BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea – Episode 2 [Guide]

Return to Rapture one last time with the second DLC episode for BioShock
Infinite: Burial at Sea.

BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea – Episode 2 [Guide]
Written by Dalton “HorrorSpooky” Cooper and Trade
Copyright 2014

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1. Introduction and Controls
2. Walkthrough

Return to Rapture

3. Conclusion

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1. Introduction and Controls

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Join Elizabeth on the final journey through Columbia and Rapture.

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2. Walkthrough
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The first thing that you will experience is Elizabeth being in Paris. It’s
like something straight out of a Disney movie. Just walk around and take in the
sights. The path is linear. It will lead you down to a lower area where there
is a little girl holding a red balloon.

Walk up to the girl and speak with her. Then start following her through the
streets. The bright red balloon is easy to spot, even as things get darker, so
you shouldn’t have a problem keeping up and staying caught up with the girl.

After some cut-scenes, Elizabeth will be looking at a doll’s head. Pick up the
doll head, and then you are free to explore this area. Get used to the added
abilities of Elizabeth, such as jumping and crouching. When you’re ready to
proceed out of this first area, take notice of the large overturned shelf that
is glowing. Go over to it and interact with it so Elizabeth will climb over

Proceed to the rubble blocking the hole in the wall. Push this aside. Another
scene will play, and then when that’s done, hop off the boat. Go to the front
doors of the lighthouse, and wait for the lights to come on. Then you can
use the interaction button again to get through those large double doors. Pull
the lever on the lift and ride it down.

As you can clearly see, the health bar will now appear in the upper left hand
corner of the screen. Right now you have about half health. Go through the air
vent by crouching. The surface that you’re walking on determines how audible
Elizabeth is to nearby enemies. Carpet will muffle your footsteps, whereas
glass or water will make a louder noise. Staying crouched will reduce the
noise Elizabeth makes by walking.

The air vent will lead you to the first enemy. He is guarding a door. Stay
crouched and sneak up behind him. Press the melee button to knock him out
cold, then loot his body. Next you come across an enemy picking a lock. Knock
him out and loot him to get his lockpick.

Approach the lock that he himself was trying to pick and start picking it.
This will initiate a lockpicking minigame. What you need to do is wait for
the pick to be underneath one of the knocks that you want to push up. Blue
knocks will open the door and disable the alarm system. Red will open the door,
but the alarm will go off. White is neutral and will just open the door for
you. Try to get white.

There will be a medical kit immediately through that door. Grab it, but hold
onto it for now. Press “right” on the d-pad to use medical kits, but you don’t
need it right now. When looting rooms, keep an eye open for food and drinks, as
these things will heal you as well.

Another locked door will be reached, though this one is locked due to the
crossbow jammed into it. Grab the crossbow and then continue through to the
next room, which is a wide, open area. There are three enemies in here. One
standing guard in the front, one that went off to the left, and one that went
off to the right, a woman.

First knock out the enemy standing still. Loot him, and then look for the
woman. She will start walking to where you entered this room. If you can get
behind here and knock her out, do so. Otherwise, shoot her with a tranquilizer
dart. Be sure to grab their ammo and weapons, then go to the vent and climb
into it.

As you go through the vent, ignore the first turn and keep going straight. You
will find cigarettes and money. Turn around and then go down that path in the
vent I told you to ignore before. At the top, you’ll find some helpful items
including another medical kit.

You can climb out onto the balcony here and then grab onto the hooks. When
dismounting from hooks, be sure to press the crouch button before landing in
order to make Elizabeth’s fall quieter.

Go into the kitchen. Stay crouched. Go through the doors in the kitchen and
follow the stairs to find that third enemy rummaging through desks. Get behind
him and knock him out. Loot the place as usual, then go through the next set
of double doors one room over.

If you push “up” on the d-pad to bring up the objective marker, it will tell
you to go to the way that leads to the elevator. That’s all fine and good,
but notice that there’s a store here called Cupid’s Arrow. Go inside Cupid’s
Arrow first, and loot the place. You’ll find lockpicks, money, and even a
Plasmid called Peeping Tom.

To use a Plasmid, pull the left trigger. Some Splicers will have entered
Cupid’s Arrow after you’ve acquired Peeping Tom, so press LT to see them
through walls and note their location. Peeping Tom can also make you turn

Defeat these Splicers, which should be a fairly easy task with the Peeping Tom
plasmid, and then leave the room. There will be another Splicer out here in the
hub area, but she is easily avoided. Now go down the hall to the elevator, and
you will come up to yet another lock.

Pick this lock. You’ll knock out the alarm system and get to use it for
yourself as a Noisemaker ammo for your crossbow. There are three Splicers
blocking the elevator, and you need them to get away from there. So equip
the Noisemaker ammunition on your crossbow and aim at the large glass window
that is looking out into the ocean. Fire the Noisemaker there and the Splicers
will all rush to the location. This leaves you free to use the elevator, so
quickly get inside and ride it.

At the top, go over the man playing guitar. Near him is another Plasmid,
Possession. Through the next door, you will be in an open area with numerous
Splicers and a Big Daddy. You can use Possession on the Big Daddy, or you can
just sneak on by them and head to the front door of the restaurant.

The restaurant will have a blood trail leading away from it, but first make
an attempt to open the door. Follow the blood trail to a boiler room. Loot
the place, then go over to the shelf on the far wall. Push it out of the way
and then climb through the vent.

Use the Peeping Tom plasmid to sneak by the turrets. The first turret just
needs to be snuck by, so hold the left trigger to go invisible and get past
it. The second turret needs to be destroyed, so go behind it and then pick it
like a lock. This will disable the turret and also get you some ammo for your
troubles as well.

When you drop, try to open the door. It will be locked, and you don’t know
the passcode. Turn around and explore the adjacent room to find your way to the
Lutece device. You need to read up on it, so go to the top floor of this
room and gather the documents.

Now go downstairs and return to that door that was locked. A short scene will
play, and then you’ll be given the code to the door. Go through and your
first goal will be to collect an item from the vending machine. Either
ignore or possess the Big Daddy here if he gets too close — this place is
also full of Splicers, but as long as you stay crouched, you can get around
easily without alerting enemies.

Scavenge the part from the machine. Now follow the arrow to the Bathysphere
display area. Use the hooks to get across to the control room. Pull the
lever, and then hide. A bunch of Splicers will come in here. Get rid of them
and then you can either take them out or quietly backtrack your way out, but
before you go, be sure to grab the part from the lowered Bathysphere.

The third and final part needed is a Plasmid. Old Man Winter. You’ll be led
to a room controlled by Atlas’s men. Talk with him at the door and then you
are free to move on through and collect the Plasmid. Splicers will invade
next and start attacking, so get rid of them and fight your way back to the
Lutece machine.

Place the parts in the designated areas. Use Old Man Winter on the coils that
are overheating near the top of the machine. Then pull the lever. This will
create a tear. Go to the tear and then make the choice to move on through the
tear and you will wind up in Columbia.

To Top

Walk up to the double doors. Then turn around and press the button to call
the lift. Ride the lift to the top part of the ship. Up here you can get to
the item you need. Then return to the room with the tear and try to go back
through to Rapture.

Obviously, it won’t be that easy. Now you can go through the double doors.
In this first room, there will be the Ironside Plasmid to get, which is
helpful in deflecting bullets that are fired at you. Be sure to grab it
before you can continue down the subsequent hall to the next vent.

Go to the vent and climb through. Move through the vent system and listen to
the conversations as you go for some interesting tidbits that shed a larger
light on the BioShock Infinite story.

At the end of the vents, there will be an enemy just below, looking over the
railing. Drop down and knock him out. Then you’ll find another enemy looting a
body. Knock out the enemy that is doing the looting, then loot both of the
unconscious bodies before continuing.

There will be a vending machine down here if you want to use it. At any rate,
you will come across a few of Comstock’s men chatting. They will be attacked by
Daisy’s people. Whoever comes out in the fight will then fight with you, so you
will either need to hide and take them out quietly or fight them head on. There
isn’t a whole lot of them, so the latter is totally feasible in this situation.

You then have a straight shot to the area that will eventually lead to Fink’s
lab. First, there will be an enemy with his back to you. Go up to him and
knock him out. Then turn invisible. Another enemy will have heard the
racket and will come to investigate. Get behind him and knock him out. Loot
this area and then you are free to continue.

The next room will have a huge clock on the floor. The clock will be pointed
toward a door that can be opened. Go through it to find the Clock Key, as
well as a Voxophone. In Columbia, you collect Voxophones instead of Audio

Anyway, return to the Clock Room and walk up to each door. This will then
cause Elizabeth to examine the center clock device. Crank it each time to open
each door. Investigate the rooms that the doors lead to for goodies. The
final door will lead you to the elevator that you need to ride down into the
lab area.

There will be three enemies in here right off the bat. You can ignore them
outright and just use the hook on the ceiling to get to a vent and continue
into the next area, or you can systematically take them out. Be careful of
the turret that’s sitting outside the window, as it cannot be disabled and
does a ton of damage.

Through the next area will be more enemies. Some of these enemies have helmets
on. To deal with them, you either need to hit them with a sleeping dart or a
gas dart if you don’t want to outright kill them by shooting them. Sneaking up
on them and meleeing them is not an option.

There’s also a turret that is encountered that is in the center of the room
right before you get to the Elizabeth/Songbird experimentation area. This
turret NEEDS to be disabled. It is right smack-dab in the middle of the room
and can cause a serious headache if it isn’t taken care of. Go invisible
with Peeping Tom, sneak behind it, and then pick its lock to take it out.

You can investigate the area where they build the Handymen (worth a look), or
you can just make a beeline to the room where they experimented with Songbird,
and where the hair sample is located. Upon obtaining the hair sample, you can
just head on back to the Tear. Hop on through to return to Rapture.

To Top

Upon returning to Rapture, put the hair sample in the tube. Then listen to
Andrew Ryan ramble for a bit. The game encourages you to lay traps, but really
a good place to hide is right next to the door that his people come in through.

They will come in slowly, one at a time. There will be siren-type enemies
that can teleport around the area, and they deal a ton of damage because they
shoot fire at you. These guys will require two tranquilizer arrows or two
gas arrows to be taken out.

You can also use the gas arrows to take out numerous of the regular enemies
as they funnel into the room. Switch to a different weapon if you start to run
low on ammo. Utilize the Peeping Tom Plasmid to its fullest potential as well.

Once the waves of Ryan’s people have been defeated, you can start making your
way to Fontaine’s office. You’ll want to use Peeping Tom quite a bit here, as
the Splicers will now be of the more powerful variety that you just defended
yourself from in the previous section. I recommend engaging enemies as little
as possible here because they will be serious drains on your resources.

When you reach Fontaine’s office, the game becomes extremely linear and you no
longer have to worry about combat. Pretty much just move through the paces. I
am being as vague as possible here because I want to avoid spoilers…but it
shouldn’t matter much as this part of the game just requires you to walk from
room to room, sometimes press a button here or there or interact with an
object, but otherwise it is extremely straight-forward.

Be paying attention to that story though. Such a treat for BioShock fans.


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3. Conclusion
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I hope this guide helped you with BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea – Episode

For more on the game, including the first episode, please check out this cheat

BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea [Cheat Page]

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