The Witcher 3 Hearts of Stone: Gwent Cards Locations

The Witcher 3 Hearts of Stone: Gwent Cards Locations

In Gwent it is important that you have the best and strongest cards in your deck and this is best yet well together. Your deck is more powerful and stronger with the new cards. Look in the following list which cards there are and what they can do. We also show you the locations of the new cards and how to get them:
- Emhyr var Emreis: Nilfgaard (leader); Get a randomly choosen units from your discard pile back to the battlefield; you will receive the card from the caravan merchant at Vegelbud estate.

- Foltest Son of Medell: Northern Kingdoms (leader); You will receive the map from the caravan merchants at Vegelbud estate.

- Francesca Findabair: Scoia'tael (leader); Move agile units in the optimal range; you will receive the card from the dealer at a waypoint in the Novigrad new mill.

- Eredin Breacc Glas: Monster (leader); Double the strength of all spies; you will receive the card from the dealer at a waypoint in the Novigrad new mill.

- Schirru: Scoia'tael (siege); Eliminates the strongest siege enemy units if they have a total strength value of more than 10; You will receive the car from the caravan merchants at Vegelbud estate when you defeat him.

- Toad: Monster (ranged); Eliminate the strongest ranged units of the enemy, if they have a total strength value of more than 10; you will receive the card, once you defeate the Olgierd von Everec.

- Olgierd von Everec: Neutral (ranged and melee); Morale Boost: Is all unit cards in the same row +1 starch (except yourself); you will receive the card once you defeat Shani.

- Gaunter O'Dim: Neutral (siege); Muster: Find cards with the same name in your card deck and play them directly; you will receive the card, once you defeat Hilbert at the auction house during the quest Open Sesame.

- Gaunter O'Dim Darkness: Neutral (ranged); Muster: Find cards with the same name in your card deck and play them directly; you will receive the card from the dealer at a waypoint in the Novigrad new mill.

- Cow: Neutral (ranged); you can find the card in the barn during the wedding.