Hitman: Absolution Walkthrough

Hitman: Absolution Walkthrough

Welcome to the walkthrough for Hitman: Absolution, where we’ll take you through each stealth mission and show you have to kill your targets like a pro. The missions are large and complicated in Hitman, with lots of options for assassination. You won’t be lost using Game Front as your guide. Learn what weapons to upgrade, what enemies to knock out, and what disguises to use to become a true silent assassin.

For an even deeper look into the newest Hitman, scan our list of Absolution cheats for articles like collectible locations, easter eggs, and achievement guides. If you’re an X-box or PS3 gamer, check out the achievement and trophy lists.

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Hitman: Absolution Walkthrough

Fight Night

  1. Turn right at double doors ahead to approach the crowd and move behind the stack of crates on the far left to proceed forward unnoticed, then stop in front of the wall at the end and jump to climb on top of it.
  2. Drop over the other side of the wall in front of you and continue moving forward to make the next available right out into the open, then cross the room to reach the alcove of crates behind the camper and collect the keycard.
  3. Cross back to the other side the room and climb over the previous wall again, then return to the double doors you saw at the start of this mission and use the keycard to open them.
  4. Move forward into the next room and drop over the ledge into the elevator shaft on your right, then crawl through the vent on the wall to the left and activate a short cut scene.
  5. Afterwards, exit the vent through the grate ahead to drop into the next room below and pick the lock of the red door in the corner.
  6. Cross the hall quickly to avoid being seen and pass through the curtain by the American flag in front of you to enter the arena, then push your way past the crowd to reach the bar on the right side of the room and approach the bartender in the yellow shirt from behind.
  7. Slip past the bartender to enter the area behind the bar and climb the steps beside you to unlock the door on the left at the top, then ascend another staircase to pick up a wrench and reach the guarded room above.
  8. Take cover beside the doorway to wait for one of the guards in the next room to leave, then toss your wrench in past the other enemy to cause a distraction and move in from behind to choke him out.
  9. Collect the guard’s disguise and exit the room to cross the metal walkway, then toss your wrench forward again to distract another enemy in the next area and choke them out from behind as well.
  10. Drag the two dead bodies you’ve created into the nearby yellow locker and approach the red-lit lever across from it, then press the indicated button to release the light rig and crush Sanchez in the ring below.
  11. Continue moving left across the next walkway and descend the staircase in the corner ahead to pass through the door at the bottom, then use your disguise to slip by the group of enemies ahead and exit to the right.
  12. Make two lefts to descend another staircase and return to the area behind the bar below, then approach the red lit exit sign in the arena and move through the open doorway.
  13. Use your disguise to slip past the final enemy guarding the exit and open the set of red doors to complete this mission.

Hitman: Absolution Walkthrough

Attack of the Saints

  1. Crawl forward to bust through the burning debris ahead and stand up in the destroyed motel room, then turn right to shimmy sideways between the hole in the wall and exit out the other end to reach the next area on your left.
  2. Collect the iron and your suit off the ground in front of you, then continue forward to look over the railing that surrounds the parking lot and activate Eagle Vision to spot the indicated targets below.
  3. Move left to enter the cooler in the corner of the balcony area and wait inside until the two male enemies ahead have passed in front of you, then watch Jennifer Paxton pass by next and emerge from your hiding spot to sneak up behind her.
  4. Follow Paxton across the landing until she comes to a momentary stop, then choke her out with the garret and drag the body back into cooler you were previously hiding inside.
  5. Turn around from the cooler to move down the walkway ahead on your left and activate the next checkpoint, then descend the staircase in front of you and use the railing at the bottom as cover to keep an eye on the enemies in the parking lot.
  6. Change cover quickly to move along the flower beds on the right and cross behind the enemies in the parking lot, then collect the rat poison in the corner ahead and turn left to approach the burning car in front of the wall outside.
  7. Move through the opening in the right corner of the wall to reach the miniature golf course and use your silenced pistol to kill the guard on the left with a quick headshot, then take the enemies disguise and proceed forward along the rightmost wall.
  8. Follow the golf greens forward to roll between the cover on the left and evade detection, then wait for the guards standing in front of tiki pole to walk away and remain ducked down as you pursue them into the next area ahead.
  9. Activate Eagle Vision to locate your next target in the distance and wait behind the cover until the two guards nearby split up, then follow the one that crosses the bamboo bridge ahead and reach the tiki bar on the other side.
  10. Approach the blender to poison the coffee and use your disguise to cross the next bridge behind you without being noticed by Heather McCarthy as she passes by, then take cover to watch her drink the coffee and die.
  11. Make a right between the two burning torches across the from the previous bridge and pick the lock on the door below to enter the motel, then pick up the hula girl and move through the doorway on your left to reach the front desk area.
  12. Use the front desk as cover to hide behind the two enemies above and toss the hula girl past them to distract the guard, then wait for him to walk away and pop up to choke out Dijana.
  13. Stay hidden behind the front desk after killing Dijana to avoid detection and move through the next door on your right, then cross the room to exit into the outside area ahead and take cover behind the trunk of yellow car.
  14. Move right behind the L-shaped cement wall and take cover behind the far end to watch the three enemies stand in front of the dead bodies on the ground ahead until they split up, then use your disguise to disguise to cross between them and approach the gas pumps.
  15. Use the gasoline pump on the right to cause a fuel leak, then turn back around to return to your previous hiding place behind the cement wall and equip a pistol.
  16. Aim your pistol at the gas pump you sabotaged to shoot it and cause an explosion that kills Agnija, then move between the tiki torches on the right to pick the lock on the next door and exit the motel area.
  17. Take cover behind the tires to watch the enemies in the street ahead until they eventually walk away, then cross to the other side of the street approach the hood of the truck in front of the telephone pole and activate the car alarm to cause a distraction.
  18. Turn around to enter the cornfield and move left through it to approach the next house in the clearing ahead, then hide behind the piece of machinery on two wheels and wait for Candy to come towards you.
  19. Wait until Candy is directly beside you and press the indicated button to eliminate her quietly, then hide the body in the cornfield and activate Eagle Vision to locate the enemies that patrol the surrounding stalks.
  20. Use Eagle Vision to approach the next target and navigate around the patrolling enemies, then approach Jaqueline Moorhead from behind in the cornfield and a garrett to choke her to death.
  21. Enter the brick farm house in the last cornfield and climb the ladder in the corner towards the from of the building, then turn right at the top to pick up a brick and look down over nearby the railing to spot the target below.
  22. Wait for the nun to approach the tractor below, then toss a brick beneath the pallet suspended from the crane to draw her into the desired location.
  23. Shoot the chain to drop the pallet’s contents on the Lasandra Dixont and crush her to death, then move back down the ladder to exit the brick building and approach the command post indicated on your map to complete this mission.
  24. Achievement/Trophy Unlocked: The Killing Fields (Bronze): Eliminate the Saints.

Hitman: Absolution Walkthrough

Skurky’s Law

  1. Turn around to move through the door behind you and climb the staircase on the right to reach the floor above, then make your way around the circular railing ahead to enter the library in the back corner.
  2. Hide in the cabinet against the wall on for left and wait for the officer to exit the room, then sneak up on the librarian in the brown vest to subdue him and take his disguise.
  3. Drag the body into the cabinet and exit the library to make your way forward around the circular railing, then move through the double glass doors on the other side of the room to enter the courtroom again and wait for the guard standing beside you to leave.
  4. Approach the monitor to turn off the TV and exit back through the glass double doors, then descend the previous staircase to make a left at the bottom and re-enter the courtroom.
  5. Use your disguise to cross the courtroom unnoticed and follow the judge through the open doorway behind of his bench, then then choke him out from behind to acquire a new disguise and drag the body into the nearby cabinet.
  6. Pick up the judge’s keycard and return to his bench in the courtroom to wait for the defendant to arrive, then press the indicated button to pass sentence and descend the steps on your right into the area below.
  7. Turn left to approach the door with the glass window in the corner and use the keycard to unlock it, then enter the next room ahead and pick the lock on the entrance to the prisoner drop-off area.
  8. Achievement/Trophy Unlocked: Jailbird (Bronze): Gain access to the jail.
  9. Move forward to open the barred door ahead and speak with the officer on the other side, then follow him down the steps to make a left at the bottom and cross the corridor to reach the next room below.
  10. Wait for the two officers to exchange words until one of them leaves, then move through the barred door with the guard on the other side and make a left to take the evidence off the desk.
  11. Choke out the guard when he returns to the room and take his disguise, then pick the lock on the nearby door to enter the holding cell area below and follow the sheriff’s deputy down the corridor ahead.
  12. Eliminate the sheriff’s deputy to hide the body in the nearby cabinet and acquire a new disguise, then turn the corner ahead to move behind the next guard and make a left at the fork in the hallway.
  13. Collect the screwdriver from the box on the right and take cover beside the next doorway ahead, then wait for the guard inside the room to turn around and face towards the open cell on the left.
  14. Toss the screwdriver into the open cell to distract one of the other guards and enter the room to slip behind sheriff’s deputy inside, then turn left to press the button on the control panel and open the gates.
  15. Exit the room quickly and use your disguise to make a right through the barred door you just opened, then descend the steps to move down the corridor below and turn the corner at the end to climb the next red ladder.
  16. Make your way across the metal catwalk to reach the red ladder towards the back left corner of the area and descend it to reach the floor below, then climb the steps beside you to enter the hall above and move into the first room on the left.
  17. Enter the ventilation duct in the corner to crawl forward through the shaft and stand up in the room on the other side, then pick the lock on the barred door to turn left and unlock a second door to complete this mission.

Hitman: Absolution Walkthrough

Operation: Sledgehammer

  1. Press the indicated button to break free from the ropes and cross the room to activate the fire alarm in front of you, then return to the chair to pretend you’re still tied up and wait for an enemy to enter.
  2. Approach the guard from behind as he examines the fire alarm to choke him out and acquire his disguise, then exit the room to climb the stairs on your left and proceed forward through the corridor at the top.
  3. Duck in front of the desk in the room at the end of the hall and slip past the guard on the phone ahead, enter the vent to right of the medicine cabinet against the far wall and forward through it to watch the scene that takes place outside the next grate on your right.
  4. Afterwards, continue crawling forward through the duct to reach the grate at the end and wait for the guard in the next room to walk away.
  5. Exit the ventilation to shaft to drop into the room below and use Eagle Vision to track the guards in the next area ahead, then move through the door in the front left corner and take cover behind the desk in front of you.
  6. Turn around to approach the table beneath the Hope Food Festival poster in the corner and collect both silverballers, then cross to the opposite side of this desk area to slip behind the man with the ponytail and move through the doors on your left to activate a cut scene.
  7. Afterwards, take cover behind the first row of cement pillars in front of you and move to the right between them to reach the opposite end of this area.
  8. Make a left to move down the ramp in the corner and use the truck at the bottom as cover, then duck down behind the nearby crates to hide from the guard patrolling ahead and wait for him to walk away.
  9. Move towards the dumpster across from the truck to pass by it and turn left to approach the wall of the building beside you, then jump to grab the ledge above and climb onto the roof of the structure.
  10. Take cover behind the orange boxes in front of you to pick up the nearby brick and wait for the guard patrolling ahead to turn around, then eliminate the enemy with a choke hold to acquire his disguise and drag the body into the dumpster beside the next checkpoint.
  11. Turn around from the dumpster to descend the staircase and take cover beside the doorway in front of you at the bottom, then toss a brick past the guards ahead to cause a distraction and slip behind them by moving right towards the mailbox.
  12. Cross behind the line of enemies guarding the street ahead and take cover behind the crates on the sidewalk until the agents walk away, then proceed forward in the direction of the burning bus and make a left through the next open door in the corner to enter the shoe store.
  13. Move through the door ahead on the right to enter the stock room and approach the back left corner of the area to exit the store, then descend the steps to reach the basement below and continue moving forward to turn the corner at the end.
  14. Use the door in the left corner to enter the warehouse area and make a right, then use the shelves closest to the wall on the left as cover to slip past the enemies in the room unnoticed and exit through the open doorway ahead.
  15. Take cover behind the dolly full of boxes ahead on the left and wait for the closest enemy to walk away, then use your disguise to continue moving forward unnoticed and turn between the next gap in the wall beside you.
  16. Approach the back right corner of the next area and use your disguise to climb the red ladder unnoticed, then move forward at the top to hang over the edge ahead and drop to the floor below.
  17. Move left across the room by rolling between the cover of the pallets beside you and pass through the red-lit door in the opposite corner, then use the next two exits on your right to reach the area outside and climb the staircase ahead.
  18. Open the red door at the top of the steps to enter the building and move forward across the room to climb the staircase in the next area, then pick the lock above to reach the pool hall and turn right.
  19. Sneak up behind the enemy looking out the window to incapacitate him and take his disguise, then exit the room through the open doorway in the corner and make a right to turn down next series corridor that leads out of the building.
  20. Descend the steps outside to make a left at the bottom and hide behind the nearest carts to avoid the enemies patrolling the area ahead, then roll between the various cover points on your right to cross the marketplace without being noticed.
  21. Use your disguise to pass between the two black vehicles ahead on the left and turn right at the next blue car in front of you, then pass by the barrels to reach the door in the far corner and break it down to activate a short cut scene.
  22. Move towards the church in the distance ahead to reach the building’s front door and open it to activate a cut scene, then aim carefully to take the sheriff out in one shot and complete this mission.
  23. Achievement/Trophy Unlocked: Hour of Reckoning (Bronze): Approach the church.

Hitman: Absolution Walkthrough

One of a Kind

  1. Move through the first door ahead on your left to descend into the basement and approach the mannequins in the corner to unlock a few new disguises.
  2. Turn left approach the desk in the corner of the basement and collect evidence, then move to the next corner behind you and unlock another disguise.
  3. Return to the floor above and climb the steps beside you to approach the tailor, then turn right towards the mirror to acquire 47′s suit and activate a short cut scene.
  4. Achievement/Trophy Unlocked: True Form (Bronze): Acquire suit and gloves.
  5. Afterwards, exit the tailor’s shop through the front door to complete this mission.

Hitman: Absolution Walkthrough

Blackwater Park

  1. Walk forward up the drive to pass by the car on your left and hide behind the flower bed in grassy area ahead, then move right to roll between cover points and continue across the park towards the next guard holding a flashlight.
  2. Use the flower beds as cover to approach the next two guards and wait for them to both walk towards the wall, then move forward to pass behind the pair of enemies and approach the fountain ahead on the right.
  3. Move forward past the fountain and follow the drive downhill to reach the red waterpump device below on the left, then turn it off and take cover until until one of the maintenance men arrive on the scene.
  4. Wait for the maintenance man inside the building to turn around, then approach the worker by the water pump to choke him out from behind and take his disguise.
  5. Descend the steps to the left of the maintenance building and turn right at the bottom to approach the next guard, then use your disguise to slip past him and move through the next door at the top of the stairs in the corner ahead.
  6. Make a right inside the building to enter the vent on the wall and crawl forward through the duct to exit out the other end, then turn right again to move behind the enemies in the next room and climb the stairs across from you.
  7. Activate the checkpoint at the top and turn right to climb another set of steps, then make another right inside the lobby to pass through the open doorway in the corner ahead and move left down the corridor.
  8. Wait for the woman in the suit to exit, then move through the second open doorway on your right to access the computer behind the desk beside you and disable the security system.
  9. Exit the room to make a left through the next open doorway ahead and cross the lobby to approach the woman in the suit, then wait for her to leave and use the control panel she was standing in front of to call down the elevator.
  10. Enter the elevator to push the button inside and activate a cut scene, then shimmy across the ledge on your right to drop down at the end and move left through the open doorway.
  11. Turn right to cross the metal catwalk and move through the next door ahead, then hide behind the red table in front of you and activate Eagle Vision to locate the current target’s whereabouts.
  12. Track the target as she enters the room where you currently reside and wait for Layla to move into the corridor on the left, then sneak up behind the last guard that accompanies her and incapacitate him without being noticed.
  13. Take the enemy’s disguise and dump the body in the nearby chest, then proceed forward to make a left in front of the next stair case and move through the open doorway in the corner.
  14. Move forward across the exhibition room and activate Eagle Vision to locate Layla again, then move through the last open doorway on the left to reach the billiards area and walk past the pool table to approach the far wall.
  15. Use Eagle Vision to find the secret door in the billiards room wall and move through it to activate a cut scene, then shoot Layla immediately to kill her and drag the body into the chest in the corner.
  16. Achievement/Trophy Unlocked: Destroying Something Beautiful (Bronze): Assassinate Layla.
  17. Approach the right side of the bed to answer the phone and activate a cut scene to complete this mission.

Hitman: Absolution Walkthrough


  1. Activate Eagle Vision to locate the enemies amongst the fog ahead and move forward along the left side of the railing that surrounds this rooftop.
  2. Look up towards your right to spot the chains hanging above and shoot them to cause a distraction.
  3. Move right across the rooftop to slip behind the guards checking on the accident you just caused and climb the next staircase to activate the checkpoint above.
  4. Use the fog as cover to move forward between the guards in front of you and wait for the last one ahead on the left to walk away.
  5. Activate Eagle Vision to see the proximity mines in the floor ahead and navigate between them carefully to avoid causing an explosion.
  6. Climb the next set of steps ahead on the right to turn around at the top and shoot the wire above to release the lamppost so that it detonates the proximity mines beside you.
  7. Move over the fallen post to shoot another wire above and release a second lamp to continue clearing out the proximity mines in your path.
  8. Turn left towards the stairs leading up to the helipad and use your pistol to detonate the proximity mines surrounding the floor in front of them.
  9. Climb the steps to reach the helipad above and activate Eagle Vision to locate Dexter’s exact location, then aim your gun at his head and pull the trigger to complete this mission.
  10. Achievement/Trophy Unlocked: The Final Countdown (Bronze): Assassinate Blake Dexter.

Hitman: Absolution Walkthrough

Epilogue: Absolution

  1. Move down the steps across from the wall you’re hiding behind and make a left down the hall, then stop in front of the open doorway ahead and choke out the next agent who walks through it from behind.
  2. Take the new disguise and move out into the cemetery, then approach the next guard ahead on the right from behind and push him into the open grave below.
  3. Descend the stairs on the left to pick up a brick at the top and continue around the path below to reach another set of steps at the end, then use your disguise to slip past the two guards above.
  4. Make a left down the next available set of steps to reach the ground below and use the flower box as cover to avoid the enemy patrolling ahead, then wait for him to walk towards you and execute a choke hold when he’s within range.
  5. Hide the body in the dumpster behind you and continue forward around the flower box to reach the next gate ahead on your right, then pick the lock to exit this area and follow the path on the other side downward through the crypts.
  6. Take the next available right turn to eliminate another guard from behind and drag the body backwards until it’s out of sight, then proceed into the area ahead to locate Jade with Eagle Vision and find safe cover nearby.
  7. Wait for Jade to move beneath the pallet suspended above and shoot the chain to crush your target, then head back down the path where you eliminated the previous guard and turn left at the end.
  8. Climb the next set of steps to reach the entrance above and pick the lock, then ascend another staircase on the other side and follow the path at the top forward.
  9. Use Eagle Vision to locate the three targets above and the laser traps they’ve set so you can navigate around them, then take cover to track movements and eliminate them from behind one-by-one.
  10. Throw objects to cause a distraction or remain in cover until the men walk by to sneak up on them easily and deliver the killing blow.
  11. Eliminate all three targets and ascend the steps to reach the current objective marker on your map, then collect the explosives from the nearby crates and blow open the crematorium’s entrance to complete the game.
  12. Achievement/Trophy Unlocked: A Personal Contract (Silver): Assassinate Travis.