Mortal Kombat (2011) Walkthrough

Mortal Kombat (2011) Walkthrough

Mortal Kombat. A two-word phrase with so much resonance, conjuring other two-word phrases in turn, like “Flawless Victory,” and of course, “Finish Him.” There’s the gloriously campy movie and its inimitable soundtrack. Then there are the games, and endless parade of different fighting titles.

The 2011 installment, known in some circles as Mortal Kombat 9, promises Unreal Engine 3-powered graphics and robust mechanics that will provide the depth that hardcore fighting fans demand. We’ve prepared a guide that will acquaint players with the various characters and move sets, along with the obstacles these characters will have to overcome. Budding combatants would also be wise to check out our lists of achievements and trophies, along with the cheats page, which lists all sorts of useful information about the game, in addition to cheats.

Tips and Strategies

Defeating Shao Khan in Story Mode

Liu Kang

Kung Lao





Noob Saibot


Johnny Cage


Shang Tsung

