Skylanders Lost Islands Walkthrough [Guide]

Skylanders Lost Islands is a city building game that will allow players to create elaborately designed islands while deploying their pet dragons, called Skylanders, on various tasks so that they may collect rewards that could in turn be used to further improve on your territory. It is a fun and enjoyable game that will surely interest those who would like to collect and manage different types of creatures of myth and lore.

Skylanders works like most city building games. You can create and design your islands as you see fit, and you can even expand your territory. Players can also purchase and collect different types of Skylanders which they could deploy to perform different missions in order to earn rewards. The game employs the usual formula is managing your resources well such as energy as well as your Skylanders while trying to gain as much experience and coins as possible.

Coins are the basic currency within Skylanders Lost Islands. Coins are used to purchase buildings and decorations, as well as additional Skylanders. Coins can be earned through bonuses as well as by performing basic missions or quests.

Gems, on the other hand, are used to purchase special Skylanders and other items. Gems are often hard to come by as you would have to level up and complete goals in order to acquire these. However, you can also buy a Skylanders toy and use the Web code that comes with it in order to unlock your very own Skylander within the game.

Energy is earned by planting crops in a field. Energy is used whenever Skylanders go on adventures. Players can continue harvesting energy at different intervals, although the bigger the harvest, the longer the time it would require to be harvested and collected. If you require more farms in order to acquire more energy, you can expand to other islands albeit at a high number of coins.

Leveling Up
As you go on adventures, your island would be able to earn experience points. You can also collect XP from various buildings, clearing up debris, as well as from completing quests. Experience points will enable you to level up, which will allow you to keep a higher number of Skylanders as well as unlock better buildings and other items.

Players will be able to send Skylanders to different missions. These, however, cost energy to perform, so make sure that you have an ample supply by building farms. Adventures would also take some time to complete, so make sure that you are able to balance out your resources in order to complete as many adventures as possible. Thus, being able to string together adventures for all your Skylanders is integral in order to earn as much coins and experience points as you can.

Adventures can be done by clicking on the Adventure Balloon, and you can also earn coins and experience points by completing them. Skylanders will also earn Hero Points the more adventures that they complete. The higher the Hero Ranking of a Skylander, the more adventures would be unlocked for them. Of course, the higher the rewards, the more energy that would be required and the more time that it will take to be completed.

Quests are a form of tutorial that will also reward you whenever you complete specific tasks. These range from simple tasks such as purchasing Skylanders to building farmlands so that you can earn energy. Do not forge to do quests so that you can make the best out of your game.

Random Events
Random events are mini quests or adventures that will show up in your island from time to time. Players can treat it like any other adventure as they will need to deploy Skylanders to perform these tasks. You will also be spending a little energy, although cooldown time is a bit fast and you would also be a able to earn a little bit of gold and experience.

Daily Bonus
Skylanders Lost Islands rewards players who play the day consecutively. The more consecutive days that a player plays the bigger the rewards that he will get.

Skylander Elements
Each day, a different Skylander element will be featured within the game. by using Skylanders and taking part in missions that match this particular element, players are more likely to get bigger rewards. This can be used as a great strategy if you are restricted to just a few adventures per day due to limited energy stores but would still like to earn a lot of coins. The features Element of the Day can be seen in the info panel.

Social Function
As of now, Skylanders Lost Islands is currently missing a social function. However, if other games of similar type of any indication, upcoming features may include the ability for players to visit and view other people’s islands and Skylander collections as well as gift them special items.