Batman: Arkham Asylum Guide Unofficial Guide to Batman: Arkham Asylum


Batman: Arkham Asylum is probably the best game implementation of a comic book character in the history of gaming – I think that is a safe statement.  You play as the Dark Knight himself, and it is not the wimpy Batman played by Adam West – no, you are playing a seriously buffed Batman that is a mixture of Christian Bale and the comic book sort of Batman; macho, and with a definite attitude. 

EIDOS says that the Batman in the game was actually designed to be a sort of amalgamation of all of the movie/cartoon/comic book Batman characters but I think they are just trying not to hurt the feelings of George Clooney, and Val Kilmer.  I did not mention Michael Keaton because they did incorporate his attitude in to the game, so call it a Keatonesque-Bale mix. 

If you have read the reviews, you will likely have read that the combat system in the game is stunted – that is not true.  The reviewers that wrote that did not grasp how the games combat actually works, it is really that simple.  If you try to strike your blows based on visuals, you are going to have problems because that is not how it is designed.  What you should be doing is listening for the blows, and striking as soon as you hear them – this institutes a combo system that becomes very valuable later on.

Everything is valuable when it comes to the upgrades, but purely from a fighting standpoint, you should learn the combo system early.  That means buying the combo system as your first upgrade so that you are learning it and working it as soon as possible.  Of course that presumes that you are interested in mastering the fighting style of the game – if you are a button masher, ignore what I just said and buy whatever upgrades you like, since it really will not matter to you.

One more comment on this – it is nice when a developer puts out a game that allows you to play it to the hilt, using the skills that are part of the game if you choose to, or play it casually without bothering to learn anything at all – there is a path for finesse and a path for brute force, the choice is yours.

An important point for you to understand about Arkham Asylum is that this is the game where you get to BE Batman.  All of the previous games let you sort of be Batman, only as much as the programmers let you be him.  In BAA, you get all the gadgets, all the skills, all the moves – in short it is the most complete Batman experience you are every going to get, so if you want my advice, take the time to enjoy this one, because it is the rare game where they just got it right.


Batman: Arkham Aylum Guide

PC Version Note

If you are using the Xbox version of the game you should have no problems with patching but if you have the PC version, you may find that you do have trouble patching through the Live Service.  If you have problems – the patch does not apply and after twenty minutes you get a time-out error, you will need to download the patch from the web.

There are links on the official site that will take you to where you can download the patch, and once you actually download and apply the patch, everything will work much better.

If you are using the PC version of the game and your gamepad is not an Xbox 360 Controller for windows, your left joystick may be reversed – when you press forward Batman goes backwards and vice-versa.  To correct this, do the following:

Right click the file BMGame\Config\Defaultinput.ini and uncheck the Read-Only box.

Now edit the file and find the line that begins .Bindings=(Name=XboxTypeS_Lefty”

On that line there are two Speed settings that read “Speed=1.0” (ignore the quotes).  Change both of these lines to “Speed=-1.0” (again ignore the quotes).  By setting the speed to -1.0 you are reversing the axis, thus causing the left joystick to work the way it is supposed to work.

As you play the game in story mode you will encounter barriers like walls, glass, security forcefields and the like that you cannot get past.  You will have reasons to want to get past these – collectible trophies, objects or goals – and you will probably be wondering how you get past them.  The answer is that you do not – for now.  These obstacles require special gear that you will not get until later in the game, which means you will either backtrack to get them, or complete the game and then continue on in free-roam mode.

This walkthrough does not concentrate on getting all the collectibles or solving all of the riddles in the story mode – it assumes you will want to go back in free-roam and get them – rather it only includes the ones you can get as you play story mode the first time.  Each item is noted in each section of the walkthrough.


Batman: Arkham Aylum Guide


-= XBox 360 =-

A = Run (held down)
X = Strike
Y = Countering
B = Cape Stun
RT = Crouch
LT = Aim
RB = Grapple
LB = Detective Mode
LS = Movement
RS = Camera
D-Pad = Select Tool
Back = Files/Gadget/Riddles Screen

-= PS3 =-

X = Run
Square = Strike
Triangle = Countering
Circle = Cape Stun
R2 = Crouch
L2 = Aim
R1 = Grapple
L1 = Detective Mode
LS = Move
RS = Camera
D-Pad = Select Tool
Back = Files/Gadget/Riddles Screen


Batman: Arkham Asylum Guide


There are a total of 51 Riddles to be solved.

---=== Arkham East ===---

(1) Gotham's greatest family towers over the city.

Standing on the top ledge of the Clock Tower, look out over the Bay for a tall building with a 'W' on it - zoom in on this and scan to solve this Riddle.

(2) My challenges appear to those with the correct position in life.

Looking down from the Clock Tower ledge you can see part of the question mark on the ledge, and the other part between the two roofs far below - line these up and scan to solve this Riddle.

(3) The legacy of this island has been well and truly buried.

In the graveyard there is one grave that has been dug up and that has a wooden coffin in it - scan the coffin to solve this Riddle.

---=== Arkham North ===---

(4) Let's face it, there are two Dents on the wall.

Inside the guard bunker - the one you have to hack - is a set of posters that say 'Vote Dent' - scan these to solve this Riddle.

(5) Now you see it, now you don't!

The wrecked building to the left of the gates is where you will solve this Riddle - walk to the arched doorway on the ground floor and look up to see the two halves of the question mark.  Line them up and scan.

(6) Tweedledum and Tweedledee SAW it, can you SEE it?

Near the gate to the outside there is a Teeter-Totter to the right - look at it and scan to solve this Riddle.

---=== Arkham West ===---

(7) Do you see what I can see?  No?  Then maybe I am in a stronger position.

Head to the Penitentiary and climb the stairs to the upper balcony, and turn Detective Mode on.  If you stand by the railing near the middle you will spot the bottom of the question mark on top of one of the posts - and if you look over the edge you will see the top on the ground below.  Line them up and scan to solve this Riddle.

(8) Does Scarecrow gas break down barriers as it drives you insane?

As you are heading towards the Gate to Arkham East look up on the sheer wall to the left to find a weakened wall.  Pull that down and zip up to find a pair of large gas containers - scan them to solve this Riddle.

(9) Zsasz is counting on you finding his work.

There is a secret room on the ledge above the entrance to the Penitentiary - hack the forcefield to gain access, then scan the table with the three dead guards to solve this Riddle.

---=== Arkham Mansion ===---

(10) A game of Cat and mouse can be painful.

There is a display case in the East Corridor that contains Catwoman's mask and gloves - scan this to solve the Riddle.

(11) Did Amadeus go mad, or was he just dizzy?

As you drop down from the duct in the North Corridor that leads to the blocked-off set of rooms you will note that there are scratches on the floor of the cell.  Scan these to solve the Riddle.

(12) How do you mask your feelings without losing control?

In Dr. Young's Office you will find a tribal mask on a frame on the wall - scan this to solve this Riddle.

(13) Isn't the Warden too old for a puppet show?

Inside the Warden's Office is a display case - scan the puppet in the case to solve this Riddle.

(14) It'll be a cold day in Hell when this Ghul rises again!

In the Morgue there is an open drawer with a body on it - scan it to solve this Riddle.

(15) Our records show that a Strange transfer was made in this room.

Inside the Records Room is a set of files - scan these to solve this Riddle.

(16) The fiendish puzzle literally appears out of thin air.

Look for the duct that leads to the Mysterious Stone, and looking out from there spot the two parts of the question mark in the South Corridor.  Align them and scan to solve this Riddle.

(17) What does a bird need in the rain?

In the South Corridor there is a display case with the Penguins hat and umbrella - scan these to solve this Riddle.

(18) Who is the main man in the main hall?

Along the Main Hall there is an alcove leading to the door to the South Corridor - on the left side is a large portrait of Commissioner Gordon - scan this to solve the Riddle.

---=== Botanical Gardens ===---

(19) Is the number up for these guards?

In the Glasshouse Entrance on the left path is a bench with two dead guards on it - scan the bench to solve this Riddle.

(20) Is this a tribute to what a mad dog left behind?

In the Flooded Corridor you will encounter a headless status - scan the dedication plate on the base to solve this Riddle.

(21) Looks like all the king's horses trampled all the king's men.

Up the south hallway in the Flooded Corridor is a bench with action figures on it - scan them to solve this Riddle.

(22) Remember the Waynes?  How could anyone forget?

On the wall of the Statue Corridor is a dedication plaque - scan this to solve this Riddle.

(23) The Ratcatcher needed more than just his charm to lead his army.

As you are moving through the duct in the Flooded Corridor (see that section of the walkthrough) you will pass over a grill on the floor - look down into the grill to take a scan of the gas mask and gloves here to solve this Riddle.

(24) There's no closet in the Gardens, so someone is using the roof instead.

Follow the walkthrough to end up on the ledge by the grate - look left and down to spot the skeleton stuck in the wall.  Scan this to solve this Riddle.

(25) This challenge can only be seen by those with a different view on life.

Follow the walkthrough - this can be complicated to find - in the Abandoned Chamber there is a catwalk you have to Batarang down.  Two steps along it and you turn to your left and climb, shimmy around and climb on up, then crouch and walk to the far end and look down.  Lining this one up was a little tougher than the others.  Scan the question mark to solve this Riddle.

(26) What time is tea time in Wonderland?

As you enter the Botanical Glasshouse you will see a shelf covered by vines on the left - on the shelf is a teapot set.  Scan this to solve this Riddle.

---=== Caves ===---

(27) A puzzle has many sides, but only some are visible.

As you move through the caves you reach a point where there is a shimmy-ledge that you can use to go around the side of the pillar on the aqueduct.  Climb up on the other side (there is a Trophy here) and look up to spot the question mark.  Line it up and scan it to solve this Riddle. 

---=== Intensive Treatment ===---

(28) A puzzle has many sides, but only some are visible.

Stand in the office in the center of the Intensive Treatment Lobby and look through the window on the west end - where you will see the question mark.  Now line that up with the bottom dot and scan to solve this Riddle!

(29) A top hat and tails is the only dress code for this party.

In the office in the Transfer Loop with the half-closed door there is a poster of The Penguin on the wall - stand in front of that and scan it to solve this Riddle.

(30) Don't cut yourself on this Sharply observed portrait.

As you reach the last part of the area there is a narrow hall - on the wall on the right as you enter this hall is a portrait of Warden Sharp - scan the portrait to solve this Riddle.

(31) Dr. Jonathan Crane plans on elevating fear to new depths.

At the bottom of the lift shaft in Secure Transit you will find a duct that leads to a small cave-like room.  In the room is a set of blueprints on the wall - scan the blueprints to solve this Riddle.

(32) Even I was shocked when I saw how Maxie Zeus was treated!

In the southeast corner of the Patient Pacification Chamber is a cell with a weakened wall blocking it off - pull down the wall and go inside and scan to solve this Riddle.

(33) Hook up with the relatives before you're transferred out of here.

As you enter the Cell Block Transfer area through the door on the right, to your right is a set of stairs blocked by a security forcefield - hack the control box and go up the stairs.  On the desk is a small framed photo - zoom in on it and scan to solve this Riddle.

(34) Where would you find my home sweet home?

In the Holding Cells area, go into the northeast cell - the one in the upper right - and scan to solve this Riddle.

(35) You don't know Jack about Gotham.  Tune in and find out.

On the lower hall at the top of the Utility Corridor you will find a small radio playing on a table - and despite the retro environment the radio has a digital display that says "134.5 FM Gotham Radio Jack Ryder" which is a pretty obvious clue, right?  Zoom in and scan this to solve the Riddle.

---=== Medical Facility ===---

(36) A question can only be answered from a new perspective.  Don't you agree?

In the Sanatorium move to the west hall of the main area and look on the floor for a weakened panel - once you blow this panel you will reveal the question mark - scan this to solve the Riddle.

(37) Are you going to take your hat off to Harley, Bats?

Go into the duct above the lift shaft in Secure Access and drop down into the hidden cell - scan the photos of Joker on the wall to solve this Riddle.

(38) Is the generosity of our benefactors on the Wayne?

As you enter the Medical Facility look on the wall ahead where the corridor T's for a dedication plaque - scan this to solve this Riddle

(39) Is this bear the Bane of his life?

As you enter the Experimental Chamber proper you will see a small stuffed bear on the table to your left.  Zoom in on the bear and scan it to solve this Riddle.

(40) Shhhhsshh!  Rumors persist that Tommy Elliot operates in Arkham.  Can it be true?

In the Surgery Room up the stairs behind the forcefield is an office with a whiteboard that has schedules written on it - zoom in on the board and scan it to solve this Riddle.

(41) TICK! TOCK!  News flash! Someone is not getting out of here alive!

If you divide the Sanatorium into quadrants, the NW quadrant is where you want to be - right in the center of it on the first level up is a cell with bars that has some skeletons in it - scan the scratched spot on the wall between the two skeletons to solve this Riddle.

(42) Was this fire fly too hot off the press?

In the Patient Observation area on the upper right of the area is a small room that has a door marker on it - inside the room is a locker with some newspapers taped to it - zoom in on the papers and scan then to solve this Riddle.

(43) What silent killer of the oceans can be found in a tiny jar?

In the Morgue is a small cart with glass specimen jars on it - zoom in on them and target the one that says Shark on it and scan it to solve this Riddle.

---=== Penitentiary ===---

(44) A case of mistaken identity?

At the back of the Security Room you will see a glass-sealed cell with a ghostly figure in it that is supposed to be Aaron Cash - scan it to solve this Riddle.

(45) All alone in your cell?  Why don't you break the ice with the most dangerous prisoners?

In Extreme Incarceration, after you have locked up Harley Quinn, walk over to the ice protruding from the floor of the fight area and scan the cell beyond it to solve this Riddle.

(46) How do you reflect on your successes and failures, Batman?

On the right side of the Cell Access area is a set of bathrooms - enter the Women's room and move to the back wall, where you will find a large mirror.  Scan your reflection in the mirror to solve this Riddle.

(47) Prometheus, Arkham guards' most wanted and most hated.

In the Guard Room's Locker Room, scan the two newspapers taped to the locker to solve this Riddle.

(48) This room is the end of days for even the most celebrated killer.

As you enter the west side of the Main Cell Block the first cell on your right is littered with the pages of a desk calendar - go inside and scan the floor to solve this Riddle.

(49) Two people, one voice, no gun?

In the Guard Station above the Main Cell Block is a case on the wall with a Thompson Machine Gun in it.  Scan the Thompson to solve this Riddle.

(50) What has four walls, two sides, and one ex-DA?

In the upper section of the Controlled Access Area is a cell with a Vote Dent poster - go in and scan the poster to solve this Riddle.

(51) When is something right in front of you but still hidden from view?

In the door of the Guard Room, look up to spot the question mark - align its two halves and scan them to solve this Riddle.


Batman: Arkham Asylum Guide


There are a total of 20 Upgrades to be purchased – 6 Combo Upgrades, 4 Armor Upgrades, 6 Batarang Upgrades, and 4 Tech Upgrades.

---=== Combo Upgrades ===---

(1) Special Combo Throw

Allows Batman to perform an unblockable grab and throw after achieving a comb score of x8.  Can be directed to inflict damage on multiple targets.  Batman can continue to chain attacks after a Special Combo move.

(2) Special Combo Takedown

Allows Batman to perform an unblockable instant Takedown after achieving a combo score of x8.  Batman can continue to chain attacks after a Special Combo.

(3) Special Combo Boost

Allows Special Combo Moves to be executed after achieving a combo score of x5 instead of x8.

(4) Combo Batarang

Powers up the Batarang during combos so that it can be used to knock down thugs.

(5) Critical Combo Strikes

Doubles the power of normal combo strikes when strikes are timed perfectly.  Increases combo score by x2 for each strike, allowing for quicker activation of Special Combo Moves.

(6) Inverted Takedown

Allows Batman to swoop down and grab assailants as they pass under gargoyles and leave them strung up underneath.

---=== Armor Upgrades ===---

(1) Armor Upgrade V1

Military grade spun para-aramid fibers molded into the Batsuit chest piece provide greater protection from attack.

(2) Armor Upgrade V2

Super lightweight nano-engineered polymer plating incorporated into the Batsuit creates a more resilient outer shell.

(3) Armor Upgrade V3

Ultra strong micro plating developed by WayneTech, layered between the regular armor and the undersuit.

(4) Armor Upgrade V4

Batsuit soaked in top secret prototype formula, developed by Lucius Fox at WayneTech.  Durability is massively increased without additional weight while retaining full movement and flexibility.

---=== Batarang Upgrades ===---

(1) Batarang Power

Upgrades the standard Batarang power, increasing the time an assailant stays down when hit.

(2) Twin Batarang

Allows two targets to be taken down simultaneously.  Once thrown, requires a short period of time before it can be used again.  Also upgrades Combo Batarang.

(3) Triple Batarang

Allows three targets to to be taken out simultaneously.  Once thrown, requires a short period of time before it can be used again.  Also upgrades Combo Batarang.

(4) Remote Control Batarang

Special Batarang that can be directly controlled by Batman after being released.  Once thrown, requires a short recharge period before it can be used again.

(5) Sonic Batarang

Tuned to resonate at the exact frequency of the nearest Arkham suicide collar, attracting that henchmen.  Useful for luring a target into a trap or away from an area of importance.  Once thrown, requires a short recharge period before it can be used again.

(6) Sonic Shock Batarang

Upgrade to the Sonic Batarang.  Allows this to be detonated once thrown to overload the suicide collar of a nearby henchmen, incapacitating him.  However, the residual interference will stop any further Sonic Batarangs from being effective in this location.

---=== Tech Upgrades ===---

(1) Multiple Frequency Detonator

Allows selective detonation of Explosive Gel.  Useful for advanced Takedown tactics. 

(2) Auto Proximity Detonator

Upgrades the Explosive Gel to automatically detonate if nearby threat is detected.  Temporarily incapacitates target.

(3) Cryptographic Range Amplifier

Increases the effective range of the Cryptographic Sequencer, allowing Batman to override out of reach Control Points and open up access areas that would otherwise be inaccessible.

(4) Cryptographic Power Amplifier

Increases the power of the Cryptographic Sequencer, allowing easier deciphering of security systems.


Batman: Arkham Asylum Guide


There are a total of 47 Achievements in Batman: Arkham Asylum – 32 Regular and 15 Secret.  They are listed here in alphabetical order – and a special note on the Trophy Achievements: you will NOT be able to obtain these on the Story Mode run-through because some of them are in places you cannot get to in Story Mode or require skill upgrades you will not have during your Story Mode play.  No worries about them, you can go back through in Free Play and collect them.


Arkham Analyst (20 GP) - Solve 5% of Riddler challenges
Big Bang (50 GP) - Complete story mode on Easy difficulty
Bigger Bang (50 GP) - Complete story mode on Normal difficulty
Biggest Bang (50 GP) - Complete story mode on Hard difficulty
Catch! (5 GP) - Catch a Batarang (any play mode)
Conundrum Cracker (20 GP) - Solve 55% of Riddler challenges
Crack The E Nigma (20 GP) - Solve every riddle on the island
Cryptic Investigator (20 GP) - Solve 10% of Riddler challenges
Flawless Freeflow Fighter (10 GP) - Complete one combat challenge without taking damage
Freakshow Rodeo (10 GP) - Ride a beast and unleash its power
Freeflow Bronze (10 GP) - Achieve 8 medals on combat challenges
Freeflow Combo 5 (5 GP) - Complete a combo of 5 moves (any play mode)
Freeflow Combo 10 (5 GP) - Complete a combo of 10 moves (any play mode)
Freeflow Combo 20 (10 GP) - Complete a combo of 20 moves (any play mode)
Freeflow Combo 40 (10 GP) - Complete a combo of 40 moves (any play mode)
Freeflow Gold (50 GP) - Achieve 24 medals on combat challenges
Freeflow Perfection (10 GP) - Perform a perfect combo including all of Batman's combat moves (any play mode)
Freeflow Silver (25 GP) - Achieve 16 medals on combat challenges
Invisible Predator (10 GP) - Complete one predator challenge by using only Silent Takedowns and without being detected
Lateral Thinker (20 GP) - Solve 25% of Riddler challenges
Mano-A-Mano (10 GP) - Take on a beast in hand to hand combat
Mental Athlete (20 GP) - Solve 70% of Riddler challenges
Mystery Solver (20 GP) - Solve 40% of Riddler challenges
Night Glider (5 GP) - Glide continuously for over 100m
Party Pooper (10 GP) - Time to break up this party
Perfect Knight (75 GP) - 100% Complete
Predator Bronze (10 GP) - Achieve 8 medals on predator challenges
Predator Gold (50 GP) - Achieve 24 medals on predator challenges
Predator Silver (25 GP) - Achieve 16 medals on predator challenges
Riddle Resolver (20 GP) - Solve 85% of Riddler challenges
Rope-A-Dope-A-Dope (10 GP) - String up one henchman and drop him to surprise a second (any play mode)
World's Greatest Detective (20 GP) - Solve Arkham's biggest mystery


Baneful Payback (25 GP) - Defeat Bane
Born Free (10 GP) - Escape from Intensive Treatment to the island surface
Breaking And Entering (10 GP) - Gain access to Arkham Mansion after it is locked down by the Joker
Crocodile Tears (50 GP) - Venture into Killer Croc's lair and come out alive
Daydreamer (10 GP) - Survive the nightmare of the Scarecrow's fear gas
Double Trouble (25 GP) - Defeat two Titan Henchmen at once
Leave No Man Behind (10 GP) - Rescue the guards and henchman from the Joker toxin in Decontamination
Just What The Doctors Ordered (10 GP) - Save all the doctors in Medical
Malpractice Needs More Practice (10 GP) - Survive the onslaught from the deformed Joker henchman
Poisoned Ivy (50 GP) - Defeat the giant Titan Ivy plant
Recurring Nightmare (10 GP) - Face your biggest fears and keep your sanity
Resist The Fear (50 GP) - Conquer the effects of the Scarecrow's fear gas
Shocking Rescue (10 GP) - Take down Zsasz in the Patient Pacification Chamber
Solitary Confinement (25 GP) - Capture and lock up Harley Quinn
Zsasz Cut Down To Size (10 GP) - Save Dr. Young from being killed by Victor Zsasz