Sunset Overdrive: Mission 12 - Up in the Air

Mission 12 - Up in the Air

It’s time for your hero to spread his (or her) wings and fly… well not quite yet. First you’re going to need to recover the glide wheel from the Scabs. First locate the objective marker on your screen then grind your way through the streets of Sunset City.

Upon reaching your destination you’ll need to take note of the glowing glide wheel on the stage. That’s what you’re going to need to attain, however you’re going to have to wipe these creeps off the face of the planet first. Pull out your Dirty Harry (that sounded better in our heads) or your TNTeddy and take care of them as quickly as you can. Once they’re dead and the package is secure it’s time to return to the launch base with the glide wheel.

About halfway back to your destination you’ll be given a new objective, this time tasking you to defend the launch site from the Scab ambush. Make your way to the overpass and grind along the power line to kill the Scabs with your Dirty Harry.

Once the enemies are down it’s time to fall back to the glider. This will introduce you to one of our least favorite enemies, the Fizzco Riflebot. For this you’re going to want to use your Dirty Harry and TNTeddy, avoiding your Flaming Compensator completely. We found that it wasn’t a very useful weapon for this fight. Just keep grinding to avoid their attacks, and once the last one falls you’ll have completed your objective to battle the Fizzco forces.

Tip: Make sure to focus on one enemy at a time when dealing with Fizzco Riflebots, otherwise your weapons will start to feel like you’re throwing popcorn at them.

With that situation taken care of it’s time to launch the glider. Once you’re airborne you’ll need to fly to the Brewery. Make sure to take note of the various smokestacks ejecting steam, as these are updrafts that allow you to restore the power to your glider. If you fly for too long without passing an updraft you’ll crash into something.

Follow your objective until you have the controls down and then chase the Fizzco patrol craft through the city. Remember to keep passing updrafts to restore your glider power, but also avoid (or shoot) the mines that your enemies keep dropping.

After following the aircraft for some time your objective will update and tell you to shoot down the Fizzco patrol craft. You might as well obey, unloading all of your rockets into the blimp to bring it down in a heaping mess of debris. Once that’s taken care of your final objective is to use the steam vent at the power plant to rocket over the walls. Follow the on-screen marker to trigger the mission ending cut scene.