de Blob 2 Walkthrough

de Blob 2 Walkthrough

You can literally paint the town red in de Blob 2, a game that puts you in control of a living gobbet of color and enjoins you to go wild. While steering this shade-istic fiend around, you’ll battle the forces of INKT, which hope to suck all the life and color out of the gameworld. Way, way harsh, dude.

The original game was a surprise hit for Wii, and the developers returned with a sequel. Due to its puzzly, platformy nature, there are bound to be a couple difficult spots, so take advantage of this, our full walkthrough. We also have lists of trophies and achievements, and Cheats page that gathers together all sorts of useful de Blob 2 information.

De Blob 2 Main Quest

Paradise Island

  1. Once you land on Paradise Island, collect the 7 color atoms around you to replenish the color stream. The last one is at the top of the 2 tiered mountain to your left.
  2. Hold the Left Trigger and hit A to start the Tranformation Engine. This will bring color back to the color pool.
  3. Collect the color atoms on the way to the bridge.
  4. Cross the bridge, collecting color atoms along the way. After losing your color, roll into the purple paint pool and absorb the color by pressing the Right Trigger.
  5. Roll into the blank huts to paint them, then hold LT and press A to access the next Tranformation Engine. Afterwards, roll into the next quest marker forward and to your right.
  6. Paint the huts to your left Blue and the huts to your right Red. Hop up to the next quest marker on the bridge above you.
  7. Paint the huts their corresponding flashing Red and Blue color. Go back and forth from the color pools to switch colors and use the bridges to avoid repainting huts the wrong colors.
  8. Go to the Transformation Engine and activate it to create a land bridge.
  9. Roll over all of the graydians to paint them, then go to the next quest marker.
  10. Paint the gray huts Red Purple and Green. Use your display to find the corresponding color pool, roll into them and then roll to the huts flashing the corresponding colors.
  11. As you paint the huts, roll over the colorless Graydians. Follow the arrows on your display marker to find all of them.
  12. Go to the next quest marker and continue to paint blank huts and Graydians.
  13. Go to the next Quest Marker and follow the display arrows to paint all of the blank trees. After that, hit the transformation engine to blast open the cave. Enter the cave.
  14. Go through the cave until you reach a wall. To Charge Attack the wall, press Right Trigger to maximize Color Points and then hold Left Trigger to target the wall and press Right Trigger to Charge Attack.
  15. Activate the switch by targeting it with the Left Trigger and pressing A. Follow the path down and to the left.
  16. Make sure that you are Blue and slam the Blue color switch.
  17. Continue right and charge attack the next wall. Smash the crates in the path by holding Left Trigger and pressing A. Exit the cave.
  18. After going to the quest marker, follow the path up and right to the lighthouse. Press RT to enter the lighthouse.
  19. Make sure your red, then hop on the elevator. Slam both red switches to your left and right.
  20. Ascend the next two elevators, jump through the purple shower and slam the purple switch.
  21. Ascend the next two elevators, roll through the yellow shower, ascend the next elevator and slam the yellow switch.
  22. Ascend the final elevator, grab all of the color atoms and activate the transformation engine to restore the lighthouse and open the gate.
  23. After upgrading, go through the gate. Color the huts and all of the graydians.
  24. Follow the dock all the way down to your right to the next quest marker. Get some color on you and jump from barge to barge, coloring the graydians along the way.
  25. Head forward to the next quest marker. Grab the supercharge to your right and smash all of the crates, statues and forklifts.
  26. Head up the path to your right to find the next quest marker. Paint the corresponding colors, red and yellow, to the corresponding parts of the buildings, then head back to the tranformation engine to find the entrance to Comrade Black’s Lair.
  27. Complete whatever bonus missions you wish to, then go to the Pinky Icon and enter Comrade Black’s Lair. WARNING: You can not go back to the level from this point on.
  28. Inside, get blue and the charge attack the turnstile. Go up the two elevators, jump across to the platform with the blue switch and slam it.
  29. In the next room, use the blue to your left and the red to your right to paint the corresponding modules on the walls. Make sure that you turn blue, then go up to your left.
  30. To get by the trap in the hallway, wait for the lasers to die down and then slam the blue switch past the three laser traps.
  31. In this room, get red to your left, go up both elevators and paint the parts on the walls red and ascend the elevator that appears afterwards.
  32. Head right, past all of the laser traps to the green pool to turn green. Head back through the laser traps, across the gap, to the green switch and slam it. Go up the elevator and enter the room to your right
  33. Go up the elevator and get orange in the pool to your right. Use the elevator to jump to each of the modules on the wall to paint them orange.
  34. Activate the transformation engine to end the level.
  35. LEVEL COMPLETE: Paradise Island


  1. Go to the quest marker, then go forwards to the underground etrance on top of the building across form you.
  2. Inside, the blue switch is on the left, yellow to the right and red in the middle. Change to the corresponding colors and hit each switch. Afterwards, slam the green spring to activate the color pools and exit.
  3. Paint the entire building that you begin on and then use your display arrows to find and paint the other buildings around Downtown.
  4. Continue painting all of the buildings in each block until you get a tranformation engine. Once you do, activate it.
  5. Go up the platform to the next quest marker. Wall run by jumping and then holding A against the wall to your left. Cross the gap with the wall run and then go to the next quest marker.
  6. Smash the paintbot, paint the flashing buildings red and go to the next quest marker.
  7. Use you wall running and jumping to avoid the ink tiles and color the buildings across from you. Turn around to go to the next quest marker.
  8. Slam the yellow and blue paintbots to turn yourself green, by mixing colors and paint the flashing green buildings green.
  9. While green, slam the red paintbot to turn brown and paint the flashing brown buildings brown.
  10. Head towards the quest marker. After the Blanc Cult cutscene, go to the quest marker on the street. Talk to the prisminian father to help find his son. Slam all of the blancs in the street, then head down the manhole to your right.
  11. Inside, slam all of the blancs, while you have color, and head down and to the right to the water pool. In the water pool, press the Right Trigger to shrink yourself.
  12. After shrinking, head left past the brown pool and go through the small tunnel. Slam the blanc at the end who is the son you are looking for.
  13. Stay brown, go up the elevators and slam the brown switch in order to exit.
  14. Go to the next quest marker on top of the building forward and to your left. Use wall running to color the billboards on the building across from you and then turn around to the quest marker behind you.
  15. Get 30 blue points by slamming blue paintbots and head inside the landmark.
  16. Once inside, slam the red and blue paintbots to turn purple. Color all of the flashing purple modules on the walls and bottom floor to turn them pruple. Use the paintbots to refill if you need to.
  17. Using the green springs, collect all of the color atoms in the room and hit the transformation engine on the bottom floor to reopen the landmark and open the gate outside.
  18. Go through the open gate in the courtyard and cross the docks to the next quest marker. Slam the yellow paintbot and then slam all of the leechbots in the street. Afterwards go to the quest marker behind you.
  19. Begin painting the buildings to your right orange. After the Blanc Intro cutscene, slam all of the blancs and then get 50 purple points and slam the pole in the middle of the courtyard.
  20. Resume painting the buildings orange until you finish. Then head up the street to a manhole surrounded by blancs. Enter the manhole.
  21. Hit all of the color switches with their corresponding colors to reactivate the railroad. Starting from the top to the bottom. the order of the switches goes: two Brown switches, yellow, blue and red. Use the spring at the top to exit.
  22. Go to the next quest marker and hop up the building to the rainbow icon. Color all of the buildings with the rainbow and they will be the correct color. Afterwards, go to the next quest marker.
  23. Slam all of the blancs around the landmark, gather 80 orange points and then enter the landmark.
  24. Inside, shirnk yourself in the water pool and head right and down the shaft.
  25. Turn purple, slam the blancs and then slam the purple switch.
  26. Avoiding all of the white tiles in the next room, slam the blue paintbot. Then, use the green pring the go through a clear tube to the next room.
  27. Avoiding the white tiles, slam the yellow paintbot to become green and then slam the green switch below you. Hit the spring to exit.
  28. Go to your right, through the red shower, hop over the white tiles and slam the red switch.
  29. Kepp slamming white switches and heading down until you get to the bottom. At the bottom, slam all of the blancs and then slam the sring to go through the tube to the next room.
  30. Charge attack the spiked crate at the top to your right to get the blue paintbot. Slam the blue and yellow paintbots to turn green and slam the green switch.
  31. In the next room, slam the blancs on the ground floor, get the supercharge to your right and, using the spring, charge attack all of the cogs in the room.
  32. Activate the transformation engine to restore the Opera House.
  33. Complete whatever bonus missions you wish to, then go to the Pinky Icon to end the level. WARNING: You can not go back to the level from this point on.
  34. LEVEL COMPLETE: Downtown


  1. Go forwards to the quest marker. Head down the manhole to your right to go underground.
  2. Head right, make sure that you turn yellow and continue down the hallway, slamming blancs and charge attacking the walls that are blocking you until you reach the end hallway where the yellow switch is. Slam the yellow switch, load up on yellow in the pool and use the spring to your left to exit.
  3. Head towards the municipal color pool. Make sure you save enough color points to slam the yellow switch in the middle of the municipal color pool. Slam the yellow switch and go to the next quest marker that is behind you.
  4. Follow the directional arrow to the manhole and enter the underground through it.
  5. Go right and drop down to a wall. Charge attack the wall and slam the switch.
  6. Use the spring to head back to where you came in and head left and drop down to the wall to your left. Charge attack the wall and slam the switch behind it.
  7. Head right through the darkness and use the spring to hop up to the right. Slam the paintbot and the switch.
  8. Turn left, jump across the gap, charge attack the wall and slam the switch behind it.
  9. Head right, jump the gap, and enter the room full of Citizens for Color. Use the spring to exit.
  10. Go to the quest marker. Head right to the green color pool.
  11. Load up on green and follow the directional arrow to the library. Jump up to the top of the library and use 40 green color points to enter.
  12. Head right and use the red, yellow and blue paintbots to turn Brown. Then, slam the blancs and paint all of the modules on the walls and platforms brown.
  13. Use the springs to grab all of the color atoms and activate the tranformation engine.
  14. Fill up on yellow in the color pool behind you and follow the directional marker to Town Hall. Enter Town Hall with 40 yellow color points.
  15. Turn red in the pool to your right and staying red the entire time, follow the corridors and elevators, slamming blancs along the way until you slam the three red switches.
  16. Slam all of the blancs that fall from the ceiling and then activate the tranformation engine.
  17. Go to the next quest marker. Using 50 color points a each time, destroy the 4 Blan c TVs around the town. Remember to duck with RT to avoid the hypno-disks. Activate the transformaton engine to open the gate and meet your new friend, Zip.
  18. Head through the gate and up the river to the next quest marker. Slam the big yellow paintbot and begin painting the building it is on to bring Zip out of hiding. Zip teaches you how to Z-jump.
  19. Keep Z-jumping, collecting all of the color atoms and then head to the next quest marker in front of you.
  20. Follow the directional arrow to the manhole and enter. Follow the hallway to your right, collecting all of the color atoms and slamming all of the blue switches. Make sure you avoid the rising waters and stay blue because all of the switches in the Hallway are blue. Once you release all of the paintbots, hi the spring to your left to exit.
  21. Outside, follow the directional arrow to the blue switch in the middle of the pool and slam it.
  22. Turn around and slam the red paintbot behind you. Then, follow the directional arrow to the red switch and slam it to fill the color pools. Afterwards, go to the next quest marker.
  23. Head to your right, fill up in the blue pool and grab the Haz-mat bubble. Jump through the ink and blancs and use 40 blue points to enter the Church.
  24. Inside the church, drop down, turn green and slam the blancs and green switch.
  25. Slam the blue paintbot and then slam all of the blancs and the blue switch.
  26. Head right and slam all of the blancs and the blue switch which open a trap door. Drop down the opening.
  27. Go left and slam the blue paintbots. Slam the surrounding blancs to reveal a Haz-mat.
  28. Grab the Haz-mat and head right, across the ink, and slam the blue switch.
  29. Hit the spring to the higher platform, slam all of the paintbots and blancs and hit the Z-jump.
  30. Follow the Z-Jump to the next platform where you need to slam the blancs and the red switch.
  31. Head back right and down, slamming all of the blancs along the way. Follow the path that opens up to your right at the bottom and collect all the color atoms on your way to the next room through the water shower.
  32. Slam the red and blue paintbot to turn purple and color the 2 modules on the floor.
  33. Slam all of the blancs when they appear. If you fall in ink, use the water showers to rinse off. Remember, you can use RT to duck the shepard’s hypno-disks.
  34. Once you’ve defeated all of the blancs, activate the transformation engine.
  35. Outside, go to the next quest marker. Follow the directional arrows around to all of the blancs and slam them all. After you’ve slammed all of them, go to the transformation engine and activate it to open the next gate.
  36. Go through the open gate to the next quest marker. Follow the directional arrow to the manhole and enter.
  37. Head right and use the sideways elevators to gather all of the color atoms. Slam the blancs at the end and slam the yellow switch.
  38. Drop down and follow the path and springs to each of the next 2 switches, slamming them and the blancs as you go through.
  39. Follow the Z-jump to the room with the green switch. Slam the blue paintbot all the way to your right to turn green and then slam the blancs and the green switch.
  40. Head right and hit the spring to exit. Outside, follow the directional arrow to the yellow switch and slam it.
  41. Begin painting the buildings in the area the colors that they are flashing, beginning with the orange flashing buildings back and to your right. Use the red pool and red and yellow paintbots surrounding the buildings to turn orange.
  42. Turn around and head towards the green flashing buildings and paint them green, using the yellow and blue paintbots and the blue pool to turn yourself green.
  43. For these next buildings, paint the top parts green and the bottom buildings blue.
  44. Turn around and follow the directional arrow to the enxt buildings that must be painted orange, yellow and red. Using the pools and the paintbots around to ge the correct colors. After you’re done, go to the next quest marker.
  45. Charge up your red color points in the red pool to your left and then use the Z-jump on the bridge to the top of the hill, where the Cult Center is. Slam the shepards guarding the entronce and then use 40 red color points to enter the Cult Center.
  46. Once inside, head right to the green switch. Slam the paintbots while avoiding the laser traps and then slam the green switch.
  47. Go right and slam all of the blancs and shepards that keep falling from the ceiling. After you’ve slammed them all, hit the transformation.
  48. Finish whatever bonus missions you want, and then go to the Pinky marker to end the level. WARNING: You can not go back to the level from this point on.
  49. LEVEL COMPLETE: Blanctown

The Senate

  1. You start off falling through water in a pipe. Once you land in a pool, head left to slam the red paintbot. Head back right and slam the red switch.
  2. Keep going right and slam the blue paintbot. Avoid the water spouts over the gaps to your right and proceed to the blue switch.
  3. Drop down the gap with the color stoms to your left. Once, you land, head right to the yellow paintbot and slam it. GO left across the gap to the yellow switch and slam it.
  4. Once the water is done rising, slam the blue paintbot to your left and then slam the blue switch towards your right. Then water will lift you out of the underground.
  5. Go to the nex quest marker. Paint the buildings orange on top and yellow on the bottom.
  6. Go to the next quest marker. Paint the building by the marker red, orange and then brown on the top. The blue paintbot that lets you turn brown is on the walkway at the top of the building.
  7. Go to the next quest marker. Slam all of the blancs and shepards to stop the mass baptism. Go to the next quest marker.
  8. Slam all of the blancs and shepards, turn purple and use 40 purple points to enter the Cult Center.
  9. Inside, slam the blancs, turn orange and charge attack the turnstile to your right.
  10. Head right, slam the blue paintbot and then slam the brown switch.
  11. Slam the shepards, tehn the blancs and then the red switch to ener the next room.
  12. Slam all of the blancs, then head left to activate the transform.
  13. Go to the next quest marker. Use the Rainbow to your left to be able to paint any color and There are a total of 11 blue, 1 green, 3 orange and 3 brown buildings that need to be painted. Once they are painted, go to the next quest marker.
  14. Follow the Z-jump to the ballot house. Use 30 yellow points to enter.
  15. Inside, slam all of the blancs and the Shepard to your left.
  16. Head right, slam the Shepard and follow the platforms down to the ground floor.
  17. Slam all of the blancs and shepards on the ground floor. Activate the transform in the middle of the room.
  18. Follow the marker to the transform engine outside, in the middle of the courtyard and activate it.
  19. Go to the next quest marker. Slam all of the inkies and charge attack all of the tanks. Go to the next quest marker.
  20. Follow the Z-jump to your left up to the platforms above you. Slam all of the inkies and charge attack all of the helicopters.
  21. Go to the next quest marker. Turn red and enter the police station with 30 red color points.
  22. Inside, Slam all of the inkies to your right, take the elevator down and slam all of the inkies and graydians to your left. Once, you’re done, slam the switch at the end of the room to open the command center.
  23. Head right and take the elevator up to the Command Center above you. Slam all of the inkies and then activate the transform.
  24. Go to the next quest marker. Turn purple, paint the building purple and slam the purple switch on top of the building next to you.
  25. Jump to the platform that arises from the water, turn blue, paint the building blue and slam the blue switch at the top of the building. Do these identical steps for the green, yellow, orange, red and brown platforms that arise.
  26. Get 40 red points, slam through all of the shepards on the center island, and enter the church.
  27. Inside, slam through the rock floor and slam the switch to your right.
  28. Hop across the platforms to the red paintbot and slam it to turn purple. Head right to the purple switch and slam it.
  29. Keep going right and slam all of the blancs in the room. Slam the switch that appears in the middle of the floor.
  30. Collect all of the color atoms and head right to hit the switch.
  31. After falling, head left to the blue paintbot and slam it. Head right, slam all of the inkies, grab the Haz-mat and cross the ink pool to the blue switch. After slamming the blue switch, head right.
  32. Follow the Z-jump to a higher platform with a green spring. Hit the spring and slam the blu paintbot to your left.
  33. Follow the room all the way to your left and slam the yellow paintbot to turn green.
  34. Paint all of the modules green, slam all of the blancs and shepards that appear, collect all of the color atoms and activate the tranform.
  35. Go to the next quest marker. Turn green and enter the bank.
  36. In the darkness, head right, drop down head left and drop down into a room with a yellow and blue paintbot. Slam them both and then charge attack the stone wall to your right.
  37. Slam the inkies and the slam the switch to your right.
  38. When the elevator appears, take it down to find the tellers. Head left into the room full of blancs and inkies.
  39. Head back towards the elevator, slam the red paintbot to turn red and take the elevator up.
  40. Grab the Haz-mat to your left, go through the ink to your right and slam the red switch
  41. Slam all of the different colored switches that pop up in the room along the left and right of the elevator, collect the color atoms and then activate the transform.
  42. Slam the transform outside in the middle of the fountain and go to the next transform marker.
  43. Grab the Haz-mat in front of you and cross the ink gaps to the directional marker ahead.
  44. Go to the next quest marker. Turn yellow, slam all of the inkies surrounding the presidential statue and go to the next quest marker.
  45. Slam all of the remaining inkies and then activate the transform.
  46. Go to the next quest marker. Take the Z-jump to the higher platform.
  47. Slam all of the inkies, sergeants and mortars. Then, slam the sergeants that appear.
  48. Go to the next quest marker. Turn orange and jump across the buildings to the Haz-mat to your left. Jump back across to the origional platform and cross all of the hot plates. Use 30 orange points to enter the Prisman memorial.
  49. Inside, go right, turn yellow, slam the blancs and slam the yellow switch.
  50. Drop down, turn red, jump across the hot plates and slam the red switch.
  51. Drop down, turn yellow, slam all of the blancs, grab the Haz-mat and head right.
  52. Slam the turret on the ground floor and then head up the room on the elevators, slamming blancs and turrets along the way. At the top, head right.
  53. Slam all of the blancs through this corridor. Once, you’ve slammed them all, turn around back left and drop down to the next level.
  54. Follow the corridor, slamming turrets and blancs along the way until you reach the bottom level.
  55. Slam the red paintbot and grab the Haz-mat to your right. Go left across the hot plates to the red switch and slam it. Activate the transform that appears in the middle of the next room.
  56. Go to the next quest marker across the platform. Get 30 brown points and enter the Sentate.
  57. Inside, Slam all of the inkies along the floor of the room. When the turrets drop down, slam them too.
  58. Head right and slam the turrets that appear in the hallway. After defeating them, head right through the water shower into the next room.
  59. Use the spring to ump to the higher platform to your left. Slam the red paintbot behind the turret and then slam the turret and all of the blancs to your right. Drop down to the ground floor and head right.
  60. Jump to the right past the inkies to the blue painbot, slam it and then slam all of the inkies in the room.
  61. Follow the Z-jump to the red paintbot, slam it to turn purple and then charge attack the purple turnstile to your right. Drop down to the grounfloor and go right through the water shower.
  62. You need to turn yourself brown. Go right and go up the elevator half way to the blue paintbot and slam it. Then, take the elevator to your right up to the red paintbot to your left and slam that. Then, drop down the elevator shaft to your left, slam the yellow paintbot beneath you and then take the elevator toy our left all the way up.all the way up to the red paintbot and slam that.
  63. Slam the inkies and then charge attack the brown turnstile. In the next room, slam the red paintbot and then slam the two turrets.
  64. Follow the path up to the Senate floor and jump up to the top platform where you will find Comodore Black. Slam all of the turrets and Comodore Black’s bodyguard. Then, activate the tranform.
  65. Finish whatever bonus missions you want, and then go to the Pinky marker to end the level. WARNING: You can not go back to the level from this point on.
  66. LEVEL COMPLETE: The Senate

State College/Comrade Black U

  1. After meeting the Color Underground, go to the quest marker. Go forwards to the flashing statue. Slam all of the innkies then go to the quest marker.
  2. Paint the surrounding buildings blue and yellow then go to the next quest marker at the bridge above you.
  3. Target the piston jump to cross over to the next building, paint it purple then go to the next quest marker on top of the building. Activate the transform to build the bridge.
  4. Slam all of the Heavies, get 30 orange points and enter the Barracks.
  5. Inside, slam the stone floor and drop down to slam all of the inkies down there. Drop down to your left, slam all of the inkies and then turn yourself green. Paint both of the color sinks in the barracks green and then activate the transform that appears.
  6. Go to the next quest marker. Get 40 green points and enter the library. Inside, slam the inkies to your right and follow the piston jumps up to the left and then to the right, slamming all of the inkies along the way.
  7. Collect all of the color atoms in the library and then activate the transform when it appears on the ground floor.
  8. Get 50 yellow points and enter the Barracks behind you to the right.
  9. Inside, Slam all of the inkies and the three different levels. Now that the gates are open, slam all of the students in graydian suits. Activate the transform to exit.
  10. Go to the next quest marker. Paint the flashin building next to you brown and then activate the transform.
  11. Go to the next quest marker. Follow the piston jumps to the next quest marker.
  12. Turn yellow and slam all of the yellow Elites then turn red and paint the buildings around the engineering plaza red. Follow the piston jumps to the manhole under the directional arrow.
  13. Inside, go left and drop down, go right and slam the blue paintbot, go left and slam the stone floor, slam the inkies on the ground floor and follow the path to your left, slamming Heavies along the way until you get to a red pool.
  14. Turn red and head back to your right, staying red the whole way to the main room. Slam the first red switch to lower the brown pool and then slam the red switch in the main room to switch on the gravity field.
  15. Roll up the gravity wall to the blue paintbot on your right. Slam the blue paintbot to turn purple and then slam the pruple switch to your right.
  16. Slam the inky in the next room, go down the elevator and go right to the piston jump. Hit the piston jump to exit.
  17. Outside, slam all of the heavies and inkies, then go to the next quest marker.
  18. Hit the gravity switch, follow the wall up to the piston jump and follow the piston jumps to the Key switch on top of the building.
  19. Drop down and grab the Haz-mat, turn red and slam all of the red elites and boxes around the area. Activate the transform engine to open the barricades then go to the next quest marker.
  20. Grab the Wrecking Ball and roll down the path in front of you, rolling over all of the heavies and barrels.
  21. Go to the next quest marker. Slam all of the inkies and elites that come out then go to the next quest marker.
  22. Get 50 orange points and use the piston jump to enter the Power Station.
  23. Inside, go down the elevators to your left or right, slam the inkies in the room and use the red and blue paintbots to turn purple. Paint the two purple color sinks in the first floor and collect the color atoms below you.
  24. Take the elevator in the middle of the bottom floor down to lower floor. Slam all of the inkies, the red switch and the blue switch. Activate the transform engine to exit.
  25. Go to the next quest marker. Grab the wrecking ball, move across the moving platforms in the fountain and go into the manhole at the base of the statue in the middle.
  26. At the top of the statue, get 60 red points and enter through the middle.
  27. Inside, slam the two blue switches. This will reverse gravity in the room and you will begin floating upwards.
  28. Follow the gravity walls to the switch at the end and slam it. After dropping, collect all of the color atoms to your left and use the piston jump to your right.
  29. Follow the yellow wheel around and to the right. Slam the yellow paintbot along the way.
  30. Slam the heavy and grab the wrecking ball to your right. Go slightly left to the magnetic wall and begin following the color atoms through the path.
  31. Slam the yellow switch and hop onto the wheel in the middle with the color atoms. Follow it up and around. Watch out for the hot plate and water shower. Slam the yellow switch at the end and hit the piston jump to your right above you.
  32. In this next room, slam the blue and red switches. Using the white switches to go between gravities, slam the blue and red switches. Collect all of the color atoms that appear and activate the transform engine.
  33. Finish whatever bonus missions you want, and then go to the Pinky marker to end the level. WARNING: You can not go back to the level from this point on.
  34. LEVEL COMPLETE: State College/Comrade Black U

Soda Falls/Blanc Cola Cannery

  1. Go to the quest marker. Fill up in the yellow pool in front of you, climb the building its attatched to and use 50 yellow points to enter the Lemony Zest Tower.
  2. Inside, Head right, over the ink gaps and slam the switch.
  3. Go left and drop down to the ground floor. Follow the path to your left, slamming inkies along the way, go up the elevator and slam the switch to your right.
  4. Jump the gaps to your right and slam the green switch at the end of the hallway. Drop down to your left, to the bottom floor and slam the yellow switch in the middle.
  5. Ride the yellow pool up to the transform and activate it.
  6. Go to the next quest marker by using the wind cannon to shoot you over to the red tower or roll over there from the base level of the yellow tower.
  7. Fill up on red, ascend the Red Rhumba tower and use 50 red points to enter.
  8. Go right, turning green along the way. Follow the path, take the elevator down and slam the green switch to your right.
  9. Go left and slam the switch at the end of the hallway.
  10. Keep going left, over the ink gaps, turn red with the red paintbot and take the elevators down to the next switch.
  11. After slamming the switch, keep going right and slam the red switch in the middle of the last room. Ride the red pool up to the transform and activate it.
  12. Go to the next quest marker, using the red wind cannon.
  13. Fill up on blue and activate the blue gravity switch to your right. Follow the gravity walls all the way up and use 50 blue points to enter the Blue Ruin tower.
  14. Go right, cross the ink gaps, slam the inkies and slam the blue switch at the end of the hallway.
  15. Drop down and slam the two switches on the way down.
  16. Float up and take the elevator to your left down to the blue switch and slam it.
  17. Go left, slam all of the inkies, slam the switch at the end of the hallway, float up to the ceiling and then slam the blue switch to your right.
  18. Cross with the elevator platform, drop down to your right and slam the switch to your left.
  19. Float up, cross the water to your left, drop down to your left and slam the blue switch to your right.
  20. Slam the blue switch in the middle of the room, ride the blue pool up and activate the transform.
  21. Go to the next quest marker. Grab the Rainbow to your left and paint all of the buildings.
  22. Follow the directional arrows around to all of the graydians and color them. Activate the transform engine that appears.
  23. Follow the Sluice gates to the next quest marker. Charge the Spikies and slam the inkies on the walkways.
  24. Use the Z-platforms to slam the blue, yellow and red switches around you.
  25. Head to the next quest marker. Slam the orange and green elites along the Sluice gates.
  26. Grab the Rainbow up to your left, slam the inkies, paint the buildings and tehn color all of the graydians that come out. Activate the tranform pipe the color through to the next 3 towers.
  27. Go to the next quest marker. Fill up on green and head left.
  28. Grab the Haz-mat, cross the hot plates above you and enter the Lime Time tower using 50 green points.
  29. Head down the elevators and go right to the super charge. Grab it and begin charge attacking the spikies.
  30. Turn yourself green and take the elevator to your right up. Go left, charge attack the next spikies and slam the green switch.
  31. Follow the path to your right all the way through until you find a blanc switch to slam. Then, go back down to your right and take the elevator down.
  32. Go left, turn yellow, slam the inkies and find the yellow switch at the end of the hallway.
  33. Head down and right, hit the piston jump and Keep heading right, past the spiky and inkies. Drop down the water showers to the blue switch and slam it.
  34. Follow the elevators up and left, cross the green pool to the left and take the next elevator up and right to the green switch.
  35. Ride the green pool up to the transform and activate it.
  36. Take the wind cannon to the next quest marker. Follow the directional aroow to the manhole and go down it.
  37. Go left. Avoid the electic traps, follow the Z-jumps and use the Haz-mat to get to the top of the Orange Ale tower. Use 50 orange points to enter.
  38. Grab the haz-mat to your right and go left, past the electric traps and inkies. Follow the elevators down and to the right, cross the ink gap and slam the yellow switch.
  39. Follow the hallway right and use the piston jump at the end to slam the two switch above you.
  40. Drop down and go down the elevator to your left. Go left past all of the inkies to the elevator. Use it to slam the red switch up and to your right.
  41. Drop down and hit the piston jump to your right. Go right, turn yellow, avoid the water showers and slam the yellow switch at the end of the hallway.
  42. Go back to your left, follow the piston jump up and to your left and drop down into the mixing room. Turn orange and slam the orange switch.
  43. Ride the orange pool up to the transform engine and activate it.
  44. Use the wind cannon to your right and follow the Z-jumps to go to the next quest marker.
  45. Follow the directional arrow to the manhole to get to the Grap Escape platform. Ascend the tower, chargig spikies and avoiding hot plates along the way, and use 50 purple points to enter.
  46. Go left and follow the elevators down and to the right to a switch and slam it. Keep going right and follow the elevators through the path, slamming all the switch along the way. The last switch will open up the mixing room.
  47. Go left through the mixing room, through the icy hallway to the blue switch.
  48. Go bac to the right, follow the piston jumps up to the right and jump the gap to the red paintbot to the right of the blue pool.
  49. Drop down to the right, grab the haz-mat and cross the flames to the elevator that will take you to the red switch on your left.
  50. Go left and let the air stream take you to the mixing room. Turn purple and slam the purple switch.
  51. Ride the purple pool up to the transform engine and activate it. Outside, take the wind cannon to activate the other transform that pops up. This will make a bridge to the last tower.
  52. Go to the next quest marker. Take out the mortar in front of you and turn orange to slam the orange switch.
  53. Follow the bridge that opens up to the next platform. Take out the two mortars and then use the orange stream and the blue paintbot to your left to turn brown and slam the brown switch.
  54. Go across the ledges to your left and then hop down to the bridge to get to the third platform. Destroy the two mortars, turn yellow and slam the yellow switch.
  55. Activate the transform engine that appears and follow the new bridge to the next quest marker.
  56. Turn purple to activate the gravity wall. Go up and to your right, slam the yellow paintbot to turn brown and slam the brown switch.
  57. Get 60 brown points and drop to the lower level. Take the piston jump up to the revolving platforms. Use 60 brown points to enter the Mucho Mocha tower.
  58. Go right, turn red and slam the red switch at the end of the hallway. Slam the turret to your right and drop down the gap to your left.
  59. Follow the path down to the bottom floor. Go to your right, turn blue, slam the turret and then slam the blue switch to your left.
  60. Gather the color atoms and then use the pistom jump to slam the three turrets that appear in the room.
  61. Go left, slam the turret at the end of the hallway and then grab the wrecking ball.
  62. Go right and roll up the magnetic wall to and head left to the switch that opens up the mixing room.
  63. Go right, turn brown in the brown pool and slam the brown switch.
  64. Slam the two turrets that appear, ride the brown pool up to the black platform in the middle of the room.
  65. Slam the four turrets and activate the transform engine.
  66. Finish whatever bonus missions you want, and then go to the Pinky marker to end the level. WARNING: You can not go back to the level from this point on.
  67. LEVEL COMPLETE: Soda Falls/Blanc Cola Cannery

Inktron Collider

  1. Go to the quest marker. Hurry across the ink to the Haz-mat in front of you. Follow the directional arrows around the frozen ink lake and slam all of the inkies and graydians, grabbing Haz-mats where you find them. A purple switch ill appear at the entrance.
  2. Turn purple, slam the purple switch and go to the quest marker.
  3. Turn orange and climb the building to your left, avoiding the hot plates. Slam the orange switch across the gap.
  4. Use the graviton to get rid of all of the inkies, heavies and spikies around the courtyard and go to the next quest marker.
  5. Turn green, slam the inkies in front of the INKT Police Station and enter it with 40 green points.
  6. Inside, head right, drop down and slam the red paintbots
  7. Go left and use the piston jumps and wind cannons to cross the hot plates to the red switch.
  8. Take the elevator to your right down and go left through the inkies to the red switch. Slam all of the graydians to your right.
  9. Follow the air stream to your right up to the next floor. Slam the inkies and activate the transform engine.
  10. Go to the quest marker. Follow the path of hot plates up the building, slamming the orange and red switches along the way. Slam all of the inkies and graydians on your way to the top where, after slamming the last guy, a tranform engine will appear. Activate the transform and use the wind cannon to your right and go to the quest marker.
  11. Turn orange and use 40 orange points to enter the INKT Police Station.
  12. Inside, turn yellow and head right, over the hot plates, ot the yellow switch.
  13. Drop down to your left, turn green in the pool to your right and slam the green elites.
  14. Get some speed and jump the gap to your left. Slame the green elite, graydians and the green switch.
  15. Follow the air stream to your left to the next room. Slam the turrets, turn orange and paint the color sinks on the walls. Activate the transform engine.
  16. Go to the quest marker. Paint the buildings on the security block orange, turn yellow and then enter the jail to your right using 30 yellow points.
  17. Slam all the inkies to your right, drop down and left and then slam the inkies to your right again.
  18. Take the elevator down and slam the switch on your left. Slam through the wood floor and color all of the graydians to your left.
  19. Turn blue and slam the blue elite to your left. Use the piston jumps to follow the hallway up and to the right, slamming all of the blue elites along the way.
  20. Free all of the prisoners and activate the transform engine.
  21. Follow the color atoms to the quest marker. Turn green and use 50 green points to enter the Power Station.
  22. Inside, Slam the turret above you and grab the Haz-mat. Head across the hot plates to your right and slam the green switch.
  23. Use the wind cannon to your right, turn blue, and use the piston jump to get to the blue switch to your left.
  24. Go left, slam the turret, drop down and cross the frozen ink to the switch.
  25. Follow the wind cannons starting at the right and use the psiton jump to get to the purple switch to your left and then the purple switch on your right.
  26. Go left and drop down to the bottom floor. Find the graviton behind the brown shower on your left and use it on all of the inkies to your right. Activate the transform engine.
  27. Keep painting buildings and coloring the liberated Graydians until you reach 200.
  28. Go to the quest marker. Follow the directional arrow to the end of the canyon and defeat all of the inkies that appear.
  29. Get 80 yellow points and use the Z-jumps to get to the top of the Inktron Collider and enter.
  30. Inside, Follow the air streams, turn orange and slam the turrets and orange switches on both sides of the room.
  31. Drop down and follow the ice path down without touching the hot plates. Slam the red switch and then the second red switch to your right.
  32. Hop in the wind cannon and follow them to the gravity wall. Follow the gravity wall to the next series of wind cannons.
  33. Drop down into the green pool, slam all of the inkies and use some speed to cross the ink and get to the green switch to your right.
  34. Drop down, turn brown in the pool to your left and slam all of the inkies to your right. Jump the gap and follow the air stream to the giant cog to your left. Jump on it and follow it to the first ledge and go left.
  35. Slam the four turrets in the room and activate the transform engine.
  36. Finish whatever bonus missions you want, and then go to the Pinky marker to end the level. WARNING: You can not go back to the level from this point on.
  37. LEVEL COMPLETE: Inktron Collider

Blanc TV Factory

  1. Go to the quest marker. Destroy the speaker on top of the dormitories, paint the dormitories red and orange and then liberate the graydians that pop out.
  2. Go to the quest marker. Slam the elites and activate the transform engine.
  3. Hit the piston to your right to enter the pipe to the factory. Inside, head right across the big gears and slam the Shepard.
  4. Keep going right and use the wind cannon to shoot you up to the big gears above you. Jump up the gears to the hallway on your right with the inkies in it. Slam them and proceed right. Drop down and use the piston to exit.
  5. You are in the factory. Go around and up the Main Production Tower to your left and lam all of the supply crates around the tower.
  6. Turn yellow, follow the arrows around the tower and hit the yellow switch to activate the elevator.
  7. Keep following the arrows to the blancs around the corner and slam them.
  8. Keep following the arrows, turn red and slam the red switch past the patrol square of the the flying robot.
  9. Keep following the arrows, turn blue and color all of the boxes blue along the path. Slam the final set of inkies and activate the transform engine.
  10. Hit the piston on the roof to go down and then go to the next quest marker on your left.
  11. Follow the arrows up the Quality Control Tower. Use the gravity wall switches to ascend and slam any inkies that get in your way as you follow all of the arrows up to the top of the tower
  12. Half way up the tower, slam the four inkies, paint the buildings and then continue following the arrows.
  13. At the top of the tower, slam the elite, avoid the bombs and activate the transform engine at the top of the building guarded by spike panels.
  14. Hit the piston on the roof to go down and then go to the next quest marker on your left.
  15. At the base of the Packaging Tower, color the blue boxes and then roll across the wall to the red paintbot to turn purple. Paint the purple buildings and begin following the arrows around the tower.
  16. Slam the four inkies in your way and continue following the arrows around to the next four inkies and elite. Slam them as well.
  17. Continue following the arrows to the top of the tower. Turn red, paint all of the boxes red and activate the transform engine.
  18. Hit the piston on the roof to go down and then activate the transform engine to your left. Slam the switch in the middle to go to the Skydock.
  19. Go to the quest marker. Each mini-tower (spar) around the massive INKT brain has a different color switch that needs to be hit.
  20. The first spar on your left has a yellow switch. Turn yellow, cross the conveyor belt and slam the yellow switch at the top of the spar.
  21. Drop down and head across the floating ships to the red paintbot. Slam it to turn orange and hit the orange switch at the top of the next spar to your left
  22. Drop down and head left to the next spar. Cross the conveyor belt, turn blue and slam the blue switch at the top.
  23. Drop down and head across the floating ships, where you should turn green. Hit the green switch at the top of the next spar to your left.
  24. Go to the quest marker. Slam the elites up to your left, turn red and then hit the red switch.
  25. Jump on the moving platform to your left and follow it to the imkies and elite. Turn purple, slam all the bad guys and then slam the purple switch.
  26. Slam all of the heavies to your right, turn blue and slam the blue switch.
  27. Follow the moving platform on your right to the next set of inkies and elites. Slam them, turn yellow and hit the yellow switch.

  28. Jump on the big cylander moving up and down to your left. Jump from there to the roof and slam all of the blancs. Turn green and use 50 green points to enter the INKT brain.
  29. Inside, go right and use the wind cannons and piston jump to get past the stampers. You ust time all of the wind cannons very carefully in order to cross them.
  30. After the vertical wind cannon, turn blue and head right, across the floating gear. Wait for the ink shower above the piston to stop and then hit the pistons up to the blue switch and slam it.

  31. In the next room, avoid the laser traps, hit the piston up to your left, turn yellow and slam the yellow switch.
  32. Slam all of the turrets and the inkies on the platforms to your left and right, then, activate the transform engine.
  33. Finish whatever bonus missions you want, and then go to the Pinky marker to end the level. WARNING: You can not go back to the level from this point on.
  34. LEVEL COMPLETE: Blanc TV Factory

Prison Zoo

  1. For extra armor before goingto the quest marker, enter the cave on the second island you can jump to from the start. Inside, turn green, charge the barricade and slam the green switch to your right. Turn yellow, break through the wood floor and charge attack the yellow turnstile. Follow the path to your right and find all of the armor, collect the rest of the color atoms to open up the door back to the entrance/exit.
  2. Go to the quest marker. Turn green and slam the green switch past the two heavies on the next island to your left.
  3. Go up and right to the entrance to the greenhouse courtyard. Slam all of the blancs and inkies and then go to the quest marker.
  4. Follow the directional arrow to the manhole and enter.
  5. Inside, drop down, turn red and follow the Z-jump to the top. Keep dropping down and slam all of the graydians and the turret.
  6. Drop down the waterfall to your right, turn blue, slam the blue switch and then hit the piston up and to the right.
  7. Go to the quest marker. Slam all of the surrounding blancs and the elite. Slam all of the blue and yellow switches that appear to release Artsy.
  8. Slam the inkies that appear and then activate the transform engine.
  9. Go to the quest marker. Turn yellow and use 30 yellow points to enter the Traffic Control tower to your left.
  10. Inside, go left, slam the blue paintbot and follow the Z-jump to the wrecking ball.
  11. Grab the wrecking ball and follow the magnetic wall up and around to the yellow paintbot. Slam it to turn green.
  12. Drop down and slam the green switch to your right. Grab the Haz-mat to your left and turn blue.
  13. In the next room to your right, slam the elites and then activate the tranform engine.
  14. Outside, turn orange and use 30 orange points to enter the Traffic Control tower to your right.
  15. Inside, follow the Z-jump to the top and trun red with the paintbot to your right. Slam the inky to your left and paint the color sink on the wall in front of you.
  16. Drop down to the next level below you, slam the blue paintbot and paint the purple color sink to your right. Do the same for the blue color sink and blue switch at the bottom.
  17. Turn green and hit the green switch to your right. Activate the transform engine to exit.
  18. Hit the piston jump to your right and follow the tube to the next area. Go to the quest marker.
  19. Jump to the top of the platforms and use the paintbots to slam the red, orange, blue and green switches.
  20. Slam all of the inkies and follow the directional arrow to the manhole.
  21. Inside, go right, drop down and head right to the blue paintbot to turn blue. Then, jump left across the gaps, slam the inkies and hit the blue switch.
  22. Go left and drop down the color all of the graydians. Jump across the ink pit to your left and into the next room.
  23. Slam the Shepard and use the piston jump to turn red yellow and orange and color all of the color sinks the aforementioned colors. Drop down to the bottom floor and use the two pistons to your left to exit.
  24. Outside, jump to the top and activate the transform engine.
  25. Go to the quest marker. Turn yellow and slam the elites and yellow switch to your right.
  26. Follow the newly reconstructed bridge to the next platform, turn purple and slam the elites and purple switch.
  27. Keep following the bridge to the transform engine and activate it. Follow the Z-jump next to you to the next prison dome.
  28. Slam the four heavies when you land and then go to the quest marker.
  29. Turn red and hit both red switches in the courtyard. Then, use the color pools and paintbot to paint all of the buildings purple, blue, red and orange.
  30. Turn orange and slam the orange switch then go to the quest marker.
  31. Climb to the top of all the platforms and slam the three shepards.
  32. At the top, turn brown and slam the brown switch. Then activate the transform engine.
  33. Drop down, turn red and use the red gravity wall switch to your right to the next island.
  34. Follow the path right and hit the blank gravity wall switch. Follow the path up to the next platform.
  35. Slam the red and yellow paint bots on the bridge and then follow it down and around to the cave entrance. Enter the cave.
  36. Inside, go right and slam all of the little robots. Drop down and find the the blue paintbot across the gaps to your right. Go back left to the wrecking ball.
  37. Grab the wrecking ball and follow the magnetic wall to your right up to the yellow paintbot, turn green and slam the green switch.
  38. Drop down one level and cross the hot plates to your right. Slam all of the inkies, hit the air stream up and cross the gap to the left. Hit the piston to exit.
  39. Go to the quest marker. Paint the buildings green orange and purple. Then slam all of the inkies.
  40. There are now a green, orange and purple switch on the big tower in the middle. For each color, you need to slam the switches on the ground level and then climg the buildings next to it to ascend to the switch on the middle tower.
  41. After the green, orange and purple switches, drop down to the ground elvel and turn brown. Slam the brown gravity wall switch at the base of the middle tower, roll up the tower and slam the brown switch at the top.
  42. Drop down to the ground level and activate the transform engine. Go to the quest marker.
  43. Slam the inkies and heavies on the bridge. Then, slam the four elites and red and oranges switches on the two towers to your left and right.
  44. Go down the bridge and slam the inkies and heavies on the next bridge. Then, slam the four elites and yellow and green switches on the two towers to your left and right.
  45. Go to the quest marker. Cross the three red, blue and yellow moving platforms to the red, yellow and blue switches that surround the island. After slamming all of the switches, Go to the quest marker.
  46. Begin climbing the middle tower. Jump back and forth using the platforms around the tower to ascend to the top of the tower. At the top of the tower, turn oange and use 100 orange points to enter the Control tower.
  47. Inside, hit the yellow and blue switches and follow the elevator down.
  48. Drop all the way down, grab the wrecking ball and follow the magnetic wall up and to the left, past the falme throwers to the Haz-mat.
  49. Grab the Haz-mat, turn yellow and paint the yellow colors sinks. Hit the switch at the bootm floor and head back up, right and down to the wrecking ball.
  50. Grab the wrecking and follow the magnetic wall up and to the right. Turn blue and head for the next wrecking ball to your right.
  51. Grab the wrecking ball and drop down and to the left through all of the water to the Haz-mat, blue color sink and blank switch.
  52. Slam the blank switch and then grab the Haz-mat. Gothourgh the water shower, hit the piston and slam the blue paintbot. Drop down and go left to paint the blue color sink. Do the same for the blue color sink on your right.
  53. Go left, and turn green using the yellow paintbot just below you. Slam the green switch and head left, slamming elites on your way.
  54. Drop down, slam the green elites and paint the blue yellow and green color sinks. Drop down into the next room.
  55. Slam all of the inkies surrounding you and activate the transform engine.
  56. Finish whatever bonus missions you want, and then go to the Pinky marker to end the level. WARNING: You can not go back to the level from this point on.
  57. LEVEL COMPLETE: Prison Zoo

Inky Fabricator

  1. Go to the quest marker. Stay clear, Go forwards and take a right at the helicopter, Cross to the next island platform and find the Haz-mat on your right towards the back. Fill up with color and grab the Haz-mat. Head back and forth to and from the platform, until you slam all of the inkies.
  2. Turn yellow and follow the directional arrow to the Train Station. Use 80 yellow points to enter through the rear.
  3. Inside, go right, avoid the lasers and charge the orange turnstile. Slam all of the inkies in the next room.
  4. Drop down to your left and hit the piston up and to your right. Slam the turret, grab the Haz-mat and drop down t the level with the piston.
  5. Cross the ink to your left, turn purple and head back to the piston jump. Go up and to your left to the purple turnstile and charge it.
  6. Slam all of the inkies and follow the pistons to make your way through the area. After slamming all of the remaining inkies, turn purple in the pool down to your right.
  7. Use the Z-jump to your left to go up one level to the yellow paintbot on your right. Use it to turn brown and then continue to follow the Z-jump to the brown switch up to your left.
  8. Go left, turn blue and follow the hallway, through the lasers to the blue switch.
  9. Use the blue and yellow paintbots to paint the color sinks in the next room yellow, blue and green. Activate the transform engine that appears.
  10. Go to the quest marker. You must go to the top of the two towers across from each other and hit the blue or red switch at the tope of each one.
  11. Each tower has the other’s color pool below it, so first go left to the tower with the blue switch and fill up on red in the red pool at the base. Cross the bridges, elites and inkies to the opposite tower with the red switch on it. Hit the gravity wall switch, avoid the bombs and hit the red switch at the top of the tower.
  12. Drop down and fill up on blue in the pool at the base of the tower. Cross the bridges, elites and inkies to the opposite tower with the blue switch on it. Hit the gravity wall switch, avoid the bombs and hit the blue switch at the top of the tower.
  13. Go to the next island platform, slam all of the inkies, climb the building to the transform engine and activate it.
  14. Go to the quest marker. Use the color pools and Haz-mats around the area to slam all of the inkies and charge attack all of the tanks, while avoiding the mortars.
  15. Use the color pools and paintbots to turn green. Climb up to one of the wind cannons above the color pools and shoot yourself to the green switch on the middle platform.
  16. Use the color pools and paintbots to turn purple. Climb up to one of the wind cannons above the color pools and shoot yourself to the purple switch on the middle platform.
  17. Turn orange and enter the Police Station in the middle using 100 orange points.
  18. Inside, Grab the super charger to your left, charge attack through the wall to your right and charge through all of the inkies until you reach an elevator down to your left.
  19. Go down the elevator and keep charging through inkies, turnstiles and tanks until all of them are destroyed.
  20. Drop down one level and go right into the next room. Turn blue, slam the two elites and then hit the three switches Activate the transform engine that appears to open the next gate.
  21. Go to the quest marker. Turn red, jump up to the train platform in front of you and grab the Haz-mat to your right.
  22. Target the green pads on each of the moving train lines and paint one train to color the whole line. Keep targeting the green pads and cross the trains until you get to the red switch. Slam the red switch and go to the next quest marker.
  23. Paint the buildingd underneath the trains yellow, green and orange. Activate the transform engine.
  24. Use the Z-jump you’re standing on to go to the quest marker. Grab the gravitons and and get rid of all the inkies. Follow the directional arrow to the manhole on the ship and enter.
  25. Inside, Jump in the yellow pool to your right, slam all of the inkies and charge through the wall to your left.
  26. Drop down, turn blue and go right to the blue elite and slam him. Keep going right, avoiding the rising and falling ink and hit the piston at the end of the hallway.
  27. Slam the blank switch to your left and go into the next room. Turn red, slam the inkies and then hit the red switch. Hit the pistons to exit.
  28. Outside, go to the quest marker. Charge attack all of the spikies. Turn orange with the red and yellow paintbots that are on top of the hot plates on your left and right and then use 80 orange points to enter the INKT Defense Building.
  29. Inside, Slam all of the inkies and graydians. Grab the wrecking ball and go up and around the wall to your left
  30. Crush all of the elites or turn green and slam them all. Drop down to your right and slam all of the inkies and turrets. Activate the transform engine.
  31. Go to the quest marker. Grab the Haz-mat and go up the tower covered in hot plates. Slam all of the inkies around the tower and smash all of the helicopters.
  32. Turn blue and use 100 blue points to enter the Air Traffic Control tower.
  33. Inside, Go right, turn orange, slam all the inkies to your right and hit the orange switch.
  34. Go down the elevator to your left and turn red. Go right, up the elevator and slam the red elite and red switch.
  35. Go up the elevator, use the cannon to your right and then the next cannon. Slam the turret next to you and then hit the switch.
  36. In the next room, slam the turret in front of you and use the blue paintbot and the red and yellow paintbots above you to turn green and purple to paint the color sinks around and below you. Hit the transform engine.
  37. Roll forwards to the inky fabricator building and enter.
  38. Inside, roll forwards on the conveyor belt, through all of the gates. Hit the piston to enter the pipe and go into the furnace.
  39. Turn red and hit the red switch on the platform. Color the flashing red trail and hit the black “trap” switch at the end of the trail behind the hot plate. Do the same for the other switches that appear on the platform until you defeat the monster. Activate the transform engine.
  40. Finish whatever bonus missions you want, and then go to the Pinky marker to end the level. WARNING: You can not go back to the level from this point on.
  41. LEVEL COMPLETE: Inky Fabricator

Rocket Range

  1. Go to the quest marker. Go left to the island behind the yellow paintbot and slam all of the inkies on the island. Then, turn purple and hit the purple switch.
  2. Cross the bridge that appears and go to the quest marker.
  3. Paint the buildings purple and orange then hit turn red and hit the red switch.
  4. Turn blue and cross the bridge that appears. Slam all of the inkies on your way to the blue switch and hit it.
  5. Go to the quest marker. Paint the buildings yellow, orange and purple. To turn yellow and orange, use the Haz-mat in the middle to get to the small island with yellow paintbot.
  6. Turn brown and hit the brown switch that appears. Climb to the top of the tallest building and hop on to one of the floating ship platforms. Then, go to the quest marker.
  7. Color all of the graydians and then turn brown and use 100 brown points to enter the Power Station.
  8. Inside, Cross the platforms and slam the inkies to your right. Hit the blue switch then continue through, past the electrical traps to the second blue switch and hit it.
  9. Go past the inkies and use the piston jump to charge attack and destroy the four power packson the walls of the next room. Activae the transform engine to open the huge gate.
  10. Go to the quest marker. Slam all of the inkies, then do the same with the second and third wave of inkies. Turn orange and use 100 orange points to enter the Police Station.
  11. Inside, go left and slam the two heavies and the turret. Go left and down to slam the next batch of inkies.
  12. Keep going right until you get locked in a room with four elites. Slam them and fall down the trap door.
  13. Go left, slam the switch and float up to the platform with the bomb. Turn red with the paintbot on your left and them slam the red elite to your right and hit the red switch.
  14. Go right, turn yellow and charge the yellow turnstile. In the next room, slam the elites and grab the graviton. To grab all of the color atoms above you, wait until the graviton countdown is about the end and jump up in the air. The graviton will suck them all in to you.
  15. Go right, slam the blue switch and head back left. Destroy all of the inkies and slam the switches, then activate the transform engine.
  16. Go to the quest marker. Turn brown and slam the brown switch. Then follow the gravity wall up and around to the next quest marker.
  17. Turn orange and jump to the gravity wall covered tower on your right and slam the irange switch at the top. Do the same for the green switch on top of the other tower.
  18. Go to the quest marker. Paint the buildings orange and purple then, turn brown and use 100 brown points to enter the Space Center.
  19. Inside, take the elevator down, slam all the inkies to your right and hit the switch.
  20. Take the elevator down and hit the switch to your right. Slam the blue paintbot and then slam the red paintbot on the moving platform to turn purple. Take the platform left and slam the purple switch at the end.
  21. Turn blue and head right into the next room. Slam the inkies and the two blue switches then, activate the transform engine.
  22. Hit the piston jump and go through the tube to the quest marker. Turn orange and use the Haz-mat to cross the ink and slam the orange switch. Do the same for the green switch.
  23. Go to the quest marker. Turn blue and use the blue gravity switches to get to the top of the Refueling tower. Enter the manhole on the roof.
  24. Inside, go left and turn brown, then head right and charge the brown turnstile.
  25. Slam the inkies and hop up to the blue paintbot. Turn blue and use the cannon to your left.
  26. Slam the inkies, hit the switch and use the elevator on the ceiling to your left once the gravity wall kicks in.
  27. In reverse gravity, jump left and down, then across to the right to find the next switxh to hit. Once gravity is normal, head up one level to your left and hit the next switch.
  28. Drop down and to your right. Turn red and charge through the spiked boxes to hit the red switch.
  29. Jump up and head left, down the elevator. Grab the super charge and charge through the wall on your right. Charge attack through everything in the next room and use the cannon in the middle of the floor to go into the next room.
  30. Jump across the ink gaps to your left, turn blue and hit the blue switch up and to your left.
  31. Go back down and cross the ink gaps to the right. Use the cannons to blast up through the floors to the next room.
  32. Cross the laser traps and jump up to the blue turnstile. Charge attack the turnstile and use the cannon to exit.
  33. Go to the quest marker. Hit the six different colored switches on the platform around you and go to the quest marker.
  34. Turn red, follow the red gravity wall switches to climb the tower and activate the transform engine at the top of the tower.
  35. Finish whatever bonus missions you want, and then go to the Pinky marker. WARNING: You can not go back to the level from this point on.
  36. Use 100 red points to enter the rocket.
  37. Inside, go right and drop down. Turn blue in the blue pool to your right and slam the two inkies and the blue switch.
  38. Go left and down the elevator. Slam all of the inkies as you continue down the elevator.
  39. Go right into the next room and slam the four inkies and the four blank switches.
  40. Drop down, turn red and head right to the gravity wall. Go up the wall and around the gravity wall to hit the red switch. Go left and slam the blank switch as well
  41. Go back to your left and drop down one more level. Go right and slam the red switch.
  42. Head back to your left and hit the piston up and to the left, through the water showers. Turn yellow, hit the yellow switch and use the cannon.
  43. Go right into the huge gravity room. Jump on to the bug circle in the middle. Follow it around to the right and you will wash clean and then turn blue in the showers at the top of the circle. Keep following it around and hit the two blue switches.
  44. On the outer wall, charge attack the three turnstiles around the wall and then head right to the next room. Hit the piston and follow the tube to a switch and hit it.
  45. Grab the wrecking ball and follow the magnetic wall up to the cockpit. Hit the two switches on the middle platform and destroy all of the turrets. Finish off the turret spinning device and activate the transform engine.
  46. LEVEL COMPLETE: Rocket Range

Hypno Ray

  1. Drop down and follow the hallway all the way down, through several gates, to the switch and slam it.
  2. Roll around the outside of the rocket to the quest marker. Hit the piston jump to land on the red asteroid.
  3. On the asteroid, roll around to find the red pool. Turn red and then paint the buildings on the asteroid. When you’re done, take the Z-jump to the yellow asteroid and do the same thing, but this time with yellow.
  4. Take the Z-jump to floating platform. Choose the green marker down to save the graydans and stop the bombs.
  5. Turn blue and hit the blue switch. Slam all of the inkies and paint the building blue, yellow and green. Slam the green switch to get rid of the bombs.
  6. Follow the platforms all the way up to the color atoms in the center platform. Gather them up and activate the transform engine.
  7. Take the Z-jump to the quest marker on the blue asteroid. Turn blue and then paint the buildings on the asteroid.
  8. Take the Z-jump to the lower hypno ray platform. Jump to the center and then hit the piston back and to your right to get onto the rotating satellite with the color atoms.
  9. Dodging all of the spikes, collect all of the color atoms and then hit the piston to the next asteroid and enter the manhole on it.
  10. Inside, go up and slam the switch. In the next room, use the blank switches to alernate between gravity towards the middle and gravity towards the outside wall the to paint the green, blue and yellow color sinks. Afterwards, turn purple in the purple pool and go all the way left and down the gravity wall to exit.
  11. Outside, paint all of the buildings on the asteroid purple. Take the Z-jump to floating platform.
  12. Again, save the graydians for the bonus mission if you choose. If not, go to the next quest marker.
  13. Go to the quest marker and enter the manhole on the asteroid.
  14. Inside, go up and slam the switch. In the next room, use the blank switches to alernate between gravity towards the middle and gravity towards the outside wall the to paint the green and orange color sinks. Be careful, the rotating platforms have water showers on tehm and will wash away your color if you’re under them. After wards, turn green in the green pool and go all the way left and down the gravity wall to exit.
  15. Paint all the buildings green and take the Z-jump to the rotating satellite.
  16. Collect all of the color atoms on the rotating satellite and hit the piston to the next asteroid.
  17. Enter the manhole. Inside, Follow the room left and alternate between gravities to turn yellow and paint the yellow color sink. Jump right and follow the room left to the next switch. Go left to the red paintbot, turn orange and paint the orange color sink. Turn orange and exit down the gravity wall.
  18. Paint the buildings on the asteroid then take the Z-jump to the floating platforms. Hit the pistons down do the other floating platforms.
  19. Slam all of the inkies and make your way to the center platform of the hypno ray. Roll across the gravity panels in the center until you get to the Z-jump. Take it to the upper rotating circle platform of the hypno ray.
  20. Roll left and jump over the laser beams. Hit the piston jump covered in color atoms and collect all of the color atoms on the rotating satellite that you land on.
  21. Take the piston jump to the next satellite and collect all of the color atoms. Take the piston jump to the next asteroid and enter the manhole on it.
  22. Follow the room left and alternate between gravities to paint the orange and green switches. Afterwards, turn brown in the brown pool and exit. Paint all of the buildings on the asteroid brown.
  23. Take the Z-jump on the asteroid to a floating platform. Again, save the graydians for the bonus mission if you choose. If not, go to the next quest marker.
  24. Roll left and jump over the laser beams to the walkway to the center of the hypno ray. Turn orange and use 50 orange points to enter the Hypno Ray.
  25. Inside, turn green and head right. Jump from the floor to the ceiling and vice versa until you get to the green switch.
  26. In the next room, drop down to your right and hit the switch you your left. Follow the gravity wall around up and to the right to the next switch and hit it.
  27. Follow the middle section up and around to the right. Slam the 4 inkies and turn orange at the top and then continue around and down to your left to the orange switch.
  28. Follow the graviy hallway to your left. Jump from the floor to the ceiling and vice versa until you get to the room with the piston jumps. Hit on and then slam the switch on the center platform.
  29. Slam the four spinning turrets and the two turrets that are on the left and right walls.
  30. Drop down and head right. Use the cannon, gravity hallway and various piston jumps to follow the five directional markers until you end up in a purple pool.
  31. Hit the purple switch at the top middle platform and destroy the four spinning turrets and the remaining spinning mechanism.
  32. Use the cannon in the left wall to go up to a piston jump that will take you to a platform with a yellow paintbot. Turn brown and continue upwards using the cannons and pistons.
  33. Slam the inkies. Use the Z-jump on your left and then the wind cannon on your right to go through a blue shower. Use the pistons to go up a level. Slam the red and yellow paintbots on your left and right and then use the Z-jump in the center platform to get up to the brown switch. After slamming the brown switch, float up, hit the blank switch and activate the transform engine.
  34. To defeat Comrade Black, you need to paint all of the color circuits with each color of the hypno ray. For each color (Red, yellow, blue, purple, green and orange) you need to hit the switch, paint the flashing trail, charge attack the circuit breakers that pop up and the use 50 points to destroy the main circuit. WARNING: For each level, a power-up and several enemies will be added to the platform.
  35. Using all of the power-ups, slam the 100 hundred mini Comrade Blacks that drop on to the platform.
  36. LEVEL COMPLETE: Hypno Ray

    GAME COMPLETE: De Blob 2