Resident Evil 6 Walkthrough

Resident Evil 6 Walkthrough

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Welcome to the Resident Evil 6 walkthrough, where we’ll help you survive yet another outbreak. This time, the contagion has gone global as you’ll play as three different heroes across three campaigns. There are many changes with this new installment patterned off Resident Evil 4 and 5, but some classic elements are returning — like zombies!

The hungry undead won’t be easy. Let the B.O.W.-experts at Game Front guide you to safety. Learn enemy tactics, boss strategies, and more with the walkthrough below. Or, if you’re looking for even more info on the sixth in Capcom’s horrific series, check out our achievements or trophies lists. For more extra articles like achievement guides, and collectible locations stop by our RE6 cheats page.

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Leon’s Campaign [First Look]

Chris’ Campaign [First Look]

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Resident Evil 6 Walkthrough

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The Campus

  1. After the opening cut scene, exit the room through the open doorway in front of you and make a left down the hall.
  2. Make your way towards the on-screen objective marker to reach the checkered-floor lobby below and approach the indicated door on the left to activate a cut scene, then move right around the balcony and head down the steps at the end.
  3. Continue down the stairs to reach the ground floor and activate another cut scene, then sprint through the maze of tables ahead to navigate your way through the open door in the back corner of the room.
  4. Turn right into the kitchen and approach the next onscreen objective to pass through the exit in the back corner, then follow the next hallway around to reach the orange door ahead and press the indicated button to activate a cut scene.
  5. Afterwards, follow Liz’s father out of the room and around the next corner to return to the kitchen.
  6. Exit through the open door in the opposite corner of the kitchen and make a left to return to the dining hall, then continue following Liz’s father forward between the maze of tables and approach the stairs to watch the chandelier fall from the ceiling.
  7. Open the double doors on your right to enter the next room and move forward through it to approach the on-screen objective marker ahead, then press the indicated button to try the knob and turn back around to climb the staircase across from you.
  8. Move left at the top of the landing to collect supplies from corpse leaning against the wall at the end, then make your way back down the staircase and head through the previous door that Liz’s dad has now opened.
  9. Watch Liz’s father have a strange episode before opening the exit door in the corner, then move into the next corridor ahead and make an immediate left to find the elevator.
  10. Continue moving forward past the elevator to reach the bloody sheets ahead and watch Liz’s father remove the obstruction in your path, then make a left around the next corner and approach the green exit sign at the end of corridor.
  11. Approach the door to the left of the exit sign and press the indicated button to enter the next room, then move towards the piano in front of you to encounter Liz and activate a cut scene.
  12. Afterwards, follow Liz’s father out of the piano room to make your way back down the previous hallway and press the indicated button to remove the obstruction again.
  13. Follow Liz and her father back to the elevator to activate a cut scene, then maneuver the analog stick as indicated to shake off the zombie girl and open fire into her back with your pistol.
  14. Use your pistol or kicking strikes to fight off the initial zombie horde that crashes through the elevator and exit the car to run forward across the parking garage ahead in the direction of the next on-screen objective marker, then knock down the next wave of enemies ahead by scoring head-shots.
  15. Continue moving forward across the parking garage to discover the zombies pounding on the gate from outside, then make a right to approach the red door around the corner and activate a cut scene.
  16. Afterwards, collect ammo off the surrounding cardboard boxes and climb the nearby staircase to make a left into the hallway at the top.
  17. Follow the hallway around to reach the red-lit area at the end and move through the double doors on the right to enter the auditorium classroom, then turn left to approach the next row of steps and accidentally wake up the zombie below.
  18. Move down the steps to take out the zombie below with a well-aimed headshot and turn left at the bottom to eliminate another approaching enemy in the same manner.
  19. Take out the zombie standing behind the teacher’s table and head through the exit door in the corner to your left, then move around the next corner in front of you by the vending machines and climb the steps.
  20. Open the double doors at the top of the steps to enter the next area and maneuver the analog stick to fight off the zombie that immediately lunges at you, then kill another enemy behind the desk and make your way to the back of the classroom.
  21. Collect the herb behind the last row of chairs and the ammo behind the second to last row on the left, then exit the classroom through the other set of double doors in this area and turn a left down the corridor.
  22. Make your way around the next corner ahead to open the double doors in front of the red floor mat and head down the next stairwell in front of you, then turn right at the bottom to eliminate the standing zombie with a series of headshots and press the indicated button to shake off the other one that attacks from the floor.
  23. Pick up supplies from the surrounding cardboard boxes and exit this area through the nearby red-lit doorway to make a right down the next corridor, then turn left to enter the open room on the left and search it for supplies.
  24. Exit the room to make a left down the hall and eliminate the group of zombies standing in your path to continue moving forward, then open the door in the corner to get outside and spot the security gate in the distance.
  25. Move forward across the field below and knock down the enemies in your path with well-aimed head-shots to get past them safely, then search the surrounding tables to collect supplies and continue towards the on-screen objective marker to reach the red carpeted area at the bottom.
  26. Make your way to the left along the red carpet to approach the security gate and activate the next cut scene, then turn back around to approach the staff building behind the bleachers and enter it through the double doors out front.
  27. Approach the door at the end of the hallway in front of you to trigger the alarm and move into a defensive battle position behind the nearby windows, then open fire on the zombies approaching from the football field outside and take out their legs or heads to slow them down.
  28. As the zombies start crashing through the windows to enter the hallway, approach the alarm that was triggered earlier and put your back to it to continue fending off the enemy ambush.
  29. Reload as often as possible and use melee strikes to knock back zombies that get to close to you, then run to the opposite side of the corridor to regain some distance from the enemies and throw grenades to clear out a large number of them at once.
  30. Continue fending off the zombie horde until the next cut scene is activated, then open fire on the enemies trying to push through the door you’re behind to successfully lock it and move to the back of this new green-lit room.
  31. Exit using the door at the back of the room and move through the next two areas ahead that have been cluttered with old books, then search the surrounding tables and drawers for supplies.
  32. Kick open the metal door in back corner ahead and turn left to grab the key card off the shelf in front of you, then turn back around and press the indicated button to fend off the sudden zombie attack.
  33. Fight your way back through the areas cluttered with old books and the green-lit room beyond that, then move down the initial corridor that lead into this building and exit to reach the outside again.
  34. Move left across the field to return to the security gate and press the indicated button to open it, then make your way through the metal detector in the next room ahead to set off another alarm.
  35. Exit the building through the next set of double doors ahead of you and continue moving forward to vault the next security barrier at the bottom of the steps, then make a right to sprint past the surrounding zombies and jump over another fence.
  36. Continue moving forward down the hill to reach the cop car at the bottom and jump into the driver’s seat, then maneuver the analog stick and press the indicated buttons to search for the keys.
  37. Take the keys from the visor above and press the indicated button to start the car, then continue following the on-screen prompts to escape from the swarm of zombies and eventually crash the police cruiser.
  38. After escaping from the cop car’s wreckage, approach the nearby open manhole to enter the sewers and complete this level.

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Resident Evil 6 Walkthrough

The Subway Tunnels

  1. Make your way down the steps in front of you and turn right at the bottom to move through the sewer tunnels ahead, then break apart the crates in the last corner at the end to collect additional ammo and approach the red door on the left to open it.
  2. Drop onto the train tracks below and make a left through the next tunnel, then approach the red lit area ahead and eliminate the zombie crawling on the ground in front of you.
  3. Continue following the tracks along the tunnel and knock down the zombies standing in your way, then watch for train lights ahead to move against the nearest wall and press the indicated button to dodge the oncoming transport.
  4. Push forward in the direction of the on-screen objective marker to continue along the train tracks and reach the burning barrel ahead on the left, then eliminate the surrounding zombies and back up or roll sideways to take out the dogs before they can reach you.
  5. Check the crates behind the burning barrel for supplies and continue moving forward through the tunnel, then take out the zombies in the red-lit area ahead on the right and stay near the wall to dodge the next oncoming train.
  6. Continue towards the on-screen objective marker ahead and start backing up when you see the group of burning zombies coming down the tunnels, then take them out with well-aimed head-shots to move forward again.
  7. Climb onto the indicated platform to your left and open the door above to move down the staircase below, then use melee strikes to push past the zombies that appear in front of you and exit through the red door around the corner at the bottom of the steps.
  8. Drop onto the next set of tracks below to move left through the tunnel and approach the enemy shadows in the distance ahead, then sprint towards the horde of zombies around the corner and toss a grenade amongst them to clear out most of the group.
  9. Continue eliminating the zombies ahead until you are warned of the train approaching from behind, then sprint over to the opposite side of the tracks and push forward in the direction of the on-screen objective marker.
  10. Follow the tracks on the right forward to reach the train parked at the next station ahead and activate the cut scene, then eliminate the zombies that start appearing and climb onto the platform beside the rear car.
  11. Push on the train’s door beside you to activate another cut scene, then drop back to the tracks below and approach your partner to give her a boost up onto the roof of the rear car.
  12. Climb back onto the platform to try the door again and enter the train, then move right through the series of cars by opening the exit doors at the end of each one and take out any zombies you see along the way.
  13. Enter the last car to turn left at the end and drop to the ground below to exit the train, then move right along the next set of tracks and climb onto the subway platform ahead.
  14. Move forward across the subway platform to collect supplies along the way and press the indicated button on the wall at the end, then turn around to open the train doors beside you and watch as the rescued woman raises the nearby shutter.
  15. Take cover behind the obstacle across from the shutter and open fire on the approaching zombies to clear them out of your way, then climb the next set of steps ahead to reach street level above.
  16. Eliminate the zombie at the top of the steps and search the area for supplies, then pass through the turnstile ahead and approach the barred door across from you to complete this level.

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Resident Evil 6 Walkthrough

City Streets

  1. Climb the steps around the corner to reach the streets above and take out the zombie fireman that jumps out at you, then push forward through the enemies ahead to witness a car accident and continue moving in the direction of the on-screen marker.
  2. Continue taking out the zombies that approach you on the streets and check the surrounding sidewalks or alleys for supplies along the way, then continue moving down the road ahead to reach the man trapped beneath a car and push it off of him to witness another accident.
  3. Make a right towards the burning wreckage in the distance and clear out the zombies standing in the red lit area ahead, then make a left at the end of the road to enter the alley and climb the yellow ladder located beside the next truck in front of you.
  4. Climb onto the scaffolding above and move forward across it to reach the end, then jump the gap beside you and head left to eliminate the next zombie blocking your path by attacking him from behind.
  5. Drop off the end of the scaffolding ahead to land in the alley below and open the green door on your right, then turn left down the next street in front of you and continue fending off the zombies that approach.
  6. Make a right into the next alley and eliminate the zombies waiting for you ahead, then turn left to continue moving in the direction of the on-screen objective marker and climb the ladder around the corner to reach the balcony above.
  7. Eliminate the nearby zombie and push the dumpster beside you forward until it tips over onto the car below, then climb the ledge beside you and turn left to walk on the roof of the school bus.
  8. Drop over the side of the school bus and sprint down the street ahead until you are nearly run over by a truck, then enter the alley on the right and open the indicated double doors.
  9. Move behind the bar at the back of the room and head through the exit at the opposite end to get back outside, then turn left to open the gate and make your way around the next corner to approach the nearby blue door.
  10. Enter the next building to find the family sitting dead in their living room and move through the door ahead in the opposite corner, then continue through the hall to discover the locked door and turn back around.
  11. Return to the family in the living room and approach the girl sitting on the left side of the couch to pick up the key, then roll away from the zombie that rises up behind you and take him out with a head shot.
  12. Use the key to unlock the exit and pick up the shotgun in the alley outside, then head left to approach the fence and move through the next door beside you to activate a cut scene.
  13. Afterwards, use your shotgun to take out the new breed of zombie ahead and enter the hallway on the right to continue fighting the enemies that emerge from the surrounding doors.
  14. Continue navigating the narrow zombie-infested corridor until you can exit through the door at the end on the right, then approach the locked gate ahead and turn back around after discovering that it’s locked.
  15. Climb the blue staircase on the left and approach the gap in the railing at the top, then launch your partner over the gate below and take out the wave of zombies that ambush you next.
  16. Return to the ground below and move through the previously-locked gate to make a right around the corner on the other side, then open the next door ahead to enter the restaurant and turn left inside.
  17. Exit the building through the double doors ahead and sprint forward to help the group of survivors fight off the surrounding zombies, then stay on the move to avoid taking damage while firing and witness the ambulance crash nearby.
  18. Throw a grenade into the back of the ambulance to defeat the heavily armored zombies within, then open fire on the indicated gas leak to cause a massive explosion and activate the next cut scene.
  19. Afterwards, search the surrounding area for supplies before heading towards the next objective marker and reach the double doors around the corner to complete this level.

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Resident Evil 6 Walkthrough

Gun Shop

  1. Move through the door directly in front of you to enter the gun store and watch the survivor run up the stairs on the right, then search the countertop area for supplies and continue looking around the room until a cut scene activates.
  2. Afterwards, take cover behind the counter and aim towards one of the open un-guarded windows to eliminate approaching enemies with well-placed head shots.
  3. Continue taking out the enemies coming through the window until they are able to get within striking distance of your body, then equip the shotgun to keep them at bay and help the other survivors whenever possible.
  4. To save ammo during this battle, sprint back and forth between zombies climbing into the gun store to defeat them with melee strikes or knife attacks.
  5. Continue moving back and forth between the two areas at the front of the gun store until you watch a series of cut scenes that lead to the death of a surveyor named Peter, then eliminate the new breed of zombie that enter the shop by opening fire into its chest with your shotgun.
  6. Clear the store to climb the steps and move through the door that opens at the top, then search the second floor to find ammo and listen to the gun shop owner speak until the next zombie ambush occurs.
  7. Equip your shotgun and approach one of the unguarded windows to keep the zombies from entering the room for as long as possible, then use melee strikes to help you put down the ones that do manage to crawl in.
  8. Survive the invading wave of zombies on the fire escapes outside until the shutters come down and follow the gun shop owner into the next room he opens, then collect the herbs and ammo on the table directly across from you.
  9. After the obese zombie monster manages to break through the door, equip the shotgun to open fire into the creature’s head and roll sideways whenever he swipes his arms in your direction.
  10. Continue rolling around behind the obese zombie to continue firing your shotgun into his head and press the indicated button if the monster is able to grab a hold of you to escape from danger.
  11. Exit the room to gain a safe distance from the obese creature and to allow yourself more room for evasive rolling maneuvers, then continue blasting the enemy in the face with shotgun rounds until he falls over dead.
  12. Follow the group into the room with the red-lit staircase and collect supplies from the shelf on your left, then climb the steps to break open the window at the top and jump through it to reach the rooftop area outside.
  13. Approach the indicated barred door to activate the next cut scene , then use a grenade to clear out the first wave of zombies that advance over the railing beside you and equip the shotgun to better protect the other survivors.
  14. Attack the obese monster that arrives next continuously to keep his attention focused on you and use grenades or shoot the explosive container beside the barred door to drain this creature’s health more quickly.
  15. Continue fending off the surrounding zombies until the bus pulls up in front of the shop, then follow your group through the barred doorway that has opened and drop over the edge ahead to land on the fire escape below.
  16. Move left to drop off the fire escape and land in the alleyway below to activate the next cut scene, then equip your shotgun and open fire into the face of the obese zombie attacking the bus just boarded.
  17. Continue firing into the monster’s head and survive the overall attack on the bus until the next cut scene is activated to complete this level.

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Resident Evil 6 Walkthrough

The Cemetery

  1. Open fire on the zombies looming over you by scoring head shots and continue fending them off in this way until the next cut scene is activated, then turn around to enter the cemetery and follow the stone path around between the tombstones.
  2. Eliminate the surrounding zombies as you navigate the cemetery in the direction of the next on-screen objective marker by stunning them with pistol shots and finishing the enemy off with a series of melee strikes.
  3. Continue following the stone path through the cemetery to reach the fork at the top of the hill and take a right to cross the wooden bridge, then examine the locked gate on the other side and turn around to return to the fork.
  4. Make a right to enter the cabin and search it for supplies, then open the indicated blue door within to release the dog and follow it outside to activate the next cut scene.
  5. Search the bathroom the dog was hiding in to collect ammo, then chase the animal back down through the cemetery and use the on-screen red diamond marker to locate it.
  6. Find the dog’s hiding spot to open fire on the creature from a distance and press the indicated button to escape any time the animal pounces on you, then use your shotgun to clear out the other surrounding enemies and continue chasing after the key.
  7. Use the red on-screen objective marker to find the indicated dog again and finish off the creature off with a series of well-placed shots to the head, then pick up the cemetery key and return to the previously locked gate.
  8. Unlock the gate on the other side of the wooden bridge to activate the next cut scene and land in the graveyard below, then fight off any surrounding zombies in close proximity and start making your way towards the on-screen objective marker.
  9. Follow the stone path through the maze of mausoleums to locate the next staircase and climb it to rejoin your partner, then clear out the surrounding zombies at the top and climb another set of steps nearby.
  10. Make a left along the road at the top to continue towards the next on-screen objective marker and open the gate at the end, then approach the front doors of the cathedral on your right to activate the next cut scene.
  11. Throw grenades at the oncoming wave of zombies in front of you to clear them out quickly and use your shotgun to continue fending them off until the sniper in the window above appears to assist during the battle.
  12. Continue clearing out the zombies with grenades and shotgun blasts until the front doors are finally unlocked, then enter the cathedral to activate a cut scene and complete this level.

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Resident Evil 6 Walkthrough

The Cathedral

  1. Search between the pews and within the barrels along the walls to find extra supplies, then follow your teammate onto the altar at the back of the cathedral and turn right to pick up the Madonna statue sitting on the pedestal.
  2. Face the broken ladder beside the pedestal to press the indicated button and launch your teammate up on the second floor landing above, then inspect the large statue she was looking at to ask about the secret passage.
  3. Climb the ladder your teammate drops down for you and make a left at the top to place the Maddona statue on the pedestal in the corner, then turn around to make your way across to the other side of the balcony and break open the wooden barrel to collect additional ammo.
  4. Continue around the balcony to find more supplies in the next corner ahead and turn back towards the on-screen objective marker behind the previous wall, then open the door to the left of it and open the chest inside the room to find the other Madonna statue.
  5. Return to the second floor pedestal you visited earlier, then press the indicated button to send your teammate around to the opposite side of the cathedral and use both statues to open the next door below.
  6. Drop down the broken ladder behind you to land on the altar and move through the doorway that was just opened in the nearby corner, then pull down on the indicated lever to activate the statue trap and use evasive rolling maneuvers to dodge the red targeting laser.
  7. Avoid the statues red laser to roll up right next to the sculpture’s base and press the indicated button to deactivate the trap, then wait for your teammate to do the same and move through the next doorway that opens ahead.
  8. Pull the indicated lever to activate the next trap and turn around to watch for the next sculpture to appear, then execute a running slide to quickly move in close to the statue and deactivate it.
  9. Move to the middle of the room and face the surrounding alcoves to wait for the next series of statues to appear, then sprint towards the closest one and use evasive rolling maneuvers to dodge the red targeting lasers from other sculptures that open fire on you in the process.
  10. Make your way between the various statues that appear to deactivate the ones closest to you while dodging the flaming crossbow arrows with rolling maneuvers, then shut down the last sculpture to open the next doorway and enter the room ahead.
  11. Collect supplies from the barrels in the corner ahead and aim your gun’s targeting laser at the mirror being held by the statue on the left to open the doorway ahead, then enter the next room and climb the staircase to reach the landing at the top.
  12. Turn left at the top of the steps to approach the opposite side of this small room and turn left again to look down through the bars at the mirror sculpture below, then aim your targeting laser to open the nearby doorway and reach the balcony area behind it.
  13. Turn left to look up at the mirror sculpture above and hit it with your targeting laser to open the door ahead, then enter the next room and take out the zombie crawling along the floor.
  14. Look up towards the ceiling to hit the next mirror sculpture above with your targeting laser and move through the next doorway ahead, then turn left to collect the Madonna of Sorrow statue on the pedestal and enter the room that opens on the right.
  15. Climb the stairs to make a right at the top and collect supplies from the wooden barrels in the corner, then turn around to approach your partner and grab the sniper rifle from the corpses sitting beside her.
  16. Exit the building through the open doorway closest to you and turn right to zoom in on the church bell above with your sniper rifle, then fire a single shot into it to light the fire in the tower and turn right again to locate the next target.
  17. Shoot the bell in the tower across the roof from you to light another fire and move the rifle’s scope left to find the next target, then shoot the bell that hangs from the weather vane of the third tower and return to the previous room inside.
  18. Exit out the opposite doorway to turn left and zoom in on the remaining two towers in the distance with your sniper rifle, then shoot the fourth and fifth bell to raise the bars in the previous room.
  19. Collect the Madonna statue from the room behind you and move back down the first flight of stairs from before, then enter the next open doorway on your right to reach the third floor of the main cathedral area and approach the two pedestals located at the front of the church.
  20. Move around to the opposite side of the balcony to collect additional supplies from the wooden barrels, then place the two Madonna statues on the indicated pedestals to activate the next cut scene and open the altar’s secret passageway.
  21. Afterwards, use the last row of pews behind you as cover and use your sniper rifle to first eliminate the survivors that have been turned into zombies by scoring zoomed-in head shots.
  22. Keep your distance from the larger mutated creature to avoid the blue gas it expels and run to the opposite of the cathedral whenever it comes towards you, then equip the knife to save ammo and continue eliminating the zombies with melee attacks.
  23. Stay on the move at all times to avoid being swarmed by multiple zombies or specifically targeted by the mutated creature, then climb the ladder to reach the balcony above and continue clearing the area.
  24. Eliminate the remaining zombie in the area and wait for the mutated creature to land on the ground level of the cathedral, then climb the ladder up to the balcony and open fire on the enemy below with your sniper rifle.
  25. Continue firing upon the enemy until it joins you on the balcony, then plant a bomb or throw a grenade to temporarily stun the creature and escape back to the ground floor below.
  26. Use your pistols and sniper rifle to repeatedly drain the mutated creature’s health from a distance, then continue stunning the enemy with explosives and move in close with the shotgun to eventually finish him off for good.
  27. Following the next cut scene, pick up the keycard left behind by the mutated creature to open the doors at the bottom of the steps inside the altar’s secret passageway and enter the next room ahead.
  28. Collect supplies from the wooden barrels on the left and open the chest on the right to pick up the artifact, then move through the next set of doors ahead to activate a cut scene and complete this level.

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Resident Evil 6 Walkthrough

Underground Laboratory

  1. Enter the next room ahead and make a left up the steps to collect supplies from the crate above, then turn around the approach the console in the corner and enter the code: 201 to open the door on the left.
  2. Enter the open room to collect supplies from the blue crates, then return to the console and type in 210 to open the gate at the back of the area.
  3. Exit the room through the open gate to reach the next area ahead and search it for supplies, then climb onto the rear platform and approach the console above to enter the code: 201.
  4. Search the room that opens below for supplies and return to the console, then type in the code: 021 to activate the next gate and exit this area as well.
  5. Move forward through the corridor to enter the next room ahead and activate a cut scene, then push the next available door open and make your way down the hall to eliminate the zombie that ambushes you from the dark.
  6. Head into the next laboratory area around the corner and pick up supplies from the corner, then follow your teammate into the cluttered hallway below and help her search the surrounding rooms.
  7. Collect supplies from the rooms you search and eliminate any zombies that arize, then drain the sink in last bathroom on the right and destroy the dragon emblem beneath.
  8. Open the red-lit door at the back of the corridor to enter the next lab area and shoot down the zombie crawling through the air duct above, then elimainate the enemy laying on the table and search the room for supplies.
  9. Move left through the lab to continue eliminating the zombies that come to life on the surrounding tables and exit the room through the next door ahead, then enter the area in front of you marked “Biohazard” to activate a cut scene.
  10. Afterwards, approach the console next to the experimentation tank in front of you on the right and enter the code: 201 to open the door in the hallway around the corner outside the room.
  11. Move through the doorway you just opened to make a left across the next experimentation area and kill the dog held in the cage beneath the floor, then enter the corridor ahead on the right and follow it into the room ahead to pull the lever by the map on your left.
  12. Make your way back through the previous experimentation area to clear out any zombies that have now appeared and turn left in the next room ahead, then continue to eliminate the surrounding enemies and collect supplies from the blue crates.
  13. Approach the map at the back of this area to pull down on the second lever and turn around to eliminate the zombies crawling towards you, then drop down through the openining in the floor grate at your feet and navigate between the rows of experimentation chambers to clear out more enemies.
  14. Climb the ladder on your right at the end of the row of tanks to return to the area above and enter the hallway that leads back to the first lever you pulled earlier, then eliminate the enemies ahead and approach the next map on the far wall.
  15. Pull the third lever to bring down the elevator and approach it to boost your partner onto the roof of the car, then equip a scoped weapon and use it protect her by eliminating the next enemy that comes through a door she opens.
  16. Score head shots or shoot the electrical transformer near your partner to protect her from the advancing enemies and use a shotgun to quickly defeat any zombie that approaches you at close-range, then wait until she pulls a lever to bring down the next elevator and eliminate whatever emerges.
  17. Move to the pair of green-lit levers your partner just unlocked and pull them down in unision to open the next door, then enter the corridor ahead and make a left to reach an open area at the end.
  18. Follow the walkway around on the right and use a shotgun to clear out any zombies that block the path, then join your partner by the garbage chute at the end to activate the next cut scene and complete this level.

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Resident Evil 6 Walkthrough

The Caves

  1. Move forward through the tunnel and duck beneath the next two low-hanging arches ahead, then continue down the flooded mine shaft to reach an open area above and collect supplies from the breakable vases.
  2. Climb through the trench ahead on the right to reach the ledge on the other side and move across it to the left, then turn down the next tunnel and fight off the zombie that ambushes you.
  3. Make your way forward through the tunnel to reach the gate at the end and move through it to activate the next cut scene, then follow your teammate down the wooden ramp and drop to the level below.
  4. Sprint ahead of your partner to take out the enemy waiting on the bridge around the corner by pushing him over the side, then make a right on the ledge across from you and eliminate another zombie.
  5. Cross the second bridge ahead to witness the roof collapsing and turn out to eliminate the zombie attacking your partner, then continue across the bridge to take out the next pair of enemies that descends.
  6. Make a left along the ledge at the other side of the bridge and continue eliminating enemies that appear in your path, then continue descending through the crumbling structure you reach a large crate at the bottom.
  7. Push the large crate forward to clear it from the path and make a right across the next ledge, then take out the zombie that approaches and locate the next movable box to push it across the bridge.
  8. Move right to continue protecting your partner from the approaching zombies and reach the ground floor below to activate the next cut scene, then use the rifle to open fire on the mutated Deborah’s orange weak spots.
  9. Continue scoring successful hits on the boss until a cut scene activates in which you fall through the floor, then follow Ada down the wooden ramp way and collect any supplies from breakable vases within your reach.
  10. Approach the broken edge of the walkway facing the ropes and press the indicated button to swing across the gap, then continue following ada downward to reach the crate below and watch your partner remove it for you.
  11. Press the indicated button to swing across the next gap on the rope ahead and activate the boss battle with mutated Deborah, then use your sniper rifle to score hits on her orange weak spots again as she stands on the level above.
  12. After Deborah falls to the ground in front of you, run over with your shotgun and immediately begin opening fire into her.
  13. While running in a consistent circle around the area, open fire on mutated Deborah’s orange weak spots whenever she ascends to the level above and use your pistols or shotgun when she lands on even ground with you.
  14. Move in close with your shotgun whenever you are able to knock mutated Deborah on her back and continue firing until she gets back up, then continue this attack pattern until the boss is able to retaliate.
  15. Whenever Deborah pounces on your chest, move the analog stick in the indicated direction to counter the attack and momentarily incapacitate her for a close-up shotgun assault.
  16. Use your shotgun to quickly eliminate the zombies that sporadically appear around you, then roll sideways whenever mutated Deborah leaps into the air to avoid her pouncing attack.
  17. Wait for Deborah to move within close range of the wooden barrels located on the lower level and shoot it from a distance to cause a devastating explosion, then continue your assault on the boss until the next cut scene is activated.
  18. Afterwards, collect supplies from the vases in front of you and make your way down the next wooden ramp to clear out another wave of zombies below.
  19. Continue following the wooden ramp down ward to push through the rain of debris and drop to the next level below, then make your way around the ledge to fall through another hole in the floor and turn right at the bottom.
  20. Break open two more vases in the corner ahead and jump across the gap beside them, then eliminate the nearby zombie to approach the crank behind him and turn it to move your teammates along the mine cart tracks in front of you.
  21. Move left to enter the cart with your teammates and activate the next cut scene, then duck down to avoid four low-hanging obstacles located in the path of the track ahead and eventually encounter mutated Deborah again.
  22. After Deborah is run over with the mine cart and starts climb up over the edge towards you, equip your shotgun to unload several rounds into her orange weak spots and duck whenever she pulls back a tentacle to strike.
  23. Continue firing into the boss’ weak spots until she drops off the edge of the cart, then turn around to anticipate her next appearance and start your assault again.
  24. Use a sniper rifle to destroy the barrels on the track ahead and clear out the debris blocking your path, then duck beneath the next three low-hanging obstacle and immediately destroy the explosive barrel on the left.
  25. Duck beneath another obstacle and use your sniper rifle to hit the barrel in the distance ahead, then continue opening fire on Deborah as she climbs onto the mine cart again until the next cut scene activates.
  26. Afterwards, press the indicated button to rescue Ada hanging from edge on your left and use the sniper rifle to continue dealing damage to Deborah on the platform below.
  27. Continue shooting Deborah until you are suddenly given control of Helena, then fire a round into her head to activate the next cut scene and complete this chapter.
  28. Achievement / Trophy Unlocked: Buried Secrets (15 points): Complete Chapter 2 in Leon’s campaign.

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Resident Evil 6 Walkthrough

The Catacombs

  1. Make your way into the brightly-lit room ahead and pull the levers in unison with Helena to activate the next cut scene, then move forward through the catacombs and collect supplies as you go.
  2. Open the last coffin on the left to collect an artifact and climb the steps ahead to reach the corridor above, then pop the lid on another casket behind the next vase on the left and collect the assault rifle.
  3. Continue moving forward through the catacombs to reach the bladed booby trap and take a running start to slide beneath it, then eliminate the zombies on the other side and approach the wall of fire around the next two corners.
  4. Approach the broken ladder on your right to give Helena a boost onto the ledge above and turn around to eliminate any approaching zombies, then wait for the fire to recede before continuing forward across the next bridge and make a right on the other side.
  5. Turn the crank on the right to activate the flame burst and return to the door with the dragon engraving behind the bridge, then attempt to open the sealed tunnel entrance unsuccessfully and use the ring to partially unlock it.
  6. Return to the previous crank and turn it to incinerate the wave of approaching zombies, then equip your shotgun and use it to fend off the enemies that appear behind you.
  7. Clear the immediate area and return to turning the crank until the next cut scene activates, then collect all the items left by the zombies you incinerated and return to the dragon emblem door to open it.
  8. Move forward into the flooded area to spot the monster and make a left around the room, then enter the tunnel at the end and your next right onto dry land.
  9. Head uphill to open the coffin on the right at the top and destroy the emblem within, then continue moving forward to re-enter the water and approach the broken ladder at the end on the left.
  10. Press the indicated button to boost Helena up onto the ledge above and turn around to check the water for the approaching creature, then throw a grenade or open fire on any ripples you see in the surface and stay on the move constantly.
  11. Make your way through the gate after Helena opens it for you to activate the next cut scene, then sprint up the steps on the left and turn right at the top with a sniper rifle equipped.
  12. Find Helena on the ledge across from you and protect her until she can open the gate to your left, then continue moving forward to turn the next crank ahead on the right and open the gate across the gap.
  13. Continue sprinting forward around the balcony to slide beneath the blade trap and turn left on the other side to protect Helena again until she can deactivate the spear trap ahead.
  14. Approach the next console ahead to find the crank missing and turn around to eliminate the next wave of zombies, then stay on the move to avoid their projectile attacks and use a shotgun or sniper rifle to defeat them more quickly.
  15. Defeat the remaining zombies and pick the old crank that one of them leaves behind, then insert it back into the previous console and turn it to open the gate for Helena.
  16. Rejoin Helena and eliminate the ambushing zombie, then approach the levers on the right to pull them down in unison and activate the next cut scene.
  17. Afterwards, make your way down the stone incline to eliminate any zombies in your path and jump down off the ledge at the bottom.
  18. To survive in this area, equip either the shotgun or a powerful pair of pistols and turn around in a circle where you go to avoid being ambushed by approaching zombies.
  19. Move forward across the rock bridge and jump across the next gap on your right, then approach torch-lit area ahead to turn the crank at the bottom and lower the bridge.
  20. Cross the bridge to eliminate the enemies that drop down on the other side and move right to continue along the designated path, then jump off the ledge at the end and make your way forward upon landing below.
  21. Jump across the next gap on your left and turn right to move over another rock bridge, then head down the incline on the right and activate a cut scene in which Helena saves you from falling.
  22. Return to the previous rock platform and eliminate any zombies that descend upon you, then move towards the next downward incline and jump across the gap in it.
  23. Take out the enemy on the next platform ahead of you and jump across the gap to continue moving forward, then approach the rope bridge and plant a remote bomb on it.
  24. Fend off the wave of zombies that approaches and detonate the remote bomb when the obese enemy charges towards you, then continue firing upon this enormous creature with a shotgun until it’s dead.
  25. Cross the next three rope bridges to eliminate another obese zombie with your sniper rifle and jump off the ledge at the end on the right, then approach the broken stone archway to boost Helena onto the stone pillar ahead.
  26. Equip an automatic weapon and look down on the pillar that fell to protect Helena from zombies chasing after her, then select the sniper rifle and use it to pick off the enemies coming down the hill above her.
  27. Continue following Helena’s ascent up the cliffs through your rifle scope so that you can protect her and occasionally turn around to fend off zombies approaching at close-range.
  28. Protect Helena long enough for her to lower the bridge beside you and cross over it to push the boulder the edge on the other side, then jump down to the ground below and continue moving forward along the path.
  29. Move the analog stick in correct direction to escape from falling off the edge again, then continue moving forward to jump across the next gap and turn the crank below to lower the bridge.
  30. Release the crank to take out the enemies that approach from behind and activate the next cut scene, then continue forward along the crumbling path by jumping across the gaps in it and sprinting past or around any zombies you encounter ahead.
  31. Continue forward to reach the small ledge at the end and push the boulder forward to clear a path, then jump across the next gap ahead to activate a cut scene and complete this level.

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Resident Evil 6 Walkthrough

Underwater Cave

  1. Swim forward through the doorway ahead, then continue through the next corridor and down the staircase as quickly as possible.
  2. Navigate through the maze of rubble on the right and up another staircase past that, then continue swimming through the corridor to encounter the monster as it crashes through the wall ahead.
  3. Find the holes in the ceiling to get breaths of air and avoid drowning then dive back into the water and continue following the hallway to enter the next cave tunnel ahead on the left.
  4. Swim through the narrowing cave tunnel and stay close to Helena in case you are attacked, then avoid coming in contact with the bodies floating in the water and press the indicated button to fight off any zombies.
  5. Continue following the cave tunnel around, fighting off zombies and finding air holes in the ceiling, then swim up towards the indicated sewer grate to pull it open and activate the next cut scene.
  6. Push the on-screen buttons as indicated to climb further up onto the zombie fish’s back, then continue doing this to enter the creature’s mouth and eventually mutilate it to activate the next cut scene.
  7. Afterwards, swim towards the torch-lit area ahead to enter the cave tunnel on the right and follow it around to reach the gate at the end.
  8. Wait for Helena to raise the gate to continue swimming forward and encounter the zombie fish again, then tap the indicated button as quickly as possible to escape from being eaten and climb onto the ledge ahead.
  9. Collect supplies from the areas on your left and right, then squeeze through the gate behind Helena to activate a boss battle with the B.O.W.
  10. Open fire on the orange weak spot inside the B.O.W.’s mouth with an automatic weapon and detonate any barrels that drop in front of you to do further damage, then press the indicated buttons to evade the zombie fish when it crawls your way and continue the assault.
  11. Detonate the indicated barrel that flies over your head in slow motion to activate the next cut scene and complete this chapter.

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Resident Evil 6 Walkthrough

The Plane

  1. Open fire on the enemy in front of you and use sideways rolls to dodge the creature’s attacks, then pick up the Lightning Hawk located in the cockpit and use a shotgun to chase off the mutated zombie.
  2. Approach the pilot’s chair to get your next objective and head down the steps behind you to reach the floor below, then move forward between the seating aisles to reach the staircase at the end and descend to the next level.
  3. Move to the left corner of the room ahead to open the door with the red wheel on it and continue forward around the far end of the steam burst, then turn the next red valve wheel on the right.
  4. Following the next cut scene, approach the red box on the wall beside you to crack it open and pull the lever to open the carve bay doors.
  5. Alternate between pressing the two indicated buttons to climb back up into the plane and follow the on-screen prompt that appears to dodge any oncoming cargo, then return to the level above and make your way towards the seating aisle again.
  6. Use a shotgun and melee attacks to eliminate the zombies that appear in front of you, then make your way back across the length of the plane and return to the cockpit on the level above.
  7. Approach the pilot’s seat to get your next objective and press the indicated button to activate a cut scene in which you take control of the plane, then follow the on-screen prompts to turn off automatic navigation and pull the lever on the right to avoid crashing the plane.
  8. Continue following the on-screen prompts to activate a cut scene in which the plane crashes down in the city and the next boss battle begins, then move left to the ladder beside you and climb it to reach the top of the shipping container.
  9. Equip your sniper rifle and move forward across the shipping container to approach the large crate on the right, then push it off the edge to release the gas tanks that were inside and continue ahead to jump over the next gap.
  10. Collect supplies from the boxes in the corner and turn around to start attacking the boss with automatic gunfire or throwing explosive projectiles, then send him towards the barrels you scattered across the ground earlier and detonate them to cause significant damage.
  11. Continue firing upon the boss below until he climbs up onto the crate beside you, then drop back to the ground and sprint to the opposite side of the area without looking back.
  12. Turn around when you reach the far wall and roll sideways to avoid the boss’ charging attack, then continue dodging the creature and fire upon it from a distance with the sniper rifle whenever he comes to a stop.
  13. Shoot the boss repeatedly until you are able to chase him off, then approach the indicated section of wall and follow the on-screen prompts to get boosted over the top.
  14. Move down the path ahead to reach the back of the bus and press the indicated buttons to get it started, then follow the vehicle as it crash through the gate and search the area for breakable crates with supplies inside of them.
  15. Approach the forklift to bring down the platform and climb on top of it to reach the cage above, then push the containers full of fuel tanks off the edge to scatter them across the ground below.
  16. Lead the boss into the piles of fuel tanks to detonate them and cause him significant damage, then stay on the run as you move about this area to avoid being attacked directly.
  17. Jump across the gaps to move between tops of the shipping containers and continue knocking fuel tanks across the ground below, then maintain the high ground to avoid taking damage and to detonate the explosives from safety.
  18. Continue attacking the boss until a cut scene activates in which the creature replaces his arm with a giant mechanical claw, then approach the left side of the bus to climb on the roof using the ladder and open fire on the enormous enemy ahead.
  19. Drop back to the ground below and use the fork lift to lower the palette, then use the platform to climb onto the red container above and break open more boxes with fuel tanks inside.
  20. Open fire on the boss from a distance with your sniper rifle to guide him into the field of fuel tanks and detonate them to cause significant damage, then continue using this method of attack until the next cut scene is activated to complete this level.

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Resident Evil 6 Walkthrough

Outdoor Market

  1. Make your way around the walkway to open the red doors at the end and enter the market, then move left up the street ahead and turn right around the next corner to spot the figures in the distance.
  2. Make your next available right to inspect the body on the ground and move forward through the corridor to turn right again into the room in the corner, then collect supplies from within and return to the previous hallway.
  3. Continue down the street to discover a door with three separate locks and activate the next cut scene, then use your shotgun to blow apart the new breed of zombie that has appeared and watch it heal itself.
  4. Split the zombie in half again and destroy its lower section from a distance, then eliminate the enemy’s upper torso crawling along the ground as well and the hands that detach after that.
  5. Make your way towards the nearest objective marker to collect supplies along the way and unbar the next door you see ahead, then pick up Storage Key B and turn around to eliminate an approaching zombie.
  6. Move through the gate that you just unblocked and make a right towards the next closest objective marker, then follow the street around to reach the electrified door beside the fish stand and pull the lever on the left to deactivate the power.
  7. Open the previously electrified door to pick up the next key in front of you and eliminate the zombies that crawl out of the ventilation shaft, then return to the first door you unbarred and climb the ladder to the left of it.
  8. Make a right to reach the end of the rooftop and press the indicted button to launch Helena across the gap, move right again to climb down the next ladder and move through the door at the bottom.
  9. Approach the third objective marker to move through the gate that Helena opens for you, then make your way around the alley to kick down the door at the end and collect Storage Key C from the bathroom on the other side.
  10. Exit the bathroom to make your way back to the door with three separate locks and use the keys to open it, then move forward through the building ahead and press the indicated buttons to fight off the zombie that attacks you.
  11. Move through the double doors at the back of the area to activate the next cut scene, then head down the staircase on your left to reach the level below and open the red-lit door on the right.
  12. Sprint forward without stopping towards the elevator in the distance ahead to activate the red laser traps and use a running slide to maneuver beneath the damaging beams, then approach the doorway at the end to starting breaking through the security system.
  13. Continue smashing the the security system until you gain access to the elevator and collect the supplies in the next room, then approach the indicated door to try opening it unsuccessfully and activate a cut scene.
  14. Afterwards, equip your shotgun and stay on the move consistently to destroy the exploding robots scurrying around the room.
  15. Keep your shotgun aimed towards Helena and use it to destroy any robot that approaches her from behind until the next cut scene is activated, then move forward into the room ahead to collect supplies from the trunks on the left and right.
  16. Move out onto the catwalk in the next area ahead and drop over the ledge to your left, then head forward around the corner to spot Ada and sprint after her down the long corridor in front of you.
  17. Continue chasing Ada until you lose her in the cloud of smoke and turn the corner ahead to reach the door at the end of the walkway, then open it to activate the next cut scene.
  18. Afterwards, enter the control room on your right to collect supplies before moving the opposite way around the catwalk and exiting the building through open doorway on the floor below to complete this level.

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Resident Evil 6 Walkthrough

The Train

  1. Make your way forward through the two of the train’s cars and collect supplies in the third, then open the next door ahead to continue pursuing Simmons and equip an automatic weapon.
  2. Stop beneath the ceiling’s opening in the fourth car to press the indicated button and reach the roof of the train above to activate a cut scene, then back up and open fire on mutated Derek until he momentarily return to a human-like form.
  3. Following the next cut scene, retreat from mutated Derek with your partner by sprinting through the cars behind you and turn around after gaining some distance to continue firing into the creature’s head.
  4. Unload multiple rounds into mutated Derek as you back up through the train until the lights go out and the creature returns to the rooftop, then turn around to sprint towards the next opening in the ceiling and boost Helena up through it.
  5. Sprint back towards the front of the train and wait for mutated Derek to drop back down into one of the cars, then turn around and open fire while backing away again until the creature returns to human form.
  6. Approach Simmons in human form and strike him down repeatedly with melee attacks until he turns back into a mutated creature, then use one of the open side doors to climb onto the roof of the train above.
  7. Open fire on mutated Derek in unison with Helena until the next cut scene is activated, then sprint forward along the other train and vault over the various obstacles in your path to escape the creature.
  8. Continue across the train until the next cut scene is activated and press the indicated button to roll away from the creature as it leaps through the air at you, then take cover behind the seats on the left and wait for the boss to cease firing.
  9. Move back out from behind cover when mutated Derek stops shooting at you and open fire on the running creature with a sniper rifle or automatic rifle, then continue alternating between offensive and defensive positions as the train is ripped apart.
  10. Collect supplies from either end of the car and continue shooting Derek whenever he isn’t firing at you to eventually draw the creature back into the train, then press the indicated button to climb back onto the roof.
  11. Open fire on mutated Derek as he rushes straight on towards the train and activate another cut scene, then climb the stairs in front of you to complete this chapter.
  12. Achievement / Trophy Unlocked: Big Trouble in China (15 points): Complete Chapter 4 in Leon’s campaign.

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Resident Evil 6 Walkthrough

Infected City

  1. Follow the solider down the stairs and make a right at the bottom to activate the next cut scene, then continue behind him to climb the steps ahead on the right and open the gate at the top.
  2. Make your way uphill to enter the store ahead on the right and search the area for supplies, then climb the stairs to reach the third floor above and move through the exit before the zombies can get to you.
  3. Navigate the hallway ahead to eliminate the zombies blocking your path and exit out the double doors at the end of the corridor, then move down the steps behind you to enter the vehicle at the bottom and ride to the next location.
  4. Approach the barricade after being dropped off in front of the towers and boost over the top to activate the next cut scene, then open fire on the wave of zombies marching towards you and escape into the building on your right.
  5. Crawl through the wreckage at the back of the area and continue moving forward to exit through the door ahead, then turn left to check the corpse and enter the room beside you to climb beneath another obstacle.
  6. Take out the zombies on the other side and search the area for supplies, then move left to open the next door and follow the corridor ahead to eliminate the zombies coming up the steps around the corner.
  7. Use remote bombs and grenades to help clear the stairs before moving down them, then exit through the door at the bottom to reach the infected traffic jam outside and vault over the railing ahead to land on the street beneath you.
  8. Equip an automatic weapon or shotgun to head right through the sea of cars and eliminate the approaching hoard of zombies, then continue moving to witness the plane explosion and stay close to your partner while running to escape the wall of flames.
  9. Continue sprinting towards the next soldier that appears in front of you to run across the top of the cars and reach the helicopter ahead to escape in it, then press the indicated button to kick off the zombie grabbing your leg and activate a cut scene.
  10. Press the indicated buttons during the cut scene to avoid crashing the helicopter and eliminate the zombie that attacks Helena, then follow the on-screen prompts to avoid being crushed inside the tower and move through the next set of double doors ahead.
  11. Vault over the railing to activate a cut scene in which you encounter Simmons again, then make your way around the outer edge of the area to collect additional supplies and open fire on the mutated creature or the explosive barrels beside it with a scoped rifle until the enemy returns to human form.
  12. Sprint towards Derek in human form and open fire on him with your shotgun, then execute a series of melee assaults to continue damaging the boss until he mutates back into an enormous creature.
  13. Move in a circle around the pillar at the center of the room to lead the mutated Derek towards the explosive red barrels and detonate them to cause the monster significant damage, then attacks the boss in human form as you did before.
  14. Use the surrounding vehicles to keep a safe distance from the mutated Derek as you continue shooting him and detonating the barrels until the next cut scene activates, then use the guns on the back of the moving army vehicle to open fire on the eyeball inside the creature’s mouth.
  15. Continue targeting the eyeballs in the creature’s mouth and on its chest until the mutated Derek is able to destroy the vehicle you’re on, then throw grenades or remote bombs at the boss and roll sideways if the monster charges your way.
  16. Sprint to a safe distance continuously to keep attacking the eyeball inside mutated Derek’s mouth and return him to human form, then move in close to execute more melee combo attacks and search the surrounding area to refill on supplies.
  17. Repeat the attack pattern of shooting the monster from a distance and moving in close to strike the human form of Simmons with melee combos until a cut scene is activated in which the enemy falls over dead.
  18. Afterwards, alternate between pressing the indicated buttons to climb up the elevator cable and reach the bridge above to start eliminating the zombies that start dropping down around you.
  19. Use a scoped rifle to pick off the zombies attacking Ada on the other half of the broken bridge in the distance and continue shooting the mutated Derek until he returns to human form, then continue this pattern of assault before you are forced to jump back onto the nearby elevator cable.
  20. Continue climbing up the elevator cable as quickly as possible and press the indicated buttons to escape from the mutated Derek coming after you from below until the next cut scene activates, then use a scoped rifle to protect Ada from the approaching monster.
  21. After Ada is able to get on her feet, continue firing at the monster with your rifle and roll sideways to avoid the mutated monster whenever it charges towards you.
  22. Sprint back and forth across the bridge to keep a safe distance from the monster as you continue firing your rifle into mutated Derek’s head, then pick up any herbs and defeat any zombies you encounter during the battle.
  23. Watch for the creature to rear back before executing an evasive rolling maneuver and continue firing upon the mutated Derek from a safe distance until the next cut scene is activated, then take out the surrounding wave of zombies and search the rooftop for supplies.
  24. Open fire on the mutated Derek with your shotgun and use evasive rolling maneuvers often to avoid the creature’s multiple stabbing attacks, then take cover behind the wall on the left to recover from any damage you suffer during the battle.
  25. Continue shooting Simmons with your shotgun and fighting off the zombies until you are able to escape through the nearby gate, then climb the staircase to reach the area above and search it for supplies.
  26. Move towards the opposite side of the roof to make your way down another staircase in the corner and kick open the door on the right at the bottom, then climb onto the platform beside you and boost Helena on top of the crane above to activate the next cut scene.
  27. Open fire on the red eyes of the creature looming above with a scoped rifle and equip a shotgun whenever the mutated Derek moves its head in close, then shoot down the projectiles the monster spits at you to avoid taking damage.
  28. Continue fending off the boss until you are able to climb onto the next rooftop and eliminate the surrounding zombies, then open the indicated door ahead and collect the supplies located behind it.
  29. Climb the ladder in the corner to collect additional supplies at the top and vault over the railing to activate another cut scene, then stay on the move to avoid the monster’s stabbing legs and get in close beneath the creature’s underbelly to destroy the yellow sacs with your shotgun.
  30. Destroy the yellow sacs on the creature’s underbelly or use a melee attacks to severely damage the legs it implants into the floor, then continue battling with mutated Derek until he accidentally electrocutes himself.
  31. Pick up the lightning rod laying on the floor and use it to impale a a nearby zombie, then continue attacking the monster’s legs until it falls over and move in close to unload shotgun rounds into the creature’s head.
  32. Continue targeting mutated Derek’s weak spots until a cut scene is activated in which the monster is struck by lightning for a second time, then climb over the obstacles in front of you to reach the helipad above and pick up the rocket launcher.
  33. Aim the rocket launcher at mutated Derek’s head to fire a single shot and activate the next cut scene, then enter the helicopter behind you to complete this campaign.

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Resident Evil 6 Walkthrough

Route 9

  1. Press the indicated button to slide down the rope and land on the rooftop below, then follow your team over the ledge and enter the building.
  2. Approach the next ledge with your team to drop onto the scaffolding below and move down the ramp way to reach the ground level, then open the indicated doors to encounter the reporters and exit the building.
  3. Move forward down the street past the fleeing civilians and retreat from the explosion that occurs ahead, then approach the indicated doors on the left and open them to enter the next building.
  4. Make your way through the corridor to climb the stairs in the corner and search the floor above for supplies, then open the next door ahead and turn right to enter the adjacent building on the left.
  5. Navigate the corridor through the next building and exit out the the hole in the wall at the end of the hall, then make your way around the alley below and open the door at the end to activate a cut scene.
  6. Afterwards, eliminate the enemy in front of you and make a right down the street to move around the burning truck at the intersection.
  7. Turn left down the street to witness the rocket launcher attack and continue moving forward to survive another explosion, then follow you team to crawl through the rubble ahead and make a right to approach the next set of doors.
  8. Open the indicated doors to reach the alleyway on the other side and enter the next room on your left to eliminate the pair of enemies crawling through the window, then move around the corner to the right and take out another zombie.
  9. Move through the door in the corner behind the kitchen table and make a right down the alley to eliminate the enemy that pops out from behind cover, then enter the building on the left and cross the next room in front of you.
  10. Exit the room using the rear door and eliminate the enemies on the other side, then continue fighting your way through the alley ahead, then enter the building at the end to activate the next cut scene.
  11. Afterwards. open fire on the mutated J’avo’s head with your automatic weapon and move in close to finish him off with a series of melee strikes.
  12. Clear out the remaining enemies in this room and on the catwalks above, then climb the metal stair case to open the door at the top and drop over the ledge to land in the next alleyway below.
  13. Open the gate to enter the next alley ahead and take cover behind the orange table on the right, then use headshots and grenades to clear out the enemies that pour into this area and continue moving forward to kick down the red door in the back left corner.
  14. Move forward through the next area to climb the staircase in the corner and open the door at the end of the corridor above, then enter the building across from you and take out the enemies in the living room to your left.
  15. Climb the stairs in the corner past the living room to reach the corridor above and eliminate the enemy that emerges from the first door on your left, then take out another J’avo around the next bend in the hallway and enter the room he burst out of to collect additional supplies.
  16. Make your way through the pair of silver doors at the end of the hall to activate a loading screen and complete this level.
  17. Climb the stairs ahead to push the enemies over the railings along the way and reach the rooftop to complete this level.

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Resident Evil 6 Walkthrough

Ace of Spades

  1. Move through the red door ahead in the corner and follow your team through the next maze of corridors, then use the corners in the hallways as cover to eliminate the surrounding enemies with head shots and melee strikes.
  2. Clear the area to search it for supplies and follow your team through the next red door, then move down the staircase to reach the next floor below and enter another room with a maze of corridors.
  3. Follow your team through the various room and corridors, then collect supplies and eliminate the enemies you encounter along the way.
  4. Open the next red door in the corner and take out the enemies attached to the ceiling above, then continue through the rooms to your right and reach the room where the hostages are being held.
  5. Finish searching the area for supplies, then open the indicated room where the hostages are being held to activate the next cut scene.
  6. Afterwards, chase the nearest spider creatures back through the previous corridors and use flash grenades to help you free the first hostage.
  7. Fight your way back into the previous staircase and climb the steps to return to the 8th floor above, then locate the second hostage and chase after the spider creature that has a hold of him.
  8. Use the on-screen objective marker to find the second hostage and use a flash bang grenade to free him from the spider creature, then return to the previous staircase and head down the steps to enter the sixth floor at the bottom.
  9. Make a right around the next corner past the hole in the floor and approach the indicated doors ahead to enter the elevator, then press the button to descend towards the first floor below and wait for the car to stall before reaching the bottom.
  10. Press the indicated button to locate the panel in the ceiling above and boost your partner up through it, then join him on the roof of the elevator to activate a cut scene in which the car is destroyed by a bazooka.
  11. Look towards the walkway above you to eliminate the enemy packing a rocket launcher and open the elevator doors on the wall beside you to encounter the next group of J’avos, then toss a grenade amongst them to clear the initial area.
  12. Move forward into the next room ahead and take cover to eliminate the enemies that appear with the help of your grenades, then finish clearing the area with head shots and teamwork.
  13. Approach the red door in the back left corner of this area to open it and move down the staircase ahead, then enter the second floor below and make a right around the corner in the next room.
  14. Search the room for supplies then drop onto the grated pits at the center of the area, then approach the opening in the floor to locate the third hostage below and kill the enemy in front of her.
  15. Drop through the opening in the grate to land beside the hostage below and take cover to eliminate the enemies in the corners, then quickly take aim at the left side of the woman’s head and pick off the J’avo before he can cut her throat.
  16. Search the area for supplies and exit through the indicated door to reach the next room, then make a left to activate a cut scene in which you are separated from the rest of the team.
  17. Afterwards, climb the indicated ladder to reach the level above and open the door at the top to enter the next room that’s being bombed.
  18. Turn left to move through the next open doorway in the back corner and climb the staircase to reach the level above, then vault over the tables to your right and continue sprinting towards the on-screen objective marker to fall through the floor in front of the exit.
  19. Follow the on-screen prompts to crawl up out of the hole in the floor, then approach the exit in front of you to activate the next cut scene and complete this mission.
  20. Achievement / Trophy Unlocked: Rescue the Hostages (15 points): Complete Chapter 1 in Chris’ campaign.

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Resident Evil 6 Walkthrough

Streets of Edonia

  1. Take cover behind the vehicle to eliminate the enemies in the distance ahead and move forward through the building on your left, then fire out the next doorway on the right to continue clearing the area.
  2. Exit the building to take cover behind the trucks or sandbags and look for the gunfire in the distance to locate the enemies, then take out the J’avos in the windows and on the staircases above.
  3. Make your way up the steps ahead on the left to continue clearing the streets below and the windows above, then vault over the balcony to take cover behind the humvees that drive down the street.
  4. Eliminate the enemy on the bridge above and the remaining ones in the nearby street vicinity, then climb the steps in the corner to your left and enter the next building to clear out the J’avos inside.
  5. Search structure for supplies and exit across the bridge on the right, then open the barred door on the opposite side to activate a cut scene in which you encounter the enormous monster.
  6. Sprint back and forth across the bridge to avoid the debris being thrown by the enormous monster, then open fire on the exposed red area atop the creature’s back.
  7. Continue shooting the monster until it is close enough to smash the bridge and chase your character away, then retreat down the street behind you and climb the next ladder on the left.
  8. Run across the wooden bridge at the top and turn around to continue firing upon the monster’s red weak spot, then wait until the creature is close enough to strike and drop back over the ride side of the walkway to land in the streets below.
  9. Climb the ladder on the opposite side of the street and make a left through the building to collect additional supplies, then keep moving to avoid the enormous arm that smashes open the wall and turn around shoot the monster’s red bulge whenever possible.
  10. Continue opening fire on the creature’s weak spot until the next cut scene activates, then follow the humvee that has arrived to make your way up the street and eliminate the enemies in the next building on the right.
  11. Fight your way forward through the building and take cover behind the humvee again to continue following it up the street ahead, then enter the next structure on the left and climb the stairs in the corner.
  12. Jump across the gap at the top to eliminate the enemy on the other side with a melee strike, then drop back to the ground floor below and slide beneath the opening at the bottom of the nearby wall.
  13. Find cover and use grenades to eliminate the enemies at the top of the hill in the road ahead, then make a left at the end of the street and move through the opening that’s created in the fence beside you.
  14. Drop into the train yard below and climb the ladder beside you to collect supplies from above, then rejoin your team at their position below and pick off the J’avos on the ledges in the station ahead.
  15. Move forward through the train station to continue eliminating the enemies and check the boxcars for supplies, then return to your team and protect Finn until the next cut scene is activated to complete this level.

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Resident Evil 6 Walkthrough

The Bridge

  1. Make your way down the steps on the left to collect the supplies below and approach the next bridge to activate another cut scene.
  2. Afterwards, head towards the next open doorway on the opposite side of the rooftop and press the indicated button to launch your teammate across the gap in front of it.
  3. Turn around to follow your team across the bridge as it explodes beneath you and continue crawling forward along the pavement to reach Finn waiting above, then take cover behind one of the sandbags on the right and use grenades to start clearing out the enemies ahead.
  4. Head forward across the bridge to take cover behind the next burning truck on the left and continue eliminating the enemies in front of you, then continue advancing to watch the tank explode and clear the area of all remaining threats.
  5. Climb the next ladder ahead on the left to reach the metal walkway above the bridge at the top, then move across it towards the opposite end and climb another ladder in the corner.
  6. Aim down through the grating beneath the train tracks to eliminate the enemies below you, then lower the ladder on the left side on the left side of this area and drop down over the edge to rejoin with Piers.
  7. Eliminate the enemy attacking Piers and climb back up the previous ladder, then head across the bridge again to approach the obstacle in the right corner and push it over the edge with your partner to activate the next cut scene.
  8. Afterwards, take cover behind the sandbags and use grenades to start clearing out the enemies that parachute down onto the bridge.
  9. Use an automatic rifle to continue fending off the advancing enemies until you are forced to retreat and take cover behind the pile of sandbags, then stay down to avoid oncoming fire and complete this level.

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Resident Evil 6 Walkthrough

Gun Turrets

  1. Turn around to retreat down the road behind you and make a right through the next open doorway to climb the steps inside, then fight your way across the rooms at the top and approach the turret at the end.
  2. Eliminate the enemy manning the turret and open fire on the enormous monster’s red back growth to distract it while Finn sets the charges, then use melee strikes to fend off any approaching J’avos and continue this line of attack until the explosives are ready to blow.
  3. Escape from the vicinity of the turret before the countdown hits zero to avoid taking damage and exit the current building, then make your way towards the next red-colored objective marker and open the indicated door around the corner.
  4. Enter the next building to eliminate the enemy at the top of the steps and in the back left corner of the room, then climb the stairs to reach the ladder above and make your way up it.
  5. Take out the enemies around the turret, then move back and forth across the rooftop to protect Finn as you did before so that he can plant the charges.
  6. Drop back down the previous ladder to escape from the turret before it explodes and exit the structure to approach the next building across the street, then climb another ladder to reach the ledge above and man the turret to open fire on the monster.
  7. Continue shooting the monster with turret until doubles over in pain, then sprint across the ledge until you’re right beside the enamors creature and press the indicated button to jump on its back for a critical strike.
  8. Repeat the previous line of assault to execute another critical melee strike and defeat the enormous monster, then re-enter the building where you blew up the second turret and drop down through the opening on the ground floor.
  9. Move through the next doorway to navigate the underground and eliminate the enemies in your path as you collect supplies, then climb the ladder at the end and take out the J’avo on the steps above.
  10. Climb the steps to reach the ledge above and jump across the next gap ahead, then follow your team around the corner and drop over the edge to land back in the streets below.
  11. Eliminate the enemies around the third turret and protect Finn from the J’avos on the surrounding rooftops or ledges above, then survive this onslaught until the charges are detonated and you receive your next objective.
  12. Make your way up one of the ladders that line the street and open fire on the monster from an elevated position until it doubles over in pain, then jump on its back to rip out one of the protruding spikes and continue attacking the creature until the next cut scene is activated to complete this level.

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Resident Evil 6 Walkthrough

City Hall

  1. Move forward up the steps ahead to enter the main hall and search the area for supplies, then climb one of the staircases to make a right at the top and open the next door in the corner.
  2. Make your way through the corridor in front of you and eliminate the enemies around the next corner, then pick up the shotgun from within the room that opens on the left and continue down the hall to reach the door at the end.
  3. Enter the open room in front of you to make a left and drop off the ledge to land in the area below, then approach the rows of tables on your right to encounter the hatching creature and start tossing grenades at it.
  4. Stay on the move by running in a circle around the tables and other obstacles in the room to avoid taking damage, then collect additional supplies from around the the area.
  5. Open fire on the creature to expose its red skin and target these weak spots with your shotgun until the monster falls over dead, then repeat this method of attack to eliminate the next pair of enemies that hatch around you.
  6. Move through the next door to exit this area and navigate the corridor in front of you, then enter the room at the end and take cover to eliminate the pair of enemies ahead.
  7. Exit the room through the door around the corner ahead and activate a cut scene, then search the area for supplies and follow Ada into the next corridor.
  8. Open the door at the end to return to the main hall and sprint up the staircase on your left to escape the battle, then approach the indicated section of wall above to open the secret passageway and leave the second floor area.
  9. Make your way around the balcony and use shotgun blasts to eliminate the creatures that emerge from the walls or ceilings, then exit through the door at the end and move into the red-lit room ahead.
  10. Drop over the ledge on the right and fight your way through the series of rooms ahead, then continue navigating the various corridors to move down the steps at the end and open the next door around the corner to complete this level.

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Resident Evil 6 Walkthrough

City Streets

  1. Drop into the burning crater below and approach your team to encounter the enormous invisible snake monsters, then chase after it to reach the street level below and turn the next corner ahead.
  2. Exit the alley beside the playground and continue moving forward with your team to open the red gate at the end, then climb the ladder ahead on the left and drop over the ledge in front of you at the top.
  3. Open the next door ahead to eliminate the enemies in the alley around the corner and climb the ladder to your right, then vault over the wall beside you at the top and start moving up another ladder at the back of this area to encounter two more creatures.
  4. Use melee strikes to eliminate the creatures that have dropped down from above and climb back up the previous ladder to open the door at the top, then enter the building and take out the enemies in the next room.
  5. Turn the bend in the right corner of the room and clear out another wave of enemies in the next room, then move through the red door on the left and exit this building to activate a cut scene.
  6. Afterwards, make your way to the left around the ledge to climb the ladder at the end and drop over the edge in front of you at the top.
  7. Make your way down the ramp around the next corner to finish collecting supplies, then move back around the previous ledge to start clearing out the approaching J’avos and mutated creatures.
  8. Move to the opposite end of the ledge to drop down another ladder and clear out a second wave of mutated creatures, then take aim at the enemy chopper hovering above and eliminate the monsters riding on the sides of it.
  9. Following the next cut scene, move back around the ledge to blast open the indicated gate and climb the stairs behind it to make your way up a ladder at the top.
  10. Collect supplies around the rooftop and approach the red platform to jump across the gap between buildings, then move through the next door ahead and pick up the grenade launch off the crates in front of you.
  11. Turn around to climb up the next ladder and take cover to avoid the spotlight of the incoming chopper, then open fire on it with your grenade launcher and sprint to safety before it can locate you.
  12. Drop back over the edge of the rooftop to land in the area below again and avoid taking damage from the chopper or the surrounding mutated creatures, then climb up one of the nearby ladders and continue your assault with the grenade launcher.
  13. Repeat the previous line of attack by continuously attacking the chopper with your grenade launcher and fending off creatures with the shotgun until the next cut scene, then open the next set of doors ahead to complete this level.

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Resident Evil 6 Walkthrough

The Apartment Building

  1. Inspect the bodies in front of you and make a left through the corridor to open the door at the end, then continue navigating the narrow hallways and move down the next set of steps.
  2. Open the door ahead on the right and turn the corner in the next corridor to activate the next cut scene, then follow the blood trail through the hall ahead to make your way down the steps at the end.
  3. Move through the next door on the left and search the area for supplies, then enter the adjacent room to encounter the snake and shoot the blurry figure above your struggling teammate to inflict damage upon the creature.
  4. Make your way into the next room on the right and open the door in front of you, then navigate the corridor ahead to reach the top of the staircase and shoot the snake as it descends from the ceiling.
  5. Approach the rope ahead to slide down it and push the obstacle the drops so that it falls over the edge to activate the next cut scene, then walk through the doorway ahead and turn the left corner to reach the staircase.
  6. Climb the stairs to reach the second floor and move through the door on the left, then enter the next room ahead and encounter the B.O.W. snake again.
  7. Sprint into the next room ahead and drop through the hole in the floor, then check your fallen teammate and exit through the gate on the right to activate a cut scene.
  8. Afterwards, equip your grenade launcher and use evasive rolling maneuvers to retreat from the snake until you reach a safe distance.
  9. Look for the glimmering blue of the snake in motion and fire your grenade launcher at it to disable the creatures cloaking defense, then continue attacking the monster until it disappears again and sprint in a circle around the outer walls of the room to dodge the B.O.W.’s next strike.
  10. Fire upon the snake repeatedly with your grenade launcher until it retreats from the room and slide through the opening in the wall, then crawl forward to get attacked by the creature and press the indicated button to score a head shot.
  11. Continue crawling forward through the shaft to stand up in the next room and activate a short cut scene, then press the indicated button to escape from the snake’s grasp and search the area for supplies.
  12. Open fire on the snake’s blurred form to disable its cloaking defense and sprint in a circle around the room to avoid the creature’s follow-up attack, then continue shooting the B.O.W. and roll sideways to dodge its next lunging strike.
  13. Enter the kitchen through the open door in the corner and search the area for supplies, then continue rolling sideways to avoid each of the snake’s attacks and eventually kill the creature with your grenade launcher or shotgun to activate a cut scene.
  14. Climb the indicated ladder to open the door at the top and encounter the snake again, then open fire on the creature as it slides by you and move around the next corner ahead to find another ladder.
  15. Move up the next ladder ahead to make a right at the top and pull the green-lit lever as the snake passes below to activate a cut scene, then pull the lever a second time to electrocute the creature a second time and roll sideways if the B.O.W. climbs on the ledge beside you.
  16. After defeating the snake, drop down the ladder on the right and approach the on-screen objective marker ahead to have Marco pull you up onto the ledge above.
  17. Make your way across the ledge to move up the next set of steps on the right without getting electrocuted and turn left at the top, then open the red double doors on the left and activate another cut scene.
  18. Following the cut scene, keep a safe distance at all times as you open fire on the swarm of bees with your shotgun and reveal the larger creature within.
  19. Shoot the larger creature within the swarm of bees each time you clear them out with your shotgun and continue this line of attack to defeat the mutated Marco, then approach his remains to collect the demolition supplies and plant the explosives on the indicated gate to activate a cut scene.
  20. Afterwards, make your way down the staircase ahead and open the next door at the bottom to complete this level.

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Resident Evil 6 Walkthrough

The Harbor

  1. Drop over the ladder in front of you and clear the gap on your right to land on the boat, then move forward across it jump over the water and reach the dock on the other side.
  2. Search the rightmost ship beside you for supplies and turn around to climb over the next boat ahead, then jump off the back to encounter the targeting lasers and make a left to spot the mutated grasshopper creatures.
  3. Sprint forward to jump over the next gap ahead and make a right across the boat, then turn right again to clear the water and land on the dock in front of you.
  4. Make your way across the dock to eliminate the enemy in front of you and jump over the gap at the end, then climb onto the boat in the back right corner of the area take out the creature above.
  5. Jump off the back of the boat to land on the next one below, then make a left to open the door across from you and activate a cut scene.
  6. Press the indicated button to jump the gap in front of you, then sprint across the path consisting of a series of boats and docks ahead to avoid the enemy helicopter.
  7. Ignore the enemies in your path to maintain a consistent sprinting speed as you move along the docks and jump across the various gaps to reach the red building on the waterfront, then make a left in front of the gong and climb the next ladder in the corner.
  8. Head across the second floor balcony at the top of the ladder and move through the next open doorway on the left, then search the room for supplies and equip your grenade launcher to start attacking the enemy helicopter.
  9. Use the open doorways as cover and use melee strikes or shotgun blasts to clear out any approaching creatures, then score multiple hits on the helicopter with your grenade launcher to destroy it.
  10. Continue moving across the second floor balcony to jump off the end and activate the next cut scene, then make your way around the path of boats and docks ahead to climb the ladder facing the waterfront.
  11. Take out the enemies surrounding the ladder and collect the supplies on your right, then turn left to move through the double doors beside you and complete this level.

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Resident Evil 6 Walkthrough

The Lab/Car Chase

  1. Following the cut scene, move through the next indicated door ahead and sprint towards the elevator at the end of the corridor on your right.
  2. Make a running slide beneath the gap in the oncoming laser grid and smash the devices lining the doorway at the end to enter the elevator, then enter the next room and approach the door ahead to try opening it.
  3. Use your shotgun to fend off the exploding robots that move across the floor and approach the fusebox on the wall to pry it open, then continue eliminating the bots until Piers is able to unlock the door.
  4. Exit the room and make a right to kick open the grate in the corner, then crawl into the next area ahead and jump across the gap in the catwalk in front of you.
  5. Jump across the second gap ahead and make a left through the cloud of gas to spot Ada Wong again, then approach the next on-screen objective marker to drop off the end of the catwalk and activate a cut scene.
  6. Afterwards, use the turret to clear out the enemy vehicles by first targeting their tires and continue pursuit of Ada until she eventually leads you into a parking garage.
  7. Mow down the line of enemies at the top of the incline within the parking garage by first targeting the ones equipped with rocket launchers, then finish clearing the area to hop into the driver’s seat and exit the building through the hole in the wall.
  8. Press the indicated button to smash out the windshield and navigate around the various obstacles in the road to maintain pursuit of Ada, then activate the vehicle’s boost to avoid losing sight of her.
  9. Boost past any enemy vehicles that appear in your path and turn the wheel sooner than later to anticipate the curves in the road, then continue boosting to chase Ada at a close distance until the next cut scene activates and complete this chapter.

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Resident Evil 6 Walkthrough

The Ship

  1. Open fire on the enemy attacking Piers to activate a cut scene, then move through the open doorway in the corner and clear the room with your shotgun.
  2. Collect the sniper riffle from the table and climb the stairs in the corner to reach the floor above, then enter the next room at the top and drop down over the nearby ladder.
  3. Turn around to approach the opposite side of the platform and take cover behind the railing, then use your sniper rifle to pick off the enemies across the area by locating them from their red targeting lasers.
  4. Move back across the platform to drop down another ladder and land on the ground floor below, then move left towards the on-screen objective marker to spot Ada Wong again.
  5. Take cover behind some of the nearby crates to eliminate the next wave of enemies, switching between your sniper rifle and shotgun to compensate for the distance at which they attack you.
  6. Target the new breed of enemy’s legs and retreat when they bubble over to avoid taking damage from the impending explosion, then make your way across to the right side of the area and enter the large cargo plane through the rear.
  7. Exit out the right side of the plane and continue moving forward to activate the next cut scene, then use grenades to eliminate the wave of enemies ahead and cross to the left side of the area.
  8. Climb the staircase in the corner and make your way around the corridor at the top to move up the ladder at the end, then head right across the next catwalk and approach the gap in the middle.
  9. Turn left to detonate the barrels on the balcony above and clear out the remaining enemies, then inspect the gap in the catwalk to spot the rocket and press the indicated button to launch Piers over to the other side.
  10. After the catwalk has finished rotating, jump across the gap in front of you to reach the next ledge and eliminate the pair of enemies ahead.
  11. Continue moving forward across the balcony and eliminate the enemies ahead using your grenades or grenade launcher, then turn the corner and grab the pipe above at the end of the catwalk.
  12. Tap the indicated button repeatedly to climb forward across the pipe and land beside the rocket on the other side, then eliminate the enemies in front of you and use grenades to continue clearing the near vicinity.
  13. Approach the rocket and follow the on-screen prompts to launch it into the barricade across the room, then drop over the nearby ladder to land on the ground floor again and move forward to eliminate the next wave of enemies ahead.
  14. Fight your way towards the back right corner of the area and move through the barred single door, then clear the control room ahead with the grenade launcher and exit to approach the indicated double doors you passed earlier.
  15. Move through the double doors to reach the outside area and make a right up the next staircase, then turn around at the top to collect supplies and head to the opposite side of this platform to drop over the edge.
  16. Climb onto the next ledge in front of you and make your way up the stairs ahead, then use the ladder at the top to reach the floor above and move forward to ascend the steps at the end.
  17. Open the next door around the corner to enter the control room and approach the glowing-green panel to pull the lever, then drop down the ladder behind you and descend the next staircase to activate a cut scene.
  18. Afterwards, jump through the broken section of railing beside you to land on the shipping container and drop over the edge to reach the ground floor below.
  19. Make your way towards the opposite side of the room and eliminate the enemies in your path, then take cover and equip the rocket launcher to help you finish clearing the near vicinity.
  20. Sprint towards the on-screen objective marker to enter the control room you cleared earlier and exit out the opposite end, then climb the staircase ahead to make a right at the top and move through the next door on your left to activate the cut scene.
  21. Afterwards, open the nearby door to enter the next area ahead and enter the elevator around the corner to ride it to the next floor above.
  22. Exit the elevator to enter the room on the right and eliminate the enemy that emerges through the door on the left, then move into the next area to take out another group of J’avos and the wave of spider creatures that appear next with your grenade launcher.
  23. Open the next door to enter the corridor ahead and make a right into the shower room, then eliminate the enemies within and search the area for supplies.
  24. Leave the shower room and make a left to continue down the previous corridor, then open the double doors at the end and search the laundry area for supplies.
  25. Climb the staircase to the left of the washing machines and eliminate the enemies at the top, then search the outside area for supplies and return to the previous room to open the next door.
  26. Cross the room to open the door on the other side and make a right around the corner to spot Ada Wong again, then eliminate the Javo’s that arrive in the area and exit through the corner ahead.
  27. Eliminate the enemies that appear in the next room and move through the door that opens to climb the next staircase ahead, then make a left at the top to search the surrounding area for supplies and take out another J’avo.
  28. Move through the next door in the corner at the end of the corridor and eliminate the creatures crawling along the ceiling ahead, then make your way forward into the control room and spot Ada Wong again.
  29. Head through the doorway in the back of the control room and open fire on the swarm of flies to eliminate the creature hiding within, then exit out the window ahead and make a right around the next corner to climb another staircase.
  30. Open the double doors at the top to enter the next area and eliminate the enemies within using your grenade launcher, then make a right around the corner ahead and clear out the control room of all remaining J’avos.
  31. Make your way across the control room to approach the flashing light in the corner and take cover behind the nearby control station, then wait for Piers to finish turning the valve wheel and eliminate the creatures that appear next.
  32. Climb the ladder that has descended and move up the next staircase at the top, then climb a second ladder to reach the area above and open the nearby door to complete this level.

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Resident Evil 6 Walkthrough

The Pass Codes and the Jet

  1. Afterwards, make a right around the corner ahead to the check the red-lit panel and continue moving forward to collect the fist passcode laying on the floor by the dead body.
  2. Move through the door in the right corner to activate the next cut scene, then use your shotgun to eliminate the new breed of creatures at the bottom of the steps in front of you.
  3. Enter the kitchen on your right to search it for supplies and approach the door in the back left corner to encounter another wave of creatures, then clear them out with the shotgun and exit the room after the fire has been extinguished.
  4. Make your way through the door immediately to left in the darkened corner and turn the yellow locking mechanism in front of you to enter the next hall, then navigate the winding corridor to cross through a blue-lit room and continue towards the on-screen key icon.
  5. Open the next door locked with a yellow mechanism and move forward down the stairs to reach the flooded area below, then make a right around the corner ahead to climb the steps and navigate the corridor to reach another yellow locking mechanism.
  6. Enter the next hallway ahead to open the door on your right and eliminate the creature waiting behind it, then search the dining area for supplies and use the yellow-lit exit to reach another small corridor.
  7. Turn the corner on your left to open another locked door and make the first right into a blood-spattered corridor, then move through the next door beside you and approach the barred area ahead.
  8. Open the set of double doors to be pull into the next room ahead by one of the creatures, then eliminate this enemy quickly with your shotgun and pick up the second pass code off the floor.
  9. Exit the two two room and make a left down the hall, then return to the dining area and use the previous entry point to move back through the orange-lit doorway beside you.
  10. Turn the corner ahead to enter the second room on the left and collect the final passcode off the floor, then make your way back through the flooded area and continue in the direction of the objective marker to return to the red-lit panel from the start of this level.
  11. Use the pass codes on the red-lit panel to open the next room and move forward across it to exit this area through the double doors ahead, then make a left to be ambushed by a pair of creatures that push you off the railing.
  12. Open fire on the enemies above you to survive the attack and escape from danger, then continue around the walkway to open the door at the end and move forward across the next corridor.
  13. Exit the hallway through the green-lit double doors in the corner ahead and sprint towards the jet to activate the next cut scene, then locate your target using the green squares that appear on-screen and press the indicated button to start opening fire on it.
  14. Execute a barrel roll each time an alert appears on-screen to dodge the incoming missiles and continue firing upon the indicated target below, then fly over the aircraft carrier and steer towards the various red icons to destroy the surrounding enemy choppers one-by-one.
  15. Destroy the remaining anti-aircraft guns as indicated by the green squares to activate the next cut scene, then use the jet’s machine guns to fend off the enemies that approach Piers from behind and continue protecting him as he clears each obstacle from his path.
  16. Detonate the red barrels on the deck of the aircraft carrier below to protect Piers more effectively as he sets charges, then open fire on the face of the enormous monster that appears next and hold him off until your teammate is able to finish his job.
  17. Following the next cut scene, move your jet in front of the crane on the right and continue shooting the monster until Piers is able to re-enter the cockpit.
  18. Launch multiple rockets into the head of the enormous monster until it falls over dead, then open fire on the indicated missile below to activate a cut scene and complete this chapter.
  19. Achievement / Trophy Unlocked: There’s Always Hope (15 points): Complete Chapter 4 in Chris’ campaign.

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Resident Evil 6 Walkthrough

Underwater Facility

  1. Press the green button ahead on the right to open the doors and activate the cut scene, then slide into the vent on your left and crawl forward through the shaft to stand up in the next room at the end.
  2. Search the area for supplies and approach the gap on the right to launch Piers across it, then wait for him to switch off the fan blades and turn around to drop down over the ladder in the corner.
  3. Crawl through the stalled vent fan ahead and stand up in the next open area, then search for supplies and approach the spinning blades in the back right corner to get Piers to shut them down again.
  4. Wait for the fan blades in front of you to stop and crawl between them to enter the tunnel ahead, then slide down through the open duct on the right and drop into the next corridor below.
  5. Pull the lever to restore power and clear out the enemies down the corridor ahead, then press the red button on the left to enter the elevator car and ride it up to re-join Piers.
  6. Use grenades to clear out the enemies around Piers until he can join you in the elevator and quickly press the button again to escape back to the floor below, then approach the double doors on the left and open them to enter the next room.
  7. Eliminate the enemies behind the table and the ones that enter the room afterwards with your grenade launcher or shotgun, then exit through the red-lit doorway in the corner and make a left.
  8. Enter the next room ahead to eliminate the enemies within and move through the back door to pull the lever on the left, then press the red button to open the elevator and ride the car down to reach the floor below.
  9. Exit the elevator to climb the ladder on the opposite side of the room and make a right at the top, then cross the walkway to continue collecting supplies and drop back to the ground floor.
  10. Join your partner by the red-lit door and pull the indicated lever to activate a cut scene, then move right to pull another lever and climb the ladder beside it to eliminate the enemies on the walkway above.
  11. Use a grenade launcher to help clear out the larger creatures that appear next and drop back to the ground floor if you find yourself surrounded, then continue fending off the enemies until the timer runs out to start pressurization.
  12. Move between the ground floor and the walkway above to survive the constant wave of enemies until the second countdown reaches zero, then approach the red-lit door again to open it and complete this level.

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Resident Evil 6 Walkthrough


  1. Approach the indicated monitor to activate another cut scene, then press the green button and sprint towards the elevator platform to pull the lever.
  2. Turn around to pick off the enemies on the left and use melee strikes or the shotgun to clear out the ones that drop onto the platform you’re riding, then search the surrounding doorways that open and use a sniper rifle to eliminate the J’avos shooting from afar.
  3. Survive the continuous wave of enemies that attack from all sides until the next cut scene is activated, then climb the nearby ladder as quickly as possible to escape from the pursuing B.O.W.and reach the next ledge above.
  4. Jump the next gap in front of you and follow Piers across the narrow ledge, then clear a second gap and continue sprinting up the incline to climb over the various obstacles ahead.
  5. Launch Piers onto the uppermost ledge above and press the indicated button to have him pull you up, then jump down onto the next walkway below and continue moving forward around the incline.
  6. Open fire on the B.O.W. each time it blocks your path with a tentacle and continue moving around the walkway to slide under or jump over the obstacles ahead, then launch Piers onto the next uppermost ledge above and have him pull you up again.
  7. Launch Piers onto a ledge above you for a third time to become separated after the B.O.W. destroys the walkways, then press the indicated button to survive the attack and rejoin your teammate in the elevator ahead.
  8. Exit the elevator upon reaching the next floor above and encounter the B.O.W. again, then move in a circle around the room to collect supplies and get behind the creature to open fire on the vulnerable area at the base of its spine.
  9. Roll sideways to avoid the monster’s limbs that come crashing down and continue moving in a circle around the outer edge of the room, then open fire on the creature’s head by starting with your most powerful weapon and equipping the next weakest one each time you run out of ammo.
  10. Defeat the B.O.W with consistent shots to the head and by moving in a constant circle around the room until a cut scene activates, then make your way forward through the corridor ahead and encounter the monster again.
  11. Climb up the collapsed catwalk to reach the corridor above and open fire on the creature’s tentacle that smashes through the wall in front of you, then continue moving forward and slide beneath the closing gates ahead.
  12. Reach the end of the corridor to activate a cut scene and tap the indicated button to hold the gate open for Piers, then open the next door ahead and make a left across the corridor beside you.
  13. Sprint through the corridor as quickly as possible to stay ahead of the pursuing B.O.W. until the next cut scene is activated, then search the area for supplies and approach the indicated console to hit the depressurization switch.
  14. Move in a circle around the room and use the containers as cover so that you can safely approach the B.O.W., then allow Piers to distract the monster and destroy the two orange sacs in the sides of its body.
  15. Daze the B.O.W with flash bang grenades and shotgun rounds, then move around behind the creatures and open fire on it’s orange-colored weak spots to cause further damage.
  16. Incapacitate the creature and attack one of its orange sacs with a melee attack, then continue opening fire on the hardened shell the monster encases itself in until it bursts back out again.
  17. Run to a distance from the creature and open fire on its orange sacs with your sniper rifle, then repeat the previous three steps to completely weaken the B.O.W. and activate a short cut scene.
  18. Afterwards, crawl through the water towards the creature’s underbelly and press the indicated button to finish the monster off with a special melee strike.
  19. Following the next cut scene, exit the room through the indicated door by turning the valve and move across the walkway to jump the next gap ahead.
  20. Allow Piers to destroy the sacs blocking your path and continue moving forward to slide beneath the next obstacle, then continue across CAMPAIGN walkway as quickly as possible until a cut scene is activated to complete the game.

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Resident Evil 6 Walkthrough

The Battlefield

  1. Make your way up the stairs in the corner to climb the ladder at the top and make a right through the next corridor, then ascend the second ladder ahead and take a left around the corner in front of you.
  2. Open the door at the end of the hall to reach the outside and take cover behind one of the buildings ahead to avoid the chopper fire, then continue forward and slide beneath the bullets coming from the left.
  3. Take a left through the alley to cross the length of the next room and exit the building to eliminate the enemies you see outside with a series of melee attacks, then cross a second structure in the corner and jump out the back window.
  4. Move right to take out the enemy firing rockets at the chopper and drop down over the ledge ahead, then wait for the explosions to stop and continue making your way forward.
  5. Follow the path uphill and into the next building on the right to get thrown through air by a rocket explosion, then collect supplies and exit using the open window ahead.
  6. Make a left to rejoin your partner and eliminate the next enemy ahead, then move right along the path drop over the ledge at the end and open the next door in front of you to activate a cut scene.
  7. Afterwards, search the room for supplies and exit through the next open doorway in the corner to fall off the wooden walkway overlooking the cliff.
  8. Continue moving along the wooden walkway, after Sherry pulls you back up, and eliminate the enemy at the end, then jump across the gap ahead and take out another J’avo on the other side.
  9. Fight your way around the ledge to reach the next building ahead and eliminate the enemy guarding the second window, then enter the structure and drop down over the ladder to the left.
  10. Eliminate the enemy that approaches from outside and exit the building to make a left around the ledge, the clear the next gap ahead and continue along the walkway to reach the broken ladder at the end.
  11. Launch Sherry onto the next ledge above and head back the way you came to climb the previous ladder, then move forward at the top to make a left and use the pole to swing across the large gap.
  12. Jump across the next gap ahead to climb the ladder on the other side and turn around at the top, then kick a second ladder down to Sherry and wait for her to rejoin you.
  13. Turn around to drop back over the previous ladder and make a left around the nearby corner, then cross the next wooden walkway ahead to nearly fall off the edge and press the indicated button to pull yourself up.
  14. Open the next door ahead to continue moving forward around the path and enter the the cave, then take cover to eliminate the enemies in front of you and vault over the next barricade to drop further into the cavern.
  15. Approach the next broken ladder in front of you to launch Sherry onto the ledge above and turn right to jump over the next gap, using the pole she drops down, then climb onto the walkway ahead and make a left across it to encounter the chopper again.
  16. Sprint across the walkway to jump across the various gaps and stay ahead of the chopper fire to climb the steps at the end, then use the pole on your left to swing over another gap and move up the stairs in front of you to open the door at the top.
  17. Follow Sherry down the path to your left and ignore the armed J’avos as you go, then open the next iron gate around the corner to activate a cut scene.
  18. Afterwards, sprint down the alley behind you to retreat from the monster in pursuit and jump off at the end to land on the scaffolding below.
  19. Approach the end of the scaffolding to jump off the end and save Sherry to enter the next building across from you, then turn around to enter the bathroom on the left and eliminate the enemy within to approach the opposite wall.
  20. Make a right to open the red door in the corner and drop down over the ladder to eliminate the enemy below, then search both areas for supplies and return to the previous corridor.
  21. Open the indicated door to spot the exit across from you and make a right along the balcony, then drop over the ledge at the end to reach the ground floor below and search the area for supplies.
  22. Move through the next door on your left to encounter the enemies that descend through the hole in the roof and clear them out with melee strikes, then continue across the room ahead and search the area for supplies.
  23. Approach the set of green double doors to encounter the large monster again and retreat past it to the opposite side of the room, then turn around to face the creature and detonate the red barrel nearest to it.
  24. Continue moving past the various red barrels around the area to draw the monster over to them, then retreat to a short distance and turn back to detonate the explosion with a single shot.
  25. After detonating all the red barrels on the ground floor, climb the staircase located at the center of this area and jump the next gap at the top.
  26. Turn around to aim at your gun at the red barrel you just passed by and wait for the monster to approach, then detonate an explosion and repeat the previous attack patter on the upper level to continue weakening the creature.
  27. Fight off the surrounding J’avos as you make your way around the upper balcony and continue detonating the various red barrels until the next cut scene is activated.
  28. Afterwards, make your way through the darkened rooms ahead to collect supplies and find the Elephant Killer pistol.
  29. Climb the ladder in the last room to exit the ruins and return to the outside, then make your next left ahead to eliminate a pair of enemies around the corner and open the gate they were guarding to complete this level.

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Resident Evil 6 Walkthrough

City Streets

  1. Turn around to move up the next staircase on your right and use the pole to swing across the gap at the top, then eliminate the enemies on the other side and enter the room on the left to continue clearing out the J’avos.
  2. Move back through the previous doorway to approach the turret on the left and eliminate the enemy controlling it, then return to the previous room and exit out the other end to start opening fire on the monster.
  3. Target the large red sac on the monster’s back to cause significant damage with your Elephant Killer and roll sideways to dodge the creature’s strikes, then continue distracting the B.O.W. long enough for Piers to plant the charges.
  4. Bring the monster to its knees and move in close to execute a special melee attack, then exit the building after the turret has been destroyed and follow the BSAA down the street to make your way through the next door.
  5. Enter the building to eliminate the enemies within and climb the stairs to move up the ladder at the top, then take out the J’avo manning the turret and turn around to protect Piers until he is able to plant the charges.
  6. Move back down the previous ladder after the charges have been planted to activate another cut scene in which a second B.O.W arrives, then return to the ground floor below and approach the hole in the corner.
  7. Drop through the hole in the floor to reach the underground catacombs below and navigate the narrow corridors to collect supplies along the way, then climb the last ladder at the end to return to the surface level above.
  8. Climb one of the surrounding ladders to reach an elevated position and protect Piers from the monster by firing into the vulnerable red sac on its back, then drop to the ground and approach the building across from the rooftop where the second anti-aircraft gun was located.
  9. Climb the ladder to take control of the turret at the top and open fire on the B.O.W. until it approaches your location, then continue shooting the creature until it falls to its knees to execute a special melee attack and eventually finish the monster off for good to complete this level.

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Resident Evil 6 Walkthrough

The Helicopters

  1. Following the next cut scene, approach the cockpit to collect supplies and retreat from the section of wall being pulled apart by Ustanak.
  2. Keep a safe distance from the monster and open fire to begin causing him damage with your Elephant Killer, then continue retreating from the various hull sections being ripped apart by the creature.
  3. Sprint towards the monster whenever he is able to grab Shelly and use a melee strike to rescue your partner, then continue shooting Ustanak until the cockpit catches fire.
  4. Continue battling Ustanak until the second chopper arrives and approach the opening in the hull by the soldier, then press the indicated to launch Shelly into the airship across from you.
  5. Press the indicated buttons to exit the chopper just as it explodes and pull yourself up into the next airship, then approach the turrets at the rear and take control of one of them.
  6. Open fire on the three enemy helicopter that rise into view and shoot the missiles they launch towards you to detonate them before impact, then continue using the turret to destroy the three airships one-by-one.
  7. After Ustanak leaps onto the back of your helicopter, shoot the red tank in front of the creature to cause a massive explosion and activate a cut scene.
  8. Press the indicated button as soon as it appears to grab the parachute rolling towards you and complete this chapter.
  9. Achievement / Trophy Unlocked: Money Talks (15 points): Complete Chapter 1 in Jake’s campaign.

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Resident Evil 6 Walkthrough

The Blizzard

  1. Following the initial cut scene, make your way down the stairs beside you to drop over the ladder at the bottom and land on the catwalk below.
  2. Drop down over the next ladder ahead to land on the ground below and make a right, then choose the left side of the fork in the path to start traveling uphill and encounter the J’avo cocoons at the top.
  3. Eliminate the J’avos that fly above you and make a right across the next walkway, then jump off the end to land on the ground below and continue moving forward to take out the enemy ahead on your right.
  4. Take your next right along the path shown on the map to shoot down the creatures flying above you and use melee attacks on the J’avos that approach from ground level, then continue moving in the same direction to jump the gap ahead and pick up the first Memory Device.
  5. Head back the way you came to jump the gap again and clear out the surrounding enemies, then continue moving forward along the path on your map and take out the sniper behind the next ladder.
  6. Continue past the ladder to eliminate another wave of enemies and fight your way up the inclined path ahead to take out the J’avo on the snowmobile at the top, then turn left towards the closest on-screen key marker and jump the next fence you come across.
  7. Pick up the second Memory Device and continue moving forward to cross the rickety rope bridge, then vault over the next fence ahead on the other side and make your way around to the right to reach the top of the ridge above.
  8. Move into the small shack you find at the top and collect the supplies within, then exit the building and make your way around it to collect the final Memory Device.
  9. Drop off the ridge and use your map to head east so that you cross over the rickety wooden bridge again, then make a left on the other side to commandeer one of the abandoned snowmobiles and drive it south down the long inclined path from before.
  10. Jump across the same gap you cleared earlier to pick up the first Memory Device and continue moving forward along the path to reach the burning barrel above, then pick up the sniper rifle off the bench behind it and turn right to start heading east.
  11. Make your way uphill to turn left at the top and continue moving west to pass by the radio tower above, then equip the sniper rifle and use it to take out the cocooned enemies located in front of the cabin.
  12. Open the gate in front of the cabin to activate a cut scene and complete this level.

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  1. After the cut scene, search the room for supplies and approach the nearest open window to fend off the approaching enemies by scoring as many head shots as possible.
  2. Fight off the enemies that manage to enter the cabin with a series of melee strikes and quickly return to the window, then continue holding back the wave of J’avos until they blow open one of the walls with an explosive device.
  3. Use grenades to help you clear out the enemies that pour into the cabin through the hole in the wall and continue doing so until the avalanche occurs, then sprint forward out of the building to commandeer a snowmobile.
  4. Accelerate down the trail to stay in front of the avalanche and keep left at first to avoid driving off the side of the mountain, then rejoin your partner in the open area ahead and steer right to navigate between the row of trees.
  5. Continue weaving through the tree line to reach the icy section of the path ahead and veer more towards the right side of the mountain to avoid the advancing avalanche debris.
  6. Jump across the series of bumps in the trail ahead without losing speed and enter the narrow cave tunnel at the end, then keep your snowmobile positioned towards the middle of the path and break very slightly to anticipate the turns in the road.
  7. Pop out the other end of the tunnel to enter the open cave area and follow your partner’s lead to successfully navigate around the rising land masses, then make a slight left to jump across the gap at the end and press the indicated button in mid-air to complete this level.

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Resident Evil 6 Walkthrough

The Mine

  1. Make your way forward along the crystalized trail and shoot down the bats flying above you, then turn the valve at the end to open the next door and activate a cut scene.
  2. Afterwards, move left along the walkway to snipe the bugs around the bend and jump in the nearby dumpster to evade the alerted Ustanak.
  3. Wait until the monster has passed by for a few seconds, then exit the dumpster and continue moving along the walkway to drop off the next ledge on your left.
  4. Snipe another bug in the distance ahead and hide in the nearby dumpster to evade the approaching monster again, then exit the container and continue forward along the path lined with icicles.
  5. Wait for the next bug ahead to turn around and sneak up from behind to take it out with a melee strike, then continue moving down the path ahead and drop off the ledge at the end.
  6. Make a left around the corner ahead to push the obstacle in front of you forward until an icicle drops and a cut scene is activated, then continue down the path to scope out the next area and move immediately to your right.
  7. Drop down over the ladder on your left and take out the nearest bug from behind with a melee strike, then watch the blue lights ahead to wait for them to all move to the left side of this area and sprint forward around the last corner on the right.
  8. Climb the steps to open the door in the corner above and enter the next cavern area, then approach the icy path ahead to encounter Ustanak after he smashes through the rock wall beside you.
  9. Press the indicated buttons to dash down the path in front of you and retreat from the pursuing monster, then slide beneath the next obstacle around the corner and land safely in the area below.
  10. Climb the next two ladders to reach the area above and drop over the ledge beside you at the top, then approach the indicated door to activate a short cut scene in which you spot the keycard that is necessary for opening it.
  11. Turn around to approach the broken ladder on the left and boost Sherry up onto the ledge above, then cross to the opposite side of the cave and collect the remote bombs laying on the ground.
  12. Plant one of the remote bombs nearby and cross back to the other side of the cave, then detonate the explosive to draw Ustanak away from the keycard so that Sherry can now grab it.
  13. Return to the previous door and open it with the keycard to enter the next cave tunnel, then open another door at the end to stay ahead of Ustanak and continue moving through the series of rooms by turning the valve wheels as quickly as possible before the monster can reach you.
  14. Turn the valve wheel in the last room to activate a cut scene in which you discover a massive drilling machine, then follow the on-screen prompts without missing a beat to drive Ustanak back until he is defeated.
  15. Turn around to move through the last tunnel section and exit out into the daylight to complete this chapter.
  16. Achievement / Trophy Unlocked: A Revolting Development (15 points): Complete Chapter 2 in Jake’s campaign.

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Resident Evil 6 Walkthrough

White Laboratory

  1. After the opening cut scene, sprint towards the two guards ahead to eliminate them with a series of melee strikes and take out the orderly who arrives next carrying a taser.
  2. Pick up the switchboard key to unlock the box on the wall with the lever inside and activate a cut scene, then make your way down the corridor ahead and eliminate the armed guard around the next corner.
  3. Make your way into the lab area at the end of the hall and navigate the maze of work stations below, then use melee attacks to clear the room of all remaining guards and eventually reach a pair of red pipes jutting from the wall to inspect them.
  4. Turn right to climb over the cart and push it back in front of the red pipes, then stand on top of it to reach the air duct above and crawl through the shaft to land in the next corridor below.
  5. Enter the room in front of you to approach the monitors on the right and take control of the security cameras, some of which are equipped with machine guns, then switch viewpoints to locate Sherry and watch her escape from the first room.
  6. Switch to the next camera’s viewpoint and open fire on the enemies in the room to clear out the surrounding threats, then continue protecting Sherry until she is able to open the door on the left and zoom in on the code that’s been entered into the panel.
  7. Relinquish control of the security cameras and turn around to input the same code you zoomed in on before to open the next door, then crawl through the next opening below on the right and stand up in the room on the other side.
  8. Climb the ladder to slide forward into the ventilation duct ahead, then crawl through the shaft to make your way up a second ladder and drop into the next room in front of you to complete this level.

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Resident Evil 6 Walkthrough

ID Medals

  1. Exit the locker room to move through the corridor ahead and climb the next staircase on the right to eliminate the enemies at the top.
  2. Collect the ID Medal from the fallen creature and continue across the corridor on the ground floor to open the door at the end, then search the room for supplies and climb the previous staircase to reach the level above.
  3. Turn left at the top of the stairs to eliminate another creature and move forward across the intersecting hallways, then enter the room beside you and open the drawer beside the bed to collect a second ID Medal.
  4. Kick open the door on the other side of the bed and make a right around the next hallway, then move through another door at the end and use melee attacks to eliminate the group of enemies behind it.
  5. Move through the double doors on the left to enter the library and eliminate the enemies on the balcony above, the cross to the back of the room and take out the remaining J’avo.
  6. Climb the stairs to make a left around the corner at the top and use melee attacks to eliminate the next wave of enemies, then pick up the ID Medal that’s been left behind and head back down the previous staircase.
  7. Exit the library to make a left down the hall and turn right around the next corner to reach the lounging area, then approach the table on the left and place a remote bomb beside it.
  8. Detonate the remote bomb to dislodge the ID Medal from the table and collect it, then move back through the previous corridor and eliminate the enemies ahead to pick up another medal that’s been left behind.
  9. Move forward into the lobby and make a right to swing across the gap on the overhanging pole, then descend the next set of steps and eliminate the enemies guarding the doors at the bottom to pick up the ID Medals they leave behind.
  10. Cross to the side of the room opposite of the large double doors and clear out the enemies that start appearing next, then collect another ID Medal and try opening the double doors to receive the next objective.
  11. Turn around to read the inscription on the enormous gold statue at the center of the lobby, then insert three of your ID Medals to open the first passageway and climb the staircase to the left.
  12. Approach the pole you swung across earlier and turn in front of it to move through the next door, then enter the next room in the left corner ahead and clear the area of all remaining enemies within.
  13. Pick up the medals left by the enemies in this room and play the nearby piano to collect another one, then return to previous hallway and open the door across from you on the right.
  14. Clear the area of all remaining J’avos and approach the fireplace to collect the next ID Medal, then exit the room and make a right around the corner to move through the glass doors at the end of the corridor.
  15. Collect a medal from the purple fountain in the corner and move through the next glass door ahead to enter the bathing area, then eliminate the enemies that start pouring into the room to collect another dropped medal.
  16. Move into the back left corner of this area and drop into the large purple pool beside you, then crawl through the last opening by the wall to collect another medal and continue clearing the room of enemies.
  17. Return to the back left corner of the room to climb the staircase and push the obstacle forward at the top to reveal an ID Medal on the floor, then finish clearing the area below to find any remaining dropped medals you could have missed.
  18. Open the glass door at the top of the stairs to return to the lounge area and make your way back into the lobby to approach the enormous gold statue again, then insert 7 ID Medals into it to reveal the next passage.
  19. Eliminate the approaching enemies and move through the passageway you just revealed to open the next security door on the left, then enter the room ahead to complete this level.

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Resident Evil 6 Walkthrough

The Tank

  1. Return to the large lobby area and approach the front doors on the left to encounter an armored tank, then cross to the opposite side of the room to approach the gold frog statue in the back right corner and give Sherry a boost up to the balcony above.
  2. Make your way up the staircase to swing across the pole again and rejoin Sherry to eliminate the enemies at the top, then open the nearby set of double doors to fall through the collapsing floor in the next corridor.
  3. Sprint away from the pursuing tank at a consistent rate to avoid being run over and enter the room on your left at the end of the hall, then jump through the window ahead to land in the area below and make a right up the stairs.
  4. Open the door at the top to reach the pond ahead and move right to encounter then tank again, then make your way around the left side of the vehicle to climb the stairs in the corner and cross the ledge at the top.
  5. Eliminate the enemies blocking your path to continue moving forward across the ledge and enter the first room on the right to collect supplies, then pull the lever on the wall to the left and return to the outside balcony.
  6. Swing across the next gap ahead on the pole you just moved into position and continue to the end of the walkway on the other side, then stand still to draw the tank over to your location and cause it to crash into the statue.
  7. Move back to the opposite side of the walkway and wait for the tank to reverse from it current location, then position yourself behind the statue again and draw the enemy vehicle into rotating the golden figure for a second time.
  8. Repeat the previous step to rotate the statue for a third time, then swing across the archer’s bow to run atop the tank and land on the opposite side of the area.
  9. Fight your way up the steps and across the ledge above, then make the next right and collect supplies from around the room.
  10. Enter the adjacent showcase area to approach the bike in the back corner and interact with it to complete this chapter.

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Resident Evil 6 Walkthrough

Motorcycle Chase

  1. After the opening cut scene, navigate the street ahead by staying towards the middle of the road to avoid scraping the walls and driving through rocket explosions.
  2. Anticipate the turns in the road ahead to make them without hitting the walls and maintaining a consistent speed, then swerve around the line of bullets fired by the helicopter that drops down in front of you.
  3. Enter the next tunnel ahead to weave around the obstacles in the road and pop out the other end, then launch the motorcycle off the ramp in front of you and fall between the rooftop to land at street level below.
  4. Continue navigating the streets ahead to launch off another ramp and detonate the explosive barrel beside the enemy armed with an RPG, then drive straight through the narrow alleyway ahead and come out the other end to encounter a gang of enemy motorcyclists.
  5. Steer the bike around the obstacles in the road and the explosions created by the other motorcyclists, then make the next sharp turn ahead and hit the ramp on your right to land on the scaffolding above.
  6. Continue forward across the scaffolding to avoid the helicopter’s gunfire and activate the next cut scene, then press the indicated button and accelerate along the right side of the street ahead.
  7. Avoid the debris crashing down on the left and launch yourself up the next ramp on the right to rescue Sherry, then continue navigating around the explosions and obstacles in the road to activate a very short cut scene.
  8. Press the indicated buttons to slide beneath the tanker and allow Sherry to shoot the area leaking oil to cause a massive explosion, then navigate past the gang of motorcyclists ahead and stay towards the left side of the street to launch off the next ramp in the corner.
  9. Drive through the building above to encounter the chopper head-on and press the indicated buttons to slide beneath it, then weave around the stalled vehicles in the road ahead and evade the next wave of enemy motorcyclists until a cut scene is activated.
  10. Afterwards, use the brake to help anticipate the direction the oncoming cars are heading and swerve around them until you hit the last ramp at the end to complete this level.

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Resident Evil 6 Walkthrough

Enemy Chopper

  1. Stay on the move to avoid the chopper fire from above and approach each of the surrounding enemies to eliminate them with a melee strike or head shot, then collect supplies from around the outer walls and use grenades to clear out multiple threats at once.
  2. Use sliding maneuvers to escape the helicopter’s spotlight more effectively and use melee attacks as often as possible to save on ammo, then continue clearing the enemies from the area until there are none remaining.
  3. After the helicopter blows up the nearby column, make your way over towards the next on-screen objective and swing across the gap ahead using the pipe above.
  4. Climb the ladder on the other side and make a right at the top to kick another ladder down for Sherry to use, then move through the door behind you to enter the building and navigate the corridor ahead.
  5. Exit the building to drop off the edge on your left and eliminate the enemies that descend in front of you, then search the area for supplies and climb the ladder beneath the next red objective marker.
  6. Make a right around the ledge at the top and stop at the opposite end to boost Sherry onto the next ledge above, then climb the ladder she kicks down for you and move forward across the roof.
  7. Drop down over the next ladder ahead and continue forward across the rooftops, then drop over another ladder in front of you and land in the courtyard below.
  8. Climb the ladder on your left and turn left again to cross the gap in front of you by swinging on the pipe above, then move up the next two ladders on the other side and collect supplies at the top.
  9. Equip your Bear Commander and wait for the helicopter to hover directly above, then open fire on it each chance you get and use melee strikes to fend off the J’avos that approach from nearby.
  10. Alternate between the surrounding rooftops to avoid being targeted by the helicopter, then continue using the Bear Commander to eventually shoot the enemy air ship out of the sky and complete this level.

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Resident Evil 6 Walkthrough

Infected city Streets

  1. Make your way around the corner to move left through the alley and vault over the barricade ahead, then continue along the path to collect supplies and cross the street at the end.
  2. Enter the next alleyway ahead and vault over another barricade to continue along the designated path, then open the door at the end to reach the shopping area.
  3. Eliminate the group of J’avos in front of you and make a right down the street, then continue taking out the surrounding enemies and move up the next two ladders on the left to climb on top of the neon sign above.
  4. Swing across the gap ahead and turn left to drop into the next alley below, then open the door behind you to rejoin Sherry and turn around to open the door at the end of this pathway.
  5. Fight your way across the next area ahead in the direction of the on-screen objective marker and kick open the red door in the corner, then enter the building in front of you to climb the stairwell.
  6. Make your way into the last room at the top of the stairwell and jump across the gap in front of you to fall to the ground below, then move forward down the street to clear out the approaching enemies enemies ahead and enter the last door on the right.
  7. Move through the next alleyway on the left to climb the red ladder at the end and make a right at the top across the scaffolding, then drop off the end to open the door in front of you and approach the bus in the street ahead to activate a cut scene.
  8. Afterwards, climb the ladder behind you to open fire on the new breed of enemy from above and drop back to the street below when the creature climbs up to your position.
  9. Open fire on the enemy from below until it drops back to the street again and move in close with a high-powered weapon to incapacitate the creature, then execute a special melee attack and wait for Sherry to finish the monster off for good.
  10. Following the cut scene, move through the open doorway on the right that’s been revealed to make your way around the next alley and open the red doors at the end to complete this level.

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Resident Evil 6 Walkthrough


  1. Move left to the ladder beside you and climb it to reach the top of the shipping container.
  2. Equip your sniper rifle and move forward across the shipping container to approach the large crate on the right, then push it off the edge to release the gas tanks that were inside and continue ahead to jump over the next gap.
  3. Collect supplies from the boxes in the corner and turn around to start attacking the boss with automatic gunfire or throwing explosive projectiles, then send him towards the barrels you scattered across the ground earlier and detonate them to cause significant damage.
  4. Continue firing upon the boss below until he climbs up onto the crate beside you, then drop back to the ground and sprint to the opposite side of the area without looking back.
  5. Turn around when you reach the far wall and roll sideways to avoid the boss’ charging attack, then continue dodging the creature and fire upon it from a distance with the sniper rifle or Elephant Killer whenever he comes to a stop.
  6. Shoot the boss repeatedly until you are able to chase him off, then approach the indicated section of wall and follow the on-screen prompts to boost Sherry over the top.
  7. Approach the forklift to bring down the platform and climb on top of it to reach the cage above, then push the containers full of fuel tanks off the edge to scatter them across the ground below.
  8. Lead the boss into the piles of fuel tanks to detonate them and cause him significant damage, then stay on the run as you move about this area to avoid being attacked directly.
  9. Jump across the gaps to move between tops of the shipping containers and continue knocking fuel tanks across the ground below, then maintain the high ground to avoid taking damage and to detonate the explosives from safety.
  10. Continue attacking the boss until a cut scene activates in which the creature replaces his arm with a giant mechanical claw, then approach the left side of the bus to climb on the roof using the ladder and open fire on the enormous enemy ahead.
  11. Drop back to the ground below and use the fork lift to lower the palette, then use the platform to climb onto the red container above and break open more boxes with fuel tanks inside.
  12. Open fire on the boss from a distance with your sniper rifle to guide him into the field of fuel tanks and detonate them to cause significant damage, then continue using this method of attack until the next cut scene is activated to complete this level.

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Resident Evil 6 Walkthrough

The Harbor

  1. Make your way towards the objective marker behind you and drop through the opening in the ground by the two blinking red lights, then enter the first room on the left to search it for supplies.
  2. Enter the next room ahead on the left collect additional supplies and open the double doors to activate a cut scene, then follow the on-screen prompts to steer the boat away from danger and reach the sunken building ahead.
  3. Jump onto the roof of the partial submerged building in front of you and continue moving forward to activate the next cut scene, then open fire on the enemies ahead with your grenade launcher and plant a remote bomb nearby.
  4. Retreat from the wave of creatures ahead and continue firing the grenade launcher as you do so, then detonate the remote bomb when the enemy wielding the chainsaw steps on top of it.
  5. Continue attacking the chainsaw creature with your grenade launcher and remote bombs until the next cut scene is activated, then finish crossing the rooftop to board the boat below on the right and eliminate the remaining J’avos above.
  6. Approach the motor at the rear of the boat and press the indicated buttons to get the engine started, then take the wheel to sail forward until you are stopped by the falling obstacle and follow the on-screen prompts to make a sharp turn.
  7. Continue following the onscreen prompts to steer around the next fallen obstacle and execute a running slide to safely pass beneath the crane that swings across the boat’s path.
  8. Equip your grenade launcher or Elephant Killer and use sideways rolling maneuvers to dodge the B.O.W’s chainsaw attacks, then open fire repeatedly on the creature until the next cut scene activates.
  9. Float over towards the dock ahead to activate another cut scene, then open fire on the creature to keep it away from Sherry until she is mysteriously rescued.
  10. Following the next cut scene, climb the ladder in front of you to make a right at the top and move through the double doors around the corner to complete this chapter.
  11. Achievement / Trophy Unlocked: Still on the Run (15 points): Complete Chapter 4 in Jake’s campaign.

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Resident Evil 6 Walkthrough

The Battery

  1. After the opening cut scene, inspect the window in the corner to locate your gear and approach the two yellow pipes against the wall to give Sherry a boost onto the ledge above.
  2. Wait for Sherry to unlock the door for you to exit the room and fire on the next B.O.W. ahead to dismember it, then press the indicated button to open the entrance to the underwater tunnel and move forward through it to reach the red lit area at the end.
  3. Approach the monitor on the right to receive your next objective and pull the lever on the left to partially restore power to the battery, then dismember the approaching B.O.W. again and turn around the move through the door behind you.
  4. Clear the gap in front of you to land on the platform ahead and ride it upwards to reach the top of the machine’s ascent, then jump back across the gap to land in the next room and dismember the B.O.W. within.
  5. Pull the indicated lever to partially restore power to the battery again and move through the next open tunnel in the corner, then dismember another B.O.W. and make a right at the fork in the path ahead.
  6. Make your next left, after searching the area for supplies, to approach the open doorway around corner and jump across the gap to land on the moving platform again.
  7. Ride the platform downward to jump through the open doorway marked with a C and dismember the B.O.W. within, then pull the lever around the corner on the left to partially charge the battery again and return to the previous moving platform.
  8. Swing through the open doorway marked with a D and search the room for supplies, then exit back onto the moving platform and ascend to jump through the next entrance marked with a G.
  9. Exit the area through the tunnel in the back left corner to pull the lever in the next room and finish charging the battery, then open fire on the nearby B.O.W. until a cut scene is activated.
  10. Afterwards, rejoin Sherry to move through the tunnel in the back left corner and pull the lever beside the red monitor to jam the rotating platform in the chamber outside.
  11. Exit the room to jump onto the rotating platform that you’ve jammed and use a shotgun to fend off the approaching B.O.W.s, then continue dismembering these enemies until the next cut scene is activated.
  12. Follow the on-screen prompts to climb back onto the platform above and tap the indicated button to crawl towards the open doorway ahead before you are crushed, then enter the elevator and push the button to complete this level.

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Resident Evil 6 Walkthrough

Underwater Facility Escape

  1. Turn around to approach the monitor and activate the next cut scene, then press the indicated button and continue moving right to pull the lever ahead.
  2. Ride the elevator upward and use melee strikes or your magnum to fend off the J’avos that drop down around you, then equip the rifle to eliminate the enemies in the surrounding windows and reach the next ledge above to activate a cut scene.
  3. Afterwards, make your way forward through the tunnel ahead to open the door at the end and enter the room filled with magma.
  4. Drop over the ledge in front of you to land on the walkway below and activate the next cut scene, then turn around the sprint across the catwalk on the left and jump across the gap at the end.
  5. Continue sprint forward along the catwalk in the direction of the on-screen objective marker and make the next right ahead, then turn left at the end and push the crate in front of you over the edge to land in the area below.
  6. Navigate the system of walkways around you to collect supplies and open fire on Ustanak from a safe distance, then continue retreating from the monster each time he charges or swings the ball and chain in your direction.
  7. Continue draining Ustanak’s health from afar with your automatic rifle until the next cut scene is activated, then equip the grenade launcher or magnum to inflict massive amounts of damage at close range and roll sideways to dodge the creature’s attacks.
  8. Navigate around the lava holes that the boss creates in the floor around you and continue draining his health until Ustanak is temporarily incapacitated, then follow the on-screen prompts to execute a special melee attack and activate another cut scene.
  9. Afterwards, use a series of charged melee strikes to push Ustanak backwards across the catwalk and press the indicated buttons when he reaches the edge to push him into the magma.
  10. Following the cut scene, jump the gap in front of you to climb the ladder on the other side and move through the next door on your left to reach the next area ahead.
  11. Make a left around the corner ahead to open the next set of double doors and pull the lever beside you to activate the high-speed train, then follow the on-screen prompts to crawl forward across the platform and detach the various cargo loads to knock Ustanak into the approaching fire.
  12. Continue crawling up the platform to reach the magnum in front of you and press the indicated button to complete this campaign.
  13. Achievement / Trophy Unlocked: See You Around (15 points): Complete Chapter 5 in Jake’s campaign.

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