The Last of Us: Left Behind Walkthrough [Guide]

A 100% spoiler free walkthrough guide of The Last of Us: Left Behind. Enjoy!!

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                       1 0 0 %   S P O I L E R - F R E E

                           VIDEO-ENHANCED GUIDE AT:


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Post-apocalyptic settings in media are popular nowadays. The destruction of
human civilization has been envisioned in many different ways, ranging from
aliens to zombie-viruses, from self-inflicted nuclear destruction to an all-
destroying meteor slamming into our planet. The Last of Us, as well as its
prequel companion Left Behind, picks a variation of the 'virus nearly wipes out
human life as we know it' scenario, choosing the Cordyceps fungus and applying
it to human brains instead of ants.

Interestingly, we live in an age in which we're apparently enlightened enough to
start reflecting on the possibilities of how our species could come to their
end. Calling playthroughs of videogames with post-apocalyptic scenery
'reflection' might be a bit of a stretch, but developers nonetheless plunge
into a reflective activity, crafting situations in which players (otherwise
known as 'mass society') can start feeling what it's like living in a lonesome
world full of threats.

Even if a playthrough of The Last of Us or Left Behind cannot properly be called
reflection, perhaps it can act as an encouragement to initiate such an activity.
It may be fun to *play* in (ultimately unrealistic) virtual post-apocalyptic
lifeworlds, but to physically inhabit such a world or ones similar to it - no
matter how hard it is to truly imagine the human condition under those
circumstances - surely has to be awful.

Idealism appears to be a foul word these days, but though defeatism is one of
its enemies, it still seems that good ideas - combined with 'bare truths' -
ultimately have to steer our global village through the 21st century. The Last
of Us could, if only on a relatively small scale, inspire people to start
reflecting on more realistic scenarios for the late 21st century. We have a
great responsibility - both on an individual and collective level - to leave the
world as a better place for our lineage (any reasonable person at least has the
*intention* to do so), and one can seriously question if we're doing enough,
facing what seems to have been turned into a 'liability' by some.

There's more to wealth than just economic growth (ecological pollution equals
'growth', since the cleaning up of wastes equates generating jobs), there's more
to politics than just politicians talking (depending on how extreme a viewpoint
the one end of a political spectrum takes, the closer 'moderate' parties can get
to these extreme viewpoints without it being noticed by most people; a dangerous
development that requires citizens to become more politically involved). Even
though I certainly hope that you as my reader don't agree with everything I say,
this foreword has been written first and foremost to present the game you're
about to play in a light that is pretty much absent from the videogame industry.

Games are 'supposed to be' fun and entertaining, they 'shouldn't contain too
many realistic political themes' but mere caricatures of real policies instead,
so the argument goes. I would instead argue that narrating videogames,
especially as they rapidly replace literature and a wide diversity of other
cultural activities and phenomena, are *exactly* the right place to sketch real-
world problems, existential and ecological problematique, and that developers
have a socio-cultural responsibility to actively explore those themes that are
underrepresented in our current Western social consciousness.

A developer's refusal to do so (in the case of videogames strongly driven by
narrative) would be an insult to the intelligence of any adult gamer. Arguments
'considering the current market' reflect the hidden hollow ideology of many
mainstream developers; the argument essentially states that 'companies are
paying attention to what gamers want, isn't that great?' That's the world upside
down; one should create something great in order to attract a (new) audience,
not create something because it is conforms to the expectations of a market! The
latter means the creator doesn't have ideas of their own but 'fortunately' does
know which existing ideas are popular under the currently dominant gamer age
(and gender) demographic. I'd say that if you don't have any ideas of your own,
you have no place in any creative industry. Year after year, new 'blockbuster
titles' replace their mindless predecessors, whose stories have been long
forgotten, just as the majority of identical 'new' stories will be forgotten.

But there's hope still for intelligent 'adult' (18+) gamers. It seems that with
the aging of 'older generations' of gamers, a new 'adult' market is slowly
opening up, of which developers are only slowly becoming aware. While a
promising thought for the future, it remains foolish should an entire segment of
the gaming industry's market (women included) be put away in the freezer for
twenty years; after a few years, most of it will be rotten.

For the time being we'll have to take our individual responsibility to move
beyond videogame narratives and explore the most urgent societal themes all by
ourselves, or perhaps with a little help from our friends of the declining
literary world. As such, hopefully The Last of Us as well as its prequel Left
Behind, manage to inspire beyond being mere captivating experiences; it would
be a missed chance otherwise.

 ______  ______  _  _     _  _______  _  _     _  _____
|  __  ||  __  || || \   | ||__   __|| || \   | ||  ___| A recent poll showed
| |  | || |  | || ||  \  | |   | |   | ||  \  | || |     that some people still
| |__| || |__| || ||   \ | |   | |   | ||   \ | || | __  print out FAQs. I will
|  ____||    __|| || |\ \| |   | |   | || |\ \| || ||  | hereby kindly request
| |     | |\ \  | || | \   |   | |   | || | \   || | | | that if you prefer to
| |     | | \ \ | || |  \  |   | |   | || |  \  || |_| | print out (parts of)
|_|     |_|  \_\|_||_|   \_|   |_|   |_||_|   \_||_____| this FAQ that you use
 ______  _____  _     _  ____  _     _   recycled paper from certified and
|  __  ||  _  || |   | ||  __|\ \   / / sustained sources, such as the FSC
| |  | || | | || |   | || |    \ \ / / (Forest Stewardship Council)
| |__| || | | || |   | || |     \ v / certification indicates. Obviously we
|  ____|| | | || |   | || |      | | will want to continue enjoying real forests
| |     | | | || |   | || |      | | besides digital nature, and I'm sure you've
| |     | |_| || |__ | || |__    | | heard of that substance called oxygen.
|_|     |_____||____||_||____|   |_| Turns out to be quite crucial for your
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯  brain functions.

        ____   _____  _     _  _____  _______  _  _____  _     _  _____
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                  If you find this guide helpful, consider
                  one of the following options to donate:

                  1. Paypal donation at: [email protected]
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                     additional costs for you), found at:

                  Thank you very much for your consideration!

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  Use Ctrl+F to find what you're looking for, and copy/paste the brackets [].

               I.    BASICS [BSC]
               1.1   Controls .......................... [BSC-1]
               1.2   Difficulty ........................ [BSC-2]
               1.3   Movement .......................... [BSC-3]
               1.4   Healing ........................... [BSC-4]
               1.5   Combat ............................ [BSC-5]

               2.1   Part 1 of 4 ....................... [COM-1]
               2.1   Part 2 of 4 ....................... [COM-2]
               2.1   Part 3 of 4 ....................... [COM-3]
               2.1   Part 4 of 4 ....................... [COM-4]

               III.  WALKTRHOUGH [WLK]
               3.1   Back in a Flash ................... [WLK-1]
               3.2   Mallrats .......................... [WLK-2]
               3.3   So Close .......................... [WLK-3]
               3.4   Fun and Games ..................... [WLK-4]
               3.5   The Enemy of My Enemy ............. [WLK-5]
               3.6   Escape from Liberty Gardens ....... [WLK-6]


                     _____   _____  _____  _  ____  _____
                    |  __ \ |  _  ||  __ || ||  __||  __ |
                    | |  ) )| | | || |  \|| || |   | |  \|
                    | |_/ / | |_| || |___ | || |   | |___
                    |  _ (  |  _  ||___  || || |   |___  |
                    | | \ \ | | | |    | || || |       | |
                    | |__) )| | | ||\__| || || |__ |\__| |
                    |_____/ |_| |_||_____||_||____||_____|
_.——————._        GAME CONTROLS [BSC-1]       _.——————._
 |    L2    |       ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯      |    R2    |
 /|—´¯¯¯¯¯¯`—|\                                /|—´¯¯¯¯¯¯`—|\
 //|    L1    |\\______________________________//|    R1    |\\
 //'               `.        S  O  N  Y        .´               '\\
 /'       .——.        '                        '        .——.       '\
 /         |UP|         \   ____        ____   /        ( /\ )        \
 (     .——.  \/  .——.     ) [ SL ]      [ ST > (    .——.  `——´  .——.    )
 |     |LT >    < RT|     |  ¯¯¯¯        ¯¯¯¯  |   ( [] )      ( () )   |
 .(     '——'  /\  '——'     )_       .——.       _(    `——´  .——.  `——´    ).
 \         |DN|            `.    ( PS )    .´           ( >< )        /
 ´   `.       '——'      .´¯¯`.  \    `——´    /  .´¯¯`.      `——´       .´   `
 |     `._             .  LA  .  )          (  .  RA  .             _.´     |
 |        ¯—._____.—.  '  L3  '  |__________|  '  R3  '  .—._____.—¯        |
 |                  /\  `.__.´  /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\  `.__.´  /\                  |
 |                 /  `._    _,´              `._    _,´  \                 |
 |                /      ¯¯¯¯                    ¯¯¯¯      \                |
 '              .´                                          `.              '
 \           .´                                              `.           /
 `._     _.´                                                  `._     _.´
 ¯¯¯¯¯    .´¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯`.    ¯¯¯¯¯
 |   UP = UP            |   /\ = TRIANGLE       |
 |   DN = DOWN          |   [] = SQUARE         |
 |   LT = LEFT          |   () = CIRCLE         |
 |   RT = RIGHT         |   >< = CROSS          |
 |                      |                       |
 |   L1 = L1 TRIGGER    |   R1 = R1 TRIGGER     |
 |   L2 = L2 TRIGGER    |   R2 = R2 TRIGGER     |
 |                      |                       |
 |   L3 = L3 (PRESS)    |   R3 = R3 (PRESS)     |
 |                      |                       |
 |   SL = SELECT        |   ST = START          |
 |                      |                       |
 |            PS = PLAYSTATION BUTTON           |

      | FIELD COMMAND:               | ACTION:                          |
      | Left Analog                  | Movement                         |
      | Right Analog                 | Adjust Camera                    |
      | L3 (Press Left Analog)       | Look (situational)               |
      | R3 (Press Right Analog)      | Flashlight Toggle                |
      | Shake Controller             | Temporarily recharge flashlight  |
      | Directional pad (Left/Right) | Select Weapons                   |
      | Directional pad (Up/Down)    | Consumable Items                 |
      | Left Analog (back) + Cross   | 180 turn                         |
      | Cross                        | Climb                            |
      | Square                       | Melee Attack                     |
      | Circle                       | Crouch/Get up                    |
      | Triangle                     | Interact/Pick-up                 |
      | R1                           | Reload (without aiming)          |
      |                              | Arc throw (while holding a bottle|
      |                              | or brick + while aiming)         |
      |                              | Blind throw (while holding a     |
      |                              | bottle or a brick)               |
      | R2                           | Listen mode (hold)               |
      | L1                           | Aim                              |
      | L2                           | Sprint/Break free                |
      | L1 + R1                      | Aim + Fire/Throw                 |
      | L1 + R2                      | Shoulder Switch                  |
      | START                        | Pause                            |
      | SELECT                       | Craft                            |

Depending on the difficulty, you'll find more or less items during your quest
for survival. The harder the difficulty, the less items you'll find. You'll
still be able to find all collectibles regardless the difficulty you're playing

Note: Not all items disappear on harder difficulties. Weapons, Skill Pills,
      Parts, Training Manuals, Comics and Artefacts can be gotten during any of
      your playthroughs.

The harder the difficulty, the more damage you take from enemy blows. Some enemy
attacks (such as a Clicker grapple) retain their instant-kill effect on all
difficulties. Enemies will also notice you considerably more quickly the harder
the difficulty.

The Easy difficulty also has an additional option for 'Lock On Aiming', which
makes it easier to shoot targets.

The Survivor difficulty doesn't have a Listen Mode nor Melee Prompts for in-game
combat. You'll want to be very familiar with the game before attempting it.

You can crouch/sneak, walk, run and dash. Compared to running, other movements
are either slower (sneaking, walking) or faster (dashing). As a rule of thumb:
The faster you move, the more noise you make. Sneaking/moving while crouched is
very quiet, but not completely silent, and Clickers will still be able to hear
you when getting (very) close.

| Sneaking while aiming     | 3.5x slower                  | Very quiet        |
| Listen Mode               | 2.75x slower                 | Very quiet        |
| Walking while aiming/     | 2.75x slower                 | Very quiet        |
| preparing to throw        |                              |                   |
| Sneaking (crouched)       | 0.4x slower                  | Very quiet        |
| Walking (slow - fast)     | 2x - 3.5x slower             | Quiet             |
| Running                   | Nominal speed                | Noisy             |
| Dashing                   | 0.25x faster                 | Very noisy        |

Avoid making unnecessary sounds. The 'click' of an empty gun, or the sound of
reloading can trigger enemy responses, especially from Clickers.

If you're injured there are several ways to patch yourself up. Health Kits can
be crafted (by combining a rag + alcohol); Health Cans and Bars can be found in
various places but cannot be placed in your inventory - you'll have to use them
right away.

          | HEALING ITEM: | HEALS: | HOW TO GET:                   |
          | Health Kit    | 3 bars | Found; Crafted: Rag + Alcohol |
          | Health Can    | 1 bar  | Found                         |
          | Health Bar    |1/2 bar | Found                         |

There are various ways to take out enemies, many of which you are already
familiar with through by the main The Last Of Us campaign. Of course Ellie is
weaker than Joel and she cannot take on enemies straight on with fancy melee
weapons. An interesting new way to deal with enemies is, when both regular
human enemies as well as the infected are in the same area, to use bricks. Throw
them at humans to make some sound and the infected will assault them. This may
buy you enough time to sneak the hell away.

             _____  _______  ____  ______  _  ____  _____  _     _
            |  _  ||       ||  __||  __  || ||  __||  _  || \   | |
            | | | || || || || |   | |  | || || |   | | | ||  \  | |
            | |_| || || || || |__ | |__| || || |   | |_| ||   \ | |
            |  _  || ||_|| ||  __||    __|| || |   |  _  || |\ \| |
            | | | || |   | || |   | |\ \  | || |   | | | || | \   |
            | | | || |   | || |__ | | \ \ | || |__ | | | || |  \  |
            |_| |_||_|   |_||____||_|  \_\|_||____||_| |_||_|   \_|
                  ____   ______  ____  _____  _______  _____
                 |    \ |  __  ||  __||  _  ||       ||  __ |
                 | |\  || |  | || |   | | | || ||  | || |  \|
                 | | | || |__| || |__ | |_| || || || || |___
                 | | | ||    __||  __||  _  || ||_|| ||___  |
                 | | | || |\ \  | |   | | | || |   | |    | |
                 | |/  || | \ \ | |__ | | | || |   | ||\__| |
                 |____/ |_|  \_\|____||_| |_||_|   |_||_____|

           A M E R I C A N   D R E A M S   (C O M I C   S E R I E S)
The 'American Dreams' comic series consists of four issues of which the last was
released on July 31st 2013. It's a prequel to the events of the main game and
also predates Left Behind. It tells the story of Ellie living in the Quarantine
Zone, where she soon meets a new friend.

It's not at all essential for the main game's story and even for an indepth
background narrative it's relatively uneventful. What follows below is a summary
of the events in the comics should you want a quick recap of the story in this
mini comics series.

PART 1 OF 4 [COM-1]
"It has been nineteen years since a parasitic fungal outbreak infected and wiped
out the majority of the world's population. In Boston, one of the last remaining
quarantine zones, a young girl named Ellie is being transferred to a military
prep school that all orphaned teenagers must attend upon turning thirteen."

As Ellie arrives at the Boston QZ by bus, while looking out the window she sees
a citizen being scanned for infections and arrested afterwards. As she gets out
of the bus, one of the QZ guards tells Ellie she can't pull any of her stunts
here since he won't be around to look after her, as he's got his own family to
take care of. Ellie doesn't take this lightly and tells him he simply won't
(instead of can't) take care of her anymore. She tells herself she can take care
of herself anyway.

Some time passes and Ellie is hit by a fist coming out of nowhere. She's being
bullied by two dudes who want to snatch some of Ellie's stuff. As she's about
to get hit for the second time, a girl shows up who beats the two guys with
ease; they quickly run off. She asks Ellie what they wanted; she dusts off her
walkman. The girl advises Ellie to make some friends, but Ellie tells her she
didn't ask for any advice. Before the girl runs off, she advises Ellie to do the
same, but Ellie's already in trouble as the head of the QZ wants to see her in
his office. He tells her that him and the soldiers are the ones keeping the
place secure, and that the renegade group (The Fireflies) is not to be trusted.

As punishment, Ellie has to clean a jeep. Here she discovers that the girl who
'helped' her actually stole her walkman. Ellie also notices a soldier's finger
next to some bullet holes on the jeep, which apparently got shot off in a
firefight, presumably against Fireflies. The next day Ellie confronts the girl
about her having stolen the walkman and she's given it back.

Later that night, as Ellie's lying in bed she hears footsteps coming from the
hall; it's the girl. She follows her and taps on her back, then says she wants
to learn how to sneak out of the QZ. The girl is hesitant at first but then
agrees and calls Ellie by name. Ellie's surprised as she never told the girl
her name. As they climb over the QZ's fence she says her name is Riley.

PART 2 OF 4 [COM-2]
"Thirteen-year-old Ellie is the new kid at a military boarding school in one of
the last remaining quarantine zones sheltering survivors from a deadly fungal
outbreak. Ellie hasn't made any friends yet, but has taken an interest in fellow
student Riley. When Riley sneaks out beyond the school walls one night, Ellie
joins in..."

Ellie and Riley move over several roofs which notably exhausts Ellie. Riley asks
her if she's ever thinking about her future, about what she's going to do with
her life. Ellie says she doesn't and Riley tells her that's exactly what the
QZ's military prep school wants kids to believe and that she's not about to live
a life in which you're supposed to become a soldier for the city at the age of
sixteen. Riley turns sixteen in three months, so that's a bit of a problem.

They move into an abandoned shopping mall where Ellie notices an old arcade.
She's pretty excited about the 'Triple Phoenix' arcade machine but Riley tells
her it's just a game for kids. She moves to 'The Turning', a fighting game with
'insane' final boss fights. As Ellie moves out of the arcade she visualizes it
with kids playing all the games before and after the cordyceps outbreak.

Still inside the mall, Riley and Ellie soon enough reach a tent with an old man
named Winston; Riley introduces Ellie and the man asks if they've brought
something for him. She's brought fine booze for him and he gladly accepts it,
although he's still edgy about Riley bringing Ellie. Riley asks him if he can
teach Ellie how to ride a horse. As Ellie's petting the horse she asks Riley
whether she's trying to get kicked out of the QZ, but Riley tells her that's
not the answer. You'd just get a shitty job outside of the QZ along with too
few rations.

As Ellie and Winston go round the mall, Riley sneaks into Winston's tent,
clearly looking for something. Meanwhile, Ellie asks Winston what the place was
like before the outbreak. Winston tells her he used to skip school, failed to
make out with a girl he had a crush on and assures her the mall was always
packed with people always looking to buy stuff.

When they get back to the mall, Winston tells them to go back to the QZ when ...
BOOOOM! Smoke and fire rise from a distance and Winston quickly gets on his
horse saying he has to find his unit and commanding Riley and Ellie to get back.
When he's gone, Riley grabs a (stolen) walkie-talkie from her pocket and Ellie
is about to get furious as she realizes that she's been used as a distraction
when all of a sudden a voice breaks out of the device. Riley wants to use the
walkie-talkie to find the Fireflies! Ellie tells her she's nuts, Riley runs off
and Ellie - after a brief moment of hesitation - runs after her anyway.

PART 3 OF 4 [COM-3]
"Following Riley out of their military boarding school, thirteen-year-old Ellie
finds herself in the ruins of a shopping mall beyond the quarantine zone. There,
a soldier named Winston gives Ellie a horse-riding lesson while Riley ransacks
Winston's tent. When a series of explosions go off outside, Riley's newly stolen
walkie-talkie says it's the handiwork of the Fireflies..."

Over the walkie-talkie, Riley and Ellie hear the Fireflies, and Riley wants to
go check it out even though Ellie is hesitant. They quickly move over several
rooftops and sneak up on both the Fireflies and the QZ troops they're fighting.
Riley suggest they toss a smoke grenade at the QZ troops since the Fireflies are
trapped. She rhetorically asks Ellie if she wants to be pushed around in the QZ
for the rest of her life, or if she wants something else. In a quick decisive
moment Ellie grabs the grenade and hurls it at the QZ troops. The Fireflies
escape and Riley cheers hurray, causing the QZ troops to notice them. They
quickly flee over the rooftops as they're shot at.

When they're far away and out of sight, hiding behind a container, Riley
explains she stole the smoke grenades from Winston. But as they're conversing,
Ellie mentions someone's watching from a nearby doorway... The person slowly
approaches and there's some doubt first, but then Riley knows: it's an infected
woman. Before they know it she's jumped at both of them, holding them down on
the ground. Riley just barely manages to push the infected runner away with her
legs, allowing Ellie to get loose. Riley grabs a nearby rock and smashes it into
the infected runner's face, but at this same time the infected munches on her
wrist. Ellie quickly comes to the rescue with a wooden stick and strikes at her
back but this only causes the infected to turn to Ellie now. She's grabbed and
right at the moment she's about to lose, Riley pierces the throat of the runner
with the stick, killing her.

Ellie and Riley catch their breath and Ellie demands to see Riley's wrist. She
shows it (hesitantly) and it turns out there's no bite; she got lucky as the
teeth didn't fully cut through her jacket, although there's quite a rip in her
sleeve. At this discovery they hug, but there's not much time for a peaceful
moment. Behind them two other runners show up and they find themselves hunted.
When they run into a nearby alley it turns out to be a dead end. Fortunately,
before the runners reach them they're shot by a group of people from a distance.

The people get closer and Riley is about to thank them when a man grabs a stun
gun and zaps Riley with it, leaving her unconscious on the ground. Ellie wants
to assault the man but he smacks her down. He wants to stun her too but a woman
stops him and asks: "Ellie? What are you doing here?" She tells the men to put
bags over their heads and then they all leave together.

PART 4 OF 4 [COM-4]
"Overhearing explosions outside the deserted mall they were exploring, Ellie and
Riley seek out the scene of the battle. On the way they barely survive an
encounter with several infected, but ultimately arrive in time to aid Firefly
insurgents. However, the Fireflies are not amused by Riley's enthusiasm and take
the girls captive..."

As Ellie wakes up she's laying on the ground and three fireflies are discussing
what went wrong in their fight against the QZ troops. Ellie reaches out for a
shard of glass but it's unnecessary as she's cut loose by the woman who enters
the room (the same who took them captive). Riley is also cut loose and the woman
hands an envelope to Ellie, telling her to open it once she's back in the QZ.

Riley doesn't want to go back at all and tells the woman that she knows her name
is Marlene and that she's the leader of the Fireflies. The two heavily discuss
as Riley wants to join the Fireflies but Marlene absolutely doesn't give a damn
and thinks it's way too dangerous. A few moments later a shotgun blast makes
everyone turn around towards the tunnel.

A few smugglers claim the tunnel is theirs and that they want the toll; everyone
must hand over their weapons. Marlene declines and tells them she'll give them
some ration cards, but not their weapons. The smuggler is not amused and blasts
a shell right through the second Firefly, instantly killing him. Marlene swiftly
responds by grabbing her gun and shooting one of the three smugglers. Everyone
hides behind cover.

Ellie points to a way out, but Riley instead reaches out for a gun on the floor.
The smuggler with the shotgun turns around and notices her, grabs her, but Ellie
hurls a rock at his head, throwing him off balance. As he's about to shoot her,
Riley shoots him in his arm. Marlene (who apparently has already dealt with the
second smuggler) puts a gun to his head and executes him in cold blood. Riley
tells her it's the second time they've saved her. Marlene doesn't take this
comment lightly and throws Riley on the ground, shouting at her that she doesn't
know anything about the world. But Riley replies that she knows enough; she saw
her father turn and rip her mother apart and then she killed her own father.
Marlene tells her that she's not special but that almost everyone in the world
has been through that or something similar.

Marlene then shows Riley the dead Firefly and rhetorically asks if she wants to
become like *that*. Otherwise she could also offer to cripple her; maybe that
would make her Firefly enough? Marlene looks as if she means it and grabs her
gun, but Ellie (who's held by an other Firefly) munches on the hand of the man
holding her and grabs his gun. As she holds him and Marlene under fire she
tells them to back up. Marlene again names her Ellie, telling her to take it
easy, but Ellie shoots a hole in the wall, inches from Marlene's head; she's
serious too and asks her how on earth she knows her name.

Marlene then answers her: the envelope she gave Ellie is a letter from Ellie's
mom, who gave it to her before she died. She also mentions that Ellie ran away
from her last school seven times, and that she has been in a dozen assaults or
so. Then there apparently was that one time where she stabbed a kid in his knee
with a compass. Marlene tells her she was looking out for her, because she
promised her mom she would. Ellie asks Riley what she should do, and Riley tells
her that Marlene is telling the truth. 

Ellie asks Marlene what the name of her mother was. "Anna", she tells her.
Her mother gave up everything for Ellie, so she'd better respect that instead of
throwing it away. Just before Ellie and Riley leave the room by climbing a
ladder leading up to an alley nearby their school, Marlene gives Ellie a
switchblade that belonged to Anna. 

Back on the street, Ellie is pretty upset and tells Riley that they should just
leave the whole city. But Riley has landed back on her feet and knows that the
only realistic picture for them is to stay; they would just get killed outside
of the QZ. They climb over the fence and head back to their dorm. The final page
shows Ellie after having read the letter, cherishing the switchblade. The letter
is hardly readable (for us as comic book readers; for Ellie it's perfectly fine)
but from the fragments that are available one can derive the following:

"(...) worth living! (...) and fight (...) Fo(rever yours?) (...) Anna (...)
(Ma)ke me proud."

 _     _  _____  _     _    _  _______ _   _  ______  _____  _   _  ____  _   _
| |   | ||  _  || |   | |  / /|__   __| | | ||  __  ||  _  || | | ||  __|| | | |
| |   | || | | || |   | | / /    | |  | | | || |  | || | | || | | || |   | | | |
| | _ | || |_| || |   | |/ /     | |  | |_| || |__| || | | || | | || | _ | |_| |
| || || ||  _  || |   |   (      | |  |  _  ||    __|| | | || | | || || ||  _  |
| || || || | | || |   | |\ \     | |  | | | || |\ \  | | | || | | || | ||| | | |
| || || || | | || |__ | | \ \    | |  | | | || | \ \ | |_| || |_| || |_||| | | |
|_______||_| |_||____||_|  \_\   |_|  |_| |_||_|  \_\|_____||_____||____||_| |_|

Note: This walkthrough is written for the HARD difficulty. You'll find more
      items if you play on Easy or Normal, and less items if you play on the
      Survivor difficulty.

  [ ] Combination Note (ALL)
  [ ] (1/4) Blades (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] (1/4) Rag (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] Pharmacy Key (ALL)
  [ ] Pharmacist's Note (ALL)
  [ ] (1/2) Sugar (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] (1/4) Rag (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] (1/4) Blades (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] (1/2) Explosive (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] Health Kit (E/N/H/?)


After the opening cutscenes you'll be in an abandoned shopping mall. Head
upstairs via either the escalators, stairs, or by climbing some boxes on the
right side of the area, then proceed onwards and head down a long hall. You'll
come across a closed shutter of a store named 'American Princess'. Be sure to
grab a brick as you turn right and continue. Move underneath the shutter at the
end of this hall to enter the pharmaceutical store.

The shelves on the left seemingly contain some pills, but it turns out to be an
empty bottle. In fact, the whole left part of the store contains a further three
misleading non-items. Visit the right part of the store instead and look behind
the counter to find a the [COMBINATION NOTE] for the American Princess store.
Head back to this store and head inside. You can find a [(1/4) BLADES] and
[(1/4) RAG] behind the counter, but more importantly you'll find the pharmacists
body in the far corner. He's got the [PHARMACY KEY] on him, as well as a mildly

As you head back to the pharmacy, a clicker appears in the main hall. It's very
easy to sneak past him, but don't do any crazy running. In the pharmacy, use the
newly acquired key to open the door behind the counter and finally get access to
some medicine! Or maybe not. In any case, be sure to check the room to the right
of the window before hopping through, to find [(1/2) SUGAR]. Yummy, decades-old

Hop over the window and head right; there's no other way to go anyway. As you
continue through this collapsed store, you may try the left tunnel but it'll
collapse, leading to Ellie's immediate death... No, it actually just collapses,
but it still blocks you from going further. Instead just use the other tunnel,
more to the right side of the shop.

Move to the shutter on your left side and search the nearby shelves to find
[(1/4) RAG], [(1/4) BLADES] and [(1/2) EXPLOSIVE]. Since this is a dead end,
take one of the other paths to proceed and enter the Nail Polish Salon. You'll
find a corpse with the [SALON NOTE] on it, along with a [HEALTH KIT]. Head out
to the main hall and go down the stairs, then hop over the railing.

  [ ] Wanted Poster (ALL)
  [ ] Warning Note (ALL)


Follow Riley upstairs and move through the hall. At the end, crawl underneath
the door to enter an apartment. You can find a [WANTED POSTER] (of Marlene) on
the large table near the windows. Continue into the next, wet room and climb all
the way up. Move to the back of this room and inspect the firefly graffiti logo
on the wall before crouching through the hole in the wall to the right.
Inspecting the logo triggers an optional conversation.

Move through the laundry room and go upstairs in the adjacent room, then drop
to the roofs, still following Riley; you'll now be outside. Continue over the
roof, drop down, move over the plank, then make your way to the far right corner
of this big roof and drop down the hole.

Head down the escalators and immediately turn right. The hall behind you is a
dead end up if you inspect the big 'Affordable Getaways' poster you'll trigger
another optional dialogue. Move down the hall and go down the escalators. You'll
now be in the hall where (if you read the 'American Dreams' comics) Ellie first
met Winston. Head inside the tent, then move to the back of the area and help
Riley lift the bar. When that fails, boost her up at the nearby double doors to
your right.

Move to Riley and roar as she asks your to by tapping Triangle. In this room,
also be sure to check out the purple Skeleseer stand to the left. Inspect it up
to eight times for a series of funny remarks, and then Riley will also give the
skull a go. There's also a green Frankenstein-like mask in one of the central
shelves. Put the mask on and talk to Riley for more optional dialogue. After
this, move to the far left corner and Riley will put on a Dracula mask. She'll
also comment on the cart. In this corner, you can find an Uncharted 2 and a Jak
costume package - you can't pick them up or anything, but they're references to
these games from developer Naughty Dog. Be sure to also check out the Triple
Phoenix mask in one of the shelves (close to the side where Skeleseer also lies)
to trigger more optional dialogue. One last optional dialogue can be triggered
by inspecting the pot of fake eyeballs in the far right corner. If you stick
around long enough and follow Riley around, she'll make remarks about pretty
much everything in the room. If you're interested, stick around, otherwise move
through the doors on the left.

In this hall, Riley challenges you to a game of smashing car windows with
bricks. The red car is yours and you have to smash seven windows in total (two
on each side, one on the back, one on the front, and one on the roof). There
are more than enough bricks laying around, and if you aim steady you can easily
beat Riley. Doing so grants you the [BRICK MASTER] bronze trophy, as well as a
question out of the following options:

Why did you leave?
Why did you lash out?
Did Marlene mention my mom?
Forget it.

Continue through the nearby door and follow Riley through the hall, then go
downstairs. Enter the first room to your left to find a [WARNING NOTE]. After
this, enter the next room and flip the switch. Follow Riley to the end of the
hall to trigger a short scene.

  [ ] (1/2) Alcohol (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] (1/4) Sugar (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] Atrium Note (ALL)
  [ ] (1/4) Rag (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] (1/4) Blades (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] Health Bar (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] (1/4) Rag (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] (1/2) Explosive (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] Health Bar (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] Pistol Ammo x4 (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] Health Bar (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] Pistol Ammo x6 (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] Generator Note (ALL)
  [ ] (1/4) Rag (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] (1/2) Alcohol (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] (3/4) Explosive (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] (1/4) Rag (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] (1/4) Alcohol (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] (1/2) Alcohol (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] (3/4) Explosive (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] (1/4) Blades (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] Atrium Recorder (ALL)


Check out the right side of the area and jump over the 'Noodle Bowl' counter to
find [(1/2) ALCOHOL]. The counter to the right of it contains [(1/4) SUGAR].
You can find an [ATRIUM NOTE] in a small pool of blood in the nearby corner as
well. [(1/4) RAG] and [(1/4) BLADES] can be found by checking out the boxes
close to this corner, just slightly to the right. This is near the Weapon Notice
board. You can also find a [HEALTH BAR] on the tables. The shelves across the
counter of the Bob's Burger Club (to the right of the Noodle Bowl) hold [(1/4)
RAG] and [(1/2) EXPLOSIVE]. Besides all this you can also find another [HEALTH
BAR] in the far left corner of the area (from where you dropped off the railing,
it's left).

Before moving through the door with 'Maintenance' above it, collect the [PISTOL
AMMO x4] here. Move through the hall and wade through the water to reach a large
abandoned, flooded hall. Before you inspect the generator in front of you it's
a good idea to scout ahead for items.

The white truck up ahead contains a [HEALTH BAR], and you can also find [PISTOL
AMMO x6] right before attempting to open the (locked) doors at the far end of
the hall. Finding ammo is usually a bad sign in games where ammo is meant to be
relatively scarce.. right?

Head back to the first part of this hall and climb the platform to try to
activate the generator... Turns out there's no juice. Also grab the [GENERATOR
NOTE] lying next to the generator. Turn around and grab the gas can behind you,
next to the fence. It's empty, so you'll have to look for it first.

At this point, two Stalkers enter the hall. One way to deal with them is to
sneak towards the white truck by moving via the left path of the hall. You can
find a health bar at the end of the truck if you hadn't already, but in any case
you can throw a brick at one of the stalkers as it passes by; then shoot it.
This will spawn two more stalkers (so now there are three left). But this is
a relatively decent spot to kill them; be sure to aim for their heads as they
enter the truck. Should they grab you, melee knife them to death, and if you
get low on health, use a health kit. In any case, be sure to collect any ammo
from their bodies as you'll most definitely need it, if only to waste the
remaining stalkers.

This white truck also contains the gas you're looking for. Inspect its right
side to siphon it out and return to activate the generator. Head through the
fenced door and climb the ladder, then move over the left ventilation shaft.
When you're over the red truck, drop down onto it and check out the front to
find [(1/4) RAG] and [(1/2) ALCOHOL]. Drop down on the other side and check
out the shutter switch in the corner. There's a cart inside, so drag it out.
Before doing anything with it, check out the second shutter switch nearby to
find [3/4) EXPLOSIVE] and [(1/4) RAG].

Now move the cart with the two boxes underneath the second shutter. This allows
you to climb the low box nearby and move over the second shutter (it would
otherwise drop back down as Ellie tried moving over it). This grants you access
to the last set of ventilation shafts leading to the now unlocked door.

But there's no reason to party just yet; the area behind this door is infested
with runners and even two clickers. The runners are standing still, but the
clickers are roaming, so watch them. When the first clicker is further away from
you, slowly sneak up behind the runner to your immediate left and knife him. You
can find [(1/4) ALCOHOL] in the shelves where he was standing.

Wait until the coast is clear and jump over the counter, hugging the left side
of the area. When the clickers are moving away from you, sneak upon the second
runner (from his back, mind you) and knife him as well. Around this time, the
second clicker will probably be on his way back to you, so carefully sneak
towards the other side of the room. While you're here, you'll probably want to
grab the [(1/2) ALCOHOL] and [(3/4) EXPLOSIVES]. Wait until the coast is clear
and approach the final, third runner, near the shutter, and knife him as well.
This should make things a little easier for you. Hop over the nearby counter
(where you killed the last, third runner) to find [(1/4) BLADES] behind it.
When the clickers are far away enough, open the shutter to reach the main hall

You'll want to act quick: Clickers (and depending on how much noise you make,
also Runners) will be roaming the area. Run (but not dash) towards the escalator
door and click it, which will cause a horribly loud sound. Immediately open the
door and run up, look to your left for an [ATRIUM RECORDER], and proceed to
the helicopter. Climb the fragile glass and quickly move over the bar to leap
over towards the chopper.

  [ ] Kitchen Note (ALL)


Approach the carousel and ride it, then joke around (until you're all out of
jokes) with the No Pun Intended book Riley gave you. Check out the 'Fast Burger
Pickup' kitchen on the side to find a [KITCHEN NOTE] inside. Be sure to check
out the sharesnap behind the escalators as well. The whole facebook advertising
is pretty upsetting (and as if that's going to be the only large social media
company ever - fortunately a naive thought), but other than that, the scene is
well thought of.

Head up the escalators on the other side of the hall and play the game in the
arcade. It's not hard to win as long as you remember that the + sign indicates
that you're supposed to press the grouped buttons together. You have a time bar
for each combo and the game's fairly generous. After this a scene plays.

Move through the hall and enter the hall with mannequins. You can push the one
standing in the light, then move through the exit doors. After the scene you'll
have to soak Riley wet. Tap the R1 button and quickly aim and shoot at her with
your water gun. After this you'll play hide and seek, where the first one who
hits the other person with a burst of water wins. If you win twice you'll get
the Skillz bronze trophy. More scenes will play...

  [ ] Bow (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] Arrows x3 (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] Arrow (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] Pistol Ammo x2 (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] Health Bar (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] (1/2) Alcohol (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] (1/4) Rag (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] Duct Recorder (ALL)
  [ ] (1/4) Rag (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] (1/4) Blades (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] (1/4) Rag (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] (1/4) Alcohol (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] Health Bar (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] (1/4) Explosive (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] (1/4) Alcohol (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] (1/4) Rag (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] (1/4) Explosive (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] (1/4) Alcohol (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] (1/4) Sugar (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] Pistol Ammo x2 (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] (1/4) Explosive (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] Health Bar (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] Health Bar (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] Health Bar (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] (1/4) Rag (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] (3/4) Explosive (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] (1/4) Rag (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] (1/4) Blades (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] (1/4) Alcohol (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] (1/4) Rag (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] Health Can (E/N/H/?)
  [ ] (1/4) Rag (E/N/H/?)


Continue and hop over the crates, then grab the [BOW] as one of the men is
assaulted by a Clicker. Do NOT approach them for now, but wait until they spread
out. When they do, immediate move diagonally right (towards the Clicker body)
and grab the [ARROWS x3] from it (the other Clicker body also contains [ARROWS].
Follow the guy in blue (on the right side) and wait for him to stand still at
the restrooms down the hall, then quickly sneak up on him and knife him to
death. One of the other guys will soon check out his body, so back away in the
main hall and wait for one of them to arrive, then sneak up on him and knife him
too. The third one sometimes arrives rather quickly, so either shoot him or if
you can, sneak up on him too.

In any case, the store they were searching contains [PISTOL AMMO x2] and a
[HEALTH BAR] if you search the counter (underneath the register). You can also
find [(1/2) ALCOHOL] and [(1/4) RAG] in the corner next to the restrooms. Move
through the air duct at the end of the hall and collect the [DUCT RECORDER] from
the skeleton inside (just follow the blood trail).  Exit the duct and you'll
find yourself in a new situation; infected are in the same room as regular human
enemies. When a wave of humans enters the room far ahead, hurl a brick in their
direction so the two clickers and the runner directly below you will assault
them. They'll most definitely win - the infected, that is.

Drop down and look for a [(1/4) RAG] in the shelves, as well as [(1/4) BLADES].
You can also find [PISTOL AMMO] and [ARROWS] on the bodies of the deceased men.
Your only problem now is that the infected are still 'alive'. Move to the
counter on the left side and grab a brick; hurl it to the far right side of the
room and if done correctly at least the two clickers will take the bait. You'll
now only have to avoid the runner outside.

At the end of the hall, climb up on the right side and collect [(1/4) RAG]
and [(1/4) ALCOHOL] from this platform. Drop down and find a [HEALTH BAR] on the
nearby counter, as well as a [(1/4) EXPLOSIVE]. There are a bunch of infected
waiting in the room to your right, but you don't have to engage them yourself.
Grab a bottle and continue down the hall; a couple of scavengers will enter the
hall. Back up and hide behind some crates, then hurl the bottle in their
direction as they get closer. They'll now battle it out with the infected.

It depends on who wins how to deal with this area, but it's likely the
scavengers win since it's a relatively open area. Collect a [(1/4) ALCOHOL] from
some shelves in the room the infected were standing in, as well as a [(1/4) RAG]
and (1/4) EXPLOSIVES] from a locker in the adjacent room (but stay low).

You can either sneak up on the guys (start with the one in the right corner) or
take them out any way you want (or even sneak past them). In any case you can
find a [(1/4) ALCOHOL] in the middle of the area, and [(1/4) SUGAR] on the lower
left side of the area. There's [PISTOL AMMO x2] and [(1/4) EXPLOSIVE] in the
counter's shelves (under the registry) on the far left side. Lastly, a [HEALTH
BAR] can be found lying on top of a cabinet near the 'home theater' system.
To continue, climb up and go underneath the shutter.

As you backtrack to Joel, you'll unfortunately come across a large group of
scavengers. You'll definitely want to put those rags and alcohol bottles you
found to good use now and craft a Molotov cocktail. Carefully aim and hurl it
at the two guys who are trying to open the shutter door down below; a well
thrown cocktail should take them both out. Now aim for the guy in the room to
your right; perhaps an arrow shot or otherwise a few gunshots should do him in.
Remember that you can always throw a brick and then quickly move in for a knife
melee if you run out of options. This room also contains a [HEALTH BAR], [HEALTH
BAR] and [(1/4 RAG].

Since the scavengers have noticed you by now, take out the remaining ones with
your bow, pistol, or knife (preferably of course only after stunning them with a
brick or bottle). Get behind cover at all times and take the guys on one by one.
The area contains several more items should you need them: The upper left
walkway contains [(3/4) EXPLOSIVES], the room on the right (below) contains a
[(1/4) RAG] and [(1/4) BLADES]. The other (left) side of the lower area contains
[(1/4) ALCOHOL], [(1/4) RAG], and you can find a [HEALTH CAN] and a [(1/4) RAG]
near the stairs in the corner. You'll come across most of it as you traverse the
area anyway, and all in all it should provide you with enough gear to also take
out the remaining scavengers, including any who continue to dare fiddle with the
holy shutter door.

When you try to open the shutter door, naturally more scavengers show up, and
even some infected join the crowd. You'll definitely want to loot all bodies
you've dropped so far to get more ammunition, and even a [HUNTING RIFLE]. Use
bricks and bottles to set the infected up against the scavengers whenever you
can, and wipe them all out, using whatever you need. When you've done so you can
finally open the shutter and patch Joel up.

There's not much to this part except to escape from the infected! You'll have to
help Riley out by opening the shutter in the mannequin room and then put a cart
underneath it. Quickly continue to follow Riley through the halls; the rest is
rather self-explanatory. Enjoy the ending scene of the game!

Note: You'll also get the 'Don't Go' Trophy for all difficulties you've
      completed the game on (so you'll also get Easy and Normal, for example,
      if you've finished on Hard).

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14 February 2014 - [v1.00] - First release.

This document is © Absolute Steve 2014. All rights reserved.

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