the far left leads to a room with two Purists who have their backs turned to you.  Taking them down is easy, and the chatting Purist won't notice if you take down his crouching buddy.  One of the desk drawers contains [100 CREDIT CHIPS], and the PC's are unlocked, so reading the emails on them isn't a problem whatsoever.

Head upstairs and look through the grating of the door to see if there are any sentries looking your way.  If not, open the door and head inside the kitchen to your right (the other door leads back to the storage hall).  The Purist here is easily taken down as he's staring at the window.  You can find a [BEER] and [4 TRANQ DARTS] on one of the tables, along with another newspaper (Can The Motor City Rise Again?).  There's also a radio here that plays familiar music every now and then.

First Hack (1 Achievement)

The sentry in the hall is easy to take down.  Simple wait for him to go around the corner and punch him in his face.  His Purist buddy in the locker room goes down just as easily.  Opening all lockers reveals the following items: [10x COMBAT RIFLE AMMO (x2)], [7x REVOLVER AMMO], [35 CREDIT CHIPS], [2x STUN GUN DARTS], [4x TRANQUILIZER DARTS] and a [CONCUSSION GRENADE].  There's also a [BEER] on one of the tables. The maintenance room doesn't contain any items. The vent leads back to the storage hall.

Lastly, the women's restroom contains an Ebook (The Sleepwalking World). If you hadn't taken the ventilation shaft route yet, you might still want to do so for the [TRAVELER 100 XP] bonus it gives.

Continue to the assembly server room, where you'll have to perform a manual hack on the door [SECURITY PANEL/LV1/SCRIPT KIDDIE 25XP].

| DS   R  |
| v   /   |
| v /     |
| N1<<<IO |
|  \   ^  |
|    \ ^  |
|      N2 |

Every hackable system has its own unique node grid with several types of nodes.  Click the in-game help button while hacking to get an accurate description for each node.  Your main goal while hacking is to get from your IO (starting point) to the Registry.  You will sometimes want to make a detour to Datastores, which contain rewards such as credits, XP, nuke viruses or stop! worms.

This system doesn't have any Datastores, so your goal is simple: Stay undetected as long as possible, and get to the Registry as
quickly as possible.  Move to N1 and capture it.  You can now either fortify it (just for fun) and do a detour via N2 (which you can also fortify) and also fortify your IO.  Of course, you can also just go straight for the Registry.

Head through the door and wait for the doors on the other side to open.  In the next hall, another four Purists are patrolling the area, so we'll have to figure out how to effectively take them out.

   ___|      |___           
  |  ____||____  |          
  |              |          
  |   __  __  3  |          
  |  |......| :| |          
  |4  :..2.:  :| |          
  |  |__  __| :| |_
  |    ......     _         
 _|  ..:___ :.1  |          
s_               |          
  | |_________|  |          
  |               ¯(vent)   
   ¯ ¯

#4 is never a problem, but the other three guys can be annoying.  #1 strolls from one end to the other end of the area, and so does #3 except in a different direction. #3 searches desks at both ends of his stroll.  #2 continuously patrols the center area and always stops to inspect corners.
You should be able to head downstairs on the left whenever #2 starts walking towards his upper left corner, and when #3 is going north.  Take #1 down as soon as you can and drag him down behind the big display screen.  From here things become a lot easier.  With the display screen as your starting position, approach #2 from behind when he's busy in his upper left corner (and when #3 is also looking away).  Quickly drag him away to the lower left corner (towards #4, so that the body of #2 is out of sight from #3).  Taking #3 down is a piece of cake now, and #4 never was a problem in the first place.

Scout the ground floor for items.  There are [4x REVOLVER AMMO] on a table in the upper right area, [2 STUN GUN DARTS] in between the southern stairs, as well as [10x COMBAT RIFLE AMMO] on a crate next to the southwestern stairs.  There's a storage room with another Purist west of this area.  It's an easy takedown, considering he's searching a crate.  This area contains [10x COMBAT RIFLE AMMO] and a [CONCUSSION GRENADE] (in the crate the guy was searching).


You probably don't want to enter the room with the hostages on the 2nd floor directly.  If you do so, a device filled with gas will activate and you'll have less than 30 seconds to hack and disarm it.  Of course, it can be done if you're quick, but let's look around for other options first.

The Successful Rescue

In fact, try using the hidden ventilation duct behind the right stairs.  This eventually leads you to the hostage room, without triggering the device's timer, and this also nets you [TRAVELER 100 XP]. Hack the device and shut it down to save the hostages [BOMB PANEL/LV1/SCRIPT KIDDIE 25XP], [400 XP].  Alternatively you can unlock it with the following code:  1505.  Don't forget to grab the [4xTRANQ DARTS] behind the device.


There's another exit in this hall, located on the right, which leads to a meeting room and assembly line.  Besides several Purists, there are also  several cameras you'll need to avoid.  Their line of sight is indicated by the green beams. Crouching and staying right underneath them, crawling onward at the right time is a surefire way to bypass them.

Take out the guard on the far other end (sneaking past the camera around the corner on the far left), and hide his body.  Continue and eavesdrop on the convo two Purists are having in the meeting room.  Both can be taken down easily, without the other taking notice.  The meeting room also houses an Ebook (Sarif Industries: Rising to Tomorrow), a Newspaper (Can The Motor City Rise Again?), [10 COMBAT RIFLE AMMO], and [4 REVOLVER AMMO].

Continue until you reach a closed door with a keypad [SECURITY PANEL/LV1/ SCRIPT KIDDIE 25XP].  After unlocking it by hacking, head inside and grab the [CYBERBOOST PROENERGY BAR] from a cabinet on your right, then wait for the other doors to open.  Sneak up on the two Purists and wait for them to finish their conversation.  They'll now start their regular patrol routes.  Snatch the [10x COMBAT RIFLE AMMO] from the crates you're hiding behind, and look to your left.

There's a vent cover hidden behind the crates.  Move the top crate and gently put it down, reducing as much noise as possible.  Enter the vent, but don't immediately open the cover on the other side [TRAVELER 100 XP].  Look at your radar to see if the Purist member is looking your direction.  When he's moving away from you, go for the takedown.

The storage room to your left contains a [FRAG GRENADE] and [3x STUN GUN DARTS]. Proceed to the other door, but wait with opening it until the coast is clear. Hide behind the power generator next to the large, circular cryochamber, and wait for the Purist to come close (while the other two are on the other side of the hall).  While he's looking to the left, approach him from behind and take him down.  Drag him close to the lab desk's wall so the others can't see him.

Ignore the Purist in the middle of the area for now, and make your way to the other sentry.  It shouldn't be too hard to take him down while the other is busy scanning the lab desks.  After taking the last sentry down, scout the area for items.  You can find [2x STUN GUN DARTS] on a desk where the second sentry frequently halted his patrol, nearby the entrance of another storage room. Another [STUN GUN DART] can be found on one of the desks in the middle of the room. The storage room allows for another easy takedown of a Purist, and contains [4x REVOLVER AMMO], plus a [DAMAGE UPGRADE] in the crate he was searching.

When you're done exploring, ride the elevator down.  Grab the [PRAXIS KIT] in front of you; these allow you to upgrade your augmentations and can either be found, or acquired by gathering enough XP.  As a rule of thumb, save your Praxis Kits for situations in which you have to decide whether you want to upgrade one of your augmentations or not.  Of course, it's up to you to do with them whatever you want, although some augmentations are more contextual than others. For now, hold onto your praxis and go around the corner.

This is a tricky situation.  There's not only a camera at the next corner, but further down that hall, a turret closely monitors anything moving around.

Bypassing and taking out the Turret

Fortunately, there's a solution in which you won't alarm either of the devices. There's a vent cover nearby the large crate.  Open it and go inside until you reach the other side [TRAVELER 100 XP].  Find [100 CREDITS] and [2x STUN GUN DARTS] here.

Take shelter in the vent duct and destroy the turret.  This is entirely optional, for you could sneak behind it towards the Server Room, but if you want to backtrack to a monitoring room with quite some decent rewards, it's worth the effort.

Go back inside the vent and sneak past the camera and turret by moving from cover to cover.  Do this while the camera is looking away.  This maneuver should not allow the turret to fully identify you; throwing the cardboard box in the middle could also help slightly.  There is also a concussion mine nearby the camera, which is why we avoided coming from the other way.  Head through the door and search the room for a [POCKET SECRETARY] (which contains the PC's login/password: ddutchman/windmill), a [STOP WORM SOFTWARE], and a [NUKE VIRUS SOFTWARE].  These items can aid you while hacking computers.  The Stop Worm Software will halt the timer - once detected - for five seconds, granting you precious time.  The Nuke Virus Software instantly captures any node, without any risk of detection.

You'll also want to lift the small wooden cardboard box from one of the metal boxes in this room: It'll reveal a [HUGH DARROW EBOOK] (Neural Interface Protocols: The PEDOT Revolution).

In fact, while we have the password for the computer in this room, hacking seems more fun, and it's more rewarding too [PC/LV1/SCRIPT KIDDIE 25XP/ADDITIONAL BONUS: 100XP & NUKE VIRUS SOFTWARE].  As you can see, this grid has two datastores.  You'll want to access the clearance first, and quickly spread from there.  Once you're detected, it's very important to activate multiple nodes at the same time, capturing and fortifying as much as you possibly can, to capture both datastores and the registry.  The PC normally only allows access to the camera (which you can turn off).  You could, if you really wanted to, use the newly found Praxis Kit to activate the Turret Domination Augmentation, although it's far from necessary.

Make your way back through the vent duct and enter the server room.


Neutralize The Terrorist Leader

One of Sarif's warehouses has been taken over by Purity First members - radicals against bio-augmentations in general.  As recovered chief security, you're to handle the situation.     




A full motion cutscene plays in which things complicate [250 XP].  The room contains a [STOP! WORM SOFTWARE] under a large cardboard box, [10x COMBAT RIFLE AMMO] on a deskand also a more hidden [4x TRANQ DARTS] in a small plastic crate on a desk in the upper left corner. Make your way to the head office by going through the doors and riding the elevator up.  As you move over the overpass, SWAT and Purist members are in a firefight.  It's not hard to guess the victors.

Make your way through the area and head upstairs.  Eavesdrop on the two Purists and it becomes apparent that they're not finding what they were looking for. Good.. right?  Head after the Purist heading straight downstairs and quickly take him down before he can descend the stairs (if you fail this, no problem, just follow the instructions below - in any case take out the guard heading left).

The meeting room 01 contains an Ebook (Global Politics Review [2026 Edition]), a [POCKET SECRETARY] (with PC login/password sgrimes/ovid), a [BEER] and a Newspaper (Can The Motor City Rise Again?).

The meeting room 02 contains [4x REVOLVER AMMO], and allows you to go downstairs via a vent duct [TRAVELER 100 XP].  From the restroom you should be able to sneak into the meeting room 03 - just make sure the sentries don't see you. Before doing this, look to your right to find [3x STUN GUN DARTS].

This room contains [4x TRANQ DARTS], and allows you to reach one of the Purists on the other side of the room, who you should be able to take out easily without any of the others taking notice.  He might also have a [POCKET SECRETARY] (with PC access mlatona/redwings).  There's a [BEER] on the low table here, but take caution grabbing it (if at all).  [5x MACHINE GUN AMMO] can be found in the far right corner behind a cardboard box, and you can even find [45 CREDITS] in the cabinet behind the stairs (lift the small cardboard box), although you will want to take out the guards first.

Hide behind the crate and carefully inspect the sentries' patrolling rounds. The one closest to you is easiest to take down (if you hadn't already, back upstairs); wait for the other two to move towards the other side of the office and quickly take him out before he has a chance to proceed his round, then drag him into meeting room 03 like the other guard.

From here, make your way to the guard further away.  Take him out once the Purist in the middle of the room moves away from the desks in the middle of the office.  With him out of the way, the last guy shouldn't be a problem to rid yourself of.  Again, you might receive two access codes: gthorpe/hydro, and tcaldwell/talon.  You can find a [TRANQUILIZER DART on the second desk (the one that the guard closest to the stairs sometimes turns his back towards).

There's a lot of hacking fun to be had in this office, all of which is entirely optional.  There are 10 PC's around, which adds up to a 250 XP minimum, plus additional rewards from datastores.  You should be able to get 2 Stop Worms and 2 Nuke Viruses from them, as well as 125 Credits.

If you grow bored of hacking and don't care about maximizing XP, here's a list of all PC logins in this room:

MROSS/lions, FBROOKS/tipple, VCLARK/tigers, MLATONA/redwings, CPARKER/zinc, FMARCHAND/factotum, GTHORPE/hydro, RMCCAUF/hvywethr, SGRIMES/ovid, TCALDWELL/talon.

When you're done, exit the office and head upstairs towards the head office. Before you enter the door, read the [HUGH DARROW EBOOK] (Artificial Muscles) on the counter [SCHOLAR 200 XP].  If you've collected all XP in a maximum fashion, this will grant you a new Praxis!

Clean Stealth Takedown


Make sure you save your game before going inside, because you've got several options here.  The below - due to the implications of your choices - contains minor spoilers:

1. Fighting Zeke usually results in Josie getting killed immediately. You can try to kill Zeke before he has a chance to kill Josie, although this needs to be done within a second.

2. Letting Zeke go also results in Josie getting killed.

3. Talking with Zeke, trying to make him release Josie is a win-win situation. You can use empathetic, humble, or reasonable answers to talk your way out of this.  While there are various paths you can take, especially since the conversation is semi-random, the following choices will always get you a positive outcome: 1. Empathize. 2. Empathize. 3. Reason.

Releasing Josie results in several indirect and direct rewards.  The direct reward is [SILVER TONGUE 1000 XP].  This guide will inform you of the other indirect rewards later.

The game also rewards you with [750 XP] for finishing the mission, regardless of results.  You're awarded [250 XP] for (permanently) securing the hostages, and an additional [GHOST 500 XP] bonus if you were fully stealthy.  Rescuing Josie also nets you [750 XP].

Speak with Josie and look around for a [POCKET SECRETARY] holding her PC login information (JTHORPE/hydra).  You can also hack it [25 XP]; either way, read the secret business proposal .. And I always thought I was the only one who got those emails!  I'm still waiting for my share from one of those nice misters! *Ahem* Let's continue. Mr. Thorpe is waiting outside; speak with him and he'll promise you a reward for saving his wife.

A Peaceful Resolution

Conclude your business and talk to Malik at the chopper to finish the mission [750 XP].

NOTE: If you aimed to maximize XP, your counter should now be at 9440 XP.


Tying Up Loose Ends

Before Jensen can fill in his full report, Sarif wants him to drop by Pritchard so he can make sure the Typhoon hasn't been damaged.                                                      



Converse with Malik and get some background information, then enter the building (although you might want to talk to the second guard twice to hear him compare you to Vulcans).

The cafeteria contains a new newspaper (Ny'Asha Returns in Triumph) and a [BEER] near one of the plants.  Instead of going back to the main hall, head straight downstairs and enter the vent duct near the vending machine on your left hand [EXPLORER 200 XP].  Go down the ladder to find [200 CREDITS] and a [POCKET SECRETARY] with information on what appears at face value to be a drug deal. As you might've heard, Neuropozyne is a drug that prevents augmentations getting rejected by the human body.  The "Rejection Syndrome" is common in nearly everyone with augmentations.

Anyway, meet with Pritchard in the tech lab on the second floor and he'll tell you it'll take some time [1000 XP].  (By the way, Pritchard'll call you Gandhi if you took a nonlethal approach back at the plant.) Read the Ebook (The Nature on Neuroplasticity) and check one of the shelves in a closet next to the pinboard to find a [NUKE VIRUS SOFTWARE] and [STOP WORM SOFTWARE].

Handing off to Pritchard

Meet Sarif in his Penthouse - use the designated elevator to get there. Speak with him and he'll ask you to investigate the suicide terrorist, who's been moved to the police dept.  He also asks you to visit the L.I.M.B. clinic. This quest now ends [1000 XP].  Have a chat with Athene, Sarif's secretary, and head back to the main hall.  You'll get paged - someone wants you in your office.  This is actually the first of many optional Side Quests, which are not only intriguing but also quite rewarding at times.


The first sidequest (S1: PAGING ADAM JENSEN) is very, very short.  In fact, it ends when you reach your office on the third floor in the main hall, which grants you a small reward (COMPLETIONIST 100 XP).  But this quest is mainly designed to get you on your way - meet Tim Carella in your office and accept the quest after asking everything there is to ask. S2: LESSER EVILS is now available to you.  In this guide we won't immediately pursue this quest, but instead tie loose ends up.

Meeting Tim Carella

Jensen's office contains a bottle of [WINE], and a [POCKET SECRETARY] with his computer login ajensen/mandrake.

Note: If you want to exploit the infinite experience glitch, Jensen's PC is the best place to do it, since it grants the most XP points.  If you're interested in doing this, consult the FAQ section (Answer #5) at the very bottom of this guide.  Do realize this breaks the game for you.

There's an email from Athene Margoulis which contains two access codes.  She suspects that someone has been stealing Neuropozyne (well, we just got confirmation on that from at least one source) and names a few suspects, asking you to check things out.

There may also be an email from Greg Thorpe - Josie Thorpe's husband - telling you to stop by at his apartment sometime.  This activates sidequest 3, One Good Turn Deserves Another.

First, let's have a look inside Denzel Mitchell's office - one of the names mentioned by Athene in here email.  It's across your own office, marked with number 31, and secured by a level 2 keypad.  You do have the code, although hacking a level 2 security system can net you a [GREY HAT 50 XP] bonus.  This does require you to use a praxis on the HACKING: CAPTURE 2 augmentation, but to be fair, now might actually be a good time to do so anyway, because there'll be a lot of level 2 systems from now on, many of which require hacking.

There's an Ebook (Global Politics Review [2026 Edition]) in Mitchell's office, along with a [CYBERBOOST PROENERGY BAR].  Find [184 CREDITS] and a [POCKET SECRETARY] in the desk drawer,  This contains a code to Mika Pine's office (4145).  Also check the emails on the PC for background info.

Head to the second floor and enter the office on your right (Lyle Rogers and Gale Bergama).  The PC contains some interesting background information; otherwise the room little else.  Next up is office 23, which is Will Rosellini's and Walt Cannon's office.  You should have the code from your email (3716), but you can also hack this level 2 device if you want to [GREY HAT 50 XP]

The drawer contains [53 CREDITS], and there's also an Ebook (The Next Three Decades) on the small table.  The other desk's drawer contains [25 CREDITS]. The PC contains emails regarding the Neuropozyne theft, and gives you another keycode (9642), this time for Ted Bruger's office.

Office 25 is Mika Pine's office, but we don't have a keycode for this one, so we'll skip it - for now (although you could hack it).  Office 27 is Diane Gonzalez' and Nouella Cock's office, for which we have the code: 4145.  Hacking, of course, is still an alternative and grants [GREY HAT 50 XP].  Look inside for a [HUGH DARROW EBOOK] (The Neural Hub - Design for a Next Generation), a bottle of [WHISKEY], and [118 CREDITS] in the desk's drawer.  The PC contains interesting background info, and there's a vent duct that leads to Mike Pine's office [TRAVELER 100 XP].

This office contains [115 CREDITS], a [HUGH DARROW EBOOK] (The Tyranny of Biology), a [CYBER- BOOS PROENERGY BAR], and an additional [126 CREDITS] in the drawer.  As usual, read the emails on the PC.  Note: If you'd want to hack the keypad on the other side of the door, simply backtrack through the vent to do so.)

Continue exploring the second floor: Office 20 (Jerry Maher and Dorrie Harris) contains nothing of interest, and office 22 (Faridah Malik) has a high security level of 4, so we'll have to skip that one.

Head to the 3rd floor and enter office 35 to read another Ebook (Hearts of Steel).  Proceed to office 32 (Ted Bruger's), for which you have the code: 9642. There's a [CYBERBOOST PROENERGY BAR] on the desk, and [53 CREDITS] in the drawer.  The other desk has an Ebook (Composite Study 07121969 -- FINAL TEST RESULTS) and its drawer contains [24 CREDITS].  The LVL 2 PC can be hacked - wait, what's that?  See that note next to the screen?  You can also use that to access the PC: eclipse.  It contains correspondence between Bruger and Andrea van Wesel.. And the plot thickens..  Read the Ebook in the cabinet (Tomorrow's Man: The Hugh Darrow Story) and use the vent duct that just happens to lead to her office (which is restricted with a level 3 keypad).

There's an Ebook in this office (The Belltower Way), and the drawer contains [37 CREDITS].  There are [67 CREDITS] lying on the other desk, while the PC's emails shed some light on the previous information..

This leaves two offices on the third floor.  Office 30 can be hacked (LVL 2), and contains a [CYBERBOOST PROENERGY PACK] (restores a whole cell instead of half a cell, but the item takes up two slots, making it cumbersome to drag along), and [107 CREDITS] in a drawer.  The PC contains an interesting email from David on a 'Basilisk' project.. Macular degeneration results in loss of vision due to damage to the retina.

The other unexplored office (33) is of no other person than Tim Carella himself, the guy who just asked for your help.  It contains an Ebook (The Sleepwalking World), [346 CREDITS], another [100 CREDITS] in the desk's drawer.  The emails on the PC give you several conclusive answers.  There are still some things you'll need to do for Tim, but that'll come soon.  More importantly, the PC also holds the password to Faridah Malik's office: 5475.

In Malik's office you can find an Ebook (Building Wings: A Better Tomorrow), [204 CREDITS] in the desk's drawer, and - by far the most interesting email - the access code to the helipad storage room: 8053.  With this code in hand, go to the helipad and move to the far right corner.  Head down the ladder and use the code to access the storage room, which contains a whopping of goodies: [AMMO CAPACITY UPGRADE], [4x REVOLVER AMMO], [4x STUN GUN DARTS], [10x COMBAT RIFLE AMMO], and [3x TRANQUILIZER DARTS].

With the helipad storage room raided, head back inside Sarif HQ and go through the double doors to enter the city.


Visiting The L.I.M.B. Clinic

David Sarif asked you to drop by the L.I.M.B. clinic to get your health checked.  Wouldn't want to take any risks.

PRIMARY OBJECTIVES:                   


As you walk outside, Jensen stumbles on Cassandra Reed, Megan's mother.  She asks you to investigate he daughter's case, because she suspects foul play. Agreeing starts the fourth sidequest, MOTHERLY TIES.  We'll first visit the L.I.M.B. Clinic, though.

When you head downstairs from Sarif Industries' entrance, immediately look to your left and search for a [POCKET SECRETARY] in the grass.  This will soon come in handy.  You can find a [BEER] in the trashbin in the center of this area, next to the lightened art.  A [CYBERBOOST PROENERGT BAR] can be found in the trashbin down the street on the left.  You'll also meet Letitia here.


A Meeting with Megan's Mom



From Sarif HQ's entrance, head down the left road.  There's a woman named Letitia who's snooping around in some garbage bins.  Have a talk with her: You can buy information from her on three different subjects: Weapons, City Mood, and Secret Paths.  Let's go over all of her information.

WEAPONS (500 CREDITS), (GAS STATION):  "I was you, I'd look fer some bright lights coming outta the windows of a boarded-up gas station nearby. An' a bodyguard maybe, hanging around."

This refers to the gas station just around the corner, where you can buy weapons from a weapon dealer.

WEAPONS (1000 CREDITS), (SHOOTER): "You's hear about the protest at LIMB today?  The one as was about to get all violent, till Mr. Sarif's factory stole all the news?  Rumor has it somebody wanted ta make sure it got to Miss Eliza's attention. Maybe had a shooter in a high place somewhere, looking down on the LIMB plaza, aiming ta turn things up a notch. Didn't happen because of the factory, but you never know, they might've left something behind."

This refers to a sniper's secret stash above Grayson's Shop.  See the walkthrough for more info.


"Well now, what I's suggesting here ain't exactly legal.

And you being an ex-cop an' all, I hopes you won't take this the wrong way, but.. everybody knows the best weapons in town are locked up inside the police station.

"Yes, and that would be very helpful if I were still a cop.  But I'm not, so I don't have the computer codes needed to open the armory's door."

"Yes, but Tish here does.  I overheard two rookies discussing it, while I was warming myself by the trashcan fire in backa the station. They was bad-mouthing that new boy, Officer Nicefeld, for choosing 'patriotism' as a password."

This refers to the police station's armory, and the required password to access it: 'patriotism'.


This learns you that there are various garage-door storage rooms around town, and that it's best not to pull anything stupid on punks or police officers if you wanna stay out of trouble.


"Interesting thing about the sewers in this city, Cap'n.  Some of 'em pass right under the police station, but that don't stop some people from hiding things down there."

"What kind of things?"

"I's not sure.  But a bunch them walls been patched over pretty quick.  Man like you might be able to find out why -- specially if he's fixed up with suma them magic eyes that sees through stuff.  Mr. Sarif has ta make eyes like that, dontcha think?


"I's just guessing here, Cap'n, but since you ain't a policeman no more, maybe it's a bit hard to get you inside that police station some days. Specially when things are being 'classified'. There is a door I know though, connects to the sewers. Only thing is, it's usually locked."

"Hate to tell you this Tish, but that information isn't worth the admission price you're charging."

"That's cause I ain't given you the code yet!  Jesum, Cap'n, have some patience! Twenty-five, ninety nine. Two-five-nine-nine."


"Now, I's not advising you do this -- you's being an Aug and all -- but if this trespassing you's needing to do happens to be inside D-Row -- street gang  territory?  The you'd definitely don't wanna be seen going in."

"Because the Ballers would sooner rip me apart than ask questions."

"Exactly -- you being an Aug now, an' all.  But suma them ole buildings over there are real crumbly up near the top. Fire escapes still okay though, so maybe you find a hole get you inside if you goes up. "Keeping my fingers crossed the whole time that the building doesn't fall apart on my way down."

"Oh, they's stronger than you think.  But it's true you might wanna invest in some of Mr. Sarif's falling down augmentations 'fore you goes in. Cause I's pretty sure them elevators don't work."

With all of the information above, there's no real need to pay Letitia any credits for info, since you've already got everything you need at your finger-tips.  Let's continue.  Straight ahead is the subway, leading to the other part of town.  For now, turn left first and look for the Oron Gas Station on the right side of the street.  There's an Ebook on the counter (No Better: The Myth of Human Augmentation).  Talk to Grayson to buy or sell equipment:

                                GRAYSON'S SHOP:
           |ITEMS:                    | PRICE: |AVAILABLE QUANTITY:|
           |10mm Pistol Ammo (x5)     |    25  |         6         |
           |Shotgun Cartridges (x5)   |   100  |         2         |
           |Tranquilizer Darts (x2)   |   100  |         5         |
           |Damage Upgrade            |   250  |         1         |
           |Burst Round System        |  1500  |         1         |
           |Shotgun                   |  1500  |         1         |
           |Tranquilizer Rifle        |  1500  |         1         |
           |Mine Template             |    75  |         3         |

If you don't already have a Tranquilizer Rifle, now might be a good idea to grab one.

The weapon upgrades are useful, especially the Burst Round System if you're a big fan of shotguns.  If you're not a big shotgun lover, then it's a pricey purchase you might want to avoid.

You can also find another [BEER] in the trashbin across the street.  A hooded man should be leaning on it.

The LIMB clinic is further down the street, past the huge Il Metamorfosa billboard.  A full motion cutscene plays as you enter it.  Inside it is explained to you by Dr. Vera Marcovic that Sarif wants you to unlock augmentations faster than normal by using (bought/found) Praxis Kits.  You're given [5000 CREDITS] and [750 XP]. The shop contains the following items:

                                LIMB CLINIC SHOP:
           |ITEMS:                    | PRICE: |AVAILABLE QUANTITY:|
           |Typhoon Ammo              |   100  |         5         |
           |Hypostim                  |   100  |         2         |
           |CyberBoost ProEnergy Jar  |   250  |         2         |
           |Praxis Kit                |  5000  |         2         |

It's highly advisable to buy the two Praxis Kits (if you have enough credits, which you should if you've followed the guide so far), and save them for future use.  The Hypostim item is very useful too, since it adds 50 points to your health, above and beyond 100, up to a maximum of 200 (although you can still only auto-replenish your health to 100).  The Typhoon Ammo is also well worth your while, although you'll need an augmentation for this that you'll probably want to activate later on in the game - still, investing in the ammo is wise.  You can always sell the ammunition for weapons you don't use or don't like as much as your primary weapons - the credits add up quickly.


Important Purchases


After meeting Dr. Vera Marovic, explore the clinic, although there's little to look for.  There are two Ebooks in the waiting room (Building Wings: A Better Tomorrow) and (Liberate Yourself!), and another [HUGH DARROW EBOOK] in the surgical ward corridor (The Visual Cortex 2.0 - The Eye, Redesigned).  The PC in the operating room contains interesting background information on Jensen.  You can also find a [CYBERBOOST PROENERGY BAR] behind the surgical trolley.  Leave the clinic when you're done exploring.

Sarif contacts you and tells you to proceed with your main objective; entering the police station.  We'll get to that after first considering several optional things.


Head down the street to your right; this is where the protests against the LIMB clinic were being held, although things have calmed down.  Check the left side of the street and move behind the fence.  Walk past the sleeping hobo and hack the Level 2 security device [GREY HAT 50XP] to unlock the storage cabin [TRAVELLER 100XP], inside which you can find [BEER x2].  Yes, it's a level 2 hack, and yes, it's worth your while to spend a Praxis Kit on hacking by now. Alternatively, the code 4626 will open this door, but remember that you don't get XP for using codes.

Tip: If you've found the four beers you can give them to Letitia and she'll hand you a [POCKET SECRETARY] with codes for a Level 5 storage locker at the basketball court: 1904 (for the locker) and 6542 (for the security system).  Nice!

There's little of interest at the blocked highway, so head up the steps across the street and enter the Detroit convention center.  This place is currently populated by several gang members, which don't like you snooping around, although you can easily run past them and enter the ladies restroom on the right (there's a gang member in the other restroom).  They'll only turn hostile if you keep standing nearby them, ignoring their warnings.

Head through the vent in the restroom, which leads to a secret stash that contains [99 CREDITS], a [MACHINE PISTOL], and [MACHINE PISTOL AMMO x8].  If you can't carry any more, consider dropping some items and selling the Machine Pistol at Grayson's Shop for 375 credits, then going back for your dropped items.  Also, it's better to not open the hatch at the secret stash and just rush out the restroom the way you came in order to prevent provoking the gang members (unless you're up for a fight, of course).  In any case, you'll be back at the convention center later.


From the LIMB clinic's entrance, spot the long ladder behind the enormous Il Metamorfoso billboard.  This leads to a balcony with a Level 4 security device.  The code for this is 8982 (which can be found by looking for a [POCKET SECRETARY] on the left side of the Sarif Industries entrance.)

The apartment is small and has an open window which leads to the roof of Grayson's Shop.  Carefully drop down on the iron box below, and from there, drop down on the circular valve-like devices attached to the wall below to prevent getting hurt [EXPLORER 200XP].

An alternative way to reach this roof is to upgrade your legs (which requires 2 Praxis Kits for the first upgrade), and to jump on the red container at the back of Grayson's shop, and from there onto the roof.

Tip: You could also try building some stairs by making good use of the barrels found on the streets.

In any case, check the ventilation shaft to find a [SNIPER RIFLE], [2x SNIPER RIFLE AMMO], and a [POCKET SECRETARY] with background info.


Locating the Sniper Stash


Now is a good time to start doing several sidequests.


Head past Grayson's shop to the right to enter a slum area.  Detective Chase's apartment is right around the corner, who has important clues on Megan's case [100 XP]. Speak to him for an additional [100 XP].  He gives you an access key to the DMPD storage room - 4891 (the reversal of 1984, an obvious reference to George Orwell's novel on totalitarianism) and several hints where to go next. Before you leave the building, head all the way upstairs and enter Greg and Josie Thorpe's apartment.  Speak with Thorpe - if you saved Josie before, you're rewarded with [750 XP] and he also mentions you'll get a discount at a weapon dealer named Seurat.  This concludes quest S3: ONE GOOD TURN DESERVES ANOTHER.

Head into their bedroom and read the [HUGH DARROW EBOOK] (Nano-Augmentation - Pipedream or Theory for the Future?).  Remove the small picture frame and hack the level 2 device [GREY HAT 50XP] to open the safe, which contains [120 CREDITS].  The bathroom contains nothing of interest, so exit the building.

Proceed through the slums until you reach a crossroads (and right before that, note the fire escape, climbable by ladder).  Tindall's apartment building is to the left, but as mentioned, is protected by a security gate.  The level 2 security device can be hacked, of course, although there are other ways to enter the building.

One other way to enter the building is to climb the fire escape's ladder near the crossroads and leap over to the other building's roof.  An other way is to jump on the container under the fire escape without ladder, and then jump on the fire escape itself.  With jump enhancement, this isn't a problem at all, but even without it you can reach it by collecting the large and small crates in the area and stacking them on top of each other.  The larger crate can be found just slightly further down the other alley you haven't passed through yet, nearby the large water tank.


Before doing all of this, however, consider exploring an other, smaller apartment, namely the one with the fire escape with ladder.  Climb it, but don't leap over to the other building, instead climb on the roof.  You can either head around the corner and enter the building through this door, or you can hop on the water tank and drop down another level, entering through the door below.

There's only one explorable apartment in the building, which is locked with a level 2 security device [GREY HAT 50XP].  Inside you can find [43 CREDITS] near the phone in the kitchen, read an ebook (On-View) in the bedroom, and a [CYBERBOOST PROENERGY BAR] in the bathroom.  The level 1 computer can be hacked for contextual info and a wink at Big Brother.  With this apartment fully explored, head back outside and enter Tindall's apartment.  This guide will assume you enter the building by stacking crates on top of each other to access the fire escape, since it's by far the easiest method and available to everyone.


Using just the large crate is enough if you jump on the lamp and from there onto the fire escape.  Climb your way to the roof [EXPLORER 200XP] and enter Tindall's apartment [300 XP].  Head downstairs and enter through the first door before continuing further down.  You'll reach an apartment locked with a level 5 security device.  It's unwise to spend all your available augmentations on hacking, so blast out the door with your guns to get inside [EXPLORER 200XP]. Alternatively, use this code: 2356. Search behind the x-ray screen to find some [PAINKILLERS] on the floor, nearby the small cart.

The bedroom is locked with a level 2 device [GREY HAT 50XP], in which you can find an [HUGH DARROW EBOOK] (Arms (and Legs) For Man - The Structure of Cybernetic Limbs), and a level 1 PC.  Hack it to retrieve the code for the level 5 security safe behind you; 3663.  Inside you can find a [PRAXIS KIT], a [CYBERBOOST PROENERGY PACK], and the weapon cabinet contains two 10mm Pistols.

Head down a level and hack the apartment's level 1 device [SCRIPT KIDDIE 25XP]. There's a 10mm Pistol on the desk, but what's more important is the [POCKET SECRETARY] hidden next to the plant, which contains a security code: 1029. This unlocks the level 4 security door, but do NOT enter the room immediately! It has been rigged with explosives, so grab one of the cardboard boxes from the living room and hurl in the bedroom (by pressing the fire button while holding the box).


Searching for the evidence


You can find [CROSSBOW BOLTS x3] on the bed, and the level 1 PC [25 XP] contains the code for the gate below: 0002.  There's a [SHOTGUN] and an ebook (Jus Ad Bellum: The Rise of the PMC's) in the bathroom.  The level 3 safe isn't worth upgrading your augs for (unless you're maxing XP), nor spending an unlocking device on:  It contains a [NUKE VIRUS SOFTWARE] and [SHORGUN SHELLS x4]. This is Omalley's room - remember it - and you'll be coming back here later on.

Head downstairs and enter Tindall's apartment (hack the level 1 device [SCRIPT KIDDIE 25XP].  Head inside [300 XP] and enter the bedroom, which contains an ebook (We Hope For Better Things: The Past and Future of Detroit) and Tindall's PC.  Scan through his emails and immediately log back out [100 XP], because this triggers an event: A junkie is looking for Tindall to get his fix, but since you're in his apartment, things aren't going to be friendly.  Hiding next to the door opening allows for a swift takedown, through.  His pocket secretary confirms our suspicions.

Since you've now fully explored the apartment building, head outside.  There's one last thing to do: explore the far left side of the courtyard [TRAVELLER 100XP] to find .. TOILET PAPER!  Just what I needed.  There's [39 CREDITS] and a [CYBERBOOST PROENERGY BAR] too, though.  Either hack [GREY HAT 50XP] or unlock the gate with the code (0002) and be on your way.


Head down the alley, which leads to a basketball court.  Climb the ladder of the fire escape to your left and go up one floor.  There's a [STOP WORM SOFTWARE] up for grabs if you hop onto the small balcony with devices.  To get back safe, crouch and drop on the fire escape.  Open the window on the first floor and head inside.


Gang Banger Intel


The floor houses a (level 2) locked apartment and Seurat, the weapon dealer.

                                SEURAT'S SHOP:
           |ITEMS:                    | PRICE: |AVAILABLE QUANTITY:|
           |Machine Pistol Ammo (x15) |   120  |         5         |
           |Stun Gun Darts (x2)       |    50  |         5         |
           |Silencer                  |   500  |         1         |
           |Stun Gun                  |   500  |         1         |
           |Machine Pistol            |   500  |         1         |

If you visited Greg Thorpe (and saved his wife), you'll get a ~25% discount on all of Seurat's prices.

The most useful item is arguably the Silencer.  It's always a good thing to have a silenced weapon with you, and this allows you to silence, for example, your 10mm pistol.

There's also a [HUGH DARROW EBOOK] (Respirocyte Technology & Hazardous Environment Parsing) in Seurat's bedroom.

The other apartment, locked with a L2 security device [GREY HAT 50XP] contains an ebook (Uniting the World) and a level 2 PC in the bedroom [GREY HAT 50XP]. There's also a hidden safe behind the picture, but it's locked (level 3).  It contains a [NUKE VIRUS SOFTWARE], and a [10MM PISTOL], [75 XP].  The code for this safe is 0739 (which can be found on a [POCKET SECRETARY] on the left side of the fridge in this apartment.

The second floor of this apartment is home of a gang named MCB.  Approach them and you'll be told to leave.  Back away a little and wait for the second member to enter the apartment, allowing a swift and silent takedown on the other.  Wait for your energy cell to recover and take the other member out inside the apartment.  There's a [BEER] and a [10MM PISTOL] in the living room, but that's not what you came here for.

Although the door to the bedroom is locked with a level 3 security system, you can find the code in a [POCKET SECRETARY] from the first guard: 3733.
(Note: An explosive device is able to blast out the door too.)  Enter the bedroom [PATHFINDER 300 XP] and look for [168 CREDITS] on the desk.  The drawer contains a [STOP WORM SOFTWARE], while the level 2 PC contains background info on MCB members [GREY HAT 50XP].  The lockers in the bathroom contain [TRANQUILIZER DART x4] and a [CONCUSSION GRENADE].  This concludes the exploration of this apartment, so head back outside by the fire escape.


You can relive old memories (Deus Ex, the original) by trying to throw the basketball into the basket, although this is rather tricky.

A good method, which requires the Strength Enhancement augmentation, but which is easy to pull off, goes as follows: Use the large dumpsters and stack them in such a way so you can reach the basket easily.  With the ball in your hands, simply drop (not throw) the ball into the basket.  This grants you a trophy/achievement.


Easy Balls Achievement


Tip: You don't necessarily need the Strength Enhancement augmentation to get the trophy/achievement.  Alternatively, you can simply stack six barrels on top of each other; three barrels compose the first level, two barrels make up the second level, and the last barrel constitutes the top level. Doing this carefully allows you to jump on top, which in turn makes it a piece of cake dropping the ball through the basket with great ease.

The Level 5 storage room can be unlocked with the code you found earlier on: 1904.  Remove the cardboard box and barrels on the left side to reveal a level 4 security panel for which you also have the code: 6542.  This allows you to deactivate the laser beams; tripping these causes a valve behind the large metal crate to open, permanently filling the room with gas.

Loot the room for [13x COMBAT RIFLE AMMO], [2x TRANQUILIZER DARTS], [6x SNIPER RIFLE AMMO], and [3x COMBAT RIFLE].  Only pick up one Combat Rifle and head over to Grayson's Shop at the gas station to sell it for 630 Credits.  You can now go back to pick up another one, and finally the last one, which you could either keep or sell, making a total of 1890 Credits.

Back at the basketball court, don't mess with Bee-K and P-Gee .. yet.

It looks like you've reached a dead end, but senses deceive (after all, we *are* made from atoms).  There's a hole in the fence behind the three stacked, green barrels that you can crawl through [TRAVELLER 100XP].  The small tunnel leads to the northwest part of town, which includes Chiron Building (Jensen's apartment building).  The tunnel also is a shortcut to the area with the police station, but only if you have the "Move/Throw Heavy Objects" augmentation to push the large contains away from the hole in the fence.  I don't think a shortcut is worth that just yet, and we'll get to the police station soon enough.

Head upstairs and inspect the storage room to your left (locked with a level 2 device [GREY HAT 50XP]) [TRAVELLER 100XP], to find a [STUN GUN] and [STUN GUN DARTS x2].  Alternatively, you can walk past the containers on your right and look for a [POCKET SECRETARY] on an iron beam to your right hand, which holds the code to the storage: 2928.


Chiron Building is to your left.  Continue past it, following the road to a  dead end, and enter the red container [TRAVELLER 100XP] to find [PAINKILLERS]. Enter Chiron Building afterwards.

The receptionist's computer only holds background information - head up with the elevator.  The janitor here spills an important clue.. Well, let's just head inside, right?  It's no regular apartment - that's for sure, judging from the size of his TV and living room.  The living room contains an ebook (Advanced Clock Building), but little else - at first sight.

Head inside the bedroom to find a [HUGH DARROW EBOOK] (The Intelligence Circuit) and a pc, which holds an access code (and part of the truth about your mirror). With the access code - 5375 - head over to the terminal next to the kitchen and either hack it or use the code [SCRIPT KIDDIE 25XP].  Unlock the secret stash [TRAVELLER 100XP], which contains an [ARMOR- PIERCING SYSTEM], [10MM PISTOL, [150 250 CREDITS], and [10MM AMMO x10].


Empty the Stash


The armor-piercing system increases your weapon's efficiency against armored enemies, and is worthwhile to combine with your favorite weapon of choice.

Tip: If you exit Jensen's apartment and head around the corner you can overhear a dramatic conversation between an augmented couple if you stand next to the closed door at the end.  Augmentations obviously have downsides.

With Jensen's apartment fully explored, head back to Detroit's main streets. It's worthwhile to mention the alley across the street, adjacent to the two dumpster containers.  The fire escape leads to an apartment, which in turn leads to D-row, although we're not going there yet.


It's time to finish the S2 - LESSER EVILS quest.  Head down the main street and ignore the main entrance to D-row on your left.  While you're here, though, speak to the hooker named Jenny Alexander on the other side of the street at the D-row crossroads; she's standing against the wall.  Get all the info you can from her, which starts S5 - CLOAK & DAGGERS.  We'll let this rest for now.

Head down the main street until you reach the police station area.  You've already explored most of town, but the link between the police station area and Sarif Industries remains unexplored.  Continue past the police station and go right, around the corner.  There's a manhole leading to the sewers at the alley's entrance, and at the end of the alley is the shortcut between the three major parts of town as mentioned earlier, if you can move the container that is. Ignore the alley for now and travel through the subway station, which links back to the Sarif Industries area.  With the major part of town explored, let's finish S2.

You can find Tindall behind Grayson's shop, just behind the abandoned gas station [100 XP].  He tells you the real story behind the Neuropozyne and asks you to take care of two dealers before handing you the security footage. Of course, you can take him down and snag the footage from him, but this tends to turn the locals hostile.

The dealers you're looking for are, as Tindall said, located at the basketball court, which is downtown.  Finding them nets you [100 XP].  An easy way is to perform two takedowns on them (make sure you have two full energy cells) - the second one quickly after the first [300 XP].  You might also choose to take the Multiple Take-Down augmentation if you plan on relying on stealth takedowns anyway. 

With the dealers out of the way, return to Tindall to retrieve the footage [100 XP].  Return to Carella, who's waiting for you at the subway entrance, to finish this quest.  You'll receive a [LASER TARGETING SYSTEM]  and [1000 XP].

The S4 - MOTHERLY TIES QUEST goes hand in hand with visiting the police station, so this'll be your next stop.  There are actually several ways inside the police station.  You could head into the sewers to find a hidden entrance, you can try to find a back alley (as one of the NPC's nearby the police station mentions), or you can try to talk your way in through the front door.


Investigating The Suicide Terrorist

Sarif requires you to retrieve the neural hub from the dead augmented hacker, and analyze it for clues.                   
PRIMARY OBJECTIVES:                                              



Let's try going inside through the main doors first [100 XP].  You can find Chet Wagner here as well, who has important information for the MOTHERLY TIES quest.  Unfortunately, he's a total douche, so you'll have to be happy with the [100 XP] you get from talking to him - we'll get around his douche-ness soon enough.

Speak with Wayne Haas at the reception and a social battle commences.  You'll need to be friendly with him, but at the same time stay in control if he starts to blame you.  A surefire to win this social battle is to answer in the following way: 1. Absolve. 2. Plead. 3. Absolve. 4. Plead.

A successful conversation results in entrance to the police station and [SILVER TONGUE 1000XP].  This also grants you The Desk Job achievement/trophy.


Gaining access to the Morgue


Note: If you fail the conversation, you'll have to enter the police station via the sewers or back alley (see further ahead on how to find the back alley).  The first police officer you incapacitate will hold a [POCKET SECRETARY] with the codes for the 3rd floor offices.


Go inside the men's restroom and look for a [POCKET SECRETARY] in the second toilet, which contains a code for Melanie Frezell's PC; 1856.  The vent here only leads to the main office, which is useful for stealth routes, but doesn't help us.  Back in the previous hall, head over to the cardboard boxes and ignore the women's restroom; it's empty.

Move the large crate so that you can crouch behind it and not get seen by any of the officers, and hack the level 2 door at the far end of the hall, or use the code you just found and head inside the room [EXPLORER 200XP].

Remove the trash can from the wall to reveal a [MACHINE PISTOL] and [MACHINE PISTOL AMMO x10].  There's also a [POCKET SECRETARY] in the cabinet which holds the login for armory: fnicefield/patriotism.  There are [250 CREDITS] on the desk, and the level 2 PC [GREY HAT 50XP] contains two access codes: Ryan Penn's office: 2419. Ventilation system: 7668.  Exit the office.

You can also hack Wayne Haas's reception office (level 2 [GREY HAT 50XP] and go inside for [EXPLORER 200XP], but stay crouched all the time and use the crate to hide behind when hacking the door (and make sure no officers are around).

Note: If you're really out to hack every single device in the game, it's possible to hack the PC inside Haas' office by stacking crates and copier machines on top of each other to barricade the window, which prevents you from being seen.

Go to the main hall and enter the recreation room.  There's a [POCKET SECRETARY] here with a code to Bernard Gum's office: 2231.  The main office contains various PC's, but hacking them, well, let's just say it leads to a bloodbath, which is something you'll probably want to avoid.  The morgue/basement is to the far upper left side of the office, but let's explore the upper floors first, so head upstairs from the main hall.


There's an officer nearby the stairwell as soon as you reach the 2nd floor. Take him out while no one's looking and drag him behind the copier.  You can seal off this small area with cardboard boxes to be absolutely sure no one sees his body.  You can find [69 CREDITS] in the cafeteria, as well as a decently hidden ebook (Global Politics Review [2026 Edition]) on one of the closet's shelves.  To be safe, also take out the other officer standing guard and ignore the armory to your left for now.

You can enter Cpt. Penn's office (the second one) by either hacking the level 2 device [GREY HAT 50XP] or using the acquired code: 2419.  Alternatively, you can crawl through the vent next to the nearby cardboard box.  Enter to receive [COMPLETIONIST 300XP] and [EXPLORER 200XP].  Search the desk for a [POCKET SECRETARY] with a code to the Morgue: 9212, an Ebook (Hearts of Steel) and [269 CREDITS].  The level 2 PC [GREY HAT 50XP] contains interesting background info; read all emails and note the name Manderley .. a common name if you've played the original Deus Ex [300 XP].

The terminal on the wall controls the ventilation security system - there are laser beams in the vents and passing through them will trigger the alarm, and we don't want that.  Fortunately we have the code: 7668, but hacking works fine too [GREY HAT 50XP].  Enter the vent to make your way to the armory [TRAVELER 100XP] (ignore the intersection, leading up to an interrogation room on the 3rd floor). Take down the guard in the armor stealthily and use the PC (password: patriotism) to unlock the armory.  Hacking is an option too, of course [75 XP].

Enter the armory [EXPLORER 200XP] to find several goodies: [COMBAT RIFLE x2], [SHOTGUN x2], [COMBAT RIFLE AMMO x15], [RATE-OF-FIRE UPGRADE], [CONCUSSION GRENADE x2], [P.E.P.S.] and [PEPS ENERGY PACK x3].  The PEPS is a weapon that knocks enemies unconscious with an enormous energy blast - seeing is believing. Unfortunately, ammo is scarce for it and it takes up several inventory slots, so it's up to you whether to bring it or not.


Exploring the second floor


Tip: You can make a lot of money by grabbing one Combat Rifle and one Shotgun, heading over to Grayson's or Seurat's shops and sell them, then doing this again. Shotguns sell for 750 credits, Combat Rifles for 630.  That makes for 2760 credits from these four weapons in the armory alone, not even counting other weapons you can find in the police station!  It takes some time, so it's up to you if you think this money is worth your while.

Ignore the other door - it leads back to the hall you came from, and the camera might spot you.  Back in the hall overlooking the main office, it's possible to hack the other office (Leboeuf's), which has a level 2 security device [GREY HAT 50XP].  Inside you can find a [SHOTGUN] and a [POCKET SECRETARY] with the access code to Jenny Alexander's office: 3727.  The level 2 pc [GREY HAT 50XP] contains background info.

The far end of the hall leads to another hall with a camera.  If you sneak past it you can find [301 CREDITS] on a moveable cart.  The door with the level 2 security device [GREY HAT 50XP] only leads to the back alley.  Climbing all the way to the roof does net you [TRAVELER 100XP], though.


In any case, (from the main stairs), head up to the 3rd floor.  Take out the officer if you feel like it and turn right (to the left is an interrogation room with little of interest, and you've already explored the adjacent vent system).

When around the corner, do take note of the ventilation system behind the cardboard box.  Exploring it grants [TRAVELER 100XP].  The camera up ahead doesn't sound the alarm when you're spotted by it, since this isn't a restricted area, technically speaking, since Haas let you in.

Enter the first office on the right (Det. Gum, level 1 [SCRIPT KIDDIE 25XP] or use 2231); [EXPLORER 200XP], which contains a [SHOTGUN].  The level 1 pc [SCRIPT KIDDIE 25XP] only contains background info.  Detective McCann's office, opposite to Gum's office, is already open.  Take out the sleeping McCann and snatch the [STOP WORM SOFTWARE] from his desk.  The PC only contains background info once again.

Now's not a bad time to take out the patrolling officer in the main hall, when he's at the far end of the hallway, just out of the camera's sight.  The door at the far end of the hall leads to a vent, which in turn leads to the roof of the police station's (the back alley).  You do get [TRAVELER 100XP] by doing a quicky in the vent, though.

Detective Murphy's office contains little of interest, although the two officers are discussing Paul Verhoevens RoboCop which takes place in Detroit. One of the guys mixes this up with one of Van Damme's many B-movies (such as Cyborg, the ultimate movie for a fairly lame night).  The air vent adjacent to this office only leads back to the hall, but does net [TRAVELER 100XP].

This leaves Det. Wagner's and Jenny Alexander's offices.  Both are accessible by the other air vent, and we also have the code to Jenny's office: 3727. They're both level 1 security either way [SCRIPT KIDDIE 25XP x2]. Enter her office [EXPLORER 200XP] and snatch [410 CREDITS] from nearby the radio.  The level 1 PC contains background info.

Lastly, enter Wagner's office [300 XP].  Hack his L1 PC [SCRIPT KIDDIE 25XP] and scan his emails to find out about his dirty business - anything to bribe the douche [100 XP].  This concludes the exploration of the 2nd and 3rd floors. Return to Wagner and leech the info from him [300 XP].  Having done that, it's time to pay a visit to the morgue.


Head down the stairs on the far upper left side of the first floor's main office.  There's a vent behind the barrels to the right which leads to the cell block.  The main reason for going through there, is of course [TRAVELER 100XP], although you can also eavesdrop on a conversation you otherwise wouldn't have heard.

From the locker room, make your way into the morgue, and retrieve the oh-so important TYM CORETECH MODEL 76-F NEURAL HUB (MODIFIED) from the hacker's corpse [GHOST 500XP], [1750 XP].  Sarif now wants you to analyze the hub in your apartment at Chiron's Building.

There's also an [HUGH DARROW EBOOK] (The Threat of Cybernetic Discognition Disorder) lying around on Gerard's desk, and his level 2 PC [GREY HAT 50XP] contains background info.  Don't drag the hacker's body around, by the way, or Gerard'll wet his pants and trigger the alarm.

Before you exit the police station, explore the locker room; several lockers contain the following items: [CYBERBOOST PROENERGY BAR], [COMBAT RIFLE AMMO x12], and a [RELOAD SPEED UPGRADE].  This is also where the entrance to the sewers is located at.  The lowest laser beam is faulty, allowing you to sneak underneath it after flickering three times - after the third time it breaks down slightly longer.  It's entirely optional to explore the sewers at this point, since you've already got what you came for.


Obtaining the Neural Hub



Head back to the Detroit streets via the main entrance.  In case you were still wondering about the back alley, head right, down the street, and look for a metal crate.  Open the nearby door and you'll see that the floor has electricity currents sparking all over the place.  Here's the thing: Hop onto one of the crates and grab the other, placing it ahead of the other and crawl onto that one, grabbing the other again and placing it in front of you, etc, creating a moving bridge [PATHFINDER 300XP].  In the middle of the area, use the breaker box to shut down the current, and don't forget to grab the [CYBER BOOST PROENERGY BAR].

This leads to the back alley.  If you've spoken to Jenny Alexander and accepted quest S5, you can speak with O'Malley near the water tank [100 XP].  He provides you with a different task, which requires you to pick up a package, assassinate an MCB member, and plant the murder weapon in the DRB's weapon stash, initiating a gang war.

Leave this for the moment and head around the corner, where you should be able to find a storage box with a level 1 security pad - although you also have the code, if you've been doing the MOTHERLY TIES sidequest; 4891 [100 XP].  Inside you'll find four Ebooks (Sarif Industries Incident Report TA-00514-008), (Sarif Industries Incident Report TA-00514-023), (Sarif Industries Incident Report TA-00514-012) and most importantly: (Autopsy Report: Megan Reed (DMPD Case: TA-00514)) [100 XP].  It looks like someone made Megan's body unidentifiable.. but why?

Inside the level 3 security safe you can find a [BRACELET] and a very crucial Ebook (Megan Reed; Lab Notes) with information on.. Well, you'll just have to read it yourself.  If you don't have a level 3 hacking skill yet, it's worth your while to use an Automatic Unlocking Device on the safe.


An important piece of evidence



The far end of the back alley leads to the police station's fire escape, and to a manhole leading to the sewers.  Leave this place for now, and head for  Jensen's apartment at Chiron Building.  You can locate this by using your map whenever you get lost; it's on the northwest side of town.

Before entering Chiron Building, check out the far end of the street, and more specifically, look for a Crossbow behind the door on the right; this is the weapon Omalley mentioned [100 XP].  Since it requires 10 inventory slots to hold, now would be an excellent time to expand your inventory with two rows by selecting it under the Arm Augmentations (two rows = 14 slots).

You'll also bump into Megan's mother in the lobby.  Tell her about all the information you found.  Note: If you keep the bracelet, you'll be awarded with a trophy/achievement. You get [1000XP] regardless of your choices.

Inside Jensen's apartment, connect the hub to your PC and watch the cutscene - things are about to get interesting [1000XP].


When you exit Chiron Building, Pritchard contacts you and tells you he's found a note from someone named Ezekiel.. Zeke.  That is, if you spared his life earlier on.  Head to the Sarif HQ area and go into the alley across the street. Zeke'll hand you a [POCKET SECRETARY] with a code (7984) and an access login (spaxxor/neuralhub) and considers his debt paid [750XP]. 

The nearby storage room (level 3), in case you're interested, contains [28 CREDITS], and an [AMMO CAPACITY UPGRADE], plus it nets you [TRAVELER 100XP].


Stopping the transmission

Sarif wants you to check out a transmission that threatens his network.  The transmission appears to be broadcasted from Derelict Row - gang territory.                               

EXTRACTION [M8] [750XP]                                             


Now's a good time to head back to Omalley's apartment (from the downtown apartment crossroad, his apartment is on the first floor of Tindall's apartment building, behind the security gate).  Entering his apartment is worth [300XP]. In his bedroom, grab the [WEAPON SHIPMENT] and [PACKAGE OF DRUGS] [100XP].  You might also want to grab a few crossbow bolts if you hadn't already.

While you're in the neighborhood, enter the apartment building nearby the basketball court and head to the top floor.  If you've already knocked out several MCB gangers, good for you, because we're going to enter their apartment [100 XP].


Picking up the evidence


It's difficult to take out all members, that is, knocking them all unconscious so that Jenny can make a case with Double-T as a witness.  It certainly helps to get the Reflex Booster augmentation, allowing you to take out two targets at once.  It's filed under "Back Augmentations", and the good part is that it nets you an extra 45 XP per successful combo in the form of the "Two Against One" XP bonus.  It costs two praxis kits, though.

Let's put this to practice, shall we?  Double-T and the Gang Leader are in the bedroom.  Wait for them both to stand near each other (watch the blue quest icon until it stops moving and is relatively close to the other), then rush in and perform the combo.  You can knock out the other two guys with takedowns or tranquilizers - whichever you prefer, just make sure you have enough energy [300 XP].


Having done all that, it's time to finally pay D-Row a visit.  There are several paths you can take, some which require augmentations.

1. The main entrance isn't a good idea because this blows your cover.  It is, however, possible to jump on the dumpster and sneak through the concrete pipe.  Your goal is straight ahead, so if you can manage to sneak past the other members - timing is everything - perhaps with the help of the Cloak augmentation.

2. You can go through the door at the far end of the street (Chiron Building Street), where you found Omalley's weapon.  While it looks like you need the "Move/Throw Heavy Objects" aug, you actually don't.  Look for a barrel in the alley across the street (with two dumpsters against the wall) and drag it all the way back.  Place it in front of the leftmost crate, crouch, and jump twice to get over the crate.  Note: Jump Enhancement works fine too. If you have the "Multiple Take-Down" aug, rush over to the two gang members to toast them both at once.  You can find [10MM AMMO x4] on one of the road blocks.  Go through the door and you'll spot a fire escape to your left.

3. From Chiron building, look for the alley across the street with 2 containers; you can climb the fire escape in this alley.  This path does require the Jump Enhancement augmentation (2 praxis kits).  Make your way through the apartment and you'll reach the roof [EXPLORER 100XP].  From here you can jump (with enhancement) to the fire escape on the other side of the street - just be sure to sprint fast enough.

From here there are actually two routes:

1. This requires (should you want to be stealthy), the "Punch Through Walls" augmentation.  Climb the fire escape and enter the building.  Punching through the wall clears the way (but, and this is important if you care about a non-lethal playthrough, it also KILLS the gang member standing against the wall within the same combo).  The other gang member isn't alerted, and can be taken down regularly.  Unfortunately, the nearby shaft is of a deadly height, and there's little else but a [SHOTGUN] here.  You *must*  have the "Icarus Landing System" augmentation in order to survive the fall, but this costs 2 praxis kits - a pricey entertainment.  This only grants you [EXPLORER 200 XP].  I personally wouldn't recommend this path.

2. The second route requires you to sneak past the D-Row members near the crossroads.  Of course, this is ultimately done with a little help of the "Cloaking System" augmentation (2 praxis kits), although it's not impossible without it either.  Hug the left wall and sneak behind the large container to the left (it's not a disaster if they tell you to "stay out of this", just don't stick around).  Head through the door.

[Although this guide now continues with path #2, it'll be mentioned when path #1 and #2 merge, since #1 is essentially a little shortcut.]

The first guard is easily taken down, but up ahead are two guards in conversation, complicating matters.  You can overhear their conversation by crawling/hugging the right wall, but this isn't a good spot to take both of them out at the same time.  Hide behind the large block of concrete and *right after they finish their conversation*, take both of them out with a combo takedown.  This requires skill and timing, so it's a good idea to save your game before this part.  It is, however, necessary in order to fulfill the "Remain Undetected While In D-Row" secondary requirement for S5/Jenny.  If you can't get it done, try tranquilizing them both one after another.

You can go two ways from here: 


Eavesdrop and Takedown


1. Through the door on your right.  Head right and take out the guard nearby the small steps.  There's a weak wall you can punch through (if you have the aug), but once again, this KILLS the gang member - just so you know.

Head the other way and move downwards when no one's looking.  Hiding behind the concrete roadblocks, wait for the patrolling guard to pass you by and take him down as quickly as possible.  Drag his body behind a safe place.

You can sneak past the other two guards if you wish - simply hug the left wall.  Do take note of the [HUGH DARROW EBOOK] (Vestibular Augmentation and Enhanced Agility Factoring) on top of the barrels.  From here, exit the door to reach an open area again.  From here, look for a dumpster near a broken well, hop onto it (look out for guards), and enter this door to continue (although you might want to look for the weapon stash for S5.)  As for the other path..

2. Underneath the gate. Going underneath the gate grants you [100 XP].  Take down the lone guard and drag him out of sight.  This is where path #1 and #2 (the previous ones that is) merge.

There are several options at this point.

1. If you have the "Move Heavy Objects" aug, you can clear the way to a hidden vent system on the left corner, behind the large crate.  This leads to a shaft with various crates that you can use to reach higher ground (there's nothing on the lower level) and reach another vent [PATHFINDER 300XP] that leads straight into the next building. (Skip to the "Rocket Launcher" paragraph for more information)

2. Sneak past the gang members by hugging the left wall and wait for them to split up.  You can actually take down the remaining member from behind without being spotted by any of the other members.  Just make sure to hide his body FAR away from the other two nearby members (behind the dumpster will do fine, for example).

You can't continue straight ahead, so backtrack a few steps and sneak behind the large red container again.  Around the corner, wait for the other two gang members to finish their conversation (or, perhaps if you're uber buffed, put on cloak and take them down at once, although I haven't done this personally).  Continue sneaking by hugging the building's wall, wait for the guard to move away from your location, and follow him by crawling through the concrete pipe, taking him down in this safe location.  Taking out the other solo guard shouldn't be a problem now.

Head through the hole in the fence and remove the two green barrels from the wall to reveal a hidden area with the DRB weapon stash inside [300 XP], [TRAVELER 100XP].  There's a [MACHINE PISTOL], [COMBAT RIFLE], [10MM PISTOL], [10MM PISTOL AMMO x5], [AMMO CAPACITY UPGRADE] and [FRAG GRENADE x2] here. Inspect the [WEAPON SHIPMENT] for [100XP].


Now is actually an excellent time to head back to Jenny and wrap her sidequest up.  Note: Although it *is* possible to return to the main D-Row streets by the small sewers accessible through the manhole here, it does require the Cloak aug, preferably at level 2 since there is a large group of gang members guarding this area.  Otherwise, just backtrack regularly.

You get [1000XP] regardless of your actions, and another [750XP] for finding the drugs and weapon shipment in his apartment, and giving her the crossbow.  You can either have her arrest OMalley, or you can do it yourself. The latter requires you to head to his apartment [100XP], where you can either arrest him (worth [100XP] [1000XP]) or agree to his bribe (only if you don't immediately choose to fight), which nets you [100XP], [1000XP] for the quest, and [3000 CREDITS], located in your apartment, along with a bottle of [WINE]. It's your call - good or evil.


Completing the Mission



Back at where we were, infiltrating D-Row, use the concrete pipes to hide and take out the remaining two solo guards.  The two guards nearby the burning barrel *can* be taken out together at once (by moving around the left side of the rubber tires), but only if you've cleared the area earlier on (otherwise they can spot you through the windows).


There are two buildings in this area; one has a door and is on the far end side of the area, the other has a destroyed fire escape hanging high above ground level.  This is actually the building that the vent mentioned earlier - the one you need to remove a large heavy crate for - leads to.  You can access it by jumping onto the large red container by making good use of the tires and then hopping onto the fire escape, entering the building by a broken window. 

Ignore the door to your right and open the door around the corner - carefully, since there are two gang members in this room (check the map whether or not any of them could possible be facing the door).  If possible, (which is when the icons on the map are close to each other, indicating they're both on the bench) sneak up to the first pillar in the room, then hide behind the bench as the other gang member steps up and walks out of the room.  Follow him and swiftly down him, then quickly take down the other gang member.  If you take too long, he'll take a pose and it'll be trickier to down him from this position.  With Cloak it's still very possible, though.  Your reward?  A [ROCKET LAUNCHER] and two [ROCKETS]!  Unfortunately (realistically), the launcher takes up 24 slots in your inventory, so it's hardly worth the effort unless you're willing to spare two praxis points to expand your inventory by 28 slots (but I advise against this at this point).  You could, however, if you have the patience, sell the Rocket Launcher at one of the shops.  This requires some backtracking, though.

The other door in this building leads to a back alley [TRAVELER 100XP] with some hobos.  The manhole leads to the sewers - a valve can be turned here to stop the poisonous gas in the nearby vent.  Inside you can find [125 CREDITS]


Go through the building's door and take out the first guard while he's in the corner.  The other two guards watching TV can essentially be snuck by, although you can always take them out for the XP.  Also grab the [CYBERBOOST PROENERGY PACK] lying here.  The ladder on the left leads to an area rigged with four explosives; shoot them to clear the way.  Alternatively, hurl one of the barrels at them.  Wait for the two guards to go out of their alerted state, then take them both down.


Shut down the signal Alan


Hack the level 1 device that's jamming Sarif's network [SCRIPT KIDDIE 25XP], and you'll be picked up by Malik [2500XP].  Agree to leave when you've absolutely done everything and she'll take you the area where the terrorists might've been hacking from [750XP].


Following the clues in Highland Park

Pritchard thinks this is the area where the terrorist who controlled the augmented hacker is located at.  Better investigate the surroundings thoroughly.                     


THE TRANSMISSION [1000 XP]         

LOCATE THE MERCENARY LEADER [1750 XP] [GHOST 500 XP] [SMOOTH OPERATOR 250 XP]                                          

KILL THE MERCENARY LEADER [2500 XP]                                 

MEET MALIK AT THE EXTRACTION POINT [1000 XP]                        


Get info from the MCB Leader, who also has the following items for sale:

  o Special Upgrade for Tranq. Rifle/Crossbow = [TARGET LEADING SYSTEM] (1500 C)
  o Grenade Pack = [1 GAS GRENADE 1 EMP GRENADE] (400 C)
  o Tranq Rifle Ammo x5 (250 C)
  o Shotgun Ammo x8 (280 C)
  o Crossbow Ammo x5 (175 C)

Developing Contacts

The target leading system is very useful if you're into using the tranquilizer rifle (or crossbow), and the grenade pack (especially the EMP grenade) might just come in handy soon, so stock up.  There's a door nearby the burning barrel you can go through.

(There's a door on the other side of the area, too, but you can't go through it.  I always want to go through doors that one cannot.  That might just be me,  though.  It probably is.)
Head through the building until a cutscene rolls.  They're here; the mercs you were looking for [750 XP].  You can find [55 CREDITS] on one of the boxes here. Continue and head outside; wait for the mercs to finish their conversation first.


Sneak around the area by hugging the left wall, hiding behind the large container and taking out the nearby guard from behind when all other guards are looking away.  This requires precise timing.  You can find a [STUN GUN DART] and [100 CREDITS] inside this container.  Move to the truck on the other side of the field and hide against its back.  Take down the merc as he turns away - once again, be quick.  There is a pack of [COMBAT RIFLE AMMO x5] on your left hand, but you'll need to move the two heavy crates first.  If you can't, don't worry - this is only a sneak route.  Head around the corner, take out the guard, and you'll still be able to access the ammo.

There's also a [CONCUSSION GRENADE] and [COMBAT AMMO x4] lying on a nearby crate.  Head behind the large containers to find a closed off area (level 3 security) [75 XP].  If you got the code from Zeke, well, you get the code anyway since I'm writing it down: 7984.  You can find [SHOTGUN SHELLS x3] here, along with a [FRAG GRENADE] and a [SHOTGUN].  The ladder leads to the roof of the building; we'll get there in a minute.  The nearby door around the corner gets you inside the same building, just by ground level.  These essentially indicate path #1 & #2.

Backtrack to your starting position (the very first building) and move underneath the truck (inside which you can find a [STUN GUN] and [STUN GUN DART] if you're interested).  Hide behind the crates and take out the nearby guard, dragging his body into the shadows.  Hug the wall and continue until you'll have to move a container to pass.  Just beyond these containers is a floor with electric current running through the watery surface.

First check out the nearby cabin around the corner for a [POCKET SECRETARY], [75 CREDITS], [COMBAT RIFLE AMMO x3], and a [LASER TARGETTING SYSTEM].  It's not a bad idea to take out the nearby guard, as well as the other guard patrolling the container area nearby; both are relatively easy targets. 

The boxes can be used to build a moving bridge over the area with electric current blocking the path, although it's a rather cumbersome method and you also need to be careful you don't push yourself off the crates.  Use the breaker box halfway through to turn the current off.  Your reward are [PAINKILLERS] and [200 CREDITS].  Also look for[REVOLVER AMMO x3], and [COMBAT RIFLE AMMO x5] on a crate in the area with the large metal, military crates. It is in this corner where you can find path #3 into the next area.


Let's go over all possible paths for the next area.

Path #1: Head back to the ladder (or the door on the ground level, although these paths soon merge anyway).  Once you're on the roof, make your way through the hall and go up the small steps; you're now at an overview area and in the far distance you should be able to spot a sniper.  Check the crate on your right for [50 CREDITS] and continue. The door leads to the main area you're trying to infiltrate.  It helps significantly to take out this sniper by carefully crouching towards him.  This essentially puts you in the same position where path #2 ends (except in path #2, you'll have taken out more guards, making things easier from here on out).

Box after box opens the Switch

In any case, there are still several other paths that combine well with path #1.  You can, first of all, use this sniping position to take out various guards, although it's more rewarding to take them out with melee takedowns.

You'll have crouched past a vent system on your way to the sniper. Heading inside nets you [TRAVELER 100XP].  Better yet, this shortcut immediately connects to your destination if you head all the way down. The vent shaft on the intermediate level connects to a storage depot on the ground floor with[REVOLVER AMMO x3] and [SNIPER RIFLE AMMO x3] inside.  Your destination - an elevator that brings you to the lower levels of the facility - is on the lowest floor of the current area.

Feel free to continue, if you wish, but there are several things to explore by trying the other paths.

Path #2: Going through the door leads you into a garage-like environment. The stairs connect to path #1, but you can find [COMBAT RIFLE AMMO x3] on a crate here.  Don't go upstairs - instead head through the door and explore this office for a [CYBERBOOST PROENERGY BAR], [TRANQ DARTS x2] and a level 3 PC for which you should also have the login: spaxxor/neuralhub.  It only grants access to doors/cameras, however. It's still worth your while to deactivate the cameras though - simply click on the little screens to do this; a red indicator tells you you've shut them down.

Just outside the office, wait for the nearby guard to turn his back towards you and take him down.  The laser beams on your right can be hacked (or you can use the code 7984).  This merges path #2 and #3.

Alternatively, you can just head left and sneak down; this is where your destination is.  Of course, you're free to take down the remaining guards too.  This allows you to do some exploring that is covered mainly in path #3, and some of it in #1.  The long ladder also leads to the elevator

Path #3: Move the metal crates and read the Ebook (IPC Procedures and You). You can also find [SNIPER RIFLE AMMO x2] and [REVOLVER AMMO x1] on a crate here.

A laser system has been set up to your left, although you can either use the code 7984 (which, come to think of it, is probably a reference to George Orwell's 1984 too - seven looks quite a lot like the number 1) or hack it (level 2).  In either case, be careful as there is a guard on patrol who will look this direction every now and then.

You can also continue onward without deactivating the laser system and overhear a conversation between two mercs.  When they split up, wait for the other to approach you as you hide behind the crates, then take him down - the camera can't spot this - and hide his body.

You can find [REVOLVER AMMO x4] on one of the crates to the left, just behind the fence.  As you proceed, do take notice of the sniper patrolling on the catwalk high above.  If you have a long-range weapon (tranq/sniper rifle), it's a good idea to take him out from here so he can't spot you.  Alternatively you can hug the wall to the right, sneak past the camera and climb the two ladders (but only go up when the guard is walking away from you.  Swiftly take him out. This is where paths #1 and #2 merge.  You can find [125 CREDITS] at the far end of the catwalk (past the ladder you just climbed).

This is also an excellent position to take down two of the guards below although you can also head back down and take them out for maximum experience.

There's also a guard in the cabin below, and opening the door will arouse him.  You can either take him down immediately as he goes outside, or alternatively sneak inside by one of the windows. Inside this cabin you can find a [POCKET SECRETARY] with a computer login (WKS0012/NTLSEC59), a [PEPS ENERGY PACK], [AMMO CAPACITY UPGRADE] and [35 CREDITS].  The Level 2 PC can be hacked 9GREY HAT 50XP] or unlocked with the login you just found and contains background info.

The long ladder nearby (after taking down the guard(s)) also leads to your destination.

Whichever path, or combination of paths you choose, ride the elevator down; just be wary of the camera (if active).  As you ride down, the conspiracy  begins to unravel [2500 XP], [GHOST 500XP], [SMOOTH OPERATOR 250XP].


Hide behind the nearby crates and grab the [EMP GRENADE] and [COMBAT RIFLE AMMO x2].  Unfortunately for you, one of the mercs activates the Security Bot (a Box Guard).  Ah well, just look at the bright side; in the courtyard there were dozens of these bots; all of them inactive!  Just imagine if you'd have to fight all those..

While a good toss of the EMP grenade instantly toasts the bot, it also alarms the nearby guards.  You might want to take a slightly more..stealthier approach. There are several options here:

Path #1: Head left and grab the [COMBAT RIFLE AMMO x3] from the crate.  In order to proceed, grab one of the small wooden crates nearby and place it at the iron bars to hop over.  Sneak through this area and grab the  [REVOLVER AMMO x3] and [SNIPER RIFLE AMMO x2] from one of the crates. There is also a [ROCKET LAUNCHER] and a [ROCKET] here.. It's up to you whether or not to do something with this obvious wink.

Sneak out of this area and, when no one's looking, grab the [COMBAT RIFLE AMMO x5] from the crate and head through the door nearby. Two guards are conversing just around the corner.  Grab the [10MM AMMO x2] and wait for them to finish, then take out the single guard. 

Getting past the Bot to Kill the Bot.

Path #2: Head right and sneak to the door on the far right, which leads to a staircase monitored by cameras.  Sneak past them to reach the upper level (which can alternatively be reached by sneaking up by the other stairwell).  Three guards patrol these catwalks, each of whom patrols their own little catwalk.  The guard in the middle is easiest to take down first.  Sneak towards him and stay out of sight - hug the right wall of the catwalk and hide behind the first block of steel.  Wait for him to turn his back towards you and swiftly go in for the takedown and move his body out of sight.

The second guard we'll take down is the one on the right.  Backtrack the way you came and approach the catwalk he's patrolling.  Hide behind the steel bars and head in for the takedown after he starts moving away from you *and* he first has looked behind him once.  By then the other guard won't be looking in your direction any longer, and the merc you're about to take down will bend over the catwalk, giving you some time to go in for the takedown.  Quickly hide his body on the catwalk he was facing - the other guard normally won't look there. With these two out of the way, the last guard should be a breeze. It's still a good idea to stay crouched with the bot downstairs.

Alternatively, if you have the "Move Heavy Objects" augmentation, you can move the two large crates on the right side of the area to sneak past all three guards.

You can now snipe/tranquilize the remaining guards below (or head back down to take them out, which is trickier).  Better yet, accurately hurling an EMP grenade at the bot grants you [HUNK OF JUNK 250XP], and if there are no mercs around when it explodes, the alarm doesn't sound either.  Alternatively, you can play with the rocket launcher below, saving you an EMP grenade.  The only thing of interest on the lower level that currently remains is an [AMMUNITION BOX] on one of the crates, which you're free to loot after exploring the upper level first.

Look for [SNIPER RIFLE AMMO] and [COMBAT RIFLE AMMO x2] in the far left corner, then head inside the control cabin.  Look around for a [NUKE VIRUS SOFTWARE], then proceed to the next room in which you can find [COMBAT RIFLE AMMO x5].  Head downstairs and you'll reach the point where paths #1 and #2 merge.  There's a ladder leading down to a hallway with a patrolling guard here; the ladder is on your immediate right.
You can now either continue by the lower level (path #1) or upper level (#2).

Path #1: Take down the guard if you hadn't already done so and head through the door around the corner.  The office to your left contains a [TRANQ DART], [125 CREDIT CHIPS] and a [POCKET SECRETARY] with a computer login: wks0010/usprotkt.  You have the access codes to both level 2 computers; the one in the corner contains background info, the other PC controls the cameras; it's a good idea to shut these down in advance.

The next area is under heavy surveillance by various mercs and a turret, but you can uncover a large vent system to your immediate left by removing the cardboard boxes.  We can certainly make good use out of the vent system, which leads to various rooms:

Room A3 holds [COMBAT RIFLE AMMO x4], Room C3 houses [175 CREDITS], you can find a [CYBERBOOST PROENERGY BAR] in room C1, and C2 holds an Ebook (REX-84 Operational Field Notes).  Beware of the camera above the C3 vent (which you should've shut down).  There's also a camera between C3 and A3 which has quite a wide range, so be careful.

                               {C3}           {C2 / C1}
                               | |               | |
                               | |_______________| |
                               |  _______________  |
                        /      | |               | |
                   (cam)       | |               | |
                        \      | |               | |
                               | |_______________| |
                               |  _______________  |
                               | |               | |
                               | |               | `.______
                              {A3}               `._______Start

Sneaking past the guard(s) is tricky, but it's a good idea to keep in mind that your destination is on the far left side.  There are other rooms to explore though, which contain the following things: {B3} contains an Ebook (A Coalition For Liberty), {B2} contains a [POCKET SECRETARY] with a computer login (lbarrett/BULLSKULL), {B1} contains [COMBAT RIFLE AMMO x4], {A1} contains a [POCKET SECRETARY] with background info, and {A2} contains [REVOLVER AMMO x3]. A decent strategy to take down the guard is to hide in one of the rooms he passes by, make some noise by running around, hiding behind the door and *immediately take him down as he enters the room, without him being able to make a sound.

Make your way over to left and go through the door.  Depending on whether you entered through middle door or not you'll first need to deactivate the laser beams; code 7984 (or remove the large crate from the vent, although you can also get the [EXPLORER 200XP] by going through it via the other end after deactivating the laser beams.

You can find [SNIPER RIFLE AMMO x3] on the crates in the far corner at the end of the hallway.  Go through the door and two FEMA officials will ask you what the hell you're doing here.  You can either bluff (which works well if you got the access code from Zeke) or fight. Choosing Bluff, Bluff, and Intimidate also works if you don't have the codes.

If you choose to fight, it helps to take both of them down in one swift melee attack by rushing towards them.

Hack the level 1 doors (SCRIPT KIDDIE 25XP) and start exploring the area.  The locker room contains [200 CREDITS], [3x COMBAT RIFLE AMMO], and [2x SNIPER RIFLE AMMO].  You can find [80 CREDITS] on a table in the cafeteria, and the office behind the cafeteria (locked by a level 2 security device, although you also have the code: 7984) grants [EXPLORER 200XP] and contains a [HUGH DARROW EBOOK] (Blurring the Boundaries Between Man and Machine), a [CYBERBOOST PROENERGY PACK], [150 CREDITS], and Lawrence Barrett's PC with background information.

Continue through door on the left side of the cafeteria.

This is where paths #1 and #2 merge.  You can backtrack and follow the other to find more items, or you can continue.

Path #2: Head inside the next room in which you'll find a level 3 PC (password neuralhub) that unlocks the nearby storage room.  Make sure you also disable the camera.

The storage room is just around the corner [PATHFINDER 300XP].  Inside you'll find a [SHOTGUN], [SHOTGUN CARTRIDGES x5], [TYPHOON AMMO x1], a [ROCKET], and a [CONCUSSION GRENADE].

Continue and hack the level 2 PC in the control room for background info [GREY HAT 50XP].  It's possible to move the large crates to your right (with the "Move Heavy Objects" aug, but you can also break either of them by shooting them a couple of times with a silenced weapon.

The importance of lifting with your legs

We'll first head through the other, non-barricaded door.  Sneak to the far corner of the area, avoiding contact with any merc or camera. Enter the office and look for a [POCKET SECRETARY] with a pc login (WKS3021/hmldsec), [50 CREDITS], a [STUN GUN DART] and [170 CREDITS] hidden in the corner nearby the stun gun darts.  The PC contains background info and can be accessed with the login you just found.

Use the vent shaft to access the adjacent office and look around for [120 CREDITS], a [TRANQ DART], another [30 CREDITS], and a [STOP WORM SOFTWARE].  You'll probably want to stay crouched while exploring. Don't hack the level 3 PC yet or you'll probably be spotted.

Go through the door and hide behind the catwalk - then behind the steel bars near the wall.  Wait for the guard up ahead to move towards an alarm panel and quickly crouch your way towards him, then take him out and hide his body behind the crates.

Enter the control room nearby and look for a [NUKE VIRUS SOFTWARE] and an [EMP GRENADE] (nice!).  The level 3 PC here (neuralhub) can deactivate the two cameras on this level, saving you the trouble of being extra careful.

First take out the sniper, when he's standing on a platform in the middle of the area (and when his buddy isn't looking his direction). The other merc shouldn't be too hard to take down now, although you'll want to avoid being seen by any mercs or turret downstairs.

From the alarm panel where you took down the first guard, head through the double doors a few meters further and make your way downstairs. This connects to a hallway which links to your destination; just be careful the camera doesn't spot you.

Paths #1 and #2 have now merged. Feel free to backtrack for more experience or goodies now (or later, although all enemies will be gone after facing the boss, which means no more opportunities for you to get experience points from them).

Pritchard will tell you where to go.  First head inside the small office, avoiding the nearby camera.  Inside you can find [COMBAT RIFLE AMMO] and a [RELOAD SPEED UPGRADE] if you remove the boxes from the wall. The level 2 PC shuts down the camera, and you also have the code (neuralhub).

The medical bay around the corner contains a [HYPOSTIM] and [220 CREDITS], the second room contains [PAINKILLERS] and a [POCKET SECRETARY] with background info.

Make your way through the hangar up ahead.  There are no items in this area, so proceed until you reach the double doors that lead to your destination, and save your game.  It's a good idea to buff your health as high as possible with painkillers and the hypostim you found earlier.  It certainly won't hurt to have 200 health. Enter the next room [1750XP], [SMOOTH OPERATOR 250XP], [GHOST 500 XP].


Barrett's a tough boss if you expect to down him with bullets alone. He'll never hesitate to pump you full of lead with his powerful gatling gun-arm, and he'll also hurl up to three grenades at you if you manage to piss him off - which is bound to happen.  How to deal with Barrett?  Below you'll find a few tips that ought to increase your chances of survival.

To start off, quickly hurl an EMP (or Gas) Grenade at Barrett (and make sure you hit him).  This'll stagger him long enough for you to hide behind the pillar on the right.  Quickly look behind you and spot the two gas canisters; grab one, strafe to the right and hurl it (with the "fire" button) at Barrett. If you hit him with it, it'll automatically explode, further staggering and injuring Barrett.     

If you manage to pull off the above, quickly rush over to the other corner of this side of the room and grab the explosive barrel. Accurately hurling this at Barrett will cause major damage to him, so give it your best shot.                                          

There are more explosive barrels and gas cylinders spread throughout the area, so it's best to continue with the above strategy while hiding behind the pillars, staying out of sight as much as possible. If Barrett hurls grenades at you, immediately sprint to another pillar and look for a gas cylinder.  After staggering him, hurl something explosive at him.                                         

Besides gas canisters and explosive barrels, there are a lot of weapons, mines and grenades to be found in this area.  It helps significantly to hit Barrett several times with well-thrown grenades or strategically placed mines.  If you still have detonatable explosives, you can hurl these at Barrett or a place you'll know he pass by and time the explosion for maximum efficiency.              

Watch your health and don't come to close to Barrett or he'll show you how nasty his melee attack is, which easily causes 80 points of damage. If you have any painkillers left, use them when hurt.      

If you have Typhoon, now's the time to make good use of it.         

It's important to realize that Barrett can't be tranquilized.  He is of the mandatory targets you must actually kill.

When you start to run out of options, grab a decent weapon and shoot Barrett repeatedly until he dies.  If you've successfully hit him with explosives, EMP and gas before, this shouldn't be impossible.  

It's worth your while trying to stun Barrett with the Stun Gun, if you have it.  Successfully doing so will stagger Barrett for a long time.

Your first Boss Battle!

An alternative way to kill Barrett very easily is to get the Recoil Compensation augmentations 1 & 2.  Only do this if you can't beat Barrett, because otherwise these augmentations aren't on par with some others.  In any case, start the battle by throwing a Gas Grenade at Barrett, then hide behind the concrete block.  As he chokes, pull out a Machine Pistol or Combat Rifle and aim at his head; unload a clip or two and he'll be toast.                      

For your convenience, here is a full listing of the equipment you can find in this area, along with a small map:      

    | E                G | A = Two Gas Canisters, [ROCKET x1], [PEPS   
    |                 ___|     ENERGY PACK x1], [10MM AMMO x5].        
    |                |                                                 
    |  D             |     B = [SHOTGUN CARTRIDGES x5], [MACHINE PISTOL
    |            F   |          AMMO x12], [TRANQ RIFLE DARTS x2].     
    |                |                                                 
 ___|                |     C = Explosive Barrel, [MACHINE PISTOL AMMO  
| C    B           A |         x20], [MINE TEMPLATE x2], [FRAG GRENADE],
|_________Start______|         [10MM AMMO x10], [PAINKILLERS], [TYPHOON
                               AMMO x1], [CYBERBOOST PROENERGY BAR],   
                               [10MM PISTOL] and [MACHINE PISTOL x2].  
 D = [SHOTGUN CARTRIDGES x2], Explosive Barrel.                        
 E = [PEPS ENERGY PACK], [10MM AMMO x5].                               
 F = [AMMUNITION CASE], Explosive Barrel.                              
 G = [PAINKILLERS], [CYBERBOOST PROENERGY BAR], and a weapon cabinet   
     with an [EMP GRENADE], a [GRENADE] and three [SHOTGUNS].          


Watch the cutscene, after which the way will be cleared.  You can now exit the facility completely; it looks like your next objective is going to be Shanghai, Hengsha Court Gardens [2500XP].

Note: If you still wish to explore parts the facility you can do so now.  All mercenaries have been extracted from the area, making exploration easier.

Ride the elevator up and speak with Malik to exit the area [1000XP].


Whispers of conspiracy

After killing Barrett you were left with only one clue: Head to the Hengsha Court Gardens in Shanghai.  Then again, the guy who told you that also wanted to send you to hell.   



MEET PRITCHARD IN MY OFFICE [1000XP]                                

CONFRONT SARIF ABOUT THE SECURITY LEAK [1000XP] [SILVER TONGUE 1000XP]                                            

MEET MALIK AT THE HELIPAD [1000XP]                                  


Back at Sarif Industries, head into your office and check your email.  Don't speak with Pritchard, ignore him for now.

You can re-explore the ventilation shaft in the southwestern part of the lower area that leads towards the Helipad.  It now contains [P.E.P.S. AMMO] and [TRANQUILIZER AMMO].

Picking up odds and ends and information.


Head inside the penthouse by using the elevator in the main hall to meet Taggart and his assistant Sandoval.  Although the dialogue has no influence on the story, it's worthwhile to get as much information from Taggart and Sandoval as possible to better understand the story.

Speaking with Sarif gives you your next mission [1000XP].  Head to Jensen's office, then speak with Pritchard [1000XP].  He'll tell you about a security problem in Sarif Industries' network, and he wants you to talk to David about this.


David has the personality type Alpha, so you'll need to watch what you're saying since he is after all your boss.  Carefully formulate your thoughts and stay with the subject.  Your first answer should be Redirect, but after this the conversation is semi-randomized and you'll have to listen to David carefully. Winning this conversation also grants you the YES BOSS achievement/trophy. [1000XP] [SILVER TONGUE 1000XP].

Unlocking the 'Yes Boss' Achievement

Return to Jensen's office and read all emails on his PC.  Speak to Pritchard outside of the office afterwards.  These steps are important so you can later activate the Acquaintances Forgotten Side Quest.

When you've fully explored Sarif Industries, bought everything from the shops in Detroit you need, and explored the city thoroughly, depart by speaking with Malik at the helipad [1000XP

.  You'll be back later in Detroit for unfinished business, but things'll be slightly different when you return.


Hunting the Hacker

You've arrived in Shanghai; now you need to find the Hengsha Court Gardens and see if you can find more clues there.      




FIND AND SPEAK WITH TONG SI HUNG [750XP] [SILVER TONGUE 1000XP] ([GHOST] if you take a stealth route, but you can't speak with Tong)

MEET TONG IN HIS OFFICE [1000XP] (only after winning the conversation with Tong)                                                          


Malik drops you off on the roof of the Hung Hua Hotel.  It's a good idea to head inside, after listening to the conversations the two working girls are having by the door.

On the 4th floor, head through the door and listen to the conversation in the first bedroom, then talk to Mei Suen to start the Rotten Business sidequest.

Flagging the first quest

Tip: This is rather evil, but also saves you an enormous amount of time. If it's just money you're after (not experience too), close the door and take Mei down.  Loot the large amount of 3000 Credits from her body (which would otherwise be this sidequest's reward).  You don't get any XP this way, though; it just saves you time.

Now is also a good time to get a certain item that you'll need later on.  From Mei's room, head onto the balcony and collect the [133 CREDITS] from the small table.  From here, head over to the third, last balcony (the second room has nothing of interest) and sneak into the room crouched.  Grab the [SMART CARD] at the bed's end, and exit the room (the security guard and hooker don't have anything on them).

Head downstairs to the 3rd floor and look for a [POCKET SECRETARY] with a key code in the poledancing room to your immediate right.  The first bedroom holds a [HIVE MEMBERSHIP CARD] that'll come in handy later.  You can find a [CYBER BOOST PROENERGY BAR] on the cabinet left to the bed in the second bedroom. The third bedroom doesn't contain any items.

The 2nd floor cannot be accessed, so head down to the first floor and enter the lobby office.  One of the lockers contains a [CYBERBOOST PROENERGY PACK], and there's an Ebook (Hearts of Steel) on the table.  The safe can be unlocked with the code you just found (or you can hack it's LVL 2 security system). The code is 7657 and inside you'll find [137 CREDITS], [5x 10MM AMMO], and a new pair of shoes.  You can find a [BEER] on the counter just on the other side of the glass.

Go through the red door across the bar to enter Lin Fu Ren's shop.

                              LIN FU REN'S SHOP:
           |ITEMS:                    | PRICE: |AVAILABLE QUANTITY:|
           |Rocket                    |   150  |         2         |
           |Machine Pistol Ammo (x15) |   120  |         5         |
           |Sniper Rifle Ammo (x5)    |   150  |         2         |
           |Crossbow Arrows           |    70  |         4         |
           |Rocket Launcher           |  4000  |         1         |
           |Machine Pistol            |   750  |         1         |
           |Sniper Rifle              |  3000  |         1         |
           |Crossbow                  |  2000  |         1         |
           |Frag Grenade              |   150  |         2         |
           |EMP Grenade               |   200  |         1         |
           |Silencer                  |   500  |         1         |
           |Laser Targeting System    |   500  |         1         |
           |Damage Upgrade            |   250  |         1         |
           |Target-Seeking System     |  1500  |         1         |
           |(for Machine Pistol or    |        |                   |
           |Combat Rifle)             |        |                   |

If you don't already have a Silencer for your 10mm Pistol, now's an excellent time to buy one.  The ladder at the far end of this room leads to a sewer-like environment that grants a shortcut to The Hive (and there's a vent that leads to Kuaigan District.  Ignore these for now, just take note.


Head outside.  The city might overwhelm you at first, so we'll just do everything step by step.  Head inside the electronics shop across the street and go around the corner; hack the LVL 2 safe to find [110 CREDITS] inside. The storage room grants [TRAVELER 100XP] and contains [111 CREDITS].  You can find a [POCKET SECRETARY] near the entrance of the Hung Hua Hotel.

The nearby grocery store also has a storage room that grants a [TRAVELER 100XP] bonus, and contains a [CYBERBOOST PROENERGY BAR].  The bar's storage room also grants [TRAVELER 100XP] and contains [103 CREDITS].

Head right, towards the "Lucky Dot" sign, and go around the corner - the other area leads to a dead end.  You can find a bottle of [SPIRITS] down this street, at the intersection.

Turn right at this intersection and head through the alley until you have to jump over some concrete blocks.  Head into the shop on your right and explore the storage room [TRAVELER 100XP], in which you can find an ammunition case with [4x TRANQUILIZER DARTS].  Continue and head downstairs.  In case you were wondering, if you head right from here, the long staircase leads back to the roof of the Hung Hua Hotel, and also functions as a shortcut to Chuangli, the bouncer connected to the Rotten Business sidequest.

When you climb these stairs, keep an eye out for a small balcony on your left hand, right before you pass a bicycle and a few rubber tires.  Jump on the railing to reach the balcony [TRAVELER 100XP], which contains a hidden [BURST ROUND SYSTEM].


Speaking to Chuang Li grants you a standard [100XP], but he isn't about to tell you where his friends are holding Ning.  You'll either need the Social Enhancer augmentation, or bribe Chuang Li with the fairly large sum of 2000 credits to have him tell you where Ning is.  This is, however, optional  information, but the extra experience you get for this can only be gotten by these two ways [300XP 750XP]. 

Tip: You could, of course, pay him the 2000 credits (assuming you have the amount), get the experience, then take Chuang Li out with a takedown, retrieving your credits *and* his shotgun, which you can sell downstairs at Lin Fu Ren's shop.

Rescuing Ning

Head back downstairs (to the previous area) to continue exploring.

Most importantly, explore the four storage rooms just ahead.  They're all locked with LVL 2 security panels, so hacking shouldn't be a problem, but if you're interested in their security codes, these are (from your starting position to the last): 1381, 1339, 1379, 7845.

The first box contains [5x CROSSBOW ARROWS], and [328 CREDITS] in a LVL 2 safe. The second box contains an ammunition case with [2x TYPHOON AMMO].  The third box contains [105 CREDITS], a [10MM PISTOL] (which you could sell at Lin Fu Ren for 175 credits, just drop your primary 10mm Pistol before picking this one up, then recollect it), and a [NUKE VIRUST SOFTWARE].  The fourth box contains [10x COMBAT RIFLE AMMO], a [COMBAT RIFLE] (which sells for a nice 630 Credits) and [5x SHOTGUN CARTRIDGES] plus [2x REVOLVER AMMO] inside the LVL 2 safe.  Selling weapons might seem troublesome, but it's well worth the time investment, especially if you want to buy the two Praxis Kits from the LIMB clinic soon enough (a whopping 10000 credits investment).

It's also useful to know that the Alice Garden Pods entrance is located on the opposite side of the area.  Ignore this for now.

Head downstairs and explore the storage room in the shop across the street [TRAVELER 100XP] to find [12x MACHINE PISTOL AMMO].  The other shop in the corner of the street also has a storage room [TRAVELER 100XP] that contains [5x10MM PISTOL AMMO].  Head east - opposite of this shop - and go down the stairs underneath the level you previously explored the four storage boxes.  This is a slummy area; you can only find a [BEER] in the far left corner on a small table with a radio.


Ning can be found in a storage room upstairs, but is guarded by three Harvester Triad members.  Locaing the guards grants you [300XP].

Head upstairs in a crouched position and look at your radar to ensure none of the three Harvester Triad members are looking your direction.  Only one of them will occasionally inspect the stairs.  You can try shooting him with the tranq. rifle while making sure he doesn't see you (just don't move too far ahead, and make sure his head is behind the wall), then drag his body down/out of sight. Alternatively, the Stun Gun works wonders too.

To take out the other two guys, first tranquilize the one leaning against the wall - you can do this from behind the concrete block.  The other one will rush towards him to wake him, so quickly prevent him from doing just that by going in for a takedown.  Alternatively you can use a Stun Gun to down the first guard, and a takedown for the second [750XP].  Loot their bodies to find a [POCKET SECRETARY] with the keycode for the LVL 2 storage box (which you could also hack for XP); 5377.  Speak to Ning and accept her gratitude [100XP].

Tip: The Machine Pistols sells for 380 Credits a piece.  Picking up ONE at a time and making a quick detour to Lin Fu Ren's shop can thus make you 1140 Credits.  That's quick money, as it only takes about two minutes to make one detour; less if you have the Icarus Landing System (as you can leap off into the lower area).

Return to Mei at the Hung Hua Hotel to receive your reward [1000XP], [1000 CREDITS].  She also has another task for you, namely to kill Diamond Chan. Accept this mission (she'll hand you the drugs package) and go downstairs. From the entrance of the Hung Hua Hotel, head right.

You can go up the stairs on the right and explore the storage room of the store to receive [TRAVELER 100XP].  There's another store at the very top of the stairs that also has a storage room [TRAVELER 100XP].  There's also a LVL2 storage cabin on the top floor; simply head around the corner.  Inside you can find a [TRANQUILIZER RIFLE].  If you already have one, consider dropping your main tranquilizer rifle and selling this one for 750 Credits at Lin Fu Ren's shop; easy money considering how close his shop is.


Ignore the ladder and stairs, and head down the left streets to enter Youzhao District.  Climb the two ladders at the intersection and move to the far end of this roof.

Note: Going down the stairs to your left leads to some apartments.  You can find a [HUGH DARROW EBOOK] (The Science and Theory behind Cochlear Implants) in the apartment on the second floor.

Note: If you go right and then head right again you'll reach an other roof. The first apartment to your left (LVL 1 security) contains yet another [HUGH DARROW EBOOK] (Invasive Brain Machine Interfaces).

Diamond Chan's apartment is on the far left end of the roof up ahead, so you'll need to jump over, which isn't a problem with Jump Enhancement.  Otherwise, head up the small steps and use the ramp for an extension for your leap.

Taking out the overlord

Approach the door of his apartment and wait for Chan to finish his phone call; he's obviously pissed off.  Look at your radar and wait for him to turn his back towards you, then enter his apartment [300 XP] and knock him out [100 XP] (or kill him [300 XP], which won't affect your rewards; in fact, you can also knock out Chan first for XP, then kill him.  This *does* affect two trophies/achievements - see below).

Save your game first.  If you want to get "The Fall" achievement/trophy, hurl Chan off the building.  This prevents you from getting the "Pacifist" trophy/achievement.  After getting "The Fall", reload your game and plant the drugs on him.  If you already have "The Pacifist" trophy/achievement, then killing Chan is your best option, since it grants you 200 extra experience points (since the fall or planting drugs only grant 100XP instead of 300XP).

You can also grab his Revolver and sell it for 300 Credits since you're going to the Hung Hua Hotel anyway.  Complete the quest with Mei to receive [1000XP] and [2000 CREDITS].


From the Hung Hua Hotel, head right and go down the ladder or stairs on your immediate right (and walk past the Pole Doll poster).  There's a LVL2 storage box in this alley, inside which you can find a [RELOAD SPEED UPGRADE], an excellent combination for weapons like the Tranquilizer or Sniper Rifle that have a 1-round-only clip and require a lot of reloading.

There's a manhole in the small area to the right which leads to the sewer part that connects to the Hung Hua Hotel.  Continue down the alley and you'll see an electronics shop across the street; its storage room [TRAVELER 100XP] contains [99 CREDITS].  East of here connects back to the part of town you've already explored, and also leads to the entrance of The Hive.  Ignore this for now and head down the streets left of the electronics store and go north. It requires Jump Enhancement to jump over the fence with the help of one of the containers; in this small area you can find a [STUN GUN] and [2x STUN GUN DARTS].

You don't actually need Jump Enhancement to get to the area behind this one; the other alley to the right of the electronics store also leads here.  Ignore the manhole and continue north until you reach a fence with a hole in it. Head through and pick up the [10x MACHINE PISTOL AMMO], then continue and head down the stairs at the far end of the streets.   This leads you to the Hengsha LIMB Clinic and Tai Yong Medical entrance.

                        HUANG LING (LIMB CLINIC) SHOP:
           |ITEMS:                    | PRICE: |AVAILABLE QUANTITY:|
           |Typhoon Ammo              |   100  |         5         |
           |Hypostim                  |   100  |         2         |
           |CyberBoost ProEnergy Bar  |   250  |         2         |
           |Praxis Kit                |  5000  |         2         |

As usual, it's a good idea to buy both Praxis Kits (if you can, otherwise try making more money by finding/selling weapons or exploration).  Since Hypostims are well worth their money and are quite rare, buying both is also a good idea.

The stairs leading down eventually connect with the part of Hengsha where you freed Ning, and there's little else to do there so you can safely ignore it, unless you want to chat with NPC's.  There is a LVL2 storage room to the right of the stairs, however, which you can hack.  Do this quickly, because the police officers don't like you snooping around there.  Once you've hacked it, everything'll be fine though.  Inside a [4x SHOTGUN CARTRIDGES] and a [SHOTGUN] (which sells for 750 credits).

You can find [107 CREDITS] in one of stores' storage rooms here [TRAVELER 100XP] and [10x COMBAT RIFLE] on a container in a corner above the subway station. There's also a LVL2 storage room here, but you'll want to knock out the nearby police officer first or he'll probably turn hostile against you.  This has the added bonus that you can sell his Combat Rifle for 630 credits. 

Alternatively you can find a [POCKET SECRETARY] with the code (6830) for the container box behind the counter of the nearby store.  You can still knock out the police officer regardless and make some money of his Combat Rifle, of course.  It's basically possible to do this with more officers, but always save your game beforehand and make sure there are no other officers in sight. After a while you'll start to find it hilarious how Lin Fu Ren keeps saying how you make him poor, and that dealing with you is no fun.  The only thing that happens when civilians are around is that they'll go into emo-mode for a few minutes.  Just hide the body in a place where no civilians can see it and they will return back to normal after a few minutes of your absence.

Inside you can find a [POCKET SECRETARY] with the keycode (9900) for the safe; it's lying under one of the heavy crates (which requires Strength Enhancement to lift).  The PC contains the conversation of the intro of the game and some other mysterious hacker emails.  The LVL2 safe contains a [REVOLVER] and [3x REVOLVER AMMO].

You've pretty much explored the entire district, so head into the subway station and travel to the Youzhao District.  You can also enter this district via various streets, but this route is closest to us now.

When you reach street level you'll be halted by Belltower Guards.  This is actually your current destination, so we'll explore the rest of this district later.  You can take the time to open the LVL1 storage cabin next to the subway through; inside is a [P.E.P.S.], a [P.E.P.S. ENERGY PACK] and [125 CREDITS].  Now ... How to get into that penthouse?


Path #1: Head around the corner of the street and climb the ladders nearby the store, then jump on the iron attachments to reach the roof.  You'll most likely overhear two Belltower guards talking about security issues.  You can either hack the LVL1 door and go through the vent, or you can take out the guard on the roof (and the second guard on the far side of the roof).
Tip: Going through the vent behind the door leads to an elevator shaft in which you can find a [PRAXIS KIT] at the bottom.

Entering the hacker's lair

Explore the roof on your right to find [10x MACHINE PISTOL AMMO] on a small table.  Yeah, I always bring my machine pistol ammo too when I go out for a drink on a rooftop in Hengsha, and then forget to take it with me.

Take out the guards, head through the door, go downstairs and use the elevator to enter the penthouse.  (You could also take out the two guards on your left with a double takedown if you wish.  More importantly, when you exit to the right, you can hack the apartment here and find a [HUGH DARROW EBOOK] (Understanding Vision (Part 1)) in the kitchen.)
Tip: Leave the weapons so you can come back later and sell them when you need money.  You'll probably need a large sum of cash for one of the sidequests.
Move one of the vending machines away from the ventilation shaft, then head left down the hall.  The other ventilation system leads to an elevator shaft [EXPLORER 200XP], but we'll ignore this for the moment.
Sneak towards the corner, wait for the two guards to finish their conversation, and hide behind the wall on your right.  Take down the guard that passes, then take out the other one.  The garbage room in the far left corner holds a [BEER].
The other room is where the action's at.  There are three guards here. Hide behind the desk and wait until one of the guards moves towards the desk; take him out when he's about to turn his back towards you. The other two guards only look outside the window, although the other strolls every once in a while from one window to the other.  Taking these two out shouldn't be a big problem.
The ventilation shafts here lead back to the one you revealed by moving a ventilation shaft.  The garbage room contains a [BEER], the bedroom holds a [10MM PISTOL] in the open drawer, a [STOP! WORM SOFTWARE] in the dress room and [PAINKILLERS] in the bathroom.
The Toy Doll in the middle of the office reveals a secret opening, but you could also jump through the destroyed wall to reach your objective.  There are two [STOP! WORM SOFTWARES] and a [NUKE VIRUS SOFTWARE] on the desk.  Hack the LVL1 PC and read the emails to complete your objective [2500XP].

         (Other paths coming soon.)


Head back to the Hengsha streets and go to The Hive [250XP].  You've already found the membership card on the 3rd floor of the Hung Hua Hotel, so the bouncer will let you pass.  Otherwise you'll need to flash your credit card.  Speak with Bobby Boa the bartender and ask for Tong.  Also buy his drinks and down them all at once, along with a few beers you might still have (unless you're already at 200 health).  An excellent way to get Jensen wasted.

Head inside the men's restroom to find a [POCKET SECRETARY] with a keycode to the basement.  The women's restroom has a vent leading back to the Hengsha streets; it leads back to the place where you had to crawl under a fence to continue.  This is also an other way to get inside The Hive [TRAVELLER 100XP]. There's also a [BEER] in the women's restroom.

Go upstairs and look around for another [BEER] and [WINE], then proceed to the manager, Tong.  A social battle commences.  The best first option is Pinpoint.  The second and third answers that will usually work are Advise and Pinpoint, but save your game beforehand to ensure victory [750XP] [SILVER TONGUE 1000XP].  You'll also unlock a trophy for winning this social battle.

Head downstairs and go through the door on your left.  The storage room contains a [WINE].  Head downstairs and, if you want to do some optional exploration, head left past the bouncer.  Head through the halls and before you continue past the camera, head through the vent to find a [NUKE VIRUS SOFTWARE], and a dead body in a room (someone Tong must've tortured).  He has a [POCKET SECRETARY] on him that hints at the reason for his demise.  Search the room for a [RATE-OF-FIRE] upgrade on the small cart, then go outside.

Going upstairs leads to a small office with a [HUGH DARROW EBOOK] (Optical Enhancement Functionality), a LVL3 safe (code: 8953) with [378 CREDITS] [533 CREDITS], and two PCs.

Head back to the bouncer at the intersection and head the other way to enter Tong's office.  You can also spot him from the vent shaft on the left side. Look around for [383 CREDITS] in his office, as well as a [HUGH DARROW EBOOK] (The Use of Neuromuscular Facilitation Systems).  Speak with Tong to get the info you need [1000XP].

Before you leave The Hive completely, talk to Bobby (the bartender) again to start the Bar Tab sidequest.

Talking to the Tong


We'll first continue with the main storyline, so head to the Alice Garden Pods. Go to the reception and head through the door.  The LVL3 door here (3824) leads to an office with an Rebook (MY DIARY (by Chou Jian)), a hidden [POCKET SECRETARY] behind the small box under the desk with a login code: ASGARDEN/rbbthole, a LVL3 PC (with this login), another Ebook (Dragon Heads: The Triads of the 21st Century), and a LVL2 safe with [1015 CREDITS].  You DON'T want to be seen in this room by the receptionist or Harvesters or they'll turn hostile.
Continue and head up the stairs where you'll run into Malik.  You can now start the Shanghai Justice sidequest if you accept.  In any case, we'll continue with the main quest right now.

You can find a [CYBERBOOST PROENERGY BAR] on the counter of the cook in the center.  There's a [BEER] on a table in the southeastern area, and a [CYBERBOOST PROENERGY BAR] on a crate nearby the southeastern stairs.  Behind these containers you can find a more hidden [ARMOR-PIERCING UPGRADE] for the 10mm Pistol.  If yours already has the upgrade, sell it for 750 Credits to the dealer located nearby.

The dealer Peng Xin Hao can be found in the storage room to the northeast.

                              PENG XIN HAO SHOP:
           |ITEMS:                    | PRICE: |AVAILABLE QUANTITY:|
           |Revolver Ammo (x5)        |   130  |         2         |
           |Combat Rifle Ammo (x10)   |   100  |         4         |
           |Shotgun Cartridges (x5)   |   100  |         2         |
           |P.E.P.S. Energy Pack (x1) |    50  |         5         |
           |Tranquilizer Darts (x2)   |   100  |         5         |
           |Stun Gun Darts (x2)       |    50  |         5         |
           |10mm Pistol Ammo (x5)     |    25  |         6         |
           |Revolver                  |   600  |         1         |
           |Combat Rifle              |  1250  |         1         |
           |Shotgun                   |  1500  |         1         |
           |P.E.P.S.                  |   750  |         1         |
           |Tranquilizer Rifle        |  1500  |         1         |
           |Stun Gun                  |   500  |         1         |
           |10mm Pistol               |   350  |         1         |
           |Mine Template             |    75  |         3         |
           |Gas Grenade               |   200  |         1         |
           |Concussion Grenade        |    60  |         2         |
           |Rate-of-Fire Upgrade      |   250  |         1         |
           |Exploding Rounds Package  |  1500  |         1         |
           |(for the Revolver)        |        |                   |
           |Stop! Worm Software       |    50  |         5         |
           |Nuke Virus Software       |    50  |         5         |

The Gas Grenade is well worth its money, and so is the Exploding Rounds Package for the Revolver (is you like to use it).  Stocking up on Stop! Worm and Nuke Virus Softwares is always a good idea if you have the credits to spare.

Head up to the third floor and do some exploration.

Pod 09: Ebook (Rooftop Pitfalls Claim Another) - this is part of the Shanghai Justice sidequest, and a [POCKET SECRETARY].  Reading the Ebook grants you [100XP].
Pod 25: Ebook (HOW TO WIN AT MAHJONG).

Pod 139: [BEER]
Pod 143: [HUGH DARROW EBOOK] (Electrogravitic Technology Applications), [CYBERBOOST PROENERGY BAR], [2x STUN GUN DARTS], [99 CREDITS].
Pod 201: [100 CREDITS] (on the nearby bench).
Pod 211: [95 CREDITS]. (a [POCKET SECRETARY] with a "manager's safe code" lies nearby this pod, the code is 3785).
Pod 233: [POCKET SECRETARY] (not inside but directly in front of it).
Pod 241: [WINE].
Pod 243: [POCKET SECRETARY] (with code to office: 3824).

Head up to the fourth floor to continue your exploration.  Don't speak with Van Bruggen just yet.

Pod 301: Van Bruggen's Pod.
Pod 333: [2x P.E.P.S. ENERGY PACK].

Pod 405: [95 CREDITS].
Pod 411: [96 CREDITS].
Pod 425: Ebook (DEAR DIARY).

Pod 501: [103 CREDITS].
Pod 517: [SPIRITS].
Pod 543: [10MM PISTOL].


Gaining Access To Tai Yong Medical

You've made your way through Hengsha and found the hacker,Van Bruggen.  Suddenly the place is ambushed by Belltower security guards.  What's going on?






Open Van Bruggen's pod when you've explored the entire area.  It might be a good idea to drop one of your main weapons (such as your 10mm Pistol, or any of your rifles) and grab either the Machine Pistol (pod 429) or 10mm Pistol (pod 543), so you can give it to Van Bruggen (and pick up your own weapon afterwards). [1000XP]

You should already have the TYM Card, so that gives you a decent booster [1000XP] [1000XP].  When all the guards rush in, give Van Bruggen a weapon (you won't regret it), and start taking down the guards on the fourth floor in a stealthy fashion.

Information is Access

Move to the far northeast side of the fourth floor and carefully look for a breakable wall (which is easy if you have the corresponding augmentation, although you don't necessarily need it).  You can also destroy the wall by shooting it several times (of course, preferably with a silenced weapon). Head inside the secret area [EXPLORER 200XP] and grab the [RATE-OF-FIRE UPGRADE].

Drop down and hide behind the corner of the wall to spot two mighty grunts and a regular Belltower guard patrolling the area.  When all three of them are looking/moving towards the left side of the area, quickly sneak through the room, hugging the right wall and heading downstairs.

Tip: While it's possible to knock out the three guards on the ground level, this is tricky and requires some skill and precise timing.  From the stairs, stay out of sight and study your radar for the movements of the three guards.  The one giving orders, Narhari Kahn, will be very close to the stairs at some point.  If the grunt to the right is standing nearby, this won't even matter all that much (he's slightly looking the other way), but make sure that the other grunt is moving away from you when you go in for the takedown when he's close to the stairs.  He holds a [POCKET SECRETARY] with a login code to his PC, and a Frag Grenade.

The second guard you should take out is the one on the left, near thevendor stands.  Wait for the other guard on the right to move away andhide behind the vendor stands, then wait for a good moment for the takedown and hide his body behind the stands.  Lastly, take out the third guard.  If you're interested in their Heavy Rifle, well, knock yourself out.

Continue.  One of the lockers holds [3x SHOTGUN CARTRIDGES].  There's a guard on patrol in the next area, and a camera is watching him making his rounds. You can distract the guard by shooting a dart in one of the middle or outer walls (that are not in the camera's line of sight).  Wait for him to investigate and hide well, then take him down as he returns.

The door leads to a vent in the second restroom (behind the crate) that allows you to skip the room up ahead (which has two guards and a turret).  Otherwise, stay crouched and sneak towards the row of faucets.  There's a [CYBERBOOST PROENERGY BAR] on the corner - in case you want to use stealth.  Unfortunately, the showers to the right are rigged with a Frag Mine.  You can disarm it by moving towards it very, very slowly.  After having done so, continue and ignore the PC (the guards will see you if you attempt to hack it).  The next room has no items, so continue to the next shower area.

The left side has an electric current running through the water on the floor. Conveniently there are also several crates lying around so you can create a moving bridge (or just hop over the showers hugging the left wall). Alternatively you can disarm the three [FRAG MINES] on the right side of the area by moving very slowly towards them.

Before heading through the double doors, consider breaking the wall to your immediate right (with a gun such as your pistol, or of course with the aug). This leads you to a secret corridor with two more breakable walls (on the far end/and in the middle).  This costs quite some bullets though.  You can also take out the two guards in this area since they tend to separate anyway.

Make your way through the laundry room and head around the corner.  Quickly hide behind the box as two guards (one grunt and a normal guard) appear. Wait for them to move away and quickly head into the area to your right. From here you can continue around the corner.  Alternatively you can shoot the grunt with a tranquilizer dart, wait for the other to come revive him and head in for a takedown.  Exit through the door to Lower Hengsha [1000XP].


Now's a good time to do some sidequests.  You should've already gotten some info from Pod #009 at Alice Garden Pods (as was mentioned).  Head over to the LIMB clinic if you've accepted Malik's quest earlier on, and speak with Anonymous X at the counter (the dialogue doesn't matter) [100XP].  Go back outside and meet him downstairs, around the corner where he'll give you the autopsy report [100XP].  He'll also ask for 1000 Credits, but there's no reason to give this to him since it doesn't give you anything extra.  Read the Pocket Secretary to find out more about the murder [100XP]. 

From the Hung Hua Hotel, move to the Youzhao District, climb the ladders to the roof and head up the roof of the other building where you can follow the marker to find the apartment.  Alternatively you can use the subway to travel to the Youzhao District.  The apartment is locked with a LVL3 security system, although the door can also be destroyed by shooting it.  This tends to take quite a few bullets - around 16 for a 10mm Pistol.

Enter the apartment [300XP] and search around for Lee.  Since he's not here, look around for clues.

1. Check the ANSWERING MACHINE next to the bed.
2. Check the ANTIQUE CLOCK on the cabinet in the bedroom.
3. Hack the LEVEL 2 PC and read the emails.
4. Inspect the BASEBALL BAT in the corner near the entrance.

When you've inspected the apartment [750XP], return to the Kuaigan District and visit The Hive [100XP].  Lee can be found on the second floor, he's sitting on a bench in the corner.  Speak to him [100XP] and reply with the correct answers.  It's most fun to try this yourself, but the correct answers are:

Inaccurate, Drunk, Antique Clock, Pregnant, LIMB.

A spot of revenge

If you fail the conversation and have the Social Augmentation, you can use it to Appease him since he's an Alpha Personality (obviously).  When he confesses, walk away from him [750XP] and go around the bar on this same floor.  You'll find a LVL3 terminal here that you'll need to hack.  Save your game and hack the terminal quickly, because you don't want to risk being seen by the nearby bouncer [750XP].

Meet Malik outside [100XP] and you'll receive a [PRAXIS KIT].  Face The Hive to see Malik's surprise; nice.  This concludes the quest [1000XP].


You receive this quest from The Hive's bartender, Bobby.  He wants you to hack three security systems and turn off their network.

1. The first can be found in the Youzhao District.  From the Hung Hao Hotel, head into the Youzhao District, climb the ladders similarly like you did to reach Diamond Chan's apartment, and hack the LVL2 device to your left [300XP].

2. This one's close to the first.  Just head up the small stairs on the right side of this roof and follow the quest marker.  Hop onto the box attached to the building's wall and hack this LVL2 device as well [300XP].

3. Climb the ladder on your left, head up the roof (on your right), then make your way over the Penthouse's roof until you find this device on the roof to the far end of the area; follow the quest marker for an indication which direction to go [300XP].

Enter the Hengsha Court Garden building by going through the door on the other roof (the same way you entered the penthouse) [100XP].  Ride the elevator down, find Jaya's apartment and have a word with her [100XP].

You can now either ask her for the money, which will net you [750XP], or ask for the augmentation (which isn't an ideal scenario; Bobby will be pissed off and won't give you the reward), or you can offer help.  If you pay Bobby the whopping amount of 5000 Credits, he'll leave Jaya alone.  This grants you the Guardian Angel achievement/trophy.  Choose whichever option you like and don't miss the [5x 10MM PISTOL AMMO] in the kitchen of Jaya's apartment.  Make sure not to take the memory chip from her body if you choose to take her out!

Note: It is also possible to take the Praxis Kit from Bobby by taking him down or tranquilizing him, but it'll turn the bar hostile, so only do this if you're completely done in The Hive.  Turn on your cloaking aug and exit the place.

After completing this quest one way or the other, you're rewarded with [1000XP]
and the [PRAXIS KIT] (except when you give the augmentation to Bobby).

With the sidequests done, head over to the Tai Yong Medical subway and depart.


Searching For Proof

It's time to get some answers from Sarif's competitor, Tai Yong Medical.  First you'll need to infiltrate their facility.                                                    


FIND AND VIEW VAN BRUGGEN'S RECORDING [2500 XP] [GHOST 500XP] [SMOOTH OPERATOR 250XP]                           




In this area, look for a [CYBERBOOST PROENERGY BAR] in one of the lockers on the left, and [25 CREDITS] underneath the vending machine to your right.  One of the other lockers contains another [50 CREDITS].  Head through the door and go upstairs.

Here, an employee is in trouble due to a gas leak.  Quickly head to the nearby door and hack the device (LVL3).  You might need to use a Nuke Virus Software and a Stop! Worm Software, since it's a tricky grid.  Close the gas leak with the valve in this room to save the employee's life [750XP].  Talk to him and he'll give you some useful information.

Rescuing the worker

You can find a useful [POCKET SECRETARY] in one of the lockers in the room with the valve that contains four keycodes.  There are [200 CREDITS] and a [GAS GRENADE] in the lockers inside the employee's room.

The guard up ahead isn't about to let you pass, but there are several options for dealing with him.  If you saved the employee, simply say so and he'll let you pass.  A bribe of 500 Credits does the same.  Intimidating him causes him to ring the alarm and fight you.  Bluffing causes him to go on a patrol, and you'll want to take him out in this case.


Enter the room to your left and loot the locker for a [TRANQUILIZER DART].  The other room contains [5x MACHINE PISTOL AMMO] in a locker, and a [MINE TEMPLATE] on top of the cabinet.  In the control room, unlock the catwalk maintenance system (LVL2, code is 5720).  Don't move it just yet, instead, climb the ladder in the room left of here and explore the room it currently leads to (indicated by the green flashing lights) [PATHFINDER 300XP].

Inside you can find [200 CREDITS], an Ebook (Tao Yong Medical & You!), [5x SNIPER RIFLE AMMO] and [5x CROSSBOW BOLTS].  There's also a [POCKET SECRETARY] on a box here with a keycode for the pump room (7934).

Path #1: Reposition the catwalk in the control room and head inside the room it now connects to [PATHFINDER 300XP].  The locker contains [350 CREDITS] and an [AMMO CAPACITY UPGRADE].

Note: This path requires the Icarus Landing System augmentation.  No XP is rewarded by falling through the shaft, though.

Drop down the shaft, in which you can find a [STUN GUN] and a [STUN GUN DART].  The vent leads to a room with two guards inside.

Path #2: From the control room, head downstairs and explore the intermediate level; there's a LVL3 security door on the far other end (code: 0821). The lockers contain [5x 10MM AMMO], a [10MM PISTOL], [250 CREDITS] and an [EMP GRENADE].  You can also find some [PAINKILLERS] outside this room, near the entrance.  Head down the last flight of stairs and explore the area behind the southern stairs to find a [NUKE VIRUS SOFTWARE], [2x REVOLVER AMMO] and a [REVOLVER] in the lockers.

There's a camera up ahead that you'll want to sneak past, and you can also find [3x MACHINE PISTOL AMMO] on the box nearby the camera.  A [STOP! WORM SOFTWARE] can be found in the cabinet next to the camera.

Head over the bridge and avoid the camera.  Look for a large metal crate to your right and move it, revealing a ventilation shaft. First collect the [2x TRANQUILIZER DARTS] and [2x STUN GUN DARTS] from a box in the corner, then continue through the vent [PATHFINDER 300XP]. Look in the small box to find a [POCKET SECRETARY] and three [STUN GUN DARTS].

Path #3: Instead of using the vent you can also go over the bridge, take out the patrolling sentry, and go underneath the broken laserbeam (there's a longer pause at a steady interval when you can slip underneath).
Exit the vent and save your game before going inside the nearby control room. Let the two guards finish their conversation, then take out the one leaning against some devices.  Make sure you look out the window; there's another guard patrolling the bridge and you'll want to avoid being seen by him.  This counts for both takedowns, and you must also hide their bodies (either in the vent, or very close to the wall) so that the other guard can't spot them.

There's an Ebook (The Sleepwalking World) next to the LVL2 PC, which you can use to shut down the nearby cameras (and befriend the medium sentry bots if you have access to, but this is hardly necessary).  The login is POOLRM/pelagic.

You can furthermore find a [CYBERBOOST PROENERGY PACK] on the computer panels, [50 CREDITS] and [2x 10MM PISTOL AMMO] in the drawer, and two [COMBAT RIFLES] in the weapon cabinet.

Go through the double doors and head upstairs.  Be careful; there's a guard around the left corner - take him down when he's not facing you.  The LVL3 security panel (7934) leads to a maintenance generator room that has two lockers which contain [7x MACHINE PISTOL AMMO], [325 CREDITS], and [3x TRANQUILIZER DARTS].  The other generator room doesn't contain anything, but the small area secured with a LVL2 system contains [5x 10MM PISTOL AMMO] and [10x MACHINE PISTOL AMMO].  Head through the door and ride the elevator up.


In this hall, look to your left and move the two small metal crates to reveal a [STOP! WORM SOFTWARE].  There's a [POCKET SECRETARY] on a box and the locked LVL4 area contains a [CYBERBOOST PROENERGY BAR], [STUN GUN DART], [P.E.P.S. ENERGY PACK], [P.E.P.S.] and a breaker box to shut down the electric current straight ahead.

An alternative to the LVL4 hack is to continue into the next room, avoid the water, head inside the ventilation shaft behind the red box [EXPLORER 100XP], collect the [15 25 CREDITS] somewhere inside, and enter area with the breaker box this way.  The other storage room contains [10x SHOTGUN CARTRIDGES], [35 CREDITS] and [4x MACHINE PISTOL AMMO].

In the next room, use the red box to hop over the large containers to access a secret area [PATHFINDER 300XP].  It contains [55 CREDITS], a [CONCUSSION GRENADE] and [4x MACHINE PISTOL AMMO].

Now use the metal crates to climb the structure and reach the high catwalk. You can even find [2x MACHINE PISTOL AMMO] in the center of the structure by moving one of the metal crates to reveal a small wooden box with the bullets inside.

Exploring alternate routes


In the next room, search around for a vent (use the large metal crate to reach it, although you can technically also reach it with Jump Enhancement and crouching while aerial), which leads to a long shaft that you can only jump down if you have the Icarus Landing System.  Doing so will grant you the [TRAILBLAZER 400XP] reward, and the following items:  The body holds an [ACCESS CARD] and a [POCKET SECRETARY], there's a [HUGH DARROW EBOOK] lying around too (Better Than Nature?), as well as a [TRANQUILIZER RIFLE] and a [RELOAD SPEED UPGRADE].  If you don't already have the Icarus Landing System, now's an excellent time to consider getting it.  The vent leads back to the breaker box room, so head back to the room you were in just now.

The room blocked by the large metal crate contains [2x TRANQUILIZER DARTS] and [1x STUN GUN DART].  Ride the elevator up to the next area [1750XP] [GHOST 500XP] [SMOOTH OPERATOR 250XP].


As Pritchard suggests, keep your weapon concealed and head down the hall.  Enjoy the beautiful view and head around the corner.  There are several ways to enter the next area, but first we'll do some exploring.  The first room to your left (with the guard leaning against the wall) contains [50 CREDITS] in a drawer, some [PAINKILLERS], an unlocked PC, and if you move the large wooden crates you can also find [3x TYPHOON AMMO], a [CYBERBOOST PROENERGY PACK], [5x CROSSBOW ARROWS] and [2x WHISKEY].  If space is lacking in your inventory, consider using up the consumables (if necessary/useful).  There's also a hidden [NUKE VIRUS SOFTWARE] lying on top of a high cabinet in the corner opposite of the wooden crates.

It isn't wise to hack the LVL3 panel on the security room opposite to this room when the guard is standing right behind you.  A better idea is to go around the area and look for a ventilation shaft (hidden by two small metal crates) at the top of some crates in an open storage room.  Make sure that, while inside this room, you stay crouched/hidden from sight at all times, or else the guards will all turn hostile.  Inside you can find [10x MACHINE PISTOL AMMO], [8x COMBAT RIFLE AMMO], [4x TRANQUILIZER DARTS], and an [ACCESS CARD].  Head back through the vent the way you came.

Working the way up

It's a good idea to take out the guard when he passes by this storage room, and drag him in - no one will see.  He also has a [POCKET SECRETARY] with the keycode to the labs if you didn't get pass the guard (4713).  The nearby rooms contain unlocked PC's with background info, and you can use the vent here to reach the next area if you play differently.

Alternatively you can also carry the vending machine at the far end of the hall (with Strength Enhancement), hop onto it (with Jump Enhancement) and reach the second floor instantly by placing it in the right spot, just under the balcony.

Head inside the Lee Geng Memorial Laboratory and start exploring.  There's a [HUGH DARROW EBOOK] (Radical Evolution is a Reality) in the center of the area, on a box underneath the central lab unit.  There's also a [POCKET SECRETARY] with a PC login on an other desk, and the unlocked PC's hold background info.

There's a LVL2 PC in one of the rooms here.  The adjacent room contains a [POCKET SECRETARY] lying in a lab cart in the corner, while the last room houses two guard that you'll first need to take out.  If you have the Reflex Booster, a double takedown is a swift and easy way to do this.  Otherwise, wait for them to finish their conversation (assuming you're coming from the other room, not the main lab) and save your game.  Take down the guard leaning against the wall and don't move at all after the takedown.  Back away and quietly sneak around the desk to take out the other guard.  If he *is* alarmed however, quickly sneak towards his desk and perform a second takedown on him before he goes into hostile.  Find [3x COMBAT RIFLE AMMO] in the drawer under the LVL3 PC, and [2x STUN GUN DARTS] and [3x TRANQUILIZER DARTS] in an other drawer.


Head up the stairs to the second level and do some exploring.  The balcony to the south connects to two rooms.  The first has a LVL3 PC and the second holds [3x STUN GUN DARTS] and a [PRAXIS KIT] in the desk drawers.  Hacking it will cause some scientists to go into emo-mode temporarily so its better to open it from the hall.

The main area of the second floor contains [5x COMBAT RIFLE AMMO].  Continue through the double doors and head upstairs at the end of the hallway.


Climb the small steps up ahead and hack the LVL2 panel on your right which leads to a server room.  Search the drawer for [100 CREDITS]; the PC contains background info.  The other two rooms contain [20 25 CREDITS] in the drawers, and a LVL3 PC plus unlocked PC.  Hacking the LVL3 PC will probably scare a scientist or two, alarming the guards temporarily.

Speaking of guards, the one near the camera triggers a cutscene.  Pheromones from the Social Enhancer give you some extra info.

Head right, down the steps and deactivate the laser grid here (LVL1) when the guard on the other side isn't here.  Take him down as he moves away from you; hide in the cover position behind the panel for guaranteed success.

Go down the hall and peek around the corner.  One heavy grunt and a regular guard are on patrol.  When the grunt moves away, quickly rush over to the normal guard and take him out.  Do the same with the grunt, which is easy to do.

There's an open room at the end of the hall that contains a [CYBERBOOST PROENERGY BAR].  The vent leads to the room with two security guards, but there is also a breakable wall to the left of the vent.  Destroy it (either with the aug, or with a silenced weapon) and climb the ladder to find [5x CROSSBOW ARROWS], [5x TRANQUILIZER DARTS] and a [CYBERBOOST PROENERGY JAR] in a small wooden box.  You can use the vent here to access the Data Core room, but first head back to explore the other room(s).

The room adjacent to the one with the two security guards contains [5x 10MM PISTOL AMMO], and the lockers also hold [4x REVOLVER AMMO], [75 CREDITS] and [5x MACHINE PISTOL AMMO].  Wait for the guards to finish their conversation (or go for a multiple takedown, if you have the Reflex Booster) and take them out one by one.  There's an Ebook (Synthetic Thought: The Human AI) on the desk and the unlocked PC contains a PC login.  The desk drawers in this room contain [60 CREDITS], [10x MACHINE PISTOL AMMO], and the LVL 1 PC for which you just found the password (muonrule) allows you to turn two nearby cameras off, and the doors open.

This in turn allows you to take out the guard that refused you access.  How dare he!  Take him out for a [POCKET SECRETARY] with a keycode.


Tip: You can use the Cloak Stealth augmentation to get past the laser beams more easily, since they deflect the lasers back, meaning you won't trigger the alarm.

The Data Core Room can be accessed via the LVL4 door, via the main entrance, or via the ventilation shaft behind the breakable wall.  If you go via the main entrance, jump (with Jump Enhancement) on the big server to the right and you are at the same spot the vent leads to.  Alternatively you can move left of the box and quickly hide behind the next.  In any case you'll reach the second part of the laserbeam challenge.

Look to the right side of the area and you'll see a red screen; you can safely hide behind this.  Once here, notice that the lowest laser beam closing off the nearby room isn't functioning properly, so head underneath it.  While you can use the metal crate here to use as a hiding place to reach the [POCKET SECRETARY] on the far end of the room, save yourself the trouble; you can only move the crate when the beams are away.  The login code on the pocket secretary is RKUMAR/outback.  (Alternatively, quickly rushing over to the small cabinet works too, and the lockers here contain [10x MACHINE PISTOL AMMO].

The ventilation system here directly leads into a room with three security guards, which can all be taken down easily.  The two guards close to each other allow for a multiple takedown, but you can also perform two swift single takedowns without triggering the hostile or alarm modes.

Recovering the evidence

The LVL 2 PC allows you to shut down the camera at the far end of the Data Core Room, and the desk drawer contains [125 CREDITS].  You can find [4x MACHINE PISTOL AMMO] in one of the lockers, while the weapon cabinet contains a [GAS GRENADE] and [3x COMBAT RIFLE] (oh weapon dealers, where art thy now?).

Open the door and study the pattern of the laser beams.  You'll want to rush after it as it moves away from you, and crouch behind the server in the middle of the room.  This is very tricky - although not impossible - without cloak, so I suggest you turn it on.  You'll need it anyway to go through the door on the other side (although that is optional).

This room contains a [TYPHOON AMMO], [5x REVOLVER AMMO], and a [POCKET SECRETARY], along with a PC with background info.  From here, hop over the server and avoid the last single laserbeam (which is easier with stealth), and finally ride the elevator up to the fourth floor, where a cutscene plays [2500XP] [GHOST 500XP] [SMOOTH OPERATOR 250XP].


Entering the Dragon's Lair

You've retrieved and viewed Van Bruggen's recording, and now it's time to continue your investigation at Tai Yong Medical Industries.                                                  



GO TO THE CHOPPER AND EXTRACT [2500 XP] [750XP] [GHOST 500XP] [SMOOTH OPERATOR 250XP]                           


Search this room for an Ebook (A Frontier Too Far?), then move through the hall with the laser beams, which are a breeze to get past compared with the Data Core room.  The two rooms here only have PC's with background info.

Working Your Way Up

The office up ahead contains a [P.E.P.S. ENERGY PACK], [50 CREDITS], and [15 CREDITS] in the desk drawers.  There's also [4x SHOTGUN SHELLS] on a cart, but you'll want to be careful since there are two guards in the hall.

The small room nearby (LVL3) contains a LVL2 PC that can shut down the camera (and robot, if you have it).  There's also a [POCKET SECRETARY] inside and the drawer contains [1x STUN GUN DART].

To take them out, wait for them both to move away from you and hide behind the desks on the far right of the office.  Take out the regular guard when the grunt is moving away (hide his body behind the desk), then take your time for the grunt to move out of the camera's sight to take him out as well.  He holds an EMP Grenade which you'll want to loot.

In any case, explore the area.  The desk drawers contain: [POCKET SECRETARY], [25 CREDITS], [15 CREDITS] and [65 CREDITS].  The two PC's contain background info.  The desk near the camera contains a [POCKET SECRETARY] with login, the other two contain [45 CREDITS] and a [STUN GUN DART].

Head through the door and make your way down the hall.  The small room to your right has a vent (remove the large metal crate), which connects to the room opposite to it.  There are two guards inside; you can either go for a double or single takedown.  The drawers contain: [10x MACHINE PISTOL AMMO], [35 CREDITS], the lockers contain [11x MACHINE PISTOL AMMO], a [P.E.P.S] and [3x P.E.P.S. ENERGY PACK].  The weapon cabinet contains two [MACHINE PISTOLS] and a [GAS GRENADE].  Hack the LVL3 PC for an access code.

Continue down the main hall and open the door of the room on the far end left hall - but do this by standing next to it.  The guard (Narhari Kahn, if you didn't kill him before), will investigate.  Quickly perform a takedown on him and grab his [500 CREDITS].  Lata boy!  His office contains [2x SHOTGUN SHELLS] and [2x REVOLVER AMMO] in the desk drawer, and the LVL 4 PC contains background info (password ironfist).

The other room is locked with a LVL 4 security system (code: 3090).  The PC contains a very interesting email conversation.

There are [4x MACHINE PISTOL AMMO] to be found down the hall.  Be careful; the next room is monitored by a camera.  Run towards it and position yourself underneath it, then hop over the desk to read the PC's email.  The drawer contains [80 CREDITS].

It's difficult to access the LVL 1 door with the camera active, even with the keycode you'll need to be very fast (6906).  It's easier to go through the other door, enter the small room (holds [5x SHOTGUN SHELLS]), and break the wall here (either with the aug or with guns).


Note: If you gave Van Bruggen a weapon earlier, he'll now contact you to repay the favor; he deposits [2000 CREDITS] on your bank account!

Tip: It's definitely worth your while to place a Gas Mine (combine a Gas Grenade and Mine Template) directly in front of the door with the exit sign above.)

Enter the large penthouse and look underneath the second left bench to find a [POCKET SECRETARY] with a keycode (0117) for Zhao Yun Ru's safe.  The desk contains [3x STUN GUN DARTS], [2x TRANQUILIZER DARTS] and a [HYPOSTIM].  There's also a vent to take note of on the upper left side of the hall, but it connects to the area upstairs.

You can find a [REVOLVER] underneath the bench on the left, a [CYBERBOOST PROENERGY BAR] on the table to the right, as well as a [MINE TEMPLATE] under some boxes near these benches.  The desk contains [3x REVOLVER AMMO] and the PC contains interesting info.  The LVL 5 safe (0117) contains [850 CREDITS], a [POCKET SECRETARY] (with a message from BP - Bob Page), and a [HEAT TARGETTING SYSTEM].  A cutscene plays [750XP], [GHOST 500XP], [SMOOTH OPERATOR 250XP] when you continue.

The stealthy way out is to first wait for the guards to start patrolling the area (by watching them stealthily.  Then enter the ventilation shaft (on the right side of the stairs as you go down one level) and sneak past the nine guards downstairs.

An extremely effective way to get rid of the entire squad, however, is to toss two gas grenades to the left/middle and right/middle of the group, covering that entire area with gas.  While it is technically possible to take every single guard out, this is a very tiresome process, and this is far more efficient.  One of the guards should even carry a Gas Grenade, partially making up for your "loss".  WARNING: It takes some skill to do this unseen.  If you're looking to get the "GHOST" trophy you'll probably want to activate cloak when throwing the gas grenades.

Ride the elevator up at the far end of the penthouse [2500XP], [GHOST 500XP], [SMOOTH OPERATOR 250XP].  As you enter the hangar, two Box Guards are activated which you must disable in order to open the doors - just your luck.  It's tempting to use EMP grenades on them, but you'll want to stay stealthy.

Move to the far left of the area and view the far end of the hangar to spot a camera.  If you have a silenced weapon (such as the 10mm Pistol), destroy it by shooting it (iron sight helps with this).  When the Box Guard starts moving away from you, toss an EMP Grenade at it to destroy it.

Use cloak, or otherwise be very careful the other bot doesn't see you, and run towards the end of the hangar, where the camera was.  Spot the large iron shelving here and jump on them - starting on the left - to make your way up to the third level.  Jump Enhancement helps, otherwise use the metal crates to aid you.

In the control room, use the LVL 2 PC (TYMPHS/qilin) to disable the other bot (only possible with Robot Domination).  In any case you'll want to read the [HUGH DARROW EBOOK] (Brain Implants) on this desk either way.

Fortunately, this control room connects to the next, and the desk in here contains an [EMP GRENADE] which you can use to take out the second bot.  Having done this, all that remains is pushing the button in this room.  Well, that, and some exploration for other items on the ground level [2500XP], [GHOST 500XP] and [SMOOTH OPERATOR 250XP].

Going downstairs, loot the shelves for a [CYBERBOOST PROENERGY JAR], and [25 HEAVY RIFLE AMMO].  The other end of this side of the hangar contains a  [ROCKET], a [FRGA GRENADE], [20 HEAVY RIFLE AMMO], and a [TYPHOON AMMO]; just check the shelves and lockers.  There's also a [HEAVY RIFLE] and [20 HEAVY RIFLE AMMO] standing next to the power generator here.

There's a [ROCKET LAUNCHER] and a [ROCKET] on some boxes in the middle of the far end of the hangar.  All of this can, of course, also be used as an alternative way for taking out the security bots.  Another [20 HEAVY RIFLE AMMO] can be found in the southeast corner of the hangar.  Lastly you can find [20x HEAVY RIFLE AMMO] and a [CYBERBOOST PROENERGY PACK] underneath the landing platform.  When you're ready, board the chopper [750XP].

The showdown


Confronting Eliza Cassan

After getting a lead from Zhao that Eliza Cassan, the world's biggest newsreader, is somehow involved in the conspiracy, Jensen doesn't hesitate to pay Picus at Montreal a visit.    


GO TO ROOM 404 [250XP]          






GO TO THE CHOPPER AND EXTRACT [750XP]                               


Before entering the door, considering exploring the small area behind the fence. You can either hack the LVL4 security device, or use some power boxes to jump over the fence (with Jump Enhancement) [EXPLORER 200XP].  You can find a [CYBERBOOST PROENERGY BAR], [100 CREDITS], an [AMMO CAPACITY UPGRADE] and two [BEER] here.  Yet an alternative way to get inside this area is to smash the breakable wall from the maintenance room inside the building (first door on your right), but that does cost an energy cell.  There's an Ebook (Uniting the World) on your way down the hall, but little else.


There are three rooms to your right.  One office contains an Ebook (Synthetic Thought: The Human AI), [100 CREDITS] on a briefcase lying on a bench, and [40 CREDITS] inside the desk.  The unlocked PC contains background info.

The meeting room contains a [POCKET SECRETARY] with a PC login (PKANE/staxx), while the other room [1x STUN GUN DART] and [60 CREDITS] in the drawer.

The north part of this floor contains a [CYBERBOOST PROENERGY PACK], and two desks contain [110 CREDITS] and [15 CREDITS].  There's also a vent on the northwest side of the floor that leads to two offices on the 6th floor [TRAVELER 100XP].  The southern office contains [40 CREDITS] in one of the filing cabinets, and there's a [STUN GUN] on the desk.  The other office desk contains a [TRANQUILIZER DART] and [40 CREDITS].  Another [2x TRANQUILIZER DARTS] can be found behind the filing cabinet, and the LVL1 PC holds background info.

Room 404 is on the west side of the area, but consider exploring the main office hall first.  The northern area has various drawers that contain: [35 CREDITS], [10 CREDITS] and a [CYBERBOOST PROENERGY BAR], plus there's a [POCKET SECRETARY] with several PC logins lying on a small table.  A drawer to the far right side contains a [TRANQUILIZER DART].  Explore the middle area for the following items:

[40 CREDITS], [80 CREDITS], [40 CREDITS], [50 CREDITS], [40 CREDITS], [40 CREDITS], [20 CREDITS], [PRAXIS KIT]!!, [40 CREDITS], [40 CREDITS], and [25  CREDITS].  The Praxis Kit is obviously most important and can be found in one of the center desks.  Don't forget that the filing cabinets next to the stairs also hold credits.

The southern part of the office holds the following items in drawers: [NUKE VIRUS SOFTWARE], [75 CREDITS], [1x STUN GUN DART], [2x STUN GUN DARTS], [5 CREDITS], and a [POCKET SECRETARY] lying in the corner.  Feel free to use the PC's in the area, then head to the west part of the area.

Room 402 contains [10 CREDITS] and [1x STUN GUN DART] in the drawers, a [POCKET SECRETARY] on one of the benches, and a [WINE] on the desk.  The PC has background info.  A desk in Room 403 contains [1x STUN GUN DARTS] and [30 CREDITS].

Enter Room 404 (note that 404 is the html code for "missing"; how apt) [250XP]. After the cutscene, naturally the entire office is filled with mercs.  First use Eliza's PC to turn of two cameras, then be on your way.

Springing the Trap

Use the vent in the nearby offices to reach the upper level and wait for the two guards here to finish their conversation.  Hide behind the plant ans wait for the guard to move away.  Hug the wall to your right and stay out of sight while making your way down to the southern hall.  Hide behind the corner and wait for the right moment to take out the guard patrolling this hall.

Head downstairs to the lobby and sneak to the counter on your right.  After the guards finish their conversation, take down the one who patrols this area and hide his body behind the chairs to your right.  Taking out the second guard isn't too hard now.  You can find [5x MACHINE PISTOL AMMO] on the counter you hid behind.

Look for a vent on the northern side of the area and enter [TRAVELER 100XP]. The toilets it leads to contain a [RATE-OF-FIRE UPGRADE].  You can now either take the elevator in the lobby down to the third floor, or you can explore the Data Server room, which is optional.


The Data Server room can be reached by moving from the lobby into the main hall, hugging the left wall.  It's easiest to switch on cloak and run/hop over the desks, then take a left at the end.  Inside you can find a [STOP! WORM SOFTWARE], [NUKE VIRUS SOFTWARE], [PAINKILLERS], and [VODKA] on or near the desk, and a bottle of [SPIRITS] in the corner diagonally opposite to the desk. There's also a breakable wall here that leads to the third floor as well, but the second wall forces you to KILL a guard (which prevents you from getting a certain trophy/achievement).

There are two options from here: If you have the Icarus Landing System you can drop down the elevator shaft [PATHFINDER 300XP] to find [50 CREDITS] and a [CYBERBOOST PROENERGY PACK] and use the vents and ladder to reach the fourth floor of Picus.

Or you can use the elevator to ride it down to the third floor.


When you exit the vent you'll be in a control room of some sort.  Search the place to find [2x TRANQUILIZER DARTS] and [4x REVOLVER AMMO] in the ammunition case in the shelving, a [REVOLVER] and [4x SNIPER RIFLE AMMO].

There's a [HUGH DARROW EBOOK] (HUMAN EMPOWERED - Autonomous Energy Reclamation Systems) underneath the large screen that you'll want to check out too.

A tricky eBook Route

Make your way across the area and take out the two guards.  There are plenty of hiding spots here, so this shouldn't be an impossible task.  You'll also come across a [SNIPER RIFLE] and [5x SNIPER RIFLE AMMO].  Head down the stairs on the south and use cloak to get past the camera (otherwise you'll have to take one of the other stairs.  This merges the path with the breakable wall path.


The nearby room contains [40 CREDITS] and a [STUN GUN].  The PC allows you to switch the camera around the corner off (should you want to go (back) to the fourth floor).  There are quite a few mercs in the main office hall, and there's a turret there as well, so be careful as you head down the hall.

The small storage room contains a [TRANQUILIZER DART] in one of the lockers,  and you can find - near the exit of the hall - a [POCKET SECRETARY] and [STUN GUN DARTS] on some boxes.

While the lobby on the far east doesn't contain anything except an Ebook, the two rooms in this hall do.  Hack the LVL 2 system and go inside.  The stairs lead to the control room you visited earlier on (if you took that path, otherwise explore it now).  Look around for a [POCKET SECRETARY] in the lower control room, as well as [200 CREDITS].

Your goal is now to reach the northwest part of the office hall.  You should be able to take out the guard closest to you (patrolling the east side) without the turret firing at you (it'll probably briefly detect you though).  Tranquilizing the guards here also works well.

There are a total of nine places that hold [CREDITS] here, and you can also find a [SILENCER] and [STUN GUN] plus [TRANQUILIZER AMMO].  You could also skip these items if you don't feel like taking out every single guard. The easiest way to get to the Funicular area is to switch on cloak to get past the guards.

There's a breakable wall here [TRAVELER 100XP], but you can also use the stairs to go down a level [2500XP], [GHOST 500XP], [SMOOTH OPERATOR 250XP].  The vent at these stairs leads (back) to the breakable wall, so you can also get the XP this way, saving an energy cell.


There are two guards up ahead that have the ability to use stealth (sneakers). A double takedown would be useful, otherwise try two swift single takedowns or tranquilize one and take down the other.

The locker room on your right contains [2x REVOLVER AMMO], [2x STUN GUN DARTS] and a [CYBERBOOST PROENERGY BAR].  The breakable wall leads to the adjacent room, which is otherwise a LVL3 hack.  It contains a [HEAVY RIFLE] and [40x HEAVY RIFLE AMMO].

The next room up ahead contains [2x REVOLVER AMMO] and [4x 10MM PISTOL AMMO] in the ammunition case, along with a [REVOLVER].  Open the door up ahead from either the side (so the guard can't see you), or use cloak.  As he investigates, turn on cloak and take him down (otherwise just be really fast).

Use the stairs on your left to get to the far end of this room and hack the PC to switch off the camera (and turret).  Take down the guard and you're good to go.

Going for a ride

You can find [1x MINE TEMPLATE], [2x CONCUSSION MINES], a [GAS GRENADE] and [5x COMBAT RIFLE AMMO] on the boxes here.  The ammunition case contains [2x STUN GUN DARTS] and [3x 10MM PISTOL AMMO].  Calling the elevator will summon quite a lot of mercs into the room, so prepare in advance by laying some mines around the area (concussion or gas mines work well) [250XP], [GHOST 500XP]. [SMOOTH OPERATOR 250XP].

The easiest way to get past this part is to switch on cloak, hide behind the pillar nearby the PC on the right, turn cloak off (and turn it back on if anyone comes investigate), then use cloak to enter the elevator and ride it down.  If done correctly, you can even use your first energy cell several times.  It's easiest to sometimes replenish cells when necessary though [2500XP], [GHOST 500XP], [SMOOTH OPERATOR 250XP].  Ride it down completely [250XP].


After a ridiculously long ride, explore this area but beware of the camera. Find an [EMP GRENADE], [3x REVOLVER AMMO] and [5x MACHINE PISTOL AMMO] in the ammunition case to your right.  There's a [MACHINE PISTOL] and [2x STUN GUN DARTS] to be found on the left side.  The [POCKET SECRETARY] on the bench holds a PC login.

Two guards will soon approach the area.  You can either take them down (with a double takedown), or break the breakable wall to the left of the laser beams and take this route [TRAVELER 100XP].

From this hall, enter the room on your right and search around for a [POCKET SECRETARY], [1x TRANQUILIZER DART], [40 CREDITS], [1x STUN GUN DART], [80 CREDITS] and a [MACHINE PISTOL].  Use the second PC to shut down two cameras, including one directly above the nearby door.  Take out the guard outside this room, after which you can either go up to explore the first floor, or head south and continue exploration of the second floor.

This area is heavily guarded once again, so you'll want to use cloak when taking down enemies, and hide their bodies well.  Beware of the camera here, and especially take note of the guard on the first floor, who you might want to take out first.  Head upstairs and wait for the second guard to move away, then take out the first guard, hide his body, and go for the second guard.

The first office nearby the stairs you climbed contains a locker with a  [MACHINE PISTOL], [10MM PISTOL] and [3x 10MM PISTOL AMMO].  The meeting room contains [1x STUN GUN DARTS], [15 CREDITS], a [CYBERBOOST PROENERGY BAR], [25 CREDITS] and a [POCKET SECRETARY] with a keycode to the armory (1980).

The other room contains [100 CREDITS] and a security PC that allows you to shut down the two cameras in this area.

It's actually not a bad idea to let one guard hear your footsteps, making him come to the third floor.  As long as you've hidden the bodies, this allows you to easily take him out.  You could do this for the other guards too, making things easier.  Cloak can be helpful for taking down the last one or two guards, although it isn't necessary.

In any case, continue down the hall and avoid being seen by the camera here. Enter the armory to your immediate left.  The PC (LTODD/titom) allows you to shut down the camera outside, and the armory's code is 1980.  Inside you'll find [TRAILBLAZER 400XP]: [PEPS], [PEPS ENERGY PACK], [MACHINE PISTOL], [COOLING PACK], [2x TYPHOON AMMO], [7x SNIPER RIFLE AMMO], [2x REVOLVER AMMO], and [30x HEAVY RIFLE AMMO].

The next office [TRAVELER 100XP] contains a [NUKE VIRUS SOFTWARE] and [65 CREDITS].  The PC gives access to the armory PC.  With the cameras shut down below, it shouldn't be too hard to take down the remaining three guards.

Head downstairs to your left (coming from the armory) and take out the guard straight ahead (hide behind the pillar).  Then go back and move behind the stairs, then take out the second guard.  The last one is a piece of cake.

The main office contains eight drawers with [CREDITS], and you can also find a [MINE TEMPLATE], [STOP! VIRUS SOFTWARE], [PAINKILLERS] and [TRANQ DARTS].

In the small office in the northwest corner [EXPLORER 200XP] you can find a [HUGH DARROW EBOOK] (Healing Thyself - Health Preservation Implants), [40 CREDITS] and [2x REVOLVER AMMO].

The small office up in the center of the area contains a [P.E.P.S. ENERGY PACK] and [140 CREDITS].

With this floor fully explored head through the double doors on the southwest side of the area.  The stairs are rigged with an [EMP MINE] and [CONCUSSION MINE], which you might also want to bring along (the EMP mine in any case).


There's a breakable wall to your immediate right as you enter this hall, which leads to the office to your left.  There is an Ogre guard patrolling the hall around the corner, and a camera is in place too.  Take cover behind the wall and quickly leap over to the other side - the camera will only go into the suspicious mode.  Enter the door and move in the small area nearby to access the security hub, which can shut the camera down.  This allows you to take the Ogre down without any problems.

You can find a LOT of items in this area.  The desk with the security hub contains a [MACHINE PISTOL] and [2x STUN GUN DARTS], as well as a [POCKET SECRETARY].

The other desks in this area contain: [VODKA], [CYBERBOOST PROENERGY PACK], [NUKE VIRUS SOFTWARE], [STOP! WORM SOFTWARE], [5 CREDITS], [35 CREDITS], [5 CREDITS], and an [EMP GRENADE].  The latter will prove especially useful soon.

The first office in the hall (code: 0101) [PATHFINDER 300XP] contains a lot of items too: The lockers hold a [MACHINE PISTOL], [2x REVOLVER AMMO], [100 CREDITS], a [REVOLVER] and a [RELOAD SPEED UPGRADE].  The desk contains [40 CREDITS], and [3 TRANQUILIZER DARTS].  This office also connects back to the breakable wall (which grants you [PATHFINDER 300XP], and to the other office.

Inside this office you can find an Ebook (Blood on the Snow), a [POCKET SECRETARY] and the PC contains a password.  Search the lockers for [3x 10MM PISTOL AMMO], a [10MM PISTOL], a [NUKE VIRUS SOFTWARE] and a [STOP! WORM SOFTWARE].

Head right at the intersection and beware of the guards in the next room as you move forward.  Hide near the stairs and wait for the guard on the lower level to come near.  When the other guard is moving away, and this guard is about to as well, quickly go in for a takedown (if possible combined with stealth, although this isn't mandatory).  The camera will only go into suspicious mode. Drag the body underneath the stairs, then take out the other guard when he's far away from the camera.

The door nearby the steps leads to a room with a [POCKET SECRETARY] and a LVL3 security terminal (PCORBO/spitfire).  The adjacent room has a breakable wall but you can also just continue through the previous room after shutting down the camera(s).  Look for a [MINE TEMPLATE], [15 CREDITS], [3x TRANQUILIZER DARTS] and [3x REVOLVER AMMO] in this office, then proceed down the halls. You can either hack the LVL3 doors or use the vent to get past.  Before entering room 802, check out the small storage room to your left to find a [HEAVY RIFLE] and [170 HEAVY RIFLE AMMO].

It might be a good idea to, well, drop your Sniper and Tranquilizer Rifle for the moment, and take the Heavy Rifle equipment with you.  It's also an EXCELLENT idea to upgrade your Typhoon augmentation, preferably to level 2. Head through the double doors and a cutscene will play [1750XP], [GHOST 500XP], [SMOOTH OPERATOR 250XP].


Yelena is an agile and quick opponent, armed with two machine guns and deadly Claymore and Cloak augmentations.  You're definitely in for a challenge here!  How to deal with this lethal lady?
Notice that the environment - the core of Eliza Cassan - has wallsyou can use to hide behind, and that the floor is covered with a fluid, allowing you to spot Yelena when she's cloaked.
The four large power generators on the walls are destroyable.  The electric current releases and flows through the fluid on the floor, damaging Yelena (and you).  This will deactivate her Cloak temporarily. Jumping/EMP Shielding Aug decrease the damage incurred.

You can collect items from the lockers spread throughout the area.
Yelena has three main attacks.  She'll wildly fire her machine guns at you whenever she's not preparing to rush towards you to perform  her deadly Claymore augmentation, causing a large explosion that will instantly kill you if it hits you directly.  The further you are from Yelena when the explosion kicks in, the less damage you incur.
Yelena also has a counter attack that she'll use if you attempt to perform a takedown on her.  So, ehm.. don't do that.
The P.E.P.S., as does the Stun Gun, will stagger Yelena considerably, allowing you to switch to a heavier weapon, or Frag Grenades. Doing this when she rushes forward is an excellent way to buy yourself a few seconds time to empty a clip on her.
A solid way to anticipate Yelena's deadly Claymore attack is to run towards her as she's preparing for the explosion, sprint past her, and as she slides onward the explosion will be less harmful. Alternatively you can use your own Typhoon as a counterattack; time its usage so that the explosion hits Yelena when she's closest to you.  This obviously inflicts heavy damage.  Otherwise, turn around after sprinting and pump her full with .. lead.
Repeat this until Yelena runs out of energy and start searching the lockers for Mine Templates, EMP Mines and Typhoon Ammo.  Place the EMP Mines in corridors to stun Yelena, then place two regular Mines for massive damage.
It's also possible to lure Yelena towards the generators and have her stun herself by performing the Claymore attack.  While stunned, do your best to hurt her in every possible way (that the game allows, mind you).
Should all else fail, stay out of Yelena's sight with the help of your own cloak augmentation and use surprise attacks.        

One tough cookie


The lockers contain the following items:                            




Locker #4: [50x HEAVY RIFLE AMMO], [30x MACHINE PISTOL AMMO], [15x REVOLVER AMMO], [CYBERBOOST PROENERGY PACK]. A [HEAVY RIFLE] lies next to this locker.               



After defeating Fedorova, dump the Heavy Rifle (or keep it, whichever you prefer) and collect your primary weapons where you left them.  You're also rewarded with [2500XP] for defeating Fedorova.  Don't forget to loot her body for [2x TYPHOON AMMO] and [1300 CREDITS].

Head for the helipad to exit Picus [750XP].


Confronting Sarif

Riots have broken out at Detroit, the UN is forced to take astand, and you learned from Eliza Cassan that David Sarif is keeping information behind.  Time to get answers.




There's a breakable wall in the area with cement bags.  Entering grants you [TRAVELER 100XP], and inside some lockers with a [CYBERBOOST PROENERGY BAR]. Move the metal crate underneath the vent and crawl through.  Go down the ladder [TRAVELER 100XP] to find [615 CREDITS].


Once you ride the elevator down and meet Sarif in your apartment, a cutscene will play [750XP].  You'll also be given the V.I.P. Pass.

You're going to need to find Isaias Sandoval, an associate and aid of William Taggart.  This means you'll have to make your way to the convention center.

It just gets more confusing



GET SANDOVAL'S LOCATION FROM TAGGART [750XP] [SILVER TONGUE 1000XP]                                            

When you enter the lobby, and if you talked Wayne Haas into letting you into the police station, he'll now blame you for losing his job.  The absolve option leads to a nice conversation, the crush option leads to fighting.

The streets have changes, new NPC's are walking around, and the shops have new inventories.  You should definitely buy the two Praxis Kits at the LIMB Clinic (plus Typhoon Ammo and Hypostims if you can).  At Grayson's, buy the EMP Grenade along with any weapon upgrade you deem useful.  It never hurts to stock up on Stop! Worms and Nuke Viruses either.  Seurat also has new supplies, and you might want to buy the Gas Grenade, along with any weapons or upgrades you find interesting.  After buying the essentials, continue with the game.

                        GRAYSON'S SHOP (After Hengsha):
        |ITEMS:                    | PRICE: |AVAILABLE QUANTITY:|NEW:|
        |10mm Pistol Ammo (x5)     |    25  |         6         |    |
        |Shotgun Cartridges (x5)   |   100  |         2         |    |
        |Tranquilizer Darts (x2)   |   100  |         5         |    |
        |PEPS Energy Pack (x1)     |    50  |         5         |NEW!|
        |Heavy Rifle Ammo (x25)    |   250  |         4         |NEW!|
        |Revolver Ammo (x5)        |   130  |         2         |NEW!|
        |10mm Pistol               |   350  |         1         |NEW!|
        |P.E.P.S.                  |   750  |         1         |NEW!|
        |Heavy Rifle               |  2500  |         1         |NEW!|
        |Revolver                  |   600  |         1         |NEW!|
        |Shotgun                   |  1500  |         1         |    |
        |Tranquilizer Rifle        |  1500  |         1         |    |
        |Damage Upgrade            |   250  |         1         |    |
        |Burst Round System        |  1500  |         1         |    |
        |Laser Targeting System    |   500  |         1         |NEW!|
        |Reload Speed Upgrade      |   250  |         1         |NEW!|
        |Ammo Capacity Upgrade     |   250  |         1         |NEW!|
        |Target-Leading-System (for|  1500  |         1         |NEW!|
        |Tranq. Rifle and Crossbow)|        |                   |    |
        |Cooling System (for Heavy |  1500  |         1         |NEW!|
        |Rifles and Plasma Rifles) |        |                   |    |
        |Exploding Rounds Package  |   250  |         1         |NEW!|
        |(for the Revolver)        |        |                   |    |
        |Armor Piercing System     |   500  |         1         |NEW!|
        |(for 10mm Pistol)         |        |                   |    |
        |Mine Template             |    75  |         3         |    |
        |EMP Grenade               |   200  |         1         |NEW!|
        |Concussion Grenade        |    60  |         2         |NEW!|
        |Stop! Worm Software       |    50  |         5         |NEW!|
        |Nuke Virus Software       |    50  |         5         |NEW!|
                        SEURAT'S SHOP (After Hengsha):
        |ITEMS:                    | PRICE: |AVAILABLE QUANTITY:|NEW:|
        |Machine Pistol Ammo (x15) |   120  |         5         |    |
        |Stun Gun Darts (x2)       |    50  |         5         |    |
        |Rocket                    |   150  |         2         |NEW!|
        |Crossbow Arrows (x2)      |    70  |         4         |NEW!|
        |Sniper Rifle Ammo (x5)    |   150  |         2         |NEW!|
        |Combat Rifle Ammo (x10)   |   100  |         4         |NEW!|
        |Silencer (*)              |   500  |         1         |    |
        |Stun Gun                  |   500  |         1         |    |
        |Machine Pistol            |   500  |         1         |    |
        |Rocket Launcher           |  3000  |         1         |NEW!|
        |Crossbow                  |  2000  |         1         |NEW!|
        |Sniper Rifle              |  3000  |         1         |NEW!|
        |Combat Rifle              |  1250  |         1         |NEW!|
        |Rate-of-Fire Upgrade      |   250  |         1         |NEW!|
        |Heat Targeting System     |  1500  |         1         |NEW!|
        |Target-Leading System     |  1500  |         1         |NEW!|
        |(for T. Rifle & Crossbow) |        |                   |    |
        |Target-Seeking System     |  1500  |         1         |NEW!|
        |(for Machine Pistol or)   |        |                   |    |
        |Combat Rifle)             |        |                   |    |
        |Gas Grenade               |   200  |         1         |NEW!|
        |Frag Grenade              |   150  |         2         |NEW!|

(*) If you've bought the Silencer before, it won't be available. If you visited Greg Thorpe (and saved his wife), you'll get a ~25% discount on all of Seurat's prices.

Make your way to the convention center, which is down the road past the LIMB clinic, and go inside. 

Note: On your way to the convention center, Pritchard will contact you regarding the security leak you confronted Sarif with earlier in the game, that is, if you spoke to Pritchard back then and read all your emails.  You can now start the sidequest "Acquantances Forgotten".

You'll find Taggart in the Meeting Room, which can be found upstairs.  As soon as you enter, a social battle starts.  It works especially well to keep confronting Taggart with the facts, partially agreeing with him and then push onward with your argumentation about what really matters for the subject [SILVER TONGUE 1000XP].

Bearding the Lion

Meet Taggart backstage and look for a [HUGH DARROW EBOOK] (Vagus Nerve  Stimulators - Repurposing the Technology) next to the coffee machine behind the sofa.  There's also a [BEER] in the room with Taggart.  After telling you where Isaias is, exit the convention center [750XP].

Should you fail the social battle, you'll need to find some other way to get information on Sandoval's location.  You can get this information from Taggart's PC in the backstage room to the south, but you'll need to sneak past the bodyguards.  A more detailed description on this will follow in a later update, but for now it suffices to say that you've been through worse situations and cloak significantly helps you.  The bodyguards don't grant experience, so don't feel obliged to take every single one out.

As soon as you exit the convention center you'll be approached by Nicky, and you have the option of starting the "Smash the State" sidequest.


Finding Isaias Sandoval

You're going to need to find Isaias Sandoval, an associate and aid of William Taggart.  He is apparently hiding in the sewers.


FIND AND CONFRONT SANDOVAL [1000XP] [GHOST 500XP] [SMOOTH OPERATOR 250XP]                           


Not everyone is every as guilty as you think...

In any case, to find Sandoval you'll need to head to Chiron Building (Jensen's apartment building) and climb the fire escape in the nearby alley - check your quest marker for the specifics.  Inside this building, head through the door on your right and sneak downstairs.

The thugs here are hostile so you'll want to take them out.  You can let them go downstairs first, though.

If you take the time to explore the apartment around the corner, don't pick up the [PRAXIS KIT] immediately or you'll trigger a trap of two [EMP GRENADES] underneath the body.  Hide behind the door and take out none other than Zeke Sanders.  Take him out as he comes investigating.  He holds a [POCKET SECRETARY] with a keycode to a safe.

The next room contains the LVL4 safe behind the picture frame; code 5463.  It contains [210 CREDITS] and [78 CREDITS], [4x TRANQUILIZER DARTS], [2x FRAG MINES], and [2x STUN GUN DARTS].  Head inside the bathroom and move the crates away from the wall to reveal a breaker box.  Flip it and a secret basement entrance is revealed.  (Alternatively you can destroy the breakable wall in this bathroom, which leads to the same place).

There are two guards downstairs which you can avoid by entering through a vent nearby the two green barrels; simply hop onto them and enter the vent.  Silently drop down the shaft, one level at a time.  Taking the two guards out isn't necessary but if you wish to do so, activate cloak and perform takedowns on them.  The weapon cabinets here contain [2x COMBAT RIFLE], [SHOTGUN], and [3x REVOLVER].  If you need the cash you could always pick up one at a time and sell them to a dealer.

In any case, the lockers contain [15 SNIPER RIFLE AMMO],[4x SHOTGUN CARTRIDGES], [5x SHOTGUN SHELLS], and [20x COMBAT RIFLE AMMO].  Enter the sewers via the manhole in the red container.


The place is crawling with Purity First members, so stay on your toes.  The first guard is taken out fairly easily since he's not close to any other guards. Take him out when he passes by - hiding behind the barrels works well.

There's a laser grid to your left, and more guards on the right.  Enter through the vent nearby the green barrel to reach a small room [TRAVELER 100XP].  From here you can easily take out a guard in the next hallway. The LVL 4 security panel here (8218) disables the laser grids.  Do beware of the four [FRAG MINES] placed on the overpasses.  There's a breakable wall on the southwest that grants you [EXPLORER 200XP] and a [CYBERBOOST PROENERGY BAR] can be found here (to make up for the energy cell usage).

As for the three guards at the burning barrel, it's possible to sneak up on the two standing close to each other and perform a double takedown.  The third one won't notice, allowing you to take him down as well.  There are [6x SHOTGUN CARTRIDGES] lying on top of the barrels.  That's essentially everything there is to this area, so head to the door around the corner and confront Sandoval. Empathizing with him is an excellent way to win the social battle.  [1000X], [GHOST 500XP], [SMOOTH OPERATOR 250XP], [SILVER TONGUE 1000XP]. Take his [REVOLVER] and search the room for [5x REVOLVER AMMO].  There's also a [HUGH DARROW EBOOK] on his desk.

Go through the other door to reach another part of the sewers.  There's a breakable wall on your right hand behind which you can find [28 CREDITS] and [300 CREDITS].  The ladder leads to a closed door with a LVL 1 security system that links to the main sewer system.  From here head to Chiron Building and meet Malik at the roof [750XP].

This guide will skip the two available sidequests for now and include them in a later update.  Do these yourself if you want to, because continuing with the game cancels them - forever.


Cashing In Old Favors

You're going to need to find Isaias Sandoval, an associate and aid of William Taggart.  He is apparently hiding in the sewers.                                                      



MEET MALIK AT THE HELIPAD [250XP]                                   

At Sarif HQ, meet David at the penthouse and a cutscene will play [250XP].

You could now hack all PC's in Sarif Industries for additional experience and background information.  Also read your own email and talk to Athene nearby the helipad for an additional conversation.

Head back to Malik to continue [250XP].

The Plot Thickens


Find Vasili Sevchenko's GPL Device

The GPL device of Sevchenko, one of the kidnapped scientists,has been tracked down.  You're being sent back to Hengsha to investigate the location.     



FIND SEVCHENKO'S GPL DEVICE [1000XP]                                

Things go horribly bad and you'll find yourself on top of a roof.  Think fast. Do you want to save Malik, or not?

A Difficult Choice


Saving Malik's life, besides being just a really great guy, also nets you the "Good Soul" trophy/achievement, so it's worth your while doing this.  Save your game immediately when you gain control of Jensen.  We'll go over this in steps.  You'll need a Sniper Rifle, a short range weapon (Revolver, Machine Pistol, or 10mm Pistol), a (Gas) Grenade or two, and an EMP Grenade.

Note: This strategy requires you to kill enemies.  If you're looking to get the Pacifist trophy/achievement, load your savegame after getting "Good Soul" and quickly exit the area.  You *can* also run around with cloak and deal with the enemies by using Gas Grenades and takedowns, but it will require several energy bars to replenish your cells.  Running around with cloak is a good idea either way, if you're aiming to get "Ghost" in this area, also a goal of one of the harder trophy/achievements.

First, pull out your sniper rifle and shoot the explosive barrel in the building on the far end, it's on the second level.  This kills an enemy behind it.

Second, jump off the roof you're on, run towards the right and spot the red container with a ramp leading up.  Hop onto it and climb this building.  Kill the enemy straight ahead.

From this point, grab a (gas/regular) grenade to take out the Ogre down below. Do the same for several other guards slightly to the right.

A Box Guard will be dropped into the zone, so *immediately* grab your EMP Grenade and hurl it at the bot to quickly dispatch it before it can open fire. Alternatively you can also use your Typhoon augmentation (twice) on it to destroy it.

The remaining enemies must also be taken care of quickly.  Grab a short range weapon and quickly dispatch those remaining on the ground level.  Heal yourself with Hypostims or Painkillers if necessary.  One of the last enemies you'll need to take out is the sniper on the top of the building you climbed.  When all enemies are dead, Malik will be saved.

As for items, you can find [2x CYBERBOOST PROENERGY BARS] in the northwest building, [35x HEAVY RIFLE AMMO] on some crates nearby the southwest building, on ground level, and an [EMP GRENADE] and [FRAG GRENADE] in the small area behind the pipe, which is beyond the electrified pool of water [PATHFINDER 300XP].  Lastly, the two sniper's positions hold [10x SNIPER RIFLE AMMO].

When you're ready, ride the elevator up and enter Hengsha again.

Here you'll experience a nasty glitch, so head over to the LIMB clinic to get a new biochip.  Make sure to avoid Belltower guards as they tend to get hostile pretty quickly.  If a random NPC near the Hung Hua Hotel tells you he'll report you, intimidate him and be on your way.

At the LIMB clinic, buy the two Praxis Kits (otherwise you'll need to sell some weapons, which you could potentially get from Belltower guards...).

WARNING: Do *NOT* get the Biochip installed at the LIMB Clinic.  You will find  out why soon enough.

You can at this point talk to Doctor Wing at the LIMB Clinic to start the "Talion A.D." sidequest.  Entering the Youzhao district will cause Hugh Darrow to contact you with another sidequest: "A Matter of Discretion".

There is also a new dealer in town; Peng Xin Hao.  He can be found in the Youzhao District, in the most southeast part of this district.

This guide will continue with the main storyline, and the sidequests will be updated later.


Note: From this point onward, not all item locations are covered in the guide. Future updates will include every item; for now only the most important items are highlighted.

The Harvester territory is located in the Youzhao District.  Just before you are denied entry, head down the manhole to enter the sewers.  Head right and go down the ladder at the end of the area, then quickly hide behind a wall on the opposite side of the sewer, since there are guards here.

Finding the way onwards

Hop in the water and make your way to the far end, sometimes using cloak as an aid, and exit via the door.  Taking out the harvesters is something up to you to decide.

Head through the door and sneak behind the harvester on the left; the other is asleep, so taking him out is no problem.  After downing them both, head to your right (so not straight ahead, simply just immediately right).  From behind the black boxes, tranquilize the harvester on the very far end (he has dark clothing); the other one's asleep anyway.

Move behind the black boxes on the right of the area and look at the far back of the area to see a Harvester behind a windowsill.  Snipe him when the Heavy isn't looking, then lastly take out the Heavy himself, along with the sleeping Harvester.  Enter the room in the corner and search it to find a [HUGH DARROW EBOOK] (Understanding Vision (Part2)), although it's also guarded by a  Harvester.

Head over to the small room the quest marker leads you to in order to find the GPL device.. along with a familiar face.  After the cutscene, decide if you want to grab the [LASER RIFLE], then exit the area to the sewers by the nearby door.  Go through the vent and climb the ladder to access Hengsha Seaport.


Stowing Away

The Harvester leader wants you to place an explosive package deep down Hengsha's Sea Port.  You can then board one of the shipments to continue your quest for truth.                  



RETRIEVE TONG'S PACKAGE [1000XP] [GHOST 500XP] [SMOOTH OPERATPR 250XP]                           

PLACE THE PACKAGE ON WANG'S DESK [1000XP] [GHOST 500XP] [SMOOTH OPERATOR 250XP]                           


Head over to the small security cabin on the far end of the area and hack the PC to shut down the camera (and robots, if you can).  Don't open the door; this only alerts the guards, and you wouldn't want that.

On the left side of the manhole you entered is a large container.  Use Jump Enhancement to hop onto it and from here, tranquilize the guard up ahead, then hop over [750XP].  Moving slightly to the left - while still on top of the crates - allows you to spot a Heavy guard in the distance down below.  Wait for him to back away (since there's a camera nearby), then tranquilize hem and wait for him to fall.

The next guard you'll want to tranquilize is the sniper on top of the crates with a large "2" printed on them; a ladder leads to him.  When he's downed, enter the building he's standing on.  You can do this either by destroying the breakable wall on the left of the building, using one of the windows (cloak helps here), or via the door; the guard inside is sleeping.  The locker contains [TONGS EXPLOSIVE PACKAGE], [1000XP], [GHOST 500XP], [SMOOTH OPERATOR 250XP].

If you can tranquilize the sniper on the roof at the building on the far end of the sea port, all the better.  Otherwise sneak over to the ladder (with a little help from your cloak aug, if you wish), but beware of the camera.  Climb the two ladders and down the sniper if you haven't already done so, then go inside the building.

Head through the doors until you reach the main hall.  Snipe the Heavy guard on patrol, then move over to the nearby stairs.  Wait for them to finish their conversation and start taking them out.  The first you should down is the one almost below you.  When the other two have been sniped, continue onward.

Move to the security booth to the far northwest side and hide behind the window.  Wait for the guard to come out of the room and take him down, then go in for the second takedown.  The PC here can shut down a camera and turret.

Stowing away

All that's left for you to do now is to head upstairs, take down the two guards, go through the door, and place Tong's package [1000XP, [GHOST 500XP], [SMOOTH OPERATOR 250XP].

As the cutscene plays, Tracer Tong (yes, from the original Deus Ex, but 25 years younger) also makes his escape with "The Tracer" boat.


The Omega Ranch

Jensen took a huge risk stepping into one of the cry chambers at the Hengsha Sea Port.  As he steps out he has no idea where he is; well, he's at Singapore.  But where?                   









Enter through the door up ahead an let the two guards finish their conversation. One of them will enter the area you are in, so prepare for a takedown as soon as he enters.  He holds a [POCKET SECRETARY] with a keycode to the dorm: 1385. The other guard is alone and doesn't pose much of a problem.

Continue north and walk straight to the fence, which has a hole in it.  Move the dumpster (with Strength Enhancement) and enter the bedroom on the far side of the alley.  Opening the door (from the side) alerts the guard in the alley if he's watching; take him down as he comes investigating.

Go through the double doors to your right.  If you alert a guard, wait for him to calm down, then head through and hide behind the railing.  Head right (north) and go down the steps, then take out the sneaker here, but beware of the Heavy on duty up ahead; you'll need to be fast so you're not seen.  Quickly hide his body behind the nearby crates.

Move around the corner, continuing north, but right before you head around the corner, briefly switch on cloak to avoid being seen by the Heavy and Turret. Go up the steps, then sneak through this area until you reach a breakable wall at the corner of the street.  Break through and enter the building.


Go through the two rooms and you'll reach a small hall.  Go around the corner, ignore the first intersection (which leads to a large hall), and move into the first open room to your right.  Incapacitate the single guard here and break through the breakable wall in the corner, next to the shelving.

Obtaining the Virus

Move the two cardboard boxes away from the wall to reveal a ventilation system. Use it to get into an office with Dr. Nia Colvin.  Speak to her to learn more about the other scientists and how to deal with security [250XP], [GHOST 500XP], [SMOOTH OPERATOR 250XP].

Go through the next room and open the door; if this alerts the guard, take him out.  Alternatively, use cloak to get past him and the camera on the left.  If you're sneaking past him, follow the below strategy to easily take him out. Otherwise, simply enter room G-23.

Move past the camera to the left (in the direction of a door that reads G-23), and move to the far south end of this hall.  Go inside room G-24 and take out the sleeping Sneaker guard.  The PC here contains a funny email about Nigerian spam email.  Good to see those are still around in 2027. :)

In the next room, use the LVL4 security hub (PWALTS/ruckus) to shut down two cameras, then backtrack through the hall and enter room G-23 at the far end. It's got a LVL4 security panel (code 5377), so either hack or use the code.

Inside the room south of G-23, look for a [HUGH DARROW EBOOK] on the workbench.

Move the large metal crates out of the way to access the elevator and ride it up to the third floor.  Here, speak with Eric Koss in the other room to your right, then ride the elevator back down as you go looking for the third scientist [250XP].

Head down the long hall once again, this time going right, passing through the skywalk and going downstairs.  Be careful; there's a Heavy guard around the  corner, as well as a Sneaker moving to the south part of the area.  When the Sneaker is standing (with his back facing you) in the south part of the area, out of the Heavy's sight (when he's facing the other direction), pop a  tranquilizer dart in his veins.

Should the Heavy notice him, quickly go for a takedown.  Otherwise, hide behind the railing and take him out whenever possible - perhaps with the help of cloak.  From where you entered the room, continue straight ahead; the west area of the building is where we're going to search next.

Go inside the first office (B-14) and remove the copier machine from the wall. Head through the vent so you can easily take out the guard in the other room when he sits down on the chair.

In the hall, head through the laser beams with cloak on (or hack the LVL4 device), then ride the elevator down.  Make your way through the hall and talk to Dr. Declan Faherty in the surgical room behind the double doors.  He will - being the last of the three scientists you found - give you the data disc from Vasili to upload the virus [250XP].

And to quote Faherty, "It's time to teach these wankers a lesson!"

Continue through the area and make your way to the room east of here.  Look for the breakable wall in the upper left corner and destroy it.  Turn the valve to stop the poisonous gas from leaking into this area, then make your way over the pipes and vent shafts to reach the area where you broke the first breakable wall to get inside the building [TRAILBLAZER 400XP].  Excellent.


Now continue all the way through this grassy hall until you reach another large
hall with a Medium Bot on patrol.

Hide behind the crates and leap over to the other side whenever possible.  From here, sneak to the far end of the area while hugging the left wall, hiding behind boxes.

If you're interested, while still hiding on the crates to the left, unlock the LVL4 storage box (code:2410) in which you'll find - among other things - a [LASER RIFLE] and [LASER RIFLE BATTERY (500)].

Putting the Fix into the System

Sneak past the camera and security bot, then move around the corner to your left and walk down this hall.  At the intersection with the camera, first sneak under it, then move down the right hall (with a dormant security bot in the storage box) as it looks the other way, then go through the door.  The LVL3 PC can shut down the camera and shut down the nearby security bot.

Use the Disc Reader on the desk to use the data disc you received and upload the virus [750XP], [GHOST 500XP], [SMOOTH OPERATOR 250XP].  Stay hidden and wait for the three guards to run through the hall. Ride the elevator down when you're ready.  Watch the cutscene and a boss battle starts.


Jaron is the bastard who injured Jensen so badly he had to undergo surgery and is therefore the direct reason why Jensen now has augmentations.  Bitter irony then, that it is these very augmentations that have taken you this far.                                         
If you ignored the advice earlier and did install the new Biochip, all your augmentations will be jammed for the duration of the battle, and your vision, HUD and radar are constantly blurred, making things considerably harder.  This also means you won't have access to your Typhoon augmentation, which would otherwise be of tremendous help.    
Jaron has three attacks:                                            
 1. He'll fire somewhere between 2 and 5 plasma shots at you, then shoot another burst at you.  Then he'll either reload or take a second to shoot another burst at you.                         
 2. He'll toss three grenades at you; a Gas, EMP and Frag Grenade. You'll quickly want to make a run for it if he throws these.
 3. Jaron will counterattack whenever you attempt to perform takedowns.

The area consists of two parts divided by a glass barrier, separating the passageway from the other area.  It's important to note that the Laser Rifle can shoot through the glass, and you can find this weapon in the drawer left of the entrance door.                            

It's a good idea to start the battle - just as with Barrett - by throwing a (Gas) Grenade at Jaron.  Of course, if you'd have three Typhoon Rounds at level 2, the battle would be a breeze, but not everyone will be so fortunate.                                      

The main idea is to keep a large distance between you and Namir, to hide behind corners, avoiding his plasma bursts and grenade tosses, and to shoot him whenever possible.                         
You'll want to make good use of the Laser Rifle, and empty it on Jaron.  If you run out of ammo, switch to a different weapon or switch to grenades.      

There are various boxes underneath the moving statues that contain items.  Search these whenever you get low on ammo.      

Sweet Revenge


Use EMP Grenades to jam Namir's augmentations, allowing you to briefly shoot him.  Avoid his Plasma bursts whenever you can by hiding behind corners.
Don't hesitate using Pain Killers and Hypostims when your screen turns red (which is the only indication you have to tell if you're running low on health if your augmentations are jammed). Alternatively hide first, try to heal up, and then use a Hypostim to boost your health.                                               

If all else fails, consider the following ultimate tip for instantly winning this boss fight:  Whenever Jaron jumps over a wall to your side, simply tap the takedown button repeatedly when he's landing, and Jensen will perform a successful takedown on him, instantly ending this boss fight.  You can do this at the very, very beginning of the fight by running to your immediate upper left, facing the wall to your right, and tapping the takedown button as Jaron jumps over.                                                               

When the battle is over, loot Namir's body for [10x PLASMA CAPSULES] and [CREDITS], and be sure to grab his [PLASMA RIFLE], which is a good combat weapon.  Head through the exit to finally find an old friend [250XP].

Be sure to hack the LVL5 security safe to find the last [HUGH DARROW EBOOK] (Reimagining Retinal Implants: Doctor Dobelle's Success) inside.

Ride the elevator and access the control panel.  If you saved Malik before she'll kill the Crazy Mercs in the helipad room, saving you the trouble of having to avoid them.  Otherwise, rush past them by running over the helipad. Try staying in the middle to reach the Leo Shuttle without a scratch.

Note: Before heading to the Leo Shuttle, exit the control room and head left. Move the crate to reveal a secret opening and hack the LVL5 PC (which is a rather hard hack; use Nuke Viruses to get past the strongest nodes). Read the email to unlock the "Hangar 18" achievement/trophy.

When you're done here, enter the Leo Shuttle to depart.  Destination: Panchaea.


Shutting Down Darrow's Signal

Hugh Darrow's signal from Panchaea drives all augmented people insane; most are likely seeing horrifying hallucinations. It's up to you - of course - to stop the signal ASAP.




DEFEAT THE HYRON PROJECT [1000XP]                                   




It's worth your while to explore the area for items, since there are no enemies roaming around.

Convincing Darrow of his Error...

To enter the facility, simply head to the far left part of the area and jump on top of the series of containers, making your way to the far end of the area.

You should see a large ventilation shaft at the top [PATHFINDER 300XP] which leads to an area with pipes high above the ground level.  Move over the pipes and go through the destroyed window to your left.  Drop down, then ride the elevator at the far end of the hall all the way down.

Continue through the halls and head up the stairs to the Command Center.  Sneak past the turret in the hall up ahead and go through the broken window to meet Hugh Darrow.

A social battle commences.  Hugh is quite sure of his case, but he can be brought to his knees by extrapolating while adding into the mix a little understanding.  Good options for winning are: Extrapolate, Appeal, Extrapolate, and Extrapolate [500XP] [SILVER TONGUE 1000XP].  With the access code (2012), backtrack through the halls (or hop through the broken window on the opposite side of the hall to save some time).  Move through the hall until you reach a part with crazies.

Note: Downing crazies doesn't grant experience, so it's wise to sneak through the area instead of trying to take them all down.

If you're very, very stealthy, sneak past the crazies and go through the door on the right, just before the two crazies staring at the wall.  You'll want the other crazy to have his back toward you as well.  Move through this room and exit via the backdoor, which is - fortunately - close to the elevator. When none of the many crazies in this hall are watching (check your radar), call the elevator and use it.

Stay crouched and make your way to the end of this hall.  Climb the metal box and shelving here and (while standing, not crouching) hop inside the crawling area in the roof.  From here, move through the broken window and go over the yellow beams.  Make your way through the crawling area head, loot the body, and continue through the vent at the far end of this space.  Head through, go down the ladder, and exit the vent.

Immediately switch on cloak and make a run for the doorway to the far right, then quickly hop through the broken window to make it to safety.

The next hall leads to the last LIMB Clinic in the game.  If you can spare the credits, buy the two last Praxis Kits, along with Hypostims and Typhoon Ammo. Continue through the hall when you're done.  It'll be around this time that William Taggart asks for help.

Go through the doorway and hop onto the black beams, then look to your right and jump onto the blue scaffolding.  Move towards the building's wall and hop onto the edge, then crawl to the far side of the area.  Drop down.


Go through the doorway by moving over the beams.  Head through the hall, but beware when going down the stairs; there are cameras up ahead.

The complex path to Taggart

As the camera looks away, turn left and drop down next to the pipes, and hug the wall, staying out of sight.  Moving to the end of the pipes leads you to a vent cover; head inside and go straight ahead, ignoring the shaft to your right for now.

This leads to William Taggart's room.  Speak to him twice to get all of the main dialogue,  then exit the room.  Loot the corpses, go around the corner, and move the metal crates away from the wall to reveal a ventilation cover. Head inside and you'll find yourself back at the pipeline area.  Backtrack the way you came, avoiding the cameras stealthily.

Here, crouch and move to the railing south of you.  You'll need to Icarus Landing System along with cloak for the next maneuver:  While crouching, head west and approach the scaffolding.  Turn on cloak and hop down the railing to your right; you should fall down the long, big ventilation shaft.  There are crazies down below, so immediately go through the double doors and shut them behind you, then go around the corner and turn off cloak.


At this point, Sarif contacts you; he's in need of help.  Go through the door, crouch, and hop over the pipes.  Move through the area while hugging the left wall.  The same principle applies to the next room downstairs.  Hop onto the box in the upper right corner and enter the vent, which leads straight to Sarif. Speak to him twice and be on your way [500XP].  You can find [10x PLASMA CAPSULES] in the locker, just like a [LASER RIFLE BATTERY].

Head back through the vent and turn right; switch on cloak and go straight for the other doorway.  Don't continue down the hall; it's rigged with mines. Instead, head through the LVL 4 door on your left.  Beware, there are two more fragmentation mines in this hall, so slowly approach them to deactivate these. Entering the door grants you [PATHFINDER 300XP], but we'll go upstairs instead.

The complex path to Sarif

Crouch through the hall and approach the doorway at the end.  Immediately turn right to crawl underneath some devices.  Use cloak to move towards the next hiding spot, while you keep hugging the right wall (yes, walls get a lot of love in Panchaea).  From here, use cloak once more to move onward; proceed around the big device, through the door, into the hall to the northeast.  Close the door to ensure safety.  Head down the empty hall and call the elevator, which is a fairly long wait, then ride it up.

Move down the hall to your right and continue until you reach some closed doors. This is a fairly tough part to get past stealthily, unless you have several energy cells and bars so you can use cloak for a decent amount of time. Otherwise, drop to the sides of the railing to replenish your energy and take short spurts until you reach the other side.  Make sure you don't touch any of the crazies or they'll go crazy! Uuhm.. you know what I mean.  The elevator leads to the final area of the game, where the final boss battle starts. Loot the bodies in the final hallway and grab the Plasma Rifle if you don't already have one, then go through the doors.


The Hyron Project is partially controlled by Zhao Yun Ru, but also appears to have a will of its own.  It is armed with powerful machine-gun turrets that circle around it, shooting at you whenever possible. To destroy it you'll need to destroy Zhao, but she's protected by a shield that you need to destroy first.

There are three pods with Hyron Drones inside the central structure that you must destroy in order to lower Zhao's shield.  You can either press the buttons next to the pods in order to open them, revealing the drones.  Go over each and kill them one at a time.  After destroying two drones, crazies will be released inside the room that you'll probably want defeat by using takedowns, so having a few energy  bars left will come in handy.  When you've destroyed all three drones,  medium security bots are released. These can be destroyed with Typhoon rounds or EMP Grenades.                                               

An alternative way for killing the drones is to hack the LV4 PC's in the perimeter.  You are only briefly shielded from the turret gunfire by the breakable glass, so you should consider using cloak.  You'll still need to kill the Hyron Drones after opening their pods, but you can now do this from a distance.   

Boss Battle: The Hyron Project


Yet another way to deal with the Hyron Drones is to simply head for  the central structure and look for the LVL 5 security panel.  Input  the code Hugh Darrow gave you: 2012 (apt code, by the way) and it'll shut down the Hyron Drones their life support systems.                

In any case you'll still need to kill Zhao.  The glass shield can be destroyed after taking care of the Hyron Drones; shoot it repeatedly and it'll break.  It will then only take a few hits to kill Zhao. Using Typhoon can speed things up tremendously here.                  

By far the quickest way to defeat the final boss is to simply pull out your Laser Gun - which can pierce Zhao's shield without problems - turning on your cloak, and blast the Laser Beam straight at Zhao until she dies.                                                             

The game has four different endings, and it's up to you to decide which fate mankind must face.  Have an extra savegame so you can view them all, and be sure to watch the thrilling scene at the very end of the game to unlock an additional trophy/achievement.  Congratulations!



Not every augmentation in Deus Ex Human Revolution is as useful as the rest, there's no doubt about it.  No one will argue that Strength or Jump Enhancement is less useful than Aim Stabilizer.  The question is, which augmentations are useful early in the game, and which ones can be activated later on, while maximizing the sufficiency of every single aug?

The lists below go over the augmentations that are best to get as soon as possible, ones that are good to consider halfway through the game, and ones you can leave alone until very late in the game when you have Praxis Kits left to spare.  Lastly, the final list goes over so-called secondary augmentations; useful additions in some cases, but less essential and often more contextual than other augmentations.

 Remember, these are only guidelines.  You're free to spend all your Praxis Kits any way you like, just keep in mind that some paths are more rewarding than others.

As you can see, the early in-game list only contains the essentials, so if you have any Praxis Kits left to spare, feel very free to use them for augmentations that allow you to maximize experience (such as the Reflex Booster, allowing for multiple takedowns)

  -  Hacking Capture 2 (& 3 4 if you want to maximize XP)
  -  Move/Throw Heavy Objects
  -  Jump Enhancement
  -  Cloaking System Level 1 (& 2)
  -  Carrying Capacity 1 (& 2)
 (-) Reflex Booster (only if you want to maximize XP)

  -  Hacking Capture 3 & (& 5 if you wish to maximize XP)
  -  Punch Through Walls
  -  Cloaking System Level 2 & 3
  -  Carrying Capacity 2 & 3
  -  Energy Level Upgrade 1
  -  Typhoon Level 1 (&2) (before the second boss)
  -  Run Silently
 (-) Dermal Armor Level 1
 (-) Icarus Landing System (when you reach a certain optional part in Hengsha that leads to a Hugh Darrow Ebook)

  - Hacking Capture 5
  - Typhoon Level 2
  - Dermal Armor Level 2 (& 3)
  - Recharge Rate Upgrade Level 1 & 2
  - Energy Level Upgrade Level 2 & 3
  - Hacking Fortify & Stealth (2 & 3)
  - Aim Stabilizer


The following augmentations aren't bad, but they are either very contextual and thus limiting their usefulness, they provide you with information that is already in this guide (or with useless information), or you simply won't benefit all that much from some of them.  It's recommended to only spend your valuable Praxis Kits on these when you've obtained the above augmentations already.

Social Enhancer
I'd definitely recommend doing a playthrough with this at least once, simply because it looks pretty cool, but you will only be able to use it several times, and you can win Social Battles easily by reloading your game.

Radar System Level 2
It sounds really useful, but the truth is that the radar already has excellent functionality, and this augmentation doesn't help you all that much.

Stealth Enhancer
This includes Noise Feedback, Mark & Track 1/2/3, Last Known Location Marker, and Cones of Vision. These augmentations might be useful for the less experienced player, but hardly come in handy for someone who already knows to stay out of sight, and where his/her foes are located at.

Hacking Analyze Add-On
This has little practical purpose, and it's wiser to just improve your actual hacking skills.

Implanted Rebreather
The Chemical Resistance can be useful at times, and this augmentation is probably one of the best of all secondary augmentations.  The Hyper-Oxygenation 1/2 can also come in handy for quickly travelling through hubs, but this is more a nifty little thing rather than a life-saving augmentation.

Recoil Compensation
If you're heavily relying on combat measures, this augmentation has its uses (it improves your accuracy), but for stealth players it's not very important.

Smart Vision
A fun addition, but never required.

Cooldown Timer & Flash Suppressant
The Cooldown Timer is hardly useful, and the Flash Suppressant is very contextual.

Sprint Enhancement
This only improves your running speed from 6.5 meters per second to 7.5 meters per second.  The Hyper-Oxygenarion augmentations are far better.

Sprint/Jump/Land Silently
These are extremely contextual.


Augmentations Statistics

Legend: - (1P) or (2P) = 1 or 2 Praxis Points.
           [If nothing is listed, then it comes automatically or is included.]
         - U/PS = Units per second.  One energy cell contains 30 energy units.
           This is thus the rate that the augmentation consumes units every
           second it is active.
|NAME:                       |ENERGY: |USAGE/EFFECT:                           |
|SOCIAL ENHANCER:            |        |Affects Jensen's social skills.         |
|Emotional Intelligence      |  None  |Shows personality and allows interaction|
|Enhancer (2P)               |        |with pheromones                         |
|RADAR SYSTEM:               |        |This is Jensen's standard radar.        |
|Radar 1                     |  None  |Range: 25 meters (standard).            |
|Radar 2 (1P)                |  None  |Range: 50 meters.                       |
|INFOLINK:                   |        |Jensen is equipped with an advanced     |
|Cochlear Implant            |  None  |infolink that allows him to speak with  |
|Subvocal                    |  None  |his boss and colleagues.                |
|STEALTH ENHANCER: (2P)      |        |Adds some features to Jensen's HUD.     |
|Noise Feedback              |  None  |Shows Jensen's noise.                   |
|Cones of Vision (1P)        |  None  |Shows enemies' line of sight.           |
|Last Known Location         |        |                                        |
|Marker (1P)                 |  None  |Shows last position known to enemies.   |
|Mark & Track 1.0 (1P)       |  None  |Allows tracking of 3 NPC's (max 100m).  |
|Mark & Track 2.0 (1P)       |  None  |Allows tracking of 5 NPC's (max 100m).  |
|Mark & Track 3.0 (1P)       |  None  |Allows tracking of 7 NPC's (max 100m).  |
|HACKING: CAPTURE:           |        |Improves your node-capturing chances.   |
|Capture 1-5 (4*1P each)     |  None  |-10% detection chance per LVL difference|
|Camera Domination           |  None  |Turn camera's on/off.                   |
|Turret Domination (1P)      |  None  |Activate/Deactivate Robots              |
|Robot Domination (1P)       |  None  |Activate/Deactivate Robots              |
|HACKING ANALYZE ADD-ON:     |        |Gives hacking feedback.                 |
|Detection Feedback (1P)     |  None  |Shows detection chances of any node.    |
|Analyze all Datastores (1P) |  None  |Shows detection chances of any datastore|
|HACKING: FORTIFY:           |        |Improves your hacking fortify skills.   |
|Fortify 1-3 (1P)            |  None  |Add 1 - 3 points to a node's rating.    |
|HACKING: STEALTH:           |        |Decreases detection chances by:         |
|Stealth 1-3 (1P)            |  None  |-15%, 30%, 45% respectively.            |
|SENTINEL RX HEALTH SYSTEM   |        |Jensen's health regeneration system is  |
|Cardiovertor Defibrillator  |  None  |a state of the art mechanism.  Even     |
|Angiogenesis Protein Therapy|  None  |soldiers from Call of Duty have it.     |
|SARIF SERIES 8 ENERGY       |        |1 CELL = 30 UNITS.                      |
|CONVERTER                   |        |                                        |
|Base Energy Level           |  None  |BASE = 2 CELLS.                         |
|Energy Level Upgrade 1-3(1P)|  None  | 1 CELL (x3).                          |
|Base Recharge Rate (1P)     |  None  |1 UNIT PER SECOND, 10 SEC DELAY.        |
|Recharge Rate Upgrade 1 (1P)|  None  |1.2 UNIT P/S, 5 SEC DELAY.              |
|Recharge Rate Upgrade 2 (1P)|  None  |1.5 UNIT P/S, 1 SEC DELAY.              |
|IMPLANTED REBREATHER: (2P)  |        |Improves the lung system.               |
|Chemical Resistance         |  None  |Grants immunity to toxic gas.           |
|Hyper-Oxygenation 1 (1P)    |  None  | 2.5 sec sprint (total 5 second)        |
|Hyper-Oxygenation 2 (1P)    |  None  | 2.5 sec sprint (total 7.5 seconds)     |
|TYPHOON EXPLOSIVE SYSTEM(2P)|        |A highly powerful explosive system.     |
|Light Damage Variant        | 1 Cell |Radius: 8m. Power: 142.5.               |
|Heavy Damage Variant (1P)   | 1 Cell |Radius: 8m. Power: 313.5.               |
|CYBERNETIC ARM PROSTHESIS   |        |Strenght Enhancement; squared.          |
|Instant Takedown            | 1 Cell |Instantly takes down an opponent.       |
|Move/Throw Heavy Objects(1P)|0.5 U/PS|(Throwing Heavy Objects costs 10 units).|
|Punch Through Wall (1P)     | 1 Cell |Shows and allows punching through walls.|
|Recoil Compensation 1-2 (1P)|  None  |-50% and -100% recoil respectively.     |
|Carrying Capacity 1-3 (1P)  |  None  | 2x7 slots for each upgrade (max=14x7)  |
|AIM STABILIZER              |        |Steadies your grip for distant targets. |
|Aiming Motion Control 1 (1P)|  None  |Improves your accuracy by 50%.          |
|Aiming Motion Control 2 (1P)|  None  |Improves your accuracy to 100%.         |
|SMART VISION (2P)           | 1 U/PS |Allows you to see things through walls. |
|RETINAL PROSTHESIS          |        |This is Jensen's on-screen display.     |
|Retinal HUD                 |  None  |This is Jensen's on-screen HUD.         |
|Cooldown Timer (1P)         |  None  |Shows cooldown timer (within 20m range).|
|Flash Suppressant (1P)      |  None  |Fast recovery from extreme flashes.     |
|REFLEX BOOSTER (2P)         | 1 Cell |Allows a double-target takedown.        |
|ICARUS LANDING SYSTEM (2P)  |  None  |Allows you to fall from any height.     |
|                            |        |System works from 5 meters high.       |
|DERMAL ARMOR (2P)           |        |An armor that decreases damage incurred.|
|Damage Reduction 1          |  None  |Decreases damage by 15% in total.       |
|Damage Reduction 2 (1P)     |  None  |Decreases damage by 30% in total.       |
|Damage Reduction 3 (1P)     |  None  |Decreases damage by 45% in total.       |
|EMP Shielding (1P)          |  None  |Protects against electric currents.     |
|CLOAKING SYSTEM (2P)        |        |A state of the art stealth-cloak system.|
|Base Longevity              | 10 U/PS|(Lasts 3 Seconds per Energy Cell.)      |
|Longevity Update 1 (1P)     |  6 U/PS|(Lasts 5 Seconds per Energy Cell.)      |
|Longevity Update 2 (1P)     |  4.285 |(Lasts 7 Seconds per Energy Cell.)      |
|CYBERNETIC LEG PROSTHESIS(2P|        |Your leg prosthesis feature great power.|
|Jump Enhancement            |  None  |Jump 3 meters high (instead of 1.1m).   |
|Sprint Enhancement (1P)     |  None  |Sprint 7.5m p/s (instead of 6.5m p/s).  |
|Run Silently (1P)           | 2 U/PS |Allows silent regular running walking.|
|Sprint Silently (1P)        | 2 U/PS |Improves Run Silently with sprinting.   |
|Jump/Land Silently (1P)     | 2 U/PS |Improves Run Silently with Jump/Landing.|



Shop List

                                GRAYSON'S SHOP:
           |ITEMS:                    | PRICE: |AVAILABLE QUANTITY:|
           |10mm Pistol Ammo (x5)     |    25  |         6         |
           |Shotgun Cartridges (x5)   |   100  |         2         |
           |Tranquilizer Darts (x2)   |   100  |         5         |
           |Damage Upgrade            |   250  |         1         |
           |Burst Round System        |  1500  |         1         |
           |Shotgun                   |  1500  |         1         |
           |Tranquilizer Rifle        |  1500  |         1         |
           |Mine Template             |    75  |         3         |
                                LIMB CLINIC SHOP:
           |ITEMS:                    | PRICE: |AVAILABLE QUANTITY:|
           |Typhoon Ammo              |   100  |         5         |
           |Hypostim                  |   100  |         2         |
           |CyberBoost ProEnergy Jar  |   250  |         2         |
           |Praxis Kit                |  5000  |         2         |
                              LIN FU REN'S SHOP:
           |ITEMS:                    | PRICE: |AVAILABLE QUANTITY:|
           |Rocket                    |   150  |         2         |
           |Machine Pistol Ammo (x15) |   120  |         5         |
           |Sniper Rifle Ammo (x5)    |   150  |         2         |
           |Crossbow Arrows           |    70  |         4         |
           |Rocket Launcher           |  4000  |         1         |
           |Machine Pistol            |   750  |         1         |
           |Sniper Rifle              |  3000  |         1         |
           |Crossbow                  |  2000  |         1         |
           |Frag Grenade              |   150  |         2         |
           |EMP Grenade               |   200  |         1         |
           |Silencer                  |   500  |         1         |
           |Laser Targeting System    |   500  |         1         |
           |Damage Upgrade            |   250  |         1         |
           |Target-Seeking System     |  1500  |         1         |
           |(for Machine Pistol or    |        |                   |
           |Combat Rifle)             |        |                   |
                              PENG XIN HAO SHOP:
           |ITEMS:                    | PRICE: |AVAILABLE QUANTITY:|
           |Revolver Ammo (x5)        |   130  |         2         |
           |Combat Rifle Ammo (x10)   |   100  |         4         |
           |Shotgun Cartridges (x5)   |   100  |         2         |
           |P.E.P.S. Energy Pack (x1) |    50  |         5         |
           |Tranquilizer Darts (x2)   |   100  |         5         |
           |Stun Gun Darts (x2)       |    50  |         5         |
           |10mm Pistol Ammo (x5)     |    25  |         6         |
           |Revolver                  |   600  |         1         |
           |Combat Rifle              |  1250  |         1         |
           |Shotgun                   |  1500  |         1         |
           |P.E.P.S.                  |   750  |         1         |
           |Tranquilizer Rifle        |  1500  |         1         |
           |Stun Gun                  |   500  |         1         |
           |10mm Pistol               |   350  |         1         |
           |Mine Template             |    75  |         3         |
           |Gas Grenade               |   200  |         1         |
           |Concussion Grenade        |    60  |         2         |
           |Rate-of-Fire Upgrade      |   250  |         1         |
           |Exploding Rounds Package  |  1500  |         1         |
           |(for the Revolver)        |        |                   |
           |Stop! Worm Software       |    50  |         5         |
           |Nuke Virus Software       |    50  |         5         |
                        HUANG LING (LIMB CLINIC) SHOP:
           |ITEMS:                    | PRICE: |AVAILABLE QUANTITY:|
           |Typhoon Ammo              |   100  |         5         |
           |Hypostim                  |   100  |         2         |
           |CyberBoost ProEnergy Bar  |   250  |         2         |
           |Praxis Kit                |  5000  |         2         |
                        GRAYSON'S SHOP (After Hengsha):
        |ITEMS:                    | PRICE: |AVAILABLE QUANTITY:|NEW:|
        |10mm Pistol Ammo (x5)     |    25  |         6         |    |
        |Shotgun Cartridges (x5)   |   100  |         2         |    |
        |Tranquilizer Darts (x2)   |   100  |         5         |    |
        |PEPS Energy Pack (x1)     |    50  |         5         |NEW!|
        |Heavy Rifle Ammo (x25)    |   250  |         4         |NEW!|
        |Revolver Ammo (x5)        |   130  |         2         |NEW!|
        |10mm Pistol               |   350  |         1         |NEW!|
        |P.E.P.S.                  |   750  |         1         |NEW!|
        |Heavy Rifle               |  2500  |         1         |NEW!|
        |Revolver                  |   600  |         1         |NEW!|
        |Shotgun                   |  1500  |         1         |    |
        |Tranquilizer Rifle        |  1500  |         1         |    |
        |Damage Upgrade            |   250  |         1         |    |
        |Burst Round System        |  1500  |         1         |    |
        |Laser Targeting System    |   500  |         1         |NEW!|
        |Reload Speed Upgrade      |   250  |         1         |NEW!|
        |Ammo Capacity Upgrade     |   250  |         1         |NEW!|
        |Target-Leading-System (for|  1500  |         1         |NEW!|
        |Tranq. Rifle and Crossbow)|        |                   |    |
        |Cooling System (for Heavy |  1500  |         1         |NEW!|
        |Rifles and Plasma Rifles) |        |                   |    |
        |Exploding Rounds Package  |   250  |         1         |NEW!|
        |(for the Revolver)        |        |                   |    |
        |Armor Piercing System     |   500  |         1         |NEW!|
        |(for 10mm Pistol)         |        |                   |    |
        |Mine Template             |    75  |         3         |    |
        |EMP Grenade               |   200  |         1         |NEW!|
        |Concussion Grenade        |    60  |         2         |NEW!|
        |Stop! Worm Software       |    50  |         5         |NEW!|
        |Nuke Virus Software       |    50  |         5         |NEW!|
                        SEURAT'S SHOP (After Hengsha):
        |ITEMS:                    | PRICE: |AVAILABLE QUANTITY:|NEW:|
        |Machine Pistol Ammo (x15) |   120  |         5         |    |
        |Stun Gun Darts (x2)       |    50  |         5         |    |
        |Rocket                    |   150  |         2         |NEW!|
        |Crossbow Arrows (x2)      |    70  |         4         |NEW!|
        |Sniper Rifle Ammo (x5)    |   150  |         2         |NEW!|
        |Combat Rifle Ammo (x10)   |   100  |         4         |NEW!|
        |Silencer (*)              |   500  |         1         |    |
        |Stun Gun                  |   500  |         1         |    |
        |Machine Pistol            |   500  |         1         |    |
        |Rocket Launcher           |  3000  |         1         |NEW!|
        |Crossbow                  |  2000  |         1         |NEW!|
        |Sniper Rifle              |  3000  |         1         |NEW!|
        |Combat Rifle              |  1250  |         1         |NEW!|
        |Rate-of-Fire Upgrade      |   250  |         1         |NEW!|
        |Heat Targeting System     |  1500  |         1         |NEW!|
        |Target-Leading System     |  1500  |         1         |NEW!|
        |(for T. Rifle & Crossbow) |        |                   |    |
        |Target-Seeking System     |  1500  |         1         |NEW!|
        |(for Machine Pistol or)   |        |                   |    |
        |Combat Rifle)             |        |                   |    |
        |Gas Grenade               |   200  |         1         |NEW!|
        |Frag Grenade              |   150  |         2         |NEW!|
        (*) If you've bought the Silencer before, it won't be available.
         If you visited Greg Thorpe (and saved his wife), you'll get a
         ~25% discount on all of Seurat's prices.

                      ANDREA MANTEGNA (LIMB CLINIC) SHOP:
           |ITEMS:                    | PRICE: |AVAILABLE QUANTITY:|
           |Typhoon Ammo              |   100  |         5         |
           |Hypostim                  |   100  |         2         |
           |CyberBoost ProEnergy Bar  |   250  |         2         |
           |Praxis Kit                |  5000  |         2         |
            It's highly recommended to buy the two new Praxis Kits.

                    LIN FU REN'S SHOP (2nd Hengsha visit):
           |ITEMS:                    | PRICE: |AVAILABLE QUANTITY:|NEW:|
           |Rocket                    |   150  |         2         |    |
           |Machine Pistol Ammo (x15) |   120  |         5         |    |
           |Sniper Rifle Ammo (x5)    |   150  |         2         |    |
           |Heavy Rifle Ammo (x25)    |   250  |         4         |NEW!|
           |Crossbow Arrows           |    70  |         4         |    |
           |Rocket Launcher           |  4000  |         1         |    |
           |Machine Pistol            |   750  |         1         |    |
           |Sniper Rifle              |  3000  |         1         |    |
           |Crossbow                  |  2000  |         1         |    |
           |Heavy Rifle               |  2500  |         1         |NEW!|
           |Frag Grenade              |   150  |         2         |    |
           |EMP Grenade               |   200  |         1         |    |
           |Silencer                  |   500  |         1         |    |
           |Laser Targeting System    |   500  |         1         |    |
           |Damage Upgrade            |   250  |         1         |    |
           |Target-Seeking System     |  1500  |         1         |    |
           |(for Machine Pistol or    |        |                   |    |
           |Combat Rifle)             |        |                   |    |
           |Heat Targeting System     |  1500  |         1         |NEW!|
           |(for Rocket Launcher)     |        |                   |    |
           |Cooling System (for Heavy |  1500  |         1         |NEW!|
           |Rifles & Plasma Rifles)   |        |                   |    |
                    PENG XIN HAO SHOP (2nd Hengsha visit):
           |ITEMS:                    | PRICE: |AVAILABLE QUANTITY:|NEW:|
           |Revolver Ammo (x5)        |   130  |         2         |    |
           |Combat Rifle Ammo (x10)   |   100  |         4         |    |
           |Shotgun Cartridges (x5)   |   100  |         2         |    |
           |P.E.P.S. Energy Pack (x1) |    50  |         5         |    |
           |Tranquilizer Darts (x2)   |   100  |         5         |    |
           |Stun Gun Darts (x2)       |    50  |         5         |    |
           |10mm Pistol Ammo (x5)     |    25  |         6         |    |
           |Revolver                  |   600  |         1         |    |
           |Combat Rifle              |  1250  |         1         |    |
           |Shotgun                   |  1500  |         1         |    |
           |P.E.P.S.                  |   750  |         1         |    |
           |Tranquilizer Rifle        |  1500  |         1         |    |
           |Stun Gun                  |   500  |         1         |    |
           |10mm Pistol               |   350  |         1         |    |
           |Mine Template             |    75  |         3         |    |
           |Gas Grenade               |   200  |         1         |    |
           |Concussion Grenade        |    60  |         2         |    |
           |Rate-of-Fire Upgrade      |   250  |         1         |    |
           |Exploding Rounds Package  |  1500  |         1         |    |
           |(for the Revolver)        |        |                   |    |
           |Burst Round System (for   |  1500  |         1         |NEW!|
           |the Shotgun)              |        |                   |    |
           |Target-Seeking System     |  1500  |         1         |NEW!|
           |(for Machine Pistol &     |        |                   |    |
           |Combat Rifle)             |        |                   |    |
           |Armor-Piercing System     |  1500  |         1         |NEW!|
           |(for 10mm Pistol)         |        |                   |    |
           |Stop! Worm Software       |    50  |         5         |    |
           |Nuke Virus Software       |    50  |         5         |    |
              HUANG LING (LIMB CLINIC) SHOP (2nd Hengsha visit):
           |ITEMS:                    | PRICE: |AVAILABLE QUANTITY:|
           |Typhoon Ammo              |   100  |         5         |
           |Hypostim                  |   100  |         2         |
           |CyberBoost ProEnergy Bar  |   250  |         2         |
           |Praxis Kit                |  5000  |         2         |
            It's highly recommended to buy the two new Praxis Kits.

                               LU PIN RONG SHOP:
           |ITEMS:                    | PRICE: |AVAILABLE QUANTITY:|
           |Tranquilizer Darts (x2)   |   100  |         5         |
           |Stun Gun Darts (x2)       |    50  |         5         |
           |Heavy Rifle Ammo (x25)    |   250  |         4         |
           |Sniper Rifle Ammo (x5)    |   150  |         2         |
           |Machine Pistol Ammo (x15) |   120  |         5         |
           |Heavy Rifle               |  2500  |         1         |
           |Sniper Rifle              |  3000  |         1         |
           |Machine Pistol            |   750  |         1         |
           |Reload Speed Upgrade      |   250  |         1         |
           |Ammo Capacity Upgrade     |   250  |         1         |
           |Cooling System (for Heavy |  1500  |         1         |
           |Rifles & Plasma Rifles)   |        |                   |
           |Target-Seeking System     |  1500  |         1         |
           |(for Machine Pistol &     |        |                   |
           |Combat Rifle)             |        |                   |
           |Frag Grenade              |   150  |         2         |
           |Gas Grenade               |   200  |         1         |
           |EMP Grenade               |   200  |         1         |
           |Mine Template             |    75  |         3         |
           |ITEMS:                    | PRICE: |AVAILABLE QUANTITY:|
           |Typhoon Ammo              |   100  |         5         |
           |Hypostim                  |   100  |         2         |
           |CyberBoost ProEnergy Bar  |   250  |         2         |
           |Praxis Kit                |  5000  |         2         |


Trophies and Achievements

|NAME:                  |POINTS| DESCRIPTION/REQUIREMENT:                      |
|Cloak & Daggers        |  10  |Deal with the man in the shadows.              |
|Smash the State        |  10  |Help Officer Nicholas take out the trash.      |
|Acquaintances Forgotten|  10  |Follow Pritchard’s lead to uncover the truth.  |
|Doctorate              |  50  |Read all 29 unique XP books within a single    |
|                       |      |playthrough.                                   |
|Lesser Evil            |  10  |Deal with Mr. Carella’s indiscretion.          |
|Motherly Ties          |  10  |Put a grieving mother’s doubts to rest.        |
|Corporate Warfare      |  10  |Protect a client’s interests by performing a   |
|                       |      |less-than-hostile takeover.                    |
|Talion A.D.            |  10  |Descend into the bowels of an urban jungle and |
|                       |      |confront a warrior-priest.                     |
|Gun Nut                |  20  |Fully upgrade one of your weapons.             |
|Bar Tab                |  10  |Help the Hive Bartender settle a tab.          |
|Rotten Business        |  10  |Help a lady in the oldest of professions       |
|                       |      |clean house.                                   |
|Shanghai Justice       |  10  |It may take some sleuthing, but justice must   |
|                       |      |be served.                                     |
|HaxOr1!                |  15  |Successfully hack 50 devices within the same   |
|                       |      |playthrough.                                   |
|Transhumanist          |   5  |Fully upgrade your 1st augmentation of choice. |
|Consciousness is       |      |                                               |
|Over-rated             |  15  |Knock out 100 enemies in a single playthrough. |
|First Takedown         |   5  |Perform your first Takedown. Civilians don’t   |
|                       |      |count, so be nice.                             |
|Opportunist            |  15  |Perform 50 takedowns within the same           |
|                       |      |playthrough. (Civilians don’t count.)          |
|First Hack             |   5  |Perform your first Hack successfully.          |
|Deus Ex Machina        |  50  |Experience all the different endings that      |
|                       |      |Deus Ex: Human Revolution has to offer.        |
|Pacifist               | 100  |Complete Deus Ex: Human Revolution without     |
|                       |      |anyone dying by your hand.  (Boss fights don’t |
|                       |      |count.)                                        |
|Foxiest of the Hounds  | 100  |Complete Deus Ex: Human Revolution without     |
|                       |      |setting off any alarms.                        |
|Up the Ante!           |  15  |Upgrade your first weapon of choice.           |
|Trooper                |  50  |Complete Deus Ex: Human Revolution.            |
|Legend                 | 100  |Complete Deus Ex: Human Revolution at its      |
|                       |      |hardest setting without ever changing the      |
|                       |      |difficulty.                                    |
|Ghost                  |  15  |You made it through an entire hostile area     |
|                       |      |without so much as a squeak.                   |
|Sentimental Value      |  10  |You kept Megan’s bracelet for yourself.        |
|                       |      |Apparently, letting go really is the hardest   |
|                       |      |part.                                          |
|The Take               |  10  |Greedy bastard. You accepted O’Malley’s blood  |
|                       |      |money and let him go.                          |
|Guardian Angel         |  10  |You paid poor Jaya’s debt in full. How very... |
|                       |      |humane... of you.                              |
|The D Project          |  15  |You watched the entire credit list and saw the |
|                       |      |surprise at the end.                           |
|Good Soul              |  15  |Against all odds, you saved Faridah Malik’s    |
|                       |      |life.                                          |
|Hangar 18              |  10  |You found and read the secret message.         |
|                       |      |Now you know too much...                       |
|Super Sleuth           |  10  |You really nailed your case against Lee Hong.  |
|Ladies Man             |  10  |You convinced Mengyao to spill the beans on    |
|                       |      |the mysterious Hyron Project.                  |
|Balls                  |   5  |Seems you like playing with balls, eh?         |
|Lucky Guess            |  10  |Next time, Jacob better use a more complex     |
|                       |      |code to arm his bombs.                         |
|Kevorkian Complex      |  10  |You granted a dying man his final request.     |
|The Fall               |  10  |You sent Diamond Chan on the trip of a lifetime|
|The End                |  25  |You defeated Zhao Yun Ru and destroyed the     |
|                       |      |Hyron Project.                                 |
|Old School Gamer       |  10  |You found all the hidden story items in Megan’s|
|                       |      |office. Point and Click much?                  |
|Unforeseen Consequence |  15  |Convinced Zeke Sanders to let his hostage go.  |
|The Bull               |  25  |You defeated Lawrence Barrett, elite member of |
|                       |      |a secret mercenary hit squad.                  |
|The Mantis             |  25  |You defeated Yelena Fedorova, elite member of a|
|                       |      |secret mercenary hit squad.                    |
|The Snake              |  25  |You defeated Jaron Namir, Leader of Belltower’s|
|                       |      |Elite Special Operations Unit.                 |
|The Throwdown          |  15  |You convinced the smooth-talking politician    |
|                       |      |Bill Taggart to tell the truth in public.      |
|The Last Straw         |  15  |Talked Doctor Isaias Sandoval out of suicide.  |
|The Final Countdown    |  15  |You showed millionaire Hugh Darrow that his    |
|                       |      |logic was flawed.                              |
|The Desk Job           |  15  |Convinced Wayne Haas to let you into the morgue|
|Yes Boss               |  15  |You had an argument with your boss, David      |
|                       |      |Sarif, and won.                                |
|Darker Shades          |  15  |You convinced a fast-talking bartender to let  |
|                       |      |you see Tong Si Hung.                          |