The 3rd Birthday Walkthrough

The 3rd Birthday Walkthrough

A continuation of the Parasite Eve series, The 3rd Birthday puts players back in the nubile curves of Aya Brea. She’s been through a lot in the previous two titles, including a memory erasure (bad) and the hosting of her 39-year-old consciousness inside the body of a 20-year-old (good?).

The plot is pretty simple. A species of malevolent aliens called the Twisted have invaded New York City, and it’s up to the appropriately-named “Counter Twisted Investigation” squad to stop them. Using an over-the-shoulder, action-RPG perspective, players will work to end the threat and save the Big Apple.

To help them, we’ll be providing a full walkthrough, below, in addition to a cheats page, which will collect useful information about the game.

  • Episode 0: Sacrifice
  • Episode 1: Brave New World
  • Episode 2: The Lost Soul
  • Episode 3: Against The World
  • Episode 4: The Moment of Truth
  • Episode 5: The Counterattack
  • The Last Episode: Eternity

Episode 0: Sacrifice

  1. Head down the road, turn left and pick up the hand grenade on the floor. Turn around and walk to the other side. After you go through the controls, use your rifle to shoot and kill the first few Twisted.
  2. Pick up the ammo and head through the space in between the police trucks. Take out the next two Twisted, then follow the onscreen instructions and use Overdive after you take cover behind the barricade.
  3. After you use Overdive, take out that floating ball. Turn left and take out the Twisted to the left. Walk around the barricade and continue on to the next area.
  4. Use Overdive to take the position of the soldier on the roof. Use Overdive to take out the two enemies that will appear. Hit R when the gauge is full to initiate Crossfire. This will cause surrounding soldiers to help you take out enemies.
  5. Use Crossfire to help you take out the next three enemies that will appear. After you learn about an Overdive Kill, take out the next sequence of enemies. Following them, take out the enemy near the flashing red ladder.
  6. Head down that alley to the next area. Use the nearby barricade as cover and take out the group of enemies.
  7. After learning about Liberation, use it on the next huge wave of enemies. Once you finish them off, turn right and head for the barricades behind the police truck.

Episode 1: Brave New World

  1. Following the intense cutscene, shoot and kill the huge Twisted. Use Crossfire to inflict maximum damage. When the Twisted begins to fire those large red darts from its mouth, use Overdive to take the position of the soldier to the left of you.
  2. Stick close to the orange barrier for cover and the Twisted will be dead in no time. Keep in mind that the only time you have to worry about the red projectiles is when the Twisted extends its neck and rears up its head.
  3. Once the back up (Epstein) shows up, use Overdive to take his position up behind the d.j. table. You’ll still have to watch out for those red projectiles here, so duck behind the table when you see them coming towards you.
  4. Your Liberation meter should be close to being full during this time. Once it is, use Liberation to inflict more damage on the Twisted. Once the Twisted’s health bar is green, you’re almost home.
  5. After you kill the Twisted, follow the soldiers up the platform to the stage. Head around the hallway and kill the two Twisted. Gram the ammo and turn right to the next area.
  6. Take cover behind the two red speaker cases and destroy the Twisted that will show up in front of the exit door. Walk towards the door and kill the two Twisted down the hallway.
  7. After you make a right into the room, take cover behind the red speaker cases and kill another one of those Twisted tumor-like things. Kill the Twisted that appears from the left as you head through the doorway straight ahead.
  8. Kill the two Twisted to the right in the next room, then turn left around the next curtain and kill another one. Head for the exit doors.
  9. After you turn right down the hallway, kill the Twisted that will be waiting for you. Kill the other Twisted that shows up and grab the ammo at the end of the hallway.
  10. Turn left and take cover behind the first red case. Kill the Twisted that hops out from the right, then take out the Twisted in the distance. Keep in mind that the tumor-like Twisted go down easy when you throw a grenade toward them.
  11. Turn right down the next small hallway and shoot the red sphere blocking the chain link fence. Pick up the hand grenades and before you continue down the main hallway toward the exit, use Overdive to bring along the solider down at the other end of the hallway.
  12. Kill the Twisted behind the red speaker cases. Use Overdive to bring along the soldier before you turn right down the next hallway. (Keep in mind that you don’t have to be able to see the soldier in order to use Overdive.)
  13. Kill the group of Twisted, then take cover behind the red case to the right. Use Overdive to take out the next Twisted that shows up, then head through the exit door.
  14. Turn right up the steps and pick up any ammo you need. When you are finished, turn left and head through the exit doors.
  15. Following the cutscene, make the first right and kill the Twisted in the distance. Turn right and throw a grenade to destroy the first orb and kill the Twisted. Use Overdive to the soldier up by the barricade and destroy the nearby Twisted.
  16. Overdive back to the soldier and throw a grenade near the exit door to the right. Head inside and pick up the ammo and extra hand grenades. Head back to were the solider was and proceed to the next area.
  17. There will be a ton of Twisted here, so use Crossfire and Overdive Kills to take them out. Continue to rely on Overdive to include the other soldier as you make your way down the room.
  18. Once you clear the room, destroy the orb before heading though the the exit doors. Turn right to pick up some hand grenades, then turn around and head into the next room. Take out the three Twisted, then shoot and destroy the red orb in the right corner of the room.
  19. Kill the next Twisted that appears, and head through the area under the Exit sign. Destroy the orb behind the orange barriacdes. Use Overdive to bring the two soldiers into this room.
  20. Turn right down the steps and with the help of the soldiers, destroy the attacking Twisted. After the roots fall, turn around and head out the exit.
  21. Pick up the ammo and hand grenades in the room with the soldiers and head down the hallway. There will be a bunch of Twisted in here—use your grenades to take them out.
  22. Kill all of the Twisted, then destroy the final orb in front of the exit. Proceed through the next two sets of exit doors. Head downstairs and destroy the small group of Twisted.
  23. Head up the set of stairs on the other side of the room and destroy the orb blocking the door. Overdive to one of the soldiers downstairs and after the Twisted mutate off of the door, throw a grenade by them.
  24. Head back through the two sets of exit doors. You will have to fight off another group of Twisted. Once you kill them, head through the exit doors. Once back in the control room, walk straight back and press X to use the laptop on the white case.
  25. Following the cutscene, drop off the ledge and head down the hallway. Not the Reaper!!! Use Overdive to teleport through the red wall of smoke and continue to sprint down the hallway.
  26. ACHIEVEMENT: Once you get to the room with the orange barricades, Overdive to the nearby soldier and head down the hallway. Turn left, then a quick right and head down the hallway and drop off the ledge to earn the “Swift retreat from first Reaper” Achievement.
  27. Turn left, then right down the hallway and immediately Overdive to the soldier up ahead on the ladder. Climb up, drop off the ledge and turn right through the exit.
  28. Follow the green signs and kill the scores of Twisted down the hallway. Once you get to the red case, destroy the two orbs, followed by the floating Twisted that appears.
  29. Pick up the ammo, then turn left outside. Kill the group of floating Twisted, then head downstairs. Kill all of the Twisted you encounter, then destroy the orb next to the orange scaffolding.
  30. Toss a grenade in front of the blue fire exit doors to get some more grenades and ammo inside. Head back outside and turn right past the orange scaffolding through the exit.
  31. Use Overdive to the soldier to the right side of the area to escape the Reaper. Move forward (past the blue pallet), then right, then a quick left. Destroy the orb here, then follow the pathway around and destroy the next orb. Head up the ramp and through the exit.
  32. Pick up the ammo in the control room, then head through the exit doors. Not the Reaper!! Not much to worry about here, except for more red projectiles. Use Crossfire to destroy its head, then focus on its right arm.
  33. Once you cripple it, destroy the red orb down the right side of the area. Sprint up the stairs and take shots at the Reaper’s back. Use Liberation if your meter is up to help pack an extra punch.
  34. When you see it whip its head around, move back and to the right to hide behind the orange barricade. Once it gets back to its feet, Overdive to the soldier back on ground level. When the Reaper scales the building, aim for its back again.
  35. Once it comes back down, aim for its left leg to cripple it again. After it falls, Overdive back up to the roof and take shots at its head and back. Continue this pattern in order to effectively defeat it.
  36. After you destroy the monster, regroup with the soldiers and head through the staff only door. Pick up the ammo and grenades, then head right through the exit doors.
  37. Following that trippy cutscene, move to the left and take cover behind the orange barricade. After the red haze fades away, you’ll see a new Twisted boss. Before you can do any damage on him, you’ll have to take out the little tornado-like Twisted.
  38. Once the Twisted boss lifts up its two arms (heads?), begin to open fire on it. When you see it lift up its spiked stomach, dive out of the way or you’ll get smashed. This is really is only attack.
  39. Continue to dash in a circular motion to get out the way of the spikes and if you get too close, use Overdive to switch to a soldier on the perimeter. Once you get its health down to the purple meter, keep an eye out for the triangle on the screen and when you see it, perform an Overdive Kill.
  40. This Twisted is easy, but tedious. You’ll also have to fight off two more waves of those tornado-live Twisted. Once you get the boss’ health meter down to green, your almost home.
  41. Once the boss’ life is completely gone, wait for the triangle to appear on the screen and then finish it off with a final Overdive Kill.

Episode 2: The Lost Soul

  1. Walk over to the table and press X to use the computer. From here you can change your outfit and customize your weapon sets. When you are done, select Start Mission.
  2. Right off the bat, shoot and kill the Twisted that appears right in front of you. Continue down the road, pick up the ammo behind the taxi, then kill the Twisted that appear around you.
  3. ACHIEVEMENT: Turn right and head down the alley. Once you see the large spider-like Twisted, use a couple of grenades to weaken it, then if it off with a few rounds. Once you destroy it you will earn the “Swiftly ward off Roller” Achievement.
  4. Turn right at the alley at the end of the wall. Make the first left to get some hand grenades, then head back down the main alley. Head up the ramp, drop down and take cover behind the nearby barricade.
  5. Use Crossfire to take out the swarm of Twisted, then defeat another “Roller.” Destroy the orb to the left of the orange scaffolding
  6. The Twisted boss that appears will be a bit more difficult than previous bosses. You’ll have to watch out for the black line that shoots out of the purple sphere above its head, as well as the purple projectiles that it will shoot.
  7. Use Overdive quickly to keep moving and shoot the Twisted from afar. Following the cutscene, follow the on-screen instructions on how to use the sniper and use it to kill the Twisted.
  8. After another cutscene, head up the ramp and onto the roof. Use your sniper to take out the “Stinkers.” Turn right and Overdive down to one of the soldiers, then take out the nearby Twisted.
  9. Overdive back to the roof, take out the Sinkers, then Overdive to the roof across from you with the ammo. Take out the nearby Twisted, then turn right, look down and to the left and destroy the orb.
  10. Turn slightly to the left and Overdive to the soldier all the way across from you on the ledge. Take out the Twisted, then as you are looking towards the ladder, Overdive to the roof with the soldier on the left (with the water towers).
  11. After you destroy all of the Twisted on all of the roofs, destroy all of the Twisted at ground level. Drop down, walk past the white containers and around the building to the left.
  12. After you meet up with the other soldiers, take out the spider-like Twisted that appears to the left. Destroy the red orb behind the white container, then head down the alley that opens up to the right.
  13. Pick up the ammo and hand grenades near the soldiers. Once in the next area, take out the large group of soldiers and the nearby orb. The EXT420 gun works best against those spider-like Twisted.
  14. Head up the ramp, take out the Twisted and the next orb. Head through the space in the wall to the next area and repeat the same sequence. Watch out though, another spider Twisted will appear behind you.
  15. Overdive to the soldier back behind you behind the barricade and use your sniper to take out the large Twisted on the cliff. Head up the ramp and take out the orb.
  16. Once you get the okay, use the Satellite gun to destroy anything in sight down below. Head down the ramp to the left and destroy the orb around the corner. Head up the next ramp and destroy the orb in the middle of the barricades.
  17. Kill the next Twisted that appears, then shoot the cluster of orbs up and to the left (use Liberation to take them out quickly). Once they’re destroyed, Overdive into the huge tree trunk.
  18. For this trippy boss, you can use Overdive to any of the falling bodies, but no other special abilities. The best way to inflict maximum damage is to shoot and destroy the huge big rigs and other large trucks that pass by the Twisted. The explosions will cause the Twisted to lose more life than your firepower alone.
  19. When you don’t see any falling trucks, Overdive to a position above its head (the bright white part) and him for that. Once its health reaches the blue meter, watch out—it will try to suck you into a vortex.
  20. When the word “DANGER” flashes on the screen, look up and Overdive to a higher level. You won’t be able to inflict too much damage here, just survive to the next part.
  21. Look for more falling cars to explode and once its health is halfway down in the green, you’ll have to survive another vortex.
  22. After you destroy the Twisted (and following the cutscene), walk past the soldiers, head up the ramp to the right and shoot the Stinkers in the sky. Take cover behind the barricades and destroy the Twisted in this area.
  23. Move up to the closer barricades, but after the two huge Twisted come to life, move back behind the barricade in the back and destroy them. Watch out for there huge gas balls that they shoot at you, and use the nearby soldiers to distract them so you can flank from the left side.
  24. Head down the ladder on the left side of the roof. Turn left down the pathway and kill the Twisted around the building. Pick up the grenades in the corner. Head straight down the path and take cover behind the orange barricade.
  25. Destroy the two Twisted, toss a grenade to blow up the neon trash dumpsters, then pick up the ammo and grenades. Walk back out and turn left down the pathway and follow it around to the next area.
  26. Walk out and pick up the grenades in the back right corner of this area. Take cover behind a barricade and destroy all Twisted up ahead. Proceed down the pathway and turn left in the new opening.
  27. Kill the Twisted in this area and destroy the orb in the back left corner of the area. Head through the opening behind where the orb was, destroy the two Twisted and pick up the ammo and grenades.
  28. Head back out to the main room, destroy the rest of the Twisted and turn left down the pathway at the other end of the room. Head up the stairs, run through the smokey vortex and take cover behind the orange barricade.
  29. Destroy the spider-like Twisted, then continue down the hallway. Kill the Twisted, destroy the orb and pick up the hand grenades behind it. Head back down the hallway, kill the Twisted and turn right outside and up the stairs.
  30. Once you get onto of the roof, kill the Stinkers in the air. Advance towards the building’s ledge and shoot the two huge Twisted creeping over the ledge. Use the barricades to avoid getting hit by those gas balls.
  31. The Stinkers will continue to annoy you during this part, so use Overdive to keep moving around the area. Once you destroy all of the Twisted here, turn right and head through the opening in the wall.
  32. Turn left and head down the two ramps. Pick up the ammo in the corner and the grenades over on the beams. Then from your position on the beams, look down to kill the Twisted and destroy the orb.
  33. Overdive down to ground level and take out the spider-like Twisted, then head through the large double doors.
  34. Pick up the ammo and grenades by the group of soldiers if you need them, then use the laptop to upgrades your weapons, protective gear, ect. Continue down the pathway to the next area.
  35. Walk over to the humvee in front of you. As soon as this new crazy Twisted shows up, move around to the other side of the humvee to take cover. Overdive to the soldier in the humvee and use the gun to unload on the Twisted.
  36. The humvee’s tank will take quite a bit of damage, but this is the best way to kill this Twisted. When you see the triangle appear, finish it off with an Overdive Kill.
  37. Or so you thought! After it comes back to life, Overdive back to the humvee and hit it with a bunch of firepower again. Since the armor on the humvee might be getting low by now, the best way to preserve it is to fire off a few rounds, then quickly Overdive to a soldier. Repeat this process several times over to finish off this Twisted once and for all.

Episode 3: Against The World

  1. Turn around and press X to open the sliding doors. Head down the hallway and turn left out the green double doors. Press X to use the keypad on the left. Head through the next set of sliding doors.
  2. Turn right and head through the double doors. Head up onto the platform and use the computer next to the machine. After you outfit your weapon set, select to start the mission at Grand Central.
  3. Head down the ramp and kill the spider-like Twisted that appears. After you kill it, destroy the orb in front of the stairs. Turn back around and head right down the hallway.
  4. Dash past these new creepy Twisted and head don the hallway. Turn right and head through the turnstiles. Pick up the ammo, then head down the stairs. Time your runs to make your way past the swerving, spiked vortexes and pick up the grenades on the other side of the subway.
  5. Drop down onto the tracks and head down the tunnel. Destroy the two blue Twisted hanging from the ceiling, then continue down the tracks. Cut right into the tiny area where the train blocks your path.
  6. Look left and shoot the two Twisted hanging from the ceiling. WARNING: Don’t get too close, or they’ll mess you up. Head up through the tunnel.
  7. Pick up the nearby hand grenades and throw one at the neon blue sticks to create a path. Cross over the tracks, then look behind you and destroy the Twisted. Throw a grenade in front of the next barrier to create a path.
  8. Overdive to the soldier on the train car, then walk to the end and throw a grenade in the circle of those neon lighted sticks. Cross over to the other train car, drop down and throw a grenade in front of the next barricade.
  9. Turn left up the tracks and head to the next area. Pick up the grenades and ammo, then head through the break in the nearby wall.
  10. Climb up the ladder behind you and cross over to the other train car. Use Crossfire and toss a couple grenades to take out this large Twisted on top of the train.
  11. After you cross over to the next train car (past the orange lockers) take out the next large Twisted that appears. Move back and kill the Twisted that appears down the left tunnel. Move back onto the train car on the right and walk back to until you see the hole in the wall; then head through it.
  12. Destroy the orb hanging from the ceiling, then kill the blue Twisted that appears. Turn left and destroy the orb to the right of the red lasers. Walk through the opening and destroy the next orb across the way.
  13. Turn right and destroy the other two orbs to the right, then immediately begin to back away and fire at the two Twisted crawling along the ceiling. After you clear the area, head out the new pathway toward the subway gate.
  14. Time a run down the gate so that you don’t get caught in that black spinning vortex. Turn back down the platform to pick up the grenades, then head back down the tunnel on the tracks.
  15. This new Twisted that you encounter will come after you hard, so dash out of the way when he does, then continue to back up will firing up him to destroy him.
  16. Continue down the tacks and turn left up into the room to find a soldier to help you destroy the big Twisted down the tunnel. Kill the blue Twisted crawling on the ceiling, then continue down the tracks.
  17. Turn left into the next room to get some ammo and grenades, but you’ll have to kill more of those blue Twisted first. Head back across the tracks and climb up the ladder to get on top of the train car.
  18. For this part you won’t have any cover, but you can use the two soldiers as human shields. Take out all attacking Twisted to move on to the next area.
  19. In this area with the three Blue Twisted hanging from the ceiling, watch out once they hit the floor. They will charge for you and if they warp you up, it’s game over. Begin to open fire as you move to the middle of the area, then Overdive to one of the soldiers in the back right corner of the room.
  20. If ever you do get wrapped up by one of these guys, immediately Overdive to another soldier to break out of their hold. Once you clear the area, head down the tunnel to the right of the red swirling vortex.
  21. Upgrade using the laptop, then grab the ammo and grenades before heading down the next tunnel. Walk off the tracks and quickly run over to the red ladder and climb up to the platform.
  22. Use Crossfire and grenades to quickly take out the huge Twisted. Next, take out the floating Twisted in the air. Overdive up to the solider on the ledge in front of the barricade. From this position, take out the large Twisted on the ledge across the way (use your sniper to take it out.)
  23. Another Twisted will appear on the ledge just to the left of you. Move out onto the tracks (only a bit so it can’t see you) and take it out.
  24. After you defeat another one of these on the ledge across the way and two the right, kill the Twisted on the ground using you Satellite gun. These guys will move around quite a bit, but be patient for them to come out, then mark your spot and watch them blow to pieces.

Episode 4: The Moment of Truth

  1. Move forward and use the laptop on the table to your left. You can finally get the names for all of those Twisted that you’ve been fighting, as well as background on various CTI members.
  2. Use the computers on the opposite desk to upgrade, then select Mission Start.
  3. Overdive to the soldier in the tank and begin to fire on that huge Twisted. Take out the surrounding Twisted as well as the ones to the left of you. Kill them all to clear the area.
  4. Walk around the center structure and hold X to use all three keypads. Take out the Twisted that show up, then head out the walkway. Use the keypad on the center structure, then take out the large Twisted that shows up.
  5. There are a lot of soldiers in this area, so use Crossfire to help you eliminate the Twisted as quick as possible. Use the other two keypads while the soldiers are fighting the Twisted.
  6. Once the Twisted starts flashing red, keep back and take cover as it will try to come after you. Continue to use grenades and Crossfire to kill it. Pick up the grenades and ammo in the room as the other two Twisted arrive.
  7. Overdive to the tank outside through the window. They will be hard to see, but just unload across the windows until you see their health bars appears, then continue to fire in that area.
  8. After you take care of them, Overdive back inside and find the walkway that will lead to the stairs. Walk down the path, pick up the ammo and head down the next set of stairs that will lead you outside.
  9. Quickly sprint out of the hallway and take cover behind a barricade before the Twisted blocks you in. Just like before, use the four keypads around the center structure.
  10. Take out the Blue Twisted on the ceiling, then head through the tunnel in the back of the room. Follow it around and walk through the elevator doors to the right when they open.
  11. Pick up the ammo, grenades and use the computer to upgrade. Then walk to the hole in the ground to the right and press X to jump through it.
  12. For this wide open area, take care of the Blue Twisted crawling around on the ceiling first. Use Overdive to move around the area and use the three keypads on the three structures and clear the area of all Twisted.
  13. Head for the exit in the back corner of the room, then head upstairs. After you head down the hallway, turn left and Overdive out to the soldier in the helicopter. Use the missiles on the chopper to take out the three large Twisted.
  14. Overdive back to your original position and head up the next set of stairs. In this next area, begin by Overdiving to the soldier in the tank. Take out the majority of the Twisted, then proceed to use the five keypads along the wall.
  15. After you clear the area and following the explosion, head over to the hole in the wall created by the crashed helicopter. Drop off the short ledge to the right, then Overdive out to soldier in one of the flying helicopters.
  16. This part is easy. Use the chopper to destroy the red orbs once they are exposed. But if you don’t destroy them quick enough, they will shoot out at you and you will have to move out of their trajectory. Since you don’t actually control the path of the chopper, the main goal isn’t to kill everything, just don’t crash.
  17. Following the cutscene, take out the boss Twisted that appears. Use Crossfire and LIberation to help achieve this. The boss isn’t too difficult, just stay back and watch out for its fireballs. When it starts flashing red, watch out because it will begin to lunge at you.
  18. After you kill it, head through the double doors. Pick up the ammo, grenades and use the computer, then head through the next set of double doors.
  19. For the first part of this crazy boss, just keep moving to avoid the ninja stars that it shoots out of its mouth. Once the helicopter arrives, Overdive to get inside. This boss will do this annoying disappear/reappear thing, so keep a close eye on it.
  20. When it gets too close to you chopper, Overdive over to the other helicopter and begin to unload on it. Like previous bosses, using Overdive frequently will keep the boss preoccupied with other targets, thus giving you ample time to do plenty of damage.
  21. After you take away nearly all of its health, Overdive back onto the platform, fire off a few rounds, then when the triangle appears, finish it off with an Overdive Kill.

Episode 5: The Counterattack

  1. After you access the laptop and begin the mission, turn right and head into the cave. Head down the pathway to the right and take cover behind the nearby barricade.
  2. Kill all of the Twisted in this area, then head through the next cave. There will be more Twisted here, so use Overdive to keep moving around to stay out of harm’s way.
  3. Once you clear the area, look on your map for the green icon and head down that pathway. In this new area, walk down the tunnel and Overdive to the left over the gap. Kill the floating Twisted, then take out the big dude in front of you.
  4. After you kill him, Overdive across the gap. Kill the two Twisted that fall from sky, then pick up the hand grenades over in the corner. Overdive back, then Overdive again to the right.
  5. Overdive forward over the gap, take cover behind the orange barricade and destroy the orb on the right wall. You don’t have to kill these two Twisted, just Overdive back over to the left side of the area, look at your map and head down the path with the green icon.
  6. Use the computer to upgrade you weapons, then pick up the ammo and grenades before going on to the next area.
  7. For this part, switch to your AG320 and use it to take down the blue wall in front of the barricades. Take cover behind the front barricade and destroy the two orbs on the outside walls, then destroy the one behind the Twisted.
  8. This large Twisted can destroy barricades, but other than that, he can’t do much. Of course, after you defeat it, you’ll have to kill it one more time after it regenerates. Kill the few smaller Twisted that show up, then head for the green icon on your map to get to the next area.
  9. You’ll have Twisted on all sides of you here, so be careful. Overdive across to the other side, then destroy the two orbs down in the crevice. Turn around and use the barricades as cover as you kill the two big Twisted.
  10. After you clear the area of all the Twisted, look for the green icon on you map and head to the next area. Look familiar? Run over to the right wall and destroy the orbs blocking the entryways. Cross over to the other side of the room and destroy the two orbs over there, next.
  11. Take care of all the Twsited, then destroy the larger one that shows up, using Crossfire with all of the other soldiers to help you out. Again, once the area is clear, look for the green icon on the map and head for the next tunnel.
  12. Resupply and upgrade, then head to the next area.
  13. Since you’ll be in tight quarters here, as soon as the two Twisted come to life, Overdive through them, switch to your AG320 and unload on them from behind. Chase them down after they disappear and kill them.
  14. Continue down to the end of the path, then throw a grenade at the blue wall to bring it down. Quickly throw another grenade toward the next blue wall to the left and head through.
  15. Pick up the ammo in the corner, then take out the Twisted that appear. Again, you won’t have much room to maneuver here, so use grenades and Crossfire to quickly destroy them. Head through the newly opened walkway to the next area.
  16. Move over to the right side of the area, turn around, then look to your left and Overdive to the soldier in the tank. Use the tank to destroy the onslaught of Twisted that will arrive.
  17. After you kill all of the Twisted (including the ones up on the ledge), Overdive up to the soldier on the ledge, turn right and head down the tunnel to the next area.
  18. Resupply and upgrade, then head to the next area.
  19. Drop off the ledge and Overdive over to Erskine. Use his Berserker to inflict damage on the Twisted, but don’t stay in one spot for too long or he’ll hit you with that red slime. He’ll also disappear and reappear very quickly, so use Overdive to beat it at its own game.
  20. Stick with the Berserker as it is the only gun that will really take away any of its health. Naturally, it will come back to life. Use the same methods to drain its health again, then when you see the triangle, perform an Overdive Kill to finish it off.
  21. Head for the green icon on the map to head to the next area. Resupply and upgrade if you need to, then head to the next area.
  22. Following the cutscene, Hyde Bohr is going to turn into a crazy Twisted boss. The biggest thing to be aware of is that he moves incredibly quick, especially when he drops to the ground and slides across the floor.
  23. Use Overdive to move around quickly, then unload on him from afar. Use the barricades to duck the red projectiles, then once you get his health down and see the triangle, perform an Overdive Kill to finish him off.

The Last Episode: Eternity

  1. This boss again!?!? Just like before, look for falling cars to shoot and explode them near the Twisted. Once you see the triangle, perform an Overdive Kill to finish it off.
  2. After you land in the blood-filled area, turn around and head into the vortex. Uh-oh—it’s Hyde Bohr again. As you run around through the maze of people, don’t get discouraged when he kills you.
  3. Following the cutscene, keep moving around to avoid Bohr’s red projectiles. Unfortunately, since he moves so fast it will be hard to get any damage on him. After he does that thing where the group of people will spin around where you are standing, look for a person to Overdive to.
  4. As soon as you land, begin to unload as quick as possible. His health meter won’t show, but continue to fire. Eventually, when you see the triangle on the screen, perform an Overdive Kill to inflict more damage.
  5. Keep repeating this method over and over, making sure not to get too close to Bohr. Once you drain him of his life, you’ll be taken to a pitch black area. Once you are hear, head for what looks like a swirling red DNA strand.
  6. There’s really no secret to this part: Since you are in total Liberation mode, kill this next mutation of Bohr before your Liberation meter runs out. Continue to constantly move around and don’t stop firing. When the triangle appears, perform an Overdive Kill to finish it off.