Grey Goo (PC) Elite Units

Grey Goo (PC) Elite Units

Each faction in Grey Goo has a single elite unit. As you can build this and what advantages and disadvantages they have to offer, you can find out here!
Alpha is the elite unit of the people.
Needed to build:
2x Tank extension 2x Artillery extension 2x Air extension 2x Tarn extension 2x Large factory
Construction: Build it, preferably on a rail, any extension (tank, artillery, air or Tarn extension) and adds to this a large factory. The plant contains three additional stations where additional extensions can be attached. Link to these stations to the extensions that you have not yet used. At the last extension (those built at the other end of the factory), reattach a big factory and the process repeated.
Life 3010 Damage 200
Advantages: The Alpha fires with his main attack a laser beam vertically from and is aimed to reduce damage from a short distance, and at a distance, with only an attack on. Including units / buildings can be damaged, which have not been taken by the player to target. By his second ability, he can repel enemies by himself.
Cons: there are many enemies around the Alpha positioned around is not his laser attack useful. Thus, only a single opponent could be attacked with every attack.
Hand of Ruk
The Hand of Ruk is the elite unit of the Beta
Needed to build:
1x Large Distribution 1x Armored extension 1x Artillery extension 1x Air extension 1x Tarn extension 2x Large factory
Construction: Place the large distribution where enough space for all of the links. On the broad sides of the manifold placed once every extension that you have available (Panzer -, artillery, aviation, Tarn-extension). At the longitudinal ends one big factory. The Hand of Ruk may after all "parts" are built in the tab gravity units.

Life 4000 Damage 600
Advantages: The Hand of Ruk is equipped with a large cannon that can wreak havoc on distant targets. It is also a movable factory, because they can form two units simultaneously.
Disadvantages: Is this elite unit not provided with other units, such as predators, it is in melee inactive because the gun can only damage targets at a distance. In addition, the gun needs some time to be recharged.
The pure greed is the elite unit of Goo
Needed to build:
2x mother-Goo 1x resources field
Construction: Place your startup device or a mother-goo in a resource box until you form a second mother-Goo. Because if you build for the cleaner, the mother-Goo developed and you would have no more longer available to other units to train or to obtain resources. Then, to be "chosen" all fields of the waiting mother-Goo filled have and you can build the pure greed.
Life: Not Specified Damage: 400
Advantages: The pure greed not only has the ability to inflict damage on removal, but decompose even his enemies on contact. He can dish out damage in melee and distance.
Cons: Although the life of the clean Gier is not specified, but it is striking that he can absorb less damage than his opponents.