Assassin’s Creed: Rogue Walkthrough [Guide]

Is releasing two Assassin’s Creed games on the same day a good idea? I’m not the one to say, but in any case, Assassin’s Creed: Rogue feels like a direct extension to the gameplay of Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag. Beat the story with this guide!

NOTE: A lot of the gameplay mechanics found in Assassin’s Creed: Rogue are identical to the mechanics found in Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag. They are discussed in more detail in this guide:

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag – Guide

Written by Dalton “HorrorSpooky” Cooper and Trade
Copyright 2014

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1. Introduction
2. Story Mode

The Way the Wind Blows
A Rude Awakening
Lessons and Revelations
Tinker Sailor Soldier Spy
By Invitation Only
One Little Victory
We The People
Fiat Lux
Kyrie Eleison
Damage Control
The Color of Right
A Long Walk and a Short Drop
Keep Your Friends Close
Honour and Loyalty
Armour and Sword
Present 3
Men O’ War
The Heist
Caress of Steel
No Laws But Our Own
Cold Fire
Non Nobis Domine
Glitched Memory 3

3. Conclusion

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1. Introduction
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It’s time to be a Templar. Shay Patrick Cormac is just not that into being an assassin anymore. Now he’s a Templar.

Assassin’s Creed: Rogue is the typical Assassin’s Creed experience. It feels like a combination of Assassin’s Creed III (the setting) and Assassin’s Creed IV (the gameplay mechanics). Even if you’re a series veteran though, this guide could prove useful in terms of helping you get 100% synchronization in every mission in the game.

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2. Story Mode
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Shay Patrick Cormac. Assassin turned Templar. Never before in the Assassin’s Creed series have players really seen what it’s like on the other side of the conflict. That all changes when an assassin goes…Rogue.

To use this guide, just scroll down to the Memory you are on (the series name for “missions”, separated by which Sequence they appear in), and then read how to complete the mission. Any optional objectives the mission has will be listed directly under the name of the mission. I will note when the optional objectives actually appear in each mission as well.

At the end of each memory, you will be given a report of sorts of the optional objectives you’ve managed to complete and more. You can choose to rate the memories to give Ubisoft feedback on a scale of 1 to 5 stars.

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o remain undetected
o kill all British soldiers

If this is your first Assassin’s Creed (and if it is, what a weird jumping on point), hold the right trigger to free run. Move forward while free running and follow the assassin. Take to the trees to get above him, then when you have the option, attempt an air assassination.

When that scene is cover, go with him to your captain. There are various collectibles that you will see pop up on the mini-map. Don’t go out of your way for them during missions; save that for free-roaming. You might move too far away from the mission objective and fail.

Reaching your captain prompts another cut-scene. Watch it and then you will be taught the basics of combat in the game. Go through the little tutorial and kick your captain’s ass, which will in turn trigger yet another cut-scene.

When that’s done, go with your buddy to where the smugglers are being captured. Two optional objectives pop up at this point. One is to remain undetected by the British and the other is to kill all of them. Completing both objectives is necessary for 100% synchronization.

Since this is the first mission or “memory” in the game, both of these are pretty easy to get. Use your map and just systematically take out the guards when no one is looking in their direction. You should be able to slaughter your way to the ship, and then it’s even easier to kill the enemies on the ship as they are all facing away from the direction that you get on the thing.

Go around and stealth kill them all from behind. Alternatively, you can also shimmy around the edges of the ship and pull them off, killing them that way as well.

When everyone is dead, climb back onto the ship and approach the smugglers. Free them from their binds. Then go to the wheel of the Morrigan, your brand new ship! Take control of the ship and start sailing it towards the objective. The game will start to go through the ship control tutorials, so take this time to learn how to maneuver the ship. It’s not terribly complicated.

Enemy ships will be attacking your captain’s ship, so now it’s time to get into the ship combat. Aim the cannons and fire them at the red blips on the radar; nothing too complicated about that, eh? Destroy all the enemy ships before they are able to destroy your captain’s ship to complete this objective and move on to the next mission.

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Yes, Assassin’s Creed: Rogue also has these present day Abstergo moments as well. Get up and follow your boss to the elevator. When the power goes out, your objective marker will switch direction again, pointing to the new objective.

The objective arrow will lead you to a machine that you need to mess with in order to reboot the servers. Tap the B button (if on Xbox) or Circle button if playing on PlayStation to access the console. Tap the right bumper to get to the outer ring once you’re in the mini-game, then move the beam around until it hits the top of the circle in the center of the screen. Don’t move the other rings, they are fine where they currently sit.

You are now free to walk around the building and find collectibles or do whatever else. There is one such collectible, a TABLET, that is lying on the floor in front of the elevator. You can snag that if you so wish. When you are ready to control Shay again, head over to your Animus terminal and get back into the game.

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o remain undetected during Hope’s lesson
o complete Liam’s lesson in under 40 seconds

There are three people that you have to learn from. They are Hope, Liam, and Kesegowaase. I chose to do Liam first, but you can go to them in any order. Talk with Liam to begn your pistol training.

First, you have a firing range to deal with. Aim down the sights using the left trigger and line up your shots on the dummies. Pull the right trigger once you have your shot lined up to hit the targets. You are also taught how to reload, accomplished by pushing the left bumper. With an enemy highlighted, press Y or Triangle to take a shot without having to aim down the sights.

After completing the firing range portion, you then have to do a speed run of sorts. Just run and shoot them in any manner possible. You have 60 seconds to shoot the six targets, which is really more than enough time. Without even trying that hard, you can probably complete this part with 40 seconds still on the clock if not more. Doing so will complete one optional objective.

Now go to Hope. She will teach you more about the stealth mechanics in the game. You have to kill at least one of the dummies on the list in each of the indicated manners without being found by the guards that are walking around the area.

This is actually pretty easy as well since there’s no major consequence to being found by the guards. If the guards do find you, simply hop into a bush and then they will go about their business. However, do keep in mind that if the guards find you, then it makes it impossible to get 100% completion on this memory unless you restart.

When the dummies are all dead, Kesegowaase is the last teacher that needs to show you some things during this memory. Follow him to the top of a cliff, then turn on your Eagle Vision by clicking in the left stick. A specific nearby area will be highlighted on your radar. Go there now to find an elk.

Confront the elk. It will charge you, initiating a QTE sequence. Complete the QTE sequence to kill the elk. Skin the beast when you’re done and craft the holsters you’re told to craft. Then go to the next objective to complete this memory and move on to the next one.

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o do not lose more than 50% health during boarding
o sink the ships within three minutes

Sail to your next objective to officially start this particular memory. This is basically another tutorial, teaching you about how to board enemy ships and the like.

Sail to the designated area and equip the spyglass by pushing up on the d-pad. Aim it at the various enemy boats that you will see sailing around. When you find the right one, it will be marked by a green objective marker.

Start sailing for the enemy ship. Damage it with cannon fire until the only thing left of its health meter is the red bit at the end. At that point, you can initiate a boarding of the ship. Get on the ship and kill five of the crew members. Be careful about getting in the water, though; these are very cold waters, unlike the ones found in the tropical regions of Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, and these frigid waters can be the end of you if you are not

When the crew members are dead, you will get to choose what to do with the ship. Don’t repair the Morrigan; instead just salvage the ship. Then start sailing to the next destination. Upon arriving, upgrade the Morrigan as instructed, then hop back on it and take the wheel again.

When you start sailing to the next destination, there will be fishing boats in view being attacked by other ships. Save the fishing boats by quickly destroying the enemy ships. Now head to the final destination and exit the ship. Run over to the door and go through to complete this memory.

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o kill Washington while blended
o make enemies berserk with the air rifle

Fast travel to North America. There will be an enemy boat there to tail, so start tailing it. The trick to this is when you get to the point where there is large rock in the middle of the water, two smaller boats will start coming your way. If they detect you, you fail the mission. Veer to the left and go around the rock, using it as cover.

Stop the boat when the boat you’re tailing stops as well. Then quickly sail up to the spot where you have to get out and start following the boat on foot. When the boat docks, rush to it and either kill the enemies or wait for them to be looking the other way, then loot the contents here.

Now make your way to the dinner party. You can’t be detected, so stick to the rooftops. See the people talking and in the center of the garden? Jump towards them and move into the bushes. Turn around and you’ll see a couple of other dudes talking. Switch on Eagle Vision to point him out. He will be highlighted in gold.

A scene will play, then your new goal is to kill Lawrence Washington. Sit in the bush and wait for him to walk by, then assassinate him to get 100%.

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o kill Smith with an air assassination
o destroy three gunboats with the Puckle gun

Okay, so sail to your first destination for a cut-scene. When that’s up, sail into the designated area in the ocean. Pull out your spyglass and then take a look at the largest ship in the area. Keep the spyglass trained on this ship until it is confirmed to be the ship of the man you are pursuing, Samuel Smith.

Start following Smith through the waters. You may want to slow down at points due to the icebergs that are around that can damage your ship. Smith will cut through a cheet of ice, but your ship has the ability to do that as well, so go ahead and do so.

Four enemy ships will then ambush you. Three of them are small gunboats and one of them is a large enemy ship. The large enemy ship will rush you in an attempt to board you. You can destroy it before it does so, but I recommend letting it board you so that you can resist the boarding sequence, salvage the ship, and get an achievement out of it to boot!

When the larger ship has been dealt with, turn your attention to the gunboats. Using the right bumper, you can fire the Puckle gun and deal quick damage to the gunboats. Use the Puckle gun exclusively to take out the gunboats and then resume chasing Smith.

Smith will have one last tactic up his sleeve; he will start to cover the water with fire. Be very careful with the Morrigan at this section. Take it slow as Smith is going to dock soon anyway.

When Smith docks, follow suit. Take to the trees to pursue him. When he reaches some tents, he will stop moving. This is the perfect opportunity for you to leap from the branch you’re on and assassinate Smith.

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o sneak into the congress undetected
o kill Wardrop with an air assassination

Hey, whadd’ya know…Zeb Colter’s favorite Assassin’s Creed mission!

Fast travel as close to Albany as possible, then sail the rest of the way there. Upon arrival, you’ll see that most of Albany is shaded in red, meaning that there’s a LOT of restricted space.

Luckily, there’s also a lot of foilage and rooftops to take advantage of, and the congress is not too far inland. When you see the crowd, you can pretty much just go up to them as the game will automatically restrict any enemies from pursuing you at this point.

A scene will play. When it is over, chase down the messenger. Equip a pistol using the d-pad, then shoot the messenger. It should take about three shots to kill him, and you should be able to do this right away. If he does manage to get away from you, it is very likely that you will be desynchronized as the messenger’s destination is not far off from the current location.

Anyway, when the messenger is dead, go to the fort that Wardrop is hiding inside. Go around the side of it (facing the front of the fort, you will want to go to the right of it) and you will be able to climb up to the top of the walls.

There is a guard tower near here. Kill the guard. Then look down. Wardrop should be walking right below you. Complete the air assassination to get 100% synchronization in this mission.

With Wardrop dead, it’s now time to get the hell out of there. Scale the walls again and then rush to the edge of the cliff. Jump off and into the water to escape safely.

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o do not get detected
o do not swim

Speak with Benjamin Franklin. Then go to the highlighted area. Underneath the little shack here, just standing still, will be the target. Switch on Eagle Vision to spot him. To turn on Eagle Vision, push in the left analog stick. Once he’s been spotted, he’ll be highlighted a yellow color.

Tail him through the streets. Stick to the rooftops as much as possible. There should only be two enemies you come across on the roofs, and both are easily dispatched without drawing the attention of the soldier you’re tailing.

He’ll go to an area with barns and small corn fields. Use the corn to hide and keep pursuing him until the objective switches to loot the barn of its contents to find the rods.

Keep using the small fields for cover. If you hold in the right trigger and move towards the fences, Shay will slide right underneath the fences and immediately be hidden in the corn again.

Climb through a window in the barn once the coast is clear. Then loot the chest. Now make your way back using the same methods that you did to tail the soldier. When you reach the river, you will notice that there is an optional objective to avoid the water, aka “do not swim”.

You’ll notice a zipline of sorts that goes over the water. Use that zipline to get across without getting wet. Then return to Benjamin Franklin and return to him the rods.

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No optional objectives for this one. Just clambor up to near the ceiling, then switch on Eagle Vision. Notice those floating triangle shapes? These dictate the slabs where you need to insert your hidden blade. There are four of them, so go around to each one and do this.

When they’re all activated, a part of the floor will come to life. Get back down (safely), then go to the glowing part of the floor. The stairs will descend. Go down and then approach the artifact. Attempt to take the artifact to trigger a scene.

When the scene is over, just hold the right trigger and keep the left stick pushed forward. This is one long running segment. Avoid the dangers and just keep pushing forward, using ropes as needed when they are encountered to get across gaps.

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o do not take any damage
o do not kill anyone

This mission begins immediately after the previous one ends, so there is no break or free roaming to do right now. Go over to the Davenport mansion and just walk right up to the front door and step inside.

You will hear footsteps above you. When the footsteps die down, go up the stairs. Switch on Eagle Vision to point out the room that has the desk with the manuscript in it. Go into that room and steal from the desk.

A scene will play, and then you will have to flee the area. Numerous enemies will be in the area, plus assassins will be pursuing you and tackling you to the ground. In order to satisfy the first optional objective of not taking any damage, you will definitely want to utilize smoke bombs. Whenever there is an excess amount of enemies near you, just toss a smoke bomb down to lose at least a few of them as you continue sprinting through the area. Not killing anyone is easy enough; simply don’t kill anyone!

Reach the objective marker to finish the mission.

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No, that is not a typo. There is a “seventh” sequence that is actually made up of incomplete memories. This first incomplete memory will begin after you finish up the last memory of the second sequence.

Move along the rooftops and go to the designated area. Switch on Eagle Vision to spot the three criminals that are your targets. Chase them down and kill all three of them. Nothing hard about it. They will try some tricks like blowing dust into your face and moving through crowds, but for the most part, this is a standard chase ‘em down and stab ‘em procedure. Unfortunately, you don’t have any guns to use right now, so you have to rely entirely on your blades.

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Go talk with your boss in his office. Then go to the elevator. Ride it down, then go to the next server. Another simple ball puzzle. Do the ball puzzle and then return to your desk to continue Shay’s adventures!

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o do not get stunned by smoke
o do not get shot

At the beginning of the mission, simply go down the stairs. Beat up the gang members using your typical combative tactics. You may have to break their defenses a bit though, so be aware of that. This is a new combat technique that is now available to you.

Anyway, defeat the first two gang members and then after the cut-scene, head outside. Another gang member will be in plain sight. Chase him down. He will try to throw smoke to stun you. Avoid the smoke to get 100% completion by simply going around it.

Tackle the enemy when you get close enough. After another scene, you will have a new objective to take over the gang HQ. Head there now. The first thing you will want to do is take out the gang leader. To find him, bring up Eagle Vision and follow the arrow.

The gang leader is different than your typical enemies. He has all of the abilities of an assassin, which makes him much more dangerous. If you can sneak up on him, great, though another perfectly viable strategy is to shoot him in the head from afar.

Then simply get anonymous, climb up to their flag, and cut it down. As long as you avoid being shot during this portion, you should be able to get 100% synchronization.

George Monro will then introduce himself. Follow him to the gang’s “bank”, and then take the money. Then go with him to the building that needs renovated. After a short explanation on what that means, go ahead and renovate the building.

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o prevent Gist’s hanging by shooting the rope
o blow up three barrels with firecrackers

Rush over to the place where Christopher Gist is getting hanged. Shoot the rope around his neck to free him from the potential hanging. Then kill all of the enemies in open combat.

You can also shoot the barrels you see in this mission with firecracker darts in order to satisfy the requirement for the other optional objective. Anyway, move with Gist to the next gang hideout, where the Morrigan is docked.

Stalkers are in the area. These are sneaky assassins that like to hide. You can draw them out with the firecrackers. Use Eagle Vision to track them down and kill all of them in the area. When the meter displaying the amount of stalkers in the area is depleted, you can then head to the Morrigan.

Check out the nearby watchtower first though. Incapacitate the guard up there in any manner that you wish. Then climb to the top of the ship. Cut down the flag on the Morrigan.

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o hang the key holder using the rope dart
o kill Le Chasseur without taking any damage

Fast travel to start up this mission. Then sail to the French outpost. Dock, then run the rest of the way there. There is an enemy there with a key that you need. You can hang him with a dart for a bonus objective, but just kill him and then make sure you are anonymous. Loot his body for the key that you need to the storehouse.

Go to the storehouse next and then open the door. Loot everything inside, then return to the Morrigan. Go to the captain’s quarters and upgrade the ship! I recommend increasing the damage of the weapons you use the most on it first, then spend the rest of the upgrades on whatever you want.

With that done, sail to the French fort. Blast the three towers while avoiding their mortars. Their mortars will be outlined for you so you know where in the water they’re going to hit, allowing you to dodge them better. There’s mines in the water as well, so be sure to blow up the mines to avoid taking damage from them.

With the fort readily destroyed, hop off and go kill the two lookouts. You can do this stealthily or you can just rush in and stab them to death, whatever works for you.

Now you have to enter te war room. You HAVE to be anonymous when trying to enter the war room, or else it won’t work. Once inside, you have a boss fight of sorts. You see, Le Chasseur can only be defeated by knocking him around into the objects in the room.

To do this, stand in front of the glowing objects. There will be a couple of barrels and a table glowing. Counter his attack while standing in the right position, and Shay will do the rest. Do this until he has a quarter of his health left, and then the next time you counter, immediately dig into him with a counter attack. Keep swinging until he’s dead.

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o kill three guards with a single grenade
o put ten guards to sleep

Go to Benjamin Franklin’s house while avoiding detection. After a scene, you will get grenades. Use the grenades to destroy the designated door. You can cycle through grenade types using the d-pad like usual. Move with Franklin afterwards to listen to him more.

Your next goal is to go to three vats of poison and destroy them with the bombs. You can go about this as stealthy or as loud as you’d like. However, along the way, you should work on the optional objectives of the mission.

You can put guards to sleep using the sleep darts or the grenades, whichever you’d like. As for killing three guards with a single grenade, you will want to stir up some trouble to get them all grouped together and chasing after you. Then just turn around and blast them with the grenade to satisfy that objective.

You ahve some time to get away from the poison vats before they explode, so do so in order to avoid taking damage yourself. With the vats all destroyed, a cut-scene will play, signifying the end of this mission.

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o do not take any damage
o do not get detected

Start the mission, then after the cut-scene, climb up to higher ground. There’s less enemies up here, and you can better sneak by the others if you stick to the high ground.

Keep going until you eventually have to drop below, and by that time there shouldn’t be any other enemies to deal with. Monro will be right around the corner, and the objective will switch from having to find him to having to save him and his men.

Run forward and kill everyone that is not Monro or his men. They will also help in the fight, so that makes it easier. When they’re all dead, start walking with Monro and his men, “escorting” them. A cut-scene will trigger, and after that cut-scene, you will be engaged in another battle.

If Monro’s health meter completely depletes, then it is a mission failed, so watch out for that. In the meantime, simply kill all of the enemies that are in the area, then continue to the next objective marker. You will have to kill 9 different snipers. They aren’t hidden or anything, and they are actually all pointed out on your mini map.

So, once you’ve dealt with the snipers, return to Monro and his group and resume escorting them. You will come across one more batch of enemies on your way to your ship, and these guys are armed with guns, which means Monro is in MUCH more danger than he was before. Kill these gun-toting guys as quickly as possible, then it’s smooth sailing (bahahaha) all the way to the Morrigan.

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Go to the village. You will have to sail to the location. Upon arriving, there will be a new objective to save at least 12 of the villagers in the area. Go around the camp, slaughtering the baddies, and make sure you save at least 12. If too many villagers die, then you have to start the mission over.

Follow Onatah after the cut-scene. Now it’s time to go ahead and complete the second main objective that you have for this mission, which is to locate the British Army.

Sail to them and you will find that the French have taken over the area. This sequence plays out similar to when you try to take over a gang HQ. You have to kill the French captain as well as cut down the French flag. The French captain doesn’t behave like an assassin like you would encounter in a Gang HQ at least, so that part of the mission is much easier.

Murder the rest of the French and cut down the flag. You can’t cut down the flag unless you are anonymous, so that is paramount to your success here. With the flag cut down, it’s mission complete! No optional objectives in this memory to worry about.

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o stay out of combat
o kill Keseogwaase using a Puckle Gun

After starting the next mission, immediately climb to a rooftop and then start moving across the rooftops as you make your way to Monro. You need to be as fast as possible doing this, because Monro will die and the mission will fail if you don’t get there fast enough.

Upon arriving at the fort with Monro, you will have to kill 12 enemies that are there. In the meantime, British casualties are also kept track of, and if that meter depletes, the mission will fail as well, so kill the enemies as quickly as you possibly can.

Kesegowaase will be spotted next. You can kill him using a Puckle Gun for a bonus objective. However, you can also just run up the stairs and kill him that way. Killing Kesegowaase does not conclude the memory, though, but you have a new objective to save Monro.

A timer will pop up at the top of the screen, so you need to hightail it to Monro’s location. Ignore the enemies and just keep running. You will come up to a burning building. Move through the burning building to find Monro’s body, but be careful of bumping into the flames as they can kill you.

Pick up Monro’s body and carry him outside, away from the fire for the final cut-scene of the mission.

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Another typical mission in the present. All you have to do is follow the objective marker, chat with the designated people, complete another orb puzzle, and then it’s back to the Animus.

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o kill criminals with air assassinations: 3/3
o kill all criminals before time runs out

Flip on Eagle Vision to locate Franklin. Then hunt down the criminals that are attempting to kill Franklin. Air assassinations will net you bonus objective points.

When the first three are killed, talk to Franklin. Afterwards, you will have stalkers to deal with. Hunt them down using Eagle Vision and then get rid of them as well. When they’re dead, talk to Franklin again, which will get you another new main objective that is once again all about taking out the criminals.

This time they are hiding, and you have a set amount of time to find them. They are the stalker types, so just hunt them down using Eagle Vision, draw them out, then murder them. Do this to each one of the stalkers and then go back to Franklin to talk to him again.

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o skin ten ships with mortars
o take no damage from fireships

Follow your British allies through the waters. It’s all smooth sailing (bahaha) until a fleet of French ships show up to ruin the fun. Engage the French in battle, and when they’re destroyed, you’ll get a cut-scene that introduces you to a new threat on the water.

This new threat are ships that are on fire. Aka fireships. They basically just come right at you like kamikaze pirate ships. Your goal is to destroy them before they are able to smash into the Morrigan. If they hit the Morrigan, they will deal significant damage to it. You should also be trying to use mortars on as many ships as possible to satisfy the first optional objective, though the Puckle Gun with a combination of usual cannon fire is better to use against the fireships.

Destroy the fireships to initiate another battle with the French fleet. Destroy the fleet with your usual methods.

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o do not let the Morrigan get hit by mortar fire
o don’t kill anyone except Adewale

Sail to the shore without being detected. To do this, get as close to the cliff wall as possible and you should be find. The enemies will have a cone of vision displayed on the mini-map, so just make sure you avoid that. If you do get caught, then you will fail the mission.

Switch on Eagle Vision to find Adewale. A scene will play, and then you will be in naval battle against Adewale. His ship has a ton of resistance to damage, so you really need to lay into it with everything that you got. Shoot it with the Puckle Gun, pelt it with cannon balls, everything.

Upon destroying his ship, Adewale will flee on land. Go to land yourself and then use the bushes and the like to sneak your way to Adewale. Kill him when you reach him. Along the way, if you want to complete the optional objective, be sure to incapacitate enemies with sleep darts and things like instead of killing them if they get in your way.

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o loot every chest in the fort
o lockpick two doors

Kill the two gang members. Easy enough. Then report back. You will then be given a checklist of three new objectives.

Your first bojective is to rob the fort’s treasury. You must also cut down the British flag there, plus you are told the time limit you have to deal with until the British reinforcements arrive on the scene.

The optional objectives also pop up now. You have to lockpick at least two doors and you also have to loot EVERY CHEST in the fort in order to get 100% synchronization for this mission.

Honestly, this is all extremely easy to accomplish, it’s just that the time limit will give you some added stress. Be quick about it, because the time limit still comes into play even after you’ve raided the fort and cut down the British flag.

Upon completing those two objectives, it’s time to escape the fort. The time is still running down, so again, you have to be fast. Upon getting out of the fort and escaping to safety, the mission will be completed.

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o do not get damaged by the poison clouds
o stay out of combat

Follow Haytham. Then climb the building to the balcony. From there, climb up to the roof. Leap across to the adjacent building to reach a window and watch the scene that plays.

After the scene, your new objective will be to escape from the warehouse. Poison clouds are all over the place here, denoted by their pink color. Getting in these clouds will cause damage to you, so they are to be avoided. Avoiding them is also one of the optional objectives anyway.

Immediately climb the walls and get to higher ground. Complete the platforming sequence to get out of the warehouse. Hope will hit you with a poison dart that will make moving around a bit of a challenge, but it wears away after just a bit.

Head to the area where Hope is. Locate her with Eagle Vision, and then you have to run her down and kill her. She is very fast and will lead you all over the place, but just keep pursuing her and you will be able to get to her and kill her. Be sure to stay out of combat with anyone that isn’t Hope to get 100% synchronization.

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o avoid open conflict
o do not kill any guards

Sail to the fort. Then sail around to the rear of the fort. Get off your ship, then move through the wilderness to another HQ. You’re looking for the outlaw leader. Switch on Eagle Vision to find him.

At that point, you just have to get to the guy and take him out, then loot his body. Use a sleep dart to avoid wasting the optional objectives. You can be as fast or as slow as you want to go about this mission, it really just depends on how many of the optional objectives you want to complete.

Now make a mad rush back to the Morrigan. If the meter is completely depleted before you take control of the wheel, the Morrigan will be destroyed. Once you take control of the Morrigan, the health of the ship will be completely restored as you make your escape. Drop mines in the water as you sail out of harm’s way.

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o do not collide with any icebergs
o do not take any damage

Sail to the expedition fleet. Engage them in battle once you get close enough to them. There are six ships to destroy in total here. Make sure that you do not hit any icebergs.

Destroy those six ships to then engage the Gerfaut. The Gerfaut needs to have its health brought down enough so that you are able to board it. It has a ton of armor and health, so just lay into it with everything the Morrigan has. If you are having trouble with this part, it may be time to upgrade your ship.

Upon boarding the Gerfaut, kill de la Verendrye.

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o do not hit energy beam walls
o do not get shot by Liam

Simply move across the ice. Use the floating ice platforms to avoid the ice water. If you get in the ice water, it will damage you. Keep going until you reach the expedition, and then you have to go to the Precursor temple.

Inside the temple, just go about platforming business as usual, then start chasing down Liam once things starting to get crazy. Avoid the obstacles as you chase him down, and then kill him to complete this memory.

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Follow Benjamin Franklin. Then start climbing the Palace of Versailles. Scale the balconies and then climb through the window to initiate a cut-scene. At that point, it’s time to locate the “secret meeting”.

Just move casually through the crowds, using your Eagle Vision to guide you. You then need to find your target, Charles Dorian. He will be highlighted in yellow like usual. Approach him quietly to initiate the assassination.

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3. Conclusion
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I hope this guide helped you complete Assassin’s Creed: Rogue!

Stay tuned to CheatMasters for more guides, including one covering Assassin’s Creed: Unity!

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