Metro: Last Light Guide

These videos will help you get specific achievements in Metro: Last Light.

Trophies and Achievements range from “Published”, “Musician”, and the last one after finding visions in the city. The game was released this week and has been a critical success.

It is developed by 4A Games and published by Deep Silver. These videos are done by YouTube user Powerpyx.

All Diary Page:

There are 43 hidden diary pages in the game and you can check them out in the pause menu. Once you grab a page it will be saved automatically. A chapter select function will make collecting them easier in case you are unable to grab them in a specific level.

Musical Instruments:

There are 17 musical instruments in the game. You cannot use chapter select to find them and have to collect them in the right order during a playthrough. The 4 types of instruments are Guitar, Balalaika, Accordion, and Piano.

Dead City Visions:

There are 7 visions in the game. Four of them can be found without missing since they are story based.