The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Walkthrough

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Walkthrough

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Welcome to the The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim walkthrough, where everything in Skyrim will be covered; from main missions, to side missions, to misc. missions. We’re going all out for this one, with several unique video walkthroughs to run concurrently and to show you different ways to play. You’ll want to see them all, because Skyrim is a massive game. Taking place in the northern reaches of the Tamriel, this fantasy first-person RPG lets you build a diverse character from scratch, choose a variety of races and skills, then lets you loose to explore or interact with hundreds of NPCs spread across a truly massive landscape. There’s no end of things to do in, so join us as we try to conquer the untamed lands of Skyrim. For even more special information on Skyrim, check out our achievements and trophies pages. Stop by our cheats page, where every unique and extra article we have related to Skyrim is collected and listed. Check back soon for more updates.

Side Quests

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Walkthrough

Side Quests

Video Walkthrough with Mitch

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The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Walkthrough

Side Quests

Video Walkthrough with James

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The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Walkthrough

Side Quests


        1. After the dragon attacks, fire the blond-haired guy into the Keep. Get up the stairs. After the dragon breaks a hole in wall, jump down to the burning roof below. Move forward, drop down and head out the door.
        2. Meet up with the other prisoners. Follow Hadvar and listen to his instructions. Once you cross paths with Rolof, you can choose to follow him or stay with Hadvar. (I stick with Hadvar and followed him through the fall door.)
        3. Search the nearby chest and grab the sword off the wall. Search the rest of the room, then follow Hadvar down the hallway. After you enter through the gate, press R1 to attack the two soldiers. Press A to search them and take their gear.
        4. Follow Hadvar through the gate, then down the stairs. Go left through the door and kill the two guards inside, then take their belongings.
        5. Look behind you and loot the barrels and shelves for potions. You’ll also find some food hanging around the beams that you can grab. Take everything you can, then follow Hadvar out the door.

      1. Head down the stairs and kill the torturers outside the jail cell. Take their gear and grab the weapons in the cell. Pick the lock on the center cell on the opposite wall for some gold and potion, then follow Hadvar down the hallway.
      2. Search the skeletons on the next level down for more gold. Head through the hole in wall. Help Hadvar kill the solider coming over the makeshift bridge. Continue forward, kill the next solider and the two archers. Search all them, then follow Hadvar through the doorway.
      3. Go across the bridge, down the stairs and turn left down the stream. In the next room…man-eating spiders! Watch out for their web walls as you take them out. Follow Hadvar down the next tunnel.
      4. Cross over the makeshift bridge and pickup some health by the skeletal remains. As you proceed forward, you’ll see a bear. Pull out your bow and arrow and fire one off to kill it. Search it, then head down the next tunnel to reach Skyrim.

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The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Walkthrough

Side Quests

Bleak Falls Barrow

      1. Follow Jarl to go talk to his wizard, Farengar. After he gives you instructions to go and obtain the Dragonstone, exit the Dragonsearch. From there, you can either venture all the way back to the fork in the path after you exited Riverwood, or use your map to fast travel to Bleak Falls Barrow.
      2. If you decide on the former, once you get back to the fork and begin your ascent up the bath, kill the two bandits. Cross over the bridge and kill the archer. Pick up the money on the table and you can also find some gold and some rubies up in the chest at the very top.
      3. Cross back over the bridge and continue up the path. Once you reach the snow-covered hills of Bleak Falls Barrow, kill the two bandits at the top of the stairs. Turn right and head the temple doors.
      4. Go forward, sneak up behind the two bandits by the fire and take them out. Pick the lock on chest for a warhammer, some gold and lockpicks. Head down the nearby tunnel.
      5. The tunnel will lead you to a room with a Bandit inside—kill him then grab some healing potions up the stairs on the shelf. After you drop back down, you have to turn the three pillars to the left in order to open the door without getting pelted by arrows.
      6. Going from left to right, the proper order for the pillars is: snake, snake, whale. Pull the lever and head on through. Get the book on the table (hooray literature!) and open the chest before heading down the spiral staircase.
      7. Kill the two skeevers and head through the cobweb-filled room. Follow the tunnel around and cut your way through the webs blocking the doorway on your left.
      8. Kill the huge spider (may I recommend magic), then talk to Arvel, who will be trapped within the spiderwebs. Cut him down. Arvel, the little jerk, will then flee you. Chase after, then when he finally turns around to duel you, take care of business.
      9. Search him to find the Golden Claw, as well as other useful items. (Note: The Golden Claw is part of The Golden Claw quest. It is a sidequest that can be completed by taking the Claw back to Riverwood.)
      10. Continue through the doorway to the next room. Kill the three Draugrs. Quickly sprint past the trap door on the left and get to the next room. Carefully make your way through the short tunnel with the swinging blades. Go down the steps where there will be another group Draugrs in the next two rooms.
      11. Continue to follow path until you reach the room with the waterfall. Kill the two Draugrs and cross the short bridge for a chest with a sword, gold and some potion. Go right and pull on the chain to the right to raise the gate.
      12. Head through the narrow tunnel to a cool-looking green room. Pick up some glowing mushrooms if you want and proceed forward. Open the chest, then go right down the tunnel.
      13. Once you get outside, you can follow the path down to the bottom for a chest with a little but of gold. Once you get back up, head on through the next tunnel.
      14. This will lead you to a room with a “Restless” Draugr, so he’ll be a little tougher to kill. Get the chest on the right, then head through the doors to reach the Bleak Falls Sanctum.
      15. Head down the tunnel. Carefully make your way past more swinging blades, then kill the Draugrs in the next room. Go up the stairs, follow the path around and cross the narrow bridge.
      16. Open the doors and proceed forward. When you reach the tricked-out door that requires the Golden Claw to open it, the correct pattern from the rings (from top to bottom) is: Bear, Butterfly, Owl. Press A to activate the keyhole and open the door.
      17. Head up the stairs and into the next room (watch out for bats!). Cross over the little bridge and head up the stairs. Grab the gem and potion from the shelf, then open the chest for some gold and weapons.
      18. Turn round and move toward the glowing inscription in the wall. Turn back around and kill the Draugr that climbs out of the coffin. Make sure to search him to finally acquire the Dragonstone.
      19. Go right and head up the steps and continue up the tunnel. Activate the handle at the top. Head through the next two tunnels to eventually lead you back to Skyrim.
      20. You can now either fast travel to Riverwood to take The Golden Claw to Lucan (in the Riverwood Trader) to complete that sidequest, or continue with the main quest by fast traveling back to Whiterun. Once you return, take the Dragonstone back to Farengar.

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The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Walkthrough

Side Quests

The Way of the Voice

      1. Exit Whiterun. Look at your map and place a marker at Ivarstead (at the base of the backside of the huge mountain). It’s quite a trek, so you should definitely find a horse if you have not already done so. Enjoy the scenery.
      2. Once you reach Ivarstead, feel free to talk to the natives before heading up the winding, snowy path to High Hrothgar. Once you reach the building, get off your horse and head up the stairs.
      3. After you enter, go talk to Arngeir. Next, demonstrate your “Unrelenting Force” shout to prove you are indeed the Dragonborn. Follow Arngeir to the center area. After Einarth displays “The Word of Power,” move over to him and focus on the inscription in the ground in front of him.
      4. After Einarth transfers his “understanding,” listen for Arngeir’s instructions. You will have to fire your “Shout” at three targets that will appear in the center area.
      5. Follow Master Borri to the courtyard. Talk to him once you get outside, then look down at the inscription in front of him to learn the next word of power and absorb his “understanding.”
      6. Make sure you equip yourself with your new Whirlwind Sprint power, then stand next to Borri and when the gate opens, perform the power to sprint through the open gate. Go and talk to Arngeir again.

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The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Walkthrough

Side Quests

A Blade in the Dark

      1. Fast travel back to Riverwood. Follow Delphine through the cool hidden door. Following your long conversation with Delphine, exit the Sleeping Giant with her. You can either follow her to Kynesgrove or meet her their. She’ll probably slow you down, but either way, it’s going to be a jaunt.
      2. You’ll probably pass on ogre if you pass through Cradlecrush Rock. He’ll have some gold on him, but warning: one hit with his huge hammer thing and it will instantly kill you!
      3. Once you finally arrive at Kynesgrove, a women named Iddra will come running out past you. Follow Delphine around to the left and get to the top of the mountain to reach the dragon.
      4. Walk into the center of where the magical-looking light is shooting up toward the sky. After you get knocked down, that one dragon will start talking to you, then you’ll have to kill his buddy Sahloknir.
      5. This dragon fight will actually be ridiculously easy. Delphine should take it down with an arrow. After it lands, and assuming your one-handed attacks are at a high level, just get behind it and whack away.
      6. After you absorb the power from the dragon, talk to Delphine to complete the quest.

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The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Walkthrough

Side Quests

A Cornered Rat

      1. If you can, get a horse and fast travel to Kynesgrove (actually, make sure you get the horse, otherwise you will have to steal one along the way because it is going to be a long journey). From there, follow the path southeast to Riften Stables. Beware of giants, ogres and mammoths along the way!
      2. After you pass through Shor’s Stone and Fort Green Wall, you will be close. Once you discover Riften Stables, go up to the main door to talk to one of the guards. He’ll give you some BS about needing to pay all tax; tell him “this is obviously a shakedown” to enter through without paying and also increase your Speech.
      3. Head over the bridge, go left and then talk to Brynjolf, who will be in the center area. In order for him to help you find that old guy, you’ll have to still a ring for him. Tell him you’re ready to complete the task.
      4. If it’s not daytime, you’ll have to come back and talk to him when it is. If it is day already, just go back and talk to him again. Once Brynjolf gathers all of the people in the center area around him, head around the outside of the center area to Madesi’s kiosk (?), which is on the opposite side of the gazebo.
      5. Pick the lock on her kiosk(?), then pick the lock on her strongbox. Grab the loot, including the ring. Sneak around to the backside of the kiosk (?) to the right of where Brynjolf is speaking and plant the ring on the guy sitting in between the stack of crates.
      6. Once the crowd disbands, go and talk to Brynjolf. After he tells you how awesome you are and all that jazz, go back and talk to him again and ask about the old guy hiding in the Ratway.
      7. Go south and make your way across the bridge on the other side of the center area. Go right and head down the stairs. Go left and enter through the two doors to get to Ratway.
      8. As soon as you head through the tunnel you will have to kill two enemies. Follow the path around to the right. Drop off the ledge and head through the next tunnel on the right (watch out for the Skeever!).
      9. Pick the lock on the trap to the right of the door, then head through. Head through the dark tunnel on the left and go through the door. Kill the giant, but watch out for the bear traps on the floor!
      10. Head through the next door on the opposite side. Go up the stairs and through the door. Go left through the tunnel and turn right down the steps to enter the Ragged Flagon.
      11. Go around to the right where all the people are, then turn right through the tunnel to enter the Ratway Vaults. Go around to the left and kill the wizard. Head through the tunnel and kill the solider in the next room.
      12. Head around the corner and through the door on the right. Follow the long path all the way till you reach a room with a bunch of gold on a table—take it and head through the next tunnel.
      13. After you pass through the sunlit path, go through the open gate, turn right and head through the door to reach the Ratway Warrens. Head through the dark tunnel, go up the stairs, turn left and open the door at the end of the path to talk to Esbern
      14. After he tells you to go away, talk to him again and tell him to remember what Delphine said about the 30th of Frostfall. He’ll then let you in. Talk to him again to complete the quest.

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The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Walkthrough

Side Quests

The Throat of the World

      1. If you are still in the Sky Haven Temple, head up the stairs to the right to find a door leading out to Skyrim. Fast travel to High Hrothgar and follow the locator to go talk with Arngeir.
      2. After he declines to help you, ask him again. Follow him out to the courtyard. When he stands in front of the fire, look down at the inscription in the floor to learn the “Clear Skies” Shout.
      3. After you absorb the power from Arngeir, equip yourself with it, walk up the stairs and use the “Clear Skies” Shout to blow away the mist in order to clear a path to Paarthurnax.
      4. Head up path. After you cross the bridge, you’ll be attacked by an Ice Wrath from behind—take him out. Continue up the mountain where there will be a couple other Ice Wraths that you will have to kill.
      5. Once you reach the part with the wind blowing between the two large rocks, use your new Shout power and head through. Turn left to talk with Paarthurnax.
      6. After he shouts his fire shout into the oval-shaped rock, go and read the inscription to learn the new word of power. After you absorb it from him, equip your new fire power and direct it towards him. Then go and talk to him again.

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The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Walkthrough

Side Quests

Alduin’s Bane

      1. Head through the doorway and pull the lever at the end to take you out to Skyrim. Fast travel to the Throat of the World. Head up the mountain to talk to Paarthurnax. After he tells you that Alduin will be coming soon, head for the marker and pull out the Elder Scroll to read it.
      2. After you learn the Dragonrend, use it to take down Alduin, then get in as many whacks as possible before he flies away. Paarthurnax will help guide you, but all you have to worry about is getting burned by Alduin’s flame breaths.
      3. Once he lands again, hack and slash him to death with a weapon in one hand, and use your Dragonrend power in the other to keep him on the ground as soon as you start to see him fly away.

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The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Walkthrough

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The World-Eater’s Eyrie

      1. After you questioning of Odahviing, tell him that you’ll set him free. Turn around and head up the stairs to the left. Tell the Whiterun guard to release the trap. Head back down and talk to Odahviing.
      2. After the trap is released, talk to him again, then hop on his back so he can take you to Sovngarde. After you land, proceed forward up the stairs. Follow the path around, kill the Draugrs, then turn left once you reach the next set of stairs.
      3. Head under the archway and go right. Do a 180 around the wall and head under the next two archways. Turn left, kill the Draugrs, then go right up the stairs. Kill the enemies at the top before heading into the Skuldafn Temple.
      4. Proceed forward down the path to the right. Head up the stairs and kill the group of Draugrs in the next room. With them dead, you will have to solve an easy puzzle involving the three pillars in the middle of the area.
      5. Activate the pillar on the far right so that the emblem of the snake is facing out toward the emblem of the snake in the wall to the right. Next, activate the pillar on the far left so the whale is facing out toward whale in wall. Finally, activate the middle pillar so that the snake is facing out toward the lever. Pull the lever and head through the gate on the left.
      6. Make your first left up the stairs. Head down the stairs in the next room and kill the Draugrs. Search the chest, then turn around and head through the doorway. Kill the spiders in the next room.
      7. Hack through the cobwebs blocking the next doorway and kill the spider on the other side. Go up the stairs, kill the two spiders and head through the double doors. Turn right, kill the Draugr and head up the stairs.
      8. For the next puzzle, turn right and activate the pillar in the cave so that the hawk is facing you. Cross over the two mini-bridges and activate the pillar in the opposite cave so that the whale is facing you. Finally drop back down and activate the pillar under the bridge so that the snake is facing you.
      9. Head back up the stairs, pull the lever, cross the bridge and head through the doors of the Skuldafn Temple. Follow the path around, kill the Draugr in the next room, check the chest and head up the stairs.
      10. Follow the path around. Kill the Draugr and cross over the bridge. Follow the path and head up the winding train track-like staircase. Kill the two Draugrs at the top, head trough the doorway and kill the Draugr to the right before searching the chest.
      11. Activate the lever in the alcove on the opposite side, then sprint across and under the bars before they close. Once you reach the next room there will be a pot hanging from the ceiling—use your Whirlwind Shout power to shoot past it to avoid getting burned.
      12. Kill the Draugr Overlord in the next room. Search him and make sure to take the Diamond Claw. Head for the door. Make sure the top ring is the emblem of the fox, the middle the moth and the inner-most ring should be dragon. Equip yourself with the claw and use it to open the door.
      13. Go up the stairs. Head to the rim on the other side of the room and learn the word of power in the wall. Turn around, go right and head up the stairs. Go straight and head through door leading to Skuldafn.
      14. This next part will be tricky because you’ll have to kill a dragon while fighting three Dragurs. Unfortunately, after you kill the first dragon, you’ll have to kill another one. You better have your magic up and at least one enchanted weapon.
      15. Turn left and go left up the stairs. Go forward and kill Nahkriin, who really won’t put up a fight. Search him for a cool Dragon Staff (which you’ll need), then go up the steps he was on and activate the seal on the floor using the staff. Once the portal is activated, drop inside of it to enter Sovngarde.

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The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Walkthrough

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      1. Follow the Heros up the steps and back out into Sovngarde. Cross over the bridge and stop at the edge of the mist. Equip yourself with the Clear Skies Shout and fire one off into the mist. Do this three different times to permanently clear the mist.
      2. Alduin time! Equip yourself with Dragonrend and fire one toward him as he flies overhead. From there, he will basically be like every other dragon you have fought, but this time you’ll even have some help from the Heros.
      3. Once you kill him, go and talk to Tsun. Once you are ready to return to Skyrim, go and talk to to Tsun again. When you return to the mountains of Skyrim, go talk with Paarthurnax.
      4. After Paarthurnax flies away, talk to Odahviing after he lands next to you. Skyrim complete!

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The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Walkthrough

Side Quests

Blood on the Ice

  1. On your fourth (or later) time entering Windhelm, go to the graveyard near the Hall of the Dead sometime at night.
  2. Look for a group of people standing around the body of a dead woman.
  3. Speak to a Windhelm Guard there; he will tell you the dead woman’s name, that she’s been cut and torn, and that she’s the third one killed here.
  4. Ask the Windhelm Guard if he could use your help; he will direct you to start by questioning the people here.
  5. Question Helgird, the Priestess of Arkay, and note what she says.
  6. Question Calixto Corrium, owner of the House of Curiosities, and note what he says.
  7. Question Sidla the Unseen, a beggar, and note what she says.
  8. Leave the graveyard and look for the trail of blood.
  9. Follow the trail of blood north into the Valunstrad District, where it leads to the building Hjerim.
  10. Ask a guard or townsperson about entering Hjerim; they tell you Tova Shatter-Shield has the key.
  11. Talk to a guard, offering to investigate the woman’s death. You will be directed to speak with Jorleif, at the Palace of the Kings.
  12. Travel to the Palace of the Kings and speak to Jorleif. He will accept your help with the investigation, and officially direct the town guards to help you as needed.
  13. Return to the graveyard to see that the body is no longer there.
  14. Follow the bloody drag marks west to the Hall of the Dead.
  15. Enter the Hall and question Helgird; she will tell you the cuts on the body were made by a Nord embalming tool.
  16. Find Tova Shatter-Shield, either at the Stone Quarter Market, or in the House of Clan Shatter-Shield.
  17. Question Tova, with the aim of obtaining the key to Hjerim.
  18. Go to and enter Hjerim.
  19. Search the following locations thoroughly: chest in the front room entrance, mead bottles in the front room entrance, the pots and pans in the front room, the low shelf in the front room’s west wall, and the wardrobe in back of the front room.
  20. Leave Hjerim and speak to a guard about the ‘Butcher’, and about the amulet. This line of questioning will give you the name of Viola Giordano.
  21. Find Viola Giordano somewhere in the streets of Windhelm.
  22. Question Viola about the ‘Butcher’, and note what she says. She will ask you to meet her at Hjerim for further investigation.
  23. Do not go to Hjerim just yet!
  24. Travel to the Stone Quarter to Calixto Corrium’s House of Curiosities.
  25. Ask him to inspect the amulet, and note what he says.
  26. Travel to Hjerim to meet Viola.
  27. Investigate Hjerim with Viola, making sure to discover an altar behind the strange cabinet.
  28. Take and read the Butcher’s journal.
  29. Follow Viola’s directions and go speak to Jorleif again.
  30. Tell Jorleif about Wuunferth the Unliving possibly being the killer, explaining your evidence.
  31. Follow Jorleif as he takes a guard and goes to arrest Wuunferth.
  32. Leave Windhelm and do not return for at least three days.
  33. Return to Windhelm after three days, and listen to the townsfolk gossip about another murder.
  34. Go the graveyard again, to the scene of another crime.
  35. Talk to a guard; he will direct you to speak to Wuunferth in prison.
  36. Talk to Wuunferth about helping to find the real killer. Eventually he will tell you the amulet is the Necromancer’s Amulet, and that there looks to be a ritual set in the Stone Quarter tomorrow night.
  37. Go to the Stone Quarter, close to the market area, the next night.
  38. Stop Calixto Corrium from attacking and killing the woman he talks to.
  39. Report to Jorleif after fully dealing with Calixto.
  40. Purchase Hjerim as your house, if you so choose.

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The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Walkthrough

Side Quests

Forbidden Legend

  1. Once you have the Forbidden Legend quest, travel to Folgunthur, located southeast of Solitude.
  2. Go to the abandoned camp site just outside Folgunthur.
  3. Find and read Daynas Valen Journal in one of the tents.
  4. Enter Folgunthur.
  5. Beware the pressure stones in the floor throughout Folgunthur, marked with a rune. The first one is just beyond the entrance, at the bottom of the stairs.
  6. Move through the first Nordic Puzzle room, which has already been solved, to the exit on the other side.
  7. Dodge another pressure stone in the floor, which triggers a fire trap.
  8. Fight your way through and into a large banquet hall.
  9. Move towards the side of the banquet hall opposite the entrance, but beware the metal grate in the floor.
  10. Walk up the spiral staircase to a balcony overlooking the banquet hall.
  11. Find and loot Daynas Valen’s body for Daynas Valen’s Notes, and an Ivory Dragon Claw.
  12. Read Daynas Valen’s Notes.

Find the Gauldur Amulet Fragment in Folgunthur

  1. Use the Ivory Dragon Claw to lower the drawbridge, and take out the two Draugr on the other side.
  2. Follow the passage through a Draugr crypt, dodging another pressure stone/spear trap, and into another puzzle.
  3. Activate the right-front lever.
  4. Activate the left-rear lever.
  5. Follow the passage down some steep steps, watching out for falling rocks, to a wooden door.
  6. Open the door, kill the Draugr in the room, and face the next puzzle.
  7. Note that you’re standing in a room with a grate in the floor, blocking off a wooden staircase leading down. The object is to open the grate to access the stairs.
  8. Go into the open room on the right-hand side, kill Draugr.
  9. Inspect the stone heads with the animal glyphs in their mouths.
  10. Go the the closed room on the left-hand side of the grate room.
  11. Activate the lever next to the throne to open the door.
  12. Inspect the three pillars in this room.
  13. Activate the pillars until their glyphs mirror the glyphs in the other room. Starting at the door and working back, set them to Snake, Whale, Hawk.
  14. Pull the chain hanging from the wall in the grate room, and the grate will open.
  15. Follow the steps down into a slightly-flooded passage. Note the spider webs along the walls.
  16. Draw out the two Frostbite Spiders from hiding, and kill ‘em.
  17. Pass through the doors and into a hall of coffins, where the lights suddenly go out and the doors slam shut. It’s a trap!
  18. Defeat the draugr here and the lights come back on, revealing another Nordic Puzzle door.
  19. Set the outer ring to Hawk.
  20. Set the middle ring to Hawk.
  21. Set the inner ring to Dragon.
  22. Use the Ivory Dragon Claw to open the door and enter into Folgunthur Crypt.
  23. Battle the risen Mikrul Gauldurson and his Draugr Thralls in the crypt main chamber.
  24. Focus your attacks on Mikrul; when he dies (again), so will the Thralls.
  25. Beware Mikrul’s sword, the Gauldur Blackblade, as its Absorb Health enchantment heals Mikrul each time it hits.
  26. Loot Mikrul for the Blackblade, a Writ of Sealing, and the first Gauldur Amulet Fragment.
  27. Use the Ivory Dragon Claw to open the spear-blocked stairway leading up to a Word Wall with the Word of Power: Frost Breath.
  28. Walk southeast from the Word Wall to and through an iron door and down a secret passage hidden by a sarcophagus lid, bringing you back into the banquet hall.
  29. Use the Iron Claw in the first Nordic Puzzle Room just before the main entrance to open a secret door and reveal a hidden chest, and then leave Folgunthur.

Find the Gauldur Amulet Fragment in Geirmund’s Hall

  1. Travel to Ivarstead and go due east from there to get to Geirmund’s Hall.
  2. Enter Geirmund’s Hall.
  3. Crush the two Skeevers just below the ledge in the main room.
  4. Drop down into the large sinkhole here. No worries, there’s water down there.
  5. Swim over to the far end of this room, look underwater, and locate the submerged doorway.
  6. Swim down and through the submerged doorway to find a chest. Quickly loot it and swim back out before you start taking damage.
  7. Climb out of the water and up to an iron door. Can you hear them skittering on the other side?
  8. Kill the two Frostbite Spiders beyond the iron door.
  9. Follow the passage down into a flooded crypt, being careful to dodge the pressure stone / dart trap.
  10. Slay the four dormant Draugr in the crypt.
  11. Return to the top of the steps that lead into this crypt, and take note of the solution to the Nordic Puzzle. On your left are Hawk and Whale; on your right are Whale and Snake.
  12. Activate the pillars within the crypt to match the figures above the stairs: Hawk and Whale for the ones along the left-hand wall, Whale and Snake for the ones along the right-hand wall.
  13. Pull the lever to open the portcullis and gain entrance into a large open room.
  14. Head directly for the altar with the remains of Lord Geirmund.
  15. Take the key that rests in his shrivelled hand, loot his corpse, and read his epitaph.
  16. Use the key to open the iron door close by.
  17. Follow the passage past an Arcane Enchanter and up to the drawbridges extending from the central pillar.
  18. Don’t pull that lever! It activates a spear trap.
  19. Look to your immediate right and up, and activate the real lever to lower the bridge.
  20. Activate another lever on the central pillar walkway to lower the other half of the bridge. Fight.
  21. Follow this passage along, carefully skirting the pressure stone / swinging blade trap to get to the main tomb room.
  22. Battle Sigdis Gauldurson and his two dopplegangers, focusing your attacks on the real Sigdis: the one not glowing blue.
  23. Beware Sigdis’ Gauldur Blackbow and its Drain Magicka enchantment.
  24. Kill Sigdis to cause his dopplegangers to vanish, and open the exit door behind his coffin.
  25. Loot Sigdis for the Gauldur Blackbow, a Writ of Sealing, and a Gauldur Amulet Fragment.
  26. Loot the chest on your way out of Geirmund’s Hall.

Find the Gauldur Amulet Fragment in Saarthal

  1. Complete the College of Winterhold quests First Lessons and Under Saarthal.
  2. Once you have the final Gauldur Amulet Fragment in hand, make your way to Markath, on the far western side of Skyrim.
  3. From Markath, Reachwater Rock is your next destination, a good distance east from Markath.
  4. Head into Reachwater Rock through the main entrance located behind the waterfall there.
  5. Loot the dead adventurer for the Ancient Edict and the Emerald Dragon Claw.
  6. Nordic Puzzle Door #1: Bear (outer ring), Whale (middle ring), Snake (inner ring).
  7. Nordic Puzzle Door #2: Hawk (outer ring), Hawk (middle ring), Dragon (inner ring).
  8. Enter the main chamber and go to the far (northwest) end, where you see three small Amulet Pedestals.
  9. Activate each Pedestal to place an Amulet Fragment onto it.
  10. Re-fight and re-slay the three Gauldurson Brothers. They only attack one at a time, so make use of the full room to your advantage against them.
  11. Once they are defeated, watch as they gather back on the ledge, and are surprised and successfully vanquished by a blast of magic from behind them.
  12. Continue watching as a spectral figure arises from a sarcophagus, and weaves a blast of magic that joins the three Amulet Fragments into the single Gauldur Amulet.
  13. Take the Gauldur Amulet to complete the Forbidden Legend quest line!

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Side Quests

The Forsworn Conspiracy

  1. Enter Markarth by the main entrance.
  2. Watch the scene play out in the market: a man shouts “The Reach belongs to the Forsworn!” before killing a nearby woman in cold blood.
  3. Wait another moment for a Eltrys to approach you and hand you a note, asking for you to meet him in the Shrine of Talos.
  4. Quickly search the body of the slain woman for some items, including a key to her room at the Silver-Blood Inn.
  5. Head to the Shrine of Talos.
  6. Question Eltrys thoroughly about the most recent and past killings in Markarth, ultimately agreeing to take over his investigation.
  7. Head to the Silver-Blood Inn.
  8. Talk to the the barkeep, Kleppr, about Margret, the woman whose death you witnessed.
  9. Go to and enter Margret’s room.
  10. Find, read, and take Margret’s Journal, located in the end table.
  11. Leave the Inn.
  12. Head to the Treasury House, and enter.
  13. Speak to the maid, Rhiada, to gain access to speak with Thonar Silver-Blood.
  14. Exhaust all chat options with Thonar, until he tells you to leave.
  15. Help Thonar defend against the surprise attack!
  16. Speak to Thonar again, and he’ll reveal more info about the Forsworn.
  17. Head to the Warrens in search of Weylin.
  18. Question Mulush gro-Shugurz and Garvey about Weylin. Garvey has a key to Weylin’s room, if needed.
  19. Enter Weylin’s room.
  20. Search the chest for its contents, including Weylin’s Note.
  21. Read the note.
  22. Feed Dryston a complete knuckle sandwich meal (no weapons!) outside the Warrens. He’ll tell you about ‘N’, known as Nepos the Nose.
  23. Head back to see Eltrys again for a nice reward sum.
  24. Head to the house of Nepos the Nose, and enter.
  25. Gain an audience with Nepos, and talk through all available options.
  26. Fight!
  27. Quickly return to Eltrys to inform him of this new info.
  28. Too late! Eltrys is dead, and it looks like the town guards are responsible, but they pin the murder on you.
  29. Go peacefully with the guards as they take you into custody and send you to Cidhna Mine.

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Side Quests

No One Escapes Cidhna Mine

  1. Wake up in Cidhna Mine to the shouting of Urzoga gra-Shugurz.
  2. Once you’re allowed into the Mine, begin your escape by first talking to Uraccen, found in the central room by the campfire.
  3. Talk to Uraccen to learn the location of Madanach, and info about getting a shiv.
  4. Find Grisvar in the southern part of the Mine.
  5. Ask Grisvar for a shiv; he says he’ll give you one in exchange for a bottle of skooma from Duach.
  6. Find Duach in the northern part of the Mine.
  7. Ask Duach for the skooma, best obtained by Persuasion or Brawling.
  8. Take the bottle of skooma to Grisvar, and exchange it for a shiv.
  9. Take the shiv to Borkul the Beast in the central room to gain entrance to see Madanach.
  10. At this point, the quest line splits in two options: Alliance with the Nords, or Alliance with the Forsworn.

Alliance with the Nords

  1. Kill Madanach by whatever means you have.
  2. Search his body for Madanach’s Note and Madanach’s Key.
  3. Read the Note; it tells you about the escape route through some old Dwarven Ruins.
  4. Use the Key to unlock the nearby gate that leads to the escape route.
  5. Escape through the Dwarven Ruins, fighting or fleeing the Frostbite Spiders and Dwemer guardians as you see fit.
  6. Head through the final golden door and into Markarth, where you’re met and rewarded by Thonar Silver-Blood. Quest complete!

Alliance with the Forsworn

  1. Speak with Madanach; he’ll tell you to go speak with Braig and hear his story.
  2. Find Braig in the Mine’s extreme southern end.
  3. Hear Braig’s story.
  4. Return to Madanach; he’ll tell you kill Grisvar the Unlucky.
  5. Kill Grisvar the Unlucky. Loot his corpse for a shiv.
  6. Return to Madanach and tell him Grisvar is dead.
  7. Follow Madanach and the others as the escape begins.
  8. Let Madanach and the others fight the Frostbite Spiders and Dwemer guardians ahead of you to clear the route.
  9. Stop just before the final golden door, where Kaie gives you back your equipment, along with a complete ancient Forsworn outfit.
  10. Follow Madanach through the golden door, where Thonar Silver-Blood awaits.
  11. Fight! Or stand back / hide while Madanach and the other Forsworn clean Markarth of the Nords. Quest complete!

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Side Quests

The Golden Claw

  1. This side quests is covered in the Main Quest – Bleak Falls Barrow section.

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Side Quests

In My Time of Need
NOTE: This quest can only be started after completing Main Quest: Dragon Rising.

  1. Enter Whiterun through the main gate.
  2. Observe the argument between the city guard and the Cloaked Redguard warriors (known as Alik’r).
  3. Speak to one of the Alik’r, or wait for one of them to approach you. You find out they are searching for a Redguard woman named Saadia, a barmaid at the Bannered Mare.
  4. Make your way to the Bannered Mare, go in and find Saadia.
  5. Speak to Saadia privately and listen to her side of the story.
  6. Continue talking to Saadia until she tells you where to find the Alik’r prisoner who knows the location of the Alik’r hideout, where you’ll find Kematu, their leader.
  7. Travel to Dragonsreach Dungeon and speak to the Alik’r prisoner.
  8. Pay the fine to have him released, and he’ll tell you where to find Kematu.
  9. Travel to Swindler’s Den, west of Whiterun.
  10. Fight or sneak your way through the Den until you get to a large flooded room, where Kematu and more Alik’r surround you from a ledge.
Side with Saadia
  1. Talk with Kematu until conversation options run out, then attack and kill him and the other Alik’r. May not be easy!
  2. Return to the Bannered Mare and tell Saadia she is now safe. Quest complete!
Side with Kematu
  1. Speak with Kematu enough so that he tells you of his plan to capture Saadia, with your help.
  2. Agree to help Kematu capture Saadia.
  3. Return to the Bannered Mare and speak to Saadia.
  4. Tell Saadia she is no longer safe here, and quickly send her to Whiterun Stables.
  5. Lead Saadia to the Stables, around to the side of the Stable house, where Kematu is waiting to spring the trap.
  6. Watch as Kematu easily and harmlessly traps Saadia.
  7. Speak with Kematu once again for your reward. Quest complete!

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Side Quests

Kyne’s Sacred Trials

  1. Travel to Froki’s Shack, located SW from Ivarstead.
  2. Talk to Froki Whetted-Blade about the Sacred Trials to get the quest started.
  3. Exhaust all the conversation options with Froki before taking on the quest.
  4. Follow the active quest icon to find the Mudcrab Guardian Spirit.
  5. Fight and defeat it, being mindful of the non-spirit mudcrabs which may swarm in on you.
  6. Follow the active quest icon to find the Skeever Guardian Spirit.
  7. Fight and defeat it, watching out for the non-spirit skeevers which may also attack.
  8. Follow the active quest icon to find the Wolf Guardian Spirit.
  9. Fight and defeat it, but be on the look out for other wolves and possible cave bears to attack you.
  10. Return to Froki and tell him you have completed the first part of the Trial.
  11. Accept the next part of the Trial quest.
  12. Follow the active quest icon to find the Ursine Guardian Spirit, Mammoth Guardian Spirit, and Sabre Cat Guardian Spirit, defeating them in turn.
  13. Return to Froki and tell him you have completed the second part of the Trial.
  14. Accept the final part of the Trial quest.
  15. Prepare to fight trolls in the next part, meaning arm yourself with fire.
  16. Follow the active quest icon to find the Guardian Troll Spirit.
  17. Fight and defeat the three trolls here, including the Guardian Spirit.
  18. Search the area for Froki’s Bow and other loot before leaving.
  19. Return to Froki.
  20. Tell Froki you are triumphant, and receive Kyne’s Blessing (-10% damage from wild animals) from him. Quest complete!

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Side Quests

Laid to Rest

  1. Travel to the Hold City of Morthal, and observe the conversation between the city steward Aslfur and two citizens in front of Highmoon Hall.
  2. Talk to the citizens, and learn about the most recent town rumor. They will direct you to the Moorside Inn and the barkeep Jonna for more information.
  3. Go to the Moorside Inn and speak to Jonna about the burned down house. She will direct you to the Jarl of Morthal if you want to investigate the matter further.
  4. Travel to Highmoon Hall and speak with Jarl Idgrod Ravencrone (or Jarl Sorli) about the burned down house.
  5. Accept the quest to investigate the burned house.
  6. Walk over to Hroggar’s burned house, located next to the Moorside Inn.
  7. Talk to the spirit of the little girl Helgi there, and she will tell you about the fire.
  8. Agree to play a game of hide-and-seek with her, then wait until dark to begin the game.
  9. Go back to the Jarl and mention your conversation with Helgi. She will tell you the location of the town’s graveyard, which will activate the active quest icon.
  10. Wait until after dark, then follow the active quest icon to the graveyard.
  11. Defeat Laelette the Vampire when she attacks you at the graveyard.
  12. Inspect the small coffin there, and listen to Helgi, prompting the next part of the quest to activate: question Thonnir about Laelette.
  13. Wait for Thonnir to come running up to the graveyard to lament the death of his wife, Laelette.
  14. Question Thonnir about what he knows. He will mention that Laelette and Alva (Hroggar’s new woman) had recently become good friends.
  15. Stop over and tell the Jarl the latest news on Helgi.
  16. Make your way to Alva’s house and gain entrance in your preferred manner.
  17. Deal with any possible dangers once inside Alva’s house, such as being attacked by Hroggar (upstairs) and Alva (downstairs), depending on if it’s day or night.
  18. Search Alva’s coffin downstairs to find her journal. Read it to find out Morthal is under attack by vampires.
  19. Show the journal to the Jarl, and tell her about Alva and the vampire threat.
  20. Accept the quest from the Jarl to clean out the vampire nest and slay Morvarth.
  21. Travel with the mob that has gathered to help you clean out the vampire nest to the cave they are hidden in.
  22. Take Thonnir in with you (the others chicken out before entering), and let him help you, or leave him at the entrance.
  23. Follow the cavern path and kill the Frostbite Spiders you encounter as your first enemies.
  24. Go S and come to a long open cavern guarded by a Vampire Thrall. Kill it.
  25. Go N into a chamber where another Vampire Thrall is looting some dead bodies. Kill it.
  26. Continue N and reach the main chamber, where two more Vampire Thralls and Morvarth are.
  27. Consider fighting them from the upper platform in the chamber if you’re a distance fighter or spellcaster.
  28. Draw them one at a time into a narrow passage if you’re a melee fighter, so as to lessen the chance they can surround you.
  29. Search and loot the main chamber after all the vamps have been dusted, then make your exit.
  30. Return to the Jarl and tell her Morvarth and his clan are dead, and receive your reward. Quest complete!

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Side Quests

Light’s Out!
1. Travel to Solitude.
2. Walk over to Angeline’s Aromatics shop, and look for a male Argonian (Jaree-Ra) hanging out front. He may call out to you when you’re close.
3. Speak to him, and listen to his proposal.
4. Agree to put out the lighthouse fire to start the quest.
5. Make your way to the Solitude Lighthouse by taking the low path by the river below Solitude proper.
6. Avoid or kill the lighthouse keeper, Ma’zaka.
7. Go to the top of the lighthouse and click on the fire to douse it.
8. Travel to the East Empire Company Warehouse docks to meet Jaree-Ra and talk to him.
9. Follow his next instructions, to meet his sister, Deeja, at the wreck of the Icerunner for your share of the loot.
10. Follow the active quest icon to the wreck of the Icerunner location.
11. Locate Deeja way down in the ship’s hold.
12. Prepare for a fight before talking to her.
13. Talk to Deeja, then defeat her after she attacks you.
14. Loot her corpse for a note describing your next move: to find Broken Oar Grotto.
15. Hack & slash your way out of and off the Icerunner. Expect to slay five Blackblood Marauders before you exit.
16. Travel W along the Northern Coast from the Solitude Lighthouse to reach Broken Oar Grotto.
17. Make your way to the unloading building at the deep far end of the grotto, taking the high road (walking paths), or the low road (swimming).
18. Climb to the top room of the unloading dock building, where Jaree-Ra is hiding.
19. Kill Jaree-Ra.
20. Loot the chest of Icreunner valuables. Quest complete!

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Side Quests

The Man Who Cried Wolf

  1. Travel to Solitude.
  2. Go to the Blue Palace, and up to the main level where Jarl Elisif is holding audience with the townsfolk.
  3. List closely to Varnius Junius and his cry for help concerning strange lights and noises from Wolfskull Cave.
  4. Speak with Falk Firebeard after Varnius has been dismissed and ask him about Wolfskull Cave to begin the quest.
  5. Follow the active quest icon due W to get to Wolfskull Cave.
  6. Defeat the two skeletons guarding the entrance before entering.
  7. Fight your way through this first part of the caverns, slaying more skeletons, along with a couple of Draugr and Necromancers, until you reach the entrance to Wolfskull Ruins.
  8. Tread carefully in this section of the caves, due to the streaming bands of magical energy swirling to meet at the top of a ruined tower.
  9. Clear the Necromancers as you make your way into the ruins and up the tower steps.
  10. Consider luring the final group of Necromancers atop the tower down the steps one-by-one, instead of attempting to take them and whatever undead creatures they summon on all at once.
  11. Slaying the last Necromancer stops the summoning ritual and clears the magical maelstrom overhead.
  12. Return to Falk Firebeard an tell him Wolfskull Cave is cleared, and receive your reward. Quest complete!

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Side Quests

The Wolf Queen Awakened
NOTE: Must have completed The Man Who Cried Wolf side quest before getting this quest!

  1. Travel to any Hold capital city, and wait for a courier to deliver a message to you.
  2. Read the message. Falk Firebeard is requesting you to return to Solitude to once again deal with Potema, as her spirit is now free.
  3. Travel to Solitude and speak to Falk in the Blue Palace. He will tell you to seek the guidance of Styrr, a Priest of Arkay.
  4. Walk over to Solitude’s Hall of the Dead to find and speak to Styrr about Potema’s threatening spirit.
  5. Listen as Styrr tells you to go down into the old catacombs beneath Solitude, find Potema’s bones, and bring them back to him for sanctification. He will also give you the key to enter the catacombs.
  6. Follow the active quest icon through Solitude to the Temple of the Divines, and through there to find the door to Potema’s Catacombs.
  7. Listen to Potema as she stops you at a barred archway to mock you before she lowers the bars.
  8. Fight your way through the passage, clearing out a few Draugr and Vampires, until you come to the first puzzle encounter, where the passage is blocked by a circular rotating stone block with a small portcullis embedded in it.
  9. Activate the nearby level at the right time to stop the rotating block, when the portcullis is fully exposed and open.
  10. Continue along the passage, slaying more Draugr, until you come to the second puzzle encounter, a trio of levers just before another rotating stone and portcullis combo. This time there are three such blocks in your way.
  11. Activate the first lever to the center position at the right time to stop the first block rotation when the portcullis is fully exposed and open. Do the same for the other two blocks to make an opening through them.
  12. Arrive at a throne room with a large floor grate, and defeat the Draugr and Vampire stationed there.
  13. Be sure to get the Sanctum Key, either from the armrest of the throne, or from the Vampire.
  14. Prepare yourself for an increased number of Draugr and Vampires as you continue through the passage, until you came to a small circular room with decaying bodies and bones littering the floor.
  15. Listen as Potema mocks you once again before raising a trio of undead from the floor. Kill them.
  16. Equip any items or drink any potions that give you shock resistance before entering Potema’s inner sanctum.
  17. Dodge Potema’s shock beams spinning across the room while slaying the eight Draugr who steps out from their coffins.
  18. Head towards the metal door opposite the entrance once the final Draugr falls. Potema’s shock sphere magic will race ahead of you and begin to shape into Potema’s physical form.
  19. Kill Potema quickly before she can summon help or complete her transformation!
  20. Retrive Potema’s skull from the throne before exiting through the iron door behind the throne.
  21. Slay the final two Draugr waiting on thrones before exiting the Catacombs.
  22. Return to Solitude to give the skull to Styrr, tell Falk Firebeard that Potema is vanquished, and receive your reward. Quest complete!
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    The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Walkthrough

    Side Quests

    Missing in Action

    1. Travel to Whiterun, to the market section, and visit a couple of the surrounding buildings.
    2. Look for an old woman (Fralia Gray-Mane) having a verbal sparring match with two Nords (Olfrid and Idolaf Battle-Born) in the market.
    3. Wait for the argument to finish, then speak with Fralia, asking abour her missing son, Thorald.
    4. Accept her invitation to meet at her house to speak more on the matter.
    5. Enter the Gray-Mane house, where you’re fiercely greeted by Fralia’s other son, Avulstein.
    6. Talk with Avulstein to learn more about Thorald’s disappearance.
    7. Agree to find the evidence that Imperials are responsible for Thorald’s disappearence.
    8. Locate and speak to Idolaf Battle-Born and Persuade him to tell you what he knows about Thorald, OR,
    9. Locate Idolaf Battle-Born and pick-pocket him for the key to the House of Clan Battle-Born, OR,
    10. Locate and enter the House of Clan Battle-Born.
    11. Find the ground-floor bedroom.
    12. Open the door to the small study (Expert lock).
    13. Read the Imperial Missive on the table in the study. This is the evidence Avulstein is looking for.
    14. Take the Imperial Missive back to Avulstein.
    15. Agree to let Avulstein accompany you in rescuing Thorald from Northwatch Keep, or have him stay in hiding.
    16. Follow the active quest icon to Northwatch Keep, located in the extreme NW of Skyrim, on the coast of Haafingar Province.
    17. Remove the Northwatch Keep guards to the best of your abilities before entering.
    18. Enter the Keep through the front door (unlocked), or through the (Master) locked back door. The front door is the long way to Thorald, while the back door is the short way.
    19. Find the key to unlock the back door on the interrogator guarding Thorald.
    20. Free Thorald.
    21. Lead Thorald to safety through, out, and away from Northwatch Keep.
    22. Speak to Thorald.
    23. Agree to deliver Thorald’s message to Fralia in Whiterun.
    24. Return to Fralia and deliver the message.
    25. Receive your reward from Fralia. Quest complete!

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    Side Quests

    Promises to Keep

    1. Travel to Riften.
    2. Enter the Bee and Barb.
    3. Locate and speak to Louis Letrush.
    4. Agree to speak to Sibbi Black-Briar regarding the thoroughbred horse Frost.
    5. Travel to Riften Jail, located in and under Mistveil Keep.
    6. Persuade or Bribe the guard to gain entrance into Riften Jail.
    7. Talk to Sibbi to learn where Frost is, and attempt to also get him to give up his Stash Key.
    8. Travel to Black-Briar Lodge, where Frost stands over near a stable, guarded loosely.
    9. Slay the guards near Frost.
    10. Loot a Black-Briar Lodge key from one of the slain guards.
    11. Enter Black-Briar Lodge through the southern door, leading into the cellar.
    12. Locate Frost’s Lineage Papers in an end table there.
    13. Loot Sibbi’s Stash in a strongbox near the stairs.
    14. Steal Frost and ride toward the meeting place where Letrush awaits.
    15. Give Frost and the papers over to Letrush to receive your reward. Quest complete!

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    Side Quests

    A Return to Your Roots

    1. Gain access to, and enter, Blackreach.
    2. Locate Sinderion’s Field Labratory, directly across from the elevator to Alfthand Cathedral.
    3. Enter Sinderion’s Field Labratory.
    4. Search Sinderion’s skeletal corpse for Sinderion’s Field Journal.
    5. Read Sinderion’s Field Journal to start the quest and find out his research into the Crimson Nirnroot.
    6. Collect 30 Crimson Nirnroot. The first is in Sinderion’s Field Labratory. The rest are scattered throughout Blackreach, mostly growing close to water.
    7. Exit Blackreach after collecting at least 30 Crimson Nirnroot.
    8. Travel to Sarethi Farm in the Rift, a good distance E of Ivarstead.
    9. Speak to Avrusa Sarethi at the farm about nirnroot.
    10. Give her the 30 Crimson Nirnroot you collected and receive a reward. Quest complete!

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    Side Quests

    Rise in the East

    1. Travel to Windhelm.
    2. Make your way through town and down to the docks.
    3. Enter the East Empire Company office.
    4. Speak to Orthus Endario, and listen to his woeful tale of pirates, the rival Shatter-Shield clan, and how you may help.
    5. Agree to get Survaris Atheron’s logbook from the Shatter-Shield clan office.
    6. Exit the East Empire Company office.
    7. Walk next door to the Clan Shatter-Shield office.
    8. Enter the office as per your character’s best manner. The door is (Master) locked at night.
    9. Locate the logbook at the rear of the office, and take it.
    10. Give the logbook to Orthus.
    11. Listen to Orthus read the logbook, and plan out the next step.
    12. Travel to Dawnstar.
    13. Head to Windpeak Inn.
    14. Locate and speak to Stig Salt-Plank, questioning him thoroughly.
    15. Brawl or Bribe Stig to get him to tell you how and where you can join the Blood Horker’s gang.
    16. Return again to Orthus with the new information.
    17. Wait for Adelaisa Vendicci to notice and approach you.
    18. Tell Adelaisa the info about the battle-mage Haldyn and where the Blood Horker’s are located.
    19. Head out to the docks to board the boat to Japhet’s Folly.
    20. Talk to Adelaisa once you reach Japhet’s Folly, and she’ll lay out the plan of attack.
    21. Leave the ship, carefully traverse the ice floe toward the island, and locate the small Sea Cave opening at the island’s base.
    22. Enter the Sea Cave.
    23. Kill a couple of mudcrabs and the first of many Blood Horker pirates in the cellar, making your way steadily upward to Japhet’s Folly Towers.
    24. Climb the spiral staircase of the Towers, dodging a swinging spiked gate trap, and slaying a couple of Blood Horkers.
    25. Locate and go down the long hallway connecting this Tower with the other.
    26. Walk down the spiral staircase of this Tower, defeating more Blood Horkers, and finally coming to another long hallway leading to Haldyn.
    27. Prepare to fight Haldyn and his electricity magic, then take him down.
    28. Search Haldyn’s corpse for a key to a locked exit door you passed earlier.
    29. Exit Japhet’s Folly Towers now, OR
    30. Continue clearing and looting the Towers for all their worth.
    31. Dodge the incoming bombardment from the East Empire Company once you’re outside.
    32. Make your way roughly NE away from the Towers to find Adelaisa waiting for you on the jetty.
    33. Speak to Adelaisa to leave Japhet’s Folly.
    34. Speak to Orthus back at the East Empire Company office to receive your reward. Quest complete!

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    Side Quests

    Unfathomable Depths
    NOTE: Must be at least 14th level to trigger this quest.

    1. Travel to Riften.
    2. Walk to the docks outside of town.
    3. Locate the Argonian female named From-Deepest-Fathoms.
    4. Approach her to speak, and she’ll tell you about the Lexicon, what it’s doing to her, and how you can help.
    5. Agree to take the Lexicon to Avanchnzel.
    6. Follow the active quest icon to the Dwemer ruins of Avanchnzel, W of Riften. Enter.
    7. Watch as a group of apparitions play out the first of many scenes in Avanchnzel. The group consists of four adventurers: From-Deepest-Fathoms, Watches-the-Roots, Breya, and Drennen.
    8. Venture through Avanchnzel according to your character’s best skills, defeating a number of Dwarven Spiders and Dwarven Spheres, dodging traps, and watching more visions of From-Deepest-Fathoms’ ill-fated adventuring party. Your path will take you through the Animoncultory and into the Boilery.
    9. Slay the guardian Dwarven Centurion in the final Boilery room, where the receptacle for the Lexicon is found.
    10. Activate the Lexicon Receptacle to return the Lexicon to its’ rightful place. Quest complete!

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    Side Quests

    The White Phial

    1. Travel to Windhelm.
    2. Go to the local alchemy shop, the White Phial, located near the market stalls.
    3. Watch and listen inside to the argument between Nurelion and Quintus Navale.
    4. Speak to Nurelion after the argument ends. He will tell you more about his search for the legendary White Phial.
    5. Agree to retrieve the White Phial for him.
    6. Follow the active quest icon to the Forsaken Cave, and enter.
    7. Watch for a trigger plate trap (darts) on the floor shortly after passing through the entrance cave and an Iron Door.
    8. Tread carefully through the Draugr crypts, slaying them as they come. The main path here is pretty straightforward, just stay on it as it leads you to the Forsaken Crypt.
    9. Watch for a swinging blade trap just before the final burial sanctum.
    10. Defeat Curamil and his Draugr fellows in the burial sanctum. Consider using the swinging blade trap to your advantage.
    11. Head up to the Word Wall and absorb the Word of Power after defeating Curamil.
    12. Activate the nearby ancient bowl to open a secret door leading to an alchemy lab and the Cracked White Phial.
    13. Return to Nurelion in Windhelm and give him the Cracked White Phial. He’s a little less than grateful.
    14. Speak to Quintus, who will properly thank and reward you for your efforts. Quest complete!

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    The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Walkthrough

    Side Quests

    Repairing the White Phial
    NOTE: Three conditions must be met before this quest will trigger:

    1. Must have completed Main Quest: Throat of the World.
    2. Must have completed Side Quest: The White Phial.
    3. Must pass at least 72 hours from the completion of those quests.
    1. Travel to any of the larger cities where a courier may find you.
    2. Read the letter from Quintus Navale to start the quest. Seems he may have found a way to repair the White Phial, but needs your help.
    3. Travel to Windhelm and the White Phial alchemy shop to speak to Quintus.
    4. Listen to Quintus detail his plan, which requires you to find and bring back three items: Unmelting Snow, Mammoth Tusk Powder, and a Briar Heart.
    5. Question Quintus for more info about each item.
    6. Follow the active quest icon to the Throat of the World to collect the Unmelting Snow.
    7. Follow the active quest icon to the giant camp at Stonehill Bluff to collect the Mammoth Tusk Powder, which is guarded by a giant.
    8. Check your own supply of alchemical items to see if you have already picked up a Briar Heart. If not,
    9. Travel to the Reach where the Forsworn are mainly found, and locate and slay a Forsworn Briarheart. The redoubts are good places to look.
    10. Return to Quintus once you have all three items. He will take them and immediately repair the White Phial, then races upstairs to show it to a bedridden Nurelion, who promptly dies.
    11. Take the Phial from Quintus when he offers it to you as thanks for all you’ve done.
    12. Choose what magic you want Quintus to imbue the White Phial with from among the options he gives you. The White Phial will now refill with that potion magic every 24 hours.
    13. Quest complete!

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