Infamous: Second Son [Guide]

One of the most anticipated games in the early lineup of the PS4 is Infamous:
Second Son. This latest title from Sucker Punch continues the Infamous
franchise with a brand new protagonist on PlayStation 4.

Infamous: Second Son [Guide]
Written by Dalton “HorrorSpooky” Cooper and Trade
Copyright 2014

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1. Introduction and Controls
2. Walkthrough

Welcome to Seattle
Catching Smoke
The Gauntlet
Chasing the Light
Go Fetch
Light it Up
Fight Intolerants (Evil Mission)
Trash the Stash (Hero Mission)
The Test
The Fan
Reggie Takes Flight
Heaven’s Hellfire
Zero to Hero
Hunting the Hunters (Evil Mission)
Flight of Angels (Hero Mission)
The Return
Quid Pro Quo
Smoke and Mirrors
Kill Augustine/Expose Augustine

3. Side Missions
4. Conclusion

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1. Introduction and Controls
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Delsin and his brother Reggie are quickly forced into the life of government
vs. the people after Delsin discovers he is a Conduit with the ability to
absorb the power of other Conduits. Liberate Seattle from the D.U.P., and
make Delsin’s journey your own by choosing whether he is a Hero or a Villain.

L2 – Zoom
L1 – Special Power
R2 – Main Attack
R1 – Heavy Attack
Triangle – Karmic Actions
Square – Melee
Circle – Dash
X – Jump
LS – Move
RS – Turn

To Top

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2. Walkthrough
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The first thing that you do in the game is a bit of spray-painting. Hold the
DualShock 4 sideways, and then shake the controller to ready the paint can.
Move the cursor along the three different objects on the three panels, holding
R2 the entire time to spray in the objects.

Delsin will then put up six more panels, and you handle them three at a time.
Once all the spray painting has concluded, it’s time to get out of here and
get to the Longhouse. There will be a short scene where you meet Betty, and
then you need to exit. The exit door is in plain view.

Next up is getting to the Longhouse without having to use the road. This is
where the game teaches you about the platforming mechanics. Press X to jump.
Delsin is capable of climbing, shimmying, and more. Getting to the Longhouse
is very straight forward. Pretty much just move forward towards it using the
large rocks, ledges, etc.

Approach the Longhouse door. A symbol will pop up that may be a bit confusing
at first, especially for those new to PS4. The symbol is representing the
touchpad, and the arrow on it represents the direction that you’re supposed to
swipe the pad. Right now you’re supposed to swipe it to the left, so do that,
and then another scene will play.

When that cut-scene is over, run over to the wreckage. Swipe “up” on the
touchpad to help out the people in the wreckage. Another cut-scene will play,
and then when you wake up, Delsin will be having problems adjusting to his new
smoke powers.

Move down the street toward the burning three that is blocking the way.
Delsin’s powers will go crazy and go by themselves for a moment, but that’s
just something that you have to power through. When they’re done spazzing out,
you can press Circle to “dash” through the burning tree and wind up on the
other side, using your smoke powers.

Keep going until you reach Reggie, pinned underneath a car. Go to the side of
the car and push in on the touchpad with both thumbs to help Reggie get out
from underneath the vehicle. Follow him down the road; for now, your smoke
powers will be restricted and they can’t be used.

Upon reaching the gate, you will be able to use your smoke powers to get to
the other side. Again, just press Circle. Then go to one of the vents on the
building. Press Circle while moving the left stick toward the vent and Delsin
will be sucked up by the fan and wind up on the roof.

There will be another vent up here, so utilize that one as well. This will
result in Delsin falling through a hole in the ceiling. Try to use your smoke
powers to get through the burning rubble. Another short scene will play, and
then Delsin will be rewarded with his chain weapon.

To use the chain weapon, just press Square. Use the chain to smash through the
burning rubble that blocks the path initially, and keep doing it to move down
the hall in your attempt to get to Betty. Upon finding Betty, you will also
find Hank, the guy that gave you the smoke powers from earlier.

Pursue Hank until your new goal is to fight him. Hank has very basic attacks.
He can melee you, but he’ll also shoot smoke balls at you to do damage. He
can “dash” through bars and the like just like Delsin can, but he’s more
pre-occupied with rambling than actually fighting.

Dash at him and then start mashing on the Square button to hit him with the
chain. Try to dodge the smoke balls by dashing out of the way. Keep attacking
him until he retreats outside, then pursue him outside yourself.

You’ll then be presented with your first Good/Evil choice of the game. Like
the other Infamous games, Second Son has a Good/Evil morality system that can
influence the ending of the game. Here’s your first choice

GOOD: Turn yourself in
EVIL: Sacrifice the tribe

To choose the “good” option, hold L2 and then press X when prompted. To choose
the “evil” option, hold R2 and then press X when prompted. After that decision
is made, you’ll wake up in a hospital. Move through the rows in the hospital
and watch the scenes.

Following the next scene, you and Reggie will come up to a roadblock. Go
around it to the left and then drain the Core Relay to gain the ability to
fire projectile attacks like Hank. To use Smoke Shot, just press R2 and then
Delsin will fire at whatever the cursor is aimed at…which right now, should
be the Tracker Drones.

One Tracker Drone is destroyed in the cut-scene. Two more are flying around,
and the last one is attached to a nearby wall. Absorb the Blast Shard from
the first one. Delsin will then need to recharge his smoke energy, which is
done easy enough.

Notice the smoke coming out of the destroyed cars? Approach them and absorb
the smoke from them by pushing in the touchpad. This will refill Delsin’s
smoke ability. You can now use it to blast away the two drones in the air.
Drain the Blast Shard from them, again by pushing in the touchpad. Pushing in
the touchpad is how you absorb everything in this game.

Now destroy the final one sitting on the wall and absorb its Blast Shard as
well. You now have 4/4 Blast Shards and are required to upgrade Delsin by
purchasing a new ability. Press “Options”, and then go to the Powers menu. Go
to “Cinder Blast” power and choose it to purchase the new power.

The bus is being blocked by large concrete barricades. Hold in R2 to use the
Cinder Blast power and destroy the barricades. Once they’re destroyed, move on
ahead a bit to find more to destroy. After those are destroyed as well, Delsin
will be forced to walk to Seattle.

So, start walking. You’ll move through a tunnel and be attacked by people with
guns. A short scene will play, and then you’re tasked with taking them all out.
Use a combination of your offensive powers to take them out. The final enemy
will try to surrender, and you have the choice of either subduing him (press
Triangle) or executing him (press Square).

If you’re trying to be a “Hero” for this playthrough, press Triangle to
subdue him. Or press Square if you’re trying to be evil, as these actions will
have an effect on your overall karma. There will be many times throughout the
course of the game where you will be given the opportunity to subdue or
execute potential threats, and you should handle these situations based on how
you plan on playing through the game.

Next up you’ll have to absorb a couple more Core Relays across a bridge that
is being destroyed. These will give you two new powers. One allows you to have
a boosted jump when you jump off of a car. The other will allow you to glide
by holding X.

Use these abilities to get across the bridge and over to where Reggie is. You
can combine them to go across far distances. For example, stand on a car and
press X to launch yourself in the air. Then tap Circle to dash. Then hold X
for maximum distance.

When you get close enough to Reggie, Delsin will automatically pull him up.
Move with him to the D.U.P. checkpoint. Reggie will get through easily enough.
Approach the scanner when it’s your turn, and then place your index finger on
the touchpad. Move your finger until it matches up with the scanner on the
TV screen and hold it there.

Delsin will trigger the alarms since he is, in fact, a Conduit. Start fighting
the D.U.P. soldiers by blasting them and hitting them. They are considerably
more powerful than the thugs you fought in the tunnel, so be weary of that.

There’s a couple of things to keep in mind while in this area. For one, you
can destroy the scanners for Blast Shards that you can use to upgrade Delsin.
For two, there will be civilians around here that get hurt. You have the choice
to either heal them or kill them. Again, make the choice based on how you are
playing through the game and what kind of karma you hope to have by the time
you get to the end.

At any rate, sufficiently destroy this D.U.P. checkpoint. Look at your map to
see the next objective. Reggie wants you to go there and destroy the mobile
unit (a big black and yellow truck in the center of the next D.U.P. base) so
that you can greatly limit their ability to keep tabs on you.

If you look at the rest of Seattle, this mechanic is very common throughout
the game. You are to liberate each section of the city by destroying these
bases and also clearing off the rest of the checklist that shows up when you
look at each sector on your map.

This first base is easy enough to liberate. Just make sure you have plenty of
your smoke power (there are pipes on the roof with plenty of smoke to absorb)
and then take out all the enemies.

Something else you might want to do if you are going for good karma is to free
the prisoners here. On the map, they will have little blue and white padlock
symbols representing them. Approach their cages and swipe the touchpad to the
left to open their door and free them.

Anyway, go to the truck in the center. If you try to leave this area and go
deeper into Seattle without liberating this place from D.U.P. control by
destroying the mobile unit, then you will fail the mission automatically, so
this is necessary, even though it will become optional later on in the game.

Destroy the panels on both sides of the truck. By shooting them off with
Smoke Shot. Then destroy the blue machines underneath it. Hop on top of the
truck and swipe up on the touchpad, keeping your thumb or finger at the top of
the touchpad. Then repeatedly pull R2 until Delsin destroys the truck.

Reinforcements will arrive for the D.U.P., including a “heavy” style enemy
with concrete armor and a gatling gun. He’s obviously the main threat, but
you should get rid of the other D.U.P. guys helping him out first, preferrably
from far away and behind cover so you don’t get shot too much.

Then turn your attention to the big guy. He’s best dealt with using ranged
attacks, as your chain will mostly just bounce off his concrete. When he’s been
hurt enough, he will retreat into a little concrete shell for protection. Go
over to it and drag him out by pressing Triangle.

Reggie points out that all they need to help the people back in Salmon Bay is
the concrete power, and these guys apparently have them. Go to the big guy
that you took out and try to absorb his energy. It won’t work. Listen to the
chat between Delsin and Reggie, and then you are let loose in the open world of

To Top

Your goal now is to gather three more Core Relays. One is in Queen Anne, the
other in Seattle Center, and the third in the Market District. Along the way,
it is advised that you try to clear out as many side objectives as possible,
such as shooting down drones for Blast Shards, completing drug busts/breaking
up protests (depending on your morality alignment goals), destroy all the
scanning stations and security cameras, and whatever else is on the list of
D.U.P. command.

Do this for the first two sections. The Market District has an enemy at its
D.U.P. base that is a little too tough to defeat without first obtaining the
Core Relay power from the Market District itself, which will in turn end the
mission anyway.

The first Core Relay you collect will be located on a roof. Absorb it and you
will now have the power to drop onto enemies and press Square to crush them
with smoke powers. The second Core Relay will give you the power to throw
smoke grenades that will momentarily disorient enemies, allowing you to get in
close and either execute or subdue them.

Finally, the third power will allow you to use the Cinder Missile attack, which
is extremely powerful and will help you kill the “Heavy” enemies with extreme
ease. Don’t forget to upgrade Delsin’s abilities during this entire situation.

To Top

To the Space Needle! Upon getting close to the Space Needle, dash into the
red air vent and Delsin will get sucked up. Climb your way to the top of the
needle, using the air vents whenever you see them to get a boost in height.

When you reach the D.U.P. soldiers, go around in a circle and defeat them all.
Afterwards, find the next vent and use it to get even higher on the space
needle. There will be a new enemy type here (well, “new” depending on how
thoroughly you explored the other districts) that can be a challenge.

This new enemy type is an agent surrounded with concrete rocks that he can use
as a shield. He can also trap Delsin’s legs as well as crush you with
concrete. Whenever there is a ring of concrete around Delsin, that means this
enemy is trying to crush him so dash out of there as quickly as possible.

Get rid of the regular enemies before turning your attention to the new guy.
Use missiles to destroy his rock shield, then lay into him. He has the tendency
to dash around, which makes him a tough target, so if you are having trouble
getting him with your chain or regular smoke shots, then use missiles some
more. There are smoke stacks on the roof that can be used to replenish your
abilities and missiles if needed.

When he’s defeated, go to the winch. Just in front of the winch is another
Core Relay. Destroy it. Absorb it. You now have your most powerful attack,
which can be utilized in two different ways depending on your moral alignment.

If you are going down the “Hero” path, then you will have to replenish your
ability by subduing enemies. This will fill your “Orbital Drop” power in the
upper left hand corner, and you can then activate it once it’s full by pushing
“down” on the d-pad.

If you are going down the “Villain” path, then you can replenish this ability
by executing enemies. Then you can activate it the same way, by pressing “down”
on the d-pad.

At any rate, go around and subdue/execute the enemies on the Space Needle
until you can perform the attack. Then use it to destroy the winch. Then choose
which symbol you want to put on the flag on top of the space needle. You have
four different choices.

To Top

Head to the next district, right outside a store called Cole McG’s Electronics.
You’ll be told to clear this area of its D.U.P. mobile command center, so head
there now.

A new element to the liberation process is thrown in the mix here. Command
centers can now have jammers around them that will screw up your map if you
get too close and keep you from finding collectables. Destroy these jammers
first. They look like little yellow satellite dishes on the map.

Once they’re destroyed, liberate the district just like you normally do, and
then head back to Cole McG’s Electronics when you’re ready to start the next
mission. Apparently there is a Conduit serial killer running loose in Seattle
(no doubt a patient of Dr. Frasier Crane), so it’s time to get to the bottom of

Head to the crime scene. There will be a bunch of cops here. If you are being
Evil, you can choose to kill them all. If you are going for the “Hero”
route, ignore them and bypass them by using the alleys. You can then reach
the crime scene without harming anyone.

At the crime scene, stand in the camera icon and push “up” on the d-pad to
pull out your phone’s camera. Use the camera to snap photos of both the body
of the victim on the wall as well as their face. Then send the information to
Reggie. While he deciphers all that, there is another crime that occurs, so go
there next.

Upon arriving, you will be faced with numerous D.U.P. guys. Take out all of
them and then examine this crime scene as well. Just snap a photo of the
victim’s face, that’s all that’s needed this time.

Go down the short flight of steps nearby. There is a duffle bag here with a
dolphin on it. Examine it, and then a sniper will try to attack from a nearby
billboard. Start chasing the sniper, but the sniper will automatically escape.

Return to the billboard where the sniper was hanging out. Pull out the camera
again and start taking pictures of everything at the sniper’s nest at the
billboard, including the “BRENT” sign, the bras hanging on the clothes line,

Then you’ll be prompted to snap a picture of a face that has been drawn on the
end of the billboard. Next head to the drug deal and take out all the drug
dealers. Then use your dash ability to go through the iron gate. On the
other side is a weird ass shrine that has been built. Snap pictures of it,
mainly a picture of this “Brent”, and the pink birds on the wall to your

Turn around to leave, and you’ll see a really weird scene set up. Take a
picture of this now and then dash back out of the gates to complete the

To Top

Go to the neon sign that is sitting on top of the designated building. Approach
the stack of boxes and push in on the touchpad to hide inside of them. You’ll
then encounter Fetch, the Conduit serial killer that you’ve been chasing, and
Delsin will absorb her abilities.

Hold in the Circle button to sprint as fast as Fetch. Fetch has other abilities
up her sleeve as she’s been able to upgrade the powers and such, so chasing
after her throughout the city as not as easy as it could potentially be once
you have more of the powers unlocked later on.

At any rate, keep pursuing Fetch. Eventually the dash will wear off and you
will have to lift your thumb off of Circle, wait a second, and then push it
back in to continue dashing. With this ability, you also can run up walls, so
use that to continue to chase after her once she shows you that this is
possible herself.

Eventually, the two of you will smash through a roof. Upon recovering, start
draining all the neon signs in the area of their electricity. They will appear
on your radar as purple blobs, just like the smoke draining areas appear as
brown blobs.

Once all the neon signs have been drained, you can fight back against Fetch.
This entire time, she will be firing at you with her powers. If you need to
regain health, hide behind the various crates until your health is restored.

Now that all the neon signs have been drained, you can go on the offensive
against Fetch. Start blasting her with your new ability by pulling R2
repeatedly. After she takes a hit, she will retreat to a new area in the room
and then resume her attacks. It’s a good idea to stay behind cover while she’s
firing to avoid taking too much damage yourself.

Draining her health bar, the purple meter at the top of the screen, will
render Fetch effectively defeated. But you’re left with another moral dilemma
on your hands! Do you redeem Fetch or do you corrupt her?

GOOD: Redeem Fetch
EVIL: Corrupt Fetch

To Top

Go to the first Core Relay and smash it open. Drain it of its power and you
will have a new ability. Test it out on the nearby enemies. Basically, aim
with L2, and then you can choose to be Evil by killing the enemy (shoot their
head), or be good and subdue them (shoot their leg).

Fetch will leave you little clues around the environment to help you find
the next relays. If you get lost, the mini-map will eventually update itself to
show the mission objective again and nearest Fetch clue to get you right back
on track.

The next core relay you absorb will give you the Stasis Bubble ability. Throw
this with L1 and enemies will be slowed down. This makes it easier to use your
Neon Blast attack where you can choose whether to shoot them in the head or
the leg.

Next Fetch will lead you to another Core Relay. This one is like a sniping
attack that does a lot of damage. Hold R1 in and release to destroy the APCs
that drive up on your location; you should be able to get rid of both of them
with just a single blast.

Finally, the last core relay will give you the most powerful attack when it
comes to the neon laser powers. It’s called the Radiant Sweep, and it is
powered up by Karmic choices, much like the Orbital Drop. Press “down” on the
d-pad to wipe out all the enemies with this move.

NOTE: For the next two missions, you get to choose which one that you want to
do. The Evil Mission will be colored red, and the Hero Mission will be colored
blue. You can only do one per playthrough, so go back through the game on a
different Karmic path to experience the other mission.

To Top

This mission basically entails you just beating up and killing people that are
protesting and D.U.P. guys. So just follow Fetch from area to area and kill
everything in sight.

To Top

Go to the dock and examine the drug stashes by swipping “up” on the d-pad.
Once you’ve confirmed the drugs, mark the first house you’re at by going to
its balcony and approaching the wall and clicking in the touchpad. No need for
the complicated spray painting process that you usually deal with when tagging

Go to the second house now. Find the drug stash behind the house, and then try
to mark it. Delsin will realize that there’s people inside. Drop down to the
ground level and go to the door on the side of the building. Swipe to the
left with the touchpad to open it and free the prostitutes inside. Don’t forget
to tag it before going to the third house.

The third house is the same story. Confirm drugs. Attempt to tag. Free
prostitute. Tag. Join Fetch on the roof and watch her destroy the drug
houses. Then follow her and the drug dealers’ truck. Let Fetch move first so
you don’t get too ahead of yourself and the truck sees you. Use her laser
trails to stay close.

You’ll finally come to the truck, and at that point your goal is to defeat all
of the drug dealers. Once they’ve been sufficiently defeated, go to the back
of the truck. Swipe “up” on the touchpad to free all the prostitutes that are
being transported inside.

To Top

Make sure you have your neon laser powers equipped right now. It is possible to
switch out powers at this point. If you want smoke, absorb smoke, if you want
neon, absorb neon. But yeah, you need neon to continue the game at this point,
so make sure you have it and then head to the bridge.

Run up the large concrete wall. Delsin will then automatically switch over to
smoke because the enemies will throw a smoke grenade. This is so you can
utilize a car at the end of the bridge to help get across, but in the
meantime, there are plenty of turrets to disable.

To disable a turret, run up behind it and swipe down on the touchpad. Make
sure you get rid of all the turrets along the bridge as they can eat your
health away very quickly. Now keep going until you reach the other end of the

Immediately absorb the neon lights that are set up. Use your neon abilities
to damage the boss, who has a few different attacks. He will shield himself
with large concrete spikes (which can be destroyed), he will throw large
concrete boulders at you, and he will use a big concrete whip to try to
damage you as well.

Running away with the neon powers is a great way to avoid all of these
attacks. Try to blast him right in the face with R1 so that you can do the
most damage to him. In fact, as SOON as the battle starts, make sure your
cursor is aimed at him and mash R1 and you can get in a bunch of free shots
that will deal a ton of damage right out of the gate.

Once the boss fight is over, Delsin will be forcefully transported to the
other side of Seattle.

To Top

Delsin is contacted by a mysterious fan named Eugene that tells him of some
D.U.P. transports carting around prisoners, and it is suggested that the
third escaped prisoner from earlier that is actually a Conduit could be on
these buses.

Go underneath the bridge that the buses are going to drive over. Shoot the
supports out of the concrete beams, and then just wait for the trucks to
show up. Destroy all of the APCs and D.U.P. enemies, and then examine the

After the short scene, get to high ground. Push “up” on the d-pad to equip
the tracker. Figure out which direction the signal is coming from by seeing
where you need to be pointed to have the bar completely filled up and white.

Whenever you need to reference the app, just get to the top of a high building
and whip out the tracker. The tracker will not work if you are low to the

Upon finding the first bus, defeat the enemies around it and then examine it
by approaching the door and pushing in the trackpad. Do the same thing for
the next bus. And then do it yet again for the third bus, though the scene at
the third bus is going to be a little weird.

When you arrival, there will be a bunch of angels fighting the D.U.P. Help
the angels fight them off, and the angels will leave once you’ve eradicated all
the D.U.P. from the area and check the bus.

Throughout the course of this mission, you will be introduced to a couple of
new enemy types. The first is just a beefed up version of the typical soldier.
No new attacks, but they can create concrete shields and they do take more
damage to defeat.

The other type of enemy is melee-based and likes to charge you. They can take
and dish out quite a bit of damage, so they aren’t to be taken lightly.
However, they’re easily defeated by getting distance on them and mashing on
your R1 attack, no matter whether you have smoke or neon equipped.

To Top

At the Lantern District, start checking out the port-a-potties. Open the doors
using the touchpad. The thugs here are kind of like the cops on the other
side of Seattle; they will not actively engage you unless threatened, and if
you sneak up behind them, they can be immediately executed or subdued.

Anyway, once you find the port-a-potty with the Conduit hiding inside, chase
him down. The Conduit will then be taken away by the angels. Keep chasing
them, but stop once a new objective marker pops up on your mini-map.

Go back to the area with the thugs and listen to their conversations. Now
head to the construction site. Climb to the top of the crane and approach the
alleged Conduit there. An angel will take him away, so start chasing that
angel as well.

Regroup with Reggie. Then “chase” him throughout the city streets. You can
shoot around his feet if you want, but pretty much just follow him until an
angel swoops down and takes him away.

Reggie has a GPS tracker on him, so use that to find where the angels come
from, which are in a bunch of giant TVs. These giant TVs also spawn demons
that suicide dive at you, so get ready.

Both the angels and demons can be eliminated with a single shot, but you also
have to destroy the TVs to keep them from spawning. Try to do this from as
far away as you possibly can to avoid having to deal with the demons as
well as the angels.

If the demons do get on your nerves, then just rapid fire blast them before
they can suicide dive. This will thin their numbers quite considerably.
Go back to Reggie once all the TVs have been destroyed and all the angels
and demons have been killed as well.

To Top

Open the hatch in the Lantern District. Walk around the video monitors and
stuff down here. Click on the touchpad to focus on certain objects and things.
Delsin will then be transported to a boss fight against a giant angel called
He Who Dwells.

This arena is filled with lava, which does extreme amounts of damage to Delsin
if you fall into it. He Who Dwells, the boss, will fire a laser beam at you
for the first half of the battle. There are neon crystals and little smoke
stacks that you can use to replenish your powers.

What you need to do to damage him is use the attack assigned to the R1 button.
You can interrupt all of his attacks doing this, but the neon crystals and the
smoke stacks only give you three shots. After these three shots, He Who Dwells
will retreat, and the pillars you are standing on will start sinking into the

New pillars will rise up, so get there utilizing your powers and the blue
beams that have the potential to launch you high into the air. As the first
pillars sink, it is a good idea to absorb the power of whatever is the
opposite of the ability that you were just using, so you can immediately
start attacking him again upon reaching the new set of pillars.

He Who Dwells will then start having angels provide him with shields. Each
time he does this, there will be more angels that are providing the shield
power, and they must be shot out of the air before you can start damaging
He Who Dwells again. You can use the regular R2 attack to defeat them, and
hitting them will interrupt his attacks.

Sometimes throughout the battle, you will be transported back to the basement
area. Just run around until you are sucked back into the battle. He Who Dwells
will not have any of his health restored when this happens.

His attacks will become more aggressive near the end; He Who Dwells will
start firing devastating missiles that can kill Delsin if they land twice, so
hitting him and interrupting his attacks is an extremely important aspect of
this battle.

Once He Who Dwells has had his life drained completely, you are left with yet
another moral choice. Make your decision.

GOOD: Redeem Eugene
EVIL: Corrupt Eugene

To Top

With all new powers comes the necessity to absorb Core Relays to expand upon
those powers. Try using your new powers, and you’ll discover that these Video
powers don’t do anything right now. Meet Reggie at the designated alley, and
after he shoots open the Core Relay for you, absorb it to gain the ability to
go invisible!

You can use invisibility with the video powers by pressing L1. Follow Reggie to
the docks and to the second Core Relay. Absorb its power to wield a big ass
laser sword. Some D.U.P. will show up, so stand behind the shack and go
invisible (invisbility doesn’t work if enemies see you do it), and then go
behind one, take him out, rinse, and repeat.

Keep doing this until all the D.U.P. are gone. Reggie will try to accompany you
in your quest to absorb the rest of the Core Relays. Walk far enough away from
him so that he is no longer following you.

Head to the next Core Relay. Either save the Conduit suspect or leave him be,
depending on which morality path you’ve chosen thus far. Smash open the Core
Relay near him with your sword to absorb the next power. This power will allow
you to press Circle to use angel wings to scale buildings and dash across gaps
and the like.

Use this power to get on the rooftops and get rid of the snipers here. Now
start making your way to the next Core Relay, which is on the roof of a very
tall building. When navigating the city, you can press circle into satellite
dishes when you have the Video power equipped to get a serious boost.

At the next Core Relay, some angels will be there helping the battle. Absorb
the new power, and then you will have a new attack that is your powerful R1
attack for the Video power. A couple of helicopters will show up to attack, so
use your new ability on them to destroy them. If you need to recharge your
video power, the nearby satellite dishes will do just fine in that regard.

Go to the next Core Relay. There will be a lot more D.U.P. guys here. Drain
the Core Relay to get the Video Torrent attack. It operates kind of like a
machinegun. Hold R2 for rapid fire. Use it to help you clear the area of the
D.U.P., and then go to the final Core Relay location.

Absorb this one to unlock Hellfire Swarm, which is the most powerful attack
for the Video power. Use it to destroy the D.U.P. APCs that roll into view,
and then get rid of any stragglers.

NOTE: For the next two missions, you get to choose which one that you want to
do. The Evil Mission will be colored red, and the Hero Mission will be colored
blue. You can only do one per playthrough, so go back through the game on a
different Karmic path to experience the other mission.

Go to Eugene’s base. Go to the construction site. Kill all the gang members,
and then use the tracking device on your phone to go to three different
locations where you will just keep killing D.U.P. and gang members.

To Top

Return to Eugene’s base and choose the blue mission. Go to the construction
site, and then start at the bottom floor and work your way to the top, beating
every enemy that you see.

On each floor, there will be a room for elevators in the middle. The doors
leading to these elevators have a weak cardboard barricade blocking them off.
Destroy the cardboard to check out the elevators. The captured Conduits will
not be in here, unfortunately.

Go to the roof and take note of the helicopters. Hover towards the crates
that they are carrying, then press Circle to zoom up into the air off of
them, and then hover again to land successfully on top of the crates.
Alternatively, you can get to a building higher than the helicopters and hover
down and land on them.

But anyway, on top of each crate will be a thick yellow lock that is anchoring
the crate to the helicopter. Blast this to free the crate from the helicopter.
Do this for every crate.

Finally, the D.U.P. will start attacking one of the crates, and your goal is
to protect it from them. Remember the early boss in the game that Augustine
had you fight on the bridge? Well, TWO of these guys will show up. Try to
avoid their damage until He Who Dwells appears to help you in the battle.

Along with He Who Dwells, get rid of all the D.U.P.

To Top

You’ll then get a call from Reggie. Go to the top of the building that is
marked on your map. Then go over to the scene of the crime. Take a picture of
one of the dead D.U.P. guys. More of them show up, so take them out. Then
pick up the loose D.U.P. helmet.

Listen to the sound from the helmet. More baddies show up, so get rid of
them. Then investigate the other end of the alley and you’ll find some files
on the ground. Take a picture of the files.

Now go meet with Fetch on top of another building. After that segment, start
chasing Hank throughout the city. He will eventually escape through a vent.
There will be nearby fish being smoked, so absorb that smoke and follow Hank.
Continue pursuing him.

To Top

Meet up with Hank. Go with him to the vent and follow him through. Now follow
Hank through the concrete island. You’ll fight a wave of enemies, then you
will need to go over to the support pillar that Hank’s at, and go to the other
side of it. Swipe the touchpad to the right to help Hank destroy it.

Keep doing this until a cut-scene occurs. Then you won’t be able to use any of
your powers, but Reggie will cover you with an RPG. Move forward until the
first batch of D.U.P. guys show up. Retreat from them and let Reggie blast
them into oblivion.

Wait for your health to recover and then move past the first turret. The
next turret is trickier. You need to push up against the various barricades
for cover as you move through this area. Wait for the turret to stop shooting
and then move to the next piece of cover. Keep doing this until you get to

Reggie will free your binds. A cut-scene will occur, and then you have to
fight Augustine. Augustine will float around with a huge concrete shield and
various advanced forms of concrete attacks.

Throughout this area are generators producing smoke. You can hide behind
them to avoid taking damage from Augustine while you replenish your smoke
powers. Blast Augustine with three R1 hits directly, and she should be knocked
off her concrete platform.

Run up and “punish” her. Depending on your morality affiliation, you either
have to press Triangle (Hero) or Square (Evil). Keep doing this until you can
perform an Orbital Drop, and then keep at it as Augustine ups the ante a bit.

Other D.U.P. forces will show up, and Augustine will also start destroying the
generators. It’s no matter–this allows you to absorb the “Video” from them
and use those powers again, but the strategy remains the same against
Augustine. If you run out of video, there will be smoke coming from the cracks
of the concret island that you can utilize. Keep attacking Augustine the exact
same way that you have been throughout the entirety of the battle.

To Top

Upon arriving back in Seattle, destroy all the D.U.P. forces required. Go to
the top of a tall building and whip out your phone by pushing “up” on the
d-pad. Track Hank’s location. You will eventually find him by the docks.

Time to make a choice:

GOOD: Spare Hank
EVIL: Kill Hank

To Top

These missions are the same, except the cut-scene ending is different. Make
your choice about how you want to handle the mission, and then pull the lever
on the generator that is powering the electric fences on the big tower that
Augustine calls her headquarters.

Get rid of all of the enemies. Use the vents to get higher and higher on the
tower. There will also be large pieces of metal jutting out from the tower
that you have to dash to and then grab onto in order to continue climbing to
the top.

There will be some vents that are blocked by concrete, but Fetch will clear
them out after you’ve defeated all the enemies in the area. Near the top, you
need to absorb Video powers from a satellite dish, and then use it to get to
the roof.

Fetch will start cutting a hole in the roof. Defeat the D.U.P. guys that try
to stop her. Once the line has been drawn, go to the satellite dish and “dash”
into it in order to get the boost necessary to crash through the roof.

The battle with Augustine then plays out the same as it did before, with
knocking her off her concrete platform and then “punishing her”. You’ll then
be given her powers. Avoid her attacks as she transforms into a large concrete
spider monster, and wait for a Core Relay to be dropped from the ceiling.

Absorb the Core Relay to have the dash ability with the concrete powers. Use it
to better avoid her attacks until another Core Relay drops. Absorb it to have
the basic shootinga bility with the concrete. Use it to damage Augustine, but
also avoid her attacks.

A good tip is to be on the opposite side of the room as her and just pelt her
like crazy. She will start to move towards you and will fire missiles and
the like, but the missiles are easily dodged by moving back and forth. Do NOT
let her get over you, or she can crush you and kill you instantly.

Eugene will drop more Core Relays. You will get the ability to hover high in
the area, which will greatly help in you dodging the attacks. Then you will
get another Core Relay which will give you the R1 attack so that you can do a
lot more damage to Augustine.

Keep doing this until her health has been completely depleted.

To Top

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3. Side Missions
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Infamous: Second Son takes a unique approach to side missions. In the game,
the areas of Seattle are separated into distinct districts. Each district is
under D.U.P. control, and only until you complete all of the side missions
within the district will the D.U.P. presence be rid there and you can start a
“District Showdown”.

The largest chunk of D.U.P. power comes in the form of the command centers
that they use as their base of operations. Most of the districts only have one
command center, but some have two. They come in two distinct flavors; the
first of which are the mobile command centers.

These are black and yellow trucks. The trucks have panels all over them. You
can shoot the panels off and expose the blue power cores underneath the panels.
Then shoot those cores. You need to get rid of at least half of them, and then
the generator will rise through the top of the mobile command center.

Get on top of the mobile command center and then swipe “up” on the touchpad.
Hold your thumb at the top of the touchpad and pull R2 repeatedly. This will
destroy the command centers.

The next type of command center comes in the form of large concrete towers
that have a huge generator in their center. Go to the floor of the towers
where the top of the generator is, and if you walk around the supports on the
outside, you will see large panels with the blue cores underneath.

Just like the trucks, shoot the panels off and then blast the cores. Do this
for each core and then the generator will rise out of the center. Go to it and
destroy it just like you destroy the trucks.

Encountered early on in the game, scanning stations are marked on the map by a
symbol that looks like a hand. You can scan yourself on them if you’d like,
but this just makes the D.U.P. aware of you, so it is not a recommend action to

In the meantime, you can destroy these stations to get power shards. Power
shards are used to level up Delsin and purchase new upgrades and abilities.

Dotted throughout Seattle, especially near the command centers, security
cameras will alert nearby D.U.P. officials if they spot Delsin. They can be
destroyed fairly easy…it just takes a few blasts.

On your map, you will see areas that are too fuzzy to discern. In the center
of the fuzz will be symbols that look like satellite dishes. Go to the dishes
and you will find tall towers covered with satellites that are effectively
jamming your map.

They are easily destroyed. Your R1 attack with any power will destroy them in
one hit, or you can just attack/blast them normally and also get them destroyed
without too much of a headache.

Tracker Drones are sometimes found not moving, but other times they are flying
in the air. To get all of them in the particular district to appear on your
map, take care of the mobile command center in that district.

The tracker drones look like little blue dots on your map. Destroy them to get
shards. Remember that shards are used for leveling purposes.

There are some conduits that are undercover secret agents for the D.U.P. There
will be an area surrounded in a circle on your map that shows you the area that
these guys will be in.

A picture will be on your screen that shows you what the D.U.P. secret agent
looks like. It’s easy to find them because even if your cursor so much as
hovers over them, they will become aware and start to flee.

Chase them down and blast them until they’re knocked out and/or killed.

The D.U.P. also employs the use of really small cameras that are in secret
locations. Go to this mission and you will be able to constantly check a live
feed of the camera by pushing “up” on the d-pad. This will allow you to figure
out where the camera is in this area fairly easily.

Like the Hidden Camera, you can check the status of the Audio Logs whenever
you want by pushing “up” on the d-pad. Doing this with the audio logs will
bring up a tracker that will allow you to locate the audio logs by moving in
the direction of the sound.

Upon arriving at the location of the audio log, push in the touchpad to collect

Represented by a spray paint can on the map, stencil art opportunities are
common in Seattle. Push “left” on the d-pad to choose the evil art option and
push “right” on the d-pad to choose the heroic art option.

To start spray painting, hold the DualShock 4 controller sideways. Then start
shaking the controller. Hold R2 to use the can. Spray in the parts of the
cardboard that has holes in it until it is completely filled with whatever
color of paint Delsin has picked out.

Keep doing this with the various layers until the stencil art is complete. If
you ever want to abandon one of these missions right in the middle, return
the DualShock 4 controller to its normal position and press Circle.

Once enough of a district has been cleared of D.U.P. control, you can partake
in a District Showdown. Go to the big billboard in the area to begin this, and
what follows is a sequence where you must eliminate all of the D.U.P. in the

Completing these segments will earn you the right to use fast-travel in this
district. To fast-travel, return to the billboard in whatever district that
you are in.

To Top

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4. Conclusion
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I hope this guide helped you complete Infamous: Second Son on PlayStation 4!

For more on Infamous: Second Son, check out the cheat page!

Infamous: Second Son – Cheats

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