The Evil Within - Chapter 14: Ulterior Motives

Chapter 14: Ulterior Motives

Once you gain control of Castellanos head forward, deeper into the subway station. Per the usual, explore any side rooms and use the option to visit Nurse Tatiana and save your game before continuing. Once you’re done head deeper underground.

Tip: Watch out for the spike bombs that make plenty of appearances throughout this chapter. They are triggered via proximity, but you can often trigger them and escape the blast radius prior to them exploding.

Move deeper and deeper until you pass through a garage door and an iron gate. You’ll have several foes in the subway car ahead, as well as dead bodies in need of a little fire. We found these enemies to be a bit on the dumb side, so don’t hesitate to take a few risks here and there. Either take them out with stealth kills, or just blow them all back to where they came from with your Shotgun.

Keep on working your way through the subway cars, enemies and traps in this area. Eventually you’ll come to a web of goo that you’ll need to burn to pass through. Hit it with one of your Matches and then continue along the path. Once you reach the electrical traps that block the hall, crouch and crawl under them before pulling the lever on the all to disable a second one.

Tip: When deciding if you should burn a body or not, make your decision based on how they died. If you killed them, it might be safe to leave them. However, if you aren’t 100% sure how they died, there is a solid chance they’ll come back to bite you in the butt, literally. If you have any doubts drop a match on that sucker.

Up ahead you should spot stairs and more levers. Climb the stairs and activate the levers before moving forward. There is a portal to Nurse Tatiana here, so if you have any Green Gel you might want to grab a few upgrades. Once you’re ready to move on head to the nearby ventilation shaft and burn the creature that crawls out of it.

Pass through the vent to drop into a sewer corridor and make your way forward in the only available direction. Once you come to the room with water in the middle, turn to the nearby valve and use it to drain the water. Now move forward, climb a few ladders and burning another web of goo before coming to a concrete tunnel that is sure to leave a bad memory imprinted in your mind.

Fight your way through the two-headed uglies, making sure to burn any hanging bodies before snatching up a battery-like device from a panel on the far wall. From here backtrack to find a valve that you can now turn, which was once before blocked by electricity. You will probably have to dodge from glop and slay a few monsters, but overall you should have much trouble reaching it.

Keep moving until you trigger a scripted event and once you have partial control aim your Handgun at the creature’s face and feed it a few rounds. Eventually it will drop you and then it’s back to pressing down the only open path.

Once you find yourself at a generator you’ll need to head to the right of a nearby elevator. You should see the puzzle you need to complete, and looking to your right once more will lead to the missing piece’s location. Grab the piece and arrange the puzzle so that all the components light up. This will restore power, and also trigger the chapter’s boss fight.

Tip: This boss creature is a bit tougher than previous bosses, but can still be hurt. Once you’ve hurt it enough it will flee into the overhead vents. Once this happens look for any dripping goo and then hit that area with a few quick blasts of your Shotgun.

Once the battle begins use your Freeze Bolts to neutralize the threat and drop a few Grenades at the base to cause maximum damage. Once you run out of grenades resort to any Explosive Bolts you have. There isn’t a massive complex trick to beating this boss, just simply rack up the damage until you finish it off. Once the battle ends, fire up the generator and board the elevator.

After a short recess on the elevator ride make our way forward. This will lead you onto a suspended subway, and once Ruvik shows up it’s time to run. Sprint as quickly as you can until you’re involuntarily teleported, then keep moving a short distance ahead to trigger an extended cut scene of sorts.

Once the video ends you’ll need to deal with several enemies that are connected to Ruvik’s stem. We wasted some time shooting them, but the easiest way to take them down is to hit them with a Flash Bolt then a blitz attack to disconnect them from the stem. Once they’re all done you’ll get another cut scene, a chance to purchase some upgrades, and shortly after that you’re off to the final chapter of the game.