Sunset Overdrive: Mission 11 - Midnight Brew

Mission 11 - Midnight Brew

Remember back in Mission 3 when we had to collect those Fizzie Balloons? Well it’s time to go hunting again, unless of course you’ve been collecting them as you go. Either way, once you have 5 Fizzie Balloons in your possession head over and speak with Floyd.

This mission doesn’t officially start until your objective updates to get to the front of the base, something which should be fairly simple for everyone now. In fact the first few objectives of this mission are very easy to complete. Keep following any on-screen instructions to place a Hack ‘n Slay trap, then place a Fling Board trap, and finally to listen to Floyd. Seems simple enough… right?

Tip: Forget placing traps outside, instead pick them all up and move them inside and place them around the Overcharge. Being as that’s what you need to protect, just go ahead and drop as many as you can.

Your objective will soon update to setup traps and turn the valve. Do as we advised in the Tip above and then pay a quick visit to Two Hat Jack and pick up the Acid Sprinkler if you haven’t already acquired it. This bad boy will be critical to eliminating the hordes of enemies as they attack the Overcharge.

Once you’re ready to hack and slash turn the valve and get your new objective, protect the Overcharge. You’ve got about a four minute fight ahead of you, so hop onto any wires and grind your way outside the base. We started off by taking out the regular OD with the High Fidelity weapon, saving the Flaming Compensator, TNTeddy, and Acid Sprinkler for when things got rough.

Tip: Keep an eye on the left-hand side of your HUD. The image of the jar with some good is how many vats you have left. Ideally you’re going to want 20, but it won’t hurt if the OD get a few. The icon below is the amount of power you have to lay more traps. Hack ‘n Slay traps take 20, but Fling Board traps only take 10. Might as well lay as many down as you can between waves.

This mission will introduce you to the new enemy the Gunker. You may not even have to deal with this beast much if you’re too busy taking out the OD and Poppers that are going after the Overcharge. Either way now is probably a good time to whip out the Acid Sprinkler and launch it all around the Overcharge as another line of defense. Once that’s done equip your TNTeddy and blow these freaks back to whatever holes they crawled out of. Your final, mission completing objective is to get the amps from the amp chamber. Once you do that you’re finished up with this mission.