COD Ghosts Tip: Sentries can be destroyed by knifing

Call of Duty Ghosts is out today and here’s a tip for all those starting their multiplayer playthrough today. Just like previous Call of Duty games the Sentry Gun makes a comeback in Call of Duty Ghosts in the Assault Strike Package, unlike Black Ops 2 and like games before it, the Sentries this time around can be destroyed just by knifing.


Treyarch greatly buffed the Black Ops 2 Sentry Guns as they could only be destroyed by gun or explosive damage. Don’t expect the Sentry Gun in Ghosts to net you a lot of kills as they can be destroyed very easily, so you’re better off using your hard earned Squad Points on other streaks.

How are you liking Call of Duty Ghosts so far? Let us know in the comments below.