The Last of Us Walkthrough

The Last of Us Walkthrough

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Learn the ins-and-outs of survival with our The Last of Us walkthrough, with text and video guides showing you how to navigate this deadly world. After a killer outbreak of fungus, society has collapsed and disgusting zombies roam the streets — but it’s the violent survivors looking to prey upon the weak that protagonists Joel and Ellie should truly fear.

Naughty Dog’s serious-minded follow-up to their Uncharted series tasks players with sneaking or fighting through a ruined world, trying to get a young girl (Ellie) to safety. Playing from a third-person perspective, ammo is very limited, and stealth is key. Collected items can be crafted into new weapons or gear; scavenging for supplies is the only way to stay stocked up.

Here on the Last of Us walkthrough, you’ll learn how to sneak, fight, and survive every encounter. We’ll show you what weapons to use, which to save, and where to look for better tools. It’s all about survival, but we’ll guide you through each level with ease — revealing what to expect, and what to look out for.

Speaking of exploration, there are several different types of collectibles to discover. Find them all, and the rest of our extra in-depth guides, on the Last of Us cheats list. If you’re looking to earn Platinum too, take a look at the Last of Us trophies to see what challenges await.

Experience Ellie’s solo adventure with our Last of Us: Left Behind DLC walkthrough.

More collectible guides, secrets, and extras for The Last of Us:

Last of Us: Safe Locations & Solutions Guide

Last of Us: Artifacts Locations Guide

Last of Us: Firefly Pendants
Locations Guide

Last of Us: Training Manuals Locations Guide

Last of Us: Shiv Doors Locations Guide

Last of Us: How to Find Every Optional Conversation

Last of Us: Comics Locations Guide

The Last of Us Walkthrough

Chapter 1: Prologue

  1. After you answer the phone and talk to your uncle, exit your bedroom, head down the hall and into your dad’s bedroom on the right. After watching the news and witnessing the explosion, head downstairs. Inspect his phone on the counter in the kitchen, then walk past the sliding glass door into the office to finally find your father.
  2. Following the long cutscene, pound square to kick out the glass to escape from the car. After you pick up your daughter, run down the street and stay with your brother who will lead the way.
  3. After the explosion in front of the movie theater, go left into the alley with him. After you walk through the gate, tap square to push off the infected. After you get inside the bar and then exit, cross the street and head through the break in the wall and down the path. Make it up the other side of the path for another intense cutscene.

The Last of Us Walkthrough

Chapter 2: Quarantine Zone

  1. Follow Tess through the gate and down the alley. Head down the street and take in the post-infected world. Following the cutscene to the gated checkpoint area you were attempting to gain access to, turn around and flee by following Tess.
  2. Once you get inside the building, heal yourself using the health kit she provides for you. When you get to the hideout room, help Tessa move the entertainment unit to gain access to the hidden tunnel. Follow her to the storage area and pick up your gear on the workbench.
  3. Head back into the tunnel, turn right and go stand in front of the plywood sheets to give Tessa a boost. Press triangle to lift up the flat door to get back to ground level. Exit the bar and follow Tessa through the grassy area.
  4. Find the ladder behind the silver car, then turn around and place it under the hole in the brick building. After you climb it, you can get some screws in one of the kitchen drawers, then follow Tessa downstairs.
  5. After you head into the gas-filled room, crouch through the hole in the back right corner. Use triangle to move the beam in the back right corner (past the body). After you slip between the filing cabinet, shoot and kill the man on the floor to put him out of his misery.
  6. Follow the hallway around, head through the doorway, then crouch through the crawl space. Follow the onscreen instructions and hold R2 to focus your hearing. Next, stealthily sneak up behind the infected and take him down. Walk past the other infected feasting on a corpse and head up the stairs.
  7. Cross the wooden planks and drop off the ledge to get outside. Turn and use square to attack the two infected that will follow you and Tessa outside. Follow here through the gate and then through the hidden hole in the wall behind the ivy.
  8. After you jump up the ledge, head down the ramp to the left. Drop down and pick up the plank to hand to Tessa. Head through the hole in the wall across from you, then head up and cross the gap. Head down the stairs and continue to follow Tessa.
  9. When you get inside the building, pick up the ammo on the table to the right. After you head outside again, feel free to roam around a bit, then continue to follow Tessa to go find Robert.
  10. Following your interaction with the three thugs, move up from your cover to the left and kill the other two guys with your gun. Pick up their ammo, then head down the alley. Boost Tessa up the wall next to the gate. After you make your way through the hole in the fence, Tessa will stealth kill one of Robert’s men—you need to take out the other.
  11. Hop through a window in the building on the right and knock out the nearby dude and Tessa will take down the other. Grab the key on him and pick up the health supply next to the trash cans before heading through the door. Use the key to open the next door to get to the warehouse.
  12. Crouch behind the gabs on the pallet. Wait for the discussion between the three guys to end, then sneak up behind the guy in the doorway and take him down. Head outside and do the same to the guy headed up the stairs.
  13. Head inside and go left (while crouched) through the open bay door. Head into the room on the right and pick up a nearby object to throw. Chuck it near the doorway, then wait for one of the guys to come around the corner before taking him down.
  14. Sneak around the railing to take out the other guy upstairs, then knock out the third guy down below. Head downstairs and pull on the chain to open the bay door.
  15. There will be a ton of guys here, but you only need to get to Robert. Use Joel’s special hearing ability to see where certain enemies are, then either slip by them or stealthily take them down if no one is nearby. The best way to go with the fewest enemies that you would have to encounter is all the way to the left (past the blue container).
  16. After you stealth kill the first guy, continue forward along the left side. Before you proceed to the next area, there will be a guy around the corner to the left. Throw a nearby object to slip past to him to the left and through the open container. Pick up the health kit on the stack up picks before heading through the office door.
  17. Open the next door to find Robert. Sprint after him once he takes off for a cutscene. Before following Tessa and the chick Firefly up the stairs to the left, get the supplies on the workbench to the right of the stairs.
  18. After you drop in from the window on the roof, grab all of the supplies on the table, then help the Firefly open the blue door in the corner. Following the cutscene, follow here and Tessa up the stairs to the left. Go through the doorway, hop over the desk and strangle the guard in the doorway.
  19. Head all the way down the hallway and pick up the bottle before hopping over the desk. While hidden under the window, throw the bottle nearby to distract the guard outside, then knock him out behind some cover. Take out the other guard on the other side of the roof, then head down the stairs and continue to follow Marlene, who will eventually lead you to your cargo, Ellie.
  20. Back outside, go left and head downstairs and through the gate. Turn right toward the wall of the building, then head down the stairs. After you head up the stairs on the other side, crouch along the wall to avoid being spotted by soldiers and follow the path around to the alley.
  21. After you walk through the open gate, grab and pull the green dumpster (located around the corner of the wall to the left) around to help you get up onto the platform. Follow the hallway all the way around as you learn a little bit about Ellie.
  22. Following the cutscene, talk to Tessa. After she moves the bookshelf, head through the space, then start the generator on the left. Once you get in running, press the button on the wall to activate the lift.
  23. Head through the crawl space, then on up the ladder. Proceed forward and head through the container when your reach it. Following the intense cutscene, you’ll to stay close to Tessa as you make your way through the trenches. Stay stealthy, because you don’t want to mess with all the soldiers here.

The Last of Us Walkthrough

Chapter 3: The Outskirts

  1. Once you get to the sewer, hop up the ledge on the left (grab the supplies on the right), then head through the doorway and up the slope. Stay crouched as you turn to the right. Move along the wall through the doorway and up the stairs. Drop off the ledge, go through the window and raise up the bay door.
  2. Follow Tessa toward the building on the right. There’s a large patrol here, so stay crouched as you make your way through. After you exit the building, turn right and drop down the series of ledges. Head through the small tunnel at the end of the ditch.
  3. Head up the stairs and use the crawl space in the left corner. Wait for the two patrolmen to leave, then advance. After you head through the doors, get the supplies from the locker on the left and the workbench on the right. Exit out of the other doorway, go through the break in the wall and head through the pipe. Trudge through the water to get to the gate at the end for a cutscene.
  4. Follow Tessa and Ellie up through the wreckage of the freeway. When you arrive at the huge drop-off overlooking downtown, turn right and make your way through the break in the wall and through the crawl space.
  5. Turn right up the steps and head through the open door. Go through the next open door (past the body), open the door in the hallway and pick up the supplies on the table to the right. Exit through the door, head up the stairs and pick up the gun and ammo near the body.
  6. Go left through the door on the next floor. Pull the “Clicker” away from the door and break it in. Get the knife in the desk drawer and grab the med supplies on the shelf to the right before crouching through the crawl space.
  7. Hop over the barrier and get the tape and scissors on on the other side of the desk partitions. Have Tessa help you break down the locked door at the front of the room. After you get it to open, immediately tap square to push the attacking Clicker off of you.
  8. Follow the girls through the next room and search the cupboards for supplies (note that you can create your own health kit by finding small random objects like bandages, rubbing alcohol, etc). Head through the doorway on the left, then use the knife to open the door in front of you.
  9. Check the shelves on the left for ammo, meds and other supplies. Exit the room and head back into the hallway where the girls will be waiting for you. Follow them in the room across the hallway, then go and stand in front of the wall with ivory growing up it to give Tessa a boost.
  10. After she pulls you up, a Clicker will hear you guys. Stealthily follow Tessa around to the left. After the Clicker walks away, hop up and over the scaffolding. Hop over the staircase and pull the filing cabinet out of the way.
  11. Follow Tessa and Ellie out the window, out onto the window-cleaning rigs, around the ledge and through the next window. After you get downstairs and head through the doorway, pick up the revolver next to the body on the floor, then follow the girls into the next room.
  12. Go right and drop off the short ledge. Pick up the crowbar to the left. After you turn around the corner, crouch, sneak up behind the Runner and either hit triangle to shiv ‘em or square to strangle him. There will be three other Runners here and a Clicker, so if you don’t want to waste ammo here, use and throw surrounding objects close by you to lure them over and take them out using the crowbar or knife.
  13. Continue forward. Pick up the health on the table, then head through the doorway and pull yourself up to the ledge on the right. Head up the makeshift ramp and pull the filing cabinet out of the way. Hold it to allow Tessa and Ellie through, then hop over after Tessa props it open for you.
  14. Pick up supplies on the floor near the sofa as well as the health and more supplies on the desk. Exit through the doorway, go left and make your way down toward the bottom. After you crouch through the tiny opening, make a quick left through the doorway.
  15. Hop up into the crawl space, jump up onto the ledge and advance along the right wall.Head under the makeshift waterfall as you make your way down the rubble (get the supplies in the corner). At the bottom, pick up the meds on the pay phone, then grab the Molotov cocktail next to the body. The stairs will be blocked, so follow the path around and go under the crawl space.
  16. Scary part here. The subway area will be crawling with infected and Clickers. You’ll wanna stay crouched and be quiet to avoid alarming the Clickers. Pick up surrounding objects and throw them to throw the Clickers off. Finding your way through this part is tricky because it’s so dark and everything looks the same. Keep moving forward. Once you find the store, turn left down the long hallway (there will be an Exit sign at the end). Turn left, then make a quick right through the turnstiles and press the triangle button under another exit sign to pull down the ladder.
  17. After you get through the hole and drop off the ledge, head up the rubble to the left. Once on solid ground, turn right down the wide alley and go left through the hole in the building. There will be a few infected in here, but all you need to worry about is getting the rolling chest of drawers and wheel it outside. Push it against the wall to the right of the truck and is it to get over.
  18. Get to the end of the alley and lift the bay door on the left. That was close! Head up the ramp on the left side of the big rig and use the workbench on the left to upgrade your weapons. Get the meds in the back of the big rig, then head through the door next to the workbench.
  19. Get the gun on the desk, then head straight through the next door. Get the supplies from the drawer in the desk to the right, then go left through the door. Head straight along the right wall for more supplies, then climb up the makeshift ramp to get to the next floor.
  20. Turn right down the hallway and go left through the doorway. Get the supplies from the door on the right, then crouch under the partially boarded-up doorway and move the beam to allow Tessa and Ellie to pass through.
  21. After you get separated, turn around and go left through the two doorways out into the hallway. Turn left into the dining area. Get the supplies from the counter, then shiv the door on the right to open it. A ton of ammo/heath/supplies on the shelf to the left and in front of you (next to the mannequins).
  22. Get back into the hallway, go left, take down the Clicker and open the double doors on the left at the end. Head up the stairs to the next floor, open the doors and kill the Runner trying to break down the door. Head through to meet back up with Tessa.
  23. After you exit to rescue Ellie, then will be a ton of Runners here, so it would be a good idea to pull out your gun (or use the Molotov cocktails to take them out). With the room clear, follow Tessa to the back corner and hop through the window.
  24. Head up to the roof and grab the wooden plank over on the left, then place it over the railing on the catwalk to cross over the gap. Following the cutscene, follow the girls down the stairs. Roll the dumpster next to the stairs diagonally across to in front of the gate and use it to hop over. Follow Tessa through the swamp to get to the capital building for a cutscene.

  25. Following that major twist, sprint up the stairs to the left and follow the pathway around. Head around the railing to the right and head through the doorway. Jump the gap after crossing the makeshift bridge to get through the window. Before heading through the doorway, you can find a rile next to the corpse.
  26. Crouch as you advance past the bloody columns and turn left through the doorway. Grab the bottle on the floor, head through the next doorway on the left and take cover behind the white sheet. Right when the soldier is about to pass by, use it to bash his skull. There will be three other soldiers here, so use your special hearing skill to listen for them and take them out.
  27. Once you get to the other end of the building (the yellow room), head down the stairs. Drop off the ledge at the bottom and head through the doorway. Turn right through the large opening in the dining room, then make another quick right through the first doorway. Pick up the health on the table on the left and slowly advance toward the windows will crouched. Wait in the shadows for the soldiers to pass by, then quickly head out the door and sprint diagonally across for the stairs.
  28. Head down the subway hallway. When you reach the toxic area, hold your cover and wait for the first solider to come close, then surprise him and take him down. Next, sneak up on the other one over to the right and knock him out before advancing through the broken down subway car.

The Last of Us Walkthrough

Chapter 4: Bill’s Town

  1. Move into the water and swim to the dead end. Press circle to dive under to get around the barricade. Swim forward and submerge again and go through the break in the wall, then through the sunken subway car. When you come up, Ellie should be up on the left. Since she can’t swim, you need to go get the floating pallet up and to the right and bring it back to her. Cross over the water to her to the other side, then wait for her to get the ladder and pull yourself up. Go left through the open gate and head up the stairs.
  2. After you venture through the woods, inspect the gate at the top of the hill. It will be locked, so walk around the way around to the left. Pick up the plank on the wall, turn around and lean it against the little shed right across of you. Head around to the other side and hop up the AC unit to get to the roof.
  3. Grab the cool weapon on the right corner for a melee upgrade, then pick up the plank and lay it across the two roofs to safely cross. Drop down from the roof and head down the slope to the left. After you drop down the two ledges, use your shiv to open the door on the left for a bunch of supplies, ammo and health.
  4. Head back outside and inspect the gate. After Ellie asks for you to give here a boost, inspect the gate again to get her over. Go left and head through the opening in the gate. A bunch of supplies on the shelves to the left. Next, head through the opening between the two brick walls and turn right down the street.
  5. You can find an assortment of supplies in some buildings as you make your way down the street. Once you get to the end, go left through the narrow alley between the buildings. Go right, get the arrows out of the fallen runner, pick up the ladder, prop it up on the back of the big rig and climb up.
  6. Grab the box behind the sofa, then cross the plank. Pick up the plank, prop it up next to the ladder, climb up, pick up the plank and use it to cross over to the next roof. Test out the bow and arrow on the lone Runner below. Head down the ladder and then on up onto the next roof.
  7. Get down the next ladder, couch under the trap wire, then go left down the alley. Open the door and head up the stairs. Go left into the room and gather the supplies off the bed. Exit and head into the next room, but be prepared to take out the Runner that will attack you. Get the supplies on the table to the right, then head back down stairs and go outside.
  8. Pick up a bottle near the brick wall, then head over toward the gated area. Stand back and aim the bottle at one of the detonation devices to blow them both up. Head through the gate. There will be another trap just ahead past the green sofa, so use an object to throw at it.
  9. Head through the open doorway. Get the ammo from the desk in front of you, then open the door on the left Yikes! You’ll have to pull out one of your guns and shoot and kill the Runners and Clickers while Ellie tries to cut you down. Once you drop, tap square to fight off a Runner before Bill finally saves you.
  10. Follow Bill out of the warehouse. Sprint as he leads you down the alley, then turn around and shoot any following Runners while he opens the door. Stick with Bill as you fight off more zombies before you finally get to his safehouse for a cutscene.
  11. After you make your plan with Bill, grab his map from the table and the supplies on the bar (you can find a “training manual” at the end to upgrade your shiv. From there, Bill will lead you through a series of building before you end up outside again. You can find all sorts of supplies in various rooms along the way.
  12. Outside, you’ll encounter a pretty large group of infected, so use your guns to take them out form a distance. Cross the street with Bill and head through the gate. Head up the stairs and open the cellar doors.
  13. Following the cutscene, go over toward Bill to check out his new “toy” for you. Go left in the alcove for plenty of supplies on the small shelf to the left. More supplies on the shelves in the main room up on the right. You can then use the workbench on the left to upgrade weapons, then follow Bill out of the building.
  14. After you head through the gate, advance up the stairs and take out the two Clickers. Turn right through the gate at the end and clear the rest of the Clickers out in this bottom area as you advance. After Bill opens the gate for you, take out the two Runners up the path, then go left through the hole in the fence.
  15. As you move forward, you’ll be ambushed by two Runners—take them out, then kill the Clicker. Head up the steps up the slope and continue along the right wall. Head through the door into the kitchen. Grab the health on the counter and head into the next room. You can get some more supplies in the garage, then head back outside and go right through the break in the fence.
  16. Advance and take out the three Runners along the way. Grab the health on the barbecue, then go left down the slope at the wall. Enter the garage and get the arrow and other supplies from the shelves. Exit through the big garage door, head down the alley and enter through the garage up on the right. Inspect the door, then removed the board over the doggy door after Ellie suggests it.
  17. You can stealthily make your way past the Clickers here through the patio door. Take out the Clicker in the dining room, then go left down the hall. Kill the Clicker in the bedroom to the right and get the rifle ammo. Get down the hallway, go outside and hop up the RV. Follow Bill across the tree house and through the house down below.
  18. There’s a few miscellaneous supplies around the house, and some upstairs in the closet. After that, go help Bill lift up the garage door. Head around to the right when outside. If you’ve upgraded your bow and arrows, it’s a great weapon to take the infected from a distance quietly. However, after you move through the buses, they will automatically ambush you. So quickly run away to give you some space, then use a Molotov cocktail or a bomb to help you take them out.
  19. With the area clear, head over to the bus on the left to give Ellie a boost so she can lower the ladder. Climb up and drop down on the other side. The doors around the truck that’s smashed in to the wall will be locked. Quickly follow Bill around to the side. Pull out your shotgun and use it fight off infected. Hop up and through the window once he gets it open.
  20. Following the cutscene, head down the hallway and take out the group of infected. Go left down the next hallway and right through the open classroom door. Clear this room out of infected, get to the end and exit through the doorway out into the hallway.
  21. More infected up ahead. Take them out, then break down the double doors on the right and the end to enter the gym. What the hell!?!? Take out the three Runners over to the left, then hopefully you have a bomb or some Molotov cocktails to help you kill this Bloater. If not, you’re going to need a lot of ammo to take him down.
  22. Get the ammo and supplies from the storage area, then give Bill a boost up the bleachers. After Bill and Ellie get up, you’ll have to kill three more Runners before the coast is clear. Go right and hop out the window. Follow Bill through the fence and down the stream. Fight off the one Runner coming toward you, then climb up the ladder for a cutscene.
  23. After Ellie finds the car, search the house for supplies, then go back and talk to Ellie. Next, get behind the truck and help Bill push. After the failed attempt to get it started, you’ll have to fight off a pack of infected. You’ll have to continue doing this in between pushing the truck down the hill. Once you do and Ellie gets it started, hop in the back for a cutscene.
  24. Following the crash, mash square to avoid death and take out the hooligan trying to kill you. After you rescue Ellie, there will be three more guys to take out. Use one of your weapons and the surrounding area as cover to get the job done.
  25. There will then be another group of thugs that will show up. Use objects to throw in areas to distract them, then stealthily take them down. Once you take care of all of them, cross the street and search the desk drawers for supplies in the office.

The Last of Us Walkthrough

Chapter 5: Pittsburgh

  1. Lift the bay door to the left of the offices after you search the area. Get the supplies from the lockers on the right. You can also find some tools and a smoke bomb over on the shelves. Exit through the door and head on up the stairs. After you enter through the door, head right through the doorway and search the hideout for supplies (get the health kit upgrade on the shelves next to the mattresses on the left).
  2. Exit through the other doorway out into the hallway. Take the door on the right to use the workbench to upgrade weapons, then take the other door to go outside. Head up the stairs and hop over the rail. Drop off the ledge and get the supplies in the corners on the left Move around around the bus and proceed forward.
  3. When you spot the three guys, move all the way around to the wall on the right and take cover behind the white jeep. Sneak up behind them after they start to split off and take them down stealthily. With the area clear, advance, hop up the maroon car next to the bus, then get up on the bus to drop down on the other side.
  4. Advance through the checkpoint maze, then take cover behind the trash dumpster after you push through the turnstile. Move up along the path on the right. After the discussion between the three hunters ends and they spread out, take them out.
  5. Advance to the end of this area and turn right down the alley. Hop through the window on the right. There will be five guys on this lower level, so either use nearby objects to throw in order to distract them and take them down, or (the fun method!) use your bow and arrow.
  6. Head up the stairs once you get to the other side of the room. Before you get to the top, hold R2 to see where nearby enemies are. Take cover and constantly check behind you because new enemies will come up the stairs eventually.
  7. After you clear the upper floor, you can find some supplies in the far back right corner in the lower cabinets (there will be come more in the closet to the right). If you head down the stairs on the opposite side (the left corner) and then go left through a couple of doorways, you’ll find some lockers with more supplies.
  8. Get back up the stairs and head through the exit way (next to RIver’s Cafe). Get down the stairs, advance, turn right down the alley and head up the stairs. Drop through the break in the railing, then head down the alley and hop over the barricade.
  9. Enter the gross swampy water and swim to the end. Grab the pallet and take it back to Ellie. Once she gets on, swim her right over to the front of the big object so she can hop up. After she lays down the plank, turn around and go through the opening of the metal comportment. Once in the building, swim straight to the back room and head up the stairs. Head into the next room, go around the railing, grab the supplies from the shelves to the right (and the shiv on the nearby counter), then hop out the window.
  10. Cross the plank and head through the window. Get the meds and supplies from the counter over to your right. Go left through the opening into the next area. Pick up the ladder and walk it around to where there’s a break in the railing and lean it against the wall for you to climb up.
  11. Head around to the left and go up the stairs. Hop through the window and take cover behind the AC vent. Following the discussion between the two hunters, hop through the window and strangle the closest one as he walks through the doorway on the left. Head through, cross the hallway and take the hunter out in here.
  12. Check the drawers of nearby rooms for health/supplies. Use R2 as you make your way through the floor to alarm you of any enemies. Get to the other end of this floor and head up the stairs. Get the supplies from the suitcase on the left, then pry open the elevator doors.
  13. Climb up the ladder, move along the ledge and drop down onto the elevator. Stand under the opening in order to give Ellie a boost. Following your crazy fall, turn your flashlight on and go left through the opening in the wall. Swim straight, pull yourself up over to the debris and go through the doorway with the exit sign above it. Go under the water in this room and swim through the doorwayay. Swim diagonally to the right through the other doorway and swim to the surface.
  14. Get the supplies from the shelves in the doorway on the right, then head toward the double doorway. Before you walk through, head underwater and swim through the double doorway down here. Continue through the next doorway and then swim through the break in the ground to the surface.
  15. Head through the nearby doorway. Let the spores pass as you make your way down the hallway. Enter the door on the left for supplies. Cross over to the other doorway for more supplies on the shelves and desk, then head through the exit doorway in this room. Go right (around the big electrical box) and start up the red generator. Once you get it on, head up the rubble.
  16. Pull out your shotgun and take out the huge group of Seekers that will be coming for you. Check the desk drawer for supplies, then head out through the double doors to the left of the lockers. Cross the hallway through the other doorway and pick up the key card on the desk. Then jump off the ledge and head up the rubble ramp.
  17. Go left down the hallway to the end and then make a left at the “caution: wet floor” sign” through the doorway and head down the stairs. Use the key card to open the door on the right. Head up the stairs and open the door. Go left down the hallway and get the supplies from the office on the right. You can also use the workbench to upgrade weapons (you should have enough supplies at this point to upgrade your hunting rifle with a scope!).
  18. Kick in the door on the opposite side for some more supplies, then open the door at the end of the hallway. There will be two hunters to stealthily take down in the kitchen here. Next, stealthily take down the three hunters in the dining room.
  19. Head to the back left corner and pick up the ladder on the floor next to the elevator. Lean the ladder to the right of the elevator and climb up. After getting kicked off, mash square to fight off the hunter. Ellie to the rescue!
  20. Following the cutscene, climb up the ladder and go left through the doorway. Make the next left and hug the right wall to make your way across the break in the floor. Get the supplies on the table to the left and find some over bar the bar. Go back to the hallway and turn left down the stairs.
  21. Head down the hallway. You can find a few supplies from the desk drawer at your first right and upgrade your melee weapons by booking up the booklet on the corner of the desk down the main hallway. Turn right through the doorway and the end of the hallway.
  22. Push the piano forward toward the wall and hop up it to get to the next level. Get the few supplies all the way on the other side of the railing, then head through the double doors. Head outside for a cutscene.
  23. After the hunters get the order to search the area, stealthily make your way over to the right and take out the one guy by the cop car. Advance to some cover. Pull out your bow and arrow and take out the hunter up ahead as well as the guy patrolling the catwalk around the corner of the building on the right.
  24. Head left up the steps into the bank. Take cover behind the front desk and strangle the patrolling hunter after he walks by. Head out the exit to the right into the alley and take out this hunter as well. Cross the area, head into the Don Fiocchi restaurant, go to the back storage area and take out the guy here as well as the one across the small alley.
  25. At this point, Ellie will be spotted an engage some hunters down below. Pull out your rifle and help her clear the rest of the area. Following the cutscene, advance toward the checkpoint area (with the blue tarps) and lift the large bay door on the left.
  26. After Ellie makes the suggestion to lift her up, pull the cart out from the bay door and wheel it over to the dock. Hop up and over and use the workbench on the right to modify weapons and what not. Get the meds on the opposite table, then hop over the scaffolding.
  27. Open the door on the left, go down the hallway and up the stairs. After you enter through the doorway upstairs, quickly take cover behind the wall to the right. After the hunters pass by and head downstairs, head down the hallway and drop off the ledge to get back outside.
  28. Head down the street. Go left through the book store at the turn. Take out the hunter standing guard on the second floor (above the “Delta Direct” sign) using your bow and arrow. Go left and head under the “Books” banner, but make sure you are crouched to avoid setting off the trap! Hug the wall at the doorway and wait for the two hunters conversation to end.
  29. Go out the doorway to the right and take cover behind the cop car. Throw an object to distract on of them and bring them closer to you, then take him out stealthily. After you take out the other guy, cross diagonally into the Ration Depot. Check the desk drawers for some supplies, then head into the supply room in the back for a ton of health/supplies/ammo.
  30. Head back outside to talk to Ellie. Stand under the ladder to the left to boost her up and pull it down. Drop down off the catwalk and go left down the alley. Go right down the next alley to the end, hop through the window and take out the three hunters here.
  31. Exit out the other side of the building and go right. And take cover behind the van. You’ll have to sprint across the street because as soon as you move the turret will spot you and open fire. Go from the van, to the cop car, to the blue car and use them as shields. On the other side, head through the doorway on the right. Stay crouched here because the turret will continue to fire on you. Shoot and kill the attacking hunters, then hop through the window on the other side of the office.
  32. Go left down down the street. Take out the attacking hunter, the sprint down the alley and take the open door on the right before the tank catches up to you guys. Take the stairs up, then go up the outside stairs. Cross over the planks and hop through the window to get some supplies. Head into the bedroom, hop through the window and take the ledge around to the next window for a cutscene.
  33. After meeting Sam and Henry, get the supplies on the kitchen sink to upgrade your Molotov cocktails. Follow Henry downstairs. After you exit the toy store, get the supplies from the shelves on the left, then take out the three hunters in the alley (Henry won’t be much of a help).
  34. Follow Henry up onto the truck. Quickly take cover behind the nearby AC unit as the two hunters exit from the window. Throw and object over to the left to distract them, then quickly get up the AC units next to the wall and take them down. Cross the planks and go through the door.
  35. Following the cutscene, take out one of the hunters by the fire and Henry will take out the other. Get the supplies on the other side of the counter to the right, then exit through the door on the opposite side. Stay crouched (and obviously stay out of the light) as you advance on the left side, using the cars as cover along the way. Take out the patrolling hunter down below the light using your bow and arrow.
  36. Since this next part is impossible to do with stealth, move over to the roadblock right in front of the light. Chuck a Molotov cocktail up there to take out the two hunters. You can then pull out your rifle and pick of the group of hunters one by one as they walk toward the lookout point (or use more Molotov cocktails to take out multiple enemies at once).
  37. WIth the area clear, follow Henry over to the D2 gate and help him push open the doors. After he takes out the hunter up on the wall, follow the path around and stand under the ladder to give everyone a boost. After that dick Henry leaves you, help Ellie lift the bay door to the left.
  38. Get the supplies on the shelves behind you, then go through the doorway around the corner. Strangle the lone hunter who will come toward the bar, then take out the other three hunters in the outside area. Roll the cart away from the glass doors and open them to get back outside. Cross the street after Ellie and sprint down the freeway while getting shot at for a cutscene.

The Last of Us Walkthrough

Chapter 6: The Suburbs

  1. Well look who’s back? Follow Henry down the beach. Get the supplies from the small boat, then head up the ridges of the small waterfall Help Henry lift the grate, then head inside the sewer. Inspect the chain-link door at the end (which will be locked), then rip off the small grate on the floor to the left for Ellie to crawl through. Head though after she opens the door and get the supplies on the shelves and on the desk to the left.
  2. Head over to Henry and Sam’s side of the sewer and go through the open door. Head down the short ramp and attempt to turn the wheel to open the door. Drop down into the water, swim to the other side of the door and go under to unjam it.
  3. Swim under the door to the next area after Henry raises it. Go up the steps, climb the ladder to the left and push the pallet on the railing into the water. You can get some health from the room at the other end of the catwalk, but there will be two infected in there as well. Get back into the water, take the pallet over to Ellie and swim it diagonally across to where the generator is.
  4. After Henry pulls you up, follow the group down the tunnel. Go left through the first doorway for some supplies, then push open the double doors at the end of the tunnel. You can find a “shorty” pistol on one of the desks to the left and upgrade your bombs by picking up a manual on the shelves a little farther up.
  5. Go left through the tunnel, then open the door to the right. Pull out that shotgun before your head down the stairs and take out the attacking group of Runners. Head down the steps, advance over the barrier and head up the stairs. Grab the health on the cart and the tools on the shelves (a few more tools in through the door on the left), then head down the stairs and open the gate.
  6. After you get separated from Henry and Ellie, head through the door and get the supplies on the floor. Head around the corner and take out all of the Clickers and Runners as you make your way through this area. Once you clear the entire area (bow and arrow is the best way to go) and search it for supplies, stand in front of the wall past the classroom area to give Sam a boost. Climb up the ladder, head down the stairs and drop down below.
  7. After you reunite with Henry and Ellie, flee the infected down the pathway toward the open door. After you try top help Henry push open the jammed door, Sam will rescue you guys. Follow the group up the stairs. Get the supplies on the table. After Henry gives Ellie and Sam a boost through the window, pull out that shotgun and unload on the infected that will come barreling through the doorway. Molotov cocktails will be needed as well! Exit the door once Sam and Ellie get it open.
  8. Following the cutscene, head through the suburban neighborhood and search the houses for supplies. At the turn in the road, go left into the first garage (with the blue car in the driveway) to find a workbench to upgrade your weapons. Continue to forge through homes. At the next turn, head into the first house on the right. After the kids are done playing darts, watch Joel fail at dart throwing, then head through the kitchen, get the supplies on the table, head outside and drop off the ledge for a cutscene.
  9. After you guys take cover behind the car from the sniper, go left up the stairs, around the corner of the building, up to the tree planter, then down to the left around the backside of the house. The sniper will then send several other hunters after you—take them down, then advance.
  10. Use your hearing skill to find out where other enemies are. Clear them out first, then go for the sniper. Since he’ll be hidden behind a ton of cover, you’ll have to get inside the building that he’s held up in and flank him (the house at the end of the street with a huge sheet of plywood in front of the left window).
  11. Head up the stairs of the building, go through the green bedroom, through the bathroom doorway and into the next bedroom where he was sniping from. Mash square when he tries to stab you to kill him. After Joel grabs the sniper, use it to snipe and provide cover for Ellie and the guys. Once the tank shows up, wait for the driver to peek his head out and throw Molotov cocktails. You’ll have to be quick, so aim right over the top of tank, then fire when he pops up to destroy the tank.
  12. Once the tank is destroyed, Sam and Henry will get attacked by two infected. Quickly fire a two shots to save them. A huge group of infected will then come pouring down the street. Fire off a few shots, but eventually Joel will pull off for a long and intense cutscene.

The Last of Us Walkthrough

Chapter 7: Tommy’s Dam

  1. Head up the path. Pick up the supplies at the car, then drop off the ledge and make your way down to the river. Once you reach it, hop up the two flat rocks to the right. Advance toward the power plant.
  2. Head up the stairs and crank the wheel to the left. Get the supplies and arrows in the control room, then hop over the railing and into the water. Swim forward a bit, then go under water. Go down through the opening in the house and push the pallet lodged in roof for Ellie to ride on. Carry her over to the other side of the dam, then swim back over to the other platform and safely cross after she spins the wheel to rotate the sifter.
  3. Head down to the grassy area for a couple supplies in the corner, then get up the stairs and follow the path around. After you pass the tractor, cross the path and get the supplies in the security shack. You can also find a sweet pistol with a scope (“El Diablo”) on the floor next to the chair on its side. Head over to the big doors and try to open them.
  4. After you meet back up with your brother, follow Tommy as he gives you a tour of the place. After Joel asks to talk to Tommy privately, follow him up the stairs (go through the doorway on the left for supplies) and across the catwalks. Get the supplies in the power plant office, and you can use the workbench in the office on the left to upgrade weapons. Continue to follow Tommy around until you get another cutscene.
  5. Following the cutscene, pull out a weapon and help Tommy and his boys kill the attacking bandits. After you clear the power plant, head outside and use your rifle to take out the bandits across the catwalks. Follow Tommy through the door, then clear out the downstairs area of the rest of the bandits.
  6. After you learn that Ellie took off, follow Tommy as you make your way through the woods on horseback. After your horse jumps over the fallen tree, you’ll be overtaken by bandits. Pull out your rifle (or the new El Diablo) and take the bandits out as you advance up the path. After you clear the area and check the cabins for supplies, head back down to your horses, hop on and follow Tommy.
  7. When you arrive at the house, open the front door. There won’t be much in the way of supplies in this house, so head upstairs and open the door down at the end of the hallway to find Ellie.
  8. Following the emotional cutscene, stealthily make your way down the hallway and strangle the bandit as he comes around the corner. Take out the other bandit checking the bedrooms, then head downstairs to kill the rest of the bandits. Smoke bombs work great here to temporarily blind enemies. Clear the bottom floor, then head outside for a cutscene.

The Last of Us Walkthrough

Chapter 8: The University

  1. Ride your horse through the university entrance. Go toward the back of the area, dismount, hop up onto the loading dock and get the flame-thrower leaning against the old car. Get the tools on the barrel to the right and some more on the shelves to the left before using the workbench. Head back outside, mount the horse, hop over the barricade to the left and ride the horse up the stairs just up ahead.
  2. Dismount the horse and enter through the building with the columns on the left. Turn right at the end of the long hallway and pry open the doors. Head up the stairs on the left and test out your new toy on the Runners. Clear the area, then start the generator. Follow the yellow generator cord around to the other building and flip the switch on the panel to raise the gate.
  3. Hop on the horse and ride it down the steps into the center courtyard area. Go left up the stairs and hurdle the barricade. Follow the monkeys around (?) the center courtyard and ride up the steps on the other side. Go left through the wide opening between the buildings, then make a right all the way down the path. Go right under the tunnel, right down the path and make a left at the next tunnel.
  4. The gate will be locked, so you’ll have to go around to get to the other side to get the generator to open it up for Ellie. Go through the crawl space and get the supplies on the table and on the bookshelf. Head through the doorway and on up the stairs. Check the dorm rooms for supplies, then drop through the break in the floor at the end of the hallway.
  5. Lots of infected in here. Get through the room, make your way down the next hallway and force open the door at the end. Head up the stairs, go left down the hallway and open the door on the right. Back outside, head downstairs, go diagonally across the area and roll the generator on the cart over to the fuse box. Start the generator so that Ellie can open the gate.
  6. Hop on the horse and go through the open gate over on the left corner Follow the path around. Get the supplies from the white tents on the left, then head up the stairs on the right. Go left, jump over the barricade and turn down to the right. The gates will be locked, so head back up the street, grab the green dumpster and roll it down the slope to break through the gates.
  7. Now roll the dumpster in front of the white truck on the right. Use it to get on top of the truck, then hop up onto the roof and through the break in the wall on the right. Search all of the drawers and lockers in the classrooms for supplies (shiv the door on the right at the end of the hallway to upgrade tools and Molotov cocktails), then head through the door with the yellow generator wire runner under it.
  8. Follow the pathway around to the right and inspect the clipboard next to where Ellie is searching. After you hear the crash, head upstairs. Open the door on the left for more classrooms to search for supplies. Head down the hallway and follow the yellow cord into the next room.
  9. Open the door in the corner of the lab Monkeys! You can grab the blue recorder on the corner of the center table for some chilling audio of what was going on here. Head through the open door, get some supplies from the drawers to the left, then bust open the door to the right for a cutscene.
  10. After nearly getting your head blown off, you’ll then have to fight your way back through the lab. No point in using stealth here since they know your hear, so use your bombs and Molotov cocktails to help you take them out as you make your way out of the building.
  11. When you get to the stairwell that will take you down to the first floor, you’ll be surprised by a bandit. Mash square to fight him off. After your fall, when Ellie’s trying to help you, aim for the two bandits that break through the doors and kill ‘em. In our weakened condition, follow Ellie out the door to the next room.
  12. When Ellie goes to flank the lone bandit in this room, peek around the corner and shoot the guy in the back. After Ellie gets you to your feet, follow her out of the building for a cutscene.

The Last of Us Walkthrough

Chapter 9: Lakeside Resort

  1. Now playing as Ellie, head down the slope and up the slope on the other side. Sprint to the left, then crouch when you see the deer stopping to take a bite of something so you don’t startle it. From the ridge overlooking the elk, take your time and fire a shot with your bow and arrow.
  2. If you hit the deer, it will run away to the left, but it will leave a trail of blood. Follow the trail up the path. At the next turn, it will stop again. Stealthily approach it (not too close!) and fire another arrow. Once again, follow the trail of blood up the path to the right.
  3. Eventually, the trial will take you to an old, destroyed cabin. Head through it to the other side to find the dead deer.
  4. Following the cutscene, help the man you met in the forest by fending off the infected that will try to get through the windows. Keep them from getting in as best as possible, but you’ll eventually have to rely on melee attacks as well. Follow him out the door and up the stairs when he decides it’s time to leave.
  5. Fire a shot down the stairs while he attempts to block it off, then follow him outside and through the abandoned power plant. After you fall form the catwalk, heal yourself up, then kill the three infected on the other side of the wall from you.
  6. Head forward on the right side and drop down through the hatch doors. Advance toward the ladder in the back right corner. After you meet up the the guy again, follow him to the next area. At the dead end, ask for a boost up the wall to the right (opposite side from the ladder). Head all the way around the catwalk, take out the lone infected, get the supplies from the door on the left and then push the ladder down to the guy.
  7. Follow him up the ladder and down the hallway after you run through the door. Head up hte stairs, get the supplies, bombs and arrows. Pull at your rifle and stand in front of the doorway next to the guy. Take out the attacking Runners, but also be aware that they’ll start coming in through the windows above you.
  8. They will eventually start coming in from all around you, so use your bombs if you need to. Finally, you’ll have to kill a “Bloater.” Watch out for the spore dusts bombs he throws and use bombs of your own to help the guy kill him.
  9. Following the really long cutscene, ride your horse down the path. After you jump over the barricade, mash square to fight off the guy who tries to grab onto you. Continue to gallup your way past the bandits until you accidentally ride your horse off a ledge.
  10. With the horse now dead, run down the slope and hop through the window of the nearby cabin. Get the ammo from the nightstand drawer and head through the door. Get the health from the drawer on the right and heal yourself up before heading down the hallway.
  11. Get the arrows and health in the living room, then head back up the hallway and wait inside a room, using your hearing technique to see where the two bandits are. Stab them both stealthily, then pick up the one guy’s shotgun and head outonto the porch.
  12. Take out the bandit on the porch diagonally across from you and the one behind the boat. Search the nearby cabins for supplies. When you reach the public restrooms, there will be more bandits on the backside of it. Take them out (as well as the two up the stairs to the right), then head up the stairs.
  13. Go left and move across the narrow plank to get to the bridge overlooking the lake. Follow the path around the mountain and drop off the ledge. Crouch and head through the tunnel on the right. Advance down the path. Before you can head through the next tunnel, you’ll have to go around to the outside and pull the box out of the way to create a space through the tunnel.
  14. Drop off the ledge and head around to the right. There will be five bandits on guard on the outside of the ski lodge—take each of them out stealthily as you advance down the path. Follow it around to the right, where it will take you behind the ski lodge. Pull the green dumpster away from the cabin, then hop up through the hole.
  15. Go through the door and into the lobby. Get the supplies on the front desk, then pull out your rifle and take out the two bandits through the windows around the corner to the right.
  16. After you advance to the next big room, a bandit will coming charging at you from out of nowhere. Mash square to fight him off, then kill him. Head for the two main doors to take you outside on the right.
  17. Following the cutscene (and now playing as Joel again), grab the ammo on the nearby table and head up the stairs to the right. Heal yourself up, head though the front door and head downstairs.
  18. As you advance down the path, you’ll be attacked by bandits. Take cover behind the car to the right, then surprise them with a couple Molotov cocktails. This will cause the rest of the guys to retreat. Advance to the open gate and take out the closest bandit here behind the box.
  19. The last three or four bandits will then retreat again behind the fence up ahead. With them dead, head up the steps and through the open doorway of the cabin on the right. Get the health and supplies from the counter, then head through the window in the next room over. After you hop over the barricade, mash square to fight off your two attackers.
  20. Following the two separate cutscenes, advance through the snow storm. Go left between the buildings, then right down the alley and go right through the door. Pull the cart out of the way, then crouch through the crawlspace. Advance to the end of the room, then go left through the window into the next building.
  21. Sneak around the shelves and knife the guy that will come in looking for you. Pick up his revolver, then sneak up and kill the guy in the alley out the window to the left. From here, go right along of the store buildings and take out the bandits that will be searching for you along the way. You’ll still want to use cover, but the crazy snow storm helps keeping you hidden.
  22. When you get to the area with all of the mail trucks, wait for the guy up to come downstairs, then take him out. Head up the stairs and go right. After you pass the fire in the bin, take cover behind the wall and kill the bandit that will pass by.
  23. Advance. Go left at the two cars, then right through the break in the fence between the two buildings. Proceed forward and make a left between the next two buildings. Make a right through the open doorway and take out the two guys inside the video arcade.
  24. Jump through one of the windows at the front of the arcade and head right down the street. There will be two bandits near the bus—kill ‘em, then head around the back side of the bus, make a left and proceed forward.
  25. Hop up to the dumpster on the left and go through the window. Go straight through the two doorways and pick up the health on the stacks of boxes. No guys in here, just head through the large dining hall and open the door at the end.
  26. After creeper guy shows up again, move around the back of the booth. All you have to do is use your hearing skill to see which way he is going, then stealthily sneak up behind him and stab him three different times. He’ll drop some plates on the floor, so when ever you walk over it, move very slow to avoid being heard.
  27. Now playing as Joel again, advance though the snow storm. Head into the gas station store on the right and get the supplies behind the counter. Take out the three bandits that come wondering through. Head through the doorway and go left through the open garage.
  28. Peek your head around the brick wall to the right and use your bow and arrow to take out the guy up on the container. Peek further around the corner and use your rifle to snipe the car up behind the barbwire fortress.
  29. Head through the open container and head down the street. At the turn, take cover behind a car on the right side, then take out the three guys that will be patrolling the street. Advance, go right through the opening in the wall (past the fire) and head through the door in the back alley.
  30. After you get Ellie’s backpack, head into the meat locker for a horrifying sight. Head into the next room, then out the front door for a cutscene.
  31. When the creeper guy gets on top of Ellie, hit the triangle button when prompted to and have Ellie carve him up.

The Last of Us Walkthrough

Chapter 10: Bus Depot

  1. Head down the freeway as you talk to a clearly distracted Ellie. Search the motor home on the left for supplies. Head down the freeway to the dead end and go right. After you pass the light pole, hop up on the jeep to get up onto the bus.
  2. Drop down into the next area and head up the steps into the building on the left. Head down the stairs and go stand under the wall on the right side under the ladder to give Ellie a boost. Climb up the ladder and sprint after Ellie. Aww…walk up to the cute giraffe to pet it.
  3. Follow Ellie outside to the roof where you can see all the giraffes! Open the door to the left for a cutscene. Next, follow Ellie downstairs and back outside. Go search through the big tent to the left for supplies (upgrade your tools by getting the toolbox on the table).
  4. Exit, turn left and head down past the buss on the right. Enter through small tent up head for some supplies and a workbench to upgrade weapons. Exit and head around to the right toward the bus. Talk to Ellie, then head into the bus and go through the window.
  5. Go around the tank, then head down the freeway tunnel to the left. Hop up the cars to get over the barricade. Big group of infected up ahead, so if you stay crouched and over to the right side, you can slip by them undetected.
  6. When you get to the water, go right through the doorway. Get the supplies to the right, then head up the steps in the left corner. Stealth kill the infected right around the corner, then use a weapon to take out the other two down the hallway.
  7. Head up the stairs, then take the stairs on the right down. Get the supplies on the shelf to the right, then go out the doorway on the left. There will be a ton of infected here and you’ll have to take ‘em out. Go behind the bus to the right, chuck a couple of Molotov cocktails, then take the rest out using the flamethrower.
  8. Go right down the tunnel and stand in front of the turned-over big rig to give Ellie a boost. Hop up the crate after she pushes it down, then hop over to the other side. Advance on the left side. When you get to the fire truck, jump in the water, swim through the opening on the left, climb up the other side and drop the ladder down for Ellie.
  9. Drop down on the right side. The door up here will be locked, so move over to the left side of the fence to give Ellie a boost over it. Quickly get that pistol out and shoot the infected that shows up through the hole in the fence near the door before it gets Ellie. Get the supplies on the table to the left, then head through the doorway.
  10. Go right and use a shiv to unlock the door to get all of the health and supplies inside. Exit, go down the hallway and hop through the window. Jump into the water and swim down and to the right through the doorway. Hop up onto the electrical box, then get up on the vent and follow it all the way around. Slide between the wall and the big pipes, then grab the pallet and push it down into the water.
  11. Hop down, swim the pallet over to Ellie, then take her across the water. After she uses the stairs to drop the ladder for you—crap! Pick up the ladder after it breaks off the wall and walk it to the other side. Lean it against the doorway and climb up it. Pick it up, walk it across the catwalk and drop it down to the platform on the other side. Pick it up again, walk it up the steps and lay it across the two platforms to create a bridge for you to cross.
  12. Follow Ellie up the stairs. You’ll then have to make your way across the vents to get down the rushing water. Just as your about to jump from the bus, it will collapse and you’ll be trapped inside. Once you hit the back and Ellie hops on top to rescue you, mash triangle to break through the door. After the bus completely collapses under water, swim through the door, then swim as fast as you can toward the light to save Ellie and come up for air.

The Last of Us Walkthrough

Chapter 11: Firefly Lab

  1. Following the cutscene, you’ll have to go through a ton of Fireflies to get to the lab. After you take out our first one, pick up his assault rifle, then use that (and your listening skill) to take them out and get to the other end of the building.
  2. Once you get to the double doors on the left, head through and go on up the stairs. Once again, make your way down the hallway and kill all of the fireflies along the way. Enter the door at the end of the hallway, then enter the door to the operating room.
  3. Shoot the three surgeons, then pick up Ellie off the table. After you exit, go left toward the blinking light. Sprint all the way around the hallway and into the elevator at the end.
  4. Following the powerful cutscene, follow Joel through the fence and through the woods for the final scene of the game.