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Bloodborne – Endings Guide

Bloodborne is an intense game with a lot to offer. With a lot of similarities to Dark Souls and Demon’s Souls, it’s definitely a challenge. If you’ve beaten Bloodborne, you are probably patting yourself on the back right now – nice job! But did you know there are actually three endings to the game? Yep, if you want to see them all you’ll need to beat it again. Don’t worry – we’ve got this guide to help you see every ending.


Ending One

The first two endings relate to how you act when meeting Gehrman, the First Hunter. If you choose to ‘Submit Your Life’ when responding to him, then the game ends here and you’ll see the first ending.

Ending Two

This ending also relates to Gehrman. Instead of submitting your life, choose ‘Refuse’. If you do this, you’ll need to fight Gehrman. Defeat him and you’ll get to see the second ending.

Ending Three

This ending is known as the true ending, and in order to get it, you’ll need to do a few different things before you reach Gehrman. To get the true ending, you need to go throughout the game and use at least three umbilical cords out of the four that are found in the world.

  • The first umbilical cord is basically given to you automatically. It is obtained after you Merho’s Wet Nurse towards the end of the game. You need to do this to beat the game either way, so you’ll get it regardless. 

  • The second umbilical cord is trickier. You can only get it if you talked to Arianna earlier in the game and had to go to the safe house at the chapel. She was in the Cathedral Ward. Make sure you do this before going to the end. If you send her to the chapel, you can go find her in the small room between the Tomb of Oedon and the chapel. Kill the baby to get the cord.

  • To get the third umbilical cord, go to the Healing Church and head to the workshop. Drop down where the path is broken to get to the lower level. Get to the circular room and go to the middle of the top platform and turn around to face the entrance you came in. Look right to see another small platform. Fall to this platform and then drop to the next platform to the right. You’ll find a door here, and you’ll find the abandoned workshop within. Inside is an umbilical cord.

  • The last cord is in Iosefka’s Clinic. Go into the clinic through the back entrance, and you can fight Iosefka if you want. Inside the clinic, there is a patient on an operating table. Kill them and get the last cord. If there’s no patient here, you probably came to the clinic too early. Try again later in the game.

Once you have used at least three of the cords, talk to Gehrman and ‘Refuse’. After you defeat him, you need to fight another boss, the Moon Presence. This is actually a fairly easy boss. Defeat it and you will see the true ending!