Call of Juarez: The Cartel Walkthrough

Call of Juarez: The Cartel Walkthrough

The third game in the Call of Juarez series shies away from its traditional wild west roots to enter a more modern conflict. Play as three law enforcement agents seeked to curtail the Juarez Cartels in the city with the highest murder rate in the world. Play cooperatively in a competitive environment where all three players have their own goals — balance helping your teammates while completing your own unique objectives.

Don’t let life in Ciudad Juarez get you down, check out our full text and video walkthrough below. If that isn’t all, GameFront is fit to list achievements, trophies, and cheats to keep your head in the game.


  1. You immediately hit the ground running, starting the game off in a frantic freeway chase. Raise yourself through the sun roof and look for black and sliver Hummers that will streaking down the other side of the freeway. Take out the Hummers using your gun as you race down the highway.
  2. Following the cutscene, select your character (Benjamin McCall).

Chapter 1

  1. Following another cutscene, walk to the trunk of the car and press X to select the weapons you want for the mission. Next, walk to the front of the car and press X to hop in and start driving.
  2. As you are driving down the highway, listen to the directions of your passengers and turn right onto the dirt road when Eddies says to. After you drive through the gate, continue through the shallow stream.
  3. Once you finally arrive at your destination, hold RB to go into duel mode (because it’s just more fun), charge up the hill, get cover behind a tree and take out the gangster behind the white SUV.
  4. As you probably noticed while you were driving, there will be a series of white dots on the screen to guide you where to go. Follow these dots up the hill to the right.
  5. After yet another cutscene, continue down the path and take out the group of gangster just around the corner. Move up the left side of the path and take cover behind the rocks as you flank the gangsters.
  6. Keep your eyes peeled as you head down the path through the marijuana fields and take out any attacking gangsters. Once you spot the tent, take out the gangster inside as well as the small group to the right.
  7. Get back inside the tent, walk up to the back of the stack of boxes and press X to plant the bomb. Exit the tent, head up and to the right toward the next tent and plant another bomb.
  8. After it detonates, move to the large flat rock behind the tent and press X to tag it. Look around and tag the two other points before heading back to the car.
  9. As you head back down the trail you will have to kill off a group of attacking gangsters. After the path turns to the right and you spot the cars, there will be another group of gangsters hiding in the trees.
  10. After you take them out, get inside the front seat of the black SUV and head down the path. Once you cross the bridge, you will take some enemy fire from behind. Don’t let this distract you; just keep moving forward and eventually Kim or Eddie will take them out.
  11. ACHIEVEMENT: After you cross the second bridge, turn right and bust through the chain-link fence. If you finish the chase without damaging the car too much, you’ll earn the “Nail’d it!” Achievement.
  12. Hop out of the car and follow Eddie and Kim through the water and under the bridge. Continue down the river and take out the gangster that will be hiding behind the rocks to the right.
  13. Head up the path to the right. Once you reach the area with the trees, get your guns ready to take out another group of gangsters. If you have not noticed it already, this part will give you the opportunity to activate “Concentration Mode” (left arrow). This obviously gives you the ability to survey your surroundings and get a few easy kills.
  14. Continue up the bank and onto the path that will lead over to the right once the ground levels out. Once you walk around the rock wall to the left, take out the three gangsters that will charge you around the curve.
  15. From there, take cover behind one of the large rocks to the right and, using your rifle, scan the area for gangsters hiding in the trees and take them out. Proceed forward, then turn right up the bank.
  16. Once you find the path, take out the gangsters at the top. Like before, you will have to clear this area, then clear the other area with tents to the right. Once you do that, plant two bombs in the tents in the area to the right, then tag the three surrounding rocks.
  17. Look on your map and head up the nearby path. Once you reach the top of the path…you guessed it—more gangsters! Continue up the path where there will be even more gangsters hiding behind the rocks.
  18. Once you spot the Forester’s Lodge, chuck a couple of grenades, then take cover behind a nearby rock. Kill any remaining enemies before following Kim and Eddie up on the structure to use the zip-line.
  19. After you land you will right in the middle of another fire fight. Run to the back of the shack and take out the gangsters on the other side of the fence. Open the gate and take cover behind the stack of logs to the right. Take out the gangsters before heading down the path.
  20. Take out all enemies at the lodges, then plant two bomb charges at the areas indicated on your map. Head up the path along the back side of the lodges toward the next lodge.
  21. When you arrive, take cover behind the stack of 2 X 4s. Once Kim and Eddie give you the okay, advance to the stack of logs to the right. Once they give you the okay again, head for the next stack of logs just to the right of the lodge.
  22. From there you can flank the enemies on the porch from the right. Head up the steps and inside. Once Kim and Eddie join you, take your position on the right side of the wall next to the double doors.
  23. After Eddie counts you down, you will burst through the doors and automatically go into Concentration Mode. Take out the three gangsters inside, then hide behind one of the columns to avoid getting hit by bullets from the chopper.
  24. You will need to grab the M72 LAW in the crate to the left of the door. This chopper move around quite a bit, so after you get off a few shots, activate Concentration Mode to hit it with a perfect shot to take it down.
  25. ACHIEVEMENT: Once you destroy the helicopter, you will earn the “Police Academy” Achievement and complete the level.

Chapter 2

  1. Select the gear you want from the back of the car, then move to the front of the car and press X to start the mission. After the two hours pass, exit the vehicle, then leave the parking lot and follow the white dots toward your destination.
  2. When you are done talking on the phone, push open the gate and follow Kim across the street and down the alley. Once you reach your destination, open the door and then put up your dukes and beat up the gangsters.
  3. Since these guys swing like morons, step back and allow them to swing at the air, then quickly move in and give them a few jabs and uppercuts. Beat up the next gangster in the next room, then pick up Suzy’s money on the table in front of the staircase and on the table in the room straight across from there.
  4. Turn around—but before heading up the stairs, walk past them and open the door on the left. Head inside and pick up another wallet on the table, then head up the stairs.
  5. Go and open the door to the left of the window. Walk inside and pick up the bag behind the chest of drawers in the left corner.
  6. After talking with Eddie and Kim, tag the three designated walls inside the apartment. Once the other gangsters show up, follow Eddie and Kim downstairs and then out the back door.
  7. Shoot the gangster that will come around the corner of the wall, then follow Eddie and Kim across the alley into the garage. Turn right into the alley and take cover behind the trash dumpsters while taking out the gangsters down the alley.
  8. Quickly take out the first group, then turn around and take out the group that will ambush you from behind. After you kill them, pick up a shot gun and use to get through the rest of the gangsters as you make your way back to the car.
  9. After you get through the, um…urban parking lot in the grass, follow Eddie and Kim into the nearby building. Help both of them take out the gangsters on both sides of the house.
  10. ACHIEVEMENT: Follow Eddie’s instructions because waves of gangsters (who knew there were so many) will continue to flank you from the window in the back and the window in the front. If you kill more than 40 during this mission you will earn the “Bad Guy” Achievement.
  11. After you take care of them, head outside and take cover behind the red car. When you get the okay, advance to the dumpster to the right, then move up again to the next dumpster. From there, move along the fence, crouch behind the green trash bins and flank the gangsters behind the cars.
  12. Cross the street and follow Eddie and Kim down the alley. There will be a ton of gangsters here, so use the surrounding areas of cover and stick close to Eddie and Kim. Once you make it through the alley, turn left through the doorway and follow it around to the exit on the other side.
  13. Take out the gangsters across from you behind the trash cans, then take cover behind the SUV and kill the gangsters that will come charging through the gate. Cross the street and take cover behind the first car in the parking lot.
  14. In case you haven’t picked up on it yet, you can shoot at cars repeatedly to blow them up and cause huge explosions—use this to your advantage in this area. While Eddie and Kim are engaged in the fire fight, try to flank the gangsters by moving along the right wall to surprise them.
  15. After you take them all out, sprint down to the other end of the parking lot and hop inside the black SUV on the left. Turn right out of the parking lot and get ready for an intense exit.
  16. The gangsters will have several roads blocked off, thus forcing you to constantly change your route. Simply continue to follow the yellow icon on your map to get you to the freeway and complete the mission.

Chapter 3

  1. Following the cutscene, pick your weapons from the bag on the seat, then exit the lobby to begin the mission. After you exit the car, turn right down the street and head for the brothel.
  2. After Dolores gets you guys in, follow her to the back of the brothel. Once she tells you that the girls will be with you in a minute, walk past the stripper poles and pick up the wallet on the table in the left corner of the room.
  3. Head around the room and talk to three strippers to gain more info on the whereabouts of Tina. You can also find a cell phone on the side of the bar to pick up a “special item.”
  4. Next, head upstairs to the private area. After the bouncers let you through, turn left down the hallway, then left through the doorway. After you interrogate the hooker, follow Eddie and Kim into the next room where you will have to interrogate another hooker.
  5. Head for the next set of stairs. You’ll have to beat the crap out of an attacking bouncer before making your way up. Take out four more bouncers upstairs, then open the last door on the left to find Tina.
  6. Following the cutscene, step back out into the hallway and head up the next set of stairs. Take your position on the left wall next to the double doors. After you burst through, you will automatically go into Concentration Mode. Moving from left to right, fire off four head shots at the four gangsters (avoid the strippers).
  7. Walk around the wall and head outside. After Kim and Eddie follow you, quickly head back to the main room and pick up the cell phone on the table without being seen.
  8. Head back outside and race across the catwalk. After you race down the stairs and turn the corner, take out the guards at the other end of the hallway. Head down the spiral staircase and back into the strip club.
  9. Take cover behind the bar and take out the guards coming through the door on the left. Head through the door and up the stairs. Hold your position on the right side of the wall next to the double doors. After you burst through, take out the three guards around the SUV.
  10. Turn left and chase Javier. Turn left again down the alley and take out the two guards behind the trash cans. Once you reach the chain-link fence, stop and wait for your partners to provide covering fire.
  11. Once they give you the okay, sprint for the green car to the right. Make your way up to the next two cars on the right to flank the guards from the left. Head for the gasoline truck and run around behind it.
  12. Before you cross the street, take out the gangster to the left. Head straight, then turn right through the open garage. Turn left through the doorway and take out the two gangsters.
  13. Head toward the white SUV and take out the gangsters out in this area behind the black car and the red SUV. Head through the garage to the right of the red SUV, then left through doorway.
  14. Take cover behind the white SUV and take out the gangsters across the way (there will be a couple on the roof as well). After you clear the area, turn right and head through the garage with the “KOI” sign above it.
  15. Turn right through the doorway, then make another right and take out the gangsters near the gasoline truck. Turn left through the second garage, then sprint through the trash dumpsters, cut through the bushes and carefully make your way across the freeway onto the center median.
  16. If you haven’t already done so, switch from your rifle or shotgun to a hand gun and you will be able to run faster. Chase down Javier to complete the level.

Chapter 4

  1. Drive the car and head toward the docks. When you spot the fence off in the distance, smash right through it. Race down the street and turn left at the curve. Stop the car once you reach the dead end, hop out and take out the gangsters hiding behind the crates to the left.
  2. Once you clear the area, open the door to the control room (to the left) and press X while standing near the board to open gate.
  3. Following the cutscene, follow the police car to the pier. Once you arrive and are prompted to exit your vehicle, head for the next group of policemen just up ahead.
  4. Wait for your partners to join you, then take cover behind the first stack of crates to the right. Advance to the next two stacks of crates when you get the okay, then take out the unsuspecting gangsters.
  5. Pick up the wallet on the edge of the forklift, then follow your partners to the right. Once you reach cement barricade, turn right and go all the way around the container marked “26.”
  6. Take out the gangsters you can spot near the forklift, then advance and eliminate the rest of them. Head across the rails and take out the gangsters hiding behind the stacks of crates.
  7. Follow Eddie around the wall. Use the crates as cover as you advance and keep your head on a swivel because gangsters will occasionally try to sneak up on your from the right or left.
  8. Head through the big red doors and sprint to the other end of the warehouse. Turn right, open the door and head upstairs. Take out the gangsters that will be waiting for you at the top of the stairs, then head through the doorway.
  9. Take out all of the gangsters in this room, then head right through the doorway at the other end of the room. Sprint past the windows, kick open the door, race down the stairs and take cover behind the nearby stack of crates.
  10. Eliminate all of the gangsters in this area, then follow Eddie to the other end of the dock. Pick up the cell phone laying on the trailer hitch, then continue to follow Kim and Eddie.
  11. When you start taking enemy fire, quickly take cover behind a nearby crate. Take out the RPG off in the distance, as well as the one up on the scaffolding to the right.
  12. After you have carefully navigated your way through the falling containers, take out the sniper up ahead on the crane. Turn back around and help Eddie and Kim kill the gangsters on the loading dock to the right.
  13. Follow Eddie and Kim to the next area. Use the flatbed as cover as you take out more gangsters on the other side of the rails. Sprint down the rails and through the opening between the two big red doors.
  14. Take cover behind a crate and shoot the gangsters in this warehouse. Keep your eyes open and make sure to take out the gangster up on the catwalk to the left. Advance down the left side of the warehouse and follow Eddie up the stairs.
  15. Turn left onto the catwalk, then make another left through the doorway. After you walk down the stairs, make your way across the room (make sure to pick up the wallet on the forklift, too).
  16. Head through the door and shoot the gangsters up behind the skylights. Turn left and head through the door into the next room. Head up the stairs, then follow Eddie and Kim back outside.
  17. Once you get to the fence, take cover behind the forklift and kill the gangsters on the other side. Following the huge explosion, head through the opening created by the fallen light pole.
  18. After you make it through the burning wreckage, follow the white markers to get to the next area. When you arrive, wait for your partners to give you the okay, then sprint to the crate with the silhouette on the left side.
  19. Next, advance up to the side of the big rig. Move up again to the stack of crates, then peek around to the left and shoot the gangsters in the control room through the window.
  20. Follow Eddie and Kim through the red warehouse doors on the left. Take cover behind the first stack of crates and eliminate all of the gangsters in the warehouse. After you do so, head to the back of the blue van on the right to find the girls.
  21. Take your position on the right side of the wall behind you next to the door. After you bust through, take out the gangsters down at the other end of the hallway. Head down the hallway and open the doors to the right.
  22. Hid behind the nearby stack of crates and take out the gangsters up on the catwalk first. Clear the rest of the warehouse before heading through the door in the left corner of the room.

Chapter 5

  1. Following the cutscene, drive down the hill and turn right onto the road. Stay right at the fork and floor it to reach the gangster’s car in under 75 seconds.
  2. Following the cutscene, cross the street and take cover behind the tan car as you take out the gangsters in the big rig parking lot. Clear the lot, then turn right and follow the gangsters taking off in the cars.
  3. After you turn the corner, take out the gangsters at the other end of the lot. Cross over the planter to the right, hop inside the black SUV and chase down the gangsters in the white SUV.
  4. It will up to your partners to take out all of the enemy fire you will be facing as you fly down the highway. All you have to worry about is staying close enough to the white SUV.
  5. Following the cutscene, take cover behind the rock behind your car and kill the gangsters parked out on the highway. Before you head over to the gasoline truck, pick up the cell phone on the other side of the rock.
  6. After you take out the other gangsters on the other side of the gasoline truck, head back to the black car turned on its side (on the left side of the road) and pick up the bag of money.
  7. Turn around and walk it to the back of the blue van. Look behind you and as soon as you see a black SUV roll up, drop the bag and take cover behind one of the nearby cars.
  8. Quickly take out the gangsters that hop out of the SUV (as well as the gangsters that will show up after the first SUV. Head back to black car turned on its side and pick up he second money bag. Carry it over and place it in the back of the blue van, then quickly pick up the other one you dropped on the floor and do the same.
  9. After the van blows up, pick up the nearby money bag and walk it back to your car down the freeway. When Eddie tells you that more gangsters are approaching, use the torched SUV as cover. Drop the money bag so that you are able to switch to your rifle and take them all out.
  10. Advance down the freeway and kill off the rest of the gangsters. Head back, pick up the money bag and carry it to the black SUV under the freeway overpass. Put the money in the back, get behind the wheel and floor it.
  11. As you flee the gangsters follow the white dots on screen, which at one point will instruct you to go off the road to the right, toward the wind turbines. Follow the off-road path back to the main road to complete the level.

Chapter 6

  1. After you get downstairs, hop inside the passenger side of the car. Once you get blocked off by the gangsters, pull out your rifle and begin to unload on them. As you race through the alleys to escape them, keep your gun out and fire towards any hummers that try to cut you off.
  2. Once you get on the freeway, this part will almost be identical to the intro of the game. Look around and take out any Hummers coming up or down either side of the freeway.
  3. These sequence will carry on for quite some time, so make sure you are economical with your shooting. Also, keep an eye open at all times because usually there will be more than one Hummer near you at one given time.
  4. After you finally make it through that sequence, turn left and follow Eddie down the alley. When you turn left at the corner, pick up the wallet on the floor, then look back down the alley and help your partners kill the gangsters.
  5. When the door along the right wall gets kicked open, kill the gangster on the other side, then head on through. After you head through to the other side, join Eddie behind the cover and take out the gangsters behind the fence to the right and coming through the doorway.
  6. Stay crouched behind the cover and fight off the gangsters in order to protect Jess until the car shows up. When it does, hop inside to complete the level.

Chapter 7

  1. Follow Jess around the corner. After Eddie joins you, head up the steps and open the door. After you follow Jess down the hallway, beat up the two bouncers.
  2. ACHIEVEMENT: If after beating those two guys up you have disabled 20 enemies with your fists, then you will earn the “Texas Ranger” Achievement.
  3. Head through the doorway and follow Jess upstairs and into the club. Once you walk outside, turn to the right and pick up the wallet on the nearby table. Turn around and wait for contact from Kim on Alvarez.
  4. Once you spot him, hold your position and wait as he goes and talks to Jess. Following the most bizarre cutscene in video game history, follow Eddie back into the club and take out the gangsters hiding behind the booths (make sure not to hit any civilians).
  5. Clear the area, head through the doorway across the way and head up the stairs to the roof. Open the door and quickly take cover behind the rail in front of you. Take out the gangsters on the roof, then head down to the next set of stairs where there will be more waiting for you on the next roof.
  6. Once you are on this roof, turn left through the doorway, then left again and head up another couple flights of stairs. Turn left, open the door and take out another group of gangsters that will be waiting for you on the roof.
  7. Head up the next set of stairs and kill the gangsters that will be on the roof to the left, as well as the one on the higher roof to the right. Pick up the cell phone on the wall behind the air conditioning units, then follow Eddie up the pipes.
  8. Turn right down the stairs and kill the gangsters on the roof parking lot. Follow Eddie down the next set of stairs where…yep—more gangsters! Clear this parking lot, then follow Eddie across the catwalk on the other side of the parking lot.
  9. Turn left past the fence so that you are practically standing on the edge of the roof. Look down below and take out the gangsters. Continue forward and follow Eddie down the outdoor set of stairs.
  10. Once you reach ground level, wait for Kim to show up before following her and Eddie through the gate door. Turn right around the corner, take cover behind the blue SUV and unload on the group of gangsters.
  11. Proceed forward and take cover where the silhouette is outlined on the loan crate to the right. Wait for Eddie and Kim to give you the okay on when to advance to each of the next four crates. When you get to the last one, turn left and take out the unsuspecting gangsters.
  12. Turn around and follow Eddie into the warehouse. Find some cover behind some of the crates, then take out the gangsters hiding up on the catwalk. Clear the area, then open the big red doors and head outside.
  13. Turn right, pick up the wallet on the green trash can to the left and join Eddie and Kim behind the dumpster to complete the level.

Chapter 8

  1. Follow Eddie and Kim across the street and up the stairs of the apartment complex. Join them next to the apartment room door and get ready for a not so G-rated cutscene.
  2. Following the cutscene, head downstairs and turn left down the street toward the red SUV. After the suspect takes off, follow him, but make sure you keep a safe distance away to avoid being spotted.
  3. When the suspect stops the car, hop out of your own car and chase him down the ally to the left. Take out the two bouncers that block you off, as well as the other two just around the corner.
  4. Open the door and head down the hallway. Turn right down the steps and open the set of double doors. Head across the crowded club and pick up the cell phone on the bar before heading up the nearby stairs.
  5. Follow the path around and beat up the bouncer blocking the VIP area. Grab the wallet on the nearby table, then head into the VIP section. Turn right and beat up the attacking bouncer before heading for the double doors on the right.
  6. Following the cutscene, take cover behind the wine cooler and kill the gangsters on the other side of the room. Head across the room and upstairs. Kill the gangsters on the other side of the railing, then follow Eddie and Kim around to the other side and through the door.
  7. Hold your position on the left wall next to the double doors to perform another team entry. As you burst through take out all of the gangsters while in concentration mode. Pick up the wallet on the table on the right just past the wine cooler as you make your way down the hallway.
  8. Take cover behind the wine cooler in front of the next doorway. When you get the okay from your partners, move up to the next wine cooler, and then again up to the brick pillar on the right. Peek around it and take out the unsuspecting gangsters.
  9. Pick up the wallet on the bar, then take your position by the double doors for a team entry. This next part will be tricky because the gangsters will be hiding in the club crowd. There will be three of them and they will be right in front of you. Carefully aim for them and wait for the flashes from their guns to see their position.
  10. Use the brick pillars as cover and take out the two gangsters hiding behind the bar to the right. Turn right down the hallway and follow it around to the roof outside. Kill the gangsters up on the scaffolding to the left, then follow Eddie and Kim over to the stairs.
  11. Take cover opposite of Eddie, then peek over and wipe out the large group of gangsters below. Head downstairs, make your way down the alley and hop inside the front seat of the black SUV.
  12. Ram through the green dumpster to create a path, then hop out, take cover behind a nearby car and kill all attacking gangsters (they will be all around you here, so keep your eyes open).
  13. Once you get across the parking lot, take cover behind the car to the right before crossing the street. Wait for your partners to provide covering fire, then quickly make your way up to the black SUV on the left.
  14. Quickly cross over to the car on the right, then move up to the second dumpster where you will be able to pick up the gangsters to the left. Hop inside the blue SUV and floor it to catch up with Jesus as he heads onto the freeway.
  15. Do your best to swerve around bullets and swerving cars to keep up with him. After a few minutes of intense chasing, you’ll finally catch up with him to complete the level.

Chapter 9

  1. In order to prove to Duke that you can handle his weapons, begin by picking up the K416 from the open crate. Aim out the window toward the four markers and shoot them (they will have white wall above them).
  2. After you hit the first four objects, take out the five planks on the rotating windmill (this part is a little tricky since it’s moving, so time your fire). After you complete that, turn around and pick up the PKM leaning near the opposite window.
  3. Use the PKM to shoot holes in the three shacks. Next, turn back around and pick up the M72 rocket launcher in the crate next to Duke. Aim out the window to his left and use it to take out the three highlighted targets.
  4. In order to prove that you really want this deal for the weapons, you’ll have to kill all vatos in the area. Begin by heading down the path to the right. Turn left, then make a right into the shack.
  5. Wait for Eddie and Kim to join you, then open the door to the left of the stairs. Take cover behind the crate and shoot the vato across the way. Follow Eddie to the next area. When he turns right, pick up the cell phone on the other side of the broken carriage, then continue to follow him.
  6. Once Eddie holds his position outside of the large shack overlooking the cliff, continue on through. On the other side, turn right down the slope and make your way all the way around the shoddy scaffolding.
  7. Pick up the cell phone next to the body, then open the door. Head outside and shoot the vato across the way. Turn left and pick up the cell phone in the wheelbarrow, then cross over and turn right through the large shack to the left of the brick building.
  8. Follow the white dots that will lead you to the salon. Once you turn left out onto the long dirt path, take cover behind the stack of rocks and take out the attacking vatos. Continue down the path and make sure to kill the ones up on the balconies as well.
  9. Cross over the makeshift bridge and take out the attacking vatos in the midst of the giant dust cloud that will surround you. Move to the right and pick up the wallet on the ground next to the broken carriage.
  10. Proceed forward and take out the next group of vatos at the end of the path. Move around the blockade and quickly get behind the crate near the two Hummers. Take out the RPG in the building across the way, then clear out the rest of the building.
  11. Pick up the cell phone on the ground in front of the Hummer on the left, then turn left and join your partners in the building. You will then have to turn back around and kill the group of attacking vatos through one of the windows (look around and shoot any red gasoline barrels to create explosions).
  12. There will be a ton of enemies here, so go from window to window and help your useless partners take them all out. Once they are dead, turn right and follow everyone out of the building.
  13. Follow them down the path and out of the city to complete the level.

Chapter 10

  1. After the room that you are in gets lit up, turn left out the doorway and follow the white dots to lead you out of the motel. After you turn right out of the bathroom, pick up the wallet on the table with the TV on it.
  2. Turn left out the doorway, then right all the way down the hallway. Once you get outside, turn right and then take out the gangsters on the around the corner of the motel.
  3. Move around the backside of the next building to the left and, using the luggage as cover, take out the gangsters in this next area. Head down the street, then head across the parking lot to the right side.
  4. Once you get to the next parking lot area, take cover behind the white car on the white and kill all of the gangsters in this area. Advance forward into the grassy area, where there will be more gangsters waiting for you.
  5. Follow the white dot to lead you through this building area and take out all of the gangsters along the way (make sure you pick up the cell phone on the back of the forklift, but don’t let Eddie and Kim see you).
  6. Head into the next unfinished building and clear it out. Turn left into the next unfinished building, kill the lone gangster, then quickly turn left out the doorway and take cover behind the stack of wood.
  7. With your partners providing cover, advance up to the next stack of wood, then up again to the bags of cement. Peek around to the right and kill the unsuspecting gangsters inside the building.
  8. Walk up the stairs and take out the gangsters on the second floor, then head back down and head through the doorway and into the next room. Hold your position next to the double doors to prepare for another team entry.
  9. Take out the gangsters on the other side, then head across to the next building and head for Jesus. When you arrive at the next set of double, hold your position next either side of them to prepare for anther team entry.
  10. Kill all of the gangsters, then go and get Jesus. Once the scene shifts to you behind the wheel, follow the white dots on the screen to escape the area and get to the road.
  11. When you spot the gasoline truck that is blocking the road, veer right onto the dirt road and follow it around back to the main road. Following the huge explosion, get out of your car and chase after Jesus.
  12. Kill his men that will be opening fire on you near the two cars, then continue down the road. Kill the rest of his men and catch up with him at the train tracks to complete the level.

Chapter 11

  1. Following the cutscene, pick up the wallet and cell phone in front of the trailer, then head inside. Looking through the windows, survey the entire area and take out all attacking gangsters.
  2. This part will have a ton of enemies, so make sure you crouch when reloading to avoid getting hit by extra enemy fire. Once you take out all of the gangsters and the chopper shows up, pick up the M60 in the corner and step outside.
  3. Use the M60 to take down the chopper when it flies by to complete this short level.

Chapter 12

  1. Following the long cutscene, head down the windy dirt path. When you get to the spot with the chain-link fence, hop out of the car and talk to the Mexican on the other side.
  2. After his boys begin to unload on you, take cover behind the No Trespassing sign to the left and take them out. Shoot the padlock on the gate and head on through. Take cover behind the scrap of metal and take out the guy on the water tower to the right and any other enemies you see.
  3. Move up to the white truck near the water tower and take out the guys in the big barn to the left. Head inside and take your position on either side of the door to prepare for a team entry. Take out all enemies on the other side, and don’t forget about the guy up in the far window.
  4. Before the thing burns down, shoot the padlock on the small door to the right and run out. Take out the nearby enemies as you take cover behind the white car. Advance up to the black car as your partners provide covering fire for you.
  5. Sprint for the table on the left side. Take out the guy near the windows in front of you, then head up the steps to the right. Open the door and clear out the first room. Turn right through the doorway, take out the guy in the far right corner of the room and pick up the wallet on the shelf in between the two windows.
  6. Turn left and before you peek around the corner up the stairs, go into Concentration Mode to help you take out all of the guys up on the railing. Walk past the stairs and open the door on the left.
  7. Head down the stairs and prepare for a team entry through the double doors on the right. Clear out the room, pick up the cell phone on the shelves at the opposite end of the room and follow your partners out the door.
  8. In the next room, go to the bookshelves behind Kim. Standing in between them, press X to pry them open. Stand in front of the left one and press X to move it, then stand in front of the right one to do the same to reveal a hidden path.
  9. Follow the white dots through the underground tunnels to get across the border. Keep your eyes open because after the first few turns there will be enemies waiting for you.
  10. Once you reach the part where the tunnel opens up, sprint for the makeshift column on the left as your partners provide you with covering fire. Move up to the next one and carefully sneak around to the right to take out the group of enemies.
  11. Head through the next series of tunnels. After you reach stairs, head down the next tunnel and take cover behind the two crates. Clear the area, then advance down the next tunnel.
  12. ACHIEVEMENT: Once you get to the tunnel, you will earn the “The Border Crossed Us!” Achievement.
  13. After you hear a Mexican yelling about how they are going to blow up the tunnel, turn left and sprint down the tunnel. Following the blast, crouch down and navigate your way through the rubble.
  14. Once you get through, you’ll have a few more gangster waiting for you on the other side. After you take them out, continue to follow Eddie and Kim through the tunnel.
  15. After you arrive in to the room, open the door in the corner of the room, allow Eddie and Kim to walk by, then pick up the cell phone on top of the propane tank. Follow Eddie and Kim up the stairs to get to the surface.
  16. When you get to the double doors, execute a team entry and kill the gangsters on the other side (make sure to shoot the gasoline barrel on the left and get the gangsters up on the second level as well.
  17. After Eddie and Kim head up the stairs, pick up the cell phone in the crate to the left of the stairs and the wallet on the floor behind the pillar to the right of the stairs. Get up the stairs and take out the gangsters in the room to the left.
  18. Head through the double doors, activate Concentration Mode and take out all of the gangsters in the yard below. Quickly crouch and move to the right to avoid machine gun fire.
  19. Once you get down to ground level, kill all of the gangsters in this side area before heading to the next area to the left. Kill the gangsters near the forklift, then shoot the gasoline barrels near the white vans to cause them to explode.
  20. Proceed forward and take cover behind a nearby crate to avoid getting lit up by the gangsters in the green, white and red trucks. You’ll be taking heavy fire here, so pick your spots and take out all attacking enemies to complete the level.

Chapter 13

  1. Head across the busy street to the left and enter through the cemetery gates. Don’t shoot and of the pedestrians as you make your way up the next set of steps. Before you head up the next set of steps, pick up Juan’s men through the tombstones.
  2. Follow the path through the cemetery, but make sure to stay on one side or the other to avoid being out in the open. There will gangsters hiding in the tombstones around every turn, so keep your eyes open and your finger on the trigger.
  3. Once you exit the cemetery, turn right and take cover behind the rug tent. With your partners providing cover, head around the two cars and on up to tent on the left side of the area.
  4. Quickly move up to the next on the left and take out the gangsters behind the main tent in the center of the area. Head under the tent and pick up the cell phone on the floor, then proceed forward.
  5. Crouch behind the center cement block after you enter the gates of the monastery and take out the gangsters coming down the stairs. Advance up the stairs and take out all gangsters along the way.
  6. When you reach the top, set up for a team entry outside the large doors. Take out all of the gangster after you bust down the doors.
  7. Following the brief cutscene, head outside and take cover behind the wall. When the chopper shows up, head back inside the church and pick up the M60 behind the last pew on the right side. Step outside and use the M60 to take down the chopper and complete the level.

Chapter 14

  1. Set up for a team entry outside the double doors. After you bust through, take out all of the gangsters. After Juan gets into the car with Alvarez, hop inside the grey SUV and follow them.
  2. ACHIEVEMENT: Once they drive off onto the dirt road, you’ll have to deal with a few vans full of gangsters opening fire on you. Turn left at the train tracks and race down. Once you get past the train, cross over the tracks to earn the “Don’t Miss the Train” Achievement.
  3. Follow Juan down the dirt path. Once they turn into the town, hop out of your car and take out the gangsters. After Kim and Eddie walk by, pick up the wallet on the bench to the left.
  4. Head through the archway and take out the gangster behind the pile of pallets. Turn right through the doorway and head out the door at the other end of the hall. Turn around the corner and take out the gangsters hiding up behind the wall near the stairs.
  5. After you walk up the stairs, take cover behind a crate and eliminate the gangsters down the pathway. Head down the path, turn right through the archway and head up the stairs.
  6. Kill the gangsters down the narrow path, then take that to the stairs. Head over the bridge and kill the gangsters down below. Head down into alley and quickly make your way into the alcove on the right to avoid getting run over.
  7. Head back out into the alley, turn right and kill the group of gangsters. Turn left down the next alley and kill another group of gangsters. Follow the white dot on your map to lead you to the doors of the bar.
  8. Set up for a team entry, then take out all of the gangsters inside after you burst through. Take cover behind a nearby pillar and take out the gangsters that will enter through the doorway to the left of the bar.
  9. Head through that doorway and follow it around to the outside area. Head right through the archway, then turn left down the dirt path. Head through the wooden gate on the right at the end of the path.
  10. After you make your first right in the market area, take cover behind a crate and kill the gangsters shooting at you from the blue tent. Follow the path around and kill all gangsters within the marketplace.
  11. Without being seen by your partners, pick up Juan’s cell phone off the floor in the short hallway. Head back out, turn left and kill the rest of the gangsters at the far end of the market.
  12. After you get through the marketplace, take cover behind the crate and kill all of the gangsters in the building up ahead (there will be a couple on the roof as well).
  13. Turn right down the path and kill the gangsters next to the black car. Hop inside the white SUV in front of the black car and purse Juan down the dirt road.
  14. ACHIEVEMENT: Ram as many gangsters as you can down this dirt path—if you get up to 10, you’ll earn the “Driving Lessons” Achievement.

Chapter 15

  1. Gather around the doors to perform a team entry. After you bust through, take out all of the gangsters on the other side. Grab cover behind one of the plant holders and take out the gangsters that roll up in white truck.
  2. Proceed forward and take out the gangsters on the other side of the wall, once again using the plant pillars as cover. Advance and take out the gangsters up in the second level of the hacienda up ahead.
  3. Head up the left side of the driveway and take out the gangsters hiding behind the pillars. Move to left and take out the next group hiding in between the cars before heading through the double doors at the main entrance to perform a team entry.
  4. After you burst through, take out the gangsters inside. Head upstairs and wait for your partners before heading through the double doors. Kill the gangsters down the hallway as you proceed forward.
  5. Turn into the last room on your left and continue on outside. Turn right and head down the outside pathway. Kill all of the gangsters in the courtyard area, then head through the double doors on the other side.
  6. Shoot the gangsters down the hallway, then turn right into the bedroom. Hold X while standing near the safe to open it, then take the item inside. Head down the hallway and kill the gangsters in the last room on the left.
  7. Head across the outside patio area and prepare for a team entry in front of the double doors. Kill the gangsters on the other side while taking cover behind one of the nearby pillars.
  8. Head up the stairs on the left and cross over to the other side. Walk up the patio on the right and pick up the M60 to take out the chopper. After the chopper goes down, head back up the stairs, turn right through the doorway, make a right into the room and pick up the cell phone on the table in the corner.
  9. Head back outside and take out the gangsters on the other side of the courtyard.
  10. Following the cutscene (after Juan gets blown away by a drone), turn left through the open double doors and head up the stairs. Head through the doors and turn right down the stairs.
  11. Stick close to Eddie and Kim and follow the white on-screen dots to avoid getting hit by drone attacks. Once you get up the stairs, turn left and head down the hallway. Let Eddie and Kim pass and then pick up the cell phone on the table to the right before following them downstairs.
  12. Use Concentration Mode to kill the gangsters inside the garage, then head outside and down the stairs on the other side. Head through the the underground tunnel and open the center door at the dead end.
  13. After you and your partners confront Alvarez, you will have the option of taking out Alvarez or killing your partners. If you choose the latter, you will have to take them out following the cutscene to complete the game.