Sunset Overdrive: Act 2 - Mission 1 - Big Trouble in Little Tokyo

Act 2 - Mission 1 - Big Trouble in Little Tokyo

If it weren’t for the Amp it Up mission in Act 1 this would probably be the easiest mission ever. The only difference now is that you’re going to have to go further than you did before. No seriously, it will probably take us longer to write this than it will for you to do it,

Tip: Tired of endlessly grinding for supplies? Why not take a break and blow some OD off the planet. I mean we wouldn’t want all that ammo in your pockets to go to waste… would we?

After the mission begins head toward your objective to find Troopmaster Bryllcream at the Japanese Heritage Museum. You know the drill – just jump, grind, and bounce your way across the map until you reach your objective. After trying the doors you’ll be tasked with entering the building from the roof. Use the nearby vehicle to get on top and then interact with the blue half-opened window and enjoy the mission ending cut scene.