Mass Effect 3: Citadel DLC Walkthrough

Mass Effect 3: Citadel DLC Walkthrough

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Commander Shepard returns to the hub of the Mass Effect universe in this last downloadable expansion, and we’ll show you how to survive. A conspiracy has been hatched against the heroic Commander, and its up to you and your team (including some old friends from previous Mass Effect games) to stop the scheme. Here, we’ll show you how to handle the adventure, and provide details on all the extra activities that become unlocked on the Citadel Station.

After checking out this new DLC, see what else Game Front has to offer on our Mass Effect 3 cheats list. There you’ll find how to finish every romance as female or male Shepard, what are the best weapons, best armor and how to unlock every ending. Or join us as we play through on our Mass Effect 3 campaign walkthrough.

For more info on the new DLC, check out the list of Mass Effect 3: Citadel achievements and cheats.

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Mass Effect 3: Citadel DLC Walkthrough

Shore Leave

  1. To begin the “Citadel” DLC, access the galaxy map on the Normandy, then head to the Citadel. Fly the Normandy over the Citadel. You’ll see “Visit Anderson’s Apartment”. Dock with the Citadel, then access the Personal Apartment level.
  2. Upon entering the apartment, Anderson will speak with Shepard and give him his apartment using it as a place to recharge. Explore the place. Inside you’ll find journal entries of Anderson scattered about the apartment. After you’re finished exploring go to the first floor, past the waterfall, into an office. Access the terminal on the desk. Joker wants you to go to a sushi place.
  3. Leave the apartment, head down the hallway and into the elevator. You’ll automatically head down to the sushi place named Ryuusei down in the Wards. When you get there, you’ll be escorted in by a French waiter. A French waiter! Head past the tables in the restaurant to meet with Joker.
  4. Soon enough, you’ll meet Staff Analyst Maya Brooks. She says there’s a plot to kill Shepard by an unknown group. A few minutes later, mercenaries bust into the restaurant looking for Shepard. They’ll take Brooks, while Shepard tells Joker to run for it.
  5. You’ll begin taking cover behind a table. You’ll have a pistol at your disposal, but not much ammo comes with it, so you’ll need to go for headshots. Your goal for this encounter is to take out the baddies, while pushing forward to save Brooks, who needs a revival. Just go for accurate shots and move from cover to cover until you reach her. If you run out of ammo, your only option is to go melee while using your tech powers or biotics if you have them.
  6. After saving Brooks, more mercs appear. Brooks will push Shepard out of the way and Shepard will fall through the floor below because it’s made of glass. After Shepard takes a tumble down the side of a building, you’ll be in control. Brooks says she fine as she took some medi-gel.
  7. Head down the leaky hallway. Jump from platform to the platform, then head down the ladder. Continue moving down each successive ladder. Shepard will notice a sky car lot across the way. That’s the destination.
  8. Once you reach the furthest down you can go, head inside the freezer room, then head up the ladder. At the top, jump from rooftop to rooftop. Head down the ladder into the marketplace. Mercs will be here. You can use the suppressor on your pistol to move through stealthily using the cover to hide.
  9. Keep moving down the marketplace and continue taking down the mercs as you move through. Grab the datapad by the EZ Meat vendor along with some ammo. Eliminate the rest of the mercs. Careful of the drones, they’ll deplete your shields entirely. Use the terminal in the room ahead with the orange shield barriers to grab some creds. Also grab the “Pistol Power Magnifier I” on the desk.
  10. Leave the room, then continue down the hallway. Grab the datapad and the creds next to the forklift as you move through. Enter the room on the left hand side. It’s labeled as Fishdog Food Shack. Access the creds on the desk, then head through the glass doors opposite the room.
  11. You’ll enter a walkway. Use the vertical billboards as cover as the walkway loops around to the left. Watch out for snipers and drones. Grab the dropped ammo as you move down. On the right hand side are shops that can be entered. Grab datapads and creds inside each one starting with “Kon Junction”. The third shop contains an “Assault Rifle Ultralight Materials I” upgrade on the shelf.
  12. Keep fighting through, then head through the door inside the “Service” room. Use the terminal to get more creds. Move past the sky cars toward the glass doors. You’ll see Ashley (or Kaiden?) take out the the enemies. They’ll end up joining the squad.
  13. Access the terminal before you head to the gate controls. The volus inside will eventually open the gate ahead. Head through and a shuttle will appear. It’s not friendly. Thankfully Wrex appears, to crash the party. He’ll join the squad after some heroics. He’ll also give you a Geth Spitfire.
  14. Defend this spot against an endless wave of mercs as Joker gets called in for extraction. There’s a timer on the top right notifying you when Joker will arrive. Simply head to the back of the shuttle when Joker gets there.

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Mass Effect 3: Citadel DLC Walkthrough

The Crew

  1. You’ll be back at the apartment after escaping the mercs. You’ll start chatting with Brooks about how got involved in this chaos. The goal. Figure out who is hacking officer’s IDs and shut them down. Liara then appears to help out, along with the rest of the crew that Joker brings in.
  2. Once you’re in control of Shepard, you can speak to each of your squadmates chilling inside the apartment. When you’re finished listening to what they have to say, or just don’t care, head to the kitchen on the first floor and talk with Liara to begin the next phase of the plan.
  3. It turns out that the weapon has been traced and leads to a casino owner named Elijah Khan. The plan is to talk to Khan while infiltrating his casino. He’ll be holed up in a panic room during a charity event, assisting war refugees. A perfect time to go in black tie. Brooks will talk herself into participating in the mission.
  4. From here, once the plan goes into effect, choose a single squadmate to join you. May I suggest taking Wrex because it’s been so long since he’s been outfitted as a squad member? And he looks awesome in a suit.
  5. Once inside the casino, Brooks will immediately head to the ventilation shaft. It’s upstairs. Since this is a covert mission, you’ll need to mingle with the guests. People you can talk to are marked, so listen to what they have to say while Brooks gets into position.
  6. After the first round of mingling, Brooks will usher you upstairs. Find her next to the grate leading to the shaft. The grate is near the neon sign that says “Silver Coast”.
  7. Brooks says there an alarm on the grate. From here, you’ll need to bypass it. You’ll get a resonance emitter lens, which lets you see security grids and wiring. Plus it makes your eyes glow like a vampire.
  8. Follow the blue wiring when you’re back in control. The panel you need to bypass is opposite the grate, past the dance floor. The camera up ahead is focused on the junction box you need to bypass. To disable the box, disable the camera first. You’ll know it’s disabled when the cone it emits is green. In that state, head to the junction box to disable the grate’s security.
  9. Brooks enters the grate into the shaft and is on her way. Continue mingling with the guests. You can even dance if you like, but you can also talk to Sha’ira, the asari consort from the first Mass Effect. She’s in one of the booths on the first floor.
  10. As Brooks moves through the shaft, she’ll end up directly above a security guard. You’ll need to distract the security guard. Do this by simply talking to the guard. Brooks then continues on as you continue to mingle.
  11. Brooks checks back in, saying she’s being confronted with a pressure pad and an obstruction detector ahead. She can’t disable them, so it’s up to you. Follow the red wiring from here. The first junction box to disable is in the roulette room and the other is in varren race room.
  12. In the roulette room, you’ll be watched by two guards. Press “Q” to let Wrex distract the guard as you bypass the junction box.
  13. In the varren race room, there will be a camera and a guard. Let Wrex distract the guard, while you bypass the camera first, then disable the junction box.
  14. As Brooks moves through, she trips a silent alarm. Quickly stall the guard that’s marked by waypoint, to let EDI fix the situation by signaling it’s a false alarm.
  15. Continue mingling as Brooks heads for the panic room. When Brooks radios in a final time, you’ll need to get to her to disable the security gate to the panic room. Follow the yellow wiring to get to Brooks. You’ll enter a room with two guards, two cameras and the junction box you need to bypass.
  16. Let your squadmate distract the lone guard that doesn’t patrol, then bypass the camera near the other patrolling guard. Bypass the other camera when the patrolling guard walks away, then access the junction box.
  17. You’ll enter the panic room. Unfortunately Khan isn’t able to speak and a transmission from a monitor appears above the fireplace. It’s the mysterious figure. Have a chat.
  18. Shepard then tells Brooks to pull out the data drives from the terminal, hopefully using it to track down the threat.

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Mass Effect 3: Citadel DLC Walkthrough

The Vaults

  1. You’ll be back in the apartment after what happened at the casino. Speak to your team to get their thoughts. When you’re ready, head back to the first floor kitchen, then talk to Brooks to get the gears rolling.
  2. After conversing and planning across the table, Shepard decides the entire team will be on board this time. The only thing you’ll have to do is pick who’ll take point with Shepard. The enemies in this mission will consist of shielded enemies and armored ones with physical shields, so choose accordingly.
  3. Once you get your feet on the ground, you’ll enter an ambush, complete with laser sights. Immediately take cover, then methodically clear the room. After taking out a few enemies, you’ll be interrupted by the mysterious man. It turns out, that man is Shepard. Apparently Cerberus decided to clone Shepard.
  4. After the revelation, glass crashes above, and you’re off to finish the job of actually clearing the room. Here’s where the energy shield guys come in. If you brought Tali, her drones can be used to distract the heavys, while you take shots at them from behind.
  5. Once the fight is over, search for ammo. Also, grab the “Shotgun Ultralight Materials I” on the desk by the hanging sparking wire. Once you’re done scouring the room, head to the door with the green access panel. You’ll cross a ramp. Ahead is desk. Access the terminal for creds, then move through blue barrier. Grab the “SMG Power Magnifier I” on the desk ahead next to the med pack. Head through the next door.
  6. You’ll enter a room full of cylindrical vaults as you see team Hammerhead and Mako move across the walkways. Move across the walkways yourself so you don’t feel left out. You’ll see some stairs leading up. A platform comes down as you make your approach. Take out the duo of enemies ahead, then get on the platform. Afterward, get inside the vault after the shields go down. When it stops, don’t forget to pick up the M-7 Lancer.
  7. When the vault stops, move out across another segment of walkways. Head up the stairs then drop down. You’ll be waking on top of individual vaults to get to the next walk way. Naturally, you’ll be fending off enemies as you push forward over multiple walkways and vaults.
  8. When you reach “Section 3 – AR 028″, team Mako will be in need of assistance. Defend them from up top, then drop down the walkway as you provide covering fire for the rest of the team. They’ll reciprocate.
  9. You’ll be in the archive rooms, where holograms seem to represent moments in history. You can watch if you like, but when you’re ready head for the door. Move down the ramp into more archives. Continue moving down to meet more enemies. Take them out inside this office area. There are tons of places for cover so choose how you want to move through. When the enemies are gone, move past the pillar that has the huge 3 on it, then move through the door across the room.
  10. Head down the stairs, then through an orange lit hallway that swings left. Take out the enemies near the holograms as you move through the length of the hallway. When the hallways opens up into another office area, more baddies will appear. Eliminate them.
  11. Scouring the room on the right hand side will net you a terminal and a “Sniper Rifle High-Velocity Barrel I”. Once they’re down for the count, enter the door near the glitching hologram room. Emerging from the room, an ATLAS appears on the walkway. Take it out quickly.
  12. Head up the stairs after grabbing the medkit. Follow the walkways. Up ahead, you’ll see a ladder near where the fight begins. You can use it to get the height advantage. As the fight continues, shielded heavys will appear. When the fight is over, head to the door past the crates.
  13. Continue moving through the rooms as well as the hologram rooms. Neutralize the enemies occupying the room, then keep moving upstairs. There’s 3 levels in all in this section numbered “5 AR 037″. When you see team Mako, heavys will ambush you. Take them out before they know what hit them. To get to the third floor, enter the door past the hologram of the Citadel.
  14. Move through the third floor as you pass by a Shepard hologram. Head through the door ahead past the semi-blinding spotlight. Keep pushing through and you’ll get caught in a trap. You’ll be inside a vault. You’ll then learn that the cloned Shepard decides to take the Normandy for himself.
  15. Without much room to breathe, Joker lands after Glyph helps you escape, and you’ll immediately choose two squad members for the next mission.

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Mass Effect 3: Citadel DLC Walkthrough

The Normandy

  1. With Shepard’s clone ready to take off with the Normandy, Shepard must fight through the docking area to reach his ship.
  2. You’ll meet all the enemies you’ve faced since the beginning of the Citadel DLC. Regular mercs, engineers, snipers and heavys. It’s pretty much one long fight until you reach the doors of the Normandy, so push your way through.
  3. Once you’re right outside of the Normandy, you’ll see Traynor. She’ll help you get into the ship with a tool that’s not normally used to break into ships. When you’re inside, you’ll be crawling under the vents. When you’re ready, open the grate, then take out the mercs in the galaxy map room.
  4. When the enemies have been eliminated head to the room to the left of the elevator to grab an “Assault Rifle Thermal Scope”, a merc PDA, and Campbell’s favorite mug. Once those have been stored, grab the merc pickup by the galaxy map console, examine the recyling bin by the elevator, then head to the cargo bay.
  5. When you enter the cargo bay, it’s the final showdown. You’ll fight your clone, Brooks and a small group of mercs. The clone has shields and armor, but will keep recharging shields when his armor gets low. It’s a fight of endurance, so hold out, and keep in mind of the “Clone Medi-Gel” number on the top right. The clone starts off with 4.
  6. Eventually the fight will get interrupted and the cargo bay doors will open mid-flight. Keep fighting. The platform you’re on will shake a bit. Take cover and use your abilities to take out the clone depleting his medi-gel supply.
  7. The clone and Brooks back up all the way to cargo bay doors when the clone is low on medi-gel. When you chip away his last piece of health, you’ll both roll down the ramp and the clone will question why Shepard is so special. From here you can save or kill the clone.
  8. In the aftermath, Brooks will be captured and you’ll have a conversation with her. You can perform a paragon event here.
  9. When things have winded down, it’s time for some R & R with the rest of the squad by way of a party!

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Mass Effect 3: Citadel DLC Walkthrough

Some R & R

  1. This final part of the Mass Effect 3′s last bit of DLC involves throwing a party with your crew members you’ve come to know. It’s a final send off. To begin, check your messages at the terminal in the room located past the waterfall. However, your main task is to gather party supplies. To get it out of the way first, you can purchase the party supplies on the second floor of Silver Coast out on the Strip, on a termial near the bartender. This is for when you leave the apartment.
  2. There will be messages left for you from the following people: Miranda, James, Kolyat, EDI, Specialist Traynor, Ashley, and later, Garrus and Grunt. You’ll also get an email from Armax Arena, where you can participate in tournaments with your squadmates.
  3. When you’re out on the strip, you can find Traynor at Castle Arcade. You can also play a game of claw to grab prizes
  4. Ashley will be on the second floor of Silver Coast by the bar.
  5. Head back to the apartment. You’ll get a message from Garrus and from an Officer Johnson who currently has Grunt in custody.
  6. Garrus will be on the second floor of Silver Coast right by the dance floor.
  7. Officer Johnson will be opposite Avina in the Strip.
  8. Head back to the apartment and you’ll get a message from Traynor. Now, on the terminal, you can invite people to the apartment. From here you can invite up James, Miranda, EDI, Traynor, and Kolyat. Each will have their own experience to share.
  9. After you’ve visited each person, it’s time to send invites to the party. Invite them all! Glyph will ask you what kind of party you want.
  10. During the party, after you make your rounds with everyone, Glyph will ask how you want to continue the party. You’ll keep talking with everyone, then head back to Glyph, rinse and repeat.
  11. Eventually, you’ll be able to take a group picture remembering the gathering. Afterward, when everyone wakes up from the party, you can visit each one, some being hung over, others normal and one really tripped out.

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