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CoD: Advanced Warfare – How to Rank Up Fast

In Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, your primary goal when playing multiplayer is to rank up as fast as possible to unlock weapons quicker, and gain those coveted prestige points.

Just like in previous CoD versions, there are always methods you can use to rank up a bit quicker than just joining a game and getting kills.

In this guide, we’ll give you some tips to be a little more efficient, and help you get those ranks and prestige points a bit faster.

Rank Up Fast in CoD: Advanced Warfare

Play The Objective!

Objective game modes have always been a bit better as far as gaining XP faster, and Advanced Warfare is no exception.

Personally, I prefer Domination because it’s always been my favorite game type from the beginning.

From what I’m hearing however, Hardpoint gives the most all around XP, so I might give it a shot sometimes to mix it up.

No matter what Objective game mode you play, stick with the one that you’re most comfortable with. There’s no point playing Hardpoint if you don’t enjoy it or if you’re generally not that good at it.

Work on Challenges

They implemented challenges in an attempt to force players to go out of their comfort zone, and it’s a pretty good idea if you ask me.

Challenges are a great way to earn more XP, and play around with things you wouldn’t normally mess with otherwise. You may end up finding a weapon or attachment that you wouldn’t normally have tried.

You should ALWAYS be working on challenges when you’re trying to rank up.

Sell Items for XP

Everyone loves getting those supply drops, but did you know that you can sell some of the items you get from them for XP?

Go check out the Armory and open up an item to view it. You’ll see an option on the screen to sell it for XP.

You can’t sell all items, and I only suggest selling items you never intend to use. You do get a pretty nice chunk of XP for items that you can sell though, so every bit helps.

Knowledge is Power

Ok, it’s one of the cheesiest sayings ever, but it is true in a lot of ways.

Are you having a hard time on some Objective maps? Load it up with bots and play it locally so you can find good lines of sight and routes with good cover.

Do you find yourself getting killed in one particular area over and over again? Watch the killcams to see where they are killing you from and emulate it.

There are so many ways to learn small things like that in this game, make sure you take advantage of them.

Learn From Your Mistakes

Have you ever found yourself in a death loop, doing the same thing over and over with the same result? You’re not alone there.

I can’t count how many times I’ve died multiple times, just to run head long back in there and die again because the guy was expecting me to come back for more.

Some players are just better than you, accept it. It’s not worth dying 8 times just to get revenge once. Not only are you giving the other team more points, you’re missing out on valuable points and XP yourself doing this.

You have to force yourself to learn from these mistakes, and try not to get caught up in them.

Don’t Try to be the Hero

A lot of players get caught up in trying to top the board when they don’t have the skill to do so. I am guilty of this as well.

Sure, if you’re a bad ass player that rarely dies in public matches, go all out and be aggressive. If not, you have to force yourself to be cautious. Post up on defense, stick to the outer perimeter of the map, don’t chase that guy through the door where he’s turned around waiting on you.

I would much rather win a match with someone going 10-7, than lose a match with someone that went 12-19, and I’m sure everyone else would agree with me on that.

It’s a fact that performing better in a match will get you more points and more XP no matter what. Keep that in mind no matter what type of game mode you’re playing.

Have Some Tips?

Do you have tips of your own to provide to rank up fast in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare? I’d love to hear them, so please share them in the comments section below.