Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes Walkthrough [GUIDE]

Fight the Clown prince of Crime and Lex Luthor with our walkthrough on
Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes. All unlockable characters and collectible
objects are included here…

Cheats and Gold Brick Locations-

Table of Contents

Theatrical Pursuits

Harbouring a Criminal
Stop The Joker

Amusement Mile
To the Batcave
Arkam Asylum Antics

Courtyard Cleanup
Asylum Assignment

To Ace Chemicals
Chemical Crisis

The Juggernaut
Chemical Signature

Unwelcome Guests

Sky Chase
Destination Metropolis

Mr.Luthor is Expecting You
Research and Development

Robot Takedown
Down to Earth

Crash Landing
Underground Retreat

City Hall Rally
The Next President

A Desperate Plan
Core Instability

Wayne Tower Showdown
Tower Defiance

Heroes Unite

Theatrical Pursuits

Start taking out every thug around you here and also destroy the furniture and
decorations to collect as many coins as possible. After you take care of every
thug, go near the podium a bit to it's right side where you see bouncing lego
pieces - just hold the Special button here which makes Batman join all the
pieces to make some steps up to the podium, go up. Harley keeps jumping up on
top of the three things here, just hold the attack button to bring up a
circular pointer and point it at Harley and release the button to send a
batarang to hit her. Hit her thrice and the trap door in the middle opens.
Jump down and save the game (hold the special button while standing on the
white batsign in the lift).

Move outside and after destroying everything and collecting all the coins -
hit the large bell like instrument a few times and the Riddler comes out.
Move to the right and destroy all the enemies and jump into the window which
are in the middle of the room where three enemies jumped out from, here you
find the first of the Bat-engines -

                                               Grapple onto the hook to the
left and move to the right on top and grapple onto the first hook above you
and then from here, onto the hook to the right and walk around till you drop
a box on the ground. Jump down and hold the specail buttn to start building.
Walk Batman into the suit to wear it. Just hit the special button once and
walk to the right and the cameras cannot catch you. Move into the room and
hit the guy here. Go right and make your character (both of them - one after
the other) grapple onto the hooks here and hit the enemies who come out and
move in. Walk to the plain section of the wall up the steps and stand on the
bat-sign and hit the special button to see thru. Move the sights around and
hit the attack button to attack Riddler who is inside. Hit him a few times
and then take him out once he comes out.

Use the special button to build a elevator and go up. Save here and after
beating all the enemies, hit the concessions stand to the left where the
save panel was. Hit it and use the special button to build a suit platform and
make Robin take the suit. Hold the attack button to get the pointer which
shows you where the hole is and you can throw the pole in there. Double jump
up to it and jump over onto the next area. Hit the yellow boxes near the
railing (to the left and right) and build the grappling hooks. Tag to Batman
and go up, enter the invisible mode and move into the room where the cameras
are and destroy everything inside and this gives you more tiles. You can build
a ball platform with it. Tag back to Robin and make him stand on the platform
and use the special button to build a bubble ball. Move the ball ahead on the
platform and lower the chadelier on which Twoface is all the way down.

Kill him and you will see Joker go up in a lift. Go up and aim the Robin stick
to the right side hole on top. Jump up to it and jump all the way around to
get the second Bat-engine. Hit shift to get his pole back. Aim to the left
side and jump away to get some more coins and then move into the elevator.

You will come to the Joker now. Save here and hit the Joker once with either
the Bat or the Robin and they will get shocked. Immediately shift cahracters
and hit the Joker with the other guy. Do this three times and the Joker sits
on top of a camera. Move to the right now and switch to Batman and stand on
the batsign to the right and use the X-ray vision to see thru the wall. Align
the red pipes inside and this will cause the Joker to get Shocked. Move to
where he was and use the special button to build a zipline. Jump up and end
the mission.

To Top

 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Harbouring a Criminal Stop The Joker Jump and move left and look for a small platform being pointed by a yellow arrow. Break the things here to reveal some jumping tiles, hold the special button and you get the sensor suit again. Now, go to the right side of the road here all the way till you see some red water hose lines surrounding a golden brick which you cannot take yet. Destroy all the red things to get the golden brick and move to the right end here where you see a batsign. Hit the special button and go up, keep repeating till you are on the top and collect everything on your way (you cannot get the golden brick yet). Move back and sand infornt of the green board and use the sensor suit to look thru the wall. Break the four red locks inside and you can build a suit platform to get the Acrobat Suit. Shift to Robin and move him onto the ball platform nearby and use the special ball and more tiles will break loose from a crate. Build them and you get a terminal. Use the terminal to get the Robin Helicopter but some enemies crash it. Use the bouncing tiles near the copter and build the first repair part. Just hit the bad guys here and save the citizen to the right and break all four adboards on the ground all around here and collect the coins. There's a lego trailer to the left straight from the copter, go near it and break the two shining locks on it using the batarang. Move in and start hitting the object inside and build the tiles after you break it to get the Power Suit which can be used to blast all silver things. Move infornt of the theater and hit the special button while facing the spot light on the ground to explode it. You will get the Magnetic Suit from it. Move left and explode the next light and use the cycle to follow the trail of gold coins to get a Bat-engine. Move back to this light and destroy the silver frame on the wall showing the picture of the award and you get another Bat-engine. Move back to the trailer and use the magnetic suit to pull down the ladder. Make Batman go up and explode things on top to get some coins. Use Robin to break the two locks on the blue magnet pillar to the right of the entrance to the theater and build the tiles and destroy the last ad board to get a Bat-engine. Move Robin up the blue pillar and hold the grapple and go up jump left and on top to get on the building. Here, pull down the magnetic things to the right so Robin can move to the other side where he can activate a lift. Build the tiles near copter which just came up to get the second part Make Batman come up and hit the special button repeatedly to pull the yellow lever. Use Robin again on the handle here to bring down the ladder. Blast the silver light on the top and pull the blue thing. Move left and destroy the next silver thing and you can build a zipline here if you hold the special button near the tiles which are bouncing. When you are down the zipline, use the ladder to the left to go down and around the structure to get a Bat-Engine Go back up and use the grappler to move up and keep using Robin on all the blue things and in the end there is a yellow power handle, before you make Batman pull it, move around the path here to get another bat-engine. Pull the handle and this makes the last of the copter parts to fall down. Jump down to the copter and build the part. -Checkpoint- Now, after you get control of Robin's Copter - all you got to do is shoot. Shoot at Joker's boat, his missiles and soon more boats come with enemies, shoot them down and also the copter - everything shoots missiles at you so be careful and keep shooting them down. Repeat destroying the Boat a few times and you will end this part. You need to use the movement controls to move the pointer and the attack button to keep shooting your turret from the copter -Checkpoint- After you land, keep moving to avoid Joker's missiles. Move to the left near the truck and shoot at the silver part to break it and build the tiles to get a cannon. Move behind the handle of the cannon and turn it to face the Joker. Shoot it. After that, move to the right of where the Joker is and you will see some bouncing tiles. Build them and shoot at the teeth of the clown picture with the explosive. Build the blue tiles into the magnetic strip on the wall to the left. Climb the strip using Robin and go up all the way and stand on the center of the roof and after hitting the white box in the middle near the edge pull the two rods using the magnet to make the structure fall on the Joker. Jump on top of the thing that came out and destroy the silver cannons on top with the Power Suit's explosives. Then after it's outside is destroyed, use Robin's magnets to remove the two seals and then Batman to blast the silver covering. This gives you more tiles. Build them into a giant hammer which hits the Joker for the last time. This ends the mission here and Joker is captured. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Amusement Mile To the Batcave Move to the left side here and start hitting the cones one by one till you get your multiplier to 9 and a Golden Brick appears. Use the terminal to order any vehicle and shoot down all the silver things and the gate opens. Go outside and follow the trail to the location and jump out and hit the button here near the terminal and go into the cave. Inside, move to the elevator and go in. You will soon get back in the form of Bruce Wayne. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arkam Asylum Antics Catwoman's Motorbike Move down the steps and go right. Go into the section of the wall with the water and destroy the two green things on the wall. Then build the tiles to get the Acrobatic Suit. Use the special pole to jump across the deadly plants to the right and then move ahead and walk on top of the wall and build the two grapplin hooks on top of the wall so that Batman can cross over. Move inside the section of the wall and build the tiles to get the Power Suit. Use the explosives on the statue here to get a bat-engine. Blast thru the silver gate ahead and climb the wall and fall over to the other side. Blast the wall to the left and Catwoman will fall down her bike. Two Face's truck Move ahead and you will see Two Face. Go all the way to the left where you see two silver objects, destroy them both and build the tiles to get a ball paltform. Use Robin to move the batsuit panel out of the wall and wear it. There are two glowing pillars to the right on the wall nearby, but first, move into the area below and you will see another blue wall to the left. Destroy it to get a Bat-Engine and go back to the other wall and take out the two pillars. Keep hitting everything that fell down and the truck will get destroyed and the gate nearby is opened. Bane's Mole Machine Move around in the path Bane is moving and you will come to a place where you see two grappling hooks and also the blue stuff covering the ground to the right. Destroy the blue using the sonic gun and make Batman and Robin hold onto the grappling hooks and this opens up the Ice Suit. Make Robin take the suit and move around. You can freeze the water which is falling down the walls around here and climb onto the walls using the frozen section. Switch the batsuit and get back the Power Suit and make your way down till you see a silver statue, Blast the statue and freeze the water to end this. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Courtyard Cleanup Arkam Asylum Go to the marker and hit the special button to speak to Gordon, you will soon be under the Asylum. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Asylum Assignment First destroy all the scrap near the elevator and build to get a Hazard Suit, make Robin take it and move into the small puddle of water to the left and then use the special button to shooot water to the right. Fall into the water and activate the lever near the batsign to the left. make Batman take the suit and move onto the electrical catwalk. Move ahead and activate the electical terminla which makes the path for Robin below the water clear. Jump across to the next electical terminal and use it too to switch off the fans below and switch to Robin again and move into the fan, walk left to get a Bat-engine. Move to the rigth and destroy the fan and come out. Interact with the terminal to stop the flow of water above. Now Batman can move ahead and give power to the switch ahead. Do that and you will see Killer Croc come out of the water making it safe for Robin to move ahead. Go into his lair and destroy the engine in the middle to stop the fan above. Move batman thru the fan and then you will come to a computer table with two monitors on top of it. Destroy this table to get some Bouncing lego pieces and make them into a lever. Make Batman go on the green side and push the lever all the way around. Robin comes out of Croc's cage now, move ahead and come out of the water and fill up the blue circle above with water (use the attack button). This makes the stairs come down to the left. Walk up and hit the enemies above. Use the special button on the batsign and the water to the right freezes up. Move up and to the center of the area and start destroying everything. This makes two pumps shoot water into the air. Move to the rigth and destroy the object here which are giving out light and build them to get the Ice suit. Take it and ice up the water showers and the water fall and climb up and move to the left and jumo across. Take Robin across the gas and twist the lever and move across. Make Batman go up the ice to the far left. Hit the switch and the electricity stops. Make Robin go up and climb the ice and move across. Hit it and fall into the room and hit the switch inside. This will make a level come up infornt of the chamber to the left, spin it. Take Robin up again and freeze the water and make Batman cross the ice and hit the switch here and make both heroes go into the lift. ----checkpoint---- Save to the left and go to the right. Make Robin take the Acrobat Suit here and then blast the inmates. Move a bit to the left on the steps ahead of the acrobat suit panel and you will see a stick on the wall which Robin can Double jump onto, jump all the way across and you will find a bat-engine. Go back down and use Batman to put power in the switch where the batsign is and make Robin go into the bubble ball and spin in the ball socket which comes up and move Robin in it so that the marker in the screen behin him move all the way to the left. A Box come up, use the grapple hook on it to open it and you get the sensor suit. Take it and move thru the cameras to the left and hit the button here to disable the cameras. Get Robin into the ice suit now. Move ahead and take out the enemies and come out of the chamber. You will see a X-Ray panel, use Batman's vision on it and move the switches inside to bring up a bridge to the right - Move across and freeze the water and go on top. Hit the switch and go across the next bridge and move to the left and ahaed to the large doors. Go ahead and you will see a x-ray wall to the left. Look to the top left and hit the thing to make a canister come down and just keep moving things around so that the canister moves to the right all the way. The large doors open up now. Move thru and keep bashing the inmates. In the end you will see a pole on the wall to the left on which Robin can hang, then make Batman hit the lever to the right to make the poison gas stop so you can move ahead. Now, time for the scarecrow. Scarecrow Keep bashing all the inmates and then scarecrow when he comes down and repeat this a couple more times but after that, scarecrow does not come down. But you should see two bouncing tiles to the left and right of where the last inmates broke thru from. Build them to get a valve. Spin it to get a handle to come down, make someone hold the handlle and make the other one spin the wheel. Jump up and use the lever here to activate the fans. Repeat on the next side and you can beat scarecrow one last time to end this mission. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To Ace Chemicals Just hop into your car or bike and follow the trail to Ace, you will need to wear your electric suit once in the middle to hit a switch to open the path ahead on the road but that's it just go to Ace Chemicals. Chemical Crisis Go beside the Hazard suit and break the stuff to get some bouncing tiles. Make them into a lever and use it to get the suit. Go to the right and jump into the water tank and hit the switch here to raise the platform with the chemical cylinder. Jump onto the cylinder and use it to get one flask of the chemical. Go back and move thru the now open area, bash the enemies on your way right. Beside the switch to its right are some things holding the door in place, just hit them to destroy them and get the switch. Make Robin clean the chemical and get the electricity suit. Climb the ladder here and hit the switch to stop the electricity and move Robin to the left where there's the second chemical canister and use it to get a second flask. Go back and jump into the large water pipe which just opened and move right till you get to a switch, hit it and move out of the water. Go down here and you will find a puddle of water below to the right. Take the water and clear the chemical from the Suit Platform which is here to the left and take the magnetic suit. Make Robin walk up the pipes here ahead and jump down to the left where you see a weight which needs to be pulled by the magnet Use Batman to hit the electric switch here and then Robin again to collect the chemical here into the third flask. Now, a brigde shows up with some clowns on it. Move ahead and after the bridge is blown, build it again and jump over. Move to the right and now, look at the barrels which are coming to the right? You need to climb on them and then jump to the next area to the right. Do that and you will come to some Magnetic barrels. Pull them and use them to jump up to the fourth canister to get the next flask of chemical and three more guys show up. Do them right and move down and use the moving barrels to jump over to the right side. Use Batman to hit the elecric switch and take the Hazard Suit. You can see three colors of chemicals on the ground here and the three same coloured rings on the wall ahead. Jump into each chemical and shoot it into the same coloured ring. Fill all three and use Batman to jump into the water to the rigth. Hit the switch here and use Robin to clear all the chemicals - especially the one on the switch below - then hit the switch. Go to the right and hit the three guys and operate the forklift. Move it to the left and use the attack button to raise the lift and your other hero will jump up on top, you can hit the while thing to the left to drop a ladder. Then hit the button and jump into the water. Go up in the water and hit the next button to drain the water and then take the last chemical in the Flask and you will move onto the next phase. ---Checkpoint--- You can save here, then go right and you will come to a large section of chemicals. Only Robin can move on them now, go to the left wall here (to the left of the fire) and hit everything along the wall to get some tiles to make a pipe which will put water in the puddle to the right, take the water and clear the entire area of chemicals and fire and then build the tiles which were behind the fire to get the acrobatic suit. Move right and aim to the pole hole and jump across. Then use the ball socket to bring a bridge to the left. Make Batman use the electrified switch first and then use it on the other two switches - one has a gift box and the other has the Power Suit. Take the power suit and move right and pull the handle here. Move ahead further and blast all the silver stuff and make Robin climb up, here, you can use the tiles to build a Grapple Hook. Take Robin to the right and jump up the blue and white wall. Hit the white box on top to drop a ladde and take the bat up. Move to the silver things to the left and blast them and cross the bridge to the right. You will come to a large screen. Hit the objects to the left and right of the screen and you get two parts of the ball socket in the middle, after you build it, jump into the socket and watch the cursor on the screen. Move it onto the two taps and hit the attack button to stop the flow of the ice vapours on top. Go up and move to the right. Use the power suit the pull the lever here and then make Robin jump up on the chequered wall. Topside, jump into the ball socket and move the platform to Batman and take him across to get the electric suit. Take him above and hit the switch. Go back to Robin and use his stick to jump over here. Then again use the stick to jump over the chemicals and hit the button. Take Batman over there and hit the next button and then jump onto the top of the container to the right. MAN OF STEEL First, extinguish the fire to the left of where everyone is and fly up on top of the platform and land. (double tap jump button to fly and hit special button while in air to drop down). Use the handle here to bring down a waterfall and freezee the water using the specail button. Move right on the catwalk and extinguish the second fire here and break the things here to get the power suit. Take the power suit and blast the silver gate to the right and take the hazard suit. Now move ahead and use Superman to x-ray into the wall and break the three circuits which reveal the three rings below. Go down to the chemical and shoot it in the same color ring. Use Superman again and take out the fire near the puddles and hold the attack button to use his heat ray and take out the golden structure here. Take Robin up and use the remaining two chemicals too and freeze the water which comes up. Switch Batman into his electric suit and jump up and move thru the electricity. Hit the switch and take superman here and fly above the fire and you will see a gold lego panel which can be cut with the heat ray - Move right and take out the fire here and move right again and take out the next gold panel and freeze the water, go all the way to the right beside the elevator and take out the last fire to get a bat-engine. Get Batman here and switch on the elevator and go in. ---Checkpoint--- If you take out five gold boxes around here, you will get another Bat-engine. There are two here and on high up - you need to fly up to see it, the remaining two are on the right (there are two under the electric switch also take them out). Get Batman to the switch and hit it and move back left to get the Power Suit and come back here and go to the right near the watertank and blow the two silver structures here to get rid of all the fire here and end it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Juggernaut Follow the trail of blue icons on the road and you will come across the Juggernaut. Move in the bat signal which is behind the truck and then start shooting the guns on the truck. The Batmobile moves on it's own so you just need to move the pointer and shoot the targets on the truck. After each gun you take down, a copter comes in as support, just keep repeating this till the defences of the Juggernaut are totally down and then both Batman and Robin get inside the truck. Chemical Signature Firstly, go near the two doors ahead from which you see robots come out and hit the pipelines here - they close the doors. Now, move to the right and destroy the stuff which is on the wall and build the tiles to get the Magnetic Suit. You can save the game here to the left, then continue to the right and use the magnet on the apparatus here and a ball drops below you. Use the magnet to move the ball to the left and thru the hole. Then make Robin walk on the blue pipes to the top of the truck. Break the pipe here to close the door of the robot and move to the right and hit the switch. Go into the room to the right and break the stuff here and build the tiles to get the Sensor Suit. Take Batman with the suit to the camera and become invisible and go up the ladder. Break the green thing on top of the ladder to disable the camera and move to the left and fall down to save a citizen. Switch to Robin and move up and use the magnet near the air blowers to the right. Go right and hit the two glowing things which are on the edge of the truck to bring up an x-ray board. Use your vision here and hit them like this - 1,2,3,1 and the blowers to the right close. Move right and two enemies show up on jetpacks. Use your batarang to take them out and build the tiles that come out of them to get a Bat Suit. Continue to the right. Use the magnet to pull the blue handle to get the platform up and immediately switch to Batman and glide across the electric panel and destroy the glass here with the sonic gun and build to get a terminal to call the Bat Wing. Jump into the Juggernaut thru the hole and use Robin's Magnet to the left. Go into the chamber below tha take out the robots here. Move to the left and pull the lever which brings out a device which you can break down. This will disable one of the beams on top. Walk on the magnetic pipes and land on the platform above. Use the magnet here to bring out the next device to break and destroy the stuff here and build a grapple hook. Use Batman and go up and grapple onto the beam to the right and jump across and use the sonic gun on the glass here and destroy the last device and watch the fun. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Unwelcome Guests Move staraight and go thru the enemies who are here, get on the batbike and shooet either one of them. Then the bike gets blown so build the tiles here to get the electric suit. Move backwards and go on the left path and hit the button here. Move left further, hit the switch here and take the Bat Suit. Use the Sonic gun on the glass case below to get the Acrobat Suit. Move to the left and use the pole to get across to where the Batwing is. Destroy the stuff here and build them to get a pole which allows Batman to get here. Get in the wing and start hitting the villans again. Now, build the pieces here to get the power suit. Go all the way back and to the right path. Use the explosives and clear the path of the rubble and move to the right end. Jump on the machine here on the left or right and wait here and the Batboat rises out of the water. Jump into it and use it and after you hit the enemies watch the cutscene. ---Checkpoint--- Use heatray to slice the gold obstruction ahead and switch to Batman and move in. Use the grapple hook to reach the top then use the wall to the left to climb further up. Swicth to Superman again and blow out the fire, break the thing here and build the tiles, repeat again with the fire on the platform to the right - fly there with Superman and after you build it, both the others automatically come here. Now, switch to Batman and use the hooks to grapple and go up all the way. It's Robin's turn now, use the pole in the hole and keep jumping up all the way. Use Superman's ice breath to freeze the water and go up with Batman and shoot an explosive on the silver part of the door and break it. Use Superman's X-Ray vision next and open the door. Move back a bit and you should see a Joker Card on the wall on some rubble, take it out(1/3). Switch to Robin and move ahead an go to the left side of this area. Here you will get the magnetic suit. Take Superman above and blow out the fire on the grappling hook. Take Batman up now and explode the silver here and break the Joker Tile (2/3). Move Robin onto the magnetic path to the right and go to the place ahead. Take Robin to the right side room on top and use the grappler. Go inside and hit the Joker Card(3/3) in the room to get a Bat-engine. Go in with Superman and blast the golden structure in the middle. You will see some bouncing tiles come on a seperate platform to the right. Take Batman there and use the tiles to get a zipline. Take the zipline down and go to the center where the large robot is. Balst the three silver boxes here and build them to get a Ball Socket. Take Robin back to his acrobat suit and then to the zipline and come back to the socket and use it. Turn the Robot all the way around and heat up the golden egg below it to get a bat-engine. Take Batman and use his grapple and go on top of the robot and head into the area ahead. Use aiming to hit the silver part of the mountain on top and jump onto the fan and go out of here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Unwelcome Guests Move staraight and go thru the enemies who are here, get on the batbike and shooet either one of them. Then the bike gets blown so build the tiles here to get the electric suit. Move backwards and go on the left path and hit the button here. Move left further, hit the switch here and take the Bat Suit. Use the Sonic gun on the glass case below to get the Acrobat Suit. Move to the left and use the pole to get across to where the Batwing is. Destroy the stuff here and build them to get a pole which allows Batman to get here. Get in the wing and start hitting the villans again. Now, build the pieces here to get the power suit. Go all the way back and to the right path. Use the explosives and clear the path of the rubble and move to the right end. Jump on the machine here on the left or right and wait here and the Batboat rises out of the water. Jump into it and use it and after you hit the enemies watch the cutscene. ---Checkpoint--- Use heatray to slice the gold obstruction ahead and switch to Batman and move in. Use the grapple hook to reach the top then use the wall to the left to climb further up. Swicth to Superman again and blow out the fire, break the thing here and build the tiles, repeat again with the fire on the platform to the right - fly there with Superman and after you build it, both the others automatically come here. Now, switch to Batman and use the hooks to grapple and go up all the way. It's Robin's turn now, use the pole in the hole and keep jumping up all the way. Use Superman's ice breath to freeze the water and go up with Batman and shoot an explosive on the silver part of the door and break it. Use Superman's X-Ray vision next and open the door. Move back a bit and you should see a Joker Card on the wall on some rubble, take it out(1/3). Switch to Robin and move ahead an go to the left side of this area. Here you will get the magnetic suit. Take Superman above and blow out the fire on the grappling hook. Take Batman up now and explode the silver here and break the Joker Tile (2/3). Move Robin onto the magnetic path to the right and go to the place ahead. Take Robin to the right side room on top and use the grappler. Go inside and hit the Joker Card(3/3) in the room to get a Bat-engine. Go in with Superman and blast the golden structure in the middle. You will see some bouncing tiles come on a seperate platform to the right. Take Batman there and use the tiles to get a zipline. Take the zipline down and go to the center where the large robot is. Balst the three silver boxes here and build them to get a Ball Socket. Take Robin back to his acrobat suit and then to the zipline and come back to the socket and use it. Turn the Robot all the way around and heat up the golden egg below it to get a bat-engine. Take Batman and use his grapple and go on top of the robot and head into the area ahead. Use aiming to hit the silver part of the mountain on top and jump onto the fan and go out of here.

To Top

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Sky Chase - Fly up and to the left towards Lex's ship. Get close and you watch a short cutscene. Now, when you are back controlling Superman, just shoot all the guns, golden plates and copters which come infront of you. You can only use the heat ray so you need to hold the attack button. After a while you will move to the front of the ship. There are two metal plates to the left and right, take teem out to get a bat-engine. Now keep destroying everything in front of you and eventally you will land on the craft. Destination Metropolis There are two engines both on the left and right side of where you are standing. Take out the upper ones with the heat ray and switch to Batman and pull the covers off the other two with the grappling hook and use Superman again. Head inside after you are done here. Use Batman's grapple on the hook of the copter and then Superman's Heat ray to take out the pilot. Fly ahead on top and destroy the engine like thing to the left of the shutter (1). Now, go back down and destory everything on the rigth side of the room adn build the tiles to get a lever and pull itto bring up a bat-engine, take it. Nove move Superman to the x-ray wall and use his vision and change everything inside and you get the Electric suit. Use the suit to get power from the electric switch ahead and put the power into the switch to the right. Climb on the platform that came down and go up. There are two levers on the shutter ahead, make each of yoru hero climb on them to open the shutter. Go in with Batman and do your thing here and move to the next room. Take out the two guys on jetpacks and go in one of them and start shooting at the silver boxes all around the palce - a total of six. Go around building all the tiles which came out of the silver boxes and you will get two yellow handles. Use Superman to pull those handles and a missile comes up. Use heatray on the golden propeller of the missile to send it ahead. Move into the next area and use Ice Breath to blow out all the fire and fly thru the hole in the ceiling. Pull the handle here and you will get some tiles which turn into the Bat Suit. Take it and move to the left or right of the path ahead and use the special button on the glass case here and jump in to go up. More glass here which can be destroyed and then you get to watch a funny cutscene. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Mr.Luthor is Expecting You - Use Superman to fly towards the marker. You need to go out of Gotham for now. Research and Development Fly up with Superman and take out all the golden parts of the balcony on which the enemy is standing. After that, build the tiles to get the Power Suit. Then shoot at the enemy while it's not spinning. Each time she explodes, some more enemies come in and she goes away, take them down and she comes back. Repeat this a couple more times to take here down and then use Superman's vision on the x-ray wall and align all the pipes inside properly. Then go up the escalator and destroy all the silver things here and build the tiles to get a lever. Pull it to open the elevator and then get in. - Checkpoint - Burn the gold and blast the silver and take the electric suit and move into the shield to the right. Take the power from the terminal and go right and use the button. Get the powersuit back and blast the next silver and gold objects and use the electric suit again. Get the powersuit and place an explosive on the coveryor belt and blast it when it reaches the silver object on the top. Go right now and use Batman to take out the guys with the krytonite and use Superman to open the gold plating here. Use Batman to blast this and then bash the two enemies who come up in the elevator with the Kryptonite. Stand in the elevator after that. Use Superman's Heat Ray on the gold seal to the right and build and take the Sensor Suit. Use the invisible mode and spin the wheel here. Then go stand on the orange button to the right which comes up in the field of kryptonite. You need to do this two more times and a path opens up ahead. Jump into the hole which the robots made and make Batman jump into the fan wind. Move right and break the pipes on the railing here and use Superman to heat out the golden pipes above the current of gas. Fly across and take out any remaining pipes and the current stops. Move your hero around the platform here to grab a Bat-engine. Now, fly up to the next one and pull out the orange handle here and break what's inside to stop this one. Move Batman to the next one and use the grapple to get on top, move across and jump down. Break the stuff here and get the Bat Suit. Go back on top and use the special button to break the glass. Move Superman to the right now and blast the gold which is on the large object here and stand on the orange button to make the platform nearby rise up so that Batman can use his Bat Suit to glide across. Break the pipe here on the wall and move to the glass to the left and break it. Move inside an use the lever to the left to cover the kryptonite. Move Superman across and use his heat ray on the gold on the wall. Go thru the hole to get to the next area. - Checkpoint - Just save and get up the stair to the next area. Sit on one of the seats to get control of a robot. The enemies send their own one. The trick here is to keep moving all the time to make the enemy robot rush into the wall which will make it lose it's armour for a little time during which you need to move in with your robot and make a hit. Do this and move the robot out of the way and get your heroes in the arena. Now, fly superman above the wheel which is near the wall to get the Bat-engine which is floating up. Then use the wheel to shut down the supply of killer robots and move to the right. Break the glass to the left and right of the shutter and break the shutter and use the heat ray when the gold covering comes down and move thru. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Robot Takedown - Take Superman to the robot and destroy the copters around. Then aim at the soles of the robot and take out the covering outside and then aim at the golen parts. There is a bat-engine which is floating on two ballons to the left of the robot, hit the ballons to get the engine. Keep shooting again and take out any missiles coming at you and you will land on the robot. Down to Earth Behind you is a gold part which can be destroyed and build to get a missile launcher which automatically hits a copter that comes by and you get another bat-engine this way. Move to the left foot of the robot and take out the next copter that comes here - you need to pull out the front panel by using Batman and his grapple then shoot something at the pilot. Move Superman ahead and use the ice breath on the fire here and build the tiles to get the Power Suit. Move Batman ahead and use the special on the silver part which is the engine. After it's blown, a handle shows up which you can pull off using Superman. Now, a turret comes up behind you which can be destroyed with the heatray and this is the first one. Two more turrets shows up eventually ahead of you and if you destroy them too, you get a bat-engine. Move Batman to the next silver plating and destroy that too and pull the handle to bring down the Joker Robot. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Crash Landing - Get into a car and follow the trail of transperent coins to come to a large steel gate. Use Superman's heat ray to blast the golden lock to the right of the gate to open it and then get back in the car and move ahead and you will reach the robot. Underground Retreat Move to the right and go near the electric debris and jump to the right side of them past the button with the white batsign on the ground. Pull the handle here with Superman and build and take the electricity suit and use the button here to the right. Make Superman pull the handle ahead to take out the debris and move ahead to see the Robot's foot come in. To the right here are loose tiles which give the powersuit when built. Take the suit back to the beginning of this level where some silver can be destroyed and a lever comes out. Pull the lever to get a bat-engine. Go back and destroy the silver to the left and get the electricity suit again and use it at the switch here and get the power suit again and move ahead. Destroy the silver debris ahead. Go thru and move ahead while destroying everything in your path and in the end, take out the golden debris and move thru. - Checkpoint - First use the power bombs to destroy the silver boxes here and build the tiles to get a lever. Pull the lever to get more tiles and build them too to get the Bat Suit. Move to the right and desroy the glass pipework and freeze the water. Move on top of it with Batman and use his wings to get to the other side. Destroy the glass at the back here and turn the wheel ahead. Use Suuperman to destroy the gold and build the tiles to get a handle. Use the handle to move the tram back and go ahead after the path is clear. Go to the left and blow out the fire, take Batman up and fly across to the next platform and do that again. Here, destroy the glass behind you to drop a ladder and make Superman stand on the while bat symbol and use the x-ray vision to turn the three wheels. Jump to the left and pull the handle and go ahead. Just use the heatray on the golden parts of the Joker Robot and enter the subway tram ahead. - Checkpoint - Move to the right and up the ladder and keep going to the right and use the grapple hook here. Eventually you will come across fire, use freeze breath to get across and break and build here to get the electricity suit. Move across from here and use the button and keep going and use the next button to end this level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - City Hall Rally - Go to the right where there's a terminal close-by and take Robin's bike and get to the location. The Next President Destroy the Lex poster nearby and the second one a bit to the right in the area behind and the third to the right side of this place. Go to the left most side again and destroy the three things above with the batarang to get the power suit after building the tiles. Cut open the gold plating here and climb up and move to the right from the front of the screen and use the heat ray on the gold here and get down and build the loose tiles to get the electricity suit and go back and climb up. Use the button on top and get Superman here, there's another poster here. Use Superman to pull the handle. Walk on the slope to the left and get up on the Robot's arm. Make each of the superheroes stand on the two buttons and then use Heat Ray on the golden part that shows up. - Checkpoint - Move to the right and assemble the two sets of pieces to get a copter. Use the grapple to get in it and then aim the light of the copter so that it hits the eyes of the Joker Robot. Move to the left and cut the gold here and go in. Move to the right and take the Bat Suit and use it to fly to the right. Build the objects here and blast the glass at the back. Build it too and go back to get the electric suit. Get back and use the suit on the switch here. Move Superman close to the robot and pull out the handle and watch the cutscene. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - A Desperate Plan - Go to the Joker Robot in the new Batmobile. Core Instability Look to the left or right of the road where the arrow on the pointer points. This will make the Robot trip and you can shoot in the center of the robot. You also need to destroy the missile before they hit you and you need to destroy the core three times. You can shoot at purple boxes which come to the left and right of the road and after five you get a bat-engine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wayne Tower Showdown Just move a bit to get to the Wayne Towers... Tower Defiance Go to the right destroying all things gold with Cyborg and use Green Lantern to build with the green lego pieces. Across, use Cyborg to pull the handle and then Green Lantern again to use the Gree lego. Move to the next area and build here to get the Ice Suit with which you can freeze the waterfall and move up. Use Cyborg's laser to cut the gold and move in. Beat up all the enemies and use the toy bike here near the edge and start shooting till you get a bat-engine. Move Robin to the left and aim at the two white switches on top to the left and right of the machine on the wall. It opens us revealing a magnet line which the Cyborg can use to go up. Bust the gold here and use Green Lantern to build with the green lego and then use Batman to assemble and take the Power Suit. Jump up and blast the silver door and move in. Now you need to use Robin again to hit the ice switch and then Batman to pull the hook with the Grapple. Hit the ice button and get the electric suit and move behind the suit case to and just use the attack button here to get a bat-engine. Move Batman to the right and use the power button to take the power and mover right up the debris On top, use the power at the button here and then use Green lantern to build the green lego and move inside. - Checkpoint - You can save here... Destroy the stuff ahead and use Lantern to build the green tiles here. Then Move ahead and cut the gold. Use Batman to pull power from the switch and then take the Hazard Suit. Move back and you ought to see more bouncing tiles which build into the rotor of the chopper to the left. Take out the chemical here and use Batman to pull the grapple hook. Take Robin back to his Ice Suit and get across the area to where the Robot is. Put out the fire beside the robot and then use Batman to put power into the switch here. Now, move everyone to the left and fly Lantern up and left to find a Citizen in distress. Ssave him and go back down and destroy the stuff in the middle and build to get a cannon. You need to hit the robot thrice and then use the green lego tiles to build. - Checkpoint - Just move around to aviod gettin hit and when you land, stand near one of the opening from which the Joker comes out and hit him as soon as he show. You will miss him a few times but you will get him and you need to repeat this two more times - aviod behind hit by him and just take a fewe steps everytime he fires so as to miss his weapons but still remain close to where he comes out from. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Heroes Unite First, get to the Robot ahead and move to the right to where a gold box is and use Cyborg to destroy it. Build tiles from it to get the Electricity Suit. Jump into the right hand of the Joker where the electricity is and interact with it to take the power out of it. Then you will see two handle to the right Use Wonder Woman to aim and shoot her lasso at them and jump onto where the orange handle is. Pull it and move left, use Lantern to assemble the green lego here and then Cyborg to cut the gold inside. Make one of the heroes pull out the handles inside with their grapples and you will see some magnetic handles come out. Make Cyborg pull them and build the tiles to get the Acrobat Suit. Move to the left of the Robot's face and use the pole up here and then use Lantern to build with the green lego. You'll be in a fight with the Joker now. Just make someone hit him and then use another person when the first hero is being electrocuted. After that, we have the Lex Robot to deal with. Go stand behind the three black boxes nearby to get pieces of the ball socket. Build the Socket and get Robin in it to move the crosshair around. Now, hold the attack button to drop the attack continuously to get him. After each life Lex loses, Robin somehow comes out of the socket. Just get him back inside and go at Lex again till his lives run out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You watch Braniac finding where Earth is... There are still a lot of things to do in Gotham city - lots of exploration to uncover hidden characters and you will need to use different heroes in all of the mission again (which can be accessed from the bat terminal) to make sure you got everything out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------