Monster Hospital Walkthrough [Guide]

Monster Hospital will let players experience the hustle and bustle of a real life hospital, albeit with monsters as patients. Heal the injured and sick monsters and make a name for yourself as one of the best health practitioners in the monster world with this great game from Beeline Interactive.

Monster Hospital allows players to build their hospitals from scratch. From there, they must be able to treat patients that will be coming in as fast as possible in order to level up quickly and gain fame for your hospital. Players can also hire staff and get upgrades in order to accommodate the ever increasing rush of patients within the establishment.

Healing Monsters
Healing injured and sick monsters will take up the bulk of your time at Monster Hospital. When a sick patient comes in, you would have to place them in the waiting room. After this, they would then be moved to the diagnosis bed so that players would be able to determine what the problem is. After this comes the treatment, where the patients would be healed from their condition. Finally, they will have to be moved to the recovery bed where they would be healed completely.

All of the steps above take some time to complete, with recovery having the longer wait time of all. However, recovery can be completed instantly by using Vitamins. Vitamins, though, cost real life currency, so it would be wise to think first before deciding to spend them, especially if you still have ample time, as well as patience, to wait things out.

Once the monster patient has fully recovered from his condition, he can now be played to the conveyor belt where you can now look after your next set of patients. Depending on how fast and accurate you have cured your patients, they will provide you with rankings which would help increase your hospital’s overall rating. The higher the rating of your hospital, the more items and upgrades that would be available to you in order to further improve on the place.

Emergency Mode
Emergency mode lets players experience just how stressful having a continuous bunch of patients coming in could be. Players can set the difficulty of a level that would like to play, and they can earn rewards depending on the chosen difficulty as well as on their performance in each level.

Emergency mode starts with a timer that continually counts down. Players are required to tend to, heal, and discharge all monster patients before the timer runs out, and rewards are much greater if this is done successfully. Honor monsters would also appear from time to time. These tend to act like boss level characters as they are much more difficult to get rid of. Once healed, however, players can use them as part of their staff, making things much easier for them during their next plays.

It is also important to tend to all patients as fast as possible, as unattended patients might lose their heart ratings and leave, causing your hospital to lose ranking as well as coins.

At the end of each round, your results would be displayed as well as the corresponding rewards. Players will also get a chance to play a mini game where they can get the chance to earn different bonus items such as new staff, coins, or even upgrades for your equipment.

Hiring new staff and getting upgrades for your equipment would greatly improve on your hospital and would make you able to treat patients faster. These, however, cost coins which are in turn earned by doing well during emergency runs. Some items and upgrades are also not available until you have reached a certain hospital ranking, so make sure that you play the game continuously in order to increase your ranking while also collecting enough coins to make the necessary purchases.

Items located within the hospital are upgraded individually, and most of these equipment can be upgraded for up to five times, which means that it would take quite some time, as well as lot of coins, before all equipment have been maxed out. Of course, having enough staff is also important in order to have more satisfied patients through more faster and more efficient service.

Monster Hospital is a fun game with cute artwork and designs. It combines having your own Pokemon hospital with Diner Dash-esque multitasking requirements. Still, it is a pretty fun game especially when doing emergency runs comprising of multiple patients. Management skills and strategy will surely pbe put to the test as you play the more difficult levels, although you can easily even up the playing field by constantly improving upon your staff and upgrading your equipment. All in all, Monster Hospital is an online game that can take up hours of your free time, giving you fun and enjoyment even while you are getting stressed out of having to deal with several patients, who are literally monsters, at a time.

Monster Hospital was created by BeeLine Interactive and was released in the App Store on November 15, 2012.